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## 5-F 2: Breaking the Link Once a Magickal Link has been established, a
knowing and unwilling target may attempt to break free by rolling his MR CATEGORY
or less on d%. He may spend Heka points to increase his effective MR on a 1 for 1
basis, at the same time the practitioner may likewise spend HEKA to lower it. Note
that Dedicated Heka "Batteries" designed to ward off Magick may be called upon by
the defender for double what they store. Also, points spent by the practitioner to
decrease the effective MR do not count against the link. As an example, let's say
that Crowley had been messing with someone a little better able to protect himself,
such as Cyril Grain the Practitioner, for instance. Cyril has an MR of 62 and a DMC
STEEP of 60 for a total of 122 points of Heka on hand. Upon realizing that he has
been linked (by rolling successfully against his Mysticism K/S STEEP), he decides
to spend half of it (bringing his MR up to 123). Grain furthermore calls upon his
Witch's Bottle for 25 points, which counts as 50 and brings his MR up to a whopping
total of 173 for purposes of breaking the link. Crowley, however, who is amused by
Cyril's petty attempts to escape, proceeds to call upon his Greater Pyramid for 272
points of Heka, thus leaving our poor Mr. Grain with but a 1% chance to break the
link! Grain rolls a 78which fails miserablyand is now left to the mercy and
remaining Heka supply of the diabolical Mr. Crowley! 5-F 3: Formula Activation
Once the above is complete it will be time to cast the Formula! First the
practitioner must spend the Heka for the spell itself and then he must spend more
for the spell Activator. In order for the casting to succeed, you must roll the
Activator or less on d%, and so you may invest up to 95 (or more) points for that
purpose. Think of the Activator as the propellant charge sending the Formula along
the Link. As with the Ritual of Conjuration (which you may have noticed this system
resembles), a roll of 96-99 usually counts as an automatic failure and a 100 (00 on
the dice) usually counts as a Special Failure, so spending more than 95 points is
typically counter-productive. A failed result means that the link is broken and
that all Heka invested is lost. But a Special Success, on the other hand, allows
all points invested in the Activator to be reclaimed. Special Failures with
Formulas, however, tend to be particularly disastrous. A spell which harms, for
example, might be inflicted on the caster instead of his opponent or its effects
might reverse to benefit the target. Severe damage against all three of the
caster's TRAITS is also a good option for the GM to use in case of Special Failure.
But in any event, it is left in the competent (and sadistically cruel) hands of the
GM determine what happens in such an unfortunate occurrence. Both the attempt
to break the Link (if there is any) and the activation of the Formula take 1 CT
each. The spell will go into effect as soon as it is activated. 5-F 4: Ceremonial
Magick As one can gather from the above information and a quick perusal of the
next section, it is not at all hard to envision a Formula which is too difficult
for one mage, even one as skilled as Crowley, to cast by himself. This is where
Ceremonial Magick comes in. It allows numerous individuals to combine their skills
and Heka reserves in one gigantic effort, and the results can be quite astounding.
All the participating personas must gather in a circle and link hands. The
mage with the highest STEEP will lead the casting of the spell as well perform the
rolls and contribute Heka normally. All of the other practitioners may contribute
as much Heka as they like, out of which a percentage equal to their STEEP (100
maximum) will get through and work for the spell. For example, let's say that Tesha
is working with a group on a ceremonial project involving the Law of Antipathy and
she contributes 100 points of Heka. As she has a DMC (Law of Antipathy) STEEP of
40, 40 of the points are then placed at the leader's disposal. Every participant,
however--even those without the DMC Knowledge/Skill Area and/or the relevant Sub-
Area--will have at least a 10% rate. If John Timbuck, for example, were involved he
could contribute all 45 of his MR points and 4 would actually get through. The
entire group may contribute both to the Link, to fight attempts to break the Link,
and to supply the spell and the spell Activator. Furthermore, in order to
solve problems caused by facing high DR's for large Links, a group of mages can
cast several different links to fuel one Formula. Each link requires a separate
leader, but when the Links are all established, the spell is formulated and
activated by the overall leader, during which the leaders of the independent Links
revert from their 100% rates to the regular DMC% Links for helpers. 5-G: The
Laws of Magickal Formulations Now that you know the casting procedure for Formulas,
you need only know how to design them in the first place. The kinds of things that
a Formula can do are a function of the Dweomercraefting Sub-Area with which it is
associated, and the more powerful the effect, the more Heka it requires. If you
have better Magickal "Tools", however, then it won't require quite as much Heka to
cast. A Tool, for purposes of this section, is a certain type of knowledge the
caster has to have (such as a subject's name), a type of object the caster needs to
possess (such as a piece of the subject's clothing or fingernail pairings), or a
type of situation the caster needs to be in (such as witnessing how the subject
lives). The base cost of any Magickal Formula is calculated from the type of Tool,
and the better the Tool, the lower the cost. Each part of each Law will have a list
of which Tools do exactly what. Also listed will be some potential effects of each
Formula, along with a Factor for each. When you have chosen all your desired
effects for a Formula, you add up all of their Factors and multiply them by the
base cost (as per your Tool) to come up with the Heka cost for the Formula. This
process shall be explained in greater depth under "The Law of Sympathy" below. Note
that this cost does not include the points for the spell Activator. Also, do not
confuse the Tool with the actual physical devices used to carry out the Formula--
such as a wand, a doll, a potion, a body part etc. The latter will hereafter be
referred to as Implements. While many implements come ready for use when found,
some need to be constructed or otherwise specially prepared. The guidelines for
preparing such Implements for a certain Law of Magick will be given under each
Law's description below, but note that no matter what kind of Implement you are
using, the Law of Ritual is always the Sub-Area rolled against for its preparation.
Finally, all of the effects given are mere guidelines for play. Magickal
Formulas are capable of being used in an infinite number of highly technical
situations, and both the form and force of a spell as well as how much it will cost
is up to the GM to decide. Feel free to invent any additional effects that you wish
for any of the Sub-Areas as well. 5-G 1: The Law of Sympathy The Magickal Law
of Sympathy operates according to various types of mystic relationships between
humans, animals, and inanimate objects. The one main restriction on Sympathetic
Magick is that it applies only to links between atomic (Physical) structures. Thus
in order to be affected by Sympathetic Magick, a target will have to have or be
normally existent with no less than a Full Physical Manifestation. A rain storm
brought into being through Sympathetic Magick is a good example. The exception to
this is with Contagious Magick that uses the Spiritual Tool (see below), but that
is the only one. Also keep in mind that generally only living matter or once-living
may be so affected. There are two main branches of the Law of Sympathy--that of
Similarity (or Homeopathic) Magick, and that of Contagion (or Contagious Magick).
Each is discussed in detail below: 5-G 1 a: Similarity--Homeopathic Magick
Homeopathic Magick exploits the relationship between two things which are in
some way similar to each other. Examples of Tools for such Formulas include similar
objects, such as a deer-shaped totem used to summon a real deer, as well as similar
behavior, such as a mage attempting to increase his Perception (Searching) STEEP by
getting down on the ground and sniffing about as if he were a dog. The key thing to
remember about such Magick is that like produces like, cause or cure. Keep in mind
that any Physical damage
inflicted by Magick ignores all armor--it might cause gaping wounds which suddenly
break out all over the target, for instance. The following table lists the
different types of Tools for Similarity and the base Heka costs for each:TOOL
HEKAImagination 30Memory
20Visual 15Physical Image
(Unconnected) 10Physical Image (Connected) 5Acted
5 Imagination: This is a tool where the practitioner
merely imagines a Homeopathic relationship between two creatures. For example, if
Tesha wished to make someone powerful and strong, she might imagine vigorously
working out. Memory: This is where the practitioner remembers having seen
something that would serve as a good Homeopathic relationship. For example, Tesha
might recall having seen her target at a health club. Visual: This is where the
practitioner has witnessed a target activity sometime in a past number of hours
equal to or less than his SP CATEGORY. Note that the Formula must be completely
activated before the expiration of the time period or else the Tool will demoted to
"Memory". If Tesha, for example, had seen her subject lifting weights and running
around a track during the course of the past 55 hours, she would have a Visual Tool
for him. Physical Image (Unconnected): This is where the mage has a physical
object (i.e. an Implement), such as an wooden totem or wax doll, that resembles the
subject of the Formula but doesn't have a Contagious (or Connected) relationship
(see below). If, for example, Tesha decided to make a voodoo doll of her target but
didn't include any strands of his hair, fingernail clippings, threads of his
clothing, etc. in or on the doll, then it would only serve as an Unconnected Image.
The rules for the construction of Unconnected Implements are given in Section 5-
G1c, Page **. Physical Image (Connected): This is as above, but a substantial
amount of the object is composed of what was formerly part of the target's body.
Note that in the case of animals, you only need to have part of one member of the
species. If you were putting real horse-hair on a totem for summoning horses, for
example, the totem would be good for summoning any horse, not just the one from
which the hair was taken. But this does not apply in the case of humans, sapient
creatures, or other types of material spirits, in which case the hair, part, or
cloth must be come from the exact same individual that is to be affected. See the
aforementioned Section 5-G1c for notes regarding the proper construction of such
implements. Note that a Connected Physical Image can usually apply only to living
matter or once-living matter. Acted: When you are casting a Formula on yourself,
you may merely act out the Tool and thus use your own body as a Connected Physical
Image. You might, for example, pretend to climb out of a bed as a symbol of your
being healed. The GM's word is final on whether or not the object or situation
you choose is sufficient to count as a Tool, but once you have picked it out you
can decide what sorts of effects you can afford. If you're casting the Formula on
the spur of the moment, remember to take into consideration the Heka cost for the
Link and the Activator as well.1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Cause or cure 1 point of damage
(any type), 3 STR points of disease, 5 CON-R points of disease, or 1 CT of intense
pain. The effects of this are cumulative for each Factor. A spell that caused
someone 15 points of damage, for example, would be a 15 Factor spell. Note that
diseases caused by Magick are automatically caught by the target with no roll being
necessary. The target will become a sufferer, not a carrier, and there is no
incubation time involved. Such diseases, however, can be spread to other people if
you buy CON-R points for them. Contact for the rate of 5 CON-R points per Factor is
assumed to be casual, but you may increase the number of CON-R points you get per
Factor by putting restrictions on how someone can be exposed to the disease. Note
that the practitioner has no control over a disease once he creates it. It is
possible for a persona to catch and even die from one of his own diseases. The
caster does, however, get to design the disease himself, with the final plan being
subject to the approval of the GM. 2. Summon an animal weighing up to 30 pounds
per Factor used. This spell doesn't grant the caster any measure of control over an
animal. One of its main uses involves summoning game for a hunter, for instance.
