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Thyroid consensus

The Brazilian consensus for the

diagnosis and treatment of
hyperthyroidism: recommendations
by the Thyroid Department
of the Brazilian Society of
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Consenso brasileiro para o diagnstico e tratamento do
hipertireoidismo: recomendaes do Departamento de Tireoide
da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia

Thyroid Section, Endocrine
Division, Hospital de Clnicas Ana Luiza Maia1, Rafael S. Scheffel1, Erika Laurini Souza Meyer2,
de Porto Alegre, Universidade
Glaucia M. F. S. Mazeto3, Gisah Amaral de Carvalho4, Hans Graf4,
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (HC-
UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Mario Vaisman5, Lea M. Z. Maciel6, Helton E. Ramos7, Alfio J. Tincani8,
Department of Internal Medicine, Nathalia Carvalho de Andrada9, Laura S. Ward8
Universidade Federal de Cincias
da Sade de Porto Alegre
(UFCSPA), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Department of Internal Medicine,
Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu,
Universidade Estadual Paulista Introduction: Hyperthyroidism is characterized by increased synthesis and release of thyroid
(Unesp), Botucatu, SP, Brazil
Division of Endocrinology
hormones by the thyroid gland. Thyrotoxicosis refers to the clinical syndrome resulting from
and Metabolism, Hospital excessive circulating thyroid hormones, secondary to hyperthyroidism or due to other causes.
de Clnicas, Universidade This article describes evidence-based guidelines for the clinical management of thyrotoxicosis.
Federal do Paran (SEMPR-HC-
UFPR), Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Objective: This consensus, developed by Brazilian experts and sponsored by the Department of
Endocrinology Division, Thyroid Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, aims to address the management,
Universidade Federal do diagnosis and treatment of patients with thyrotoxicosis, according to the most recent evidence
Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio
de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
from the literature and appropriate for the clinical reality of Brazil. Materials and methods:
Department of Internal Medicine, After structuring clinical questions, search for evidence was made available in the literature,
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeiro initially in the database Medline, PubMed and Embase databases and subsequently in SciELO
Preto, Universidade de So
Paulo (FMRP-USP), SP, Brazil
Lilacs. The strength of evidence was evaluated by Oxford classification system was establi-
Instituto de Biocincias, shed from the study design used, considering the best available evidence for each question.
Universidade Federal da Bahia Results: We have defined 13 questions about the initial clinical approach for the diagnosis and
(UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil
Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas,
treatment that resulted in 53 recommendations, including the etiology, treatment with anti-
Universidade Estadual de thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine and surgery. We also addressed hyperthyroidism in children,
Campinas (FCM/Unicamp), teenagers or pregnant patients, and management of hyperthyroidism in patients with Graves
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Project Guidelines, Associao
ophthalmopathy and various other causes of thyrotoxicosis. Conclusions: The clinical diag-
Brasileira de Medicina, Conselho nosis of hyperthyroidism usually offers no difficulty and should be made with measurements
Federal de Medicina (AMB/ of serum TSH and thyroid hormones. The treatment can be performed with antithyroid drugs,
CFM), So Paulo, SP, Brazil
surgery or administration of radioactive iodine according to the etiology of thyrotoxicosis, local
availability of methods and preferences of the attending physician and patient. Arq Bras Endocrinol
Metab. 2013;57(3):205-32
Correspondence to:
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

Ana Luiza Maia

Thyrotoxicosis; Graves disease; toxic nodular goiter; antithyroid drugs
Servio de Endocrinologia,
Hospital de Clnicas de Porto Alegre
Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350
90035-003 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Received on Mar/19/2013
Accepted on Mar/19/2013

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 205

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Introduo: O hipertireoidismo caracterizado pelo aumento da sntese e liberao dos hor-
mnios tireoidianos pela glndula tireoide. A tireotoxicose refere-se sndrome clnica decor-
rente do excesso de hormnios tireoidianos circulantes, secundrio ao hipertireoidismo ou
no. Este artigo descreve diretrizes baseadas em evidncias clnicas para o manejo da tireoto-
xicose. Objetivo: O presente consenso, elaborado por especialistas brasileiros e patrocinado
pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, visa
abordar o manejo, diagnstico e tratamento dos pacientes com tireotoxicose, de acordo com
as evidncias mais recentes da literatura e adequadas para a realidade clnica do pas. Mate-
riais e mtodos: Aps estruturao das questes clnicas, foi realizada busca das evidncias
disponveis na literatura, inicialmente na base de dados do Medline-PubMed e posteriormente
nas bases Embase e SciELO Lilacs. A fora das evidncias, avaliada pelo sistema de classi-
ficao de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se
a melhor evidncia disponvel para cada questo. Resultados: Foram definidas 13 questes
sobre a abordagem clnica inicial visando ao diagnstico e ao tratamento que resultaram em
53 recomendaes, incluindo investigao etiolgica, tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas,
iodo radioativo e cirurgia. Foram abordados ainda o hipertireoidismo em crianas, adolescen-
tes ou pacientes grvidas e o manejo do hipertireoidismo em pacientes com oftalmopatia de
Graves e com outras causas diversas de tireotoxicose. Concluses: O diagnstico clnico do
hipertireoidismo, geralmente, no oferece dificuldade e a confirmao diagnstica dever ser
feita com as dosagens das concentraes sricas de TSH e hormnios tireoidianos. O tratamen-
to pode ser realizado com drogas antitireoidianas, administrao de radioiodoterapia ou cirur-
gia de acordo com a etiologia da tireotoxicose, as caractersticas clnicas, disponibilidade local
de mtodos e preferncias do mdico-assistente e paciente. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57(3):205-32
Tireotoxicose; doena de Graves; bcio nodular txico; drogas antitireoidianas

1) INTRODUCTION describe patients with no symptoms besides weakness

H yperthyroidism is characterized by increased and asthenia (2,4) (A,D).

synthesis and release of thyroid hormones by
the thyroid gland. Thyrotoxicosis refers to the clinical 2) HOW SHOULD PATIENTS WITH
syndrome resulting from excessive circulating thyroid
hormones (thyroxine, T4; triiodothyronine, T3), se-
condary to hyperthyroidism or due to other causes. T3-
-thyrotoxicosis refers to an isolated increase in serum Patients suspected of having thyrotoxicosis must be
levels of T3 along with normal T4 levels and suppressed subjected to a careful medical interview and physical
levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). examination to establish the diagnosis and etiology
The clinical manifestations commonly found in (Table 2). The time from symptom onset, the use of
hyperthyroidism are listed in table 1. Usually, thyroid medications, exposure to iodine (e.g., through tests us-
hormone levels correlate with clinical presentation. The ing iodinated contrast or use of compounds with high
signs and symptoms secondary to adrenergic stimula- iodine content), pregnancy, and family history of auto-
tion, such as tachycardia and anxiety, are more evident immune thyroid diseases must be investigated. Upon
in young patients and in patients with a large goiter physical examination, measurements of body weight,
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

(1-2) (A). Although weight loss is a frequent finding, arterial pressure, and heart rate are particularly impor-
some patients, especially the youngest ones, might re- tant. Sinus tachycardia and systolic arterial hyperten-
port weight gain due to an increased appetite (3) (B). sion are common findings. Atrial fibrillation can also
In the elderly, cardiopulmonary symptoms such as ta- be present, particularly among older adults. Ocular
chycardia (or atrial fibrillation), dyspnea, and edema are signs such as eyelid retraction, fixed or frightened stare,
typical. The term apathetic thyrotoxicosis is used to and the lid-lag sign are due to adrenergic hyperactivity

206 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

and can be present in thyrotoxicosis of any etiology. Table 1. Clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism
Conversely, signs such as conjunctival and palpebral Symptoms % Signs %
hyperemia, eyelid swelling, chemosis, paralysis of the Nervousness 99 Tachycardia 100
extraocular muscles, and exophthalmos are characteris- Excessive sweating 91 Goiter 97
tic of the ophthalmopathy of Graves disease (GD). In Intolerance to heat 89 Tremor 97
thyrotoxicosis, the skin is usually warm and wet, and Palpitations 89 Warm and wet skin 90
fine, rapid tremors of outstretched hands, proximal Fatigue 88 Thyroid murmur 77
muscle weakness, and hyperreflexia are frequent find- Weight loss 85 Eye disorders 71
ings. Infiltrative dermopathy (pretibial myxedema) is a Dyspnea 75 Atrial fibrillation 10
rare manifestation in GD. Palpation and auscultation of Weakness 70 Gynecomastia 10
the thyroid gland allow for the assessment of size and Increased appetite 65 Palmar erythema 8
consistence, the presence of nodules, or thyroid mur- Ocular complaints 54
mur. Goiter of variable size is usually observed in GD Limb edema 35
and toxic multinodular goiter (TMNG). Pain, either
Increased frequency of 33
spontaneous or on thyroid palpation, is characteristic bowel movements
of subacute thyroiditis, whereas the presence of a single Diarrhea 23
nodule points to hyperfunctioning follicular adenoma. Menstrual disorders 20
The initial laboratory assessment of patients with Anorexia 9
clinical suspicion of thyrotoxicosis includes measure- Weight gain 2
ment of the serum levels of TSH and thyroid hor-
mones. Measurement of TSH by means of ultrasensi- Table 2. Radioiodine uptake (123I or I) in the different causes of

tive methods (functional sensitivity < 0.02 mlU/mL) is thyrotoxicosis

the most sensitive method for thyrotoxicosis diagnosis Normal or increased uptake
(sensitivity 95%, specificity 92%) (5) (B). Whenever Graves disease
possible, the free thyroxine fraction (FT4) should be Multinodular goiter and toxic adenoma
measured since abnormalities in the carrier proteins of Trophoblastic disease
the thyroid hormones (secondary to the use of medica- TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma
tion or other specific clinical conditions) can alter the Thyroid hormone resistance
total concentration of T4 or T3 (6,7) (D,B). Except Low or absent uptake
for the very rare cases of hyperthyroidism secondary
Painless (silent) thyroiditis
to TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma (< 1%, see sec-
Amiodarone-induced thyroiditis
tion 13) and the thyroid hormone resistance syndrome
Subacute (granulomatous, De Quervains) thyroiditis
(an autosomal dominant disease with an incidence of
Iatrogenic thyrotoxicosis
1:40,000 live births, see section 13), excess circulating
Factitious intake of thyroid hormones
thyroid hormones, independent from the cause, results
Struma ovarii
in TSH suppression (usually < 0.1 mIU/ml). In overt
Acute thyroiditis
hyperthyroidism, both serum FT4 and T3 levels are in-
Extensive metastases of thyroid follicular carcinoma
creased, whereas TSH is undetectable. In the early stag-
es of GD, as well as in functioning adenomas, T3 can
exhibit an isolated increase, a clinical condition known neonatal thyrotoxicosis due to transplacental antibody
as T3 thyrotoxicosis. In cases with suspicion of facti- transfer (9) (B), in the differential diagnosis of gesta-
tious thyrotoxicosis (intake of thyroid hormones), low tional thyrotoxicosis (10) (B), and in euthyroid indivi
or undetectable levels of serum thyroglobulin can help duals with exophthalmos, especially when it is bilateral.
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

establish the diagnosis (8) (D). Iodine is a crucial element for the synthesis of thy-
Measurement of the anti TSH-receptor antibody roid hormones, and thus, iodine uptake is an excellent
(TRAb) is not usually required to diagnose Graves hy- indicator of thyroid function. The rate of iodine uptake
perthyroidism and is only indicated in selected cases. As by the thyroid can be assessed using radioactive iodine
a rule, TRAb should be measured in pregnant women (131I or 123I), which allows one to distinguish the causes
with ongoing or past history of GD to assess the risk of of thyrotoxicosis associated with increased uptake (hy-

