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Trivium Education.


The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) the elementary three.

General Grammar, Aristotelian Logic, and Classical Rhetoric comprise the first
three rules-based subjects of the 7 Liberal Arts and Sciences. As these disciplines
are learned and practiced together, they form the overarching, symbiotic system for
establishing clarity and consistency of personal thought called the Trivium.

[1] General Grammar

[2] Formal Logic
[3] Classical Rhetoric
Answers the question of the Who, What, Where, and the When of a subject.
Answers the Why of a subject.
Provides the How of a subject.
Discovering and ordering facts of reality comprises basic, systematic knowledge.
Developing the faculty of reason in establishing valid [i.e., non-contradictory]
relationships among facts is systematic understanding.
Applying knowledge and understanding expressively comprises wisdom or, in other
words, it is systematically useable knowledge and understanding.

For if you [the rulers] suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to
be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which
their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but
that you first make thieves [and outlaws] and then punish them.-Sir Thomas More
(1478-1535), Utopia, Book 1

Art Websters International Dictionary, 1893.


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(START HERE) Gene Odening interview, Part 1 The TRIVIUM Method #049 (+ video)
by TriviumEducation October 25, 2009

Tonight's show is an important one. Without it, it's hard to build on the
information presented in the other shows. Here we begin to learn about learning,
logic, critical thinking, Hegelian dialectics, Plato, the Trivium, the Quadrivium,
the 7 liberal arts, and many other facets of human cognizance.

Gnostic Medias 1 Year anniversary show!

Tonights show is an important one. Without it, its hard to build on the
information presented in the other shows. Here we begin to learn about learning,
logic, critical thinking, Hegelian dialectics, Plato, the Trivium, the Quadrivium,
the 7 liberal arts, and many other facets of human cognizance.

My guest is Gene Odening.

This is the story of the 3 successive stages of the Philosophic Life which almost
all of us live. Some of us live it consciously, others, not so much.
Genes story is one of good fortune. Early in adolescence he was given the tools to
recognize and to pursue the Philosophic Life, which he undertook to do, not as a
vocation but as a serious hobbyist. This is part of what the talk is about,
defining those tools and following time-tested ways of applying them.

Gene lived through the first part, the Stage of Preparing For Life, in a fashion
which the ancient Vedic Sages called: Learning by grazing through the fields of
the Brahma (the Creator God), in sobriety, and with a guru. He even had his own

When he was 20 years old, he began the second part, the Stage of Receiving From
Life. This is when he began his vocational career and started his family life. Life
was good. He and his wife traveled many parts of the English speaking world
scouring the libraries in particular; she reading her beloved fiction; he in the
reference and antiquarian sections. His quest was to find out what Money was. Money
is a very elusive thing. As ghostly as it is, it takes up much of our lifes time
and energy. By happenstance, in pursuit of its secrets, almost all other known
topics come into view for a closer examination, including Philosophy, a treasure
beyond measure.

As he reached the age of about 56, he had the realization that he was now in the
final stage, the Stage of Giving Back To Life. This is when one should properly
become the elder advisor, not offering advise, but giving of it freely when
asked. It is also the time of beginning ones journey through mentality. This is
the time of: Examining a life which has been worth living, as the Greek sage
Socrates counceled.

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Post navigationGene Odening interview, Part 2 The QUADRIVIUM #050 (+ video)

41 comments for (START HERE) Gene Odening interview, Part 1 The TRIVIUM
Method #049 (+ video)
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Robert Paquette
February 20, 2013 at 9:49 pm
First of all, Id like to thank you for sharing this learning system. I think its
very interesting and exciting.

But, secondly, Id like to call you out on your use of a straw man argument to
dismiss people who believe in Jesus because of the witness of, as you said: one
book. The bible (which means books), regardless of which version (or perversion)
you may be referencing, is comprised of more than one book. Most protestant bibles
contain 66 (a curious number) books; the Tyndale, 74 books; and the catholick
(spelling on purpose) 73 books. All of the books in the Old Testament section
prophesy of and or display types and shadows of the Messiah to come. All of the
books in the New Testament testify that Jesus (actually Yeshua) fulfilled those
prophesies. Whether or not you believe the testimony of the 66, 74, or 73 books, is
irrelevant to me. But, that you violated the straw man principle which you taught
me, is what I dislike. Now, I will not, as they say, throw out the baby with the
bath water, and dismiss everything you say, thereby being guilty of an Ad Hominem
Tu Quoque fallacy again, thanks to you.

Keep up the good work, and thanks again.



December 20, 2014 at 9:50 pm
Thank you. seriously thank you.

January 2, 2015 at 9:48 am
Liked your talk regarding straw man, just wanted to ask if you have read up on
gerald massey a hetrodox poet and auther of light of this world?


