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Assessment- contrast formative and summative assessment

In an exam preparation course learners expect be tested regularly (Burgess, 2005: 11) as a
result, assessment represents an integral part of my course. Students are usually stressed when sit
tests, which affects their ability to use the language (Michael Harris& Paul McCann,1994) for
more unbiased results I am going to use informal formative assessment for every class. In this
way, I will provide my students with a constructive assessment rather than pointing out the
mistakes they might produce with the language (Michael Harris& Paul McCann,1994).
Therefore, I am going to test my student through varied evaluation formats: portfolios, peer-
evaluation, self-evaluation, recorded speeches, progress evidence, homework and test for each
part. Formative assessment focuses on the progress students have made; it provides feedback in
order to see how well the learning process went (Baxter, 1997). Based on these results, the
teacher as well as the students can improve further teaching and learning objectives (Grave,
2000). In my course formative assessment will be done in the following way.

Code Objective
R1 The learners will have improved their ability to read for detail through the processes of
skimming and scanning, focusing on the content words and working out the meaning of
the unfamiliar words from the context and by using their background knowledge and
identifying paraphrasing. There will not be assessing for skimming and scanning, but
students will have to do parts of the test using these abilities. Students portfolio in which
they keep the record of their progress for each part and keep a sample.
S1 Tested directly: self-evaluation-peer-assessment homework to prepare a 1 speech on
different topics which will be recorded and kept in the students portfolio. Students are
presented with the evaluation criteria and asked to self-asses their speaking skill first, and
then their partner will assess their performance.

S2 Tested directly and also indirectly through grammar homework- students portfolio.

S3 It does not need testing, but students need to know how to ask for clarification when they
do not understand which will be practiced throughout the course.
W1 Tested directly- homework to write an email being timed and assessed based on the
criteria used for KET. evaluation will be subjective but against the criteria used for KET
W2 Students will be tested for spelling correctly the most common expressions and phrases
uses in writing an email and in speaking eg. Hi! Nice to hear from you. In my free time I
enjoy listening to music and drawing etc.
V1 Vocabulary will be tested indirectly through reading and writing and directly through
homework and group work- evaluation ( squares)
G1 Grammar will be tested indirectly through reading and writing and directly for: question
order-using where, what, how much, auxiliaries: do, does, did, modal verbs and irregular
verbs doing homework and peer-testing.
Direct and indirect testing will be taken into account, following the format of KET
speaking exam, students will ask each other personal information: their names, address,
nationality, school timetable, likes and dislikes, which go under the former. However, to describe
pictures and ask questions students will fulfill the tasks in pairs, while they are doing the process
they will be recorded, so as to be able to evaluate themselves based on the oral speaking criteria,
this being the latter this will give them a practical way using the language as well as measuring
their speaking skills. Also, it assures validity and reliability as well as avoiding the negative
backwash effect since it tests what students have been trained and the questions are varied
(Arthur Hughes, 2003).
While formative assessment checks how much students understand and are coming along
with the learning process, (Arthur Hughes, 2003) summative assessment is given at the end of a
course, to measure the achievements made by groups as well as by individuals. At the end of the
course there will be a complete test: reading writing and speaking under exam conditions: answer
sheet, timing Day 11, and rules, reflecting the DT. The test is criterion-referenced; as a result
students know what they are expected to produce, not to mention that they are familiarized with
each part of the exam. I have chosen the test from KET for schools to make sure it has all the
quality conditions: validation, reliability and practicality, therefore, more likely to succeed
(Hughes 2005:55). The result will provide me and my students the evidence of their progress and
the likelihood to pass the exam.

The course evaluation and effectiveness

In order to check my course effectiveness to check whether it has met the objectives,
there will be the results from the summative tests, next learners and parents will be given a
questionnaire and formative evaluation will be done based on teacher reflection. Using different
methods will increase the usefulness of the data collected (Richards 2001:296-7). Both learners
and parents will be sent the questionnaire via Google drive after the DAY 11, students will take
their time to answer and also they are likely to be honest since they will not be influenced by
their course mates, which usually happen when they are given in class.

The teacher reflection questionnaire is based on Hedge (2000:354), as it quite accurately

deals with methodology. Further, I will review what goes well or wrong in each lesson so as to
be able to modify aspects of the course during the two weeks in case is necessary.

The course I propose provides my students with intensive practice which will boost their
confidence, and help them to balance out the four skills required for KET exam. The learners are
motivated and the dynamic nature of this course will challenge them a lot. Varied materials are
used for learners to familiarize with the exam format and also to strengthen their skills in
reading, writing and speaking by doing their homework, peer-assessment, self-evaluation,
portfolios. They are given a wide range of practice opportunities under different conditions-
including exam conditions; also they are provided formative feedback by the teacher which will
help them focus on the difficulties they might encounter. This will boost their confidence when
doing the tasks. More than that, the lessons are held in an English lab which induces them in an
English atmosphere as there are a lot of English posters, some made by students.

The main benefits of my course proposal is the recycle process through questioning
students at the beginning of each class, which will increase not only their confidence concerning
their English ability, but will also help me to become more conscious and get closer to their
learning needs. The usage of the Mimio vote system to assess irregular verbs and past forms in
groups will develop their team work helping them retrieve the information.

However, there are some limitations concerning course content as it focuses on each part
of the test gradually which may seem too much for the learners. More than that, the reading texts
are from two different textbooks which may confuse them. There is also a lot of homework set
which may make students feel alienated. When working in groups for interactive exercise it may
be noisy and a feeling of chaos, as students are enthusiastic to use ICT tools. However, I feel the
benefits outweigh the limitations, and that the course will fulfill my students needs.

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