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 207

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

perthyroidism) from those with low or no iodine uptake derate to severe symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, recent
(Table 2) (11) (B). Iodine uptake is usually increased in ophthalmopathy, and diffuse goiter. In these cases no
patients with GD and TMNG and is virtually absent in additional tests are needed to investigate its etiology.
thyroiditis and factitious thyrotoxicosis. Iodine uptake
also decreases in the individuals who have used iodin- Recommendation 2
ated radiological contrast media in the previous 30-60 Clinical suspicion of thyrotoxicosis must be confirmed
days or consume iodine-rich diets (e.g., seaweed). In- by concomitant measurement of the serum levels of
terestingly, iodine uptake can be present in amiodarone TSH and thyroid hormones (B). TSH is low or unde-
users, despite its high iodine content (12) (B). tectable in most patients with thyrotoxicosis, and high
Thyroid scintigraphy shows the distribution of the FT4 and/or T3 levels confirm the diagnosis.
radioactive marker across the gland and has limited in-
dications in the assessment of thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid Recommendation 3
scintigraphy is characteristically diffuse in GD and het-
Measurement of serum TRAb levels is indicated in
erogeneous in TMNG (high-uptake intertwined with
pregnant women with ongoing or past history of
low-uptake areas). The main indication for scintigraphy
GD, to assess the risk of neonatal thyrotoxicosis due
is the suspicion of hyperfunctioning follicular adenoma
to transplacental antibody transfer, in the differential
(hot nodule) (11) (B).
diagnosis of gestational thyrotoxicosis (first trimester),
Thyroid ultrasound (US) is not routinely indicated
and in euthyroid individuals with ophthalmopathy (B).
for the assessment of hyperthyroidism and is usually
limited to cases when a nodule is discovered by palpa-
Recommendation 4
tion (13) (D). Nevertheless, when an iodine uptake test
cannot be performed, is contraindicated (pregnancy Radioactive iodine uptake (123I or 131I) is useful for the
and breastfeeding), or does not result in a diagnosis differential diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, in particular, to
(recent exposure to iodine), thyroid Doppler US can distinguish between GD and TMNG from thyroiditis
help to establish the etiologic diagnosis (14,15) (C,D). (B). This test is contraindicated during pregnancy and
Thyroid Doppler flowmetry can contribute to the dif- breastfeeding (A).
ferential diagnosis between the amiodarone-induced
thyrotoxicosis subtypes (types 1 and 2) as well as be- Recommendation 5
tween GD and destructive thyroiditis (14,16) (C,D). Thyroid US is not routinely indicated for the assess-
Treatment with beta-blockers must be considered ment of thyrotoxicosis (B). Doppler flowmetry can be
for symptomatic patients with suspected or diagnosed useful in the differential diagnosis of the amiodarone-
thyrotoxicosis (17,18) (B,D). These agents reduce the -induced thyrotoxicosis subtypes (B).
heart rate, arterial pressure, tremor, emotional lability,
and exercise intolerance (18) (D). The non-selective Recommendation 6
beta-blocker propranolol is the most widely used; how- Prescription of beta-blockers is indicated for sympto-
ever, cardioselective beta-blockers (atenolol, metopro- matic patients with suspected or diagnosed thyrotoxi-
lol) or with shorter half-life (esmolol) can also be pre- cosis (B).
scribed (19,20) (B,C). The usual dose of propranolol
and atenolol per oral route varies from 20-80 mg every
6-12 hours and from 50-100 mg once per day, respec- 3) HOW SHOULD PATIENTS WITH
tively, and must be adjusted according to the clinical HYPERTHYROIDISM SECONDARY TO GD BE
response (21) (D). Calcium channel blockers (e.g., TREATED?
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

verapamil and diltiazem) can be used orally when beta- GD is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis, and
blockers are contraindicated (22,23) (B). its pathogenesis includes formation of TRAbs, which
bind to the TSH receptors at the thyroid follicular cell
Recommendation 1 membrane, causing gland hyperfunction. The excess
The diagnosis of Graves hyperthyroidism can be esta- of thyroid hormones due to Graves hyperthyroidism
blished with relative confidence in patients with mo- can be controlled by inhibition of the hormone synthe-

208 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

sis with antithyroid drugs (ATDs), destruction of the and agranulocytosis and, more rarely, aplastic anemia,
thyroid tissue using radioactive iodine (131I), or total thrombocytopenia, toxic hepatitis (PTU), vasculitis,
thyroidectomy (TT). Each of these three treatment lupus-like syndrome, hypoprothrombinemia (PTU),
modalities has advantages and disadvantages, and the and hypoglycemia (MMI) (29,30) (B,C). Agranulocy-
latter two are considered definitive treatments. The tosis is the most frequent severe side effects and occurs
choice of modality must be grounded on clinical and in 0.5% of patients using ATDs (31) (C). Therefore, at
socioeconomic characteristics as well as physician and treatment onset, the patients should be advised to dis-
patient preferences. continue the ATD and consult their doctor when fever,
odynophagia, or lesions in the oral mucosa occur. When
A. Use of ATDs as an initial treatment for the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient must be admit-
Graves hyperthyroidism ted to the hospital to be treated with broad-spectrum
ATD prescription is the only therapeutic option that antibiotics and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
allows for a cure without surgical intervention or radia- (1-5 g/kg/day per the subcutaneous route) (32) (D).
tion exposure. The ATDs are thionamides and inclu- When a severe side effect occurs, the drug must be im-
de propylthiouracil (PTU), methimazole (MMI), and mediately and permanently discontinued.
carbimazole; the latter is not available in Brazil. These Monitoring of thyroid function is performed by
agents inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis by interfering measuring FT4 and total T3 4-6 weeks after the onset
of treatment and then every four to eight weeks un-
with the use of intrathyroid iodide and the coupling
til euthyroidism is achieved with the lowest drug dose.
reaction, both of which are catalyzed by thyroid pero-
From that moment onwards, clinical and laboratory
xidase (24) (D). Thionamides also exhibit immunomo-
assessment should be performed every two to three
dulating effects, although the mechanism has not yet
months. TSH levels can remain suppressed for several
been elucidated. High doses of PTU inhibit the peri-
months following the onset of treatment and must not
pheral conversion of T4 into T3, which is an additional
be used for monitoring in the initial stage (33,34) (B).
benefit when a faster control of thyrotoxicosis is desi-
ATDs must be discontinued following 12-24 months
red. However, due to the hepatotoxic effects of PTU
of treatment. The rate of GD remission varies from
and the reduction of the efficacy of 131I in a possible
30%-50% (35,36) (B,A). Patients with long-standing
future treatment (see below), its use as first treatment
disease, large goiter, and high T3 levels (> 500 ng/dL)
must be restricted to cases of severe hyperthyroidism,
exhibit higher probabilities of relapse (33,34,37) (B).
thyrotoxic crisis, and the first trimester of pregnancy
As most relapses occur within the first months follow-
(25,26) (B,D). MMI use is associated with aplasia cutis
ing ATD discontinuance, it is recommended to moni-
congenita and is contraindicated in the first trimester of
tor the thyroid function on a monthly basis for the first
pregnancy (27) (C).
six months and then every three months; following the
The initial dose of MMI in patients with mild to
first year of remission, the patient must be monitored
moderate thyrotoxicosis is 10-30 mg in a single dai-
once per year, indefinitely (38-40) (B).
ly dose. In cases of severe hyperthyroidism, the daily
dose can vary from 40-60 mg (28) (B). Most patients
Recommendation 7
achieve euthyroidism following six to eight weeks of
treatment. In this stage, the dose can be gradually re- Treatment with ATDs is effective for the control of
duced; the maintenance doses of MMI and PTU are Graves hyperthyroidism and can be used as the initial
5-10 mg/day and 50-100 mg/day, respectively. treatment in an attempt to achieve remission of the au-
Mild side effects occur in 1%-5% of the patients us- toimmune disorder. The rate of disease remission follo-
ing thionamides and include skin rash, itch, urticaria, wing 12-24 months of treatment varies from 30%-50%
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

and arthralgia. When these symptoms do not disappear (B).

spontaneously, one ATD can be replaced by another,
although cross reactions occur in up to 50% of patients. Recommendation 8
Antihistamines can be used to control the skin manifes- Due to the potential hepatotoxic effects of PTU, its
tations (24) (D). Severe side effects occur in approxi- use as a first treatment must be restricted to cases of
mately 1% of patients and include severe polyarthritis severe hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxic crisis, and the first

