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3rd Year Undergraduate or 1st Year

Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Hayley Rice 2135959

School Galilee Catholic school

Year Level
Mentor Teacher(s) Kim Calderbank 6/7

School Co-ordinator Kate Turner

Liaison Coordinator
University Judith Ormsby Jackie Thomson

Teaching Days 5 introductory days + 30 day block: 35 days

CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.

Galilee Catholic School- Year 6/7 homeroom.

The school is Reggio inspired with a focus on the natural environment, inquiry learning and creative
and nature play. The school has approximately 350 students from Reception to Year 7. It is in the
Aldinga Beach area which has a large range of socio economic groups.
Class (including children with special needs)

Year 6/7- 26 students.

No major special needs.
Dyslexia and low literacy levels.


Please place an X at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service
teacher towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)
School Coordinator/Principal
Hayley established herself as an active member of Galilee Catholic School. Her bubbly
personality was an asset to the school community. Hayley actively engaged with all members of
our learning community including staff, children and families. She attended weekly Administration
Meetings and Professional Development. Hayley gained confidence in working with the senior
students and now feels she would like to pursue a career within Middle Schooling. She
familiarised herself with the principles of Reggio Emilia which inspire the teaching and learning at
Galilee. Hayley planned and implemented lessons taking into account these principles and the
differing needs of the children in her homeroom. Hayley is to be commended on the way she
listened to the children and planned lessons based on their interests aligning this with the
Australian Curriculum. I wish Hayley well in her learning journey as a future educator.
Name: Kate Turner Date: 30/8/16

University Liaison

Name: Date:
SUMMARY STATEMENT (May be used as a referee statement)
Classroom Teacher/Mentor
Student Name: Hayley Rice

Professional Knowledge
Hayley used the Australian Curriculum and students interests to plan and organise units of work and
lesson plans in a variety of curriculum areas. She worked with our current focus of market day and the
Catholic social teachings, to create interesting learning activities that integrated different learning areas.
Hayley used an inquiry approach and hands-on learning activities to engage the students and make
links to the world.
Hayley worked with me during outside learning and during homeroom time to solve problems using a
restorative approach. She developed an understanding of using questions to help children solve their
own problems instead of solving them for them.
Hayley did some research into the Reggio Emilia principles and reflected these in her teachings and
relationships with the children. She reflected a strong sense of seeing the child as competent and
Hayley improved in confidence with her subject knowledge in the curriculum areas she covered. She
researched concepts more thoroughly and reflected this understanding through her lessons. This helped
the children to concrete their own understandings and develop confidence with their learning. She kept
the learning flowing quickly, which helped to maintain interest and engagement, however some more
time on concepts would help her to cover the learning in more depth.

Professional Practice
Hayley continued to plan lesson plans that were engaging and linked the childrens interests to the
Australian Curriculum. She considered individual learning needs and made adjustments to the
learning activities to differentiate for these children. Hayley began to identify ways that work best for
this group of students, which helped her to plan lessons she was confident, would be successful.
She identified that the children worked best in groups they chose, and worked with children to make
sure no one was left out. Hayley worked confidently in various situations, in front of the large group,
in small groups and one-on-one.
Hayley gained confidence with managing the behaviour in the homeroom. She used classroom
strategies, such as clapping to gain attention and used some choice theory strategies to put the
responsibility of choices and behaviour back onto the children. She used questioning strategies to
develop personal responsibility and avoided power over situations.
Hayley took large chunks of the school day, and managed them effectively. She worked on
transitions between lessons and beginning and the end of the day routines. Hayley continued to
work on her explicit teaching time and being clear with her expectations and instructions.

Professional Engagement

Hayley continued to show confidence and enthusiasm with her work in the homeroom and school
community. Her bubbly personality was ideal in the upper primary classroom and she quickly gained
the respect and engagement of the students. Hayley engaged in professional development sessions
weekly and it was clear that she tried to implement her learning into her teaching practise. Hayley
showed professionalism by continuing the learning program whilst I attended a conference. She
reflected thoughtfully on these times and learning from the difference in teaching styles.

Hayley engaged in Catholic and community celebrations respectfully and learnt from her experiences.
She asked questions to help her learn more about the Catholic faith.

Written by: Kim Calderbank Date: 29/8/16

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT (To be agreed by the School Coordinator and the University Liaison)

In our opinion Hayley Rice

(Please click on appropriate box below)

has, on balance, attained the level of emerging against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is ready to progress to the final professional experience.


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use
of acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always
familiar with South Australian nomenclature.

Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to: nici

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