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Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation

0MB No 1545-0052

or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Departmentof theTreasury
Treated as a Private Foundation 2010
InternalRevenueService Note. Thefoundation
maybeableto usea copyof thisreturnto satisfystatereporbng
For calendar year 201 0 , or tax year beginning 12/21 20 1O, and end ing 12/31 2010 .
' '
G Check all that apply: X 1Initial return LJInitial Return of a former public charity Final return
Amended return n Address change n Name change

The Thirteen Foundation. 27-6977311
10235 Interstate 20. B Telephone
Eastland, TX 76448 254-629-8100

H Check type of organization:

Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation
Section 4947(a)(l) nonexempt ~haritable trust n
Other taxable private foundation
C If exemption appl1cat1on
D 1 Foreignorganizations,
2 Foreignorganizations
Is pending,checkhere
checkhere .
meetingthe85% test,check
hereandattachcomputation ~
=~ D
I Fairmarketvalueof all assetsat endof year
(fromPartII, column(c), /me16)
J Accounting method: ~~ash
Other(specify) ______________
E If privatefoundationstatuswasterminated
undersection507(b)(1)(A), checkhere ~o
~$ 5,900,369. (Part I. column (d) must be on cash basts )
F If thefoundationIs in a 60-monthtermination
undersection507(b)(l)(B), checkhere ~n
!Part IAnalysis of Revenue and (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net (d) Disbursements
Expenses fc]:e total of amounts m expenses per books income income for charitable
columns (b). c), and (d) may not neces- purposes
sar,/y equal the amounts m column (a) (cash basis only)
(see the mstruct,ons) )
1 Contnbubons, gifts,grants,etc,received(attsch) 6.000.000.
2 Ck .. D 1fthefoundn,s not reqto alt SchB
3 Interest on savings and temporary
cash investments . 369, 369. 369. "
4 D1v1dends andinterestfromsecurities
Sa Gross rents ..
b Netrentalincome
or (loss)
R 6 a Netga,n/(loss)fromsaleof assetsnoton hne1O
E b Grosssalespncefor all
V assetsonhne6a
E 7 Capitalgamnetincome(fromPartIV, line2)
N 8 Net short-term capital gain
u 9 Income mod1f1cat1ons ..


1Oa ~r~~~ss:~J
- b Lesscostof

c Grossprof1t/(loss)
(alt sch)
" '

c:, 11 Other income (attach schedule}
:::> 12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11
,--, 6 000 369. 369. 369.
:z 13 Compensabon of officers,directors,
trustees,etc u.
0 14 Otheremployee salariesandwages
w 15 Pension plans, employee benefits
z 16 a Legalfees(attachschedule)
z<( A
M b Accountingfees(attachsch) ..
(.)~ c Otherproffees(attachsch} ..
17 Interest
18 Taus(attach
instr) J
HJ;;,-.~ ~
19 Deprec1at1on(attach ~-a...u / ,
~,Nnv,. .. ----- I

,,,. .. --_,,
T T sch) and depletion I ,, ,,
N V 20 Occupancy .
G E 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings I " ,I ,u 11
A 22 Printing and publIcatIons
X I 1--.
D p
23 Other expenses (attach schedule)
L r-2DEN-
,.,_ 1 , t;I
s 24 Total operatinJ and administrative
s expenses. Ad lines 13 through 23
25 gifts,grantspaidPar:t
Contributions, XV 100 000. 100 000.
26 Total expenses and disbursements.
Add lines 24 and 25 100,000. 0. o. 100,000 ...
27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: .. ( N,

', ' , ,,
a Excess of revenue over expenses .... ..' .. , .., ....

