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a. Classroom Procedures and Routines-

How do students enter the room: Students will enter in a single file line. I will meet students at the door and
greet them all as they enter the classroom. Students will enter quietly, go directly to their desk, and square
away their belongings. If any student(s) does not follow this procedure, I will ask them calmly to return to the
door, tell them why, and give direction for correctly entering the room. I will ask the students to get out their
homework folders and place them in the appropriate bin and ask
students to get out their snack they want at recess. Students will have
student jobs that last each week, before rotating, and there will be two
snack writers. These two students will take their peers snacks and write
their classroom number on the snack to remember it is theirs. The
snacks will be placed in a wagon to take out during recess time. As this is going on, students will be hanging their
backpacks and lunch bags on the hooks in the back of the classroom. Materials will be on the desks of the
students who are paper passers and students know to come into the classroom and work on their morning
warm-up activity. Once students are all in their desks, working on their warm-up, I will call the class to a
stopping point and discuss the mornings routine activities. Once they complete each, they will continue on with
their next assignment. I will have all days assignments written and visually
shown on the white board so all students know what is expected of them
each day. This visual will be in a consistent location where all students can
see it clearly and know where to find it.

Attendance: While students are quietly at their seats, working on their
morning warm-up and announcements are on, I will take attendance
quickly. I will observe all students in their desks and mark all those tardy and
wait 5 to 10 minutes after the bell rings, to mark those absent. I will have a
chart hung somewhere on the wall that has one space that is marked,
Buying Lunch with a visual of a lunch bag and another space marked,
Buying Lunch, again with a visual of money or money sign. Students will
move their clothespin during morning transition to their appropriate area
and I will know both who is buying or bringing lunch and also who is absent
because those students did not move their clothespin at all. During morning
work, I will ask students if they brought in lunch money, that they are
excused to walk to the office to turn that in.

How do students leave the room: Students will all be in their
desks and will be excused by rows to line up. Quietest students with their hands folded on their
desks will be excused first. The students will leave all materials on their desk, push in their
chairs and slowly walk to the door and line up in a single file line. Once all students are in line,
I will say zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket and students know to stay quiet in the line and
through the hallway. I walk students outside and they are free to go to recess, lunch, and after
school I will walk them to the dismissal area and high five each student, as they see their parent
and are about to be picked up.

How do students move around the room during the lesson: This depends on the lesson instructed. Some
lessons will be instructed independently and others will be with a table partner or buddy of their choosing.
Independently, students should be quietly working at their desk and staying on task. They may raise their hand
if they have a question. I will not allow students to walk around the classroom unless told so or they are getting
a drink of water. If students need something or are finished with their work, raising their hand, I
will come around and collect all work. I will also teach hand signals to signify certain things like
the bathroom, wish to speak, leave my seat, and needing help. This will be so class is not
disrupted and I am aware of what the student needs without a word spoken first. If students are
to work with their table buddy, students will talk quietly at their seats with their partner, but no
student should have to get out of their seat. If students are working with a buddy of their
choosing, they may leave their desk and sit somewhere in the classroom, without disturbing
anyone elses group.

Passing out and collecting papers: Students will have class jobs, with two
students each week being paper passers. The papers will be placed on their
desks before the day is started and they know first thing in the morning to pass
out the papers that are placed there. Collecting papers will be done a few
different ways. Class journals will be each collected in the back of the classroom
on a back table so I can read each one at a later time, stamping it and returning
it the next day. Some assignments will be assessed at their desk after they
finish it and then placed back in their desks. Homework, late work, absent work,
or any other papers needed to be turned in right away, will be collected in a special tray labeled at a table in
the classroom. Students will know to place these assignments here, and which belong there each day.

Passing out and collecting supplies: To maintain momentum and maximize instructional
time, students will use a specific hand signal to signify that they are in need of supplies. I
will walk over to the student(s) and ask what supply they need and I will give it to them.
This is both so I can monitor supplies coming and going in the classroom and also to make
sure students are not over using their supplies and wasting them. All necessary materials
are at hand and students will know the implemented routine to use, so there is little to no
disruption made within the classroom.

