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RAPPORT CEl TECHNIQUE IEC TECHNICAL 909-1 REPORT rertesiin mr 1991-10 Male Peg uboye Calcul des courants de court-circuit dans les réseaux triphasés a courant alternatif Partie 1: Facteurs pour le calcul des courants de court-circuit dans les réseaux alternatifs triphasés conformément a la CEI 909 Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems Part 1: Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems according to IEC 909 Numéro de référence 1c@ number CEVIEC 909-1: 1991 909-1 © IEC -3- FOREWORD. ‘Clause Section 1: General LL Scope and object... 7 1.2 Normative references .. seen 7 1.3. Application of the factors 7 1.4 Symbols, subscripts and superscripts enewnmon 9 Section 2: Factors used in IEC 909 2.1 Factor c for the equivalent source at the short-circuit location 1B 22 Impedance correction factors K (Kg, pg) when calculating the short-circuit impedances of generators and power-station units . Ey 6 23 Factor x for the calculation of the peak short-circuit current. 24 Factor for the calculation of the symmetrical short-cirouit breaking current 25° Factor’ Q, imax’ min) f0F the calculation of the steady-state short-circuit current 2.6 Factor g for the calculation of the short-circuit breaking current of asynchronous motors . 109 2.7 Statement of the contribution of asynchronous motors or groups of asynchronous motors (equivalent motors) to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current 21 Annex A - Bibliography .. 143 909-1 © IEC og INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATION IN THREE-PHASE A.C. SYSTEMS Part 1: Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems according to TEC 909 FOREWORD 1) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees fon which all the National Committees having 4 special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an interaational consensus of opinion on the subjecte dealt with, 2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. 43).Jn order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all Nations! Committees should edopt the text of the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as nationsl conditions ‘will permit. Any divergence between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding ational rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter. ‘This part of IEC 909, which has the status of 2 Technical Report, has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 73: Short-circuit currents. ‘The text of this part is based on the following documents: Six Months’ Rule ‘Report on Voting { Tacos | Tateone Full information on the voting for the approval of this part can be found in the Voting Report indicated in the above table. This report is a Technical Report of type 2. It is not to be regarded as an International Standard. A review of this report will be carried out aot later than two years after its publication, with the options of: extension for a further two years, conversion into an Inter- national Standard, or withdrawal. Annex A is for information only. 909-1 © IEC SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATION IN THREE-PHASE A.C. SYSTEMS Part 1: Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems according to IEC 909 Section 1: General LL Scope and object ‘This IEC Technical Report aims to show the origin and the application as far as necessary of the factors used to meet the demands of technical precision and simplicity when calcu- lating short-circuit currents according to IEC 909. ‘Thus this technical report is an addition to IEC 909. It does not, however, change the basis for standardized calculation procedure given in that publication. NOTE - Refesences are given in some enses to offer additional help, not to change the procedure Is down in the standard. 12 Normative references ‘The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, consti- tue provisions of this part of IEC 909. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid, All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreement based on this part of IEC 909 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. TEC 38: 1983, JEC standard voltages. : IEC 865: 1986, Calculation of the effects of short-circuit currents. TEC 909: 1988, Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems. 1.3. Application of the factors 13.1 Factors c The factors Cay, and Cyjn 87e used together with the equivalent voltage source at the short- circuit location in order to caiculate maximum and minimum initial short-circuit currents. (clause 2.1) 909-1 © IEC -9- 13.2 Factors K ‘The impedance correction factors Kg and Kpsy are introduced when calculating the short- circuit impedances of generators and power-station units (clause 2.2). 133 Factor® ‘The peak short-circuit current is calculated by using this factor (clause 2.3). 134 Factors p, hand q Factors used when calculating the decay of the a.c. component of the short-circuit current of a near-to generator short-circuit (clauses 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6). 1.3.5. Contribution of asynchronous motors to the initial short-circuit current Derivation and validity of relevant equations for checking the contribution of asynchro- nous motors or groups of asynchronous motors to the short-circuit current (clause 2.7). L4 Symbols, subscripts and superscripts ‘The following symbols, subscripts and superscripts are used in addition to those already defined in IEC 909. 1.4.1 Symbols E Voltage behind synchronous direct axis reactance of a synchronous machine, see figure 16 E Error F’ Voltage behind transient direct axis reactance of a synchronous machine, see figure 16 E% — Subtransient voltage behind impedance of a network feeder connected at Q F,(i)) Terminal voltage of a saturated synchronous machine at no-load (I = 0) as 2 function of J, 1° Branch current (load current) before the short circuit I, Field current of a synchronous machine Tig ‘Initial symmetrical short-circuit current caused by the voltage -u?, when calculating short-circuit currents using the superposition method Pg OF Pr Relative values to define the region for the variation of terminal voltages, for instance Ug = Uyg (1 £Pg) OF Uryy = Usray CPD Tyc AC time constant of an asyachronous motor Ty Mean value of the time constant Tigy and Tyg 909-1 © IEC -u- Ta Py 1.4.2 AC. ad Dc. Cr i oe 143 b Time constant calculated with the product yg (2.6.2) Time from the beginning of a short circuit until the peak short-circuit current i, Voltage at the short-circuit location before the short circuit Potier reactance Admittance Impedance angle Deviation Voltage angle Subscripts No load (Ta) Alternating current Admissible. Direct current Direct axis (see ¢) According to IEC 909, for example Kpsucrecy Internal Load Network Quadrature axis (see d) 7 Superposition method (5) Constant transformation ratio (¢ = t, = const; €.8. psu) Transformation ratio (¢ # 1,). Superseripts Before ‘Transient 909-1 © IEC -B- Section 2: Factors used in LEC 909 2.1 Factor ¢ for the equivalent voltage source at the short-cirewit location 21.1 General ‘The magnitude of a short-circuit current in a three-phase a.c. systes (maximum or mini- inuin short-circuit currents) at any location depends primarily on the network configura- tion, the generators or power-station units and the motors in operation and secondarily on the operational state of the network before the short circuit occurs, ‘The variations during operation in a three-phase a.c. system ae very 1arBe- ‘Therefore it is difficult to find the special load flow condition that leads either 19 # maximum of to 2 cninimum short-circuit current at the different locations of the system. Tn @ given system there are as many differeat short-circuit current magnitudes as there are possible different fond flow conditions for every location, Normally extreme load flow cases ate not empirically known. TEC 909 therefore recommends @ calculation method with the equivalent voltage source CU at the short-circuit location. This method, described in clause 6 of IEC 909, is an approximation method without special conditions of operation. ‘The aim of this method is coind the maximum short-circuit currents with sufficient accuracy, mainly taking into ‘account safety aspects and as far as possible economical aspects. During the planning stage of a network, the different future load-flow conditions are unknown, Therefore the equivalent voltage source cU,NG is based on the nominal system voltage UF, and the factor © = Caz OF © = Cin f0F the calculation of the maximum or the veniam short-circuit currents. These factors are given in table T of TEC 909. The intron ‘Guetion of the factor c is necessary for various reasons (IEC 909, 3.16) = voltage variation depending on time and place; changing of transformer taps; - omitting loads and capacitances by calculations according to clause 6 of IEC 909, (2.1.3); whe subtransient behaviour of generators, power-station units (clause 2.2) and motors. ‘The meaning of the factor ¢ is illustrated for a simple mode! of # radial network in 2.1.4. Fare hermore results of extended calculations given in 2.2.6 demonstrate the possible deviations of taleulations with the equivalent vollage source at the short-circuit location against the Worst ase values found with a special procedure using the superposition method. 21.2 Calculation methods In principle there are two methods for the calculation of the initial symmetrical short- circuit current at the short-circuit location (IEC 909, figures 1 and 2): 909-1 © IEC -15- the superposition method, derived from Helmboltz’s principle; _ the method using the equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location (2.1.3). Ifa certain load flow in an existing network is known, them it is possible to calculate the initial symmetrical short-circuit current with the superposition method. ‘The superposition method gives the short-circuit current only related to the one load flow presupposed. Therefore this method does not necessarily lead 0 the maximum short- Pitcuit current. The reason is that for one short-circuit location there are as many short- iecuit eurrents as foad flow conditions without exceeding the boundary conditions of valt- ages and currents during normal operation, even if the same operational voltage at the short-cirouit location is given. ‘To overcome this problem and to find the worst case load flow that leads to the maximum short-circuit current at one short-circuit location a special method was developed by vary- ing the operation conditions [8]. Further information is given in 2.2.6. 