and disbursements 5,900,369. ' N

" I' I

b Net lnvesbnentIncome (11

369. .. ...... ,, ,
C Adjustednet Income (if negabve,
enter-0-) 369.
BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. TEEA0504L 07/23/10 Form 990-PF (2010) ro
' Form 990-PF(2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Paoe 2
Beginning of year End of year
IIIBalance Sheets Attached schedules and amounts ,n the descnpbon
column should be for end-of-year amounts only
(See ,nstrucbons ) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value
1 Cash - non-interest-bearing ..
2 Savings and temporary cash investments .. 5.900.265. 5,900,265
3 Accounts receivable. ----------- ... ......... .........' -: ..
.... ........-:...
.... .. ~...' -: ......
Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...----------+-----,,~,,---+-,,-,--,---...,-+~,~"w.,,--,.~,~,,,--,.,,
4 Pledges receivable. ...__________ _
Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...__________ .+--------+---------l---------
5 Grants receivable
6 Receivables
7 Othernotesandloansreceivable
(attachsch) ...___________ .,,,,, ;.,,, ,, :,, ,,, ,,
A Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...
s 8 Inventories for sale or use.
E 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 103. 103.
s 10a Investments - U.S. and state government
obligations (attach schedule) .
b Investments
- corporate
c Investments
- corporate
11 Investments - land, buIldIngs, and
equipment: basis ... ...__________ _
' ' ''>,'!,\;:,.'-:,'!',::
f '.
_._._. _._. _..,_.;,_._._._.n,.-.-_. _._.

. . . . . . . . . . . ...
12 Investments - mortgage loans
13 Investments - other (attach schedule}.
.. :, :,......
14 Land, buIldIngs, and equipment: basis ...___________ ," .......... ....
.. .......-:.......
(attachschedule) ...__________ -l---------+--------+---------
15 Other assets (describe ... See Statement 2 ) 1 1.
16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - 1----------+--------...;.-1----------
see Instruct1ons.Also, see oaae 1, item I) 0. 5. 900. 3 69. 5,900,369
.... .... .. ......
L 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses t----------+----------1 ~..~~~ :'',.
.......... ~-=.. ......
.. ..~ ...
I :, ,.,....,..,
A 18 Grants payable . . ... .. t----------+----------1 ..~..~ ......
t ......
~.... .. ..~
__ ~ _ 19 ()eferre_d_r_evenue ._ -- - -
__ _ . _ 1----------1-----------I - - - -- - ~....
............. .......... ~ ....,..
{ ..~~,.. ..,:.>
~ .. '-:::....
:, ..
L 20 Loansfromofficers,directors,
trustees,& otherd1squallf1ed
.... ' '
I 21 Mortgagesandothernotespayable (attachschedule) ..
T ....
I 22 Other lIabIlI1ies(describe. ...________________ _)1----------+----------1 . ,;..........
, ~ .... --~ .. ~
E ", 'i,''.',. '', ',,. ,, ,.
______ ...;;0;,,,;.ai.
,, ,,,},,,, , .i'

Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ...L " ' -''
' '
and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. : ''.': '., , 'i, ,,

NF 24 Unrestricted .......... ,: -.-:-' .... ..

.. ---=
.. ,; ~ \:,-:-. ... lo,:. , , , : ...
TN 25 Temporarily restricted 1-------------------l '-.>
~({ ~..~;:
,:/J{.. t,..-.:,
....,>)' ....
)~~ ~~:,~ ,,... ,)/.\
D 26 Permanently restricted . . . . . . . .. ~}---------+----------l'~ ..\ :, ,r..=-,/.. , , t: ~
:=-, .. ~
Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here
and complete lines 27 through 31. ...~ >:,:,
/ !'.//..
:-/,(,.~ ..../~, ~
T A 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds
5,900,000. /);<;',f ..
........, .. ~t/,
,>,;'.,/l =-=-=-
.. ,\~
S N 28 Pa1d-m or capitalsurplus,or land,buildmg,andequipmentfund '~~;-= ..~t~t~..
~ ..'-~)~ =-~~ .. ~
..,< -=~
,,,,(<,,,,;,\ ;i> <'
o CE 29 Retained
earnings, accumulated income,endowment,or otherfunds... 1-------------------'-II 369 :,-.}'=~~ ('} ...,. ~~ ..',..:: ~ } ':-
"'.'i'.''(i".','.' '( ,, ,,
R S 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see the InstructIons) 1--------~...;.'+----'--<-'...;....c.....;._,_,
0 5 900 369
:' >~-=--~\/:((~; ..
... /
.,, ~~ ..~ / .... ~~, ...... .,,....
.. ~,,..
31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances
(see the instructions) 0. 5 , 9 0 0 , 3 6 9 . ' (!,'I ,. \.' '\' ' ''.' '' , <