Drinking water, restroom, and pencil sharpening- I will encourage pencil sharpening only
to be appropriate during a time that is not designated to be a quiet time within the classroom, preferably at the
beginning of class. If a pencil breaks during instruction, there will be community pencils for the students to use
in the meantime, while they wait for theirs to be sharpened. To get a drink of water or use the restroom, hand
signals will be used. Crossing the middle finger over the index finger will indicate using the restroom and
holding up one finger will indicate needing a drink of water.

Dismissal and greeting: Students will come into the classroom and greet me
with a high-five, handshake, or smile! Students will enter the room in a single
file line quietly, so there is no possibility of a disruption in the hallway. It is
essential to end each day, the same way it begins and before beginning the
end-of-day routine, I will ask the students to
put all materials away. I will first give them a
5-minute warning as well. The students will
be dismissed by row and they will gather all
of their belongings, stack their chairs, and
clean up any mess around their desk. By
giving students responsibility, they are contributing to the common good and
helping to build a sense of pride and individual humility in the classroom. As
students are waiting for others to finish packing up, they will sit on the carpet and play a quiet game such as
Pass the Pig. This procedure should all take no more than 5 minutes. Once all students are on the carpet, they
are then dismissed and will quietly line up at the door. There will be no talking in line and all students will face
forward. At the end of the day, I will walk students out to the dismissal area and have each student high-five
me as they see their parent there to pick them up. This is a simple way to both remember them being picked
up and also a way of celebrating another great day at school because with big smiles and happy students, it is a
final reminder that the classroom is a special place that they, and I, love being a part of.

b. Classroom Physical Environment-

Classroom layout with rationale & Bulletin
board: The classroom will be an extension of
who I am and a way of introducing myself
without saying a word. My classroom will be
super organized and there will be specific
areas for everything to go, with labels and visuals on each so
students can both read and see where things go. Students will each
have their own cubby or mailbox for all their work to be turned in,
and eventually placed in their folders to go home. Upon entering the

classroom, I will have my students desks facing forward, in large groups, so

that there are four or five rows total. I want the classroom to feel like all
students are together, rather than feel separated within the classroom. By
having all desks facing the front, this minimizes distractions, allows myself
to monitor behavior more readily, and helps me become more familiar with
my students. For any distractible, dependent, and occasionally resistant
students, their desks will be placed strategically within the classroom. They
will be near my desk or table so I am able to monitor them in a much better
fashion than I would be able to if they were placed somewhere else.
Seating will be minimally changed throughout the school year, and I will assign students to their desks and
establish table partners, groups, and rows. I will also have a rug/carpet in my classroom for students to sit on
during certain whole-group activities, where all students can sit together in one area thats in the front of the
room. I want bulletin boards and visuals on each wall. However, I do not want to over decorate or over arrange
the room, but instead leave some things bare to show that they are a work in progress. Some boards will be
empty waiting for work to be completed and then filled. I believe having organizational trays and boxes are
essential for not only myself to keep organized, but also for the students and the overall environment of the
classroom. My classrooms layout will be clean and tidy at all times and all displays and materials are eye-level
and accessible. My classroom library will be accessible at
all times and all books will be left out and encouraged to
be used when time is allotted. I want my desk or table in
the middle of the classroom, preferably in the front, not
in the corner, because I want my students to feel like
they can come to me for anything, without it being
difficult to access in the process. I want my classroom to
feel like a positive and safe environment and where all
students enjoy being. I want it to both be teacher made
and student made throughout the school year. The
classroom climate will also be an even mixture of work-oriented and relaxation at the same time. I believe it is
important to have emphasis on both hard work, but also a time to relax and enjoy being a child at the same
time. For example, having a read aloud after recess or lunch, both by the students and teacher, and on Fridays,
for the younger students, having Fun Friday, where students have downtime to enjoy being a child and building
a positive and collaborative community at the same time. In order for the
classroom to run smoothly- the work has to be ready, the room is ready, and the
teacher is ready!