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 209

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

trimester of pregnancy (B). MMI use has been associa- Prior treatment with ATD to avoid exacerbation of
ted with aplasia cutis congenita, and thus, it is contrain- the clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis is contro-
dicated in the first trimester of pregnancy (C). versial. Prospective randomized studies that assessed
thyroid hormone levels following 131I administration
Recommendation 9 found a significant reduction of the FT4 and T3 le-
vels in both the patients pretreated or not with MMI
Variable degrees of side effects occur in 1%-5% of the
(1,44) (A). When pretreatment with an ATD is per-
patients using thionamides. Whenever a severe side
formed, the drug must be discontinued for four to
effect occurs, the ATD must be immediately and per-
seven days prior to 131I administration. Pretreatment
manently discontinued (D).
with MMI does not influence the efficacy of the treat-
ment of hyperthyroidism (45) (A), but pretreatment
B. Use of 131I as initial treatment for patients
with PTU can result in increased therapeutic failure
with Graves hyperthyroidism
(46,47) (B). Reintroduction of MMI 7 days after 131I
I was introduced into clinical practice in the mid- treatment appears to avoid thyrotoxicosis exacerba-
-1940s and is currently widely used in the treatment tion without interfering with treatment efficacy (48)
of hyperthyroidism. Along with surgery, 131I is classi- (B).
fied as a definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism. 131I The 131I dose can be either fixed or calculated for
is considered a simple and safe therapy and is the least each individual patient based on the iodine uptake
expensive compared with the other therapeutic modali- and gland volume (49) (D). Prospective trials found
ties available, including ATDs (41-43) (B,D,D). that fixed doses and individualized regimens exhibit
Radioiodine is the first therapeutic choice for pa- similar efficacy with regard to the cure rates for hyper-
tients in whom ATDs and/or surgery are contraindica- thyroidism (50,51) (A). The dose is usually calculated
ted as well as in cases of hyperthyroidism relapse follo- as microcuries (uCi) or megabecquerels (MBq) per
wing treatment with ATDs. It must also be considered gram (g) of thyroid tissue based on the thyroid size
as initial treatment when definitive and fast control of and 24-hour iodine uptake. A dose of 160-200 uCi/g
hyperthyroidism is desired, e.g., in older adults and [5.9-7.4 MBq/g] is recommended to ensure suc-
patients with heart disease as well as in fertile women cessful treatment. Alternatively, fixed dose of 10-15
who plan to become pregnant in the future to avoid the mCi [370-555] can be prescribed (52-54) (B,D,D).
Administration of low iodine doses represents an at-
risks posed by hyperthyroidism during pregnancy and
tempt at curing hyperthyroidism without causing hy-
the postpartum period. This treatment is contraindica-
pothyroidism; however, this approach exhibits high
ted during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in the presence of
rates of therapeutic failure (55) (B). Higher doses are
suspected or confirmed thyroid cancer, and for women
recommended for patients with comorbidities that
who plan to become pregnant in less than four to six
might worsen with persistent hyperthyroidism and
months. Pregnancy tests must be performed for all fer-
under conditions of increased radioresistance (large
tile women before 131I is administered (43) (D).
goiter, severe hyperthyroidism) (42,56) (D). When
I is administered orally, dissolved in water or in
doses are calculated, activity typically falls within a
capsules, and is quickly absorbed and organified by the range of 5-15 mCi 131I (corresponding to 185-555
thyroid follicular cells. 131I-induced radiation triggers MBq).
an inflammatory response followed by local destruction Therapeutic failure occurs in approximately 20%
and progressive fibrosis resulting in reduction of the of the patients treated with 131I. The factors associa-
gland volume, which is more pronounced in the first ted with higher failure rates are large goiter (> 50 ml),
year following dose administration (43) (D). No spe- high iodine uptake (> 90%), and high serum T3 levels
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

cial dietary recommendations are required; the patients (> 500 ng/mL) at diagnosis (45) (A).
must simply avoid consuming excessive amounts of io- The use of glucocorticoids has not been effective in
dine (e.g., multivitamins). Previous use of beta-blockers improving hyperthyroidism; however, glucocorticoids
must be considered in highly symptomatic cases and/ are indicated as prophylaxis against appearance or pro-
or with increased risk of complications were thyrotoxi- gression of ophthalmopathy in GD as well as for the
cosis to become worse (17,18) (B,D). treatment of thyrotoxic crisis (see section 10).

210 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Recommendation 10 ger than 50 g); high 24-hour iodine uptake; and very
Radioiodine therapy is effective for the control of Gra- high T3 levels (> 500 mg/dL) (45) (A). The presence
ves hyperthyroidism and can be used as initial treat- of autonomous tissue exhibiting functional differen-
ment, especially in patients with low probabilities of ces in iodine uptake and organification can represent
remission with ATD therapy, when definitive and fast an additional cause of therapeutic failure in some cases
control of thyrotoxicosis is required, or when ATD use (57) (B). Persistence of high TRAb levels and incre-
and/or surgery are contraindicated (A). ased blood flow on thyroid Doppler also increase the
probability of relapse (42,52) (D,B). A second dose of
Recommendation 11
I is usually recommended for patients who do not
respond to the first therapeutic dose (58) (D). Use of
Treatment with 131I is contraindicated during preg- lithium (900 mg/day for 12 days) (59) (B) or surgery
nancy, breastfeeding, and in the presence of suspected should be considered for the small fraction of patients
thyroid nodule or confirmed thyroid cancer. Radioacti- with hyperthyroidism refractory to 131I.
ve iodine should also be avoided in women who plan to In the long term, in addition to hypothyroidism, pa-
become pregnant in less than four to six months (D). tients treated with 131I exhibit a low but significant risk
of cardiovascular events, but it is not known whether
Recommendation 12 this is an effect of hyperthyroidism or of the treatment
Radioactive iodine is administered orally in fixed or (56) (D). There is no evidence pointing to an increased
calculated doses. Pretreatment with beta-blockers and risk of thyroid cancer or increased mortality by any other
ATD should be considered in patients with risk of com- type of neoplasm (42,60,61) (D,B,B). However, it is
plications (B). described a small increase in the incidence of tumors in
patients with hyperthyroidism after 5 years of treatment
C. What actions should be taken in cases of with 131I, relative to the general population of 118.9 vs.
relapse following a therapeutic dose of 131I? 94.9 per 10,000 person-years (RR = 1.25 1.08 to 1.46
The rate of satisfactory response to treatment with 131I with 95% CI). This increased incidence is related to the
resulting in hypothyroidism or euthyroidism is approxi- dose of 131I, especially in the age groups 50-59 years (RR
mately 80%-90% (42,43) (D). Hypothyroidism occurs = 1.44) or more than 70 years (RR = 1.39), particularly
not only due to the effect of radiation on the gland but for renal tumors (RR = 2.32), stomach (RR = 1.75) and
also to the natural history of the autoimmune disease. breast cancer (RR = 1.07) (60) (B). Some men exhibit a
A large goiter with hypoechogenicity on ultrasound, mild, subclinical, and reversible decrease in testosterone
the presence of anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) an- and luteinizing hormone levels. The offspring of patients
tibodies, and high 131I doses increase the probability of treated with 131I do not exhibit a higher prevalence of
hypothyroidism (42,45,52) (D,A,B). congenital anomalies compared with the overall popu-
The response to 131I administration should be asses- lation (42,62) (D,C). Women are advised to wait four
sed through the signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, to six months before attempting conception to ensure
thyroid size and function. Follow-up one to two mon- they achieve stable euthyroidism; men are recommen-
ths after the administration of radioactive iodine should ded to wait three to four months. Breastfeeding should
include measurements of FT4 and total T3. If the pa- be avoided for at least six weeks following radioiodine
tient remains hyperthyroid, monitoring should be re- administration (42) (D).
peated every four to six weeks. When hyperthyroidism
persists six months after treatment, administration of Recommendation 13
another dose of 131I should be considered. Suppressed The response to 131I should be monitored by clinical
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

TSH levels associated with normal total T3 and FT4 le- and laboratory follow-up. If the patient remains thyro-
vels does not call for further treatment, but the patient toxic, measurement of T3 and FT4 should be perfor-
should be closely monitored for relapse or development med every four to six months. When hyperthyroidism
of hypothyroidism (43) (D). persists six months after treatment with 131I, adminis-
Clinical features associated with therapeutic failure tration of an additional dose should be considered. Su-
are as follows: male gender; smoking; large goiter (lar- ppressed TSH levels associated with total T3 and FT4

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 211

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

within the normal range points to the need for monito- Lugols solution (6 mg/drop), 5-10 drops three times
ring for possible relapse (D). per day (67,68) (B).
During the immediate postoperative period, symp-
D. When is thyroidectomy indicated for patients with toms (paresthesia, cramps) and signs (Chvosteks and
GD? Trousseaus signs) of hypocalcemia must be evaluated,
Surgery is the oldest treatment for GD (63) (B). Its and serum calcium levels should be monitored (espe-
main aim is to achieve fast and definitive control of the cially in symptomatic patients). Use of calcium supple-
thyroid hormone excess effects. That goal is achieved ments per the oral route and calcitriol reduces the risk of
by removing all or most of the functioning thyroid symptomatic hypocalcemia and the need to administer
gland tissue. calcium per the intravenous route (69) (B). In case of
The indications for surgery in the treatment of GD clinical manifestations of recurrent laryngeal nerve dys-
are not well established in the literature; some authors function, the vocal folds mobility should be evaluated
classify them as absolute and relative. A large goiter through laryngoscopy in the postoperative period for
causing compressive symptoms, suspected or confir- diagnosis (70) (D). Although partial (PT) or subtotal
med malignant thyroid nodule, pregnant women who (TST) thyroidectomy have been the first-choice surgical
fail to achieve disease control through ATDs, refusal of procedures for many decades, the amount of remaining
I treatment, women planning to become pregnant gland tissue required to maintain the euthyroid state
within a period of four to six months, and intolerance cannot be established. The probability of relapse varies
to ATD are classified as absolute indications. Relative from 5%-20% when residual tissue remains (71,72) (B),
indications include large goiter, severe ophthalmopa- whereas the risk of relapse following total thyroidec-
thy, poor adherence, and lack of response to ATD tre- tomy (TT) is virtually zero (73) (B). The risk of perma-
atment (63,64) (B). nent paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is 0.9%
The advantages offered by thyroidectomy over the with TT and 0.7% with TST. Transient hypocalcemia
other treatment modalities include the fast normaliza- is observed in 9.6% of the patients who underwent TT
tion of the thyroid hormone levels and a greater effecti- and in 7.4% of those submitted to TST (whereas the
veness in cases with compressive symptoms. Disadvan- risk of definitive hypoparathyroidism is 0.9% and 1.0%,
tages include cost, the need for hospitalization, and the respectively) (73) (B). Thus, when surgery is indicated
risks associated with surgery (hypoparathyroidism, re- for the treatment of GD, the procedure of choice is TT,
current laryngeal nerve injury, bleeding, infection, scar- performed by an experienced surgeon (more than 100
ring, and hypothyroidism) (42) (D). Liu and cols. (65) thyroidectomies/year) whenever possible (74) (B).
(B) analyzed 58 patients with GD treated by means of Thyroid hormone replacement therapy with levothyro-
surgery and found that the main indications were the xine sodium should be initiated on the following day
following: persistence of disease following clinical tre- after surgery when TT is performed.
atment (47%); patient preference (21%); multinodular
disease or cold nodule (20%); failure of 131I treatment Recommendation 14
(16%); and ophthalmopathy (12%). Surgical treatment (total thyroidectomy) is indicated
Once the choice of surgical treatment is made, cer- for patients with GD that exhibit a large goiter asso-
tain pre- and postoperative measures are crucial. Pre- ciated with compressive symptoms, suspected or con-
vious administration of ATD, with or without beta-blo- firmed malignant nodule, pregnant women who do not
ckers, must be considered to control thyroid function achieve control of disease using ATDs, and for patients
and reduce the risk of thyrotoxic crisis, which can be intolerant to ATDs who refuse radioactive iodine tre-
triggered by surgical stress, anesthesia, and gland ma- atment (B).
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

nipulation (66) (B). Administration of potassium iodi-

de or a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI)
7-10 days before surgery can reduce the intraglandu- 4) HOW SHOULD PATIENTS WITH GD AND
lar blood flow and vascularization and thus blood loss THYROID NODULES BE ASSESSED AND TREATED?
during surgery. The doses suggested are as follows: Thyroid cancer occurs in less than 2% of patients with
SSKI (50 mg/drop), one drop three times per day, or GD, and most of the tumors are papillary microcarci-