The time required for the animal to arrive varies with how far away the nearest
member of the species is. If no such creature is able to reach the caster then the
Formula will automatically fail. 3. Add or deduct 2 points of effective STEEP to
any K/S (even one that neither you nor the subject has) for one roll.4 FACTOR
EFFECTS 1. Double (or halve) the rate of healing Physical damage until the
subject's RL has been reached, or until all damage has been removed in the Mental
or Spiritual TRAITS. This can be tripled by an 8 Factor effect, or increased to
four times its normal rate (or reduced to 1/4th its normal rate) by a 16 Factor
effect, etc. See Section 4-I, Page ** for information on the rate of healing.
2. Reduce or increase a Shock or Permanent Damage roll result by 2. 3.
Link the Formula with a Heka "Battery". When a General Heka Pool is linked to a
spell it is automatically and permanently changed into a Dedicated one for that
specification of spell (i.e. a spell with the exact same Tool and the exact same
Heka cost and list of effects). However, all future spells of that sort will then
cost but 1 Factor each for the "Battery". 4. Link Formula with a "Watcher". A
Watcher is a Ritual which can be used to cast the Formula at a later time. It
requires an additional 4 Factors to link a spell with a Watcher. Watchers are
described in Section 5-G3a, Page **. 5. Boost an ATTRIBUTE by 1 for a period
of 24 hours.16 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Create one JF for, or one Anti-Joss Factor (AJF)
against, one persona. Any Joss Factors created by means of Magick will last for but
1 hour plus one AT for every extra 5 Factors used to increase duration, and each JF
above the first so created will require 50% more Factors than the one which
preceded it. For example, if you wished to create 4 JFs, it would take a total of
130 Factors to do (16 for the first, 24 for the second, 36 for the third, and 54
for the fourth). An AJF works just like a JF except that they are held by the
GM and used against a persona, just as if they were Joss spent by an enemy. It is
up to the GM to determine the method by which they will be so used against a
persona. Note that 14 JFs or AJFs are the maximum of each that anyone can have at
once. Once you have chosen all of the effects for your Formula you then add up
their respective Factors and multiply by the base cost according to the Tools
involved. For example, a practitioner with a voodoo doll (Connected Physical Image)
wants to cast a Formula which will inflict 1 ATs worth of pain and 100 points of
Physical Damage on the target. The cost for the pain is 1 Factor per CT, and, as
there are 100 CTs in an AT, that comes out to be 100 Factors. Furthermore, the cost
per point of damage is 1 Heka Factor, thus making for another 100 Heka Factors or a
total of 200. The Tool, a Connected Physical Image, is rated at 5 Heka points per
Factor, and 5 X 200 is a total of 1000 points of Heka required to cast the Formula.
That's very expensive, but it's also a very powerful spell.Here are some other
examples of Homeopathic Formulas: 1. A Hex that created 3 AJF's (48 Factors) and
afflicted the target with a STR 36 disease (12 Factors) would cost 300 points of
Heka (5 X 60) if you had a Connected Image of the target. 2. With an Unconnected
Image, you could afflict someone with a STR 60 (20 Factors), CON-R 60 (12 Factors)
disease that could be spread by casual contact for 320 (10 X 32) points of Heka.
Similarly, the same such disease could be cured for the same cost, assuming that
you had the same Tool at hand. 3. You could summon a 1200 pound horse to the
area by using an Unconnected horse figurine for 400 (10 X 40) Heka points. 4. A
+30 bonus to your STEEP for your next two firearm attack rolls could, via an Acted
Tool, be had for 150 (5 X 30) Heka points. 5. With a Connected Image, you
could inflict enough damage (say 65 points) to put someone over their CL and cause
the results of their Permanent Damage and Shock rolls to be increased by 20 each
for a total of 395 Heka points. 6. If a friend wound up with a final result of
88 on the Shock table (see Section 4-H1c, Page **), you could lower the result to a
mere 50 (19 Factors) for 475 Heka points with an Imagination Tool. This would wake
him from his coma and prevent him from losing any points from his ATTRIBUTES.
7. If you wanted to use a curse to guard a safe in your house from burglars,
you could create a Formula which inflicted 5 CTs of intense pain, caused 10 points
of Physical Damage each CT, and was linked to both a Watcher and a Power Pentacle
sitting inside the safe. This could all be done for a mere 945 points (15 X 63; the
15 is because a Watcher always uses a "Visual" Tool) on the first casting, or 885
subsequently. The first one is more expensive because the initial dedication of a
Heka "Battery" costs 4 Factors, whereas the maintenance of that dedication costs
but 1 Factor per Formula. 5-G 1 b: Contagion--Contagious Magick These sorts
of spells exploit the relationship between two unconnected objects which seem to
naturally go together or were formally a part of each other. Parts of the body such
as hair, nails, and teeth--or even hands, arms, and legs--are examples of
Contagious tools. The difference between using fingernail clippings in Contagious
Magick and using them in Homeopathic Magick is that in Homeopathic Magick
you must place them on or mix them into something, whereas in Contagious Magick
merely having them in the first place counts as a Tool. Other good tools include
having a portrait or photograph of someone, having an article of his clothing, or
merely knowing his name and the details of his life. Formulas derived from
Contagious Magick are even more powerfully destructive than Homeopathic ones, but
Contagious Magick is not as effective for curing in most cases. There are three
main types of Contagious Magick: Corporeal, which utilizes body parts as Tools;
Associative, which utilizes items which have close contact with the body as tools
(such as clothing); and Spiritual, which utilizes items of emotional power and
meaning as Tools (such as someone's name, his picture, his shadow, or valued
items). Note that the Spiritual sort of Contagious Magick will effect disembodied
spirits, but it cannot, of course, inflict disease, physical damage, or the like
upon them. The Tools for each type are described on the following table, and note
that they require little special preparation before being usable:CORPOREALTOOL
HEKAHair or nails (or similar
portions) 15Hair, nails, and mucous or sweat
10Hair, nails, mucous or sweat, and tears or blood.
article seldom worn, or a similar projectile 20weapon. Anything that
was briefly in contact withsubject's bare skin. *A small article often worn or a
large one seldom worn. 15A bit of food from which a bite was taken or
even acigarette butt. A similar touch weapon or a footprint. *A large article often
worn. The exact projectile 10weapon or an intimate article seldom
worn. An oftensmoked pipe. *The exact touch weapon or an intimate object often
HEKAA full, name or a photograph, and some personal history. 25A
portrait or object of minor sentimental value and 20some general
background. An object of major sentimental value and a detailed 10
background.Target's Truename and a detailed personal history. *** 5
* One common type of Formula employing Contagious Magick involves casting a
spell on a weapon which was recently used to injure. By doing so, the wound caused
by the device can be made lighter or much worse. A similar weapon is the same kind
of device, but not the exact same one, which caused the wound. An exact weapon is
precisely the same device which dealt out the wound. If, for example, you shot
someone with a 45 auto-pistol, which you later lost, you could cast the spell on
another pistol (but not a rifle or shotgun) and have a "similar" Tool. If you found
that same you gun you shot him with, however, you could cast the Formula on that
and have an "exact" Tool. Note that hand weapons, like swords and knives, are more
effective that projectile weapons because they actually touched the foe, whereas a
projectile weapon merely launched something that touched the foe. If, however, you
can retrieve the bullet or arrowhead that was in the wound, then that will count
for a Tool with a base rating of 5! Note that you cannot use your own body as a
Tool for this spell. If you hit a man or injured him with a thrown grenade, you
couldn't cast this spell on your hand to irritate the wound. More about this type
of Formula is discussed later. Note that these Tools are not suitable for casting
any other sort of Formula. Also, if you come across an enemy's footprint you can
drive a nail into it and use that as a Tool for such a Formula. This form of
magick can also be worked on the shadow. The same applies if you have an
impression his body made on an object, such as the sheets of a bed that he slept
on, or the like. Also note that the term "intimate" refers to an object such as
underclothes, a locket, etc. ** These can be used against disembodied spirits, but
are limited to Mental and Spiritual effects (i.e. no Physical damage, disease, or
the like). *** A Truename is one single, overall word which represents the whole
of a spirit's existence and is bonded to it upon its origination. These are,
needless to say, very difficult to discoverespecially considering that even the
dullest of spirits will only give out an alter-name or the like when commanded to
reveal their name. Some of the effects for Contagious Magick are given below:1
FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Cause 3 STR points of disease, but no CON-R. 2. Cause 2 points
of any kind of damage. 3. Cause or cure 25% of the full damage rating of aweapon.
This type of Formula must be cast onto a weapon within the practitioner's MR in
hours after it wounded the target. The process involves placing the weapon near
fire, rubbing it in salt, and doing similar things to further irritate the wound.
This activity must be carried on throughout the link. Anyone may cast this spell if
he has the either the weapon which caused the wound or one that's identical or very
similar to it. The additional damage inflicted for each Factor is equal to 25% of
the maximum rollable, and is multiplied by whatever Strike Location Area or
Exposure Factor was used by the original blow. Say, for example, that you had shot
someone in a Vital area with an M-16. The maximum damage rollable on an M-16 is 18,
and 25% of 18 is 4. Since the wound is in a Vital Area, all damage is doubled.
Thus, for every Factor in the Formula the victim would take an additional 8 points
of damage. You can use this technique to cure a similar amount of damage by
rubbing soothing oil or the like on the damaging weapon. This even applies to
motion damage as well (To relieve an injury caused by a fall, rub healing ointment
on the spot where the HP landed!). 4. Cause 1 BT of paralyzation or incapacitating
pain. 5. Cause 1 hour's worth of terrible nightmares. Note that even a single hour
of this will automatically ruin any chance of using the Mysticism K/S successfully
that night. 6. Cause the target to be Dazed for 1 AT.3 FACTOR EFFECTS 1.
