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tourism is one sector of foreign exchange reserves of a country is no exception

Indonesia, every country will compete to increase its tourist attraction in order to bring many
tourists both domestic tourists or foreign tourists, in addition to increasing the coffers of foreign
exchange a country, the number of tourists also will affect the economy of a State especially the
people who are around the tourist destinations in the country.
According to data from the tourism ministry from January to July 2017 the number of
foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia reached 7 million people, this number up 23% from the
previous year for the same time. Meanwhile, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) on
April 6, 2017 for the competitiveness of Indonesia's tourism in rank 42, this position rose 8
levels from the previous.
To improve the tourism sector, the Indonesian government through the commitment
made by the president joko widodo continues to improve the infrastructure to facilitate the
process of transportation and accommodation so as to provide comfort for tourists. In addition to
infrastructure, health is also very important to support tourism activities. One of the health
professions that can play a role in tourism health services is nursing.
Tourism nursing is a health service provided to individuals, families, groups where
individuals, families and groups are traveling to a different place from their place or place of
origin in the meantime to enjoy recreational activities in both healthy and sick conditions. In
addition, the health services provided aims to add a sense of comfort and security so that
individuals, families and groups can enjoy the recreation that has been planned to return to the
place or area of origin.
The trends and issues of tourism nursing include several aspects including:
1. contagious diseases during the tour
infectious diseases are not a secret anymore, the role of nurses that can be
done in this case is to become a consultant in determining the journey, in addition
nurses can also provide recommendations about treatment or prevention by
working with other professions to provide vaccines for tourists to avoid
transmission of disease when traveling
2. hygiene and sanitation while on tour
hygiene and sanitation become mandatory in a tourist attraction, in this case the
nurse contributes by providing education or health promotion with bekerjasma
with relevant agencies.
3. health problems or accidents in traveling
Health problems or accidents while traveling are the most avoided by tourists, but
to anticipate that does not happen to tourists, nurses must improve competence,
especially in providing first aid.
4. health care management or health insurance
In this case the nurse also serves as a consultant also provides advocacy to good
health services.
In addition to the above trends and nursing issues, based on research conducted by
Kadek Eka Swedarma Dkk, (2016), nursing officers in Indonesia are still constrained by foreign
language skills, this can be a barrier in providing nursing care to foreign tourists. With the
ASEAN free trade already in practice so without good foreign language skills, nurses in
Indonesia will slowly be displaced by nurses from abroad who will work in Indonesia. It can be
concluded that nurses must continue to improve the competence so that the participation of
health workers, especially nurses, can continue to be needed by the community, this will open
the opportunity for nurses to be able to work in accordance with their expertise.
The conclusion is that in addition to improving the quality of the nurses, the authors
suggest that this condition gets better attention from the health offices, tourism agencies and
other concerned parties to equip nurses with appropriate education and training in the
development of current health and foreign language tourism. The ability of nursing tourism
education should also be given when nurses are still studying at universities so nurses in
Indonesia have competencies that can compete not only in their own country but also abroad.
Introduction tourism is one sector of foreign exchange reserves of a country is no
exception Indonesia, every country will compete to increase its tourist attraction
in order to bring many tourists both domestic tourists or foreign tourists, in
addition to increasing the coffers of foreign exchange a country, the number of
tourists also will affect the economy of a State especially the people who are
around the tourist destinations in the country.

Main body According to data from the tourism ministry from January to July
2017 the number of foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia reached 7 million people,
this number up 23% from the previous year for the same time. Meanwhile,
according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) on April 6, 2017 for the
competitiveness of Indonesia's tourism in rank 42, this position rose 8 levels
from the previous.
To improve the tourism sector, the Indonesian government through
the commitment made by the president joko widodo continues to improve the
infrastructure to facilitate the process of transportation and accommodation so as
to provide comfort for tourists. In addition to infrastructure, health is also very
important to support tourism activities. One of the health professions that can
play a role in tourism health services is nursing.
Tourism nursing is a health service provided to individuals, families,
groups where individuals, families and groups are traveling to a different place
from their place or place of origin in the meantime to enjoy recreational activities
in both healthy and sick conditions. In addition, the health services provided aims
to add a sense of comfort and security so that individuals, families and groups
can enjoy the recreation that has been planned to return to the place or area of
The trends and issues of tourism nursing include several aspects
5. contagious diseases during the tour
infectious diseases are not a secret anymore, the role of
nurses that can be done in this case is to become a consultant in
determining the journey, in addition nurses can also provide
recommendations about treatment or prevention by working with
other professions to provide vaccines for tourists to avoid
transmission of disease when traveling
6. hygiene and sanitation while on tour
hygiene and sanitation become mandatory in a tourist attraction,
in this case the nurse contributes by providing education or health
promotion with bekerjasma with relevant agencies.
7. health problems or accidents in traveling
Health problems or accidents while traveling are the most avoided
by tourists, but to anticipate that does not happen to tourists,
nurses must improve competence, especially in providing first aid.
8. health care management or health insurance
In this case the nurse also serves as a consultant also provides
advocacy to good health services.
In addition to the above trends and nursing issues, based on research
conducted by Kadek Eka Swedarma Dkk, (2016), nursing officers in Indonesia
are still constrained by foreign language skills, this can be a barrier in providing
nursing care to foreign tourists. With the ASEAN free trade already in practice so
without good foreign language skills, nurses in Indonesia will slowly be
displaced by nurses from abroad who will work in Indonesia. It can be concluded
that nurses must continue to improve the competence so that the participation of
health workers, especially nurses, can continue to be needed by the community,
this will open the opportunity for nurses to be able to work in accordance with
their expertise.

Conclusion The conclusion is that in addition to improving the quality of the nurses, the
authors suggest that this condition gets better attention from the health offices,
tourism agencies and other concerned parties to equip nurses with appropriate
education and training in the development of current health and foreign language
tourism. The ability of nursing tourism education should also be given when
nurses are still studying at universities so nurses in Indonesia have competencies
that can compete not only in their own country but also abroad
reference 1. irma riyanti.2016,Konsep keperawatan wisata.
Di Akses Tanggal 27 September 2017
2. Endy, 2016. Indonesian international nursing conference and exhibition.
nursing-conference-and-exhibition/ di akses tanggal 27 september 2017
3. KEMENPAR. 2017. Staatistik wisatawan mancanegara juli 2017. di akses
tanggal 27 september 2017
4. aditya ramadhan. 2017. Kemenpar-Kemenkes kembangkan wisata
kemenkes-kembangkan-wisata-kesehatan. di akses tanggal 27 september
5. Sulistiowati Dian Ni Made, Kadek Eka Swedarma, Luh Putu Eva Yanti.
role in supporting the development of community based on health
tourism in bali. Dalam Jurnal INJEC Vol. 1 No. 1 Juni 2016: 1518 di
unduh tanggal 27 september 2017

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