212 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

nomas with an excellent prognosis (75,76) (D,B). Pa- cations for surgery or 131I administration can be treated
tients with GD and thyroid nodules on palpation and/ continuously with low MMI doses (79) (D).
or thyroid US must be assessed before therapeutic ad-
ministration of 131I. Nodules larger than 1 cm should Recommendation 16
be subjected to fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) Patients with TMNG or TA and severe hyperthyroi-
under US guidance to rule out malignancy. Nodules dism should be treated with ATDs as preparation for
smaller than 1 cm require additional assessment when surgery or 131I therapy. The drug of choice is MMI (10-
the US findings are ambiguous, there is association 30 mg/day) which should be used until euthyroidism
with enlarged cervical lymph nodes, the patient has a is achieved. Instead, in those patients with mild/mo-
previous history of head and/or neck irradiation, or a derate hyperthyroidism or moderate-sized goiter, beta-
family history of thyroid cancer (13,77) (D). When the -blockers can be used (D).
nodules exhibit indeterminate or malignant cytology,
TT should be indicated (13,77) (D). Recommendation 17
In older adults in whom surgery or 131I are contrain-
Recommendation 15 dicated, continuous treatment with low MMI doses
Patients with GD and thyroid nodules larger than 1 cm should be considered (D).
should be evaluated according to the general criteria
suggested for nodule management before the adminis- B. Indication for 131I therapy in patients with
tration of a therapeutic dose of 131I (B). TMNG or TA
Administration of 131I is indicated for the treatment of
TMNG or TA when surgery is contraindicated or refu-
5) HOW SHOULD PATIENTS WITH sed by the patient (42) (D). Radioactive iodine therapy
HYPERTHYROIDISM DUE TO TMNG AND TOXIC is particularly indicated for older adults with comor-
ADENOMA (TA) BE TREATED? bidities and a 24-hour iodine uptake high enough to
TMNG and TA are the main causes of hyperthyroi- allow for appropriate uptake of 131I. Beta-blockers are
dism among older adults, occuring frequently in areas indicated for older adults with cardiovascular disease
characterized by poor iodine intake (70) (D). TA com- who are at risk for tachyarrhythmias following 131I do-
monly results from activating mutations of the TSH re- sing (21,80,81) (D,D,C).
ceptor. TMNG is a result of the natural history of non- Therapy with 131I is contraindicated for pregnant
-toxic multinodular goiter (MNG) when autonomous women or those who plan to become pregnant within
areas become evident, and is also often caused by mu- a six-month period, and breastfeeding mothers. As the
tations in the TSH receptor (78) (D). In this case, the incidence of thyroid cancer is the same in single nod-
control of hyperthyroidism achieved using ATD is only ules and multinodular goiter (82) (B), patients with
transitory, and the treatment choice should be radio- TMNG must undergo to FNAB to cytological analysis
active iodine ablation or thyroidectomy. Percutaneous of the suspected malignant nodule and/or dominant
nodule before the therapeutic dose of 131I is adminis-
ethanol injection under US guidance or laser thermal
tered (13,26,83) (D,D,B).
ablation can be used as alternative treatment in select
The 131I uptake is frequently low in TMNG which
cases (70) (D).
requires high therapeutic doses and, consequently, need
for hospitalization. The use of recombinant TSH pro-
A. Therapy with ATDs in patients with TMNG or TA
vides an alternative, as it increases 131I uptake and thus
Treatment of hyperthyroidism with ATDs in patients promotes a greater reduction of the TMNG (83) (B).
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

with non-autoimmune nodular disease does not induce Radioactive iodine treatment in TMNG patients usually
remission. Nevertheless, patients with TMNG or TA results in a 40%-50% reduction of the goiter size 6-36
and severe hyperthyroidism must be treated with ATDs months later and improves the compressive symptoms
to achieve euthyroidism as preparation for surgery. The even in patients with a large goiter (84) (B). Approxi-
first-choice drug in this context is MMI at a dose of mately 40%-50% of patients present hypothyroidism fol-
10-30 mg/day. However, older adults with contraindi- lowing treatment (82) (B). The 131I dose calculated on

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 213

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

the basis of the goiter size to release 150-250 Ci per Patients who underwent TT virtually never require
gram of tissue corrected for the 24-hour 131I uptake is further surgery (89,90) (B). However, when hyper-
usually higher than the one needed for the treatment of thyroidism relapses following TP or TST, completion
GD and, usually, varies from 30-50 mCi 131I. Although of TT is indicated after the assessment of the remaining
in TA, the uptake is concentrated in the dominant no thyroid lobe by means of US (70) (D). If treatment with
dule, hypothyroidism may also occur following 131I, and
I is chosen instead, the remaining tissue must be eva-
its incidence increases with the time elapsed since 131I luated as to the presence of nodules, and whenever they
use. The dose of 131I used for the treatment of TA is are found, the nodules should be assessed following the
similar to the one used for TMNG (150-250 Ci per recommended criteria (13,70,87,88) (D,D,D,B).
gram corrected for the 24-hour 131I uptake) and calcu-
lated based on the nodule size. Thus, the total dose is Recommendation 20
usually smaller (10-20 mCi) (85) (B). The patients with Surgical treatment offers satisfactory results of achieving
TA subjected to an appropriate therapeutic dose of 131I control of hyperthyroidism in patients with TMNG
rarely require a second dose (42) (B). and TA. TT is the first-choice definitive treatment of
TMNG, whereas lobectomy is indicated for TA (B).
Recommendation 18
Recommendation 21
Patients with TMNG or TA with contraindications or
refuse surgical treatment are candidates for treatment Pre-surgical care, complications, and postoperative
with 131I (D). Symptomatic patients must first be trea- follow-up are similar to the ones described for the sur-
ted with ATDs and beta-blockers, while the mild cases gical treatment of GD (D).
should be treated with beta-blockers only (C).
Recommendation 19
The therapeutic doses of 131I recommended for patients
Ethanol provides a therapeutic alternative for the tre-
with TMNG or TA range from 150-250 Ci per gram
atment of cystic (91-93) (B) and autonomous nodules
of tissue corrected for the 24-hour 131I uptake (B).
(94-98) (B,B,B,B,C). Ethanol injection is well tolera-
ted, and most patients report only mild pain during the
C. Indications for thyroidectomy in patients procedure (96) (B). This procedure is effective, safe,
with TMNG or TA inexpensive, and has long-term satisfactory results. Ho-
Surgery is the first therapeutic choice in patients with wever, this modality tends to be rejected in the case
TMNG or TA (86) (B). The patients can be previously of solid thyroid nodules. Ablation of solid nodules by
treated with ATDs and beta-blockers until euthyroi- means of percutaneous laser ablation (97-99) (C,D) or
dism is achieved. For this purpose, the choice drug is radiofrequency has proven to be effective in the treat-
MMI in a dose of 10-30 mg/day. Relapse following TT ment of benign thyroid nodules regardless of the exten-
is less than 1%, and indications for TT include thyroid sion of their solid component (100) (D).
dysfunction, compressive symptoms (dyspnea and dys-
phagia), suspected or confirmed malignancy, and intra- Recommendation 22
thoracic or substernal goiter (70,87,88) (D,D,B). As Sclerotherapy of cystic or autonomous nodules is a safe
TA is characterized by single lesions, TP by means of therapeutic option when the traditional treatments
total lobectomy (removal of the nodule-affected lobe, (surgery or 131I) are contraindicated or refused by the
and extension of resection through the isthmus up to patient (B).
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

the contralateral lobe) is indicated (70,87,88) (D,D,B).

Follow-up after TT sould follow the recommenda-
tions described in section 3, including assessment of 7) HOW SHOULD THYROTOXIC CRISIS BE
possible postoperative complications (hypocalcemia, DIAGNOSED AND MANAGED?
vocal cord dysfunction) and thyroid hormone replace- The diagnosis of thyrotoxic crisis or storm is basically
ment therapy with levothyroxine (D). clinical. Its manifestations are the same as thyrotoxi-

214 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

cosis, but highly exacerbated and include tachycardia must be performed with beta-blockers, glucocorticoi-
(usually > 140 beats per minute), heart failure, hyper- ds, and iodine solutions over 5-7 days, and thyroidec-
thermia, agitation, anxiety, delirium, psychosis, coma, tomy is performed between days 8 and 10 (110) (C).
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, liver failu- The use of iodine solutions seeks to block the release of
re, and jaundice. In 1993, Burch and Wartofsky sugges- the thyroid hormones already synthesized and must be
ted a score for an objective assessment of these patients, preceded by thionamide administration. The two iodi-
including cutoff points for the diagnosis of thyrotoxic de compounds available are Lugols solution and SSKI.
crisis (Table 3) (101) (B). More recently, new crite- These agents can also be administered per the rectal
ria have been proposed, including the same disorders route. In addition, iodinated contrast media (iopanoic
as listed previously: the combination of thyrotoxicosis acid and sodium ipodate) can be used, which has an
and manifestations in other organic systems (disorders additional advantage of simultaneously blocking the
of the central nervous system, tachycardia, heart failure, thyroid hormone release and the peripheral conversion
gastrointestinal disorders, and fever) (102) (B). of T4 into T3 (111) (B). Similar to the iodine solu-
The laboratory assessment of thyroid function exhi- tions, the use of contrast media must be preceded by
bits the same pattern as in hyperthyroidism (increased blocking thyroid hormone synthesis using thionamides.
serum levels of thyroid hormones and TSH suppres-
sion). As the diagnosis depends on the clinical asses- Table 3. Burch-Wartofskys diagnostic criteria
sment, it is recommended that patients suspected of Thermoregulatory dysfunction (temperature C)
thyrotoxic crisis be treated as if they actually present
this condition. Known triggers of thyrotoxic crisis in- 37.2 37.7 5