Cause the target to make an Insanity Check, a Shock roll, or a Permanent Damage
roll. For the first 3 Factors, the base DR for the Insanity Check is "Easy" and the
Shock and Permanent damage rolls have no modifiers save for Joss spent by the
target as well as his PMC (for the Shock roll). For each additional 3 Factors
spent, the Difficulty Rating for the Insanity Check is increased by 1 and the other
two rolls have a modifier of +5 each. Thus for 9 Factors, for example, the persona
could force someone to make a "Hard" Insanity check or to make a Permanent Damage
roll at +10. For 18 Factors makes him do both. 2. Cause target to suffer double
inflicted physical, mental, or spiritual damage for 1 CT. 3. Inflict 1 point of
any type of incurable damage of any sort. This damage cannot be healed by any means
save Magick. 4. Link the spell to a Heka "Battery".12 FACTOR EFFECTS 1.
Permanently remove 1 point from any one of a target's ATTRIBUTES. 2. Create 1
AJF against target. Here are some example Formulas for Contagious Magick: 1.
Cause a target 30 points of Physical damage, Daze him for 1 AT, and make him suffer
double damage for 1 BT. If you had four of his body-associated portions (hair,
sweat, etc.), this would cost 230 (5 X 46) points of Heka. 2. Cause a foe to dream
for six hours about the horrors of being a will-less zombie and then turn him into
one by inflicting 100 points of Spiritual damage upon him as soon as he wakes. If
you had his wedding ring (an object of major sentimental value), this would require
but 560 (10 X 56) points of Heka. If this Formula were cast by Ceremonial Magick,
the leading Practitioner would receive command of the will-less being. 3. Create a
total of 14 AJFs against an enemy and link the Formula to a Pyramid in order to
help power it. If you had the foe's favorite boxer shorts you could carry out this
Formula for 855 (5 X 171) Heka points. 5-G 1 c: Preparing The Implements As
mentioned earlier, the only Implements which really require any sort of preparation
are the ones for the two Physical Image Tools in Homeopathic Magick. The procedures
for creating the two different types employ, of course, the Law of Ritual as
opposed to the Law of Sympathy Sub-Area, and are described below: Unconnected:
This device must be made by the same persona who will use it. The best materials to
employ are special wax or mandrake for spells which affect the target's body or,
for summoning Formulas, oak and other hardwoods--or even a willow or reed--
depending on the Formula. If improper materials are used, then double the Heka cost
for the preparation of these items. The image for a sentient being (including
spirits) must be fashioned in the likeness of the exact individual who will be
affected by the spell, although the general shape of any non-sentient animal will
do. For spirits, said article must be infused with Heka Points equal to the SP of
the recipient for a beneficial Formula or the target's Spiritual TRAIT for a
harmful one. Note that infusing Heka requires the Alchemy Knowledge/Skill Area (See
Section 5-H2, Page **), and that if the persona doesn't have it he will have to get
someone else to do it for him. (It's okay if some other persona adds in the Heka,
just as long as the persona constructs the item himself.) Having completed that, it
will then be necessary for the practitioner to chant over the item for six hours
under the light of the full moon and succeed in a "Hard" roll against his DMC (Law
of Ritual) STEEP to finalize the construction process. For animals, the infusion of
one point of Heka per 10 pounds of the subject animal's maximum weight will
suffice. After doing so, the persona need only chant for six minutes and rub the
Implement against the fur or hide of one such animal while doing so to finalize the
animal. Connected: The Ritual is the same as that
mentioned above, but at least 15% of the Implement's weight must be composed of
associated body parts (fingernail clippings, sweat, blood, etc.). Usually such an
article will weigh from around 1 to 1.5 pounds total. 5-G 2: The Law of Antipathy
This law is, in a way, the opposite of Sympathy. Antipathy exploits
relationships between two objects that are dissimilar, and utilizes their natural
tendency to remain apart. Formulas derived from Antipathy tend to be mostly
defensive in nature (they prevent things from happening) as opposed to the mostly
offensive (causing things to happen) effects of Sympathy. Antipathy can, however,
be offensive. You could prevent something beneficial (such as his taking another
breath) from happening to someone, for example, but mostly mages use this Sub-Area
for the defense of themselves and their property. Also keep in mind that, as is
true of Sympathy, Antipathy tends to be greatly oriented towards Physical matter,
although there are numerous effects which apply to disembodied spirits as well.
And, unlike Sympathy, some of this type of Magick may be of use against or on non-
corporeal matter. There are three major branches of Antipathy: Dissimilarity (or
Heteropathy), Repulsion, and Isolation. Each is described in the appropriate
Section below. 5-G 2 a: Dissimilar--Heteropathic Magick This is the use of an
object to keep a different, unrelated object away and/or the use of one situation
to keep a completely different sort of situation from occurring. The Tools for this
branch of Antipathy are given on the following table:TOOL
HEKAImagination 25Memory
20Visual 15Physical Image (Unconnected)
10Physical Image (Connected) 5Acted
5 The two types of Heteropathic effects are those which are Innate and those
which are Engendered. Innate effects utilize objects or situations which are
already different. Fire is different from water, clay from iron, and so forth.
Think of diametric opposites -- hard/soft, high/low, hot/cold, etc. For example,
the HP might hold up a block of wood before himself like a shield or stand behind a
wall to symbolize being protected from physical attack (an Acted Tool wherein the
HP is soft and the interposing material hard), or the HP might bathe the subject of
his spell (or watch him bathe) to symbolize his being clean and resistant to
disease (a Visual Tool). The effects of an Engendered Formula cause something which
is not inherently dissimilar to become dissimilar through an act of the
practitioner's will. It may be necessary to convert one situation via the use of an
Engendered spell to get it dissimilar enough to use as a Tool for an Innate spell.
You could also use an Engendered Formula to ruin an Implement that you suspect a
practitioner may be using as a Tool against you. Note that, in such a case, you
would make the link with the practitioner and not with the Implement itself. Also,
when such Tools are broken, they remain so only permanently! Some possible
effects for these spells are given below. As always, feel free to create any others
that seem appropriate. Note that any effects you could cast on yourself can
likewise be cast on an ally. INNATE 1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Resist the following: 1
point of damage (any type); 3 STR or 5 CON-R points of disease; 1 CTs worth of
paralyzation, intense pain, etc.; 1 point of Heka used against you in a hostile
link; or 1 ATs worth of Dazing. This cannot be used to relieve an effect which has
already been suffered, but it can be used to prevent such a thing from being
suffered in the first place, whether by Magick, weapons, or any other such source.
A "Pool" of sorts will be created, and any such affliction will have to reduce the
pool before being able to affect you. If you had a pool of 60 negated Physical
damage points, for example, any Physical damage that you took after casting the
Formula would have to come out of the pool first. Note that you should make Strike
Location and Exposure rolls normally for such damage, and that, in any case, any
such pool will last only until the next New Moon phase. 2. Dismiss 30 pounds
worth of animal.4 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Link spell to Heka "Battery". 2. Link
spell to Watcher. 3. Avoid making a Shock roll. 4. Resist or cure 1 point of
incurable damage taken. 5. Suffer only one-half inflicted damage (of any type) for
1 CT.10 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Avoid making a Permanent Damage roll or an Insanity
Check. 2. Cancel 1 AJF made against you or an ally. 3. Resist or cure 1
point removed from one of your ATTRIBUTES by anything except age.ENGENDERED2 FACTOR
EFFECTS Make an Memory Tool dissimilar enough to be used as a Tool for an
Innate spell. Make a 25 point Tool dissimilar enough that it may not provide a
basis for an enemy's Sympathetic spell.4 FACTOR EFFECTS Make a Visual Tool
suitable for use in an Innate spell, or a 20 point Tool unsuitable for use in a
Sympathetic spell.8 FACTOR EFFECTS Make a 15 point Tool unsuitable for use in a
Sympathetic spell.16 FACTOR EFFECTS Make a 10 point Tool unsuitable.24 FACTOR
EFFECTS Make a 5 point Tool unsuitable. Note that Physical Images cannot be
made dissimilar. Here are some example Heteropathic formulas: 1. A persona could
dismiss an attacking, 120 lb. Great Dane for 60 (15 X 4) points of Heka if he saw
another such dog cowering in fear. 2. By drawing a Pentacle on his hand to
symbolize proof against Magick, the HP could force an attacking practitioner to
spend an extra 60 points to establish a link with him at a cost of 300 (5 X 60)
points of Heka. 3. If the persona lost his duffel bag at the airport and feared
that an enemy witch had gotten two of his favorite silk neckties, he could render
both useless via an Unconnected Physical Image for 480 (10 X 48) points of Heka.
Such a Tool could consist of models of the two ties now worn by figurines of others
(not the HP) to symbolize his rejection of the clothing. 5-G 2 b: Opposition--
Repulsion Magick Whereas Heteropathy relies upon the natural tendency of opposites
not to attract, Repulsion has very little to do with whether or not things are
similar or dissimilar. It mainly concentrates on things that, possibly for no real
or logical reason, tend to repel each other. One man may love another who is of a
different race, social class, religion, and political ideology, but hate his
identical twin brother, who shares all of his political opinions. This just goes to
show how natural tendencies can be overcome by the emotions of spiritual beings,
and explains why Magick is not limited to that of the
Homeopathic/Contagious/Heteropathic sort. But what does repel something else? As
Magick is based on Heka, mind, conviction, and imagination, the answer is simple--
if a persona is more certain that something repels another persona than he is
certain that he likes it, then it will serve as a Tool for such a spell against
him. But that definition applies mainly to spirits; animals and inanimate objects
are governed by specific physical laws which leave little room for imagination. A
juicy, T-bone steak is unlikely to repel a dog, for example, unless the dog was
previously conditioned to regard it as something other than food. Likewise, a wide
open road in good condition is unlikely to hold a Corvette at bay. These physical
laws can be overcome, but doing so requires tremendous amounts of Heka. When
preparing to activate a repulsion Formula, note that the Link should be made with
the object or area on which the spell is centered, and not on any creatures or
beings who might happen to be affected by it. They will be subject to the physical
effect created by the spell, but are not the targets of the spell itself. There
are three basic types of Repulsion Tools which are shown on the following table.
Note that all of these Tools must be physical objects, and some of them require
certain special preparation.TOOL HEKAEngendered
15Active 10Natural 5 Engendered Tools are
objects which don't really start out as being repulsive to the subject of a Formula
but are made that way by a practitioner through the strength of his desire.