Sandy Brown
February 6, 2015 at 11:35 am
This is a reply to the presentation on the trivium rather than to the last comment.

Of course it can help people to consider the way in which they think and it may
help them think and read more critically up to a point.

However, if we are to commit deeply to critical thinking then the trivium itself
must be brought into question, to which end I would like to make the following

1. You spoke about paradoxes and the natural/ man made distinctions and said
that all man made knowledge is contradictory. Is this all man made knowledge
including the trivium? Or is the trivium a miraculous exception to this rule?

2. If part of the value of the trivium is that it reflects how the mind works (a
grossly reductive account of how the mind works, some might say), then what is the
point? If that is actually how the mind work, then we apply the trivium whether we
like it, know it, or not because it is how the mind works. If it is how the mind
works, then why arent we already all on the same page? (To use your phrase).

3. You make an assumption that nature is not contradictory how could you possibly
know this? Isnt this another man made view (and therefore contradictory)

4. If we apply logic to remove contradictions and thereby arrive at some kind of

truth of a subject are we not ignoring part of the truth of the subject? Who is
to say that the contradiction is not part of the truth of the subject? Who is to
say that contradiction is not the truth of every subject? You come close to saying

4. Aristoltle is probably the most influential thinker in western history but

philosophy has moved on. The work of Russell (after Frege) proves that Aristotles
logical syllogism is actually wrong because he confused subjects and predicates.
Then Russells own
attempt at logical elaboration runs into its own paradoxes.
5. Kants Critique of Pure Reason changed philosophy addressing a similar question
of how the mind works in a much more sophisticated way, i.e. We need to understand
the mind works and what it can know because this will determine the limits of
possible knowledge/ what kind of knowledge is possible (see Dan Robinsons lecture
How is nature possible).

6. Hegels dialectic is an account of how reason works within this Kantian


7. Genealogy (Nietzsche), deconstruction (Heidegger/Derrida) and discourse/ power

knowledge (Foucault)
all look at knowledge as originating in discursive, historical, socio political
contexts. Truth, rationality, logic etc themselves are features of western
philosophical discourse and not truths as such.

8. Knowledge does not exist outside of a context. Where is context in Aristotles

trivium? What is Aristotles context?

9. There seems to be an assumption underlying all of this that it is possible to

know the truth by applying a systematic
approach to knowledge, are you not making the assumption 1. That truth exists
rather than being a function of human discourse? 2. That the individual human agent
is able to access these truths and come to something approximating perfect
knowledge? Are we perfectly permeable knowledge membranes that can understand the
universe in which we are embedded while simultaneously being able to understand
ourselves from the outside? Would not we have to be able to understand our own
subjectivity and how this conditions our own knowledge? How is this possible?

10. Another way of thinking about knowledge is simply to make sure that as far as
possible opinions are supported by facts, but then we run into another paradox
that we are prone to select facts according to our pre existing interpretation.

Maybe the truth of human discourse as you say yourself lies in the
contradictions, not the elimination of these contradictions. Contradictions are
indeed part of our reality.



March 7, 2015 at 2:20 am
Jewish thought is criticized on the internet a lot on the basis of this notion
of context. While the traditional culture of Europe had ethics based on what was
right or true, and implicit in this is the knowledge or belief that one can know
what is morally or factually right or true.
With the ever increasing dominance of Jewry over culture in America and the West,
the Jewish notions, sometimes ascribed to an Eastern mode of thought, of right and
true are emerging as prominent and are contrary to the traditions of the West in
this notion that what is right depends on the context. For Jewry, or so I have
read, the question is always What is good for the Jews? i.e. what favors Jewish
interests. This has led to attempts by organized, powerful Jewry to determine what
is right by a consensus of agreement among the preeminent Jews concerned with a
given question.
By this manner, Jewry, once fierce and vocal proponents of the Constitutionally
protected God given right to freedom of speech because it served Jewish interests
during the period of secret, and open, scheming and plotting to push for a
communist style of political organization to be imposed on the West including
America. Also, this belief that what is true is relative to context has led to a
falsification of various academic disciplines such as cultural anthropology and
history. Some power group determines the truth. a truth that is deemed good for the
Jews, and that truth is vigorously enforced, and dissenters ejected, and perhaps
Instructive to consider is the elderly Jewish couple in Chicago who a few years ago
wrote a book, which was published , in which their love story in the midst of a
putative Nazi concentration camp garnered good
financial reward and fame; he even was brought onto the Oprah show. When it was
exposed that his story was a fraud and the events recounted were false, he
insisted, even while acknowledging that the story was
a fabrication, that for him the story/the book, was true. He appeared quite sincere
in this protestation.
[This filmed interchange with a TV reporter is on the internet.]
Perhaps Jewish philosophy and European generated philosophy are like apples and
oranges and are best examined and understood separately.