I ParUm
Analysis of Chanaes in Net Assets or Fund Balances
1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part 11,column (a), line 30 (must agree with
end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) . . .. 1 0.
2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a .. 2 5,900,369.
3 Otherincreasesnotincluded in line2 (Item1ze) 3
------------------------------1---1------ 5 900 369
4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 ............. . 4
5 Decreasesnotincludedin line2 (ItemIze) ... 5
6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of vear (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column fh', line 30 6 5,900,369 .
BAA TEEA03021..02/16/11 Form 990-PF (2010)

Form 990-PF (2010) The Thirteen Foundation

I Part IV, I Cacital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income
27-6977311 Paoe 3

(a) List and describe the k1nd(s) of property sold (e.g., real estate, (b) How acquired (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold
2-story brick warehouse; or common stock, 200 shares MLC Company) P - Purchase (month, day, year) (month, day, year)
D - Donabon
1a N/A ,. t I ,..
b I\/ I K
(e) Gross sales price (f) Deprec,a ,on allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Ga,n or (loss)
(or alloNable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g)

Complete only for assets show,no oaIn ,n column (h ,1and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains(Column
(i) Fair Market Value (j) Adju~~ j basis (k) Excess of column (1) gainminuscolumn(k), butnotless
as of 12/31/69 as of y/31 /69 over column (J), ,f any than-0-) orLosses(fromcolumn(h))

a /
b /

2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss). If gain, also enter ,n Part I, line 7 }
{ If (loss), enter -0- ,n Part I, line 7 2
3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined In sections 1222(5) and (6):

If gain, also enter In Part I, line 8, column (c) (see the InstructIons). If (loss), enter -0- }
In Part I, line 8.. . 3
I P~rtV ,/! Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income
(For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.) N/A.,
If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank. ['/ J,q
Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any y,kr 1~the base period 7 Oves O_No _
IL'Yes,~ the-foundation does-not qualify-under-section 4940(e). Donot complete this par ;-- - -- -- --
1 Enter the appropriate amount In each column for each year; see the 1nstruct1onst efore making any entries.
00 00 W (d)
Base period years Adjusted qualifying d1stribut1ons Net value of D1stribut1onratio
Calendar year (or tax year nonch ritable-use assets (column (b) d1v1dedby column (c))
beginning 1n)
2005 J

2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2

3 Average d1stribut1onratio for the 5-year base period - d1v1dethe total on lin 2 by 5, or by the
number of years the foundation has been In existence 1f less than 5 years 3

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2010 from Part X, I11.:ie
5 .. 4

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 .. ... ... / .. 5

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) . 6

7 Add lines 5 and 6. . ..... 7

8 Enter qualifying d1stribut1onsfrom Part XII, line 4 8

If line 8 1sequal to or greater than line 7, check the box In Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate. See the
Part VI 1nstruct1ons.
BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

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Form 990-PF (2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Page 4
I Part Vl': '] Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 - see the instructions)
1a Exemptoperatingfoundationsdescribedm section4940(d)(2),checkhere ~ andenter'N/A' on line 1. LJ ..~
.. ~-= .. .......
:... ..:,/.-~{..
~ .......... ....::......
~ ..:,..........

check here ~
letter: _______
Dateof rulingor determination

D and enter
_(attach copy of letter if necessary - see instr.)
b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements 1n Part V,
1% of Part I, line 27b
c All otherdomesticfoundationsenter2% of lme27b.Exemptforeignorganizations
2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable
enter4%of Part I, lme 12,column(b}
} 1
..~;) ~ ',
....} -: J~--~
~.. .
.. :,........
..~ .t~-'~f..t-=/.
.......... __..\,/ .:'\
~~ ~ .....
..;,'. ......
........ ;

foundations only. Others enter -0-). .. .. 2 o.