Ensuring that an item is suitable for such use frequently requires that it be
prepared via the Ritual of Opposition (see Section 5-G2d, Page **). Also,
Engendered Tools tend to operate on their own without any sort of conscious
operation by the mage. Amulets and the like are good examples of Engendered Tools.
Active Tools are similar to Engendered ones, but require the conscious
operation of the practitioner. The main advantage of this is that they tend to be
more powerful than those of the Engendered sort. A prayer wheel, which would
require continuous spinning throughout the casting and effect of the Formula, for
example, is an example of an Active Tool. Note that the length of the duration is
handled the same as for the other Tools, but the effects actually only work when
the item is being operated. Say, for example, that a Magicked ward with a duration
of 24 hours had been cast on the aforementioned prayer wheel. After casting the
Formula, the practitioner, or a friend of his, could spin the wheel and cause the
effects of the Formula to work. If the operator got tired, though, he could rest
and then resume the spinning of the wheel a couple of hours later. During the time
he was away the effects would not apply, but, after resting, he could return to the
wheel and resume the spinning, whereupon the effects would start up again provided
that the duration hadn't expired. Note that these likewise require preparations via
the Ritual of Opposition. Natural Tools are items which already have some
ability to repel thanks to the Physical Laws mentioned above. (See the Glossary
appended to this work under Wards.) In a Formula Physical Laws can be amplified
greatly and easily. If, for example, you were
allergic to nicotine, a mage using a pack of cigarettes as a tool would have
little difficulty keeping you out of his way! Likewise, a noisemaker which emits a
piercing, ultrasonic sound (as opposed to the gentle tone of a dog call) could,
with the aid of Magick, rid the area of Great Danes, Pit Bulls, and other
potentially dangerous canines. Such a Formula could be so powerful that the
affected animals would actually gnaw off parts of their own bodies in order to
break free and escape the dreadful Ward! The GM, however, should be strict about
what he allows to be a "Natural" Tool. The following list gives some costs and
effects for such spells. Keep in mind that all effects are cumulative. For 6
Factors, for example, you could render the 24 square foot doorway into your room (8
X 3 = 24 square feet; 24/4 = 6 Factors) unusable by your obnoxious little brother.
Note also that the base duration of any of the below effects is 24 hours, although
that may be extended. 1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Render 4 square feet (or less) worth
of entryway unusable by a certain spirit or general type of animal or machine.
2. Ward 729 cubic feet (a 9' X 9' X 9' area) worth of room so that anyone
inside the room--besides the creator of the Ward, of course--will suffer a +2 DR on
all rolls against any one K/S Area as well as a -20 modification to the BAC of any
attack rolls until they leave. The expenditure of five more Factors could allow the
DR modification to be increased by another level and the BAC penalty to increase by
10, or it could be spent to allow another K/S Area to be thus interfered with. *
3. Ward a single, non-mobile point so that a certain spirit, type of animal,
or type of machine will not be able to approach any closer than a 1 yard radius of
the point. Note that this Formula cannot be cast unless the warded area is cleared
of the affected objects first. 4. Ward such a point (3. , above) so that a
certain spirit, type of animal, or type of machine shall be unable to go farther
than a 1000 yard radius away from it. (This is good for keeping in rampaging demons
and fleeing HPs. It will also prevent your dog from jumping the fence.) For every
additional Factor, the radius drops by 20 yards (1 yard minimum). 5. Ward a
single, mobile point (such as yourself or your Corvette) so that the above thing(s)
Warded against shall not be able to approach any closer than a 1 inch radius of
your mobile point. 6. As per number 5, but it prevents the above from getting
any farther away from the mobile point than 5000 yards minus 20 yards per
additional Factor. 7. Dispel any one Magickal Formula of 1 Factor that is in a
27 cubic foot (3' X 3' X 3') or 9 square foot (3' X 3') area. This is only good for
spells that have some continuous effect, such as a Magickal disease or one of these
warding Formulas. Additional Factors increase the area of effect and the maximum
base Heka cost. This does not effect Rituals such as Pentacles, possessions, and
Watchers. 8. Extend the duration of a spell by 24 hours. Note that if the Tool is
disturbed, the entire Formula will be destroyed.5 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Link spell with
a Heka "Battery". 2. Generate 1 AJF for the exclusive use of keeping a certain,
individual spirit out of your hair. All such AJF's disappear after 24 hours (unless
the spell is extended) and will only come into play when the subject attempts to
bother the persona. Note that the persona cannot attempt to conjure or otherwise
contact said spirit during the duration of this spell, or else the AJF's will be
used against him! The AJF's will not promote the causing of injury to the subject
(unless it is in combat with the mage) but will merely try to frustrate its
attempts to reach the caster. 3. Extend a ward to function against all animals (as
opposed to just one type) save those the practitioner deems friendly. 4.
Magickally "cover" one object or area of up to 29 cubic feet in size to make it
more difficult to investigate Psychogenically. Such warding will increase the
Difficulty Rating of Psychogenic use inside or into the warded place by 1 (in most
cases) or sometimes by as much as 3 (such as with Retrocognition). Additional
Factors can increase the size of the area protected at the rate of 1 per 29 cubic
feet, but the effect of the covering can't be strengthened.5. Extend the duration
of a Formula by 1 week. (This is 2 Factors cheaper than paying for it on a day by
day basis).25 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. For any of the above effects that require a
certain individual spirit to be named as affected by the spell, this will expand
the Formula to include all spirits save those the caster deems friendly. 2.
This will extend the duration of a Formula by six months. (This is much cheaper
then paying day by day!) * One additional Factor will increase the area
protected by another 729 cubic feet. Note that, when measuring cubic feet for a
building, yard, or other item which isn't shaped like a cube or rectangular box,
just select the dimensions which will cover all of the widest parameters. If, for
example, one had a house that was 70 feet at its longest, 60 feet at its widest,
and 30 feet at its tallest, that persona would use the dimensions 70' X 60' X 30'.
A little multiplication reveals that, in order to cover the entire structure, one
would need a spell with an area of effect of 126,000 cubic feet. (So now there are
173 Factors before other considerations--looks like a job for Ceremonial Magick!)
Here are some examples of Repulsion Formulas: 1. Ward the HP's 30' X 20' X
10' study so that anyone besides himself would suffer a +4 DR on their attempts to
cast Magick into it as well as use the Criminal Activities, Physical K/S therein.
Furthermore, grant the spell an added duration of six months. If the HP hung a John
Denver record above the door (which is repulsive to all sentient beings, and thus a
good "Natural" Tool) he could cast this spell for 220 (5 X 44) points of Heka!
2. Render a 24 square foot entryway unusable by any animal or spirit save the
persona and/or his friends for one week. With an Active Tool, this Formula could be
cast for 610 (10 X 61) points of Heka. 3. Dispel the above Formula throughout
the entire entryway via the use of an Engendered Tool for 915 (15 X 61) points of
Heka. 5-G 2 c: Quarantine--Isolation Magick Whereas the other branches of
Antipathy operate by inhibiting an occurrence, this type of Magick prevents a
subject from even being affected by or contemplating that action in the first
place. A sniper, for example, when subject to such a Formula would simply not
attack the protected individual, no matter what other considerations there might
be. A policeman who pulled you over could be made to not give you a ticket, a snoop
could be made not to remember something that he wasn't supposed to see, and an
enemy could be prevented from breathing or circulating his blood anymore. While
this type of Magick tends to be very expensive, it is also very effective. The
following table lists the different types of Tools for Isolation:TOOL
HEKAImagination 20Physical Image,
Unconnected 15Physical Image, Connected 10Tabu
-5Natural (bent/desire) +5
Imagination involves simply imagining the target unable to contemplate or
consider a certain type of action. The Physical Images are the same as per
Heteropathic and Homeopathic Magick. Tabu works a little differently. It applies
when the action to be prevented is of a nature which the target tends to look upon
as being wrong or unacceptable. For example, a starving man believes that stealing
is wrong, but has become so desperate that he decides to burglarize a house to find
money to buy food with. In his case a Tabu modification of -5 would apply to the
Tool used in a Formula designed to prevent him from becoming a thief. The
modification for Natural, however, works just the opposite way by increasing the
Heka cost for Formulas which prevent someone from doing something that he strongly
believes he has a perfect right to do. If you wished to prevent a journalist from
writing a story about an embarrassing political scandal that you were involved in,
your Tool would suffer a +5 increase. The cost of Effects for Isolation Magick
vary with how important the activity is to the subject of the spell. Note that the
Factor cost below will cover but a single activity for a duration of no more than
24 hours:IMPORTANCE FACTORS **Only of minor interest *
5A disliked duty * 10A routine but
important duty 15An enjoyed task
20A very important task 20An enjoyed and very important
task 40A critical task * 50Personal
survival 60 * Something of "minor interest" might be
that which the subject finds vaguely amusing but doesn't have to do. A "duty"
implies something which the subject believes he has to do, such as going to work or
for school. A "task" could mean either a duty or a hobby. A "critical" task usually
involves moral/ethical issues or means saving the life of a friend of loved one.
** For an additional 5 Factors, the spell can be linked to a Heka "Battery".
The following are some examples of Isolation spells: 1. Slay an enemy by
preventing him from continuing to breathe via the use of a Connected Physical
Image. With the +5 modification to the Tool (breathing is a natural act) taken into
account, this Formula would have a base cost of 900 (15 X 60) points of Heka.