Bo Nilsson
August 2, 2016 at 8:03 pm
Good one!
But are we good for the world?
In any manner of thinking.



November 10, 2015 at 3:29 pm
at least about 1, he said that man-made knowledge CAN have contradictions, not that
it always does. so nature cant have contradictions (cus it is what it is), and
mans thoughts can (cus we have to think about it first, creating an opportunity to
make a mistake).


December 19, 2015 at 7:07 am
The trivium is how we identify contradictions and do our best to always self
correct and identify such situations. Its being ignorant of such things were the
issue comes in. There are no contradictions in nature.


H. Hanson
June 1, 2016 at 12:58 am
This is a very superficial attempt at delving into areas that demand many years of
study. The Trivium is a time-tested system of freeing the mind of certain shackles
that hinder it from working efficiently and effectively. Grammar is the study of
language, and its mastery enables us to understand what we read well and to
communicate with the least amount of confusion. Language does not have the
precision of the symbolic language of numbers; hence, language must be mastered to
a high degree to be as precise at possible. For instance, many words today are
misused due to a loss of nuance. I could give many examples, but perhaps a simple
one is the difference between a republic and a democracy. The Founding Fathers of
America understood the distinction, but it is lost on most people today. Logic has
two branches: formal and material. Both are important and both necessary, but today
most people who study critical thinking at school receive only a welter of so-
called fallacies. The mind needs to be disciplined in order to function, just as a
child needs to learn to walk, talk, and take care of itself to be independent.
Russell never denied the effectiveness of Term Logic, despite his helping to create
Propositional Logic so popular in schools today. The truth is, however, that our
entire legal system is based upon classical logic. Beyond a reasonable doubt
means just that: reasonable is what the intellect accepts as reasonable. All of us
have intuitive knowledge of what is or is not reasonable; logic simply enables us
to avoid the snares of loose thinking. Finally, rhetoric is at the means of
persuasion afforded people who want to argue intelligently their points as opposed
to fighting to prove that might makes right. Hence, this was the most important
subject in the classical periods of Greece and Rome, two civilizations that
believed in the rule of law, at least for themselves.


M. Ali
April 2, 2017 at 10:28 pm
Thank you for commenting Sh. Hamza.
Youre the reason Im aware of the trivium.


Nini dePenne
March 14, 2015 at 6:34 pm
Beautifully said! Thank you, Robert, for putting such clear thought into your
response. I, too, am concerned by the 66 books of the Queen Jimmy Bibbleand have
wondered since childhood at the discrepancies between the text adored and
worshipped by the scrambled Protestant masses, the Catholicks grotto version and
Tyndales. Yeshua taught directly from Torah, whilst referrencing well-
known/respected books like Jasher, Jubillees and Enoch no longer extant to our
current cannon of scriptures. What Bozos thought it a bright idea to scour the
scriptures of these texts, burnt down the Library at Alexandria, squirrelling more
really excellent, revelatory stuff to their deep underground Vatican processing
plant, are likely the same Bozos who reduced Grammer to mean
Grades K-5 and expunged Trivium/Qudrivium from their flocks of sheeple.


Richard Webb
January 14, 2016 at 6:10 pm
Thanks for confirming my misgivings. I was looking for some guidance on the
philosophical worldview undergirding this author.
Science is a search for TRUTH. Unless it is built on Gods word, the Bible, they
labour in vain that build it.


January 16, 2016 at 11:59 pm
You seem to make a lot of circular arguments rather than learning and studying the
material. It seems youre only looking for confirmation of what you already
believe, rather than thinking. There are lots of things that search for truth, and
not just science. The trivium is a systematic way for keeping consistent with
reality, to know and understand the world around you. How do you know the Bible is
true? Because it says so right here in the Bible. All of your arguments are
covered if you study the material here. This is PART 1 you havent even gotten

Dennis Crane
December 21, 2016 at 1:05 am
Some consider science the search and confirmation of what works. We probably dont
know the truth of why electricity flows through a copper wire but we know it does
and how. Truth is not a proper subject for science.


March 15, 2017 at 4:11 pm
Maybe you should re-listen to the part about emotion vs. reason? Any argument over
the bible is emotional, as he clearly states. You spent 90% of your (thanks
message) showing why you are upset.


July 3, 2013 at 2:00 am
fascinating STUFF,


August 23, 2013 at 1:36 am
I would add to Paquettes point that not only is the Bible made up of multiple
books, but that those books are also written by multiple authors from different
nations, different time periods and who spoke different languages. Despite the
varying and seemingly uncoordinated viewpoints with distance between them in
location and time the varying accounts taken together present a theme consistent
enough to be considered as one viewpoint, or one book as you put it.