clude abrupt discontinuation of ATDs, thyroid and 37.8 38.2 10

non-thyroid surgery, and severe acute illnesses (infec- 38.3 38.8 15

tions, diabetic ketoacidosis, vascular events) (66) (B). 38.9 39.4 20

Treatment must be initiated using multiple medi- 39.4 39.9 25
cations to block the adrenergic system and the synthe- > 40.0 30
sis and release of thyroid hormones. For that purpose, Effects on the central nervous system
thionamides, beta-blockers, and inorganic iodine com- Mild (agitation) 10
pounds are used (Table 4). The supportive manage- Moderate (delirium, psychosis, extreme lethargy) 20
ment is also important and must be preferentially con- Severe (seizures, coma) 30
ducted in the intensive care setting (66) (B). Gastrointestinal and liver dysfunction
The use of beta-blockers seeks to control the signs Moderate (diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain) 10
and symptoms of adrenergic hyperactivation. Although Severe (unexplained jaundice) 20
propranolol is the most frequently used drug, cardio- Cardiovascular dysfunction (heart rate)
selective beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol) or drugs 99 109 5
with a shorter half-life (esmolol) can also be prescribed 110 119 10
(20) (C). For patients in whom beta-blockers are con- 120 129 15
traindicated, diltiazem represents an alternative option 130 139 20
(22) (B).
140 25
The use of thionamides seeks to block the synthesis
Atrial fibrillation 10
of thyroid hormones, which begins 1-2 hours following
Heart failure
administration. The first choice agent for the treatment
Mild (peripheral edema) 5
of thyrotoxic crisis is PTU because it induces additional
Moderate (bibasilar rales) 10
blocking of the peripheral conversion of T4 into T3,
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

Severe (pulmonary edema) 15

particularly when high doses are used (Table 2) (103)
History of triggering factor
(B). Both drugs can be administered per alternative
Negative 0
(rectal or intravenous) routes when the oral route is not
available (104-109) (C,B,C,C,B,C) (Table 5). When Positive 10

patients develop severe side effects or allergy to thio- The score for all items is added. Scores > 45 are highly suggestive of thyrotoxic storm, 25-45
are suggestive of thyrotoxic storm, and < 25 indicates that this condition is improbable.
namides, TT is recommended. Preparation for surgery Adapted from: Burch HB, Wartofsky L. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 1993;22:263.

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 215

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Table 4. Drugs used in the treatment of thyrotoxic crisis The triggering factor of the thyrotoxic crisis should
Beta-blockers be identified and must be the target of aggressive tre-
Propranolol PO: 60-80 mg every 4-6 hours. IV: 0.5-1.0 mg in 10 atment. In addition, hyperthermia must be treated.
minutes, followed by 1-2 mg every 10 minutes
Salicylates must be avoided because they can increase
Esmolol IV: loading dose 250-500 mcg/kg followed by the free fraction of thyroid hormones (66) (B). Intrave-
infusion of 50-100 mcg/kg per minute
nous hydration is recommended as well as multivitamin
Atenolol PO: 50-200 mg once per day
replacement, particularly thiamine.
Metoprolol PO: 100-200 mg once per day
Nadolol PO: 40-80 mg once per day
Recommendation 23
Propylthiouracil PO: 200-400 mg every 4-6 hours The diagnosis of thyrotoxic storm is established based
Methimazole PO: 20-25 mg every 4-6 hours
on clinical criteria (D). Its treatment includes beta-blo-
Iodine solutions
ckers, ATD, iodinated compounds, and glucocorticoids
Lugols solution PO: 4-10 drops every 6-8 hours
(B). Total thyroidectomy should be considered for pa-
tients who do not respond for clinical management (C).
SSKI PO: 5 drops every 6 hours
The patients must be given supportive treatment in the
Iodinated contrast media reagents
intensive care unit, and the triggering factors should be
Iopanoic acid PO: 0.5-1 g once per day
identified and treated (B).
Sodium ipodate PO: 1-3 g once per day
Hydrocortisone IV: 100 mg every 8 hours 8) HOW SHOULD CHILDREN OR ADOLESCENTS
Dexamethasone IV: 2 mg every 6 hours WITH GD BE TREATED?
PO: oral route (per os); IV: intravenous route. The oral doses can be administered per nasogastric
or nasoenteric tube. SSKI: saturated solution of potassium iodide. Children with GD can be treated with ATDs, 131I, or
thyroidectomy. Although ATDs are used as an initial
treatment, most pediatric patients will require definitive
Table 5. Alternative administration routes of thionamides treatment by means of 131I or surgery (115) (B).
Enema 8-12 50 mg capsules dissolved in 90 mL of A. Use of ATDs as an initial treatment in
sterilized water
children with GD
Suppository 200 mg dissolved in polyethylene glycol base
. Dissolve tablets in isotonic saline solution with As some children achieve remission of GD after using
alkaline pH (using sodiumhydroxide) ATDs for one or two years, this therapeutic approach is
Methimazole still considered the first line of treatment in most cases
Suppository 1,200 mg dissolved in 12 mL of water with 2 (26) (D).
drops of polysorbate 80 mixed 52 mL of cacao Euthyroidism is achieved virtually in all cases during
treatment with ATDs (116) (B). However, the remis-
Intravenous Dissolve tablets in isotonic saline solution and
filter using a 0.22-m filter sion rates are modest whereas relapse rates are high. The
remission rate following initial treatment with ATD for
two years is approximately 30% (113,117) (B). The fac-
tors associated with remission are relatively low levels
High doses of glucocorticoids reduce the peripheral
of thyroid hormones, faster response to treatment, and
conversion of T4 into T3. In addition, there is eviden-
age (115) (B). The hyperthyroidism relapse rate is 60%
ce that the adrenal reserve is reduced in patients with
in one year after treatment and 70% in two years, and
severe hyperthyroidism, and thus, hormone replace- the associated risk factors are non-Caucasian ethnicity,
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

ment treatment might be needed (112) (B). The use of high TRAb and FT4 levels at diagnosis. On the other
cholestyramine to reduce the enterohepatic circulation hand, the risk of relapse decreases with age and length
has also been described (113) (C). The use of plasma- of the first ATD course (118) (B).
pheresis has been reported to improve the clinical and The length of ATD therapy seems to be a key ele-
laboratory parameters in patients who failed to respond ment in the treatment of GD, with longer periods of use
to the treatments described above (114) (C). being associated with long-lasting remission in children

216 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

(119) (B). A recent meta-analysis on the treatment of effects as well as the need to immediately contact their
GD hyperthyroidism in children showed that the op- doctor should any of the following conditions occur:
timal length of ATD therapy is 12-18 months (120) itchy rash, jaundice, acholic stool or choluria, nausea,
(B). However, age and pubertal development appear joint pain, abdominal pain or distension, ill feeling,
to influence the length of treatment needed to achieve fatigue, fever, and pharyngitis (134) (D). MMI is
remission. Longer periods of treatment is usually re- the main drug associated with agranulocytosis, par-
quired in prepubertal compared to pubertal children. ticularly when used in high doses, but this complica-
In addition, there is a positive correlation between the tion has been rarely reported in Latin America (0.38
TRAb concentration at diagnosis and length of ATD cases/million inhabitants/year), with it, particularly
therapy to achieve remission (117) (B). Thus, MMI (135,136) (B). There are no data available on the pre-
can be administered for one or two years, and then valence of agranulocytosis in children, but it is estima-
discontinued or reduced to assess whether the disease ted to be very low (26) (D).
remission was achieved. If, under those conditions, re-
Mild and persistent skin reactions to MMI in chil-
mission is not achieved, treatment with 131I or surgery
dren can be treated with antihistamines. In the case of
must be considered according to the childs age. Alter-
PTU therapy, a 2- to 3-fold increase of transaminases
natively, MMI can be used over longer periods. This
above the upper normal limit that does not improve
approach can delay 131I or surgery until an appropriate
within one week indicates the need to discontinue tre-
age. In selected cases where the use of 131I or surgery is
atment. Following drug withdrawal, the levels of bilir-
not appropriate or possible, treatment with low doses
rubin, alkaline phosphatase and transaminase should be
of MMI can be continued. A positive impact of longer
ATD use on the remission rate of GD has recently been monitored weekly until the laboratory analysis shows
reported (121) (A). improvement. If it does not occur, the patient should
The usual daily doses of MMI vary from 0.2-0.5 be referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist or hepato-
mg/kg of body weight, but the dose can vary from logist to further investigation (26) (D).
0.1-1.0 mg/kg to a total maximum of 30 mg/day Treatment with beta-blockers improve the com-
(116,122-127) (B). When MMI, thyroidectomy, and plaints of tachycardia, muscle weakness, tremor, and
I cannot be used, PTU can be considered an option neuropsychological disorders in hyperthyroid children
for a short period of time in doses of 4.7-8.6 mg/kg (134) (D). Cardioselective beta-blockers can be used
of body weight (116) (B) under rigorous clinical and in patients with history of reactive airway disease, but
laboratory monitoring (see below). special attention should be given to its eventual exacer-
The main dilemma presented by ATD therapy is bation (137) (A).
their adverse reactions. Side effects occur in approxi- Following the onset of ATD therapy, thyroid func-
mately 6%-35% of cases and are more frequent and/ tion tests should be assessed monthly over the first
or severe with PTU. For that reason, MMI is the first months of treatment and then every two to four mon-
choice ATD in the pediatric population (115,117- ths. As a function of the severity of hyperthyroidism, it
118,128,129) (B). Among the adverse effects attri- may take several months before thyroid hormone levels
buted to PTU in children and adolescents, hepatoto- reach the reference range (138) (B).
xicity and vasculitis are the most worried (130) (B).
The use of PTU is also associated with a higher pre- Recommendation 24
valence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, even
MMI is the first-choice drug for the treatment of GD
with no evidence of vasculitis or nephritis (131) (B).
hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents (B). PTU
Although MMI shows a better safety profile compa-
must be avoided given the higher incidence of severe
red to PTU, side effects occur in up to 20% of trea-
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

ted children (128) (B). Therefore, pediatric patients associated side effects (B).
should be subjected to a complete blood count and
measurement of the serum bilirubin, transaminase, Recommendation 25
and alkaline phosphatase levels, before the onset of Beta-blockers can be indicated for hyperthyroid chil-
ATD administration (132,133) (C,B). Patients and dren and adolescents to control associated symptoms
their caregivers must be informed of the ATD side (D).