2. Cause a convenience store clerk to step aside and allow the persona to
raid the cash register for 500 (25 X 20) points of Heka thanks to an Imagination
tool. 3. Prevent a hit man from slaying the HP for 24 hours. With an Unconnected
Physical Tool this could be done for 225 (15 X 15) points of Heka. The persona
could expand the spell to cover friends for an additional 15 Factors (i.e. 225
points of Heka) each. 5-G
2 d: Creating the Implements Implements for Connected and Unconnected Physical
Tools are created the same way that they are for Sympathetic Magick (see section 5-
G1c, Page **). For spirits, remember to infuse each article with an amount of Heka
equal to the subject's Spiritual TRAIT. Note that Connected Physical Images only
can be made for living creatures. When making Unconnected ones for non-living
matter, however, use the item's weight, just as you would do for an animal. Also,
good images of machines and the like can be made out of metal, just as long as it
isn't iron. (Toy cars work well for vehicles, for example.) The manufacturing of an
Engendered or Active Tool for Repulsion Magick, however, requires the use of the
Ritual of Opposition, which is the same for each one. Note that the implement must
be made by the practitioner who will use it. The GM may devise alternate forms of
this Ritual if desired. The Ritual of Opposition: The device must first be frozen
in water for a fortnight in a container made of solid, cold, wrought iron. While it
chills, the persona is to draw four pictures (one for each of the four directions)
illustrating how the item will serve to repel. Each drawing requires a successful
"Moderate" roll against the persona's Drawing/Painting K/S in order to properly
serve. The drawings are wrapped around the top of a silver-headed hammer (or one
infused with 30 points of Heka), and the device is used to break away the ice. As
the final blow is delivered a "Hard" roll against DMC (Law of Ritual) K/S must be
made. (Failure ruins the Implement and the drawings. A Special Failure will ruin
the hammer and the iron container as well. Then the drawings which wrapped the
container are removed and secreted within the persona's MPP in feet of the
repelling item. If the paper with the drawings is ever removed from proximity to
the repelling item, whatever spell was supported by it will be destroyed. 5-G 3:
The Law of Ritual In a sense this Section doesn't really belong here because the
Law of Ritual has little to do with Formulas. Of course, Ritual is required in much
"greater" Magick, and as each DMC Sub-Area is being discussed in order of required
Learning, this is where it must go. As opposed to Formulas, Rituals tend to be
vague and mysterious. One cannot redesign, modify, or alter a Ritual as one can do
with a Formula. This is because no one knows for sure how Rituals work, only that
they do. While a scholar can make a good educated guess as to why a Pentacle, for
example, works to keep things out, he would have a hard time designing another such
Ritual himself. It is possible to do so, but very difficult. Most of the Rituals
known to practitioners today were, quite frankly, discovered by accident. A few
very useful types of Rituals which, unlike those of Conjuration, Pentacles, or
"Batteries", are not complex enough to warrant their own sections are discussed
here. The GM should feel free to invent more Rituals of his own, but the more
powerful the Rituals are, the more investment of time, money, and other resources
will be necessary on the part of the HPs to use them. Note that the construction of
Mystic Items (see Chapter 9) can also be done via Ritual. The relatively simple
process for creating a Witch's Bottle (which is given in the text) is one example
of that, though a stranger and more powerful device might also be makeable via the
use of the Law of Ritual Sub-Area. Undoubtedly a very powerful item--such as an
Artifact (q.v.) of some sort--would require the extensive use of the Alchemy and/or
Herbalism K/S Areas, the investment of many, many months of time (which can't be
spent adventuring) by several mages, and the expenditure of thousands or tens of
thousands of dollars as well. But in any event, some of the simpler types of
Rituals are discussed below. It is recommended, however, that the HPs do not start
out knowing any of them--except perhaps as part of a Quirk or the like: 5-G 3
a: The Ritual of the Watcher This handy Ritual creates a sort of mystical
automation which, in the absence of the mage, can cast a Formula to which it has
been linked, though it must be provided with Heka to operate. A good example of
this is the curse placed on Tutankhamen's tomb--basically a Heteropathic Formula
linked to a Watcher. The Watcher is capable of forging a link and activating the
spell all by itself and thus makes an excellent guardian. However it only obeys
specific instructions given to it (which it follows quite literally) and is only
capable of using "Visual" Tools. (That's why it's called a "Watcher".) Fortunately,
it always requires exactly 1 BT to forge a link and 1 CT to cast the spell if the
link isn't resisted, thus making it capable of some truly devastating displays of
guardianship. The process for creating a Watcher is given below: 1. First of all,
there must be some physical object to contain the Watcher. Said object must be made
of wax, oak or yew, silver, or gold, or some other Heka-conductive substance--
although stone or anything else will serve if it is infused with an amount of Heka
equal to the Watcher's combined DMC STEEP and Mental TRAIT (see below).
Furthermore, this image must have "eyes" and must in some way resemble a man,
canine, bird, monkey, feline, or bovine creature--although said representation can
be highly impressionistic. Note that if the eyes are ever removed from the image,
or if the image is otherwise severely damaged, then the Watcher and its spells will
be completely destroyed. Furthermore, this image must be physically constructed by
the practitioner who will command it, although doing so may require other K/S Areas
such as Construction, Smithing/Welding, Sculpture, etc. 2. After the image is
physically complete, it must then be enchanted by the mage. For each month that it
is enchanted, it gains 10% of the Mage's Mental ATTRIBUTES and 10% of his DMC STEEP
as well, up to a maximum of 90% nine months later. In order to enchant it, the
practitioner must prepare a potion which includes some of his blood, hair, and
fingernail pairings. The items must be then be specially mixed (requiring a
"Moderate" Alchemy roll; see Section 5-H2, Page **), and the result used to anoint
the statue on the night of a Full Moon, whereupon the mage must make a "Moderate"
roll against his DMC (Law of Ritual) STEEP. Success indicates that the enchanting
for that month is complete, but a Special Failure means that the entire physical
image has been ruined. Note that this potion can be very dangerous to the
practitioner that made it if it falls into the wrong hands, as it will make for a
Tool with a base Heka cost of 1 in Sympathetic Magick. 3. Once the enchanting
is complete the Watcher will then charge up its Heka supply. Figure its personal
Heka level normally, but add in a d% bonus for each precious gem (2 maximum) the
persona used to represent its eyes. Like other sorts of spirits, it will recover
its MRP per 24 hours in Heka, but it cannot concentrate Heka, or, for that matter,
perform any other sorts of Rituals. It can command a number of General Heka
"Batteries" appropriate for its STEEP, i.e. Pools equal to the number of DMC Sub-
Areas it would have if it used them. The Watcher can also utilize a Pyramid as
efficiently as its maker. Another method of powering a Watcher is to Dedicate a
Heka Pool to one or more of its spells, which it may use normally. 4. A Watcher
can cast any Formula to which it has been linked, and will do so exactly to the
letter of its orders. If, however, it fails to link with a target or it makes a
link and the target breaks free, it will not attack that particular subject again.
It can obey any simple (two sentence or less) commands regarding each Formula it
has access to, and both Formulas as well as commands may be changed at any time by
the creating practitioner. Note that the Watcher will not listen to or obey anyone
other than the individual who created it. Finally, a Watcher's vision is not
obscured by darkness, smoke, or even new construction in the area it was ordered to
guard. It can, however, guard an area no larger than its Mental TRAIT X 100 in
cubic yards, and it can see (and cast spells) easily through any physical barriers
(such as walls, doors, etc.) in its domain. As it is has no Spiritual TRAIT, a
Watcher is immune to Spiritual Attacks, but it can be effected by attacks that are
either Mental or Physical in nature. Note that the Watcher will be destroyed if it
receives a combination of Physical and Mental damage which equals or exceeds it's
EL. Otherwise, though, a Watcher will last forever (or until the elements destroy
it). Note that there are some variations of the Watcher rumored that are capable of
Mentally attacking as well, although the secrets of constructing such are left to
the GM to devise and the HPs to find. 5-G 3 b: The Ritual of Possession This
Ritual allows one spirit to inhabit--forcibly if necessary--the Full Physical
Manifestation of another spirit, a man, or even that of an animal. Note that a
willing human can be automatically possessed by any disembodied spirit, but doing
so requires the expenditure of Heka equal to the subject's Physical TRAIT--unless
it occurs in a seance, whereupon the necessary Heka is gathered automatically by
the seance Ritual. It is possible to possess a spirit with a Partial Physical
Manifestation, but that requires an "Extreme" DR roll and the expenditure of Heka
equal to the target's Spiritual TRAIT. The possession of an animal requires a
"Moderate" roll and the expenditure of Heka equal to the creature's Physical TRAIT,
but the Spirit can remain in an animal for as long a it desires. One particular
type of animal per year may be so possessed. But taking control of a body
inhabited by an unwilling human or other type of spirit is a much more difficult
In order to do so, the attacking spirit must match its DMC (Law of Ritual) STEEP
against the combined DMC (Law of Ritual) STEEP and Spiritual TRAIT (minus any
Spiritual damage taken) of the victim. Both parties may spend Heka points to
increase their respective STEEP on a 1 for 1 basis. Victory for the attacking
spirit means that the victim has been possessed (see the effects below). A tie
indicates that the attempt failed but that the attacker may try again after 6d6
hours have elapsed, and a victory for the target means that not only did the
attempt fail, but the attacker may never try to possess the target again, unless
allowed to do so. The contest for Possession requires 1 CT during which neither
party may do anything else. When a spirit possesses a being, it effectively
replaces the Mental and Spiritual facilities of the target. The spirit may control
the target's body as it wills, but has no access to any of its memories, knowledge,
etc. The psyches of humans subjected to this Ritual are not evicted from the body,
but rather suppressed inside. The effect is similar to that of someone jumping
behind the wheel of an automobile and pushing the seat's former occupant in the
back. A man who has been possessed will have no memory of what went on during the
time that the spirit was in the "driver's seat", though he will be able to feel the
spirit's presence inside him and can mentally communicate with it. Note that a
possessing spirit does need to "rest" for 3d3 hours per day, a time during which
the victim will be back in control of his body, but still not free from the
horrible sensation of the invader's presence. A possessing spirit need not
forge a link to cast a spell on the possessed body, though it does need one if it
wants to cast a spell on the displaced psyche. Mental and Spiritual combat may be
conducted between the possessor and the possessed if both are capable of doing so,
but the victim should keep in mind that while the spirit is in control, it is
perfectly capable of destroying his physical body by making it jump off a cliff,
stab itself, etc. In fact, a spirit with a Law of Ritual STEEP higher than 50 can
automatically inflict 1 point of Physical damage per CT (at a cost of 1 point of
Heka each) on the possessed body, whether or not it is in control. Such
unfortunates have been seen writhing in pain with bite marks appearing on their
bodies from seemingly thin air! Note that a possessing spirit does not have to feel
the inhabited being's pain if it doesn't wish to. The owner of a possessed body may
not employ Dweomercraefting at all and may only wield Psychogenics to attack the
possessor. If the possessing spirit takes over its Spiritual or Mental TRAITS in
damage, then it will be evicted, but keep in mind the advantage the possessor has
over the possessed. Note that a mage who already has a Full Physical Manifestation
can possess another, but must find some way to leave his old one first. The
Psychogenic Astral Projection power, as well as the Ritual of Projection (q.v.),
can be used to exit one's body. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that another
spirit can possess your body automatically while you're out of it, thus many mages
like to keep their bodies in a Pentacle while outside of their own. 5-G 3 c: The
Ritual of Projection This Ritual functions exactly the same way as does the
Spiritual Psychogenic power Astral Projection (see Section 6-D, Page **). The only
difference between the two is that the practitioner must spend 100 points of Heka
up front, and expend four more points for every one point of Vril called for, as
well as all rolls against his DMC (Law of Ritual) K/S, of course. Trance is
employed for this Ritual. 5-G 3 d: The Ritual of Lycanthropy Perhaps one of the
most fearsome of all Magickal Operations, the Ritual of Lycanthropy turns a human
into a horrible half-man/half-animal monster with tremendous supernatural powers.
