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DJ Dimaliuat Reveals...

The 6 Habits of
Young Millionaires

Young Millionaires are rich and successful because they have young millionaire habits.

I have always said during my talks that if you want to be successful, you must mimic,
copy, and pick the brains, study the mindset of rich and successful people.

Well... That is exactly what I did... and then some.

When I was about to graduate college, I got exposed to the business world simply be-
cause of the influence of Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author of the book, Rich Dad,
Poor Dad. At that point, I was already decided that I wont go into employment. So I
looked for opportunities that I can earn so that I can buy the things that I want and reach
my dreams as young as possible.

After a few months of doing business, I was introduced to T. Harv Eker through his videos
and eventually read his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. My key takeaway from that
book is the big disparity on how the rich and poor people think, act, and do. Rich people
dont literally do dierent things but they do things dierently. Why? Because they think dif-
ferently, and therefore, they have habits that are hardwired for success.

From that moment, I continued to learn from other people who have the results that I want
in life. I looked for mentors who can teach and guide me and followed them on my way to
success. That is actually one of the things I covered in this book.

During my first year of doing business, I found myself in limbo, looking for opportunities
that can help me make my dreams come true. Eventually, during my second year of doing
business, the same year I graduated from college, I earned my first million. After another 5
months, I started my own company together with my colleagues and partners. I was age
23 when that happened. For the past 6 years of running that business, I saw the growth of
our company, along side my own growth. I never stopped learning.

I am so grateful with what I have achieved today and I feel that its my duty to share my
story to people. To inspire more people like how I was inspired early on in life up until this
very day. What I am going to share to you through this book are the habits that I practice
today as a result of years of learning and experiences.

That is the reason why I wrote this book to share to everyone what I believe is the founda-
tional principles of success. It worked for me, and since these are based on principles and
not a How To guide, I know that this works for everyone.

We are what we repeatedly
The 6 Habits of do. Excellence, then, is not
Young Millionaires an act, but a Habit

I truly believe that 80% of success is all about mindset and belief. Every action that we
take is based on these two things. We dont take action for no reason at all. We only take
action because of something, and mostly they come from how we are brought up or what
we learned while growing up. We learn fast thru modeling. What we see is what we con-

clude what is right. That is how we are as little children and believe it or not, that is still
how we are as adults.

Knowing that modeling plays a key role to the development of people, I am here to share
to you the winning habits that make young millionaires successful early on. What I did
early on is what you can do too in order to fast track your success. Poor and unsuccessful
people try to do everything on their own. They dont ask for help. Rich and successful peo-
ple know that if you study what other successful do and implement it with your own life,
most likely, you will get the same result. You need not reinvent the wheel. As Anthony Rob-
bins said:

Success leaves clues

The fastest way to be successful is to follow what other people have done and model it or
better, improve it.

In the following sections, you will be introduced to the habits of young millionaires. Most, if
not all of it, you already know or have heard of it somewhere, but the question I want you
to ask yourself is Am I doing it consistently?. Most people look for complicated things to
do in order to be successful. What they dont understand is that the fundamentals are way
more important. Lets go back to the basics and commit to do it consistently. Make sure
you do the exercises at the end of each section for fast results.

Give Affirmation

If you were to choose, would you like to be around people who always play tricks on you,
criticizes you, or mock you? Or would you like to be with people who are always there to
arm you?

Let me guess, of course you like to be armed!Even sometimes when it seems that they
arent really serious about it, or are just having fun, still it feels good!

When you give armation to people, even when they dont show it, they feel good. They
may feel awkward at first just because they are not used to receiving armation but deep
in their hearts, they are like little children jumping up and down because they got armed.
Finally, someone around them noticed and gave them a good feedback.

In this highly negative world, people who spread positive vibes win! They win the money

And for you? It follows. The same rule applies. When you are emitting positive vibration all
over, good people get attracted to you. The same people you want to work and do busi-
ness with.

When you arm people, they start to like you. You start to build rapport. You start to build
trust. You start to develop business between the two of you.

