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Acute respiratory infection (ISPA) is an infection tract caused by virus or bacteria.

Patients with
ARI can lead to the addition of death rates, especially for the toddlers in Indonesia. Based on the
data from Banda Aceh City Health Office, the prevalence of ARI in 2008 was 50.91% and in 2009
46.8% also became the most frequent of 10 types of infectious disease. The most common cases of
ARI in puskesmas baiturrahman, puskesmas batoh and puskesmas kuta alam based on case by
village recapitulation in each puskesmas, there are more than 200 cases of pneumonia every year.
With the aim of spatial analysis of ISPA disease distrubution pattern in baiturrahman subdistrict,
kuta alam subdistrict and leung bata subdistrict, spatial analysis of ARI spread using K-means
clustering and elbow criterion method was performed. Geographic information system (GIS) can
help create an informative map of the spread of ARD by using grouping analysis. In this study, the
result obtined are cluster of ARI in baiturrahman subdistrict, kuta alam and leung bata divided into
3 categories, namely High ISPA, medium respiratory and Low ARI. There are 3 factors that
influence ISPA, that is factor of highway, river and education of parent. However, the conclusions
obtained from the result of the study is not showing the relationship between the highway, river
and education parents with cluster ISPA.

Key words : GIS, ISPA, K-Means Clustering, Euclidean Distance, Elbow Criterion and R software

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