While the deadly Werewolf is the most celebrated example of this, this Ritual has
also been reported to create such things as Werebears, Weresharks, and Weretigers
as well. There are two basic ways that this Ritual can work. One is for a mage to
transform himself or a willing subject into a free-willed lycanthrope, and the
other is to transform an unwilling human into a monster that will do his bidding.
But regardless of the way the Ritual is used, the transformation can only be made
on the night of a full moon and will last either only until dawn or until the
lycanthrope has taken over it's Spiritual EL in damage. The first type of Ritual
requires that a potion be prepared. The main ingredient is the heart of an animal
of the appropriate type, as well as fine oil and one dose each of a Class V, IX,
and X reagent (See "Herbalism", Section 5-H1, Page **). Additionally, if the potion
is required for someone else, the practitioner's blood, hair, and the like must
also be added. This material must be boiled by the light of the moon every night
for a fortnight in a cauldron that has been infused with 200 points of Heka. At the
end of the process, a "Difficult" DMC (Law of Ritual) roll must be made, with
success indicating that one dose of the potion has been prepared. When the
night of the full moon approaches, the mage must fast (abstaining from all food
save bread and water) for a week ahead of time and then spend the day before the
night of the full moon in meditation. Looking up at the moon, the robed mage should
proceed to rub the potion over his face and hands and expend a number of Heka
points equal to 100 plus whatever additional category points he stands to gain
from the transformation. Furthermore, a successful "hard" DMC roll must be made,
with this done, he will then become the were-form until sunrise the next day. The
transformation itself requires a full AT (during which the mage can do nothing
else) to complete. At the end of the AT the special powers will be gained. The
transformation back to human form likewise requires 1 AT, during which any and all
special powers are lost. Note that any damage sustained in lycanthrope form will be
carried back to the mage's usual form, and that the practitioner may then
immediately be subject to whatever death, Dazing, shock, or other ill effects that
he was resistant to with his higher Physical TRAIT as a lycanthrope. The process
for turning someone into a lycanthrope servant is similar, but has a few
modifications. First, mix up a dose of the potion as indicated above. Then feed it
to another of the same species of animal in question. (A Werewolf-potion should be
fed to a wolf, for example, but how you get the wolf to drink it is your problem.)
About d6 hours after finishing it, the animal will begin foaming at the mouth and
go into a rabid-like rage. The first human it claws or bites will receive the "Mark
of the Lycanthrope", which sets the poor fellow up for the practitioner's spell.
When the night of the full moon approaches, the mage will need to fast and
then meditate all day beforehand, just as if he were performing the Ritual on
himself. Just as the sun sinks beneath the horizon, the mage must expend the casual
amount of HEKA and match his DMC (Law of Ritual) STEEP against the combined STEEP
and Physical trait (minus and damage) of the target. Once again, either party may
spend Heka to increase his effective STEEP on a 1 per 1 basis. A tie indicates that
the victim does not transform, but retains the Mark and may again be so attacked
next month. A victory for the defender means that he loses the mark as well. If the
practitioner wins, however, the victim will transform into the monster. The mage
may communicate with the beast Mentally as well as utilize its senses, i.e. see
through its eyes, hear through its ears, etc., to monitor its progress. He may
require his lycanthrope slave to carry out any command save self-destruction, but,
as with other bound spirits, the monster is only obligated to interpret the
commands literally. Note that as long as the victim retains the "mark" (until he
wins the transformation struggle), he may be used again and again by the mage. The
rules for the transformation are otherwise the same as those above, and the
information regarding Werewolves is given in Section 8-C1, Page **. 5-G 4: The
Law of Change To put it simply, this branch of Magick deals with Physical
change. As such it is useful only with physical substances and beings, but it is
capable of causing massive alterations both in actual physical structure and in the
motion of such structures. There are two branches of this Sub-Area, Metamorphosis
and Motion. While each is very different, they both utilize the same kinds of Tools
to cause their effects:TOOL HEKAImagination
20Visual 15Physical Image, Unconnected
10Physical Image, Connected * 5Acted 5 * This
doesn't apply to non-material (non-Physical) things. All physical Images are
created as per Sympathetic Magick (see Section 5-G1c, Page **). 5-G 4 a:
Metamorphic Magick This type of dweomer causes physical change in objects. A
man might alter his facial features, gain or lose weight, or change his muscle
mass, thus gaining an increase in Attractiveness, higher Physical ATTRIBUTES, or
simply putting on an impenetrable disguise. Likewise, plants can be made to grow in
mutant or different form, animals to become monstrous, etc. Even more radical
changes, such as altering your body so that it grows wings and becomes capable of
flight, are possible at a i.c. high Heka cost. Permanent changes are much more
costly as well, and something undergoing a very radical change could be destroyed
in the process. The main problem is simply the difficulty that Heka has flowing in
our material sphere of existence. While in a "fantasy"-style world, such as that of
Yarth, it might be an almost simple matter to turn an enemy into
a frog, on Earth it is much more practical just to kill him outright! The
following is a list of the various types of effects for Metamorphic Magick. Unless
stated otherwise, the duration of all the below effects is assumed to be a base of
1 week, which may be extended:1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Increase or decrease the
effective age of a human or animal by 1 week. 2. Increase or decrease the rate at
which something grows or ages by .1%. This result is permanent unless changed by
another Formula. 3. Cause an alteration of one minor feature, such as hair or eye
shade, the shape of the earlobes, etc. Also, cause or remove rust and cracks in 4
square feet of a metal or stone surface. Such an alteration may neither harm nor
help the subject as far as the game mechanics go (you cannot "improve" an eye so
that you get a bonus to Perception rolls, nor can you make an enemy blind), but it
can be used to gain (or lose) 1/4 point of Attractiveness and/or disguise the
subject. Note that the Attractiveness changes granted by this effect are not
cumulative beyond 1 point nor in any case with other effects or the re-casting of
this one beyond 1 point. 4. Gain 2 points of BAC for a single, natural weapon
(see below). 5. Gain or lose 10 pounds of weight with a corresponding increase
or decrease in size. 6. Add 24 hours to the duration of a Formula.5 FACTOR
EFFECTS 1. Cause an alteration of one major feature, such as hair color or
texture, eye color or shape, ear or nose shape, skin shade, chin shape, etc. One
point of Attractiveness may be gained or lost via this method. The Attractiveness
changes are not cumulative with other effects or the re-use of this one. 2.
Increase or decrease a Physical ATTRIBUTE by 1 point. If it is a Muscular
ATTRIBUTE, then a corresponding increase or decrease of 10 pounds of weight (see #5
under 1 Factor effects) must also be made. Keep in mind that if you want your Power
or Speed ATTRIBUTES to exceed your current Capacity, then you must raise your
Capacity as well. 3. Add 7 days to the duration of the Formula. 4. Link Formula
with a Watcher. 5. Link Formula with a Heka "Battery".10 FACTOR EFFECTS * 1.
Grow or lose a single natural weapon (See Section 8-B7, Page **), or natural armor
against a single damage type. The BAC for this weapon must be purchased separately
(see the 1 Factor effects above). Ten Factors will purchase 3 "Layers" (see the
aforementioned Section 8-B7) of armor against "Firearm" or "Fire" damage, or 5
Layers against everything else. 2. Create a massive alteration effecting some
entire body portion(s), such as the whole head, hands, feet, skin color, fur or
scale growth, etc. This can be used to add or remove up to 2 points of
Attractiveness, even past the standard range. Note that the Attractiveness changes
for this effect are not cumulative with any of the others, either. In the case of
two physical alteration effects being cast, use the modification for the strongest.
3. Gain or lose a single standard physical Quirk or ability, such as sight,
hearing, acute vision, night vision, acute hearing, etc. (see Section 8-B6, Page **
for a number of examples of these). 4. Add six months to the duration of a
Formula.50 FACTOR EFFECTS ** 1. Create a complete restructuring of one's physical
form. From a complete body alteration (sex change possible) to transforming one's
body by addition, this is it! A man can grow wings and fly, or transform into an
animal. Note that any standard physical Quirks gained (such as the acute smell and
hearing of a wolf), would have to be paid for separately. The specific physical
features (height, weight, etc.) and the new Attractiveness rating are left up to
the GM to decide. 2. Make the duration of such a Formula as noted above permanent.
* Note that the subject must succeed in a "Moderate" PM roll to undergo the
transformation without harm. Failure results in taking 3d6 points of damage
(multiplied by an Exposure roll), or double that for a Special Failure. Only one
roll need be made per Formula that contains such an effect. If there are two or
more such effects, however, the DR goes up to "Hard". ** The subject must succeed
in a "Hard" PM roll as above. If the Formula contains a 10 Factor effect as well,
you still just roll at "Hard". Two or more 50 Factor effects, however, will warrant
a "Difficult" PM roll. Here are some examples of Metamorphic Formulas: 1. If the
persona wished to turn into a monster, he could increase his weight by 400 pounds
(40 Factors) and his PMP and PMC by 10 points each (100 Factors). He could grow
claws on each hand (20 Factors) and a fanged, poisoned maw (20 Factors) with a BAC
of 40 each (60 Factors), and 3 layers of armor against "fire" and "firearm" damage
(20 Factors) and 6 against all of the others (50 Factors). Finally, the persona
could throw in a good, thick coating of fur (10 Factors). If he chose the standard,
1 week duration and used the Acting Tool on himself, this massive Formula would
have a cost of 1600 (5 X 320) Heka points. (Ceremonial Magick time!) A "Hard" PM
roll would also be required to survive the experience unscathed. . . 2. If the
persona wished to become 10 years younger (520 Factors) and cease to age altogether
after that (i.e. a 100% slowdown of the aging process, or 1000 Factors), and have
the effects be permanent (50 Factors), it would cost 7600 (5 X 1520) points of Heka
via the "Acted" Tool, and demand a "Hard" PM roll as well. Good luck. 3. On a
simpler note, to cause the body of an enemy persona to blacken and wither (-4
Attractiveness) would require a mere 200 points of Heka (10 X 20) via an
Unconnected Physical Image, or just 400 to simply use the Imagination Tool (20 X
20). Note that this experience is likely to require the victim to make an Insanity
Check, especially if he is unfamiliar with Magick! A spell of similar cost and
power could be used to thoroughly damage a metal machine, such as a automobile!