3 Add lines 1 and 2 ..... ... ' . '.' ' .. .. 3 7.'
4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(l) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-). 4 o.
5 Tax basedon investmentIncome. Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- 5 7.
6 Credits/Payments:
a 2010estimatedtaxpmtsand2009overpayment creditedto 2010 6a
;i::/':'\:j<::: : ::,:/
b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 6b '' '" ......
c Tax paid with application for extension of lime to file (Form 8868) 6c ~~ ,, ,, '' ' .
d Backup w1thhold1ngerroneously withheld . .. .. 6d 103. .. .. < ........ ..
:-............ '.
......... ~
7 Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d 7 103.
s Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here 1f Form 2220 1s attached D s
9 Taxdue.If thetotalof Imes5 and 8 1smorethanlme 7, enteramount owed. . .. .. .. ~
9 0.
10 Overpayment.If line 7 1smorethan thetotal of Imes5 and 8, enterthe amountoverpaid ~
10 96 .
11 Entertheamountof lme 10to be:Credited to 2011estimated tax ~
96 Refunded .J ~
11 0.
I Partvu,;~\-lStatements Regarding Activities
.~-- ,"
Yes No
1 a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local leg1slat1on or did 1t
participate or intervene 1n any political campaign?. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. la X
b Did 1t spend more than $ 100 durin~ the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes
(see the 1nstruct1ons for def1nit1on). . .. .
~ ..~
.......... ' <
X .
If the answer 1s 'Yes' to Taor lb, attach a detailed descnpt1on of the act1v1t1esand copies of any matenals publtshed ..........'' '
or d1stnbuted by the foundation m connection with the act1v1t1es -: ...... . ,., .... .. .........
c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? ... ' ... . . . ' .. . . '' .. .. le X ..
d Enter the amount (1f any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year: j,

' , ' .. ..:;,, ,,

(1) On the foundation. ....$ 0. (2) On foundation managers ....$ 0. ..~
e Enter the reimbursement (1f any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on .,
', ........''.
-- f~n@tioo_managers .. __ .. _ ~ .$ -- - - -- - -0.- - - - - - -- -- - . - - - -- --
'i ........i
2 Has the foundation engaged 1n any act1v1t1esthat have not previously been reported to the IRS?
ff 'Yes,' attach a detailed descnpt1on of the act1v1t1es
X .
3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, 1n its governing instrument, articles :
of incorporation, or bylaws, or other s1m1lar instruments? If 'Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X
4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X.
b If 'Yes,' has 1t filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 4b N1A
5 Wastherea liqu1dat1on, termination,d1ssolulion,or substantialcontractionduringtheyear? 5 X
ff 'Yes,' attach the statement requtred by General Instruction T .... ........

/ ..........
.. ......
6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) sat1sf1ed either: ....
",,, , ' '
'i ........
By language 1nthe governing instrument, or
. ~~
By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory d1rect1ons that conflict ,.' ,, ............ ,

with the state law remain 1n the governing instrument? . . 6 X

7 Did thefoundationhaveat least$5,000m assetsat anytime duringtheyear?If 'Yes,'completePartII, column(c), andPartXV 7 X.
Sa Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which 1t 1sregistered (see the 1nstruct1ons) ~ ,, '''
,;,-. <.
TX ~ ..} :::"/ '' :
:, ..... .... .,\ ,
b If theanswer1s'Yes'to line 7, hasthe foundationfurnisheda copyof Form990-PFto theAttorneyGeneral .,,: .. ....
.......... ..-:..
-.K-.-.-.-.-. ~ ..-:..
~ ....

of eachstateas requiredby GeneralInstructionG?If 'No,'attachexplanation .. . .

(or designate) Sb
.......... ''
9 Is the foundation cla1m1ngstatus as a private operating foundation w1th1nthe meaning of section 4942(1)(3) or 4942(1~5) .. .,:,/:", ....)~.-n:".-;~
for calendar year 2010 or the taxable year beginning 1n 2010 (see 1nstruct1ons for Part XIV)? If 'Yes,' complete Part IV .. 9 X,
10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? ff 'Yes,' attach a schedule ltstmi thetr names
and addresses . . See Sta ement 2 10 x.
BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

TEEA0304L 02/16111
Form ~90-PF<2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27- 6977 311 Paae 5
[PartVU-.AIStatements Reaardina Activities (Contmued)
11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or IndIrectly, own a controlled entity
wIthIn the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If 'Yes', attach schedule (see 1nstruct1ons) . ... 11 X
12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest In any applicable insurance contract before
August 17, 2008? ... .. .... .... .. . . . .. . . . ... 12 X
13 Did the foundation comply with the public InspectIon requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 X
Website address . . . ... N/A _____________________________________ _
14 Thebooksare1ncareof., Josh Wilks _ _L ___________________ Telephone no . ., 254-629-8100, __
Locatedat., 10235 Interstate 20_Eastland TXL. __________ ZIP+4., 76448...,,________ _
15 Section 4947(a)(l) nonexempt charitable trusts fIlIng Form 990-PF In lieu of Form 1041 - Check here . N/A ... CT
and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year. .. .. ..., 15 I N/A
Yes No
16 At any time during calendar year 2010, did the foundation have an interest In or a signature or other authority over a
bank, securities, or other fInancIal account In a foreign country? . .. . . . . . 16 X
See the InstructIons for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If 'Yes,' enter the name of the
foreIan countrv .,
IP~rt VU.,8
l Statements Reaardina Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required
File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the 'Yes' column, unless an exception applies. ~ .... Yes No
1 a During the year did the foundation (either directly or Ind1rectly): .. ..
(1) Engage In the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a dIsqualifIed person? 0Yes !Kl.No ,,
(2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept 1tfrom) a
dIsqualifIed person? . . . . . .
(3) Furnish goods, services, or fac1l1tIesto (or accept them from) a d1squalifIed person?
. .
Yes No