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 217

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Recommendation 26 after this treatment (26) (B). The literature reports rare
Mild or persistent skin reactions to ATD in children cases of children with severe hyperthyroidism who de-
can be treated with antihistamines (D). If the patient veloped thyrotoxic crisis following MMI withdrawal
presents a severe adverse effect during ATD treatment, and radioactive iodine administration (147)C (C).
it is not recommended to replace the one drug by ano- There is no evidence supporting an association be-
ther. Instead, it should be considered radioactive iodine tween treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131I and cancer
of the thyroid or any other site, particularly when doses
administration or surgical treatment (C).
> 160 Ci /g thyroid tissue are used (148,149) (B,D).
However, based on risk projections and as a function
Recommendation 27
of the exposure to low-level radiation relative to age,
Children with GD should be monitored by means of there is a theoretical small risk of malignant neoplasia
clinical assessment and thyroid hormone measurement in very young children treated with 131I (150) (B). For
on a monthly basis at the beginning of treatment, and that reason, it is recommended to avoid treatment with
then every two to four months, depending on the dise- 131
I in very young children (< 5 years old) (149) (D).
ase control (D). The use of 131I is acceptable in children aged 5-10 years,
when the calculated activity of 131I to be administered
Recommendation 28 is less than 10 mCi and in children older than 10 years
ATD treatment in children should be maintained for old, when activity is higher than 160 Ci/g thyroid
at least 12-18 months, and up to two years in order to tissue (149) (D).
achieve remission (A). A higher incidence of hypothyroidism has been re-
ported in children treated with 131I as compared with
B. The use of 131I in children and adolescents those treated with ATD (RR, 6.46; 95% CI, 1.16-35.81).
with GD However, no significant difference has been observed in
Several studies have shown that treatment with 131I is the appearance of or worsening of Graves ophthalmopa-
more effective in achieving euthyroidism as compared thy (RR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.56-3.00) (141) (B).
with ATDs (relative risk [RR], 1.70; 95% confiden-
ce interval, 1.29-2.24) in pediatric patients with GD
Recommendation 29
(139-141) (B). Treatment with 131I should be avoided in children
The doses of 131I can be fixed or calculated based on younger than five years of age (D). However, in older
the thyroid weight and the 24-hour 131I uptake (142) children, radioactive iodine dosing is an effective and
(B). The fixed doses vary from 10-15 mCi and are most safe therapy and can be performed using fixed or cal-
effective in smaller goiters (143-145) (B). When doses culated doses (B). Pretreatment with ATD should be
higher than 150 Ci 131I/g thyroid tissue are adminis- considered in patients with very high levels of thyroid
tered, hypothyroidism occurs in approximately 95% of hormones (D).
cases (142) (B). There are no studies comparing the
dose regimens in children, but, in adults, the results C. Indication for thyroidectomy in children or
were reported to be similar (146) (D) (see section 3). adolescents with GD
The treatment recommended for children with GD Surgery offers a definitive treatment of GD in children
and serum levels of total T4 > 20 ug/dL (260 nmol/L) and adolescents and TT is the procedure most widely
or FT4 > 5 ng/dL (60 pmol/L) includes MMI and accepted, given the risk of relapse associated with PT
beta-blockers until normalization of thyroid hormone (151,152) (D,B). This procedure is safe when perfor-
levels, prior to the use of 131I (26) (D). In such cases, med by an experienced surgeon, requiring short hospi-
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

MMI must be discontinued three to five days before tal stays (65,151-153) (B,D,B,B).
I administration, and the beta-blockers should be The patient should be euthyroid before the sur-
continued until the total T4 and/or FT4 levels are gery procedure. The use of Lugols solution (5-10
normalized (26) (D). As the decrease in the thyroid drops three times per day) can reduce blood loss
hormone levels begins within the first week following during surgery, but it is not routinely prescribed. In
I administration, the use of ATD is no longer needed addition to blocking the release of thyroid hormones,

218 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Lugols solution reduces gland vascularization, thus obstetric conditions, can be subjected to careful moni-
decreasing the occurrence of perioperative intercur- toring without any further treatment. The main goal
rent events. The greatest blood losses occur when a is to control hyperthyroidism and attain normal FT4
partial surgery is performed because it involves gland levels as soon as possible without inducing fetal hypo-
sectioning (65) (B). thyroidism (158) (D).
Potential problems such as pain and postoperative MMI or PTU can be used, but PTU is preferentially
discomfort, healing time, risks of anesthesia, and spe- recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy as a
cific surgical risks (recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and function of its lower transplacental transfer and the occur-
transient or definitive hypoparathyroidism) are less rence of aplasia cutis, cloacal atresia, tracheoesophageal fis-
common when surgery is performed by an experienced tula, and facial anomalies associated with the use of MMI
surgeon (151) (D). If the parathyroid glands are acci- (157,159,160) (D,C,D). Radioactive iodine administra-
dentally removed, they should be transplanted to a neck tion is contraindicated during pregnancy (see below).
muscle after their identification (151-153) (D,B,B). The initial dose of ATD depends on the severity
of the symptoms and the degree of hyperthyroxine-
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy using levo-
mia. The initial dose of MMI varies from 5-15 mg/
thyroxine should be initiated in the immediate posto-
day in one single daily and PTU from 50-300 mg/
perative period, and the dose adjusted over time accor-
day, three times per day. The serum levels of FT4 and
ding to the childs growth and development (152) (B).
TSH should be monitored two to four weeks following
treatment onset and then every four to six weeks after
Recommendation 30
euthyroidism is achieved. Then, the dose of ATD can
Total thyroidectomy provides a definitive and low-risk be reduced gradually, and treatment can be eventually
treatment of GD hyperthyroidism in children, adoles- discontinued in one-third of patients (161) (D). The
cents, and young adults (B). dose should be adjusted as a function of the FT4 con-
centration and should be as small as possible to main-
tain FT4 concentrations within or slightly above the
9) How should hyperthyroidism in specific range for each trimester. When reference values
pregnant women be treated? of hormone concentrations during pregnancy are not
The differential diagnosis between GD and gestational available, the ones for non-pregnant women should
hyperthyroidism is very important in pregnant women be used (157) (D). It is not recommended to use the
with thyrotoxicosis. Although, the clinical manifesta- T3 levels as reference for treatment because normali-
tions are similar a lack of previous history of thyroid di- zation of the maternal T3 concentration can result in
sease and clinical signs of GD (goiter, ophthalmopathy) fetal hypothyroidism (161) (D). Patients using MMI
point to gestational hyperthyroidism. In ambiguous before pregnancy should be advised to replace it with
cases, measurement of TRAb is indicated, since 95% of PTU until the end of the first trimester and then to
patients with GD are TRAb positive (10) (B). During change back to MMI (157,162,163) (D,D,B). Other
indications for PTU include intolerance to MMI and
pregnancy, hyperthyroidism can result in complications
thyrotoxic crisis.
such as hypertensive disease, miscarriage, premature
Beta-blockers are useful to control the adrenergic
birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, thyrotoxic crisis, and
symptoms. Propranolol (20-40 mg two or three times
maternal heart failure (154-156) (C,B,B).
per day) or atenolol (25-50 mg/day) can be used whe-
never necessary over short period of time since pro-
A. How should pregnant women with GD be
longed use has been associated with reduced uterine
growth, fetal bradycardia, and hypoglycemia (164) (B).
Women diagnosed with GD must be advised not to be- Radioactive iodine therapy is contraindicated du-
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

come pregnant before achieving euthyroidism and the ring pregnancy because 131I crosses the placental barrier
use of contraception is strongly recommended (157) and can cause fetal goiter, hypothyroidism, and even
(D). Definitive (131I or surgery) or ATD therapy should asphyxia (165,166) (D). Iodinated compounds can be
be addressed with those female patients who plan to used over short periods in cases of thyrotoxic crisis (less
become pregnant. Mild cases diagnosed during the first than two weeks, 5-7 drops of potassium iodide, twice
trimester, with appropriate weight gain and satisfactory per day) (see section 7).

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 219

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Thyroidectomy is an effective treatment in in hyper- B. How should gestational hyperthyroidism

thyroid pregnant patients, it is only indicted for special (related to human chorionic gonadotropin
cases such as severe adverse reactions to both ATD or hCG) be treated?
patients with poor treatment compliance (167) (C). If During the first trimester of pregnancy, hyper-
necessary, it is recommended to be performed in the
thyroidism can be associated with hCG or its molecular
second trimester of pregnancy, ideally between weeks
variants. The clinical manifestations are variable.
22 to 24. Previous preparation of by means of beta-blo-
Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis: gestational
ckers and a short course of potassium iodide (50-100
transient thyrotoxicosis occurs during the first trimester
mg/day) is advised (168) (B). TRAb measurements at
of pregnancy, between weeks 8 and 14, with a prevalen-
the time of surgery allows for the assessment of the po-
ce of 2.4% of pregnancies (169) (B). The thyroid gland
tential risk of fetal hyperthyroidism (9) (B).
is usually not enlarged and treatment is rarely required
due to the transient nature of this condition.
Recommendation 31
Hyperemesis gravidarum: hyperemesis gravida-
Hyperthyroid women should be advised to not become rum represents a serious complication because it is as-
pregnant before achieving euthyroidism (D). sociated with weight loss and severe dehydration (170)
(B). Biochemical hyperthyroidism is found in most
Recommendation 32
affected women. Treatment includes supportive mea-
During the first trimester of pregnancy, PTU is the sures to control vomiting, dehydration, and electrolytic
recommended ATD (C), evenin those patients using alterations. Use of ATDs is not indicated (171) (B). If
MMI before the pregnancy (B). After the first trimes- a differential diagnosis with GD cannot be established,
ter, MMI can be used (D). a short ATD course can be instituted. Recurrence of
hyperthyroidism following ATD discontinuation is a
Recommendation 33 strong indication of GD and need of continuous tre-
Pregnant women using ATD should be monito- atment.
red by measurement of FT4 and TSH every two to six Recurrent gestational hyperthyroidism: some
weeks. FT4 concentration must be maintained at the cases of recurrent hyperthyroidism during pregnancy
upper levels of, or slightly above, the reference range. have been described (172) (B). Interestingly, a muta-
It is not recommended to use T3 levels as reference for tion in the extracellular domain of the TSH receptor
treatment because normalization of the maternal T3 gene which increases its response to normal hCG levels
concentration can result in fetal hypothyroidism (D). has been reported in one patient (173) (B).

