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Q. 1. Which of the following are matter ?

Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, throught,

cold, cold-drink, smell of perfume.

Ans. Chair, air, almonds, cold-drink and smell of perfume

are matter.

Q. 2 Give reasons for the following :

The smell of the hot sizzling food reaches you

several metres away, but to get smell from cold
food, you have to go close.

Ans. This happens because rate of diffusion of a gas

increases with increase in temperature. In case of hot
food, diffusion of smell is faster whereas in case of
cold food, diffusion is slower. 1 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q.3 A diver is able to cut through water in a

swimming pool. Which property of matter does
this matter show ?

Ans. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming

pool because in case of water, attractive forces
within the molecules are less.

Q. 4 What are the characteristics of particles of

matter ?

Ans. The main characteristics of particles of matter are :

(a) Particles of matter have vacant spaces between


(b) Particles of matter are continuously in motion.

They posses kinetic energy.

(c) Particles of matter have attractive forces acting

between them which keeps the particles together
and varies from one kind of matter to other.

Q. 5. The mass per unit volume of a substance is called

density. (Density = Mass/Volume). Arrange the
following in the order of increasing density : air, 2 Edulabz International Edulabz International

exhaust from chimneys, honey, water, chalk, cotton

and iron.

Ans. Air exhaust from chimneys, cotton, water, honey and


Q. 6. Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of

states of matter by commenting upon the
following :

Rigidity, compressibility, fluidity, filling a

container, shape, kinetic energy and density.

Solids Liquids Gases
(a) Rigidity (a) Rigidity (a) Rigidity

Solid have high Liquid have very Gases are not

rigidity. low rigidity rigid
which is almost
(b) Compressibility (b) Compressibility (b)Compressibility

Solid are Liquids are very Gases are highly

incompressible. slightly compressible.
compressible. 3 Edulabz International Edulabz International

(c) Fluidity (c) Fluidity (c) Fluidity

Solid do not flow, Liquid flow from Gases can flow

but can be heated. higher to lower in all directions.
(d) Filling a (d) Filling a (d) Filling a
container container container

Solid do not need Liquids fill Gases fill entire

container to container space of a
contain them. according to the container.
volume of liquid

(e) Shape (e) Shape (e) Shape

Solid have a Liquids take the Gases are

definite shape. shape of shapeless.
containing vessel.
(f) Kinetic energy (f) Kinetic energy (f) Kinetic energy

Molecules of a Molecules of a Molecules of

solid has least liquid have more gases have
kinetic energy. kinetic energy maximum
than solids. kinetic energy. 4 Edulabz International Edulabz International

(g) Density (g) Density (g) Density

Solid have Liquid have lesser Gases have least

maximum density than solids density

Q. 7. Give reasons :

(a) A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is


(b) A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the


(c) A wooden table should be called a solid.

(d) We can easily move our hand in air, but to do

the same through a solid block of wood we
need a karate expert.

Ans. (a) The molecules of a gas have large

intermolecular spaces and kinetic energy, but
extremely small intermolecular forces. Thus,
the molecules of the gas spread in the entire
space of the containing vessel on account of
high kinetic energy and practically no
intermolecular forces and hence, fill entire
space of the vessel. 5 Edulabz International Edulabz International

(b) The molecules of a gas have very large kinetic

energy. When these molecules strike against
the walls of containing vessel, they exert
certain average force per unit area. As the force
per unit area is known as pressure, therefore,
the gases exert pressure on the sides of the
containing vessel.

(c) Solids are rigid, incompressible and have

definite shape and volume. Since, the table has
all the above mentioned properties, therefore, it
is a solid.

(d) The intermolecular forces between the

molecules of a gas are almost negligible and
intermolecular spaces are very large. Thus, we
can easily move our hand in air, without any
appreciable force.

The intermolecular forces between the molecules of

a solid are very large and intermolecular spaces are
very small. Thus, a lot of force is required to
separate the molecules of a solid. It is for the same
reasons that we need karate expert to break a block
of wood. 6 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q. 8. Liquids generally have lower density as compared

to solids. But you must have observed that ice
floats on water. Find out why?

Ans. When water freezes to form ice, its volume increases

and hence, its density decreases. Now as ice has
lower density than water, therefore, it floats on

Q. 9. Convert the following temperature to Celsius

scale : (a) 300 K (b) 573 K.

Ans. Temperature in C = Temperature in Kelvin 273.

(a) Temperature in C = (300 273) = 27C

(b) Temperature in C = (573 273) = 300C

Q. 10. What is the physical state of water at : (a)

250C (b) 100C?

Ans. (a) At 250 C water is in the form of gas, i.e.,


(b) At 100 C, water is in liquid state. However, if

heat energy is supplied at this stage the water 7 Edulabz International Edulabz International

will start changing into gaseous state (steam),

but its temperature will remain 100C.

Q. 11. For any substance, why does the temperature

remain constant during change of state?