Richard Webb
January 14, 2016 at 6:40 pm
I would like to add to Barrys point that the heptadic (7s) structure of the Bible
and gemetria show that nothing less than supernatural intelligence could have
written the Bible. Google mathmetician Dr. Ivan Panin and physist Missler for


January 16, 2016 at 11:56 pm
This is the trivium website. First and foremost, there are no contradictions in
nature. When you look into nature, you dont see books growing off trees. When you
go to a library, you dont think all of these are written by man, but no, this
one, is written by supernaturals. Youre appealing to magic and one authority.
Please study the trivium and the logical fallacies.


Attila Lendvai
February 13, 2014 at 5:09 pm
Id like to call you out on your use of a straw man [] The bible [] is comprised
of more than one book.
why does that matter? the idea is the same: something is true because its written
somewhere, in one, or in 66 books, doesnt matter.

But, that you violated the straw man principle [] I will not [] dismiss
everything you say, thereby being guilty of an Ad Hominem Tu Quoque fallacy

no, thats a fallacy fallacy: dismissing an entire position as false because the
opponent has made a logical fallacy in one of his arguments.

an ad hominem would be you saying that hes wrong about god because he stinks.


john miller N.H.

May 16, 2014 at 6:07 pm
thank you very much, Im 30 and very smart learn very much listening and following
the links of


Robert Hass
August 6, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Paquette and Barry Heres why the argument regarding logic fallacy in support of
the Bible is actually a logical fallacy in your argument your understanding and
acceptance of the Bible as Truth or the word of God is based entirely on
FAITH there is no irrefutable, concrete evidence that proves the Bible to be
the TRUTH. Thats not to say that the Bible is not the Truth or the word of
God but, its all based on ones faith to believe the Bile to be the truth
there;s no way to prove that. Faith is NOT reason i.e. reason is the employment of
logic in the application of critical thought/questioning. Even though I believe our
ability to reason is a gift from God reason still does not and cannot prove the
Bible to be truth although I have faith that it is the truth with a grain of
salt. God Bless


October 21, 2014 at 9:58 pm
Thanks for posting this information.

To Robert and Christians in general:

Writing from a Christian view point, I used to believe that Christianity was all
about faith, that nothing about God could be proven, only believed. I know longer
see it that way.

God can be tested and proven. He tells us to taste the Lord and see that He is
good. He also asks us the reason with him. He says he reveals his wrath for those
who hold the truth of his existence (hold meaning suppress). His wrath is
revealed because he makes it very obvious that he exists in creation, but there are
those who are willingly ignorant. Just as a beautiful work of art has an obvious
artist behind it (it would not be logical to assume it painted itself), creation
has an obvious creator. The reason for their ignorance is that by acknowledging his
existence, they by default become accountable to him. You are very right to assume
that your ability to be logical comes from him. He is not only logical, but very
wise. He says that a fool says in his heart there is no God.
One way to prove God exists is to seek him. He says that those who seek him will
find him. It also is true that some who do not seek him find him. Another way to
prove God is try the spirits. The Bible says to try the spirits and see if they be
of God. There are clear definitions of the spirit of God and the spirit of anti-
God. Given those clear definitions, one can logically assume which spirits
originate from him and which do not.

Lastly, God promises to give us his spirit. God says everyone who receives the
spirit of God is born again. When you are born again, you give evidence of this. In
the book of Acts, those who received the spirit gave a birth cry and spoke a new
language that they had been given supernaturally. If you would like to prove if
this scripture is true, you just follow the steps given. The steps are very simple.
If you repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit. Thats it. If it happens, you can prove that receiving the
spirit is possible. If not, you can assume that it may not be possible, or that you
did not fully apply the steps.

Everyone I know who has applied the first 2 steps always receives the spirit of
God, thereby proving that it is possible to receive Gods spirit. The evidence is
that they are given the ability to speak languages they have not learned in the
natural way. The fruit of the spirit is love.

Prove God. Hes provable. I dare you. Double dare you.

Love, joy, and peace to all.


November 14, 2014 at 11:04 am
God said these things? So please tell me why people from the past had all these
communications with God? Anyway these people you speak of were more than likely
enlightened, but through this interpretation of enlightenment the information
becomes confused. Jesus was not the God. He was manifested just as you and I are.


Dennis Crane
December 21, 2016 at 2:19 am
I accept that you can prove God to yourself but can you judge anothers heart and
thereby prove God for them?