As we all know, successful businesses are built with a high level of trust. When people
trust one another, doing business seems to be easy. You even want to help people whom
you trust to win. Thats basic human nature.

When you arm other people, it also has an unexplainable eect that it seems you are giv-
ing armation to yourself. You are also receiving it.

You cannot see to other people what you cannot see in yourself. You cannot give what you
dont have. My point of advice? Practice giving armation. People need it.

Now lets spend 10 to 15 minutes of your time to do a short exercise in Armation.

Armations are a wonderful gift that you can give to anyone. The great thing is, it wont
cost you a penny! Its always available for FREE!

Having a habit of arming people will allow you to attract positive people in your life.
These are people you want to surround yourself with everyday.

Lets now have a short exercise in armation usingthe I am declaration.


Now as we go through the Young Millionaire Habits, it will be worthless if it will never be ap-
plied immediately, so lets go and have an exercise regarding armation.

1. List down 10 armationsthat you want to tell yourself today. Take note: 5 of
these must be physical armations, and 5 of these must be character arma-
tions. Start your armations with the phrase I am.

Examples of Physical Armations are I am Handsome and I am Sexy.

Examples of Character Armations are I am Passionate and I am Driven.

2. Face the mirror, read the armations you wrote down aloud, look in to your eyes
and point to yourself as if you aretalking to you.

3. Write down 5 people at home and 5 people at work that you want to give arma-

4. List down 3 armations that you will give these people starting today and tomor-

I, too, am not that used to giving armations at first. It is not in my nature to give arma-
tions. It is not my default love language. Through the course of doing business, I learned
that it is easier to work with people whom you like and who like you as well. I am still on
the process of being more aware and practicing giving armation to people. Go on and
do it. It wouldnt hurt and it doesnt cost you any money.

Daily Gratitude

Choose to be grateful everyday.

Whether you like it or not, problems and challenges will always show up. The people with
the ability to stay happy and grateful despite and in spite of will most likely win the game!

Problems and challenges are part of life. It is our ability and decision to react on the things
that happen in our lives that shape whether we become successful or not.

Like attracts like. Positive energy attracts more positive energy. Garbage attracts more gar-

People with higher sense of gratitude tend to feel more blessed and therefore speeds up
their success even better. You will also begin to attract the right people in your life when
you choose gratitude over complaining and ranting. These are potential business partners,
clients, or even a life partner that are more than willing to work with you because they en-
joy you.

Let me ask you. Would you rather be with people who are always ranting and complain-
ing? Or with people who always seem to find a way to be happy no matter what?

Attitude is Contagious.

Might as well decide to be a good virus than a dreaded one. Either way, you infect people
with how you act and think. You just dont know it up until now.

So how can you be grateful? Its easy!

Start your day with a prayer. End your day with a prayer. In prayer you will always remem-
ber to give thanks to God. By simply acknowledging that you are alive as you wake up

every single day is the greatest gift anyone can receive and we are receiving the gift of
life daily.

That is a good start. Im sure you can add up to that.

One of the best Exercises in practicing yourself in terms of Gratitude is keeping a Grati-
tude Journal. Take 5 to 10 minutes of your time today and be a Young Millionaire of the
rest of your life!


1. At the end of your day, list down 5things you can be grateful for today. You can
list down the things you enjoyed for the day. It doesnt need to be big things. Sim-
ple things will do.

An example of one of my days of writing in my gratitude journal are as follows:

Great meeting with my team.

Awesome lunch served at home!

Perfectspeaking engagement with the students in UST.

Played basketball.

A nice talk with my friend Cris.

2. Assess your feelings. How are you feeling when you recognize the good things
that are happening in your life?

3. Do this for the next 7 straight days. When you miss one day in between, the
count goes back to zero. Be honest with this activity. No skipping of days. Your
goal is to develop the habit and have an attitude of gratitude.

4. On the 8th day, go on your list again. Now write down what has changed in your
life and what new results you achieved by doing this activity.

Gratitude could be the reason why you will attract more and more blessing in your life. Al-
ways remember, like attracts like.