, N
(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a dIsqualIf1ed person? Yes ~o :i...- ,,
(5) Transfer any income or assets to a dIsqualIfIed person (or make any of either available
for the benefit or use of a dIsqual1f1edperson)? . . . .. .. 0Yes IK]~o . ,,,. '
~--' \
(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception. Check 'No' If the
foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after term1nat1on
of government service, If term1nat1ng wIthIn 90 days.) ..

b If any answer Is 'Yes' to la(l)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described In
Regulations section 53.494-l(d)-3 or In a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see the instructions)?
Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here. .. ...D
c Did the !9uQ.d_atIQnengage in a_prior_yeaun_any-of the-acts-described In-l a, other than excepted-acts, - - - ............
- th-at were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning In 2010? . .. .. 1c X"
! .
2 Taxes on failure to dIstrIbute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a { ..,: ..~ ....
private operating foundation defined In section 49420)(3) or 49420)(5)): ,'
a At the end of tax year 2010, did the foundation have anr undIstrIbuted income (lines 6d ........
:,-. .... .
and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..
' , '!
, ' ,,
If 'Yes,' 11stthe years .._ 20_ _ , 20_ _ , 20_ _ , 20__

b Are there any years listed In 2a for which the foundation Is not applying the provIsIons of section 4942(a)(2)
.... .... .,-:

(relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undIstrIbuted income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to
all years listed, answer 'No' and attach statement - see the InstructIons } 2b N'A
c If the provIsIons of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed In 2a, 11stthe years here. / ...- .. ~-~ ~ .. ==..

... 20__ ,20 __ ,20 __ ,20 __ .. --:: ,N .... ..

3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest In any business
enterprise at any time during the year? ..... .

b If 'Yes,' did 1thave excess business holdings in 2010 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation
[KlNo /-'
.,,.. .. ....::..::.. --~
!, '','
or dIsqualif1ed persons after May 26, 1969; (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved .... ..
b1 the Comm1ss1onerunder section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or be(ll.Jest; or
(;SJthe lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to
determine 1fthe foundation had excess business holdings in 2010). 3b NIIA .
4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount In a manner that would Jeopardize its
charitable purposes? .. .. .. 4a X
b Did the foundation make any investment In a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could
Jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from Jeopardy before the first day of
the tax vear beaInnina In 2010? 4b X
BAA Form 990-PF(2010)

TEEA0305l. 02/16/11
---- ----- ----

Form 990-PF (2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Paae 6

IPart VII-B I Statements ReQardinQ Activities for Which Form 4720 Mav Be ReQuired (continued)
Sa During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to
(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence leg1slat1on(section 4945(e))? Oves [RjNo
(2) Influence the outcome of any spec1f1cpublic election (see section 4955), or to carry
on, directly or 1nd1rectly,any voter registration drive 7 aves ~No
(3) Provide a grant to an 1nd1v1dualfor travel, study, or other s1m1larpurposes? Yes No