October 25, 2014 at 7:02 pm
I love reading peoples posts about faith, religion, and/or related truth. All of
these abstract subjects are up to the individual. Truth in the abstract is nothing
more than what we choose to believe Most TRUTH is subject to conditions
(perceptions) which we may interpret differently as individuals. The even more
important/influential TRUTHS of ideological, philosophical, and moral standings
are often clouded by emotion and are typically not in fact TRUTH.
For example, The Bible states that theft is bad. Therefore, is a thief good or bad?
If someone steals necessities from you is it bad? Is theft good or bad? Is a thief
who steals for starving children bad? If someone places themselves in harms way for
others, with nothing to gain for themselves is it good or bad?
Are multinational biotech companies creating possibly toxic GMO crops that may
alter the natural genome of existing crops? Can GMO crops create a dangerous spread
of invasive species resistant to herbicide? Should GMOs be stopped?
Can Biotech firms create GMO crops that may grow with less water? Can GMO crops be
created with added nutritional values? Could GMO crops be used to help curve
starving populations? Could GMO crops be responsibly grown and harvested to feed
malnourished populations?
Can situation, perception, or outside influence change truth? A definition of truth
summarized is Truth=Fact. Ultimate facts cannot change. Truth however, usually
does or can very easily. Is the world flat? The truth to this question is different
depending on who and/or when you ask it. Ultimately, logic may be used to find
truths. However, with limited perception we all can find but only limited truth.
Some areas we are well equipped to perceive. Did the ball bounce..? Did Tim lie
when he told me his dog was as big as a bear? Did I just get hit with a rock? We
can easily perceive these answers.
Was Jesus an amazing man who taught a righteous lifestyle? Was Jesus a divine
messenger of god? Was Jesus the son of the almighty creator? Was Jesus the living
breathing form of the one true god on planet earth sent here to guide his creations
to the kingdom of heaven for an eventual war against the forces of evil? Is Jesus
the god? No person alive today can prove the truth to these questions either way
We simply dont have the perspective, perception, or abilities However we can
decide to believe whatever we want in these regards and even accept them as TRUTH
if we wish I will say this though people as a whole, as a group dont know sh-t.
there is lots more to our world that we cannot perceive than we are able to


January 4, 2017 at 2:20 pm
GMO crops are genetically modified with pesticides built in. If you understand
that, you have the answer to your questions. The answer is as long as they are
using pesticides built into an organism to modify it it is not food. It is
frankenfood and go ahead and eat it if you want


Dennis Crane
December 21, 2016 at 1:17 am
Well thought Robert. It is vital to distinguish between truth and faith. Faith
involves certainty of view and any one person may attain certainty. Truth is a
completely illusive element. You could state the truth of your conviction for that
is only internal. To state the truth of the universe requires validation through
the universe. This is not easily transmitted from one person to another or from one
subject to another. Truth in short can easily exist within one subject or person
but not easily between subjects. One can agree with certainty but that is still
personal, from each side of the agreement. People often use faith to impugn the
certainty of others. I think this is the judgement that Christ eschewed.


Robert Hass
August 6, 2014 at 3:26 pm
I might add my understanding of God is a force of goodness, that some of us call
God, that exists in opposition to evil and intervenes in life to that end i.e. to
push back against evil using us as the weapon. Evil is created via the
misapplication of our ability to reason. I have no idea what form this force of
goodness takes whether it be a supreme-being, a supreme-intelligence,
extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional, or ? I just dont know I do know that a force
of evil exists so, therefore a force of goodness exists and I am on its side. From
my research of the history of the Bibles existence, Ive discovered that during
the dark-ages the Bible went missing for 400 years (est). Its hard to believe that
the Bible has not been man-ipulated, by men with the desire to control mankind. The
modern Bible mostly used in the western world is called the King James Version
question: how many versions of the truth is there or can there possibly be? I
tend to use the Bible to learn how to navigate life to act on the side of that
force of goodness. If I first and foremost live to do no harm to another I will be
rewarded in the end with some sort of further existence if thats possible. The
only thing that I see that the Bible proves is that there is a force of goodness
that many of us call God and that force of goodness is most powerful all about
knowledge and exists everywhere.


Dennis Crane
December 21, 2016 at 2:13 am
Hi Robert: This is reminiscent of Kant in his proof of God as the Moral Will. You
might appreciate it. The will to right action is the only proof of God that Kant
accepts as universal. Also his two Categorical Imperatives are instructive.


January 13, 2015 at 10:15 pm
It is in accordance with Mans nature to need, and to seek an explanation for the
natural world he found himself in, along with all the other creatures he shared it
with. We have sought to understand who created all we see and why it was created
since the dawn of man, and for millennia ever since. When it comes to God, the
spirit of all life or the creator, I believe, Man simply does not posses the
intellectual capacity to understand who and why the world was created any more than
a super computer can understand the person who created the super computer, the
reason for creating it or the technician who assembled it.