2.1.3 Equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location and factor ¢ ‘The procedure for the calculation of the initial symmetrical short-ciscuit current using the equivalent voltage source at the short- circuit location is described is clause 6 of IEC 909. This method, which is normally based only on the rated data of the electrical equipment, 's an essential simplification compared to the superposition method. Using this simplified procedure, the equivalent voltage source UB at the short-circuit location is the only active voltage in the positive-sequence system, All network feeders, synchronous machines and asyachronous motors are short circuited bebind their internal Gubtransient) reactances (IEC 909, 11.5.3). AM the shunt capacitances and the shunt ad- nittances (loads), except those of the motors, are to be omitted in the positive and negative-sequence system (IEC 909,, and clause 13). Capacitances of the zero-sequence system are to be considered in general. The zero-sequence capacitances fe to be omitted in low-voltage systems and in high voltage, effectively grounded systems ‘earih fault factor 8 < 1,4). Special considerations are necessary in high-voltage net- works with long distance lines and, of course, in the case of isolated neutral or resonant grounded networks (TEC 909, 8.3.1 and 11.4). An example for the application of the calcu. fation using the equivalent voliage source at the short-circuit location F is given in figure 3 of IEC 909. The factor Cguz OF Cajg is introduced according to table I of IEC 909. Corresponding to Can OF Caigs HE Maximum oF the minimum short-circuit current Koma Konig HUSt be introduced for the network feeders (IEC 909, clause 2 and subclause Special conditions are to be considered when calculating 1/,,, (EC 909, 9.3). The introduction of the factor c aims to find a short-circuit current, for instance, a maximum short-circuit cur- rent, as near as possible to the real value. Using the impedance correction factors, (IEC 909,, and 11,5.3.8) realistic values for the partial short-circuit currents are also obtained, even though compromises are necessary to a certain extent, see 2.2.6 909-1 © IEC -17- ‘The following subclause deals with the reliability of the method using the equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location and gives the fundamental relation between the admissible or usual voltage-drops Au and the maximum possible deviations Aj, see equation (13). 2.1.4 A simple model illustrating the meaning of factor ¢ ‘The following simple model in figure 1 illustrates the fundamental meaning of the factor ¢ in the case of a non-meshed radial network, for instance in a distribution network. Complex models and their calculation results used to find the coherence between the relative voltage drops Au and the factor ¢ are given in [9,14]. Further comments on the relation between the impedance correction factors of generators and power-station units ‘and the factor ¢ in meshed networks are described in 2.2.6. ‘The positive-sequence system of the model network of figure 1a) is given in figure 1b). Tt is presumed that the voltage U, at the beginning of the line is constant. The consumer load is concentrated and simulated through the sbunt impedance Z, at the variable location C between the line impedances aZ, and (1-a)Z, with Osa <1. 4) Thice phase a.c, model (radial aon-meshed network) b) Equivelent circuit diagram, positive sequence system, before and after the short cizeait at F Figure 1- Model for the calculation of the coherence between the voltage drop Au and the short-circuit current deviation Aig 909-1 © TEC -19- itis assumed that at the variable location B (0 < B <1) the voltage Us is equal to the nominal system voltage U,. ‘The following relations shall be used: y, Au,= a -1 as) Us pe = Au = Max (Au,,Aug) Aug= |—|-1 (ib) me |, ) -1 @ here a isthe index for the approximation of the short-circuit cuzent; eis the index for the exact value of the short-cireuit curzent, ‘The following equations can be derived giving the voltage condition before the short circuit, taking U,/N3 as a constant value: t= Uy “22% ) @0-A)& +2 =U, c Bem Be Ta pd +Ze With U,N3 = Ug before the short-cireuit (# < 0) and UpN3 = UNS, the relative volt age drops of equation (1) can be expressed as foliows: L ¥, fu,=|28|- 1 -| 24 <1 6) Ya 1+a(l-A) Zc 1 ange || - |-: © us 1+a(l-A) Zc H ‘The exact value of the initial symmetrical short-circuit current is calculated as follows: a (8) Nate (-@)ZZe @-O%+Z. 909-1 © IEC -21- Introducing J, from equation (8) to equation (7) and using Zc=1/¥c! (9) is found as follows from ‘The approximation [”, with Z_ = (or Ye = 0) and Uy figure 1b) using equation (3), but without factor ¢: 1+a(1-f) Z Yo T+ 0% Le a0) and therefore: T+aZ¥o ‘The product Z, Yq can be written as: etl Hao ei =A Yee mn (a2) Xe with =R4jX2Z,e" and You G-jB=¥oe tM Yo ‘c a) a ° 09s o.10 ous 0.20 ° aun avy 0% %o ar, aye SHY Teale 0s -0.10 ais » pee Renee o ozs 050 075 to w0,15 -0,40 -0,05 0 0,05 0,40 0,15 0720 ° | Aye o20 -208 an -010 as: 20 ° ; 9) Aig = fidu,a) with du = dug B= b= b) Si, = ABZY_) witha=t.7=0 © O% = AndYo) wthah=t Figure 2 - Calculation of Ai according to equation (11) for different parameters 909-1 © IEC -25- ‘The following results can be derived from figure _ ‘The largest negative deviations Ai’; from equation (11) occur in the case a = Bal and 7 =0. The consumer load Ze = 1/f is at the end of the line (@ = 1). The voltage at the Consumer load is equal to U,(B = 1; Aug = 0). The angle of the complex product Z,Y¥c'is equal to zero (7 = 0), ie. the consumer is inductive. | The absolute values of the negative deviations Ai are smaller than the relative voltage drops Au = Au,: lary] <4u a3) = The following equation can be established for the largest possible negative deviations Avg, at a= 1 (Gee figure 2), depending on the admissible voltage drop ‘Alyy = At, (See ‘equation (5)): - a4) Sn 1+ Aug ‘The broken line (a = 1) in figure 2a) corresponds to this equation. Furthermore, the following relation between u,, and the product Z,¥¢ (7 = 0) can be derived from figure 2a): DYoS Ally as) Equation (14) is valid for positive values Au as well as for negative values, conse- quently the following conditions are foun > Au,y= £5 % + ~0,0485 Ai... $ 0,053 = 410%: -0,0915 Aff, S OIL £15 fo: -0,130S Alfa, S 0176 It can be shown [9] that this is also the most unfavourable case, even in comparison with results of meshed networks and long distance transmissions up to about 400 km. ‘The factor ¢ = Cay, CEC 909, clause 6 and table 1) takes into account these results (Cag = Lot for mediom and high-voltage networks and cjg, = 1,05 for low-voltage networks), consid- ering that the highest voltage in a normal system does not differ, on average, by more than 5 % (LV) or +10 % (HV) approximately from the nominal voltage U, (IEC 38, table TI note 2), In a normal system of Series I (50 Hz or 60 Hz systems), the highest voltage and the Iowest voltage do not differ by more than approximately +10 % from the nominal voltage of the system. In @ normal system of Series II (60 Hz systems - North American practice), the highest voltage does not differ by more than +5 % and the lowest voltage by more than 10 % from the nominal voltage of the system.) 909-1 © 1EC -21- Special conditions may occur in the case of generators and power-station units with bigh values of 2’; and 1, which lead to voltage drops greater than 10 %, Therefore impedance NOrection factors (see clause 2.2) are given for the calculation of the short-circuit impedances of this electrical equipment (IEC 909,, 11+ 7 and ‘The relative voltage drop of network transformers is normally smaller than 10 %, even if the short-circuit voltage w, reaches values up to 20 ob. Therefore itis in general sufficient iso for tansformers with tap-changer to determine the short-circuit impedance Zy for the main position (IEC 909,, note). 2.2 Impedance correction factors K (Kg: Kpsy) when calculating the short-circuit impedances of generators and power-station units 2.2.1 General One of the main criteria for the rating of electrical equipment is the maximum short-circuit current and in many cases the maximum partial short-circuit current, 100. 1 is necessary to Suuoduce impedance-correction factors Kg (2.2.2) for generators and psy (2-23) for power-station units in addition to the factor én, especialy if the subtransient reactances I) of generators are high and the transformation ratio of the unit transformers (with or ‘eithout a tap changer) is different from the ratio of the system voltages during operation on both sides of the transformer. The correction factors Ko and Kysy #6 sven 1 TEC 909, and, In the case of Kpgy an additional note is given which draws atten- tion to the special conditions applying (2.2.3). Special considerations and impedance-correction factors are necetsaly for the calculation op tbe short-circuit current and the partial short-circuit current in the case of @ short circuit between generator and transformer of = power station wait. Normally these calculations are made only once during the construction of the power station. ‘The impedance correction factors given in and 11.538 of IEC 909 are derived foe the panitmum partial short-circuit currents (¢ = eggq)- TBE FACIOI5 Cong Showld Be taken from table T of IEC 909 in accordance with the voltages U,g when using equation (22), in cocordance with the voltage Uyq at the bigh-voltage side of the unit transformer when, using the equations (52) and (36). Adgitional calculations in meshed networks have shown that ihese correction factors are also adequate when calculating short-circuit currents at different locations (2.2.6). Special considerations are necessary for the correction factors when calculating minimum Short-circuit currents, because the special boundary conditions for the different power station winits qaust be Known. These conditions, for instance, are given by the maximum extent of linderexeited operation, the minimum active power of thermal power stations during Jong \énm operation or the maximum reactive power (overexcited or underexcited) of units in hydro- pumping stations as well as by special devices for the limitation of the torque angle, Further- avore, atention sball be given to the fact that even during low load conditions in a networks the gamber of power-station units operating with partial load or within the underexcited 909-1 © TEC =29- region is usually minimised. Therefore a rough estimation for minimum short-circuit currents may be found using the instructions given in 9.3 and 124 of IEC 909 and using the given impedance-correction factors for generators and power-station units, even though these are found from calculations for the case of rated operation. 