Ans. Temperature represents the average kinetic energy of

the molecules of a substance. At the melting point or
boiling point of a substance, all the heat energy
supplied is utilised in increasing the inter- molecular
spaces. This in turn decreases the intermolecular
forces and hence the change of state takes place from
a solid to liquid or liquid to gas.

However the kinetic energy and the average kinetic

energy of the molecules does not increase, therefore,
temperature remains constant during the change of

Q. 12. Suggest a method to liquefy atmospheric gases.

Ans. The gases are compressed to a very high pressure

and allowed to expand suddenly through a small
nozzle, this results in fall in temperature. This
process is repeated number of times, till the gases are
liquefied. 8 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q. 13. Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry


Ans. Higher is the temperature of the surroundings, more

is the rate of evaporation and hence, more cooling
produced on the hot dry day, as the hot air passes
over wet khas, rapid evaporation takes place. This
results in a large temperature fall and hence, desert
cooler, cools better.

Q. 14. How does the water kept in an earthen pot

(matka) becomes cool?

Ans. As the water oozes out of the pores of the earthen

pot, it evaporates, partly taking heat energy from the
water within the pot. This continues and the
temperature of water within pot falls hence, water
becomes cool.

Q. 15. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some
acetone or petrol or perfume on it ?

Ans. Our palm feels cold when we put some acetone on

petrol or perfume on it because the particles of
acetone or petrol or perfume gain energy from our
palm or surroundings and evaporates causing
cooling. 9 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q. 16. Why are we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from
a saucer than a cup ?

Ans. We are able to sip hot tea or milk faster from a

saucer than a cup because a saucer provides more
surface area than a cup for evaporation of liquid into
vapour and in turn causes more cooling effect.

Q. 17. What type of clothes should we wear in summers?

Ans. During summer, we prefer to use cotton clothes as

we sweat more. Cotton, being a good absorber of
water helps in absorbing the sweat and exposing it to
atmosphere for easy evaporation and in turn, making
our body cool.

Q. 18. Convert the following temperatures to Kelvin


(a) 25C (b) 373 C.

Ans. Temperature in Kelvin = Temperature in

C + 273

(a) Temperature in Kelvin = (25 + 273) = 298 K.

(b) Temperature in Kelvin = (373 + 273) = 646 K.

Q. 19. Give reason for the following observations : 10 Edulabz International Edulabz International

(a) Naphthalene balls disappear without leaving

any solid.

(b) We can get the smell of perfume sitting several

metres away.

Ans. (a)Naphthalene slowly sublimes to form its gaseous

form by absorbing heat energy from the
surroundings. Thus, solid naphthalene just
disappears without any trace.

(b) Perfume is a volatile liquid. As its molecules

enter in the air, they diffuse rapidly in air in all
directions. Thus, we can smell the perfume sitting
several metres away.

Q. 20. Arrange the following substances in the

increasing order of forces of attraction between
the particles water, sugar and oxygen.

Ans. Oxygen, water and sugar.

Q. 21. What is the physical state of water at :

(a) 25C (b) 0C. (c) 100C

Ans. (a) At 25C, water is in liquid state.

(b) At 0C, water is in solid state, provided heat is

removed from it.

(c) At 100C, water is gaseous state, provided heat is

supplied to it. 11 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q. 22. Give two reasons to justify.

(a) Water at room temperature is a liquid.

(b) An iron almirah is solid at room temperature.

Ans. (a) (i) Intermolecular forces are less

(ii) Intermolecular spaces and kinetic energy is


Thus, the molecules of water can interchange their

spaces and hence, water is in liquid state at room

(b) (i) Intermolecular forces are very large.

(ii) Intermolecular spaces as well as kinetic

energy are very small.

Thus, the molecules are held very, very tightly, with

the result that the iron almirah has a definite shape
and definite volume and hence is a solid.

Q. 23. Why is ice at 273 K more effective in cooling than

water at the same temperature?

Ans. One kilogram of ice at 273 K needs 336000 J of heat

energy in order to form water at 273 K. As the ice
can extract out large amount of heat energy on
melting to form water at the same temperature,
therefore, it is more effective in cooling. 12 Edulabz International Edulabz International

Q. 24. What produces more severe burns, boiling water

or steam?

Ans. Steam will produce more severe burns. It is because,

1 g of steam at 373 K (100 C) contains 2260 J of
more heat energy in the form of latent heat of
vaporisation as compared to water at 373 K (100
C). Thus, steam produces more severe burns.

Q. 25. Name A, B, C, D, E and F in the following

diagram showing change in its state.

Ans. A : Solid changes into liquid state by the process of


B : Liquid changes into gaseous state by the process

of boiling or vaporisation.

C : A gas changes into liquid state by the process of

liquefaction. 13 Edulabz International Edulabz International

D : A liquid changes into solid state by the process of

freezing or solidification.

E : Solid changes into gaseous state by the process of


F : Gas change into solid state by the process of

sublimation. 14 Edulabz International

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