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"Zombies in Plain English" is

a video created to celebrate

Halloween and help protect your
brain. It focuses on how to
survive a zombie attack.

Heres the script of the video, but its not

completely accurate. The words in bold are my
words, and you have to listen and figure out
whats really being said. Youll find every phrase
youll hear on the right.
Danger may be 1. waiting for you where you least
expect it.
You may find a relative, friend or neighbor 2. wanting one
thing. VOCAB EXERCISE. Insert
Your brain.
This Halloween is forecasted to be a high season for zombie attacks
the words from the right
and we're going to help you get through it 3. without brain damage into the sentences below.

This is 'Zombies in Plain English' After days at sea, the sailors finally
The first step is identifying a zombie. 1. lurk
. land.
Let's take your uncle Dan. 2. come after
. is used to
Here's Dan as we all know him, a normal guy. sterilize the skin before giving an
3. intact
Now lets look at Dan 4. after he became a zombie. injection.
Notice the unnatural mouth position and dark eyes. 4. off kilter
The shoulders will be 5. sideways , arms reaching, As you
5. get older your bones
grabbing, legs 6. not walking right become increasingly
6. resemble
Skin pale, This is a Zombie. ..
Be careful this Halloween you may see people that 7. look like 7. encounter
Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the
zombies. 8. to Here's how
tanks .
Remember zombies don't eat candy, only brains.
You may also see them dancing with Michael Jackson.
These are actors, zombies don't dance. Bandage (=put a band aid on) the
10. head
When you 8. meet a real zombie it's time to have a plan. wound to reduce the risk of
11. rations
9. Let us tell you how to 'Survive an Attack'. ..
12. keep your cool
Your first reaction may be to 10. escape . to a home or During the war, no one was allowed
business. 13. infection
more than their
This is only a short term solution because they will never stop. Ever. 14. underestimate
. of food.
Instead consider 11. going to a Costco.
15. high altitudes
Don't plan to wait out an attack without the 12. necessary amount of food
supplies .
16. brittle happened
Now, 13. dont panic . Remember that zombies may move and 17.
he had
via a heart attack.
quickly in the early stages of 14. illness
He walked with attack
18. counter
Don't 15. think they are slow ..
. legs,
Also consider a retreat to 16. a mountain 19. decapitation
because he sprained his ankle.
Studies have shown that zombies react poorly to cold weather, causing them to 20. chainsaw
become 17. easy to break and slow. . you can
Lastly zombies can't swim so a retreat 18. using a boat could build21. advanced
a sand castle in three simple
help, steps.
22.First you need to
and remember those rations. I know
23.she upsets you, but just
If your not the retreating type, the obvious next move is 19. to attack back .. All she
24. bother
wants is to see you upset.
This brings us to our last step: 'How to Kill the Undead' 25. antiseptic
The simple idea is kill the brain, stop the zombie. I was . out
of the facewhen
the inevitable
she called me
This is generally done through head trauma or 20. cutting off their head
back.27. on the lookout
But any method that removes the zombie brain's ability to direct the undead body I'm always
28. sight
will work.
. for
As starting points we suggest large caliber bullets to the head or decapitation via
interesting new recipes.
machete, axe or chainsaw.
Now chainsaws are 21. serious tools that should be used In Iraq danger is
carefully. . around
Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be careful. every bend.
A flaming zombie can be even more dangerous than a normal one.
It's too early to predict the
If your friend has a zombie bite, unfortunately there is only one 22. result
. of the
Infection 23. cannot be changed back race.
Don't 24. waste your time 25. infection treatment Mountain climbers use oxygen
or band-aids. when they reach
Your friend is not your friend anymore. ..

26. Accept what cannot be changed .... and

save your brain. My dad used a
Kill them with dignity before they become undead too. .to chop up
Remember be prepared. the wood.
Plan your route and rations, be 27. alert and when they.... On their way home they
Whoa! This just in! We've received a unconfirmed report that zombies have been . a woman
28. seen in southern British Colombia. selling flowers.
They maybe heading south. Repeat: Heading south. Sachi?... what the... Did
you hear that... Oh!... awwwaaa.... The question is, are you prepared? Have a
fun safe and zombie free Halloween, from your friends at Common Craft.
One of the poles was .. It was leaning toward the road.
Reports are coming in . satellite.
Smoking has caused . damage to his lungs.
The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar remained .
The murderer was sentenced to death by ..
The police . the bank robber with large forces.
The Republicans have launched a strong . against the Democrats.
This is the most . type of engine available in the world today.
You could have phoned us but you just didn't ..
You . your mother very closely.
First the builders gave me a price of 200, but now they say they .... and it's gonna be 300.
Vocabulary List