Recommendation 34 Recommendation 37
Radioactive iodine therapy is contraindicated during ATD therapy is not indicated in patients diagnosed with
pregnancy (D). gestational transient thyrotoxicosis, hyperemesis gravi-
darum, or recurrent gestational hyperthyroidism (B).
Recommendation 35 Hyperthyroidism due to other causes can occur du-
Thyroidectomy is rarely indicated during pregnancy. If ring pregnancy, including TA and TMNG. These con-
necessary, total thyroidectomy should (ideally) be per- ditions are characterized by uni- and multinodular goi-
formed in the second trimester between weeks 22 and ter, respectively. Treatment should be performed with
24 (C). ATDs and definitive treatment (131I or surgery) delayed
until the postpartum period. After delivery, ATD tre-
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

Recommendation 36 atment should continue and the patients should be

Fetal surveillance by ultrasound should be performed given guidance as to breastfeeding. Patients who dis-
in patients with hyperthyroidism and/or high TRAb continued ATD during pregnancy should be advised
levels (three times above the upper normal limit). Mo- to seek assistance if the symptoms of hyperthyroidism
nitoring must include fetal heart rate, fetal growth, am- recur. Routine measurements of TSH and FT4 should
niotic fluid volume, and fetal goiter volume (D). be performed six weeks after delivery in patients whore-

220 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

main asymptomatic, and should be follow-up at regular that require a more aggressive and specific treatment
intervals since relapse is common (174) (B). (182) (B). The two major traits of GO are its activity
Neonatal hyperthyroidism is a rare occurrence with and severity (183) (B). GO progresses from an active
an incidence < 1% among the newborns of hyperthyroid (inflammatory) phase to stabilization (plateau), and fi-
mothers. This syndrome is caused by the transfer of ma- nally to an inactive phase (184) (D). A practical appro-
ternal thyroid-stimulating antibodies (175) (D). When ach to the assessment of the degree of activity of GO
the mother is adequately treated with ATDs, the fetus is to apply the clinical activity score (CAS) (185) (A).
also benefits from treatment, and remains euthyroid The CAS score includes the following: swelling of the
throughout pregnancy. However, this protective effect eyelid; redness of the eyelid; redness of the conjuncti-
is lost following birth, and clinical hyperthyroidism may va; chemosis; swollen caruncle; spontaneous eye pain;
appear, requiring ATD treatment. High TRAb titers in and eye pain with movement. GO is considered to be
the third trimester of pregnancy are predictive of neona- active when at least three of these items are present.
tal hyperthyroidism (176) (D). Therefore, TRAb mea- The assessment of GO severity, in turn, is based on the
surement is recommended in weeks 26-28 of pregnancy changes exhibited by the soft tissues, eye proptosis, in-
and in women with a previous history of GD treated with volvement of the extrinsic extraocular muscles and the
I or surgery. Pregnant patients with high TRAb levels
optic nerve, or corneal affection (183) (B).
must be subjected to fetal US to assess the presence of
ATD treatment does not appear to impact the pro-
goiter or other signs of hyperthyroidism such as intrau-
gression of eye disease. Nevertheless, it is believed that
terine growth restriction or heart failure (177,178) (D).
ATDs induce an indirect beneficial effect upon correc-
Some cases of central hypothyroidism have been re-
ting the hyperthyroid state, especially when associated
ported in newborns of mothers with GD, whose hyper-
with a reduction of TRAb levels (186) (D). A potential
thyroidism was not well controlled during pregnancy.
disadvantage of this strategy is the risk of hyperthyroi-
This phenomenon might be explained by the transfer
dism relapse (34) (B). During relapse, the autoimmune
of high amounts of maternal T4 to the fetus, resulting
in suppression of the fetal pituitary gland. Diagnosis is process can be reactivated, with a consequent increase
established after birth, with low levels of FT4 associa- in the levels of TRAb and other antibodies. Although
ted to normal-to-low TSH levels or not appropriated the connection between the immune response against
to the FT4 levels. The newborn thyroid function be- antigens shared by the thyroid and the orbit is not fully
comes normal after a few weeks or months; however, elucidated, reactivation and progression of GO is likely
treatment with thyroxine and long-term follow-up are to occur (182) (D).
recommended (179,180) (B).
Breastfeeding is permitted to during ATD therapy. Recommendation 39
Nevertheless, it is recommended to use the smallest Patients with Graves hyperthyroidism and GO can be
dose possible. A maximum of 300 mg/day of PTU or treated with ATDs. However, that strategy is disadvan-
20-30 mg/day of MMI is recommended (181) (D). tageously associated with high rates of relapse, which
The children should be monitored by means of thyroid can exert a negative impact on the progression of GO
function testing. (B).
Randomized studies have shown that radioactive io-
Recommendation 38 dine treatment for hyperthyroidism is associated with
TRAb measurement is recommended in pregnant pa- increased risk for appearance or progression of GO in
tients with a past or ongoing history of GD in weeks 15%-30% of cases (187,188) (A). Exacerbation is most
20-24 of pregnancy. frequently observed among the individuals diagnosed
with GO before treatment and can be prevented with
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

the use of corticosteroids per oral route (182,187) (A).

10) HOW SHOULD HYPERTHYROIDISM IN The usual protocol recommends prednisone (or equi-
PATIENTS WITH GRAVES OPHTHALMOPATHY valent oral steroid) at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg over two to
(GO) BE TREATED? three months (186) (A). However, smaller doses of 0.2
GO occurs in about 50% of patients with GD whereas mg/kg used over shorter periods (six weeks) exhibited
20%-30% of the cases shows significant clinical findings a similar efficacy (189) (B).

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 221

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Appearance or exacerbation of GO following 131I (B). Therefore, the usefulness of this approach must be
treatment occurs in a small fraction of patients and tested in studies with longer follow-up periods.
some risk factors have been identified: a) recent on-
set of hyperthyroidism (188) (A); b) pre-existing GO Recommendation 41
(especially if in the active stage) (182) (B); c) severe Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism does not appear
hyperthyroidism (very high levels of thyroid hormo- to have significant effects on patients with GO (B).
nes) (190) (A); d) high serum TSH levels (186) (D); The modality of treatment of Graves hyperthyroi-
e) high serum TRAb levels (186) (D); and f) smoking dism with GO can be select as a function of the degree
(188) (A). Radioactive iodine administration to pa- of GO. GO is classified according to its severity and
tients without signs of GO or with minimally active or inflammatory activity as mild inactive, moderate-to-
inactive GO in the absence of risk factors is rarely asso- -severe active, moderate-to-severe inactive, or severe
ciated with a poorer ocular status (186) (D). Neverthe- sight-threatening GO.
less, a retrospective study suggests that GO following
treatment with radioactive iodine can occur also in pa- Mild inactive GO
tients without risk factors (191) (B). In spite of these Recommendation 42
findings, it is believed that even if 131I administration
The method chosen for the treatment of hyperthyroi-
may be deleterious in the short term, it has a potential
dism does not appear to influence eye disorders. If 131I
benefice in the long term (182) (B). The use of 131I
is selected, prophylaxis with corticosteroids per oral
is associated with increases in TRAb levels. However, route is not usually indicated, unless the patient present
even though high TRAB levels may help on identifying risk factors for GO progression (B).
patients using ATDs at higher risk of developing GO,
the correlation between the increased TRAb levels Moderate-to-severe active GO
following use of radioactive iodine and worsening of
Recommendation 43
GO is not yet clear (187) (A).
The choice of the hyperthyroidism treatment modality
Recommendation 40 is controversial. The use of ATDs alone usually restores
euthyroidism which favors improvement of GO. Ho-
Treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131I is associated
wever, in addition to the lack of evidence in the literatu-
with worsening of GO, especially in the patients with
re, the increased risk of relapse and maintenance of the
previous GO (B), moderate-to-severe activity (A) and gland activity associated with oscillations in the thyroid
smoking history (A). In these patients as well as in pa- hormone levels can exert a negative effect on GO pro-
tients with risk factors for the appearance or progression gression (42,184,187,194,195) (D,D,D,D,B). Based
of GO (D), prophylaxis with corticosteroids should be on this, a second line of treatment suggests that in this
considered (D). type of patient, the gland must be ablated following the
Surgery does not appear to exert any significant establishment of euthyroidism using ATDs (194) (D).
effect on the progression of GO. Randomized con-
trolled studies did not find significant difference in the Moderate-to-severe inactive GO
progression of GO between TT and ST (61,183,192)
Recommendation 44
(C,B,B). TT or 131I alone are not associated with full
ablation of the thyroid tissue, even when hypothyroi- The choice of hyperthyroidism treatment modality is
dism ensues (193) (D). In a recent randomized study, less critical. Prophylaxis with corticosteroids per oral
route can be avoided in the absence of risk factors
patients subjected to total ablation of the thyroid tis-
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

(186) (D).
sue as treatment of hyperthyroidism and concomitant
intravenous corticotherapy associated with orbital ra-
Severe sight-threatenng GO
diotherapy exhibited a better overall response to im-
munosuppression; however, the difference between the Recommendation 45
groups was not significant, and the parameters of eye Most patients in this category exhibit optic neuropathy
opening and proptosis exhibited the best indices (194) or severe corneal affection. Hyperthyroidism must be

