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The Fantastic Four Years: Recommendations for IO Programs 21

The Fantastic Four Years:

Recommendations for
IndustrialOrganizational Programs

University of Central Florida
Quinnipiac University

Though Byrne et al. (2014) identified in the focal article. Rather than extend-
noticeable deficiencies in the education ing a graduate students scholastic career,
of industrialorganizational (IO) psy- we propose that IO programs can
chologists, we believe their proposed accomplish the same goals within a 4-
remedy is problematic. Specifically, pro- year time frame. Specifically, we address
longing a graduate students admission this issue by presenting three phases
into the real word through postdocs of recommendationsbeginning at the
and internships can place a financial bur- recruitment stage and ending with the dis-
den on those providing the additional sertation. We understand that the resources
educationespecially if they are expected of every program differ and not every pro-
to offer adequate pay and health benefits gram will find it feasible to act on these
as Byrne et al. recommend. As departments recommendations; however, our hope is
across the country face extreme budget cuts, that IO programs find some value in them.
petitioning for more funding does not cur-
rently seem like a viable option (see Oliff,
Phase I: Recruitment, Selection,
Palacios, Johnson, & Leachman, 2013).
and Ingratiation
Nevertheless, this does not discount
the educational shortcomings identified IO programs often rely on insufficient
indicators of a graduate students ability to
succeed in a PhD program. For instance,
Correspondence concerning this article should be selection committees tend to place more
addressed to Christopher W. Wiese. weight on quantitative GRE scores than
Address: Department of Psychology, Institute for on understanding of IO, performance in
Simulation & Training, Orlando, FL 32816 IO courses, and performance in research
22 C.W. Wiese and J.M. Fullick

methods courses (Tett, Walser, Brown, Phase II: Education

Simonet, & Tonidandel, 2013), the latter of
Some of the criticisms brought up in Byrne
which, we believe, are more representative
et al. concerned the lack of education
indicators of future graduate student
in the areas of interdisciplinary research,
performance. Thus, we recommend the
consulting and business skills, grant writing,
implementation of three selection devices:
and teaching. In these next two phases, we
(a) structured interviews, (b) content
argue that these areas can be addressed
specific (IO) standardized tests, and (c)
while keeping the total time in the program
basic research methods examinations.
around 4 years. Specifically, we propose
There has been a great deal of research
that the first 2 years of a graduate students
indicating that structured interviews are
training focus solely on education and
a desirable selection tool (e.g., Campion,
the integration of these presently neglected
Palmer, & Campion, 1997; Conway, Jako,
skills into the curriculum. As you can see
& Goodman, 1995). Further, both scores
in Table 1, it is possible to organize class
from an IO-specific standardized test and
schedules such that a graduate student
research methods exam would better reflect
can be exposed to a large breadth of
future performance in the PhD program.
Next, we recommend that programs IO knowledge within their first 2 years.
increase their efforts in attracting com- In addition, within these 2 years, one
patible applicants. From a recruitment could take classes/seminars specifically
standpoint, this can be done by publicizing concerning interdisciplinary research, grant
the culture of the program and research writing, and teaching.
interests of faculty members, and providing
a great deal of transparency during student Finding Connections
visits about program expectations, career
outcomes, and so forth. There are several Rather than allowing students to become
empirically supported theories and research overwhelmed by the disparity between dif-
areas (e.g., attraction/selection/attrition, fit ferent disciplines, students can be taught
literature, and realistic job previews) that to find the connecting similarities during
support these three notions. Realistic and their coursework. It is important to empha-
transparent communication about program size to students that they do not have to
expectations will ensure a better fit for be an expert in every topic. Instead, they
applicants and faculty members. should know how to bridge divides and find
We also advocate the selection of fewer common ground to be able to solve inter-
students each year so that faculty members disciplinary problems and work with people
can adequately provide the necessary in other disciplines. As the graduate class-
developmental feedback and guidance for room is the perfect environment for critical
student growth and training. Thus, an thinking projects where students can be
associated recommendation is that major given the opportunity to engage in hands-on
advisors check in yearly with students to practical applications of theory and theory
make sure they are on track for their translation, we recommend integrating case
long-term career goals. This would begin studies and real world experiential learn-
with their first semester and concern ing into the coursework. For instance, a
topics such as their progress towards their professor can bring in a panel of business
career preference (e.g., research-oriented, professionals to judge team case projects
teaching, hybrid, psychology, or business (pulled from alumni network) and provide
university; internal or external practitioner) real-time feedback on their presentation
and successful completion of specialized skills. These projects allow both individuals
training for their area. The next phase and the team as a whole to receive specific
will cover our recommendation for the feedback from the audience, teammates,
education of IO psychologists. panel of judges, and faculty members. This
The Fantastic Four Years: Recommendations for IO Programs 23