(4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc, organization described
In section 509(a)(l), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2) 7 (see instructions) Oves [RjNo
(5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, sc1ent1f1c,literary, or !
educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals 7 Oves [RjNo :
b If any answer Is 'Yes' to 5a(l)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions
described In Regulations section 53 4945 or In a current notice regarding disaster assistance -- -- - --- - -- ~-
(see 1nstruct1ons)7 Sb N'A
Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here D -,

c If the answer Is 'Yes' to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the
tax because 1t maintained expenditure respons1b1htyfor the grant? N/A Oves 0No
If 'Yes,' attach the statement reqwred by Regulations section 53 4945-S(d)
6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or 1nd1rectly,to pay premiums
on a personal benefit contract? DYes [R]No
b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or 1nd1rectly,on a personal benefit contract? 6b X
If 'Yes' to 6b, ftle Form 8870
7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a proh1b1tedtax shelter transact1on7 Oves [R]No __ _
b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? N/A 7b
IPart VIII IInformation About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,
and Contractors
1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation (see instructions).
(b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account,
hours per week (If not paid, enter -0-) employee benefit other allowances
(a) Name and address devoted to position plans and deferred
Farris C. Wilks Trustee 0. 0. 0.
10235 Interstate 20 4.00
Eastland, TX 76448
____ :.=-
_JoAnn WiJ:ks____ -__ ::._ __ --::_
Trustee 0. 0. 0.
10235 Interstate 20 4.00
Eastland TX 76448

2 CompensatIon off . Iuded on rme 1- see mstructIons ). If none, en t er 'NONE'

Ive h'Ia hest-paI"demployees (ot her t hant hose me
(a) Name and address of each employee (b) Title and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account,
paid more than $50,000 hours per week employee benefit other allowances
devoted to position plans and deferred
None ____________________


Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 ... 0
BAA TEEA0306L 07123110 Form 990-PF (2010)
.:. Form 990-PF 2010 The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Pa e7
Partvm InformationAbout Officers, Directors,Trustees,Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,
and Contractors(continued)
3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see instructions). If none,
enter 'NONE.
Ca)Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service Cc)Compensation
----r--------- -- -- -- --- -- - -N71J

---------------------------- ----------


-------------------------------------- I
Total number of others rece1v1nqover $50,000 for professional services. ~
IPartlX..A ISummaryof Direct CharitableActivities
List thefoundation's
suchas thenumberof
andotherbenef1c1anes served,
conferences convened,research
papersproduced, etc. Expenses



4 =====================/=
IParttX~B'lSummaryof Program-RelatedInvestments(see instructions)
Describe the two larqest proqram-related investments made by the foundation dunno the tax year on lines 1 and 2. Amount

1 N/A~==================rli-P:-=================
2 -------------------------~----------------------------
All other program-related investments. See 1nstruct1ons.

3 ======================
Total. Add lines 1 through 3 0. ~

BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

TEEA0307l 02/16/11
The Thirteen
Form 990-PF 2010 Foundation 27-6977311 Pa e8
PartX : MinimumInvestment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations,
see instructions.)
.. ~
-: -: ......
1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly In carrying out charitable, etc, purposes:
a Average monthly fair market value of securities '' '' '' .... '' ''' ''' .... . .
'' 1a
b Average of monthly cash balances ....... ''' ... ' ''' '' ... .......
' '' ''' .... 1b 32,330.
c Fair market value of all other assets (see instructions) '' ''
d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) ''
1d 32,330.
e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and 1c
(attach detailed explanation) . '' '.'. '' I , e I 0.
2 Acqu1s1t1onindebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 0.
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d . ''' '' ''
3 32,330.
4 Cash deemed held for charitable acbvItIes. Enter 1-l /2% of line 3
(for greater amount, see 1nstruct1ons) 485 - 4
5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 31,845. 5
6 Minimum investment return. Enter 5% of line 5 6 1,592.,
IPattxt I DistributableAmount (see instructions) (Section 49420)(3) and (J)(5) private operating foundations
and do not com
1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 1 1 592.
2a Tax on investment income for 2010 from Part VI, line 5 2a 7.
b Income tax for 2010. (This does not include the tax from Part VI.) 2b .........
c Add lines 2a and 2b .. 2c 7 .
3 D1str1butableamount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 1 585.
4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying d1str1butIons 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . 5 1 585.
6 Deduction from dIstnbutable amount (see 1nstruct1ons) . 6
7 Distributable amount as ad usted. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 7 1,585
IPart )CU,!QualifyingDistributions (see instructions)
1 Amounts paid (1nclud1ngadmInistratIve expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes: "
a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc - total from Part I, column (d), line 26 1a 100, 000 -
b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-B 1b
_2 A~ou~t~ pa~ to a~quIr:__ass~tsu~ed ~~ held for ~se)_<:11re:tly
In ca!ryI12_g
o~ ch_antabl~,e!c,_puq~os~s --
3 Amounts set aside for specIfIc charitable projects that satisfy the ,,,
a Su1tab1l1tytest (pnor IRS approval required) . . .... 3a
b Cash dIstributIon test (attach the required schedule) .. 3b
4 Qualifying distributions. Add lines la through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 100,000._
5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income.
Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see 1nstruct1ons) . . .... . . .. . . .. .. 5
6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract line 5 from line 4 .... 6 100,000.
Note. The amount on line 6 will be used In Part V, column (b), In subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation
qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax In those years.
BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

