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Home to the most devoted and passionate fans of ASoIaF books and Game of Thrones TV series!

Sebbelch Moosehead
443 rep
17 days ago
Game of Thrones Season 7,
This will be my prediction for Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4,
as part of the Season 7 prediction contest. In Game of Thrones
fashion, the events in the different locations don't necessarily happen
at the exact same time.



Jaime along with Bronn has mobilised the full force of the Lannister
army and prepares to march on Highgarden. The Tyrell forces are
taken by surprise and... (at this point I'm recognising my lack of
creativity in describing how the battle might take place exactly)

Basically the Tarly forces have infiltrated the castle as apparent Tyrell
allies, betraying them and stripping down defenses, allowing Jaime
and crew to come in and sack the castle.

Yara: "Daenerys will not treat with you. We have a pact."

Euron: "I have other plans... And you will prove valuable to them. So I
will keep you alive. For now."

Several Greyjoy men take Yara and Ellaria and strap them down onto
a bench, making them unable to move.

Euron proceeds to show his most cruel side and starts torturing them,
trying to squeeze information out of them, without success. Leaving
the cabin he orders them tied loose. With everyone else gone, Yara
and Ellaria look at each other and start kissing violently. Because why
the hell not?

The Unsullied have arrived near Casterly Rock. With a number of

smaller boats they row towards the backside of the castle, where they
find the entrance to a cave. Following the instructions Tyrion gave him
before their departure, Grey Worm leads the infiltration of the castle
through the sewer system. Arriving inside the castle walls, they stealth
kill some guards and open the doors for the rest of the army to come
in. Since a lot of Lannister soldiers were sent to King's Landing and
Highgarden, the Rock is not as well defended as it once was and the
Unsullied prevail, but with a great number of casualties.

(This will get many of the book readers so fucking mad, but I don't

really care I think that is roughly what's going to happen)


Sam is down in the cellar once again, assisting a Maester in treating

the Greyscale of the mysterious man behind the door. He is instructed
to question him on how he got the condition in the first place.

Sam is in awe of the stories he is told about the Targaryen queen and
her dragons and the ruins of Valyria.

When Jorah tells him his name, Sam can't hide his excitement. He
starts talking about the Night's Watch, the White Walker threat and
how Jon received Longclaw from the Lord Commander. Jorah remains
silent for a while, breathing heavily. When he starts asking more
question, Sam is called into the library again, leaving him alone with
his thoughts.


Having secured the castle, Jaime prepares to head back to King's

Landing, when he receives word of a Dothraki army charging towards
them. While they are still at a distance, Jaime sets up the defences.
Lannister foot soldiers march at full force, supported by Tarly bowmen
in the back.

Then the battle begins. The Dothraki screamers on horseback come

charging towards the neatly organised block of red shields, some of
them dual-wielding Arakhs, even standing up on their horses.

For a good amount of the battle, the Lannisters resist the horse lords
pretty well...

Until Daenerys shows up on Drogon making a lion barbecue. In her

rage, she sets the field on fire, burning grass and crops alike (which
will raise questions for the common people: Is Daenerys seen as the
saviour and rightful ruler or a foreign invader?).
Randyll Tarly falls in battle, his son Dickon dies by dragon fire (You
believe in magic now, bitch??)

Realising the odds are massively stacked against them, soldiers start
retreating. Out of the fire Jaime emerges on horseback, armed with a
spear, recklessly charging towards the dragon. He is stopped at the
last moment by Bronn, catching up to him, pushing him towards the
river and throwing Jaime and himself into the water before the dragon
fire reaches them.

Arya is staying at the inn near the Twins. In the middle of the night she
is woken up by the sound of floorboards creaking. Immediately she
finds her left hand on the hilt of needle and blindly pushes towards the
direction the sound came from. The stranger lets loose a gurgling
sound and then falls to the ground.

Arya lights a candle to look at her attacker, expecting a robber

dressed in rags. Instead she finds a man in good leather armour, a
dagger lying next to his hand. The hilt is black and shiny and the
curved blade's steel reflects the light of a candle in a pattern she has
seen a few times before. She takes the knife and her belongings and
exits the inn hastily, leaving for the North


Euron Greyjoy and his fleet arrive in Blackwater Bay. Moments later,
the King of the Iron Islands rides through the city, his two prisoners
being paraded for everyone to see. He receives curious looks, since
many of the citizens have never seen the Kraken sigil in these streets
before. He is received by Cersei and Qyburn in the Throne Room.
Cersei is naturally skeptical of who this new face might be, but is
quickly assured of his intentions when she sees the hostages he

"Ser Gregor, find them a place next to Septa Unella. I will check on
them soon" *looks at Euron*

"Thank you for the gift. Let's find somewhere to talk."


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