Table 1. Example Program Layout

Year 1Fall Year 2Fall

Psychological Fields of psychology Psychometrics Research design

Foundations (emphasis on social,
physiological, and
History and systems of Scale development
Human Classical test theory
Industrialorganizational Item response theory
Principles of Business, Consulting and business Industrial Psychology II Career development
Professionalism, & skills (emphasis on
Ethics interpersonal skills
practice and training)
Ethical, legal, and Criterion theory and
professional contexts development
of IO psychology
selection, and
Training: theory,
program design,
and evaluation
Research Methods I Descriptive, basic Organizational Leadership and
inferential statistics, Psychology II management
qualitative methods
Statistical methods data Organization
analysis development
Organization theory
Consumer behavior
Small group theory
and team processes

Year 1Spring Year 2Spring

Organizational Attitude theory, Applied Research All encompassing

Psychology I measurement, and Methods methods class
Judgment and decision Basically preparing for
making research methods
comprehensive exam
Work motivation
Health and stress in
24 C.W. Wiese and J.M. Fullick

Table 1. Continued

Year 1Spring Year 2Spring

Industrial Psychology I Individual differences Interdisciplinary Each student has to take

Collaboration on the role of a
different scientific
literature and
complete a project by
the end of the
Individual assessment
Job/task analysis and
Job evaluation and
Performance appraisal
and feedback
Research Methods II Regression, Introduction to Grant Capstone requirement
meta-analysis Writing
Must submit grant

Year 1Summer Year 2Summer

Research Methods III SEM, factor analysis, Teaching Seminar Semester-long seminar
IRT, network as well as an actual
analysis, latent evaluation of their
growth modeling, teaching by a faculty
HLM member each time
they teach

IRT, Item Response Theory; HLM, Hierarchical Linear Modeling.

has been well received by students and students practice giving and receiving
alumni in classes by Dr. Barbara Fritzsche feedback. We then debrief as a class
at the University of Central Florida. Students and discuss what worked and what could
quickly learn that creativity, innovation, and have been done more effectively. Further,
critical thinking skills are necessities in the IO programs should promote a mentoring
real world as one cannot simply follow a climate. Peer mentoring can be quite
textbook recipe to solve a problem. effective throughout a graduate program
as students support one another through
shared experiences and lessons learned. It
Developing Mentoring
is also an excellent way to socialize new
and Feedback Skills
students into the program, providing them
In line with Byrne et al.s recommendation with an additional resource for professional
to train mentoring skills, we suggest that support as well as a referral source for
students need not wait until a postdoc navigating their graduate career.
position to begin. A key skill for them to
learn is how to provide effective, accurate,
and constructive feedback (both positive
and negative). Drawing from our own In addition to mentoring and feedback
experience, we have utilized role-playing skills, from the very first class profession-
exercises in our classrooms in which alism, ethics, and character building should
The Fantastic Four Years: Recommendations for IO Programs 25

