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Ezra U.


Prof. Dedek

ENGL 1100


Rhetorical Analysis on Aeronautic Engineering

The goal of my rhetorical analysis is to shed light on how the author in Education Exam article

effectively made use of rhetoric, most especially Carroll and Toyes concept in the article

Difference between Aeronautic Engineering and Aerospace engineering.

In backpacks vs Brief cases, Laura Bolin Carroll draws readers attention to the

effectiveness of rhetoric analysis, its merits and demerits. Carrol explains we should analyze

context, and analyze audience, she makes us understand that you pick your cloths according to

your occasions, meaning that you vet your writing depending on the sort of audience your

message goes out to, in other to enhance complete comprehension of your exigence by your

audience. Ethos, pathos and logos as explained in her book, are the foundations that a Rhetors

argument should rest on (Carroll 52). Similarly, Richard Toye author of Rhetoric claims that a

good rhetoric is one that finds a way to stay connected to its audience. He goes on to enforce the

need of visual rhetoric, how it enlightens an argument and engages reader/listener (Toye 33). He

recommends the use of meta discourse, which serves as a self-explanator, and a prefix to the key

point of the write up.

Rhetoric is mostly used to add meaning and spice to a writing, it is the art of effective and

persuasive speaking or writing with the use of figures of speech and compositional techniques. It
serves as a persuasive tool, making your audience see both ends of the table, but at the same time

shedding more light on the positive part (the side your argument leans on). Rhetoric cloaks the

main point in the sentence, leaving the consumer the opportunity to put two together.

Weighing Carroll and Toyes point of view in rhetoric, I stand to lean more onto

Carrolls lane because, you pick your piece of writing correctly which is required of every

speaker and writer, it is practically impossible for one to disconnect with hes/her audience.

Analyzation of audience and content, tells you what is appropriate for the category of people you

are delivering your piece to. Visual rhetoric leaves the audience with the image at heart and

totally disconnects from the authors speech or writing. The person is more focused on how the

image can remind them of the idea that was tied to the picture. Memories are like seasons, they

come and go, it is very easy to forget images alongside the messages that comes with them.

Comparing to information and words that come straight with strong delivering, delivery meaning

the right approach to the audience and right tool to make them feel related to the piece of writing,

the seed sown will germinate and lead to commemoration.

Furthermore, to analyze Toyes claims in a broader aspect as well as bearing with Carrolls

claims will be What is the difference between Aerospace engineering and Aeronautic

engineering. The anonymous author effectively uses Carrolls idea on rhetoric to make his/her

point, the author begins by analyzing the audiences frequently asked questions about the

difference in both types of engineering. Aeronautic engineering as derived from the authors

article, does the prefix work of both and aero engineer and an air space engineer (which is the

creation part). They work mostly with the earths atmospheric air dynamics, the courses to secure

that degree is available in most fully developed engineering school. Accordingly, the students

those who pursue this course can look for better job opportunities in organizations like NASA
and ISRO. (Entrance exam 17) The author exercises analyzation of context by explaining the

types and kinds of jobs that will be of great merit to students with a degree in that field, A degree

in both of the fields at the end of the day prepares students to design aircrafts. Richard Toye

hammers on connection with audience to create a strong rhetoric, which Education exam does by

dwelling more on the most important things of a students academic life and things that could

potentially change their view about the route in which they choose to go in terms of career

goal. An aeronautic engineer deals with the dynamics and building of an aircraft and putting it in

the air, while an aerospace engineering deals with the space relationship with the aircrafts as

explained by the article. The profession is mastered and learnt well with still example. The

author resisted from making use of examples and points that have no relationship with students

(Analyzation of context). Aerospace student in this field learns in depth of everything that leaves

earth with space as the destination. Education Exam makes clear the importance of aeronautic

and Aero space engineering in the society. Aero engineers are as important as doctors and

medical practitioners, simply because they both achieve the same goals (saving lifes). An air

craft is not cleared and allowed to take off until an aero engineer has confirmed that the craft is

in good condition.

In conclusion, the engineering field is a very delicate and important one, every

department is as important as each other. Aeronautic engineering and Aero space engineering are

both similar in the sense that they deal with the atmospheric air. The difference is in the usage,

which aligns to the fact that they both cannot have the same shape. Aeronautic engineering is

made for design construction of a means of transportation with a large amount of people, while

aerospace, is made solely for activities in space and astronauts. Education exam does a great job

at effectively making use of Carrolls analyzation of text and audience rhetoric in the writing,
pointing out the kind of audience he/she is delivering to, and the key points that suit the age

level. In the same vein as touching on Richard Toyes connection with audience rhetoric.

Education exam did not just go in depth to the difference of the two fields, but also the

importance of the two fields and what they bring to the table differently and similarly.

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