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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII A dan VII B

Semester : II (dua)

Guru : Muhammad Tahir, S.Pd


I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dari soal PERINTAH dibawah ini !!!

1. Situation : The blackboard is dirty

Command : ......................
Response : Ok
a. Clean the blackboard, please c . Sweep the blackboard, please
b. Open the blackboard, please d. Push the blackboard, please

2. Situation : The window is open

Command : ......................
Response : Ok
c. Clean the window, please c . Sweep the window, please
d. Close the window, please d. Push the window, please

3. Situation : The floor is dirty

Command : ......................
Response : Ok
a. Clean the floor, please c . Sweep the floor, please
b. Close the floor, please d. Push the floor, please

II. Teks dibawah ini untuk pertanyaan 4 - 8

Anto is a junior high school student. He goes to Mtss Nurul Islam. Everyday, he goes to
school on foot.
Anto likes reading books and he goes swimming every week. He never comes late to
school. He always respects and obeys his parents and teacher

4. Who is Anto ?
a. Anto is man c . Anto is Mtss Nurul Islam
b. Anto likes reading d. Anto is a junior high school student

5. Where is he studying ?
a. He is studying in junior high school c . He is studying in SMP-s Darul Iman
b. He is studying in swimming pool d. He is studying in Mtss Nurul Islam

6. How does he go to school ?

a. He goes to school by bus c . He goes to school on foot
b. He goes to school by becak d. He goes to school on hand

7. Does he like swimming ?

a. No, he likes watching TV c . Yes, he likes swimming
b. Yes, he likes reading d. No, he likes studying

8. Does he like coming late to school ?

a. No, he always comes late to school c . No, he never comes late to school
b. Yes, he likes comes late to school d. Yes, he never comes late to school

III. Pilihlah satu penjelasan KATA yang benar, setiap soal dibawah ini !!!!

9. Grocery ?
a. Sells medicines and toilet articles c . Sells sugar, flour, canned foods, etc
b. Sells Fish d. Sells clothes and other things

10. Dealer ?
a. Sells medicines and toilet articles c . Sells cars or motorcycles
b. Sells meat, chicken and eggs d. Sells clothes and other things

11. Baker ?
a. Sells fruit and vegetables c . Sells cars or motorcycles
b. Sells bread, cakes, pies d. Sells clothes and other things

12. Florist ?
a. Sells cars or motorcycles c . Sells meat, chicken and eggs
b. Sells flowers d. Sells fruit and vegetables

13. Butcher ?
a. Sells flowers c . Sells bread, cakes, pies
b. Sells meat, chicken and eggs d. Sells Fish

14. Fishmonger ?
a. Sells flowers c . Sells clothes and other things
b. Sells Fish d. Sells bread, cakes, pies

15. Drugstore ?
a. Sells things for writing c . Sells sugar, flour, canned foods, etc
b. Sells medicines and toilet articles d. Sells flowers

16. Stationery ?
a. Sells things for writing c . Sells clothes and other things
b. Sells flowers d. Sells fruit and vegetables

17. Greengrocery ?
a. Sells fruit and vegetables c . Sells clothes and other things
b. Sells meat, chicken and eggs d. Sells fish

IV. Soal tentang Present Continous Tense

18. They are .............. english now
a. Studying c. Play
b. Studied d. Study

19. She is .............. the rice now

a. Cooking c. Cook
b. Make d. Cooked

20. We are ............... football now

a. Playing c. Playboy
b. Played d. Player

B. Terjemahkanlah kalimat dibawah ini kedalam bentuk bahasa inggris dan buatlah
kalimat tersebut menjadi bentuk ( + , - , ? ) dengan benar.

1. Saya sedang menulis novel sekarang

2. Mereka sedang membangun sekolah sekarang
3. Kami akan pergi ke Jakarta besok
4. Dia (Pr) akan menjual kue besok
5. Mereka akan pergi ke inggris bulan depan

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