When it comes to the bulletin boards and overall wall space within the classroom,
I want them to be informative: where students can consult for information of
what to do and how to do it and also decorative and student-created. Some
spaces will be filled with classroom rules and procedures created and
implemented the first week of school, classroom jobs, calendar, schedules, maps,
and student work. There will be a designated area for the listing of the days
assignments. The classroom will be geared towards being both a task-oriented
and predictable environment. On the board, I will have a set schedule posted to
show what will occur throughout the day and I will use this to plan out my day
accordingly and it will both keep me on schedule and also the students because
they are able to know what is expected of them. This is essential for fast-working students who finish
assignments first and instead of them asking what to do next, they are able to see it posted on the board and
know what to move onto, without interrupting the classroom environment.

Student work posted: It is important to have student work posted of different subjects
such as writing, art, projects, and group charts created together. All work displayed will
have a meaningful connection to the curriculum taught. I will have a specific bin for
assignments that are in process and for assignments that are
finished and need to be checked. Student work will be set up
with the students providing input of where to display their
work will give them a sense of responsibility. The students
are then able to practice important social and academic skills
and reflect on their own work. Students understand that their
work is a process of growth, not mastery and it will help them practice individual
and group decision-making. It also provides an opportunity to learn from each
other and to appreciate the work of others, nurturing empathy, respect, and a
strong overall sense of classroom community. Any student work that is three-
dimensional, will be displayed on shelves and any two dimensional work will be
displayed on the walls. All displays will show purpose and all students will feel
included and have their own space. I also want students to have a say in what
work of theirs is displayed. I want to respect them if they decide they do not want
to share their work, but also give them an opportunity to speak up so they know
they are valued as individuals. I do not want to over clutter my walls and shelve
spaces; I want to leave a good amount of space clear for ample opportunity to
grow and to not over stimulate the students. I believe that using borders to frame and separate different areas,
makes it more appealing overall and students are able to focus on just what is within the borders and view
each individually. Any old work will be taken down, and I want my walls to stay current or be built upon. By
implementing each of these practical ideas, it sends a message to my students that their work is appreciated, it
makes the classroom their own, and it shows that their work and learning matter!

c. Student Management-

Classroom expectations: To me, in order to have a successful classroom, procedures, expectations, and
routines need to be established for all students to follow and understand. These things are probably the most
important part of teaching because without them set up, the classroom will not run effectively and no amount
of discipline will change that. The vast majority of behavior problems within
the classroom are caused by the failure of students following the procedures
and routines and the main reason is because the students have not been
trained on them and therefore, the students do not know
what is expected of them. Student management should
not be equated with discipline. Discipline is only a small
part of the overall classroom management. In creating
and implementing procedures, it is important to
remember that they are not made to be a threat, a rule,
or an order. A procedure is a method for how things are
to be done within the classroom and what is expected of
all students through the course of the day and overall
school year. It is important to remember that procedures
and routines are separate from a discipline plan, in that discipline has penalties
and rewards, and procedures have neither. I truly believe that student success
at the end of the school year is best measured by directly relating it to the degree in which I establish good
control of the classroom procedures within the first week of school. I want to truly focus on all procedures and
routines being established the first few days in school because it will set me up for the remainder of the school
year. Procedures, some of which were discussed prior, entering the classroom, lining up, leaving the room,
beginning each day, ending the day, putting away and caring for supplies, participation, asking for help, turning
in homework, what to do with unfinished work, bathroom, drinking fountain, and pencil sharpener
expectations, having a classroom job, attendance, hand signals, organization, and what to do next when
finished with an assignment. If these procedures are not established, then time that should be spent on
learning will be wasted getting these tasks done. Classroom procedures are for my benefit and the students
benefit because procedures established will lead to a smooth-sailing class environment and will help the
students complete their work with less confusion and thus help them succeed. I truly believe that students will
cooperate if they know what it is that I want them to do. Students are less likely to act up in frustration, trying
to figure out what I want, if the classroom management procedures are
clearly stated. I want my students to be in charge of their own learning and
effectively involved in cooperatively working together. I want an even blend
of direct instruction, inquiry, and cooperative learning within my classroom
environment and each day, learning is taught in a multitude of ways,
depending on the curriculum being taught. Certain tasks will be taught whole
class without input, other tasks will involve students being in charge of their
own learning and inputting their own thoughts and opinions, and other tasks
will be an even mixture of both. I believe students learn best with all areas
covered: first with the teacher activating prior knowledge, teaching new
concepts, students participating in their own learning, and then sharing with
their peers in a variety of cooperative learning techniques. I want my
students to be safe, responsible, respectful, and kind to all that enter the
classroom. These are expectations of the classroom that I know will be constant reminders throughout the
course of the school year, but these expectations are usually established within the entire school system and
practiced each day. To teach all procedures, expectations, and routines: they first must be explained, then
rehearsed, and finally reinforced. By having all procedures and routines in place,
students are free to take risks and become responsible and take charge of their
own learning.