2.2.2 Correction factor Kg ‘The impedance correction factor Kz, is used for the impedance Zq = Rg + jX4 of a genera- tor directly connected to a low or a medjum-voltage network (without unit transformer) as shown in figure 3 (IEC 909, and 12.4), Sq = Pytl@g —— 7 Figure 3 - Partial short-circuit current [fq of a generator directly connected to a network ‘The impedance correction factor Ke, is derived from a phasor diagram for normal over- excited operation of the generator taking into account the subiransient reactance Xj and the subtransient internal voltage E”. Figure 4a) gives the equivalent circuit diagram (positive-sequence system) of a turbine generator. The terminal voltage Ug of the generator is controlled and therefore constant during operation before the short circuit. Normally Ug = Ujg= 1,05 U, is valid. In special cases the setpoint may vary: Ug = U,g A tpg). Figire 4 describes the procedure for the calculation of the partial short-circuit current [ig using the superposition method. a) » 2 flag xy Pa Lg saa 4 i : Yo | {d= o) |e 3 2) C “V i 1) Normal operation conditions with coatrotied voltage Ug = Uig 1) nrodacing the pre sbor-ciseut voltage UghS in the opposite ditetion atthe shor cireit oestion ) Superposition of the creat in the figures a) and b) to determine Lig =[g+ Tix Figure 4 - Calculation of [jg using the superposition method 909-1 © TEC -a1- ‘The currents [g and [‘jy ate derived from figures 42) and 4b) at Ug = Usa 3s follows: EB" U3 mee a Ret ae to Ban (17) Pet Rg t 5X5 ‘The index U® indicates that the current [jy is found when introducing the voltage Ugh3 before the short circuit in the opposite direction. ‘The superposition according to figure 4c) leads to the partial short-circuit current Tg: ue UB E 2 - Roti, Rot iKG RG HKG Bom lot Tian = as) On the other hand, when applying the method using the equivalent voltage source cu, at the short-cirouit location, the following equation for the calculation of the short-circuit current [jg is found: BE” Uy (19) Ro +584 V3 Re + 5X4) Ko Taking £” = Ugh + [og = Urq + Ia (608 ¢o ~ j sito) * Ro + HKG), the Imps dance-correction factor Kg is found: Us c kg= —— sees) Ug BIg VBlg a 1+ (RC08 PetKY sin ¥q) + J —— OGC08 Pg ~ Ro sin Po) Ue Ue If Rg is very small compared to Xj (Rg << Xj) the following approximation can be applied: uy ce @1) Kom : Te 1 + (Igllg) Xf Sin Pg ‘The p.u. value of the subtransient reactance is introduced with x4 = X3 /Z.q and Zig = UiglSq CEC 909, 3.22, note). 909-1 © TEC -3- cme maximum short-circuit current [jq is found if the denominator of the second part of the right side of equation (21) reaches the maximum. Normally this will be the case at the point of rated operation (S,gy Uygr 605 Pac)» OF in its vicinity if the extreme overexcited operation with Q > Q, is excluded. Thus it seems acceptable to choose Ig = Iyg and sin @q = Si8 P,g- By introducing ¢ = Cyyq (IEC 909, table 1) the approximation of equation (21) then ‘acgumes the following form (IEC 909, equation (36)): u Comax Kye —- + ———— 22) Ug 1+ xZsin Pig Example: Sq = 10 MVA; Ujg = 10,5 V5 C05 9.0 = 0185 xy = 0,12 ‘The generator feeds a system with the nominal voltage U, = 10 KV (see figure 3). ‘The calculation of the maximum partial short-circuit current according to equa- tion (19) with Kg found from equation (22) and ¢ = Cmax = 1,1 (EC 909, table 1) eads t0 I'ig = 4,900 KA. ‘The value calculated with the superposition method is Lois) = (0,759 ~ j 4,889) KA: "ogg = 4:948 KA. The approximation for Ii is about 1 “ smaller than the value Tae 1f the terminal voltage of the generator is different from Ujqy thea it may be necessary t0 jaroduce Ug = U,g(l % Po) instead of Uyg to the equations (20). (21) and (22). Then the vnarimum short-circuit current [gis found, when the voltage Uc reaches the upper limit Ug» Uegll +Po)- 223 Correction factor Kygy “The determination of the impedance correction factor Kygy (EC 909, for power station units according to figure 5 requires special considerations where: _ ‘The unit transformer, depending on national conditions or network configurations, is equipped either with a tap changer or with a correspondingly higher transformation ratio t, = Umrre/Umriv > UnqlVaar In some cases even © combination of these two saeasuies ig used in order to deliver active and reactive power of the power-station unit via a long transmission line to the network. _ The rated voltages of the generator and the low-voltage side of the unit transformer inay be different (Vig # Urry) and the rated apparent powers of generator and wansformer may also differ (Sig # Six) | | ET eo 909-1 © TEC -35- PSU GeT recom ¢ high voltage side Figure 5 - Partial symmetrical short-circuit current Tiogy at the of the unit transformer of a power-station unit (PSU) as shown in figure 6, the correction factor hanger in the unit transformer. Special the unit transformer has no on-load tap Based on the simulation of a power station unit, Kpgy Will first be derived for the case of a tap ci consideration is given in 2.2.5 to the case where changer. a Xue Few hsv ») ) Byulvaeat creat diagram with £ Zg = Rg + HKG +04 Zerw = Prey + Macy in the postive sequence eytem 1). Phasor diagram for overexeited operation Figure 6 - Simulation of a power station unit (PSU) 909-1 © IEC -37- Using the superposition method (similar to figure 4), both the current Lesu (figure 6) and Kiestaxp Can be found. Logyxe is found by the introduction of UgN3 in the opposite direc- tion at the short-circuit location and £” = 0. 1 1 BU N3 et get. 03 les" a 3) " co) with t= UplUy, = UelUri The partial short-circuit current [fou at the high voltage side of the unit transformer is found as follows: Tipsu = Gesut fiesue = (25) with Zp= Zev = Zw Without knowing the load flow in the network, neither the voltage Ug nor the trans- formation ratio t = Up/Uz, of the unit transformer with tap changer (¢ # t, = Ucresv/Venuy) can be known. The internal voltage £” is found from figure 6b) depending on Ug Wo! Ug)N3) and the current Je = Ig(€0S Pg ~ j sin #g) before the short circuit: Ug Vig : 3 C11 4 5 RQcospgtX] sin Pq) + J—" XG cos Po~Rasin gg) (26) Wi) U Te ‘The transformation ratio can be substituted by f= Uo/U/y; with Uz; found from the phasor diagram in figure 6b): = —lokny= G : VBlg Bg 1 -"iryeot Po Rr sin 0q) ~i-——2 Oy 008 Po-Rnvsin g)| 27) u, ‘a ‘a 909-1 © IEC -39- Introducing £” from equation (26) and using Up/N3 from equation (27) and the equivalent voltage source cU,N3 = cU,o/V3 at the short-circuit location F, the following equation. can be found: Uy oe 2 3) f SS we © V3 Ze + 2x) Kos with t, = Usuy/Ueruw Zr = Zev = Zxiy and N3Ig 14 2S (Rg cos gtk sin Gg) +) —! GEO Pom Ra Sin Pq) Us Ug EE ete ete eH ER eee ee eee C2) NBL, I Ble (ey 608 Ge *Kny 80 Pe) ~1 2 Ceyy608 Pg~ Rezvsia #o) U, Us s For a large number of power-station units, investigations of the correction factor Kysy» which depends on Ug, Ig and cos Pg, have shown that similar to the case of generators directly connected to the network, the factor Kysy reaches its minimum and therefore Tiggy its maximum if the power-station unit is operated at its rated poist (Ig = Lig: €05 #0 = cos #-g and comespondingly Sg = S.g) (6,10,14]-. Figure 7 gives an example from these investigations. The maximum short-circuit current is reached for the lowest value Ug at the high voltage side of the unit transformer with tap changer when the voltage Ug = Uig is constant. + Numbers in brackets refer to annex A: Bibliography. 909-1 © TEC -41- » a) & Tyesu (Rosy = 1) 3,054 1,00 0,98 Rated operation Sg limits of over and underencited operation; 2) Power char of the turbine generator with Pamin = 4 Fig 1) The relation of Mfpguey #eeerding to equation (28) found with the superposition method (8), t0 the first approximation with Kpsqy = yg Ble tg ext Fizsu Kpsu berefore Eesuisylliesy Resu =D = MBps 2 Figure 7 - Partial short-circuit currents of a power-station unit with tap changer (Example: Sj = Sip = 1070 MVA; Ug = Uig = Vert) Considering Rg < Ugg is given in 2.2.4 and 2.2.5, so that adjusting the corrections in the case of a tap changer or in the case of a fixed trans- formation ratio ¢ of the unit transformer (without on-load tap changer) is possible. 2.2.4 Correction factor Kpsyy for unit transformers with on-load tap changers In 11,5.3.8 of IEC 909, notes 1 and 2 are provided to draw the user's attention to the boundary conditions for Koss = Kpsuctec) (IEC 909, equation (44)). ‘As already shown in 2.2.3, equation (44) of IEC 909 is valid for Ug = U,g (= Uyqy) and Uonia = Uno: Depending on operating practice and in the case of long distance trans- mission, if the voltage Ugaj, at the high voltage side of the unit transformer with tap changer is permanently higher than Uo, then it is adequate to use Ugain instead of Ug for those power station units where Ug 2 Ugaia > Uaq is known from network operation, or in the planning stage from special load flow calculations depending on network configu- ration and the type of power station unit. The following impedance correction factor Kpgqy may then be used to find the maximum short-circuit current [psy Kygy = ean i id (32) we, Urey 14+ @J-2)) sing Even in this case, if the voltage Ug is permanently different from U,g (this may be neces- sary because of special operating conditions or due to lack of planning), then Ug = Usg (1 + pg) may be introduced instead of U,g, with for instance pg = 0,05 up to 0,10. Example: 0 = Sep * 400 MVA; Ug = 21 KV; Pg = 0,05; 608 Pig = 0,85 x4 = 0,25; UecaylU py = 230 KV/21 KV; Upapy = Usray(l + py} = 230 KV (1 £012); wy =15 %; Uoerig = 230 KV; Ugg = 220 KV; ¢ = Cau 141 (IEC 909, table D. Together with Kpy,, according to equation (32) the current /‘{pgy = 2,661 KA is found. The value calculated with the superposition method Lpsuisy = (015543 — j 2,6390) KA; [foguys)! = 2,697 kA; Tipsy is 1,3 % smaller than | [ypeu5)!- 909-1 © IEC ~49- 2.2.5 Correction factor Kpsy for unit transformers without on-load tap changers In the case of a unit transformer without on-load tap changer, the transformation ratio is fixed at ¢ = ¢, = Usryy/Urys therefore equation (25) becomes: 1 ze En fosuey = — + = = (33) 6 gt En HlgtZy If the transformer has no-load taps, for instance +5 % and —5 %, then the transformation ratio is t = (1 ~ py), for the calculation of short-circuit currents, see equations (36) and (37). ‘The internal voltage E” is introduced in the same way as given in equation (26). The impedance correction factor Kpsyy.) i8 introduced to find Leese? Ug Teese ete : sue) ZZ) Keown . with / ; (5) Kesuw = Us | The additional index (,) is introduced to give a reference to the fixed transformation ratio +, in the case of a unit transformer without 2 tap changer. lox PotHf sin gg) +i(d/c08 Pq —rg ‘The smallest result from equation (35), and therefore the maximum value [our is found in the case of Ig = L.qU o/Ug, 605 3g = C05 Pq and t = (1 - pr}t,, With Ag = (Uyg/Ug)* and taking into account rg << xj (Rg << Xf) the following approximation can be found using © Coa! U, Coy ' Sax G6) 4g 812 Og Ignoring the influence of 4, + 1 in the denominator of the last part of equation (36), because this part is generally of minor influence, and introducing Ug = Ug (1 + pg) as the highest possible regulated value of Ug, the following equation for the correction factor is found: U, v, a og TLV Kesuy = ———— . on Ug+Pe) Una f saan 909-1 © IEC -51- If the terminal voltage of the generator reaches its highest value U,g(l + pg), the voltage on the high voltage side is generally higher than U,q and in some cases even higher than U,, (highest voltage for equipment). The following example for the application of equation (37) also demonstrates the connection between the voltages Ug and Ug. Example: Syq = S;z = 400 MVA (see also example of 2.2.4) Ug = Veruy = 21 KV: Pg = 0,075; €05 Fxg = 08; x4 = 0255 UpquavlU pry = 240 EV/2L Vs #, = 11,43; m= 15 % Zy= 0415) Uy = 220 KV5 C= Caag = Lol (IEC 909, table 1). Kpsyqo 2ccording to equation (37) with = 220 kV 21kV al : = 0,816 QUKV (140,075) 240KV 1 +:0,25 - 0,6 Kesuw = with Rg = 0,05 X% and Ry = 0,03 Xp and therefore Zq + Zp = 11,43? (0.0138 + 70,2756) + (0,648 + j 21,590) 2 the maximum partial short-circuit current is found as follows: cu, 1,1 +220 kV = = 2,971 kA V3l2Z5+Zql Kpsuay — V312,450 + 57,5861 - 0,816 Fase, ‘The voltage on the high voltage side of the transformer is found with Ig = I,c» 05 Po = COs Gq and Ug= Ug(l + Po): Ug= Ut, Va “4 pg)? ~ Dll + po) Sin pyg + = 238,18 KV = 1,083 Uyg If for instance the terminal voltage of the generator is only Ug = U,c, then the impedance correction factor becomes Kpguy = 0,877, the méximum current Typsy = 2,765 EA and the voltage Ug = 220,3 KV = Uzg. In this case the boundary conditions given for IEC 909, equation (44) are nearly fulfilled. ‘Therefore, taking IEC 909, equation (44), the impedance correction factor becomes: 2 i: _ iq Yaw psudsc) = 3 7 Ueto 1+ y=», @20Kvy? = @ikvy? i = 0,872 CIV? Q4DEV)? 