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| 1 | { 67x CONGRESS, 2p Sei S. RES. 198. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STA'rks, Decemper 14, 1921, - | Mr. Kio submitted the following resolution; which was ordered to lie on the table. _—— i RESOLUTION. | Whereas the treaty between Great Britain, Frange, Italy, ‘and ‘Tapan on the one part and Turkey on the other part, signed at Sevres on the 10th day of August, 1920, make complete and particular provision for the protection of racial’ and religious minorities within the territory comnlitted to the sovereignty of ‘Turkey, including Pontus oh thé southern littoral of the Black Sea; and | Whereas by article 141 of said treaty ‘Turkey wndettook spo- cifically to assure full and complete protection of life and liberty to all inhabitants of Turkey, without pines of birth, nationality, language, race, or religion, and in article 144 further undertook to facilitate the return to tlleir homes and the restoration to their properties and business of ali persons who had become exiles by reason of ute terrorist régime in Turkey during the late war; and Whereas, in violation of the stipulation of said treaty of in viola- tion of the laws and customs of nations and of the! principles and particularly of the inhabitants of Poritus who ar of the Greck mee and religion, by which sich inhabitants have been deprived not only of their properties and Di¥ricks it have heen subjected to a systems of ruthless decimation and ex- termination; and De Whereas the Government of France has recognized the Kemalist Whereas the inhabitants of Pontus have no redress or régime Gs the de facto and as the lawful Goyemment of ‘Turkey; and ’ | recourse for Protection and vindication except! by: appe: to the powers whieh are parties to the treaty of Sevres; and if Whereas. by article 151 of said treaty, said powers, Agreed to. consult with the Council of the League of Nations, Tueasures necessary to, guarantee the execution, of ;Pa of said treaty, inéliding the articles aforesaid and fli Turkish sions, takensin «that Government agreed to a ept all de behalf: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate of, the United States ex: Presses abliorrence and condemnation of the bbratal and ruthless persecution’ oF the Creeks of Pontus’ by! di! Gov. erument of Kemal Pashia and by Ottoman Turks in Anatolia, and deplores the failure of-the European powers toy take effective measures to restore and maintain order in Anatolia in conformity to the treaty of Sevres. and to exercise the . authority reserved by said powers in that behalf: and th: Senate respec tully requests thatthe President of the United States bring the atrocities in Pontus to the attention of the European powers and the Council, of the League of Nations, L 2 6 to the end that adequate and expeditious measures be taken, in accordance With said treaty, to arrest the persecution and extermination of the inhabitants of Pontus who ate of the Greek race and religion, and generally to enforce and vindi- cate the rights accorded racial and religious minorities in Anatolia by the said treaty, '

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