TEEA0308l. 07/06/09
Form 990-PF(2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Page 9

IP~,ntXmj Undistributed Income (see instructions)

(a) (b)
Corpus Years prior to 2009
..~~ '
1 Distributable amount for 2010 from Part XI, ,,
line 7. ' ' ,, 1, 585 -
2 Und1stnbuted
1fany,asof theendof 2010. ........ i ,
a Enter amount for 2009 only . ' 0.
,< ,, ,,
b Totalfor pnoryears: 20_, 20_, 20_ 0.
3 Excess d1stnbut1ons
carryover1fany,to 2010: ,', i i
' '
a From 2005
.~ '
b From 2006 .. ,,
c From 2007
,,, 'i
d From 2008
i' ,,
,, ........ < ', '
e From 2009 ... .. d~
f Total of lines 3a through e 0. ;
,. i' .
4 Qualifying dIstrIbutIons for 2010 from Part ,,
XII, line 4: ~ $ 100, 000 ., "',,
.. ( ,, '" "
a Applied to 2009, but not more than line 2a /
b A_ppl1edto undIstrIbuted income of prior years " ,,
(Election required- see InstructIons) .. F---------+--~~---.;;..,;+---"'!+,.._,..__..._.1-,.._
0. ' __ ,.,ffj'___ _

',, 1
c Treated as d1strIbutions out of corpus , . .. ' ; ,, ,,,,_,
(Election required - see Instruct1ons) 0. ... ....
d Applied to 2010 d1str1butable amount ... : l, 585 -
e Remaining amount d1str1butedout of corpus 98,415 . ........
5 Excess d1stnbut1ons
appliedto 201Q 0. '
,, ;
(If an amount appears ,n column (d), the ,,,
same amount must be shown m column (a) )
'" '
........ ......~
,, i
' ,,,
6 Enter the net total of each column as ," " ......
indicatedbelow: ,, '
~~ .. ,._.:,]:,_..,:,

a Corpus. 98,415.,
,, ,, '
y_ears~undIstrIbuted_Income. Subtract
- line 4b from line 2b. . . . . . 0.
c Enter the amount of prior years' undIstrIbut- ,,
ed income for which a notice of def1c1ency
has been issued, or on which the section ,'
4942(a) tax has been previously assessed ,, 0. ' ',
d Subtract line 6c from line 6b. Taxable ', ....... <
.. :~
amount - see InstructIons . . .. .. :,-.',,... ..~ / .. .... o.
........ ) ~~ ......
.. ( ........
e Und1stnbuted
for 2009.Subtractlme4afrom ,'
amount- seeinstructions.. " ' " / 0. ;( ..........~ ....\ ..
,, <,

f Und1str1butedincome for 2010. Subtract lines '"

.... ..~....,:'.. .... ..
....~..~ ..( ......-.:,-.
4d and 5 from line 1. This amount must be
d1strIbuted In 2011 ... .... ~ .:-... / ..: .... ~~\~.. .. : ~: 0.
7 Amounts treated as dIstr1but1onsout of
corpus to satisfy requirements imposed
by section 170(b)(l)(F) or 4942(g)(3) ......:-"....
(see InstructIons} . . .. 0. ~ .. -.: ....~ =-......... :-

8 Excess dIstrIbutIons carryover from 2005 not
applied on line 5 or line 7 (see Instruct1ons) 0. .... .. ....
...... ~..
~ ... .
..: .,..: ..
....~~~.. r .......
9 Excessdistributionscarryoverto 2011. ......
..~.. ............
Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a .. 98,415. ,, '

10 Analysis of line 9:
a Excess from 2006.. . .
', ,, ... ::;>:,.
;/ "',"; 1 ..... '..:>,:, ,.,. . >>'::it:
:'':>,,/ . .. . .-: ::::J;/.;\:.~\-.\:.
.",", .,,...
.. .. : . ,''.i .

b Excess from 2007 '; ,, -', ',.:, 't ,,;, '\, ; ',;/;, ,:,, , ', ; , , '""
cExcessfrom2008 1------------1:,,:-i<i;+,':;;-;";),'i-
.. ..