be woven into every single course. It is select an internship based upon their future
important that students, especially those career aspirations.
fresh from undergrad, are aware of the While Byrne et al.s recommendation of
visibility of their actions as well as the having a systematic database of certified
importance of reputation and representing internships through SIOP is being devel-
their organization in a positive manner. In a oped, IO programs should utilize their
field as small as ours, you never know who alumni and faculty consulting connections
will be making your hiring and/or promo- to establish internships for students. Provid-
tion decisions one day. ing students with these opportunities will
reinforce the knowledge and skills learned
Phase III: Application during the first 2 years. During the intern-
ship, graduate students should be tested on
The last phase of our program specifically their methodological rigor, business skills,
targets the application of the newly trained and professional ethics as well as be pro-
knowledge and skills graduate students vided with feedback and suggestions for
have learned in their first 2 years in improvement.
the program. We know that trainees For the students striving to join academia,
need the opportunity to perform the we recommend what we call Pre-Doc
products of their training in a relatively
internships. These internships specifically
safe environment, there should be support
focus on conducting research in an organi-
from their peers and supervisors, and the
zational environment. Through combining
climate of the environment needs to support
their interests with the knowledge and skills
the behavioral expressions of their training
they obtained over the past 2 years, these
(Blume, Ford, Baldwin, & Huang, 2010;
students should conduct their own research
Noe & Colquitt, 2002). For Phase III,
study and submit a first-author manuscript
our recommendation is for programs to
provide opportunities for application and to a peer-reviewed journal. Their hypothe-
reinforcement of these newly trained skills. ses should be a product of the discussions
That is, we propose that the third year they have had with their faculty advisor dur-
focus on internships and the fourth year ing their annual meetings, to ensure they are
on the dissertation. Though it is not a establishing a research stream in line with
central point of this section, the third year their long-term career goals. This will rein-
is also an ample time for students to gain force the critical thinking skills necessary in
teaching experience, if they have not done the realm of academe and prepare them for
so already. the dissertation process to occur in Year 4.

The Dissertation
In order to remain competitive, IO stu-
dents must learn the business lingo, espe- A students dissertation is the final test of
cially if they plan to work as practitioners. their academic training. It is a product of
We highly agree with Byrne et al.s recom- all of their accumulated knowledge and
mendation for required internships as they skills from coursework and internships/pre-
are not only key to skill development but doc positions. Thus, the dissertation should
to political savvy and interpersonal skills be the focus of the students fourth year.
training as well. Internships are an oppor- Newly acquired business connections from
tunity for students to learn how to market their internship experiences could facilitate
their strengths and effectively illustrate their a dissertation based on data collected from
worth to an organization before going on the field aligned with their knowledge of
the job market. In line with our fit rec- theoretical contributions and real world
ommendations, we propose that a student application.
26 J.L. Kottke, E.L. Shoenfelt, and N.J. Stone

Conclusion industrialorganizational psychologists for science

and practice: Where do we go from here? Industrial
The authors of the focal article are cor- and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on
Science and Practice , 7 (1): 214.
rect: We need to take a good hard look at Campion, M. A., Palmer, D., & Campion, J. E. (1997).
how we are training future IO psycholo- A review of structure in the selection interview.
gists. We need to ensure that IO gradu- Personnel Psychology , 50 , 655702.
Conway, J. M., Jako, R. A., & Goodman, D. F.
ates can compete with those from business (1995). A meta-analysis of interrater and internal
schools, social and counseling psycholo- consistency reliability of selection interviews.
gists, and behavioral economists. However, Journal of Applied Psychology , 80 , 565579.
Noe, R. A., & Colquitt, J. A. (2002). Planning for
we do not believe there is a need to prolong training impact: Principles of training effectiveness.
formal education. Rather, we should make In K. Kraiger (Ed.), Creating, implementing, and
it more efficient. IO psychologists most managing effective training and development (pp.
5379). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
basic training teaches us about efficiency, Oliff, P., Palacios, V., Johnson, I., & Leach-
recruitment, and selection. Why not use man, M. (2013). Recent deep state higher
what we know to better improve the training education cuts may harm students and the
economy for years to come. Center on
of our own employees? Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved from
Tett, R. P., Walser, B., Brown, C., Simonet, D. V.,
References & Tonidandel, S. (2013). The 2011 SIOP IO
Blume, B. D., Ford, J. K., Baldwin, T. T., & Huang, psychology graduate program benchmarking sur-
J. L. (2010). Transfer of training: A meta-analytic vey: Part II: Admission standards and procedures.
review. Journal of Management , 36, 10651105. The IndustrialOrganizational Psychologist , 50 (3),
Byrne, Z. S., Hayes, T. L, McPhail, S. M., Hakel, M. D., 1334.
Cortina, J. M., & McHenry, J. J. (2014). Educating

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