5-G 4 b: The Magick of Motion This type of Magick deals with momentum and
inertia, and is great for causing things to suddenly start moving around or to stop
them from doing so. The base duration is 1 BT and the following effects are
included:1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Cause a 20 pound object with suitable wheels or
easily movable (on a downward incline, greased or icy surface), or a 2 pound object
without such provision, to begin rolling or sliding along the surface at 2 miles
per hour plus downward momentum, if any. (Note that a sliding object could sustain
considerable damage doing so!) One additional Factor used will add the same to the
weight or increase the speed by 2 mph. The device will accelerate 2 mph/CT and can
be controlled by the practitioner, though the turn radius, braking rate, and the
like will have a lot to do with how large and bulky it is. This can also be used to
push an animal over and make it slide along the ground. (Ouch! Watch that asphalt!)
This is an effect with great potential for exploitation by the imaginative. 2.
Create a 5 mph wind in a 3' X 3' X 30' line away from the mage. Note that a wind
speed equal to or greater than a persona's Physical TRAIT is strong enough to knock
him off his feet. Additional Factors can increase the speed by 5 mph and will
double the base area of effect, i.e. make an additional 3' high, 3' wide, 30' long
area. 3. Extend the duration of a spell by 1 AT.3 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Cause an object
of up to 10 pounds weight to levitate as far as 10 yards off the ground. The
altitude of the subject is controlled entirely by the practitioner, but the subject
can try to move by "swimming" along. This effect can be combined with #1 above to
produce a flying-like effect at double the effective speed and acceleration, but
note that the cost for the subject's weight must be paid for both effects. 2.
Cause 10 pounds of matter to teleport (instantaneously move) 5 yards in any
direction. The practitioner must make an additional DMC (Law of Change) roll to get
the subject precisely where he wants it. Failure means that it appeared too high,
too low, off to the left, etc. A Special Failure means that it was teleported
straight into a solid object, thus destroying the subject and a similar amount of
mass in the object. (Note that the two would just sort of cancel each other out
rather than explode.) If you want try to teleport an enemy into a solid object, a
Special Success will allow you to do so, but on the whole teleported items tend to
naturally drift around such barriers. The DR of the roll will have a lot to do with
how familiar the mage is with the destination point of the teleport spell, with an
"Extreme" rating given if he has never even seen it or had it described to him
before! 3. Link the Formula with a Heka "Battery". 4. Link the Formula with
a Watcher. Here are some examples of Motion Formulas: 1. Teleport a 160 lb. FP
34 yards upwards to the roof of a building where an escape copter awaits. Using a
Visual Tool, this can be done for 930 (15 X 62) points of Heka. 2. If the HP
weighed 150 lbs., he could levitate as high as 20 yards up and move along at a rate
of 50 mph for 470 (5 X 94) points of Heka. 5-G 5: The Law of Emanation
Magickal Operations related to the Law of Emanation deal solely with the
increase and decrease of energy, particularly that of Elemental nature. While this
may seem rather limited at first glance, it is important to remember that all types
of energy are so controlled, from electricity and Heka to the energy of the
Physical, Mental, and Spiritual TRAITS. The following types of Tools are utilized
in the Emanation Sub-Area:TOOL HEKAImagination
20Visual 15 Physical Image,
Unconnected 10Physical Image, Connected 5Acted *
5 * The Acted Tool only counts when you are influencing your
Personal TRAIT energy. By increasing or decreasing personal energy, the
HP can greatly influence what another creature is capable of. If he sucked away
all of a monster's Physical energy, for example, it's not going to feel like
running up and chomping on you. Note that Emanation Formulas cannot directly
control what energy does itself. You could light a bonfire by increasing the amount
of heat energy in a pile of wood, for example, but he could not make the flames
rise up and strike somebody. If, however, the wind were to blow the flames on an
enemy and set him on fire, then all to the good! Note the interesting possibilities
for Motion and Conduction Formulas that are cast after Emanation ones. Also, these
Formulas are handy as they generally require little Heka to operate. Spells related
to this Law may contain some of the following effects. Note that the base duration
of varies with each effect as well:1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Increase or decrease the
amount of electrical energy in an object or area by from 1% to 5%, with 100% being
considered equal to a 10d6 current. (Consider 10% to be equal to d6, and from 1% to
9% to be equal to d3) The exact amount of the percentage affected by each Factor
varies with the medium through which the electricity is being transferred, and is
shown on the following table: MEDIUM AMOUNT Metal or
water * 5% Flesh or wood 3% Air
1% Anything else None * Assumes a small,
contained volume through which the charge will flow, for in large bodies of water
rapid dissipation will occur. The electrical current will travel beyond the point
of origin for d% feet in all directions (save out of the medium) when metal or
water is used to conduct it. With flesh or wood and the like, it will travel to all
connecting objects of equal or greater conduction, and, when the point of origin is
in the air, will radiate off in for d10 feet in all directions , i.e. you have a
sphere with a d10 foot radius that will zap everything touching it. Note that Heka
may not be spent to increase the distance that it radiates. For more information on
electricity see Section 4-H2f, Page **. The base duration for such Formulas is 1
CT. It may last for an additional CT per Factor spent. Note that the same size
parameters apply for reducing electricity. 2. Increase or decrease the amount
of heat energy in an object using the same general method as for electricity. There
are a few differences, however. While metal, flesh, and wood count the same amount
as they do for electricity, water counts for 4%, air counts for 2%, and everything
else counts for 1% conductivity. Likewise, the chance of catching on fire when so
exposed is equal to the percentage rating of the flame. (Magickal flame tends to
behave differently than natural flame. See the aforementioned Section for the
damage and "Catch" percentages of normal fire.) And, as the size of the point of
origin is important (unlike electricity), assume a number of cubic feet equal to or
less than the mage's MRP. This may be increased by expending additional Factors
(Multiply your MRP by 1 plus the total number of Factors spent for that purpose),
provided that everything in the Area of effect is the same type of medium.
(Everything must be either 5%, 4%, 2%, etc.) The temperature surrounding the point
of origin in a d10 or so yard, foot, or inch radius (perhaps just d10 inches for a
candle) will likewise be increased or decreased according to the number of
percentage (or, in the case of causing cold, negative percentage) points purchased.
A 10% increase in the level of heat energy, for instance, would cause d6 points of
damage per CT to those in contact with the affected object, have a 10% of catching
them on fire, and raise the temperature by 10 degrees in a d10 (determine measure)
radius. Furthermore, a combustible object with from 1% to 10% (depending on
size--a candle would take less than a stack of timber) worth of heat energy on it
will combust. Likewise, from -1% to -10% will be sufficient to thoroughly coat an
object with frost. The base duration for this effect is likewise 1 CT, and is
increasable in the usual manner. When deciding the effects of a spell, however,
keep in mind that cold is not an energy in and of itself, but is rather just the
absence of heat energy 3. Another type of elemental energy is that of cohesion,
that which effects what state of matter something assumes. The greatest cohesion
is, of course, to be found in solids, with liquids being next and gasses following
with very little cohesion. Let's assume that 1 cubic foot of a solid has 30%
cohesion, 1 cubic foot of liquid has 10%, and a similar amount of gas has 1%. One
Factor is sufficient to increase or decrease 10% cohesion. Thus, for 30 Factors,
you could instantly convert 10 cubic feet of solids into a gaseous state. Note that
this works differently than heat and electricity, with which the percentage amount
is not related to the area of effect. Likewise, you don't have to worry about the
nature of the medium. (Heka treats all solids equally regardless of their boiling
point.) This is great for causing openings in walls or turning a spy into gaseous
form (like that of a vampire) so that he can seep underneath the doors and into the
EP headquarters! To keep things from getting any more complex than they already
are, just assume that movement and the like are the same as for when you're in a
solid state (Although wind speed could certainly apply modifiers to that). The base
duration for such spells is 1 AT, expandable in the normal manner. 4. Running
short on air? You can also, via the Law of Emanation, make your own. This comes in
especially handy when you're holing up inside a Full Physical Pentacle. One Factor
will make enough air to sustain 1 man for one hour. The air appears in a cloud
around the subject's head and is not limited by spatial considerations. So there is
no real limit to the amount of air you can create in any one place. 5. Emanation
can also be used to increase or decrease energy of a Physical, Mental, or Spiritual
nature. Decreasing energy is similar to inflicting damage. For every Factor
invested in a spell, it will inflict d6 points of damage on a foe. This is a lot
more damage than what other sorts of Formulas can cause, but there's a catch--it's
temporary. All such damage inflicted will disappear 24 (active) or 12 (resting)
hours after it is inflicted, and furthermore, it can't kill someone, turn him will-
less, or fry his brain. Anyone who suffers enough of this damage to equal or exceed
one of his TRAITS will be rendered comatose until it disappears or is removed.
By increasing personal energy, however, you can temporarily heal d6 points
of damage per Factor. This does not really remove damage, but momentarily negates
the effect that it has on play. Once 12 (active) or 24 (resting) hours have passed,
any damage which has not been permanently cured will return. The main use of such
spells is to temporarily improve the condition of a persona so that he will have
enough time to receive proper medical help. Note that, along with the damage
points, any other effects such as Shock, Dazing, and Permanent Damage will be
temporarily removed. Furthermore, by increasing someone's Personal energy you
can temporarily boost his STEEP by up to 25% in one or more K/S Areas, excluding
Psychogenics and Dweomercraefting. This bonus applies to all of his Sub-Areas as
well. It costs 1 Factor per point of Additional STEEP so gained, and the effects
last for 1 AT plus 1 more AT per additional Factor so spent. 6. Cause matter
with only a Non-Physical or Partial- Physical Manifestation in a 27 Cubic Foot
radius to emanate light so as to become visible to Full-Physical creatures. The
duration is 1 AT plus 1 more AT per additional Factor so spent, and the area of
effect can likewise be increased by 27 more cubic feet per extra Factor expended.