1. lurk to wait or move in secret so that youre not seen, especially cuz youre about to attack sy
2. come after to try to get sg
3. intact unhurt
4. off kilter sideways, unstraight
5. limpy legs are limpy when you are limping (walking in a wobbly way, as if your legs are injured)
6. resemble to look like
7. encounter to meet
8. Here's how Let me tell you how
9. retreat to escape
10. head to go somewhere
11. proper rations the right amount of supplies
12. keep your cool to stay calm
13. infection a disease
14. underestimate to think that sg is less or worse than what it actually is
15. high altitudes high places
16. brittle fragile, easy to break
17. via through, by means of
18. counter attack attacking back
19. decapitation cutting off the head
20. chainsaw an electric saw
21. advanced serious, sophisticated
22. outcome results
23. irreversible cannot be changed back
24. bother with to worry about sg
25. antiseptic a substance to treat an infection
26. face the inevitable accept what cannot be changed or avoided
27. on the lookout alert, to search for sg
28. sight to suddenly see sg
Danger may be lurking where you least expect it.
You may find a relative, friend or neighbor coming after one thing.
Your brain.
This Halloween is forecasted to be a high season for zombie attacks
and we're going to help you get through it brain intact.
This is 'Zombies in Plain English'
The first step is identifying a zombie.
Let's take your uncle Dan.
Here's Dan as we all know him, a normal guy.
Now lets look at Dan as a zombie.
Notice the unnatural mouth position and dark eyes.
The shoulders will be off kilter, arms reaching, grabbing, legs limpy.
Skin pale, This is a Zombie.
Be careful this Halloween you may see people that resemble zombies.
Remember zombies don't eat candy, only brains.
You may also see them dancing with Michael Jackson.
These are actors, zombies don't dance.
When you encounter a real zombie it's time to have a plan.
Here's how to 'Survive an Attack'.
Your first reaction may be to retreat to a home or business.
This is only a short term solution because they will never stop. Ever.
Instead consider heading to a Costco.
Don't plan to wait out an attack without proper rations.
Now, keep your cool. Remember that zombies may move quickly in the early stages of infection.
Don't underestimate their speed.
Also consider a retreat to high altitudes.
Studies have shown that zombies react poorly to cold weather, causing them to become brittle and slow.
Lastly zombies can't swim so a retreat via boat could help,
and remember those rations.
If your not the retreating type, the obvious next move is counter attack.
This brings us to our last step: 'How to Kill the Undead'
The simple idea is kill the brain, stop the zombie.
This is generally done through head trauma or decapitation.
But any method that removes the zombie brain's ability to direct the undead body will work.
As starting points we suggest large caliber bullets to the head or decapitation via machete, axe or chainsaw.
Now chainsaws are advanced tools that should be used carefully.
Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be careful.
A flaming zombie can be even more dangerous than a normal one.
If your friend has a zombie bite, unfortunately there is only one outcome.
Infection is absolutely irreversible.
Don't bother with antiseptic or band-aids.
Your friend is not your friend anymore.
Face the inevitable and save your brain.
Kill them with dignity before they become undead too.
Remember be prepared.
Plan your route and rations, be on the lookout and when they....
Whoa! This just in! We've received a unconfirmed report that zombies have been sighted in southern British
They maybe heading south. Repeat: Heading south.
Sachi?... what the...
Did you hear that...
Oh!... awwwaaa....
The question is, are you prepared?
Have a fun safe and zombie free Halloween, from your friends at Common Craft.


After days at sea, the sailors finally sighted land.

Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.
As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.
Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat from the city.
Bandage (=put a band aid on) the wound to reduce the risk of infection.
During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food.
Eventually the inevitable happened and he had a heart attack.
He walked with limpy legs, because he sprained his ankle.
Here's how you can build a sand castle in three simple steps. First you need to
I know she upsets you, but just keep your cool. All she wants is to see you upset.
I was heading out of the room when she called me back.
I'm always on the lookout for interesting new recipes.
In Iraq danger is lurking around every bend.
It's too early to predict the outcome of the race.
Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach high altitudes.
My dad used a chainsaw to chop up the wood.
On their way home they encountered a woman selling flowers.
One of the poles was off kilter. It was leaning toward the road.
Reports are coming in via satellite.
Smoking has caused irreversible damage to his lungs.
The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar remained intact.
The murderer was sentenced to death by decapitation.
The police came after the bank robber with large forces.
The Republicans have launched a strong counterattack against the Democrats.
This is the most advanced type of engine available in the world today.
You could have phoned us but you just didn't bother.
You resemble your mother very closely.
Originally the builders gave me a price of 200, but now they say they underestimated and it's gonna be 300.

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