Listen to Mentors

What if you can fast track your success and cut the waiting time in half? Would you do it?

Of course everyone will say yes! However, not everyone is humble enough to find a men-
tor, approach and ask for help. Not everyone has the drive to go this far and ask someone
to mentor them. Not everyone is willing to go the extra mile, maybe pay the necessary
cost, and reach out in order to have someone to copy and follow in their business or indus-

Unfortunately, most people are either too proud or too shy to ask for help. Young Million-
aires, on the other hand, accept that they did not know it all, they need some help, and
they are open for all the learnings they can get. That is the reason why young millionaires
grow big, so fast that people around them get shocked with their transformation and devel-

Money and wealth will come so easy because you have the right mindset needed in order
to be successful. Like I always say:

Young Millionaires are successful because they have a young millionaire mindset.

So how do you get the right mindset? Find a Mentor. Ask this person if he/she can person-
ally guide you in order to be successful too. Youll be surprised how the right people are al-
most always willing to help.

Ask this mentor for guidance and lessons that you can learn from. And take note, I also
mention during my live seminars that it is best to work for free so that you will now be
working for money, but instead, you are there to work to learn.

Listen to everything your mentor will teach you and then pick those that makes sense to
you and that is fit with your beliefs. You may also want to check your own limiting beliefs
and try to expand on how your mentor thinks.

You would want to think like how your mentor thinks.

So how do you find a mentor?

Finding the right mentor is finding the right person that will guide you to your success
now! Yes, the key word is NOW. You may have a number of mentors in your lifetime.

As I went on my career in business, in every era or time in my life, as I progress, I found

mentors along the way that guided me and helped me to get to where I am today. There
may be times that we wenton our own ways because of dierent focus and priorities, but
it doesnt mean the relationship is over. Its just that maybe I needed to learn something on
my own, or learn from other mentors as well.

The best mentor for you to follow and listen to is the one who HAS THE LIFESTYLE THAT
YOU WANT. Yes its about the lifestyle, not just about the amount of income or the results.
Well actually, lifestyle is a result. You may want the income of a certain person, but if you
dont like the lifestyle of this person, then maybe you will not be attracted to get him or her
as your mentor. Do not forget to put importance in the lifestyle because you will also be liv-
ing that life when you become successful too. Now lets do the homework.


1. Write down in which certain field, business, or industry do you want to have suc-

Examples could be the top salespersonin a real estate company, the founder of a suc-
cessful website, the top leader in your multi-level marketing company, your favorite moti-
vational speaker, your idol start-up entrepreneur, and so on.

2. Write down a person that you know who has the results that you want and you
feel that their lifestyle is something that you also dream of (you may know this
person personally or not yet).

3. List down 3 to5 ways that you can contact or get in touch with this person.

4. Write down a script or an outline on what are you going to say to this person or
how are you going to ask this person to mentor you.

5. Answer this: Why do I want to be mentored by this person?

6. Contact this person ASAP!

The most important step is Step #6. Remember that no plan can ever be successful if it
only stayed in your mind. Put it in action!

Grow Daily

Being an engineering student, I loved numbers, and.. I never really liked reading books. I
would rather compute and solve problems than read a book full of letters.

During my last year in college, I enrolled in our Entrepreneur class, the class that changed
how I look at life moving forward. My professor at that time asked us to read a book enti-
tledRich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. Since then, my MINDSET about life and busi-
ness was changed forever.

Then I started to look for more opportunities and fast forward, I was invited to attend a real
estate orientation to be one of the companys accredited sellers. I went on to attend all the
training about real estate that I could and earned my first million in just one year.

May 2010, me and my partners decided to start our own company. I realized after a few
months that we have to train our people.

How can I train my people if I only know limited things?

Thats when I started to go out of my shell. Aside from skills training, I attended other train-
ing programs that develop my inner skills.

I learned that the greatest battle is inside me, my self-talk, my beliefs. These are the
things that limit me from getting real life, big time success!

As I continue to grow, my company continued to grow.