Student discipline procedures: The next most important part of teaching is the
discipline procedures established within the classroom. These procedures need to
be established within the first week of school as well as the procedures and
routines. Without discipline plans in place, I believe I am setting myself up to fail.
Discipline procedures should be looked at as rules, consequences, and rewards.
Rules are what behaviors I expect from my students. Consequences are what the
student(s) chooses to accept if a rule is broken. Rewards are what the students
will receive for appropriate behavior. I do not believe that every student should be
sent to the office for bad behavior. Squashing bad behavior should begin within the classroom. The most
successful classrooms are when the teacher has a clear idea of what is expected from the students and the
students have a clear idea of what I expect from them. This begins with rules established. General rules to
follow outside the classroom and specific rules to follow within the classroom community, create a strong,
work-orientated atmosphere and show the students what is important to me as the teacher. I want my
students involved in rule making because then they are more willing to follow their rules they created. The
rules should also be posted in the classroom for all students to see. Rules are meant to set limits and when
those limits are reached, there needs to be consequences enforced. When establishing rules within the
classroom, it is important to remember not to create more than three to five rules because if there are too
many to follow, it will be harder to remember. The rules need to cover all aspects of behavior in the classroom.
Negative consequences and rewards need to be enforced consistently and I
know that it is important to always follow through with each. A broken
promise will make a student not want to perform that good behavior again
or letting negative behavior slide, opens the gate for it to continue. The
student will think the behavior is acceptable until they are caught.
Consequences should be explained thoroughly and must be leveled. They
should be reasonable and logical as well. A student should never be in
trouble and sent straight to the office or need a parent conference. If the
negative behavior continues, then these things should be the last straw. I
believe in a point system with older students because they work towards a
goal and when negative points are given, it will be known how many points
mean what. 0 points is acceptable, negative one (-1) will be me talking with
the student and reminding them of what is expected of them, negative 2 (-
2) missing recess and another reminder, negative three (-3) will be parent
contact, and negative 4 (-4) will be an office referral. These
consequences will not be over used and only implemented if
absolutely necessary and constant reminders are issued. If I
were a teacher for younger students (kindergarten and first
grade), I would use a behavior chart to follow with my
students. Positive behavior leads to certain rewards and
negative behavior will be listed on the chart of what will
happen when they are in the yellow, orange, and red zone. I
am a strong supporter in Class Dojo, which is a behavior point
system and classroom communication platform for teachers,
parents, and students is used to track points and
communicate results. Students are rewarded with points if on task, among other things, and points can be
taken for talking during instruction, among other things. Students love it because it is a platform to use to give
praise and encouragement to students and can be used to work towards a classroom reward like a popcorn
party. I believe it is important to give constant praise to students and to encourage them throughout the day.
Without it, students will not know what is expected of
them and they will not feel recognized for positive
behavior shown. Students should never be pointed out
when they are acting out, and should be done in private
or discreetly. The job of the teacher is not to embarrass
their students around others, but to make them feel
important within the community and let them know
their presence is needed. I also want parental support
for consequences within the classroom because when
they work cooperatively with me in correcting behavior,
it instills responsibility and the parent will hopefully
appreciate being involved and knowing. I want rules,
consequences, and rewards established also because
they teach students to problem-solve, responsibility, and
self-discipline. When they know what problem arises, they can solve it. Knowing what to do to solve the
problem will instill responsibility and when that responsibility is carried out, encouragement is given and the
student achieves self-discipline in the process. Rewards are as simple as special recognition, internal incentives,
and also include external incentives such as prizes or awards. There are many ways to reward positive behavior
and it all depends on the age group of students and what they find as a goal to attain.