May 25, 2015 at 12:45 pm
Hoooooly! What an Awesome talk All of my life, I have been using these ideas,
unwittingly When Gene started listing off the Assumptions along with their Latin
definition, the lights came on for me The Science is settled is a famous quote
from Al Gore The IPCC says its so, therefore the World should just accept it and
the idea that 5 Million Frenchmen cant be wrong Gaud, I could go on What
excites me the most lies in the idea that I am just learning about what I have held
to all of my life, but simply havent been able to put it into context Thank you
for giving me the meaning, understanding and definitions I was lacking Recently,
Ive been encountering one synchronicity after another The right knowledge comes
along, when I wasnt looking for it Recently, Ive been blown away and Im loving
it Being straight and sober, Im having an Ayahuasca experience, according to
people who have experienced it I cant wait to see what synchronicity happens
next This one is very special for me I feel totally vindicated from hundreds of
useless arguments Thanks again For years and years, I thought there might be
something wrong with me A close friend jokingly tells me that I am a magnet for
Controversy, mainly because I rip apart many arguments, without so much as an
apology But, when I am presented with a BS point of view, I have the brains and
balls to say so I guess some people dont like that lol Its great to find like-
minded people in this world


December 16, 2015 at 1:21 pm
For those who would like to play with the various toys- logic, belief,
contradiction, paradox, truth may I provide some scenario? With apologies to Zeno.
Most people would assert they live in present time; they dont live in the future
and they dont live in the past.; they live in present time. However all periods of
time, even one trillionth of a second can be divided into past and future- any
period of real time can thus be divided so that logically present time does not
exist. Do we then exist?
For those who would claim The Bible (including the Gospels) present a generally
unified view I suggest you read on line Shredding the Gospels and evil


May 20, 2016 at 7:50 am
Jan, I cannot thank you enough for sharing this information with the World. I was
not aware of this method of teaching and critical thinking, until recently, and
although I became aware of it, it had never been explained to me in any depth. The
first two talks with Gene have offered more knowledge regarding thinking, than all
of my education previously and I am 49 years old.

Blessings to you both.


August 31, 2016 at 11:36 pm
Youre welcome, John.


August 28, 2016 at 7:42 am
Unfortunately, this type of causal conversation only does a disservice to the
foundational trivium knowledge required for the quadrivium both are preparatory
study for any serious discussion of philosophy. The Allegory of the Cave is a
simple dialogue and perhaps the most important philosophical teaching in Western
Civilization its meaning completely destroyed and invalidated in short order.

Perennial Tradition Embodiments of Philosophy

The Hermetic Writings

The Pythagorean System
Oriental Perennialist Systems
Platos Philosophy
Esoteric Christianity
Esoteric Wisdom Teachings
Authentic Sufism
Gothic Cathedral Philosophy
The Cambridge Platonists
Renaissance and Enlightenment
The Perennial Tradition


August 31, 2016 at 11:34 pm
Thats nonsense. You clearly havent studied the trivium method and are confusing
it with the classical trivium. Gene is the very person who put the Trivium Method
out and this is the very first talk about it!

You also apparently didnt bother to study the study notes or go through the study
materials, and youre spreading Huxleyan propaganda like the Perennial Tradition,
then you spread occult like Hermeticism and have confused the whole thing entirely
though that was probably your point of posting such misleading material
apparently attempting to confuse those interested in a real study of it which you
clearly havent done. Also, Platos Cave, et al, is covered extensively. So learn
to use the trivium and gather all your grammar before you misspeak and mislead
others into your own sophist confusion.


Duwain Hans Powell

September 1, 2016 at 5:27 am
Speaking of sophistry, you sound awful lot like Jan Irwin.


September 1, 2016 at 10:08 pm
Please, Id like you to point out the sophistry, Duwain, by quoting it with
consideration of all of the occult, Huxleyan material youre trying to misdirect
people with. You come in here posting everything weve already exposed in the last
several years and are clearly trying to mislead people about the trivium method. At
least try to spell the name correctly. You misrepresent everything the trivium
method is. What have you even studied of it? From the looks of it, only the sophist
form ironically which you poorly attempt to spin onto Irvin.