Right now, I am happy to know that I am financially free and I just realizedthat during the
recent training program I attend in Singapore. Again, as you can see, I am still growing,
even when I am already financially free. As of this writing, I am in Malaysia, attending the

Guerilla Business Intensive designed my T.Harv Eker because I continue to grow myself.
You should be growing yourself too. Not once, not twice, but constantly!

Now we know that daily growth is important to success, all you need to know is what you
need to learn more or in which area you will need to grow in order to be have quick suc-
cess, on your way to being a young millionaire!


1. Identify your passion. This is the area you want to learn most. You will have fun
learning even after school simply because this is the area where you really are in-
terested in.

2. In your currentbusiness or the business you are planning to enter, identify which
areas do you need and want to learn more of.

3. In the following important areas of a business, which areas do you need to learn
more of?



Business Management

Accounting and Finance

Personal Belief and Entrepreneur Mindset

4. In number 3, put a rating on how much you know in terms of every area.

5. Pick the lowest score. That will be your priority to learn within the next 30 days.

6. Now you have your next step since you know your weaknesses. Knowing your
weakness is just like being prepared in battle. You know what you need to pro-
tect and improve.

Claim Success

Young Millionaires have the habit of claiming success every single day. Millionaires are suc-
cessfulbecause they have millionaire habits.

Now, the million dollar question

Do you have millionaire habit??

I thought so

Now heres what we are going to do. Let me share you what rich and successful people,
what young millionaires do, why they have a big advantage compared to their peers.

You will be doing powerful statements that will make you feel good everytime youre going
to read it and tell it to yourself. Most of these statements should start with I am and as
an upgrade from armation, you will follow this up with a powerful statement that you
want to happen in the future, that you want to feel having right now.

Lets have a short activity.


1. Write down 5 to 10 things that you doubt yourself and/or things you feel you lack.

2. As you read these things, how do you feel? Do you feel frustrated? Sad? Mad?

3. Now write down a more positive statement to eliminate those negative thoughts
that you have in item #1.

4. Start your statement with an I am then follow it up with what you want to
achieve. Claim it! Feel it! Believe it!

5. Now go in front of the mirror, look straight into your eyes, hands in your heart,
and read your declaration.

6. Do this everyday and everytime you feel like you need a boost in your life.

I do this all the time. I do this when I wake up, when I am driving, trying to pump myself
up, when I am about to go up the stage, when I am about to face a client, when I an down,
or I am up. I do this everytime, and I am a young millionaire.

You can be one to! You are a young millionaire.

Now do a declaration.


Believe it!

Achieve it!

Choose Happiness

Mostpeople pursue success in order to attain happiness.Well I dont know a lot of peo-
ple who are very successful in that. In fact, if we only pursue success, we get succumbed
into the pursuit and we dont enjoy the journey. This is what most people call burnout.

Being successful, especially in areas of career and money is supposed to be the best
thing right??? Wrong!

Thats what most of us thought it should be because of the things we see about people on
TV and in the media but all of these are external. There already a lot of movies and stories
about rich and successful people ending up unhappy.

No! Im not telling you that it is not good to be rich.

I actually want you to be rich and successful because rich people has the leveraged power
to help more people if this is used in goodness and not madness. You being one of my fol-
lowers reading this blog is who I want to help me to spread goodness in this world. But
first, help yourself to be rich, happy, and successful too.

Now what? What should I do if its not success that will make me happy?

You might ask.

My answer? Read below.

Every moment is a moment of choice. Everyday you can choose to be happy.

Yes my friends, Happiness is a choice.

Just like when you are having problems (because problems never really go away), suer-
ing is a choice. There might be times you may feel uncomfortable, sad, mad, or disap-

pointed. Whatever obstacles life may throw at you, whatever challenger that may come
your way, whatever misfortunes that may arise, happiness still remains in your vast array
of choices. You can always be happy.

You have your life in your hands. You have the steering wheel. You are in control. Never
ever forget that.

