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Luke Matthew de Leon


Reflection Paper

Guatemala in the Global Systems by Christopher Chase-Dunn

First, lets start with what is the meaning of globalization. According to Christopher Chase-Dunn,
globalization is the abandonment of Keynesian Models of National Development. Globalization is the
increasing interaction of people through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas and
culture. Globalization is primarily an economic process of integration which has social and cultural
aspects as well. It involves goods and services, and the economic resources of capital, technology and
data. Advances in the means of transport (such as the steam locomotive, steamship, jet engine, and
container ships) and in telecommunications infrastructure (including the rise of the telegraph and its
modern offspring, the Internet and mobile phones) have been major factors in globalization, generating
further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. (James, 2002)

Globalization has many good effects as it has given people, communities and even countries
who are developing to share and trade internationally. It made them increase their revenue, profit, and
even lessen their costings.

But the thing is we have to accept the fact that all things also have their disadvantages. They
have all have their loopholes. It is all up to us to choose the things that we consider as the ones with the
less or least loophole in our perspective.

In this case, Guatemala, a country in central Asia, which is enclosed from the north and west by
Mexico is a country with an approximated 16.6 million people. With these details, they are deemed as
the most populated state in central America.

Guatemala has experienced good and the bad of globalization but the thing is they have
experienced the spiral of capitalism and socialism. They are caught in the middle of it. With this, they are
tangled with ideologies. Whether or not to maximize revenue or maximize production and distribution.
For me this is the main problem of Guatemala because if you will ask me they may be 2 different and
contradicting ideologies but both of them have their own pros and cons.
For example in a business, production maximization is necessary to maximize profit. But revenue
is also key in a business to promote cashflow which would definitely help the company. These are two
different takes, two different ideas, same objectives, different result. Why different result, because of
cultural, ideal and political influences both by the east and the west.

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