September 1, 2016 at 10:27 pm
For those whod like to know more about the twisted Hermetic occultism that Duwain
is trying to promote here, see the Brain Database, where we see the like of CIA/MI6
MKULTRA architect Aldous Huxley promoting it, along with the other agents out of
the Esalen Institute, et al. People are free to study the citations and all so that
they can see how Duwain here is trying to fool them. Obviously if Duwain had any
citations, hed have already provided them:

We can see how this goes directly into the CIAs operation:

Into transpersonal psychology:

And right into Harvard with all the key MKULTRA players:

Which then exposes Duwains poor attempt at sophistry, and his typical use of spin
to try to put it onto me, when he clearly doesnt know the difference between the
trivium method, and the Classical Trivium which is mind control or maybe he
does know the difference..? Obviously since hes promoting CIAs crap on my site,
he cant be trusted.

What hes promoting is the exact antithesis to the trivium method.

These guys hate getting caught and the trivium method is the #01 way they always
get busted. Of course theyre going to be on here posting gibberish to confuse

Just be careful out there, folks, there are occultists and Satanists all over the
place trying to mislead you into more magical thinking and mind control.

Duwain Powell, your further spin and nonsense posts will be blocked.

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Page 1
When and Where Knowledge Matters
1.2 August 16, 2012
Editors: Brittney Thomas, MLS; Eileen Doyle, BA Editor-in-Chief: Jan Figa
It has been a busy month getting ready for the new and returning students
and faculty. The reference team is excited about upcoming workshops and in
-class information literacy & fluency instruction. I have been busy with cali-
brating Schewes collections, and developing and deploying broad and deep
assessment tools. As a start to fine-tuning the collection, please consider the
VHS collection for weeding. That collection will be available for inspection on
the Faculty Review Shelves, just inside to the right of the library, beginning
Friday August 17
and ending September 10
. This weeding of an outdated format anticipates ICs shift from ac-
cumulating Audio-Visual materials which are infrequently to never circulated
materials to
streaming video that allows anywhere, anytime access in alignment with current user
The following two graphs describe the checkout rates for the 1007 item VHS
collection (note
the exponential decay). Figure 1 shows the checkout rate distribution (e.g., about
33% of the
VHS collection has never been
checked out, while 5% have
been checked out exactly 5
times). Figure 2 shows the per-
centage of checkouts for a giv-
en year (e.g., about 80% of the
collection circulated before
2003, and zero checkouts in
2012). Similar analysis was
recently performed on the
print book collection.
Fig. 1: Distribution of checkout rates.
Fig. 2: Distribution of checkouts by calendar year.
Please let me know if there
are resources or services you
think we should have.

Page 2
Schewes New Books section has
accumulated quite a few books over
the summer, and I invite you to visit
that section as you perambulate the
library. In fact, I found a delightful volume titled, Quadrivium:
The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, &
Cosmology (call number: 516.22 L962). Yes, I know it was
called astrology thenand, you know there is a difference
between astrology and astronomy. This book reminded me
of my recent visit to the Block Museum
[] for their exhibit
titled Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge in Early Modern
Europe. The exhibit examines how celebrated Northern
Renaissance artists contributed to scientific inquiries of the
16th century. Rare and treasured prints, drawings, books,
maps, and scientific instruments demonstrate that artists were
not just illustrators in the service of scientists but that their
work played an active role in facilitating the understanding of
new concepts in astronomy, geography, natural history, and
anatomy. One particular series of images caught my eyeit
showed the Seven Liberal Arts as personified female figures
with specific attributes and companions (see below). This
tradition of artistic representation of the Seven Liberal Arts can
be traced to the fifth-century work of Martianus Capella in his
allegorial treatise titled, De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii
Libri Novem.
And just in case you are wondering, the seven Liberal Arts
were divided into the Trivium ("the three roads") and the
Quadrivium ("the four roads"). The Trivium consisted of
Grammar, Rhetoric and Dialectic (Logic). Schewe also has a
book on this latter topic, titled, The trivium: the liberal arts
of logic, grammar, and rhetoric : understanding the nature
and funcfion of language (call number 808.042 M675). The
images are from URL:

Page 3
Brown Bag Lunch Schedule:
Information Literacy: Mapping Info Lit Standards to Your Syllabus Wed
Sept 12 at 11 am
Learn about the ACRL information literacy standards and please the assessment
gods by creating a standards outcome rubric for your upcoming embedded
experience course.
Making Time for ResearchMon Oct 1 at noon
Encourage your students to attend this workshop. We will introduce students to the
research process and help them plan a schedule that will keep them on the right
track to a scholarly paper!
Copyright and YouMon Oct 22 at noon

Is copyright looking over your shoulder while you plan your courses? Join the
discussion and learn the copyright dos and donts.
Schewe Library is a proud member of Portico []
-- one of the largest digital archives in the world working with
libraries and publishers to preserve e-journals, e-books, and
other electronic scholarly works. Portico membership ensures
access to our subscription electronic content in the event of a
publisher failure.
More of this service at URL:
Take advantage of Schewes Patio
this fall. Hold a class, hold a
meeting, or just come yourself!