This is what separates the young millionaires from the average people out there. Young Mil-
lionaires are happy no matter what. Other people complain no matter what. Either way,
theres a consequence. I will always choose happiness because I have proven that it has
greater benefits amongst others.

Happiness is one, if not the most sought after goals in life.

We go for our goals to have the sense of achievement in what we believe can make us

But come to think of it. Does the material things in life give us total happiness? Most of the
time, its just temporary. At the end of the day, it's all about doing what we really love to do,
and being with people who we want to be. To find the true purposeof life and live it at the
present moment is what real happiness is all about.

Young Millionaires choose to be happy no matter what.

Choose to be happy today, and everyday.

Discoveringand then living your life purpose will greatly help you to be happy every single
day. That's what I did. Go ahead and find yours.

The 7th Habit

Another secret of Young Millionaires?

They do more than what is expected... So should you!

Here I am doing just that.

And since you are reading this.. It means you may have been one of the few who follows
through and do not just settle for something that is average.

I am telling you right now... You have what it takes to be a Young Millionaire!

You just have to start now! Yes now!

Do not wait for anything else!

If you are in college, just graduated, or in your 20s, then this is the best time to go for your
dreams and start building your own empire. Today. Not Tomorrow.

Today is the time when you are still single, you don't have too much on your plate to han-
dle, you still don't have too much obligation to carry, and you have lots and lots of energy
that this world needs.


you want to change the world? Start with yours.

Congratulations for getting to this part. You are part of the 1% of people who finish the
book they started reading. Well isnt it an amazing feat? You got the potential! Now let me
remind you that learning is totally dierent from doing. Now comes the bigger part, taking

You have just finished 20% of your journey by learning. 80% of your success comes from

At this point should already have a dream, a vision, or an intention of how you see yourself
written down. If not, go back to chapter 1, I provided a space there where you can write or
get a notebook and pen, and write down your answers. This is a chapter and a book about
action, not just inspiration. This is my duty to you as you are reading this book. I will never
let go of your dreams and will never tolerate in action. That is how I show my love to you in
my own little way.

Now you all know that those dreams and intentions will not happen if you do not do what
is required for you to be successful. You got tot take action!

I realized this the hard way. I already told you that I am used to attend a lot of training pro-
grams. Well, I have a confession to make. Most of the things I have learned in training, I
failed to put it into action. Most of the books Ive read inspired me, but I did not take ac-
tion most of the time. I dont want you to fall in the same trap as I did because I am quite
sure that most people who read books and attended seminars also experienced the same.
You can be better.

But what I am proud of is this. I have an eective life practice and this is the last thing I will
share to you: Whenever I learn something new, I write down 3 things that I commit to take
action within the next 30 days. Then I make sure to take action in at least one of them. By
doing this, I make sure that I have progress in my life. That is the reason why I am where I
am today, I have a bias for action. I challenge you to take action in your life today.

Thank you very much for your trust in me and reading this book. You inspire me to con-
tinue expanding and growing myself so I can inspire more people. I am forever grateful to
be given the chance to share my blessings to more people. Deep in my heart you are so
much appreciated.

Go ahead and use your God-given gifts to inspire others as well. Youre better than who
you think you are today.

I will always pray for your financial freedom.

DJ Dimaliuat

Young Millionaire

P.S. I prepared a free gift specially for you. Go to my site to get updates on what I do in or-
der to be successful every single day. I will also give suggestions and reviews of busi-
nesses that I believe you can start real soon.

Visit to get access.


DJ is an entrepreneur who loves a business of building people and helping them to be suc-
cessful too. He is also a business coach, a marketing consultant, a life coach, a real estate
broker, and a financial planner.

In his free time, he does event hosting and life coaching too. He loves to travel, drive fast
cars, play basketball, and watch movies and TV series with his friends and loved ones.

He is the CFO and one of the owners of DRIVEN Marketing Group Inc., one of the fastest
growing real estate marketing companies in the Philippines.

He recently launched his new book The Young Millionaire Way and you can get a copy of
the book at

For more information about DJ, you may visit his website:


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