140,25 - 0,15) -0,6 909-1 © IEC ~53- and with equation (28) the partial short-circuit currer Ug 11-220 kV BIE 25+ Zp! Kpsuaec) 312,450 + 557,586] Q - 0,872 Tiesu = 2,780 kA This result is only 0,5 % higher than the result Ipsyq) = 2,765 kA found in the case Ug = U,c, but approximately 6 % lower than the result Mose) = 2,971 KA calculated With the correction factor Kpgyy according to equation (37) with Ug = 1,075 U,g. From the above characteristic example it is obvious that Kps,yqy from equation (37) should be used if the unit transformer has no on-load tap changer and if Ug is considerably higher than Ug, for example Ug = 1,05 Ug ... 1,075 U,g. 2.2.6 Influence of the impedance correction factor when calculating short-circuit currents in meshed networks and maximum short-circuit current at worst case load flow The derivations of 2.1.4 in connection with the simple model of figure 1 have shown that it is sufficient to choose the factor c,,,, (IEC 909, table I) as long as the voltage drop Au is. smaller than 10 % in medium and high-voltage networks and smaller than 5 % in low- voltage networks, when calculating the maximum initial symmetrical short-circuit cur- Tents, see equation (13) and the information following equation (15). Further investiga- tions for the validity of equation (13), for example for network transformers with a variable transformation ratio, are given in [9]. Taking these investigations, it becomes clear that, in cases with Au > 10 %, additional corrections are necessary. These additional corrections are brought into the calculation procedure of IEC 909 by adequate impedance correction factors Kg (2.2.2) and Kpgqy (2.2.3 to 2.2.5). ‘The aim is to find a good approximation for the partial short-circuit currents of generators and power-station units as well as for the short-circuit currents at the different short-circuit locations in meshed networks. As already shown in figures 7 and 8 the application of Kpsqy leads to @ good approximation of the partial short-circuit currents of power-station units, ‘The improvement of the calculation method for power-station units with and without on- load tap changer of the unit transformers is given in 2.3.4 and 2.3.5. The remaining question is, whether the approximation method, using the equivalent voltage source cU,/V3 with c = c,,., (IEC 909, table I) and the impedance correction factors according to 2.2.2 to 2.2.5, also leads to resuits of short-circuit currents in meshed networks of sufficient accuracy in comparison to the results of the superposition method. To answer this question, high-voltage networks with U, 2 110 kV and parts thereof were examined (6,8,12] and results calculated for the short-circuit currents at 260 nodes using the superposition method, and using the approximation method given in IEC 909, Net- works with U, = 380 kV (U,,= 420 KV) are included in these investigations though this voltage level is not within the scope of IEC 909, because a nominal system voltage belong- ing to U,, = 420 KV has not yet been standardized (IEC 38). The inclusion in this 909-1 © IEC ~S5- investigation seems justified because in all cases the same relation U,/U, ~ 1,1 is valid (UpfU, = 123 KV/MO KV © 1,12; U,/U, = 245 kV/220 EV ~ 111 and U,/U, = 420 KV/380 KV = 1,105). As a first step high-voltage networks with U, 2 110 kV with 260 nodes were treated to find the exact values If = Kg, with the superposition method and thereafter to find the approximative values of Mize using the equivalent voltage source with ¢ = Cy = Isl {IEC 909, table I) and the impedance correction factors Kpgyiec) according to equa- tion (44) of BEC 909. The result is given in curve 1 of figure 9 as a cumulative-frequency- error curve with a median value (50 %-value) of about +4 % (the median value of Ifygc is on the safe side). The variation between H = 10 % and H = 90 % is relatively small (figure 9 left side). ‘The load flow used to find M,,) from the superposition method was a parti for the system, heavy loaded during winter. As already stated in 2.1.2, this one distinct Joad flow cannot lead to the maximum possible short-circuit currents at each node of the network. To find out to what extent the maximum possible short-circuit currents, calcu- lated with a worst case load flow, may exceed the short-circuit current of curve 1 in figure 9, a special optimization method has been developed [8,12] with the help of linear programming. The results are indicated as 77, with the index "pes" for the worst case load flow. The variables, respectively boundary conditions, in this procedure are the permissible voltage band (voltage between U, and 1,1U,, = U,,), the variation of the trans- formation ratio of unit transformers equipped with tap changers, the dependency of the short-circuit voltage of these transformers on the tap-changer position u, = f(s), the under- excited region of generators and the possible ranges of power at the connection points of generators or power-station units and loads. ‘The results are given in figure 9 as a cumulative-frequency-error curve related to the short- circuit currents M,,, see the legend of figure 9. ‘The difference between curves 4 and 5 on the right side of figure 9 demonstrates the conse- quences of the restriction of the underexcited region in the power chart of generators (12] 909-1 © IEC -ST- T = 1s 1 1g 1 1g 1 1 1 12 I 1 it | I i | 1 | 1 \ I ! \ =a Zona | Error © ~~ Curve 2: Curve 3: Curve 4: Carve 5: unsafe | safe unsafe safe aaate short-circuit current With cg, = Iy1 and Kpsts, according to equation (44) of LEC 909 short-circait current found with the euperposition method for one heavy-load condition (see text) shor-cizcuit curzent found for the worst ease (with worst case load flow conditions for ech node) {8,12} oH Sacco ee ay operation, Figure 9 - Cumulative-frequency-error curves [12] 909-1 © IEC =59- ‘The following conclusions may be drawn from figure 9: - The median value (SO %-value) of the cumulative-frequency-error curve for the initial symmetrical short-circuit currents Mig¢ related to the currents //,,. as shown in curve 2 of figure 9 is about 5 % higher than the results found from the normal super- position method (curve 1 of figure 9) using constant reactances of the transformers: i, = uy, = const, independent of the position of the tap changer. - There is only a small difference between the median values (50 %-values) between curve 2 and curve 3 of figure 9. Curve 3 considers the changing of the short-circuit voltage u, of transformers with tap changer depending on tap changer position. ~The restriction of the area of underexcited operation of the generator reduces the highest possible short-circuit currents in general, as can be seen from the shifting of curve 4 to curve 5 in figure 9 From the results of the investigations described in clauses 2.1 and 2.2, it becomes obvious that the calculation method given in IEC 909 using the equivalent voltage source, ¢ = Cray (IEC 909, table 1), and the impedance correction factors Kg and Kpsy, taking into account the additional comments given in the notes of and of IEC 909 and the corresponding descriptions in clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of this report, provides sufficiently accurate results for the maximum short-circuit currents considering both safety require- ments and economic aspects. Special correction factors for network transformers are generally not required (IEC 909,, note). This general statement assumes that the transport of reactive power and thereby the voltage drops in meshed networks are limited to the normal range given in IEC 38 and found in real power systems. ‘The need for the calculation of minimum short-circuit currents may arise due to under- excited operation of generators, which can occur under low-load conditions during the night together with cable systems, or with hydro-pumping stations producing capacitive reactive power, as already described in 2.2.1. It is obvious that these cases need special thorough consideration beyond the scope and the procedure given in IEC 909. In the case of far-from-generator short circuit the conditions given in 9.3 of IEC 909 may normally be sufficient (2.2.1). 909-1 © TEC -61- 2.3 Factor x for the calculation of the peak short-circuit current 23.1 General ‘The factor « is used for the calculation of the peak short-circuit current j,. The basic equa- tion is equation (16) of IEC 909: p= NE 38) In the case of a single fed far-from-generator three-phase short circuit (IEC 909, the factor x is given as a function R/X or X/R in figure 8 of IEC 909, or can be calculated with the following numerical approximation: K= Kye = 1,02 + 0,98 eR 9) X= Kigc is valid for both 50-Hz-systems and 60-Hz-systems. The factor x shall lead to the highest possible instantaneous value of the short-circuit current, therefore it is assumed that the short-circuit starts at zero voltage (IEC 909, clause 5) and i, is reached approximately 10 ms (in 50 Hz systems) or 8,33 ms (in 60 Hz systems) after the beginning of the short-circuit, see 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. In the case of a near-to-generator or a near-to-motor short circuit, the symmetrical a.c. ‘component of the short-circuit current is also decaying. To account for this effect during the first 10 ms (or 8,33 ms) after the beginning of the short circuit, special fictive ratios Rolf (IEC 909, and Ryg/Xyy (LEC 909, are introduced. These ratios are considerably higher than the normal ratios of R/X of the synchronous and asynchro- nous machines. They are found from measurements and calculations. In the case of three-phase short circuits fed from non-meshed sources, see for instance figure 22 of IEC 909, the peak short-circuit curreat j, at the short-circuit location is found as the sum of the peak short-circuit currents of the different branches (IEC 909, 9.1.2 and 12.2.3). : In meshed networks with parallel branches and combinations of parallel and series branches (TEC 909, figures 10 and 23) the calculation of the peak short-circuit current /, is performed with one of the three methods given in of IEC 909. Details of these three methods and their applications are given in 2.3.4. ‘The guiding principle for the methods A, B and C to calculate x and {, in meshed networks is the requirement, that the methods be applicable both for hand calculation and for calculations with a suitable digital programme, (equation (39), Furthermore, the results should not differ more than 5 % from the exact value on the nonconservative side. In this concept the viewpoint of safety is the main goal, but also economic aspects have to be taken into account. 