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Gea Apollo

The primal Greek Mother Goddess; Is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has
creator and giver of birth to the a twin sister, the chaste huntress
Earth and all the Universe; the Artemis. Apollo is known in Greek-
Is a virgin goddess of the hearth,
heavenly gods, the Titans and the influenced Etruscan mythology as
architecture, and the right ordering
Giants, the sea-gods. Apulu.
of domesticity, the family and the
Urano state. Hephaestus
The primal Greek god personifying is the Greek god of blacksmiths,
the sky. His equivalent. In Ancient craftsmen, artisans, sculptors,
Is the goddess of the harvest, who
Greek literature, Uranus or Father metals, metallurgy, fire and
presided over grains and the fertility
Sky was the son and husband of volcanoes.
of the earth.
Gaia, Mother Earth.
Cronos was the god of the grape harvest,
Is one of the twelve Olympian
Was the leader and the youngest of winemaking and wine, of ritual
deities of the pantheon in Greek
the first generation of Titans, divine madness and ecstasy in Greek
mythology. His main domain is the
descendants of Gaia, the earth, and mythology.
Uranus, the sky.
Rea Was often described as the
The Titaness daughter of the sky god daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the
Was the ancient Greek god of the
Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia, twin sister of Apollo.
underworld. Eventually, the god's
in Greek mythology. In early
name came to designate the abode Ares
traditions, she was known as "the
of the dead. Was the Greek god of war. He is one
mother of gods".
of the Twelve Olympians, and the
Zeus son of Zeus and Hera.
Is the Greek goddess of love, beauty,
He is the god of sky and thunder in
pleasure, and procreation. Her Hermes
Greek mythology. Who rules the
Roman equivalent is the goddess Hermes was a god of transitions and
Olympians of Mount Olympus as a
Venus. boundaries. He was quick and
father rules the family according to
cunning, and moved freely between
the ancient Greek religion. Athena
the worlds of the mortal and divine.
Is the goddess of wisdom, courage,
inspiration, civilization, law and
Is the wife and one of three sisters
justice, just warfare, mathematics,
of Zeus. Her chief function is as the
strength, strategy, the arts, crafts,
goddess of women and marriage.
and skill.

Le regalo a mi pap
una sonrisa de plata
que es la que alumbra mi cara
cuando de noche me tapa.

Le regalo a mi pap
una colonia fresquita
por no soltarme la mano
cuando me duele la tripa.

Le regalo a mi pap
una chistera de mago
en la que quepan mis besos
envueltos para regalo.

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