222 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

treated by means of ATDs (186) (D). Treatment with as in cases of thyrotoxic crisis, severe heart failure, or
I or surgery must be deferred until the eye condition untreatable arrhythmias.
improves (186) (D). Treatment with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) can
cause destructive thyroiditis or induce GD in 21% and
17% of patients, respectively. Treatment of hyperthyroi-
11) HOW SHOULD DRUG-INDUCED dism does not require discontinuation of IFN-alpha.
THYROTOXICOSIS BE TREATED? Beta-blockers can be used in the thyrotoxic phase of
Treatment of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis is complex destructive thyroiditis, whereas ATDs must be used in
because an iodine-enriched thyroid makes treatment the treatment of Graves hyperthyroidism (201) (C).
with 131I unfeasible for several weeks and reduces the Thyroid function usually normalizes when treatment
efficacy of ATD treatment. Clinical treatment with with IFN-alpha is discontinued. However, these pa-
ATDs should be performed over a prolonged period, tients present an increased risk of developing autoim-
and the patients might have to wait six to nine months mune thyroid dysfunction in the future.
after iodine withdrawal before 131I can be administered. Treatment with interleukin-2 (IL-2) can cause
Potassium perchlorate can be concomitantly used to thyrotoxicosis in 5% of the cases (202) (D). Treatment
induce release of inorganic iodine and prevent iodine of the thyroid dysfunction should be performed as des-
uptake by the thyroid (196) (D). cribed above for IFN-alpha.
Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) is classi-
fied as type I when there is excessive thyroid hormone Recommendation 46
synthesis and release and as type II, which is a form In drug-induced thyrotoxicosis secondary to iodine
of destructive thyroiditis. Amiodarone must be discon- overload (iodine and type I AIT), treatment must be
tinued whenever possible. However, due to its long performed using high ATD doses (D). In type II AIT,
half-life and the lack of response of AIT types I and II amiodarone withdrawal may suffice and glucocorticoi-
to drug withdrawal, pharmacological treatment is usu- ds can also be used (B). In IFN-alpha (C) and IL-2-
ally needed. Type I AIT requires high doses of ATDs -induced (D) thyrotoxicosis, it should be considered
because the high intrathyroid iodine content reduces the drug discontinuation and beta-blockers can be used
the efficacy of these agents (197) (D). Potassium per- to alleviate the symptoms.
chlorate (1 g/day) can be added to ATD treatment to
block iodine uptake and thus reduce its intraglandular
content; however, it must be used over limited perio- 12) HOW SHOULD THYROTOXICOSIS ASSOCIATED
ds of time to avoid nephrotoxicity and effects on the WITH THYROIDITIS BE TREATED?
bone marrow (198) (B). In addition, lithium carbonate Destructive thyroiditis is characterized by thyroid in-
(900-1,350 mg/day) can be included in the therapeu- flammation, consequent deregulated release of thyroid
tic regimen over four to six weeks to reduce the thyroid hormones secondary to the destruction of the thyroid
hormone synthesis and release (199) (B). In type I AIT, follicles, and proteolysis of the stored thyroglobulin
thyrotoxicosis can relapse and never achieve remission, (203) (D). Thyroiditis can manifest as neck pain (acu-
thus requiring definitive treatment by means of 131I te and subacute thyroiditis) or be silent (painless
(when amiodarone is withdrawn) or surgery. In type thyroiditis).
II AIT, discontinuation of amiodarone does sometimes The clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis are
suffice, and euthyroidism is achieved in three to five usually mild, compared with other causes of hyper-
months. Administration of glucocorticoids (prednisone thyroidism, and self-limiting (lasting two to six weeks)
0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day or dexamethasone 3 to 6 mg/day (204) (B). Therefore, treatment with beta-blockers is
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

over two or three months) can accelerate the clinical recommended only for symptomatic patients (18) (D).
and biochemical recovery (200) (D). In mixed forms of The use of thionamides is not recommended because in
AIT, or in cases where its type cannot be accurately dis- this case, thyrotoxicosis does not derive from increased
tinguished, treatment must consist of a combination of production of thyroid hormones. The use of radioacti-
ATD and glucocorticoids (197,198,200) (D,B,D). TT ve iodine is also contraindicated because the iodine up-
is indicated when immediate control is required such take is characteristically low in thyroiditis (26,203,205)

Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3 223

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

(D). There are reports on the use of iodinated con- Recommendations 48

trast media in rare cases of more severe thyrotoxicosis The diagnosis of TSH-secreting tumors is established
to achieve faster control of the thyroid hormone levels on the grounds of inappropriately high serum TSH le-
(206) (C).
vels associated to elevated T3 and T4 levels (B), pre-
sence of pituitary adenoma on MRI (D), and lack of
Recommendation 47
family history or genetic tests compatible with thyroid
Beta-blockers are recommended for the treatment of hormone resistance. Pituitary surgery is indicated for
thyrotoxicosis associated with thyroiditis (D). In the tumor removal. The use of octreotide should be con-
patients with more severe clinical manifestations, the sidered in patients with incomplete tumor removal or
use of iodinated contrast media should be considered contraindications to surgery (B).
B. How should thyrotoxicosis due to thyroid
hormone resistance be assessed and treated?
TREATED? The patients with thyroid hormone resistance syn-
drome (THRS) present high serum T3 and T4 concen-
A. How should thyrotoxicosis due to TSH-
secreting tumors be assessed and treated? trations associated with high or inappropriately normal
serum TSH levels, which is characteristic of reduced
The TSH-secreting tumors represent less than 1% of
sensitivity of the pituitary thyrotrophs. Refetoff and
the pituitary tumors and usually cause diffuse goiter
cols. (1967) described, for the first time, the clinical
and clinical thyrotoxicosis (207) (B). In contrast to
syndrome in 2 deaf-mute individuals with goiter and
GD, the levels of TSH are high or inappropriately nor-
delayed bone age. Their serum thyroid hormone levels
mal relative to the serum thyroid hormone levels (207)
were elevated, contrasting with the symptoms of hypo-
(B). These tumors also secrete prolactin in up to 25% of
thyroidism. Administration of exogenous thyroxine did
cases, growth hormone in up to 25%, both in 1%, and
not induce the expected metabolic effects or suppress
gonadotropins in 1%. The tumor diameter is usually
the TRH-stimulated TSH (209) (C).
larger than 1 cm, which allows for easy identification on
A THRS diagnosis is established on the grounds
cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (208) (D).
of high serum T3 and FT4 levels associated with non-
The treatment of TSH-secreting tumors consists
-suppressed TSH in the absence of thyroid hormone
in surgical removal, preferentially after achieving eu-
transporter defects or antibody interference in immu-
thyroidism using ATDs. Administration of octreotide
reduces the serum levels of TSH in more than 50% of nologic assays, the absence of TSH suppression with
the cases, and most patients achieve euthyroidism with supraphysiological levels of thyroid hormone, and
a reduction in tumor size in 20%-50% of cases (207) eventual presence of this syndrome in other relatives.
(B). Bromocriptine can also be used, although with As described above, the differential diagnosis of a TSH-
poorer results (208) (D). The patients whose tumors -secreting tumor can be achieved through the measu-
were not fully ressected may benefit from the use of rement of subunit alpha of TSH and/or demonstration
octreotide as an adjuvant, as well as patients with con- of the etiopathogenic genetic anomalies of THRS, such
traindications for surgery (207) (B). as mutations of the thyroid hormone receptor (TR)
The differential diagnosis between TSH-secreting beta (210) (C).
tumors and thyroid hormone resistance is important Treatment is not required in most cases where the
because although their laboratory parameters are simi- resistance to the thyroid hormones appears to be ap-
lar, their treatment strategies are quite different. The propriately compensated by an endogenous increase in
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

patients with pituitary tumors usually exhibit an eleva- thyroid hormones. The patients with greater resistance
ted alpha subunit of TSH, blocked response of TSH to at the pituitary level and exhibiting symptoms of hyper-
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), increased levels thyroidism may benefit from symptomatic treatment
of sex hormone-binding globulin, evident clinical signs using beta-blockers (209,211) (C,D). Treatment with
of thyrotoxicosis, and anatomical anomalies on cranial liothyronine (LT3) can improve the symptoms of at-
MRI. tention deficit and hyperactivity in children (212) (B).

224 Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2013;57/3

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and treatment

Recommendation 49 the removal of tumors after achieving euthyroidism by

Patients with thyroid hormone resistance syndrome means of ATDs.
may exhibit hyperthyroidism and be mistaken for ca-
Recommendation 51
ses of TSH-secreting pituitary tumors. The differential
diagnosis between these conditions is important becau- Patients with thyrotoxicosis, low thyroid 131I uptake,
se patients with thyroid hormone resistance usually do high gonadotropin levels, and choriocarcinoma, molar,
not require treatment or benefit from the use of beta- or testicular tumors must be treated by means of surgi-
-blockers alone and, eventually, LT3 (C). cal resection of the tumor after achieving euthyroidism
with ATDs (B).
C. How should thyrotoxicosis due to struma
ovarii be assessed and treated? E. How should factitious thyrotoxicosis be
assessed and treated7?
Struma ovarii is a rare form of ovarian teratoma that is
entirely or predominantly composed of thyroid tissue. Factitious thyrotoxicosis is a serious problem in Bra-
It is usually benign, although it can be malignant in 5%- zil, mainly due to the abuse of thyroid hormones for
37% of the cases (213) (C). The ectopic thyroid tissue weight-loss purposes (219) (B). Diagnosis can be diffi-
can include cancer cells and produce thyroid hormones cult in the cases of inappropriate use without a medical
prescription because the patients may omit this infor-
with the consequent development of thyrotoxicosis in
mation. Diagnosis can also be a challenge in the cases
5%-10% of patients. In addition, this tumor can, even-
of accidental use due to food contamination or phar-
tually, be associated GD (214,215) (D,C). Differential
maceutical error (220) (C). The differential diagnosis is
diagnosis with other causes of hyperthyroidism is based
based on the absence of goiter, suppressed thyroglobu-
on the low radioactive iodine uptake and the presen-
lin levels, and low 131I uptake. Patients who ingest T3 or
ce of an ovarian tumor on imaging studies (213,215).
a combination of T4 and T3 exhibit disproportionally
Treatment consists in the surgical removal of the tumor
high T3 levels. Treatment consists in discontinuation
after achieving euthyroidism through ATD treatment.
of the ingestion/administration of thyroid hormones
Postoperative use of radioactive iodine allows for the
and use of beta-blockers to control the symptoms (B).
elimination of residual thyroid and ovarian malignant
cells. Recommendation 52

Recommendation 50 A diagnosis of factitious thyrotoxicosis must be consi-

dered in patients exhibiting symptoms of thyroid hor-
The diagnosis of Struma ovarii must be considered in mone excess without goiter or other manifestations
patients with thyrotoxicosis, low iodine uptake, and the suggestive of thyroid disease. Undetectable levels of
presence of an ovarian tumor on imaging studies. If the serum thyroglobulin and low 131I uptake confirm the
diagnosis is confirmed, the treatment consists in the diagnosis. Treatment consists in discontinuance of the
surgical removal of the tumor (C). inappropriate intake of thyroid hormones and the use
of beta-blockers to control the symptoms (B).
D. How should thyrotoxicosis due to
gonadotropin hypersecretion be assessed F. How should thyrotoxicosis due to
and treated? functioning metastases of differentiated
The production of very high levels of hCG can stimu- thyroid cancer be assessed and treated?
late the TSH receptor and thus cause hyperthyroidism Rare cases of hyperthyroidism secondary to functioning
Copyright ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.

in patients with choriocarcinoma, molar pregnancy metastases of follicular tumors, usually associated with
(hydatidiform mole), or testicular cancer (216-218) very large or extensive lesions causing thyrotoxicosis,
(C,C,B). The differential diagnosis with other causes have been described (221) (C). Those tumors are easy
of thyrotoxicosis is based on low thyroid 131I uptake, to identify and must be treated by means of surgical
high serum gonadotropin levels, and presence of the resection and/or 131I combined with ATD to achieve
corresponding producing tumor. Treatment consists in euthyroidism.

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