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Description Arming ./.

' The .lytvN-72 ba magnet'r inluonce uze or use with A battery b itted into the uze as indicatgd and lhe ransit
TM-62M or TM-62P and TM-72 A|' mines. The uze b a cap removed rom lhe uze. Check that the detonator b in
circular assembV which screws into the TM-62r2 luza the,horizontal (unarmed) position. Wind up the clochrori<
well. On the top o the uze b a bp which covgrs the delay mechanbm by rot+ing the hp above the arming
arrning button, whi}e in the side o the uzg body b a button through 180 degres in the direction o the arlow.
housing or a 1.5V battery. Though TM-62 mines can b Scrar lhe uze into the mine and cover and carnoulage
mechanically hid MVN-72 rnust be armed by hand There lhe mine leaving the uze top exposed. Depress the
is a delay to arming tirne o approximate 2 arming bution and [sten or mechan'sm working. Camou-
Length o battery lie b unknown. lage the lop o the uze. The uze wjll be armed in
approximate 2 minutes.

Method of Operation N eutralising

The exacl unctioning rnechan'sm o the MVN-72 b
unknown but like most magnetic inluence uzes it b h may be possible lo neutral'se liting and rotaling lhe
probabty a coil induction system. The cloc}nrork delay to anosed lap or by removing tha battery but these
arming mechanbm rotates,an eleclric detonalor rorn lhe methods have NOT been proved.
horizontal (unarmed) position to tho vortical (arrn@
position simibr to the
lyf\Z-62 and activates tho
electronics o the uze. Whan a vehicte such as a a brry
or lank with a large magnet'r snatura passes over it. th Do not us6 or carry motal toob.
uza will unction detonating the mhe. The uze b
designed to unction whgn the target 's direcl above it.
not of to one slCe. There appoars to be no anti handling Disarming
rnechanbm h the uze itse though obvious TM-62 can
be ittod with one (M$3). Minimum rnagnitic sQnature Pull mine. unscrr and remove uze. Bemove battery
rorn uze.
that MVN-72 responds to b unknown. The uze- b not
pessua sensiti,ra.

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