909-1 © IEC -63- 2.3.2 Factor « in series R-L-circuits In the case of a single fed three-phase short circuit (near to generator or far-from- generator short circuit) i.e. in a series R-L-circuit, f, is calculated in accordance with of IEC 909. To demonstrate this, the example in figure 10 is given with the assump- tion Zy, << Zy + Zz. 6) ? t20 R X-ot F a [a ao ug, = SEY in (at + 94) 1 or AO tla 1) Beample with he asromption Zap <¢Zy Zz ®)Bauivslen tet age of he potiveaeuence ese forthe xesain fF (EC 508, figure 3) with = Ry y= Roy B+ +i Ny 4%) ©) Bauivlat cai diagram ofthe postvesequene rtm forthe elution off = «FE Wik R=Rq +p +2, and Kmed nelly t Ly +l,).a 28, f= 50H 060 HE 4) Definition of the voltage angle py Figure 10 - Calculation of the factor x in the case of a single-fed three-phase short circuit (series R-L-circuit) From figure 10 c) the following differential equation to calculate i, is found (¢ 2 0). di, c V2 U, Rip+l —* = a sin (ot + gy) 40) 909-1 © IEC -65- ‘The solution of equation (40) is: Sor at 2 rf {sin @rtgy~ +e *” sin (yey) = V2 I,K (41a) where Fy is the initial three-phase short-circuit current (IEC 909, equation (14)) cu, tee VlZ,l with Z=R+jX=Z, Z_ is the short-circuit impedance, Z=Z, = Nese; is the impedance angle, 7 = arctan 4 : y is the voltage angle at the beginning of the short circuit, see figure 10 d). i, in equation (41a) is composed of a periodic term i,,¢ and a decaying aperiodic term ine = ing (EC 909, figure 1): = -for iL act hoc = V2 1 sin (@r+py-y +21 e *” siny- py) (41b) At the beginning of the short circuit (¢ = 0), the short-circuit current is equal to zero: XG gael? = 0) + iyyc(t = 0) = 0. Only in the special case of R/X =O, the peak value of the short-circuit current i, is reached exactly 10 ms (in 50-Hz-systems) or 8,33 ms (in 60-Hz-systems) after the beginning of the short circuit at zero voltage (gy = 0). With R/X > 0 the peak short-circuit current i, normally occurs at a time 1, < 10 ms or, < 8,33 ms. ‘The maximum of i, is found by partial differentiation of x from equation (416) with respect to ¢ and gy. From this procedure gy = 0 is found in therefore x = x,,,, from equation (41b): xesin@r-yte * siny (42) The factor x and the time f, (when the peak short-circuit current occurs) is found from equation (42) by an iteration process. Figure 11 gives the exact values of x depending on RIX or X/R. Furthermore the time #, is given in the case of nominal frequencies SO Hz (69 fyso° 50 Hz/60 Hz). The deviation Ax,p- from the exact value x is less than approximately 0,6 % as long as OS R/X s 1,2 (figure 11). 909-1 © IEC 10) Xue Deviation Akjg¢ =. 100 %; Kige according to equation (39) TEC : tec Figure 11 - Factor x and ¢, (f= 50 Hz) as a function of R/X or X/R Inthe case of gy # 0a factor x (gy, # 0) < x is found. Considering these cases, it should be remembered, that the current in a three-phase short circuit is assumed to be made simul- tancously in all three poles (TEC 909, 3.3) and therefore it is not necessary to take a range outside 0S py < £30° into account. The factor « (py = £30°) has a maximum deviation only of about ~7 ® against x (p, = 0). 2.3.3. Factor x of parallel R-L-branches The impedance of a meshed network at the short-circuit location, depending on frequency, can be transformed by partial divisions to a network with parallel R-L-branches where each of the parallel branches represents one of the eigenvalues of the meshed network. 7) 909-1 © IEC The simplest configuration is therefore an equivalent of two parallel branches as shown in figure 12 with the impedances Z, = Ry + jX; and Zp = Ry + jXq and the variation of the ratios Ry/X, and R,/X;, at various relations Z/Z,. The possible range of the ratio R/X in the positive-sequence system of low and high-voltage lines lies between 0,05 and =10. The ratios R/X of transformers depend essentially on the rated apparent power S,z. A range of 0,007 up to 0,4 can be found. Therefore it seems to be sufficient to consider the range 0,005 S R/X< 10 for the two parallel branches. Kaa tu(O 120 Fa Xenia Bu, 40 = SEF sin (ots su) sure 12 - Equivalent circuit diagram for the calculation of x in case of two parallel branches (positive-sequence system) Taking figure 12 it is possible to derive the following equation for the calculation of the time dependent short-circuit current é, at the short-circuit location F: iF igtin (43) + (44) By partial differentiation of equation (43) with respect to ¢ and gy it is possible, as in 2.3.2, to demonstrate that in this case also the short-circuit current reaches its maximum at py =0. 909-1 © IEC -1- The factor x is: 2 x= sin@or—4) += sin@@r— 4) + zy TE Figure 13 gives the factor x for the configuration of figure 12 plotted against R,/X, with the parameters 0,005 < Ry/X, < 1,0 and 0,005 < RyyXy $ 10,00 in the special case Z; = Zy. The lower envelope is equivalent to the factor x of equation (39). The upper envelope is found in the case of RyX, = 0. The lower envelope for the time f, is given by the values of 1, infigure 11. 1. Lower envelope: x according to equation (42) 2. Upper envelope: Ry/Xy +0 Figure 13 - Factor x for the calculation of j, = «V2 1; for the case of two parallel branches as shown in figure 12, with Z, =Zy. 0,005 < RyX; S 1,0 and 0,005 sRy/Xqq $ 10,0 909-1 © IEC -B- Figure 14 gives the deviations Ax of the approximate values of x,, 1.15%, and K,, calcu- lated with the methods A, B and C of of IEC 909, from the exact values found from equation (45). 115K, — x 100 %; A(L15 x) = 100 %; AK, +100 % (46) ‘The conclusions from the results given in figure 14 are: - The factor x, always gives results on the safe side (x, 2 x). In extreme cases the factor k, is about 100 % greater than x, The restriction to the branches which together carry 80 % of the short-circuit current (IEC 909, subclause, method A) was not taken into account during these calculations. = The factor 1,15 1, for the calculation of i, = 1,15 ,V2 If (IEC 909,, method B) gives results on the conservative and on the non-conservative side. Only if both ratios R/X; and Ry/X, are within the range 0,005 < R/X < 1,0, are the results of Ae not lower than ~5 %, on the non-conservative side. Therefore method B is limited to cases when 0,005 < &/X < 1,0 is valid for all branches of a network. Normally this range is found in high-voltage systems with U, = 110 kV. = The factor x, gives deviations Ax, in the range between +3,7 % and ~6,5 % against the exact values of x. The limits 5 % (see 2.3.1) are met in the case of 0,005 < RYX, $ 1,0 and 0,005 $ RyiXqy $ 5,0. 909-1 © IEC -15— Method Ay Method 8: 1.15 xy, 50 He, 60 He (RIX RY) * Method Ci xg, 20 H2, 24 He (equivalent frequency) as Max Min. 60 50 40 0,07 IX Lo,005 s Ax 2,005 0,008 0,005 0,005 aXst emxss $SS sass gio7 SAS 10 007 * 007 100 with x, = K,, 115 wy and x, Figure 14 - Deviations Ax,, A(1,15 x,) and Ax, from the exact value « with 0,005 < ZZ, $ 1,0 for the configuration of figure 12 [ eassetneninaneenipit 909-1 © IEC -77- 2.3.4 Methods for the calculation of the peak short-circuit current i, in meshed networks ‘The methods A, B and C are given in of IEC 909 for both far-from-generator and near-to-generator short circuits. The basic equation (38) (IEC 909, equation (16) is applied independently of the method. Some additional information may be useful. Method A: Uniform ratio R/X or X/R Use x= x, The factor x, is determined from figure 8 of IEC 909 or from equation (39) taking the smallest ratio of R/X or the largest ratio of X/R of those branches of the network which together carry at least 80 % of the short-circuit current and which have the same voltage level as the short-circuit location. ‘This method without the limitations to the branches which carry at least 80 % short-circuit current leads in accordance with figure 14 to results on the safe side. If the limitation to 80 % of the short-circuit current is taken into account, extreme cases may however lead to results on the unsafe side as the following example with the con- figuration of figure 12 demonstrates: Z= Bria Zi = 31622; Ryx, = 3.0 Zy = (2430+ 51,410) 2 Zq = (42585 + j12,5852) @ Zy = 2,8093 2; Zy/Zy = 0,25 Zy™ 12,648 Q; RyXq= 0,1 Method A: I, = 0,8 ZY Tig = 0,2 Uf; therefore R/X = RU; x Exact value x = 1,1797; Ax, = 100 % =-13,5 % Significant differences between RyX; and Ry/Xy are not very likely at the same voltage level in real networks, therefore this example is an extreme case. Figure 14 demonstrates that the calculation with x, may lead to results with high safety margins if the ratios R/X are different. Therefore method A should be used as a first estimation only, limited to those cases of short-circuit current calculations with reactances only and R, < 0,3 X, (IEC 909, ‘The electrical equipment in low-voltage networks and therefore also the branches normally have ratios of R/X 2 0,07. This leads to the statement, that the factor k, is limited to 1,8 in low-voltage networks (TEC 909,, method A), see also the information for x, in figure 14 with the ratios 0,07 < R/X $ 1,0 up to 0,07 < R/X S 10,0. 909-1 © IEC -19- Method B: Ratio R/X or X/R at the short-circuit location Use k= 1,15 ‘The factor x, is determined from figure 8 of IEC 909 or from equation (39) using the ratios RUX, (Z, = Ry + X,) at the short-circuit location F calculated with the frequency 50 Hz or f = 60 Hz. The factor 1,15 is a safety factor to cover inaccuracies caused by using the ratio RX, for the calculation of x, (see figure 13). The calculations in 2.3.3, however demonstrate that it is also necessary to have ratio R/X $ 1 in all the branches to avoid deviations higher than -5 % on the unsafe side (figure 14: A (1,15 x,)). It is recom- mended to use method C to avoid this. ‘As long as the ratio R/X remains smaller than 0,3 in all branches, it is not necessary to use the safety factor 1,15. In this case, also, as in method A, the factor 1,15 x, is limited to 1,8 in low-voltage net- works. To avoid unrealistic results in high-voltage networks with ratios R,/X, < 0,1 the factor 1,15 x, is limited to 2,0 (TEC 909,, method B). Method C: Equivalent frequency f, = 20 Hz or f, = 24 Hz [5] Use k = K, ‘The factor x, is determined from figure 8 of IEC 909 or from equation (39) using the ratio R R, fh x xX Ff ae eee peters — x RF RR OR ‘The impedance Z, is the impedance as seen from the short-cirenit location F if an equi- valent voltage source as the only active voltage is applied with the frequency f, = 20 Hz (in systems with 50 Hz) or f, = 24 Hz (in systems with 60 Hz). Figure 14 demonstrates that thé deviations Ax, are between boundaries of £5 % as long as the ratios R/X of all branches are inside the range 0,005 R/X < 5,0, see also [5]. Method C therefore is applied in low-voltage and high-voltage networks if it is necessary to find 2 good approximation for the peak short-circuit current, considering the viewpoints of both safety and economy. Using suitable digital programs for the calculation of the complex short-circuit impedance Z, it is possible with small additions in programming, to find Z_ and from this x, for the equivalent frequency 20 Hz or 24 Hz, 2.3.5 Example for the calculations of « and i, in meshed networks Figure 15 gives an example for the calculations of x in a meshed network, which can be reduced to two parallel branches in the positive sequence system having different ratios RIK. 909-1 © IEC -81- Sig = 100MVA: Ujg= 10 kV: xy = 11%; rq = OLL® 2 Sip 100 MVA; Uppyey/U pry = 220 W/O KV diye = 11%; lige = O11 % S Spqge 3S MVA: Upgyry/Ui. y= 220 KV/O KV yy = 6%; Up, = 0,75 % R= 0.231 Oem; X, = 0,104 Qf Ryx0S71 A X, 003460 D: Rp = 0004582; Xp = 0,458.2 X= 0513.0 of u, y= 0,00813 0 = SEP sin (ots ay) 2) Network and date, f= 50 He 1b) Equivalent cireuit diagram (positi -requence system) Figure 15 - Example for the calculation of x and /, with the methods A, B and C (EC 909, ‘The impedances of the parallel branches (figure 15) are: x sh =1,0127 Z, = (0,00513 + j0,513) Q; RyX,=0,01; Z,= 0.513032 - } Zy 075 Zq= (0,371 + 50,345) Q; RylXp “n= 0,506 2 ‘The short-circuit impedance Z, at the short-circuit location F is: = 0,27744 Q; y= 1,15225 Z, = (0,11276 + j0,25349) Q; Z, ‘The factor x is found by an iteration process from equation (4: = Wejuer™ 1,54655; 1, = 8,58 ms (f'= 50 Hz) Using the ratio Ry/X, = 0,445 it is possible to find x = 1,55 from figure 13 (The ratio Zy/Zy is only slightly different from 1). 