d. Parent Involvement-

Welcome Letter: When introducing myself to my students each year, it is important to
also introduce myself to their parents. I want to create a
positive reputation and image for myself. In creating a
welcome letter and sending it home on the first day of
school, it lets the parents know that I am looking forward
to having their child in my classroom and its essential to
invite them to the schools open house because I will
explain homework, procedures, grading, and discipline at
this time. Information on materials that are needed in the
classroom will also be discussed and asking for possible parent volunteers to
come in. In the letter, I will include who I am, my contact information, the
schools contact information, my expectations, and if they have any questions that they
are welcome! I also will include a short teaching philosophy, if there will be any other
adults within the classroom, any important dates to remember or events, and how I
intend on keeping in contact with parents throughout the year.

Ongoing positive communication: I plan on keeping in contact with parents in a variety
of ways. They include notes when applicable, email, possibly
ClassDojo, phone calls, progress reports, conferences, school
newsletters, and report cards. I want parents to feel like they are included and that
they are aware of everything going on within the classroom. I want to build a positive-
teacher relationship with each students parents because it is essential in all students
success. The better communication that I have with the parents extends the quality of
parents home involvement with their childrens learning. The parents are able to get
ideas to be able to help and support their children if needed and the parents become more confident about the
value of their school involvement and develop a greater appreciation for the important role they play in their
childrens education. Included within the students homework folders, it is important to include blank paper to
extend the opportunity for notes to be written between the parent and I about the student and in an organized
fashion that is easily accessible. Effective communication is taking the initiative,
timeliness, consistent, frequent, following through, and clarity. It is also important to note
that communication does not all have to be
communication for bad behavior, but can also be
for strengths too. The parent needs to know that
if there is something said negatively, that there is
also positivity seen too.

Volunteers: I am a strong supporter in parent volunteers within the classroom, not only
because then the parents are able to see what goes on within the classroom on a daily basis, but also so they
are included within the community and benefits me in the process. By having help within the classroom to do
things that maybe the students are not able to help with, takes a load off my shoulders and allows me to have
more time for the essential pieces of teaching. Having help with things like cutting, stapling, organizing things
together, tutoring, AR quizzes, hanging things on the walls, etc. allows me to spend less time doing these things
and more time on the planning and instruction of teaching. I think it is important to ask for parent volunteers
during back to school night, the first week of school. That is so I know when to expect them and because doing
it in the beginning makes it much easier to explain procedures than if it were in the middle or end of the year.
To engage my parents to want to become volunteers, I will not
only invite them during back to school night, but also send a
letter home to parents, be clear of where I need them the most,
let them know that they can help from home, and I will always
show appreciation! When inviting parents, I want them to know
that they are valued and it can help to achieve classroom goals.

e. Teaching Practices-

Positive reinforcement: I know it is essential for student success to give students constant praise and approval.
By giving students compliments each day, it builds a positive community in which all students feel proud to be a
part of and all want to be there. By implementing a
class point system and working towards a goal,
students word hard for the incentives and enjoy being
recognized. ClassDojo is a great tool for this, and one I
plan on using within my classroom if my students
enjoy it as well. Reinforcement improves student
motivation and performance by giving them the push
they deserve. Keeping all students actively engaged in
their learning, keeps them wanting to learn more. Challenging behavior is less likely to
occur if the classroom environment is created in a positive manner and up kept. When
students act appropriately, it is important to recognize it and with that the behavior is likely
to reoccur. By setting up a reinforcement system, students know what exactly is expected
of them and what to work towards. It is important to include them in creating the system
because it needs to fit their motivations. Suggestions should always be welcome. A money
or ticket system, or other tangible ideas work great as reinforcement for young students and activities or
privileges work great for older students. Also, it is important to understand that students need to learn how to
accept positive reinforcement because they may not know how to react when they receive it. Some reject it
because of their low self-esteem or others may feel they only received it because they previously did
something wrong first. Verbal praise is probably the most effective type of positive reinforcement and one that
should be used the most frequent and consistently.