7. Link spell to a Heka "Battery". Here are some examples of spells
utilizing the above effects: 1. Create a ball of electricity in the middle of a
group of foes standing 30 yards away. Using air as the conductive medium, you could
generate a 21% (d6+d3) charge for 21 Factors. Another 9 Factors would grant you a
total 10 CT duration. Using the Visual Tool, this Formula could be cast for 450 (15
X 30) points of Heka. Note that, over the course of 10 CTs, the bad guys would
suffer a total of 10d6+10d3 points of damage and would be frozen in place the whole
time. (C'est la guere! Need we say more?). 2. Reduce the electrical current
running through a trapped pool that you want to swim across from 30% to 0% for a
mere 6 Factors. All of the water within d% yards of the origin would cease to
conduct electricity. 3. Ever heard stories of people spontaneously combusting?
For some real fun, apply 60% of heat energy directly to a foe for 1 BT. Using a
Connected Physical Image, this nasty Formula could be cast for 105 (5 X 21)
Factors. 4. Your HP could temporarily boost his Weapons, Small Arms STEEP for a
really tough fight by augmenting his level of Physical energy. If his normal STEEP
was 40 he could add as many as 10 points to it (for a grand total of 50), as one is
able to increase one's STEEP ratings by up to 25%. If the persona had specialized
in a Sub-Area there, all of the individual Sub-Area STEEP scores would be refigured
with the increase in mind. Furthermore, if he spent an extra 9 Factors he could
increase the duration of this effect from 1 AT to an hour. Using the Acted Tool,
your HP could cast this Formula for only 110 (5 X 22) points of Heka. Finally, the
Law of Emanation may also be used to increase (but not decrease) the HP's own level
of Heka via the Ritual of Concentration. For details, see Section 5-B, Page **.
5-G 6: The Law of Conduction Whereas Emanation controls the amount of energy
present in an area, Conduction controls the use to what energy that is already
can be put. The Tools for this Law are the same as those for Emanation, and it is
divided up into two main parts: Direction and Transportation. Directive Magick
allows one to direct Elemental energy and the like. Using such a Formula you could,
for example, call down a lightning bolt during a storm or push a raging forest fire
away from your HP's house. Transportation, on the other hand, controls the elements
of time and space, allowing the persona to walk through walls, travel through time,
or step into other physical universes. This is seldom done, however, as it can be
very dangerous--there's no telling where one will wind up! The effects of these two
areas are discussed in more detail below:1 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Cause an area of heat
or electrical energy to move a certain distance in one direction. If the area being
moved through or to is a medium of equal or better conductivity, then the distance
can be as far as 5 yards per Factor. If it must deal with an area which is one
level worse (ex-wood is one worse than metal, see "Emanation" above), then the rate
will be more like 3 yards, or 1 yard for two or more areas which are one level
worse or one or more areas which are two levels worse. Note that the energy will
not be able to pass through a non-conductive area at all. The base size of the
area of effect of such energy is a number of cubic yards equal to the caster's MRP.
Additional Factors may be spent to increase this in the usual manner. Anything from
a large area of 600 degree (Fahrenheit) heat to a flash of ball lighting can be
moved about by such Formulas, and the duration is instantaneous, although something
that is moved will remain there until something else moves it back. 2. Another
effect related to Directive Magick is that of conducting light energy or sound so
that the persona can improve his sight or hearing. For every Factor invested, he
can see or hear through any solid matter within 10 feet as if it wasn't there. The
duration for this effect is 1 BT, which may be further boosted by 1 BT for every
Factor used to that effect. Thus a 29 Factor formula, for example, would allow one
to see and hear through solid matter for 100 feet and for as long as 1 AT. 3.
Alter the vibratory waves of space so that something shifts "Out of Phase". What
this means is that a solid physical object (Full Physical Manifestation) can be
made into a ghost-like one (Partial Physical Manifestation) which can pass through
walls, floors, and the like. In fact, a radical change can even render something
invisible! Unfortunately for would-be ambushers, an object in such a state is
incapable of physically attacking or of influencing the Physical world in more than
a very minor way, although the persona would be immune to Physical attacks himself.
Note that a change of only one level of manifestations is possible with such
Magick. A Full Physical could be made into a Partial, but could not be taken all
the way to a Non Physical form. Also keep in mind that something's level of
Physical Manifestation cannot be increased through such means. A spirit that had
only a Partial, for example, could not be granted a Full by such means--although
that might be possible through the use of the Law of Emanation. (Count on it being
expensive!) The base duration for such an effect is 1 AT, which may be
further increased by 1 AT for 1 Factor each. The base area of effect is 1 cubic
foot, which may likewise be increased on a one cubic foot/Factor basis. 4. It
is also possible to transport a subject and anything in physical contact with it to
another Physical Plane. This requires 1 Factor per cubic foot of matter to be so
transported, and is strictly one-way--although the mage would probably (???) be
able to cast another Formula and transport back. Such travel is instantaneous; the
subject(s) simply disappear and reappear at the destination. Note that a
dweomercraefter must have a "feel" for a particular plane in order to cast a spell
that goes there. In other words, he must have either seen part of it or have had it
described to him in great detail. He must likewise be able to visualize a place of
appearance on said plane, or else there is no telling where he might end up! It is
perfectly possible to appear inside a solid object (in which case both objects will
completely negate each other) via such reckless plane-shifting, so be careful!
Another possibility for plane travel is if you know the Truename of the plane
to which you are going. This allows you to safely move to a new universe with no
prior knowledge of it whatsoever! The down side is that you don't know where you
will turn up. Remember, the only guarantee that using a Truename provides is that
you will arrive at an environmentally-compatible destination in one piece, not that
said destination will not be some fire demon's dinner plate! Also, knowing the
Truename for one plane, of course, is of no help in traveling to any other planes.
The Truenames of planes, and possibly those of Spirits as well, might be found in a
few various Magickal Grimoires. Note that with Formulas that utilize this
effect a Link is only required with one individual. The Formula will automatically
effect anyone else the practitioner wills (assuming that there's enough Heka). If
Tesha wished to move her HP team to a quasi-medieval world of active Magick that
she discovered, she'd only need to have a Link with herself, but she would have to
spend enough Heka to cover the entire party and its equipment. There may be a way
that a "gate" could be opened through which Physical beings could freely pass
between two such worlds. While this sounds a lot like the Law of Conduction, such a
Formula would undoubtedly be very expensive to cast. This does, however, appear to
be a situation that a Ritual would be well-suited for. 5. Another type of such
travel is that across the boundaries of time. Both the nature and cost of such
travel are very similar to that for plane-shifting, save that an additional Factor
must be used for every month (or fraction thereof) that the practitioner jumps
forward or backward in time. There should be no problem with having a "feel" for
the destination, but numerous problems with things like language, culture,
clothing, and money will certainly pop up. It is left up to the GM to determine the
effects of such problems, as well as paradoxes like what happens if an HP goes back
in time and meets himself. Personally, I prefer to use the old Zeus method and turn
the paradoxical persona (personas?) into stone. Recall the legend of how the Dog-
Who-Always-Caught-His-Prey chased the Rabbit-That-Could-Not-Be-Caught. Zeus solved
this problem by petrifying the two annoying beasties, and I suggest that the GM do
the same if a paradoxical situation is forced. 5-G 7: The Law of Obstruction This
Law is, in a way, the opposite of the Laws of Emanation and Conduction. It
basically prevents energy from increasing, decreasing, or being directed. There are
a number of interesting possibilities for the use of this Law. Your own personal
energy, for example, could be Magickally made to stay the same, meaning that you
could not grow tired and could not take damage--at least for the duration of the
spell. You could prevent the temperature in an area from changing (a neat way to
make a refrigerator or keep the house warm), and, of course, you can prevent or
negate Magick related to the Laws of Emanation and Conduction (at least!). The
Tools for such Formulas as mentioned are the same as for those of the
aforementioned Laws, and the effects are explored in more detail below:1 FACTOR
EFFECTS 1. The Temperature in an area can be made to stay the same, which will
last for 8 hours per Factor. The area of effect equals the caster's MRP in cubic
feet, multiplied by 1 plus any additional Factors spent. This type of Formula can
only be cast on a general area, such as the interior space of a house, and not on a
specific physical object, like a man. 2. Render one conductive medium
unsuitable for conducting one type of energy, be it heat, electricity, or whatever.
This sudden lack of conductiveness will cover an area equal to the caster's MRP
(multiplied by the number of Factors spent) in square or cubic feet. If, for
example, you wanted to render the metal body of a 14' X 6' X 4' car unsuitable for
the conduction of heat, it would take 19 Factors if you had an MRP of 19. If you
wished to render it unable to conduct electricity as well, then it would cost an
additional 19 Factors (38 total). The duration is 8 hours per additional Factor
spent. 3. Negate a Conduction or Emanation spell with a duration greater than
2 CTs on a basis of 1 Factor per 2 Factors to be negated. 4. Cause a 1 pound
object in motion to stay in motion (ignore friction) for AT per Factor of the
spell. 5. Cause 1 cubic foot or less of light (radiant energy, visible) to
remain lit for 1 hour per Factor of the spell.5 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Link Formula
with a Heka "Battery". 2. Link Formula with a Watcher 3. Cause the levels of
Vril or Heka energy to stay the same in an area equal to the practitioner's MRP in
cubic feet--thus effectively rendering all Magick and Psychogenics unusable in the
area covered by the spell. The duration is 1 AT, plus an extra AT per additional 5
Factors expended.20 FACTOR EFFECTS 1. Make your personal energy stay the same for
1 CT per 20 Factors expended. As noted above, you will be virtually tireless and
indestructible for the duration of the Formula. (It is, as they say, expensive but
worth it!)Chapter 5 Dweomercrfting UNHALLOWED Page #1992 Omega Helios Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.##############7#
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########+#E#### 5-F 2: Breaking the Link###
Curtis Smith
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### ############F####Microsoft Word Document#
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###t#################################################### 5-F 2: Breaking
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############### 5-F 2: Breaking the

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