909-1 © IEC -83- Table 1 gives the results of the calculations of x with the methods A, B and C (IEC 909, 9.1,3.2) for the example in figure 15. Table 1 - Values of x calculated with the methods A, B and C for the example in figure 15 « AKD) mete | ae smuaan | Y Remus A (RfR] L& xexjetom | 12745 =-[F] =F 00 ino edoqot inhi xa na ple beste Ry > 03%, B X W128 4,967 | 4%, S-S% x" a 04448 as long as XS 1 ed 1,15, = 14697] forall branches c |e xan,-1000| «aon | #55245, 2-56 7 ts long ek 36 Fe as focallbroches D gn, = “2™ 1009 with my = ey LIS Hy oF K, nd = Kegggy = 154655 2 7, (00624 + j 014644) 0; RAK, «043294 909-1 © TEC ~85- 2.4 Factor # for the calculation of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current 2.4.1 General In the case of a near-to-generator short circuit (IEC 909, Section Two) the symmetrical short-circuit current decays appreciably within the first tenth of a second after the begin- ning of the short circuit as broadly described in figure 12 of IEC 909. This phenomenon is due to the change of the flux in the rotor of the generator during the short circuit. Even if digital programmes or analogue computers are used, it is not simple to simulate the actual conditions. The appropriate system of differential equations simulating the tran- sient behavior of the generator cannot be integrated in a simple manner due to the eddy currents in the forged rotor of turbine generators, the non-linear characteristic of the rotor iron, the rotor anisotropy (different conductivity in the d and g axes) and due to the tooth saturation in the stator. A considerable amount of data must be taken into account for the calculation of the transient decay of the symmetrical short-circuit current. This includes primaril - the reactances and time constants of the generator; ~ the location of the balanced or unbalanced short-circuit either within the power station or outside in the network; = the operating conditions of the generator before the short circuit between no-load and rated load either over- or underexcited; = the type and reaction of excitation device and voltage regulation; ~ the kinetic behaviour of the generator-turbine set during the short circuit; = the rated data and the operating values (for instance tap-changer position and saturation) of the transformers through which the short-circuit current flows. Therefore it is not surprising, that even results obtained from detailed calculations are often less accurate than expected. Detailed calculations are used in special cases, for example if particular safety requirements are necessary. ‘The most severe case under consideration may be described as follows: - The balanced three-phase short circuit at the terminals of the generator leads to the highest initial short-circuit current, It is assumed that the neutral of the generator is iso- lated (if the neutral of the generator is directly earthed, for instance in low-voltage net- works, the line-to-earth short circuit leads to the highest initial short-circuit current, because the zero-sequence reactance of the generator is smaller than the subtransient reactance of the positive-sequence system). = Unbalanced short circuits (line-to-line short circuits) result in smaller initial short- circuit currents than balanced short circuits, however, the symmetrical short-circuit currents decay to a lower value (TEC 909, figure 11). 909-1 © IEC -87- = the symmetrical short-circuit breaking currents /, are largest for low values of the minimum time delay tin. - The short-circuit currents of large generators decay in general more slowly than those of smaller generators. The factor j« (TEC 909, figure 16 and equation (47)) is cho- sen above the highest values found from measurements and calculations, see figure 17 for generators of different type and rated power. 2.4.2 Basic concept ‘The following equation for the calculation of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current f, is used (IEC 909, 1euly aD ‘The factor y is that for the most severe case as described in 2.4.1. From the parameters listed above only the following are taken into account: - The minimum time delay f,,, in accordance with 3.23 of IEC 909. Four different y-curves are given for different values Of tn;q (IEC 909, figure 16). - The initial symmetrical short-circuit current of the generator related to the rated current of the generator, [/l,q- This value is entered on the abscissa of figure 16 of TEC 909. Equation (47) shall be used only in the case of single-fed short circuits (short circuits fed from one generator) (IEC 909, or in the case of short circuit fed from non- meshed sources (IEC 909, The calculation of short-circuit breaking currents in meshed networks needs special considerations (IEC 909, In order to demonstrate, that in the case of a single-fed short circuit, the abscissa of figure 16 of IEC 909 may be used both for short circuits of generators with varying reactances and for power-system short circuits with a reactance X, between the generator terminals and the short circuit location, the time decay of the symmetrical a.c. component of the short-circuit current is considered in a simplified manner. For this purpose the following equation for the calculation of the a.c. part J,,c(t) of the symmetrical short-circuit current f,(0) = yacl0) + Iype(t) is introduced: Taol = UZ ~ 5) ow + Ge +h, (48) where: Ti is the initial symmetrical short-circuit current (TEC 909, 3.5), or the subtransient short-circuit current, (equation (49a)); Fis the transient short-circuit current, (equation (49b)); Jy, is the steady-state short-circuit current (IEC 909, 3.10), (equation (49c)); Ti is the subtransient time constant as a medium value between Ty and Ty, (equa tion (502)); Ty is the transient time constant (Tj, = Ty). (equation 50b)). 909-1 © IEC EB Xx, ex, — x, ~89- ‘The currents /{, f, and J, depend on the internal voltages E”, E’ and E of the generator, and the sum of reactances X"j + Xy, X4+ Xy and X, + Xy, as shown in figure 16. Xy ——S substransient with Ty Xy a transiont with Ty Xy a steady etato Figure 16 - Network configuration (single-fed short circuit) and relevant data to demonstrate the decay of the symmetrical a.c. component of a near-to-generator short circuit Ta the case of a power-system short circuit under no-load conditions of the generator and therefore E” = £ % = Ug the following currents are to be introduced: and with Ty ~ [i for simplification, the time constants: XU+X, my ey Stn Xt ky Xy+Xy m= 4 + Xn XytXy EE E =-$—— = —_ (498) XG+ hy XG+Xy E E -_——— = —_— (496) Xt Xy Xt Xy E 7 (490) Xg+Xy Xy+X, =T Xe Xathy with TY =T” a) (50a) XE +ky X% Xx, +X) ro Xe, Rit he with Z =r 2 (0b) Xp Xgt By X% ‘Typical time constants are T” = 0,03 § and T’ = 1 s and therefore from equation (50a) T= (0 em 21 found: Train = (0,02 1,3) 7” and from equation (50b) Ty (1,0 ... 2,5) 7”. With the approximation + 0,25) 8) the following equation for the factor » may be 909-1 © IEC ~91- GD x4, -)1-—* Xt Xy Because faix/Tf may be smaller or greater than 1, it is necessary to introduce the infinite progression (f= ti.) 1 ai ifs} -L JL) +l] - ee o[ mR) 4,8 (82) where f,,, is the minimum time delay (TEC 909, 3.23), Ty the subtransient no-load time constant, Ty the time constant according to equation (50a) and /f the initial symmetrical short-circuit current according to equation (49a) with E = U,_/V3. ‘The first two terms on the right side of equation (52) demonstrate that the factor 1 decreases if I/ and taj, increase (IEC 909, figure 16). The last part of the right side of ‘equation (52) may only be neglected if taig << TY = (13) 7%. In the case of large generators the data X%, X, and T” vary only within a small range, if the reactances are referred to rated values 27 = XYZ,g and 21, = XZ iq With Z,g = UpglV3 Ig. Introducing x, = 1,5 x equation (52) becomes: to 1 fain, tea i eee sem 7 (53) T le 3+2ayx' | It is also obvious from this equation (53) that the factor can be introduced depending on Kill, 48 tig TEC 909, figure 16 and equation (47)). In the case of a far-from-generator short circuit with xy >> xj the factor approaches ~ 1. Equation (53) should not be used for calculations. 