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What comes to your mind when you read this title? Yes, it is about the age or period we live right
now and writing skill. So the rationale behind this tilte is that as we know that we live in the
sophisticated era in which we can find a lot of information through the internet. And of course we
must not adopt that all information, instead we are required to be able to refine that through critical
thinking. It is so important as it allows us to become selective. One way to improve the ability of
thinking critically is writing. As what National Commission on Writing in Americas Schools and
Colleges assert that students must require a good writing skill in order to be able to survive in the
academic and real life, education places writing as the most important skill. The fact, however, is
that students in the college experience difficulties in writing. This is because writing is
underestimated and ignored in previous levels including secondary schools. Despite of that fact,
here we have to realize that now we live in easy era transfer of knowledge and economy which is
known as digital era. In this era, we are able to gain a vast of information through the internet and
requires men to employ that information to create knowledge-based society who are those having
digital mindset and trying to make human life better (democratic life, achieve better quality of life,
and accelerate interactions and actions in life). It is also undeniable reality that tis era also gives birth
to generation called gen Z having these qualities: (Write on ppt)

Language teaching

But one characteristics should be underlined by teachers is having limited span of attention which
they only can consentrate as long as 8 second. In this case, teachers must have strategy to utilize the
devices students have to maximize the teaching and learning process. So, now teachers use multi-
media teaching which is teaching utilizing computer and internet, integrating sound, pictures, and
texts to make teaching interactive. Because technology constitutes working on a language and is not
merely a matter of learning a language, writing class for instance, employs the word processor
technology allowing students and teachers to work on words and procedure texts based on process
of writing. It is worth not only providing varied words related to writing but also giving feedback
easily and quickly using social media or writing platform websites.

Writing in digital era

This teaching is significant for students ability of writing as nowadays writing is quite different from
that in conventional age. Now writing is called as digital writing which is composition created with
and oftentimes for reading and viewing on a computer or other devices connected to the internet. It
is a good way for students as it offers them to make use a range of information in media as well as to
distribute them instantly to global life. Eventhough, we face that fact, the role of teachers cant be
omitted. To achieve that writing, teacher are required to create digital environment in which
classroom is not like what it used to be in conventional era, that now, it utilizes some media, such as
radio, overheat projector, language lab etc. and now, teachers must be aware that assessment and
curriculum have move toward the inclusion multimodal composistion

Writing curriculum

Not only teachers and tools worth for writing process, but also curriculum having the important role.
As we know that Indonesia has already 3 curriculum in 21st century starting from Competency Based
Curriculum (CBC) emphasizing on process-oriented and product oriented writing (Requiring the
process of writing in making sentences or paragraphs into prescribed patterns). The it became KTSP
(School Based Curriculum) having strength on building students capability of writing various kinds of
text and communicative writing. Moreover, it helps students to prepare themselves for entering
university. Lastly, Indonesia uses kurrikulum 2013 in which students are required to be able to use
English spontaneously and naturally, and teachers are intended only become a facilitator assisting

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