Participation expectations: Some ways to positively participate within the classroom are to raise their hand,
thumbs up or thumbs down, asking for help, working in groups, and listening when others are talking. I want all
students to feel that they can participate in the
classroom no matter if they are wrong or right. I want
my students to know that they can take risks and if
they are wrong when they do answer something, not
to tell them no youre wrong, but instead say
something like, wow great try or that is very close
and try to relate it in some way. Students should be
stopped right away if they make fun of another
student for participating and getting it incorrectly
because everyone makes mistakes-even me! It is essential that all students listen to
one another and have an openness to them when in group-settings. Students need
to know that sometimes there are more than one right answer and that there are alternatives to just their
thinking. They need to remain open to all ideas and consider others perspectives. I want my classroom to have
constant peer-to-peer interaction where students work together to solve problems, to answer questions, or to
arrive at different answers. By not only listening and responding to the teacher, the students are able to work
together and have another kid-friendly idea to listen and relate to. A positive classroom is build off a
community were collaboration is a key ingredient!

Key instructional phrases: A few instructional phrases that I will use as a teacher, that I have seen to be
effective are:

Class, Class Yes, Yes
1, 2, 3, eyes on me 1, 2, eyes on you
Counting down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 for the class to finish what is asked
of them or to quiet down.
Any school-wide instructional phrase used
The teacher says, heyyy and the students say, hoooo, clap twice, and
say shhhhh
Catch a bubble
Voices off
If you can hear me clap once, if you can hear me, clap twice
Teacher says, You ready the students say, You bet
Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket
Teacher says, Hands on top, the students say, That means stop

I believe that all these are effective and should be used specifically in an area so students
know and understand when it is used and what is expected of them when they are used.
For example, when students need to be quiet in line, using zip it, lock it, put it in your
pocket lets them know that they are being too noisy and that I expect them to quiet
down. Also, I plan on using a timer in my classroom so when I do, when the time runs out, I
want the students to place their hands on top of their head and wait for further
instruction. This allows me to know that all students have stopped what they are currently doing and all eyes
are on me, waiting to hear what to do next.

Transitions: Transitions can be described as the perilous times of the day. They are the frenetic movement, the
close interaction, the loud voices, and sense of freedom within the classroom. Without transition signals being
taught, they can become the most chaotic times in the classroom and lead to misbehavior. They can also waste
precious learning time and bring tension as well and may become difficult to bring students back into the state
of attentiveness. For every transition, it may take
different signals or even music for each so it
important to perfect these slivers of time in
between each lesson or activity so the day
becomes smooth sailing and time is essentially
saved on the more important parts of the day!
Different transitions include signal for attention,
giving directions, giving the go ahead, and
moving in the classroom. During any transition,
students need a reminder of how long they have
before something else occurs. This can stress
students out if they are unexpectedly ask to do
something and there is no advance warning first.
Students need to understand pacing within the
classroom and a great tool to use in that is a
countdown that all students are able to see. Transitions are a teachable skill and one that students do not know
when coming to school for the first time. They must be taught first and by doing
that, they pay off in the long run because there will be more time spent for learning
later on. When teaching transitions, it is important for the students and I to discuss
them thoroughly so they know what they look like, sound like, and feel like so that
they move quickly and efficiently around the classroom. It will be worth the
investment in the long run. Transitions are a way of choreographing the classroom
through the flow of the students entering the classroom, lining up, being dismissed
from the classroom, going to the carpet, back to the desk, working in groups, then
being separated and back to their desks, so its a smooth and natural flow. This will
in turn cut lots of side talk when switching from one activity to the next. It is
envisioned like weaving in and out of traffic, thinking of it as pathways used within the classroom. It is
important to point out where to walk so there is no congestion and when to stand and leave the carpet all at
the same time and not to start walking till everyone is up and the signal is given to start. I must practice the
routines and transitions and have long conversations when implementing them for the first time in the

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