909-1 © IEC -93- 2.4.3 Calculation of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current I, with the factor The simplifications previously described in 2.4.2 were checked on the basis of numerous experiments in testing stations and by detailed calculations using the data of existing generators of different rated power and different types. Examples are depicted in figure 17 both for the case of no-load conditions and for the case of rated load condition of the generator before the short circuit. In order to simplify the short-circuit calculations, = 1 is assumed for all values Mfg Il,g $2 (EC 909, figure 16) and furthermore the family of curves for different values #,,,, are numeri cally described (IEC 909, equation (47)). Both informations are identical. In the case of static converter excitation and in the case of compound excited low voltage generators the remarks of of IEC 909 should be taken into account. They are based on measurements in testing stations. ‘The values of 1 for f,, = 0,02 s are introduced especially for the calculation of the break- ing currents of low voltage motors and groups of low voltage motors (IEC 909, 13.2). In high voltage networks the minimum time delay r,,, is normally greater than 0,02 s. Equation (47) (IEC 909, equation (46) is limited to single fed short circuits and short circuits fed from non-meshed sources (IEC 909, 12.2.3). If, however the short-circuit current is generated both by generators and motors and in addition by network feeders, and if the short-circuit current flows through a meshed power system (IEC 909, figure 23), then equation (47) (IEC. 909, equation (46)) cannot be used directly for the calculation of partial short-circuit breaking currents fed from generators and motors, As a result of coupling of the partial short-circuit breaking currents caused by the meshed network, the partial short-circuit current of the network feeder increases as the currents fed from generators and motors decrease [11] If the approximation J, = J (EEC 909, equation (59)) is insufficiént in the case of a near- to-generator or a near-to-motor short circuit, a more accurate result on the conservative side can be found from equation (60) of IEC 909. The terms (1 ~ 1,)fcq and (1 — Fa hing are evaluated by their initial voltage differences AU, and AUS, (EC'909, equations (61) and (62)). The factors 1, or sare found from figure 16 or equation (47) of IEC 909 with 5 OF Nae llagy C111. Fale 909-1 © IEC -95- 04 { I 0,3: + ° ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 3 Calg ——— ‘Turbine generators: Salient pole generators: X tin #0058 tig =005 5 © faq =O10S } no-load condition 4 fyi “0408 } no-load condition © aig 70258 T tig #0258 % tain = 0.05 8 K—K; 8-6; Ono $ taig 010s ina N°? Connection lines between messure- © toig 20258 i ments at no-loads conditions and cal- culations at rated-load conditions Figure 17 - Decay of the symmetrical short-circuit current (factor 1) based on test station measurements and calculations [4] 909-1 © IEC -97- 2.5 Factor 4 Agee Faia) for the calculation of the steady-state short: ireuit current 2.5.1 General ‘The typical time behaviour of a symmetrical short-circuit current in the case of @ near-to- generator short circuit is described in figure 12 of IEC 909. The initial symmetrical short- Circuit current [7 changes in a few seconds to the steady-state short-circuit current I, with 1, « If, The decay depends on the method of excitation and voltage regulation and toa biigh degree on the saturation and the bighest possible excitation voltage Usa, TEC 909, The decaying d.c. component of the short-circuit current is zero before the sym- metrical steady-state short-circuit current is reached, tn most cases the maximum steady-state short-circuit current Jyq4x 38 of interest (TEC 909, ‘equation (48)): Fass = nade (4) The current ‘aq of one generator is referred to J;q by reason of its thermal effert. The Factor Aggy depends on the relation Mois and the saturated valve 22s Xauu/Ze0 of the direct-anis synchronous reactance (IEC 909, figures 17 and 18). The relation Iynalli of the relevant generator is used to find the thermal stresses of electrical equipment in accordance with 10.2 of IEC 865, using the factors m and n. ‘The amount of data to be taken into account for the calculation of I,q,4, are considerably greater than in the case of the calculation of the symmetrical a.c. breaking current I, (2.4.1), The following additional parameters are effective: = the synchronous reactance in particular in the direct axis (X4)i = the iron saturation in particular of the rotor; = the effectiveness of voltage regulation; _ the maximum possible excitation voltage Uns Produced by the excitation equip- ment and usually referred to the excitation voltage Uj, at rated operation with H pmax = Umax! Wee Since turbine generators and salient-pole machines differ widely with respect to their syn- chronous'reactances X, and are generally fitted with different types of excitation equip- ment, separate factors A,,,, are required for turbine generators (IEC 909, figure 17) and salient-pole machines (IEC 909, figure 18). Special considerations are necessary for synchronous motors and synchronous compensa tors in accordance with 13.1 of IEC 909 and static converter fed drives in accordance with 13.3 of IEC 909. In the case of generators with compound or self-excitation, the steady- state short-circuit current must be obtained from the manufacturer (IEC 909, 12.4.3). 909-1 © TEC 99 ‘The minimum steady-state short-circuit current Iyqi, is of interest in particular for selection and setting of protection devices in power systems (TEC 909, equation (49): Nemia = Ailes 5) “The factor Agis is given in figures 17 and 18 of IEC 909 for constant no-load excitation under the asseuption that no voltage regulator is provided or effective. In the case of high or low-voltage generators with compound excitation special considerations are necessary (EC 909, 12.4.3). ‘The above mentioned assumptions made to find the factor A are not always fulfilled in practice. Whea calculating f,,., larger deviations may occur between the real and the cal- eulated values than in the case of calculating /Y and J,. If the short circuit is fed from more than one generator, the generators may fall out of synchronism before the steady-state short-circuit current is reached, especially in meshed networks. In these cases the maxi- num steady-state short-circuit current can be estimated only roughly as described in 12.2.3. and 122.44 of IEC 909. In extreme case of asynchronism the steady-state short- ciacuit current may even be higher than the initial symmetrical short-circuit current. The valve Of Jig Calculated with equation (55) may also deviate considerably from real values obtained in practice. 2.5.2 Influence of iron saturation Characteristic curve method (Potier reactance) ‘The Potier reactance is found as the difference between two saturation curves, one taken at no load, and the other taken at rated current, zero power factor. The no-load characteristic in figure 18 describes the relationship between the voltage Ey{/,) and the field current I for an unloaded synchronous machine (/q = 0). This characteristic is clearly nonlinear. ‘The load characteristic U, (7, in figure 18 for the rated current Jig at COS fq = © has = similar non-linear form. In the case of U,, = 0 a terminal short-circuit exists. In this case complete linearity can be assumed, 7 -101- 909-1 © IEC Exa) No-load characteristic X he | ACL Tram uy Foxe Thos as ay Load characteristic for fig at cone = 0 os v 2 3 hee Nhoe Figure 18 - Characteristic saturation curve method to find the Potier reactance X, in accordance with (3] On subtraction of the field current Jp, required in the case of a terminal short circuit with I,g, from the field current ,(U,) at point A of figure 18, the remainder is due to the saturation of the magnetic circuit. If it is further assumed that all leakage flux in the generator external to the iron is directly proportional to I and is independent of U, the equivalent circuit of figure 19 is obtained 909-1 © IEC -103- | A) Figure 19 - Equivalent circuit with the source voltage Eq(f,) and the Potier reactance X, From the circuit of figure 19 it can be seen that Ey ~ U, = X,/ is the difference value be- tween the source and the terminal voltage. The effective reactance X, is called the Potier reactance {2,3}. The value of X, is found on drawing a tangent to the no-load characteristic of figure 18 passing through the origin and by drawing a parallel BC thereto passing through point B. The hatched triangles ADC and A’D‘C’ are congruent. The height of the triangles in figure 18 is: XfZeg = Xplrcl Ug3)- (5) ‘The no-load characteristic E,(J,) can easily be measured in the testing station. Sometimes standard characteristic curves are used in the literature, which, however, are dependent on the design of the magnetic circuits of the synchronous machines. The value of the Potier reactance X, lies between the stator leakage reactance X, (no satu- ration in the poles, all saturation being in the teeth) and the transient reactance Xj (all satura- tion in the poles, and'the teeth are unsaturated): X, +34 Si2 Pq) 0) (61) 2 Ue \) tek asin ee where: Xe KG Zig aa XanlZg with Ziq = UeglN3 hoe) Since for the individual generator under consideration a near-to-generator short circuit is applicable for fg liq > 2 only (IEC 909, 3.19), the characteristic curves of figures 17 and 18 of IEC 909 apply to this region. ‘The factors 4 calculated in accordance with the characteristic curve method ( and in accordance with the simplified method [7] are in good agreement taking the values AG = 0,2 Zig and cos g,g = 0,85. The following usual values fOr tiga, = Usaed Ue, 8° assumed for the calculation of the A curves (IEC 909, figures 17 and 18): Series 7 1 +2 ‘Torbine generators Hgmae 13 Maman = 16 Salient-pole machines Haan = 1S Hye = 20 Since the factor A is clearly defined by equations (59) through (61) in the range Mig /Iiq>2, it need not be approximated by simplified numerical expressions as in the case of the factors x (IEC 909, equation(47)) and q (IEC 909, equation (67). 909-1 © TEC = 109- 2.6 Factor g for the calculation of the short-circuit breaking current of asynchronous motors 2.6.1 General ‘The factor q is used together with the factor 4 (2.4) to determine the symmetrical short- circuit breaking current of asynchronous motors or groups of asynchronous motors in medium and low-voltage networks (IEC 909, and 13.2). ‘The symmetrical short-circuit current of asynchronous motors in the case of a three-phase short circuit at the terminals decays considerable faster than the short-circuit current of synchronous generators, The effective time constant T,¢ increases with the square root of the active power per pair of poles (figure 22). ‘The factor q is given in figure 25 or equation (67) of IEC 909 depending on Piy/p and fiq- The factor 1 of the product xq (IEC 909, equation (71) and equation (60)) takes into con- sideration the distance between the short-circuit location and the motor terminals. This factor is taken from figure 16 or equation (47) of IEC 909. If the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current /, of asynchronous motors is known from short-circuit measurement or from transient calculations, it is possible to determine the factor q from equation (62). ‘The initial symmetrical short-circuit current of asynchronous motors should be calculated with the equivalent voltage source cU,/¥3 (IEC 909, table II) although the internal voltage of the motors is smaller than the terminal voltage. The reasons are: - Unification of the calculation procedure in all cases (IEC 909, clause 6). The voltage at the terminals before the short-circuit may be higher than the rated voltage Ujy of the motor (TEC 909, clause 6). = The ratio fyp/ljyq is normally allowed to be 20 % higher then the rated value given on the nameplate. ‘When calculating the breaking current in meshed networks with asynchronous motors the information in equation (60) of IEC 909 can be used, even in the case of a far-from- Land 4 #1 (11): generator short circuit with u, 2.6.2 Derivation of factor To find the factor g (IEC 909, figure 25 or equation (67)) several short-circuit measure- ments [4] and transient calculations [13] for short-circuit breaking currents f,,, at different times fig (IEC 909, 3.23) are used: iu ae (62) HTS In figure 20, the factor q from equation (62) is given for 8 low-voltage motors with Py = (0,011...0,16) MW and 20 medium-voltage motors with P.y = (0,16...10,0) MW at the minimum time delay taiq = 0,02 s, 0,05 s, 0,10 s and 2 0,25 s, The main data of these 28 asynchronous motors are given in table 2. 