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7th Grade

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-a se acord 90 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I _______________________________________________________(60 de puncte)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous
Dear Molly,
I 1) ____________________ (write) from the gorgeous island of Jamaica! Jim and I
2)_______________ (stay) in a five-star hotel by the sea. Right now, I 3)_______________ (sit) on the
balcony and I 4)______________ (drink) a delicious fruit punch. Jim 5)_______________(walk) along
the beach. The weather is hot and sunny. Tonight we 6)______________ (go) to a festival. The
Jamaican people 7)________________ (make) you feel happy as they 8)_____________ (be) cheerful
and kind.
I 9)______________ (love) it here so much that I 10)________________ (not/want) to leave!
See you soon! (10x2p=20p)

2. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple, Past Continuous or Present Perfect Simple
1. I (b uy ) a n e w ho us e l a s t ye a r, b u t I ( no t s e ll )
. my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.
2. L as t y ea r, w h e n I ( bu y) . . my ne w ho us e I (a s k )
..for a t e l e p h o n e . T h e P o s t O f f i c e ( t e l l ) . . m e
t o w a i t , b u t I ( w a i t ) . a year now and my telephone still (not come). .
3. There (be)..a very good programme on TV last night. You (see)it ?
4. I (do) . my homework when my friend (come) ..
3. Put the adverbs of frequency in their right position (5x2p=10p)
a. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)

b. It rains in California. (never)

c. I drink coffee in the morning. (always)

d. We have fish for dinner. (usually)

4. Write the Past Simple and the Past Participle of the following verbs:


PARTEA a II-a_________________________________________________ (30 de puncte)

Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about your summer holiday.
You should include information about the places you visited, the weather, the activities, the
location, food and people you met.
Do not use more than 100 words. Start and end your letter in an appropriate way.

Matrice de specificaii
Limba englez, L1
Clasa a VII-a

C1: C2: C3:

Competene S extrag S deduc din S scrie relatri
corespunztoare informaii context simple ale unor evenimente
nivelurilor generale i specifice sensul unor trecute i experiene
taxonomice dintr-un cuvinte personale
text citit n gnd necunoscute

Uniti tematice

Copilul i lumea 30 p
nconjurtoare- (Partea II)
redactarea unei scrisori
informale catre un prieten
Verbul-timpuri verbale, 20p, 20p, 10p
trecutul verbelor (Partea I, ex. 1, 2, 4)
Pozitia adverbelor de 20 p
frecventa (Partea I, ex. 3)
TOTAL 50 p 10 p 30 p

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