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l. mOH' dropletH (f oi! Oll t}\!" und(!

rsidl' of lhe>
mineral so that eadl drop nm h(' seen through
bolh o f tlw dear Hideti of the ce\!. As IIn
alternati \l' , if the o ) 'Jsed in the test is a
holtk takin!-; can: U, prevt'nt xc(!ss iv('
and clllulsifc ..ion .
6:-\, Observe the relative dislwrs ibilit y or (ne

llllX IIW

partides or their lcndency to furm clurnps in

transparent oil, then !he cell (:<111 be filled .....-itb both aqueous and oH phascs hy liftin...: a s mull
oil a mi a water droplct pla{"l~d on Ihe top of ljuantit)- of sand with a sem iminl! spnun
the mineral. spatula into the oil phase.and a llowi n; it to fa l!
d. Me;u;urc the required drop rli mension with back inl.O the water.
ti cat hetomder or a photo~raph uf the
drop. 1\ .oniometer mily be \.lsed to mensure Water Soluble or Water Di!lJ)e rsibll' Surfon'
(:ont.<lct angle through the ..... alcr hase Ix" Active A J{e nt!!
twcen the solid and lhe oi]water interfacl::.
64. Place :)(} m i of a watt~r sol uti/ll1 ("l)lllainillj.!
J)rop di mensions rNJuired for inLcrfaeial tension the Ijurface acti ve agcnt at t he \t~sir(d 1.:011 ('(>1\
and fM t:ontact ang le coleul:ltion ar described trllion in a hottle aod add 10 c m:' of test s <.IlId .
in Pars. <19 and 53. Periodic mcns uremenb; will After 30 minutcs decmt solulion intl) antlthu
indiente when e4uilibrium conditiuns a re hottle and carefuJly add .sO mI of (Ji) on toll of
reacht'd. I':onnally , rcfin ed oils :lnd brines attain the sol:J tion. 5ift th e trcat~d sand !'; Inwly nte)
cquilibrium within 21 hours; some !!ystems ha ve the hotUe allowing it t..o fall throu.:h tlw oil a nd
rcqurcd 600 hour~ or more to reaeh I..'q uilibrium. waler. Ohserve the relativ(' di sp('rsihi l,ty ur
wndC'ncy t form clumps as dcscri ht~d in Pm. fi: l.
59. 'fhe proccdures outlincd in Par. 5t3 can be
easily :ldaplcd to tes t agents dp~ir.:n('d to alter
_ t wdtahility Of interf",cia l ~emdons. Th (>se agents Acid Solutions
- .; should be intruduced into the appropriate phase
and resultant CQntact anglcs mewmrcd.
65. Pl ace 50 mi of fleid wnta inin.: !'urf r C:(~
active a.:ent and /c ,r corrosion inhi hil!)r 10 be
testcd in a bottlc <l nd lrld [IJ cm " uf sand
Proeeed as descrihed in Par. 61\ .

(;(j. Observe the ,IPPO::;!Ta/Wt "f I.)W ,.;:\Od
60. 'l'his mcthod provldes a simple and rapid
procedure for qualitati\'cly determining the grains in aeid. de<;:. mt tlw :I(:i<l, anrl rins t ( ht~
wfltting: tendcncics of surfan" adive agent sund with form ;ltion OT synlhl'tic: ,TillE '. ( ~I I\:e r
solutiollS. ir watt.'r-wd.t ing or oil-wctlin g tendt.'n- th(, .a n d with [)() mi o( hrinc nd ;"iO m i (lf
ey is ,.;:rc8t, it CIO be easily distillguishcd . nil. I\~tlin obst:'r\le con ditioll uf i>a nd ~rHills .
Intcrmedi1.lH' dl'g rees of wcttill){ are nol l~asi l y
;hllructc rized . Fur quantitativp. rnC3.suremCllts. INTERPRETATION O'" OHSEHVATlO!\lS
.:.: use st'!'isile rlrop or Cntact a ngle methllds 67, Thc basis for inlerprdati'Jn ( If lh e wctt ing
< dl'scrihed in Parng-raphs 53, 7, and 58. observations ia s imilar to that u!!~d ror d~Lcrmi
F;quipment llnd Mnterials nation uf emulsion typl~ by tJilutj (!O. Oilinter
nal , waterexternal phas(~ emllh.;iuns disperse in
61. The folltlw1ng equipment itnd materials water; waterinterna l, oilex wrll~11 phaS{' emul
should be used for ....isual wettabi lity tests: sions disperse in oil. Partides t ho.t art: cm plete
u.4 oz wde mouth bottles or 150 mi beakers. Iy walcrwet dispe rse readily in an :\(jUtlOUS
phasc, but aK~lollleratc or dUln p in an oil phase
b. Kerosi ne and/ or crude oils (filt er kerm!ine Particles that ire completcly oil wel Iwha\'c in
as described in Par. 25). an opposite man ncr. Sinc~ wcu nbility l'x is ls in
c. Aqueous test flu id (water, br:ine , ur acid). differcnt drgrees betwecn the extremes of hf'in~
eithcr complclely waterwel or !)'wf"t, ohsiOr .... a
d. Clcan sand andlor limes tone particles, 40 tions of intermediate systf!ms :Ir!: diffru lt to
60 me!!h distinguish and describe .
68. Gther factors ;hould be (pn.;idcn' in
PROCE DllRE addition to dispersion or IlgglomNation . Fo!
instance, when a dark colort.-d crude oi! i~ u8('(I,
Oil Soluble or Dispersihle Surface Active oil.wet sand should approach tbe color (Ir thl:!
Agents crude. Ira erude oil tends to form an cm ulsion
62, Place 50 mi of oil c.on tainin g"The surface sp:mlancously on contad with aQuc(lu!< s urfacc
active agent. at the desired concenlration (u!':t.lal active agent solutions, the !'iaml may have thtl

1)' 1 percent or less for use in well slimulation) samc appearance as if it were oilwet. A
in a botlIe md add 10 cm J oC test "qmd. After 30 mieroseope can be used to det.ect elllulsinn in
minutes, alowly pour 50 mi of water into the ~ome cases .


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