909-1 © TEC -i1= Low-voltage motors Uyy = 0,98 kV —— . z 10 09 Minimum time detay 08 o7- os: os 0.4 0.8: 02 out ° 0,001 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,01 0,02 0,04 0,08 0,1 02 0406 10 2MW4 6 10 ‘ative power of the motor per par of poles Fyyip = m ———>= 02. Y fig 0008 6 + fayig = O10 85 © Fig = O25 Figure 20 - Factor q from measured and calculated values of Iiyg = Haljyq, equation (62), at different values ¢,,,, in comparison to q = grec (IEC 909, 13.2.1 and figure 25) 909-1 © TEC ~13- Table 2 - Data of low-voltage and medium-voltage asyachronous motors (50 Hz) and calculated values tm | ta | Smo] Pad p> | Fo | ta | 28 7 | The wo} ev | oa | ova | sow elseee fee jaeeeuael tae Thaw | ms | enw | oon [as [2 | aos | 8s Tl aw | | ones | oom | so | 3 | oom] 60 TPoos | ome | om [ons | is [2 | cco | 50 aTae | ae | ooo | oo | mes [2 | om [6s straw | mo | oom | oo | ims | 2 | coms | 67 <] os | ios | oes | ones | vas | 2 | ons | 70 TT eo [mo | oa | os | as | 6 | oom | 43 aTrex Pama | oa | eos | is | 2 | oan | on oT os Pwo | oie [aso | io [2 | omo | 03 wo] eo | me | one | ease | aso | 2 | amo | 57 ate] os fon fos fo | 6 | oss | 52 12 60 260 0270 0225 148s ] 2 0113 58 poe | owe |e [oso | ame | 2 | cao | oo | sa aloe | wo | ems [oso | oo | 3 | cas | sa | 300s Teo fase} ener [om | vr | 2 | cam | sae | ies wep veo | ae | east fons | amo | 1 | cao [oo | se aloes Tae | ena [oro | 0 | 2 | eas | so | 7m woe | me) exe | one | on |i [oon [ ss | mm Treo | me [os | 0300 | amo | 1 | eam | 62 | 168 mot veo Taso} oa | oao | amo | 1 | 03a | 60 I a] 60 szo | oss | 0460 | 2985 1 0.460 70. } i} 60 | 20 | 20% | 1800 | 992 3 | oo | s2 Boa [tee | ier [imo [| wm [2 | oro | 50 mT oeo | ae | aa | 2a | ue | 2 | smo [sa a) eo] sme | suas | asm | vse | 2 [2am | a7 | ee wi) 60 3,070 2,650 2985 L 2.650 50 2341 a] eo caso samo | ae | 2 | som | 38 | m6 me] 60} ume | tiso | sooo | uso [2 | soo | 40 | ora 2) Pag =Spgeor o, 3) pair of poles: 4) active power per pair of poles; 5) Zy according to equation (34) of IEC 909. 909-1 © IEC - 1S “The values of dyze (TEC 909, figure 25 or equation (67)) are medium values as can be seen from figure 20. The 50 % frequency of the deviations between the single values q and dic is found in the range of Agee = 0 % ~.. +5 % for the four different Curves dec (fin = 9102 5 0,05 s, 0,10 s, 2 0,25 5). In figure 21 the time functions of jz @ and pq are given for one example (motor No. 14 in table 2), In this case and the other cases itis possible with sufficient accuracy to substitute the product of ug = Iyy/2ian by the function etc, 08: yeu = $.82) 6: 02. 002 0,05 on 0.15 02 0,25 © jee eI ath Example: Pyyq = SSOKW: Ugg = OEVS Tyg = 66 As Ilan = 5:35 n= 990 minh f= 50 Ha; Tac 66 ms. Figure 21 -Time functions , g, xg and e-The for the calculation of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current yy = 1glfjq in the case of a short circuit at the terminals of an asynchronous motor 909-1 © IEC -17- ‘The time constants Ty for the 28 asynchronous motors of table 2, are given in figure 2 together with the time constants Tyq = ~fyi/IG44) nc with 1 in accordance with equation (4A) of TEC 909 and q = dre in accordance with equation (67) of TEC 909. The relatively high mean variations in figures 20 and 22 are mainly due to the ditferett design of the synchronous motors even in the ease of equal rated active power and number of poles. [Eee —_ | 200 = 190 160 Yin = 0.05 8 a fin 29:10 5 140: fain = 0.25 8 120 400 80: 60 40: in Wes 20 Ta f 0,005 0,01 0,080,050, 0.30.5 1.9 5 10 MW Pad? Figure 22 - Effective time constants Tc for the determination of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current [yy and in comparison Tyq = ~faia/lOHa)Ec (number of motors see table 2) 909-1 © IEC ~119- 2.6.3. Short-cireuit breaking currents in the case of unbalanced short circuits In the case of unbalanced short circuits, asynchronous motors or groups of asynchronous motors contribute to the initial asymmetrical short-circuit current, to the peak short-circuit current, to the short-circuit breaking current and to the steady state short-circuit current (IEC 909, table I1), The influence of motors on the line-to-earth short-circuit current has to be taken into account only in the case of solidly earthed systems, 10 0.6: 02 | 0 002 0,05 ot 025 s Figure 23 - Time function /,yy/Mi4- in the case of a balanced short circuit Cy/ix0) and a line-to-line short-circuit (L,y,4/Iyyq) at the terminals of an asynchronous motor (Example: Motor No. 28 of table 2) Figure 23 gives an example for the time functions J,y/fvy in the case of a balanced three- phase short circuit and a line-to-line short circuit at the terminals of an asynchronous motor. The current of the third line in the case of a line-to-line short circuit can reach the magni- tude of about I7y,, if the time delay is large enough. The steady-state short-circuit current in both the short-circuited lines reaches 0,5 Iy,,4: See figure 23 (IEC 909, equation (76)). The short-circuit current in the case of a line-to-earth short circuit, if the system is solidly earthed, is decaying even slower than the line-to-line short-circuit current (figure 23). | 909-1 © IEC -121- 2.7 Statement ofthe contribution of asynchronous motors or groups of asynchronous rotors (equivalent motors) to the initial symametrical short-circuit current 2741 General Asynchronous motors or groups of asynchronous motors (equivalent motors) contribute to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current Fy, especially ia the case of near-to-motor Short eireuits, and furthermore to the peak short-circuit current j,, to the symmetrical short- cenit breaking current J, and in the case of unbalanced short circuits, 10 the steady state Shorteeireuit current [, (IEC 909, 13.2.1), In the cases when the contribution {0 the initial symmetrical short-circuit current remains smaller than 5 % of the total short-circuit current this contribution may be neglected. TEC 909 gives two equations to estimate crnether the contribution is less than 5 % of asynchronous motors or groups of asynchro- nous motors either to a short circuit at the terminal of motors (IEC 909, equation (13) or to a short circuit fed from motors or motor groups through transformers GEC 909, equa- tion (66)) without an exact calculation. Large sumbers of low-voltage asynchronous motors for instance in industrial installations rin the case of power station auxiliaries, and in some cases the lack of sufficient data for cach of the motors Teads to the assumption of equivalent motors including their connestio® cables to a common busbar (IEC 909, The assumptions for equivalent motors ate TP yg => Pane Foal = 5o 608 ge = O18 ad Pal = 0:05 MW in the case of low voltage motor groups (IEC 909, and 13.2.1). 2.7.2. Short circuit at the terminals of asynchronous motors ‘The contribution of one asynchronous motor or a group of asynchronous motors (equi- vateot motor), as shown in figure 24, to the total initial symmetrical short-circuit current I, may be neglected if: yg $0.05 Th 63) Figure 24 -Contribution of one asynchronous motor of a group of asynchronous motors to the initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ij’ = Liq + Ei 909-1 © IEC = 123- ‘Taking 2,4 from equation (34) of IEC 909, neglecting the impedance of the feeding cables, the partial short-circuit current [yq becomes = * (64) Vi2q Ie Uae iM in the case of a motor group the sum of the rated currents Hy, of the motors are intro- duced instead of Jy. Estimating J,,//,y = 5 and cU,{U;y ~ 1. equation (63) takes the following form (IEC 909, equation(13)): Bye 0.01 Mg 5) 2.1.3 Partial short-circuit currents of asynchronous motors fed through transformers For the derivation of equation (66) of IEC 909, the simple case in figure 25 is used. “Two winding transformer Breland Ue Asynchronous mator of sere efoto (equlvelent motor) Pe 2 0P es Ue Fa a Figure 25 - Example for the estimation of the partial short-circuit current [fy supplied by a single asynchronous motor or an equivalent motor ‘The total short-circuit current at the short-circuit location F is given as the sum of the two partial short-circuit currents [7 and [fy at the high-voltage side of the transformer in figure 25. 909-1 © IEC —125- If the contribution Ly, of the asynchronous motor or the group of asynchronous motors (equivalent motors) is smaller or equal to 5 % of the short-circuit current fgg then this can be stated as: $005 Nig OF Shy $0105 Shq (66) ‘The short-circuit apparent power Siig = V3 Uxliy (IEC 909, 3.6) is found from the short- circuit impedance Zyy, of the asynchronous motor, or group of motors (equivalent motors), transferred to the high voltage side of the transformer and the short-circuit impedance Zrgy Of the transformer T at the high voltage side (IEC 909, equation (6). Me Ut Zav = ae (67) 100 % Sa 2 2 Zu = a.m. Ven (68) Illa = St Uy Supposing Ujy~ Uppy and U, and taking u,, a8 a per unit quantity both the im- pedances Zruy and Zy, can be introduced in the following equation: S- — (69) Zruv + 2m ty ,_} 1 Sir Tixlle Saw Introducing the right side of equation (69) to equation (66) for the short-circuit power and taking account of P= Sy 60S P¥7,, the following equation is found: cot P21, E Mig? 0.05.29 0,601 0641 0,601 0,768 )————>_E Mig; < 0.05 Kg 0,601 1,132 E5,q = 400 KVA + 630 KVA + 800 KVA = 1830 EVA = 1,830 MVA | see figure 28 EP yq= 300 KW + 200 kW + 600 kW = 1100 kW = 1,100 MW and table 3 cos Pf, = 0,8; Ly pling = 53 My, = 0.06; ¢ = Cy, = LT 909-1 © TEC -143- a) (2) GB) [4] {5} {6} 7 [8] (9) 10} a1) Annex A (informative) Bibliography CIGRE Brochure: The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in open air sub- stations, CIGRE 1988 Beckwith, St.: Approximating potier reactances. Electrical Engineering (1937) 813 - 818 Scbuisky, W.! 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Unpublished paper, Nov. 1982 Oeding, D.; Scheifele, J: Maximum short-circuit current at pessimal load flow. 18th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Guildford (1983) 545 - 550 Rittinghaus, D.: Uber den EinfluB der im Nerzbetrieb verdnderlichen Gran auf die KurzschluBstromstarke (influence of varying parameters during network operation on the short-circuit currents). Diss. Univ.Erlangen-Niirnberg, 1983 Schafer, W.! Impedanz-Korrekeurverfahren zur Kurzschlustromberecknung (Impedance-correction procedures for the short-circuit current calculation) Diss. Univ. Hannover, 1983 Hosemena, G.; Balzer, G.: Der Ausschaltwechselstrom bei dreipoligem Kurzschlup im vermaschten Netz (The symmetrical short-circuit breaking current at 2 three- phase short circuit in meshed networks). etzArchiv 6 (1984) 51-56 909-1 © TEC ~ 145 — [12] Ceding, D.; Scheifele, J; Waider, G.: Maximum short-circuit currents at pessimal load flow in relation to calculations acc. to IEC TC 73. 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