Page 4
Mike Westbrook
Reference Librarian
Brittney Thomas
Public Services Librarian
Connie Lee
Acquisitions Assistant
Eileen Doyle
Circulation Manager
Jo Ellen Marsh
Technical Services Assistant
Jan Figa
Library Director
Claire Jerry

Page 5
Public Services Report
Collaboration is the name of the game
for the Public Services Department. First
off, we have begun collaborating with Dr.
Genetin-Pilawa and Dr. Porter to host a
few Library Movie Nights. We are also
working with the Center for Academic
Excellence and the Writing Center to
provide a series of research help
sessions for IC students. Look for dates and times in the next newsletter!
We are also working closely with the Reference Department in order to provide a
support system for IC faculty, students, and staff. We are providing support for
the new in-
formation literacy embedded experience and we are also developing and disseminating
brary subject guides and online tutorials. We are also planning a few Brown Bag
workshops this fall for both faculty and students.
Schewe Library is looking for a bright and creative student intern to help with our
new mar-
keting initiative. In order to obtain a better idea of how we can better support
our students
we are starting up a Library Club. Last but not least, Schewe
Library has been having a blast meeting new and potential
students at the IC Preview Days and Student Summer Orienta-
tion events!
Brittney Thomas
Public Services Librarian

Page 6
Web 2.0 in the Classroom
Payne, Georgina. Engage or Enrage: the Blog as an Assessment Tool. Informafion
cy in Library 2.0. Godwin, Peter and Jo Parker. London: Facet Publishing, 2008. 77-
Markey, Karen, Christopher Leeder and Amy Hofer. BiblioBouts: Whats in a Game?
C&RL News 72.11 (2011): 632-645.
Bobish, G. Participation and Pedagogy: Connecting the Social Web to ACRL
Outcomes. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 37:1 (2010): 54-63.
Kassens-Noor, Eva. Twitter as a Teaching Practice to Enhance Active and Informal
Learning in Higher Education: The Case of
Sustainable Tweets. Acfive Learning in Higher
Educafion 13.1 (2012): 9-21. Academic Search
Niedbala, M.A. Taking Library 2.0 to the Next
Level: Using a Course Wiki for Teaching
Information Literacy to Honors Students.
Journal of Library Administrafion 50.7/8 (2010):
Robin, Kay and Ilona Kletskin. Evaluating the
Use of Problem-Based Video Podcasts to Teach
Mathematics in Higher Education. Computers
& Educafion 59.2 (2012): 619-627. Academic
Search Premier.
The Journal Reading Alcove (pictured to the right) offers additional
reading area for enjoying back issues of print journals before they go
downstairs onto compact shelving. The current issues are still near the
entrance of the library. Over time the print collection will shrink as we
transition to mostly digital format, potentially allowing redevelopment
of this alcove for a technologyenhanced group study room.

Page 7
It has been a tumultuous summer here at the refer-
ence desk. Mike Westbrook, Brittney Thomas, and
Pat Headen taught the last of the Mellon Foundation
Faculty Technology Workshops. This program began
in 2010, and has taught technology to a group of fac-
ulty each summer. The faculty members were eager,
excited, and often boisterous. Good technology will
do that to people. The group also ate incredibly well,
thanks entirely to Mr. Westbrook. He knew it was time for Mellon to end when his
belt went out a
Many changes are occurring in the library, disturbing Mr. Westbrooks usual Zen-
like peace at the
reference desk. He continues to dispense wisdom on demand, however. It is clear
that the refer-
ence collection will be moving to more electronic resources, so if there is a paper
reference work
that you want kept, or an electronic tool that you want added, please let Mr.
Westbrook know.
In even more exciting news, Mr. Westbrook has begun cleaning his desk. This process
may not be
completed until after our current entering freshmen graduate, but the process is
already bearing
fruit. There is good reason to believe that Jimmy Hoffa may be buried somewhere in
Mr. West-
brooks stuff, and that Judge Crater may be found in an even more subterranean
Mike Westbrook
Reference Librarian
Word clouds are artistic
expressions repre-
senting frequency
counts of text. There
are several sites that
allow you to create
these amazing forms
Below is the word cloud
of the IC BLUEprint
General Education Pro-
gram Handbook:
Brings the BLUEprint
really home.

Page 8
During the Academic Year:
MondayThursday 8 a.m. to 12
Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 12 midnight
Library Hours
Contact information
Brittney Thomas
Public Services Librarian
Eileen Doyle
Circulation Manager
Jan Figa
Library Director
Mike Westbrook
Reference Librarian

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