.. ~

u ..
, :, ;

.....,.. ...... :
... ;. -.:,.......
~~...... ~t:
: ..............
: ~:~::: ::: :~~ 98,415. ;,, _,,,,,Hi,:> ,_,:;:" -:_-'-,., -.. ,, \ ,:(; ?t>:\Y:\,'.:;;,\:':,
,,:,,:/">; ,,.,_,. -
BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

TEEA0309l 07123/10
Form 990-PF (2010) The Thirteen F oun d ation 2 7 -6 977311 Paqe 10
1PartX1VIPrivate Ooeratina Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A auest1on 9) NIA
1 a If the foundation has received a rul1n? or determination letter that It Is a private operating foundation, and the ruling
Is effective for 2010, enter the date o the ruling . .. .. . .. .. . . ... .,.
b Check box to IndIcate whether the foundation Is a orivate ooeratina foundation described In section n
4942(1)rn or I 4942(1)(5)
2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 vears
income from Part I or the minimum (a) 2010 (b)2009 (c) 2008 (d)2007 (e) Total
investment return from Part X for
each year listed . . ... A/ 17
b 85% of line 2a . .. '' .. IV / IA
c Qual1fy1ngd1stributIons from Part XII, /
line 4 for each year listed
d Amountsincludedin line 2c not useddirectly
for activeconductof exemptactIvItIes ...
e QuaI1i1ng dIstrIbutIons made directly
for ac Ive conduct of exemfct act1v1ties.
Subtract line 2d from line c .
3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the
alternative test relied upon:
a 'Assets' alternative test - enter:
(1) Value of all assets
(2) Value of assets quali~Ing under
section 4942(1)(3)(8)(1
b 'Endowment'
alternativetest - enter2/3 of
minimuminvestment returnshownin PartX,
line 6 for eachyearlisted. . .
c 'Support' alternative test - enter:
(1) Total support other than gross
investment income (interest,
dIvIdends, rents, pa~ments
on securities loans section
512(a)(5)), or royalties)

(2) Supportfromgeneralpublicand 5 or
moreexemptorganizations as provided
in section4942(1)(3)(8)(111)
. . ..
(3) Largest amount of support from
an exempt organization ..
(4) Gross investment income
IPart-XV -I Supplementary
-- - - (Complete
- - -
- .- iJth~ organizati_pn had_$5,0QQ_ormore in
-. part- only
assets at any time during the year - see instructions.)
- -
- - - -

1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers:

a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the
close of any tax year (but only If they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2) )
See Statement 4,
b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of
a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest.
2 Information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc, Programs:
Check here ~ ~ If the foundation only makes contrIbutIons to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolIcIted

requests for funds. If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc, (see 1nstruct1ons) to 1ndIv1duals or organizations under other condItIons,
complete items 2a, b, c, and d.
The name, add,ess, /'"e numbe, of the pecson to whom apphoabons stm,ld be addce=d

b The form In which applic tions should be submitted and 1nformat1onand materials they should include:

c Any subm1ss1ondeadl1n

d Any restrIctIons or lIm ations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of 1nst1tut1ons,or other factors:

BAA TEEA0310l 02/16/11 Form 990-PF (2010)

27-6977311 Pa e 11

3 Grants andC ontn'b ut1ons

. P81'd Dunng
' t h e Year or Alooroved for Future Pavment
If rec1p1ent
1san md1v1dual,
Rec1p1ent to Foundation
showa';{.relat1onsh1p Purpose of ~rant or
anyfaun at,onmanager or status of contnbu 10n Amount
Name and address (home or business) contributor rec1p1ent
a Paid durmg the year
Primetime Christian . None. S0l(c) Fund Christian 100,000 .
Broadcasting (3) Broadcasting"
PO Box 61000
Midland, TX 79711.

- -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - --

Total .. . .. .. .. ... 3a 100,000.

b Approved for future payment


Total .. ... 3b
BAA TEEA0501 L 07123/10 Form 990-PF (2010)

Forni 990-PF (2010) The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Page 12

Analysis of Income-Producing Activities
Enter gross amounts unless otherwise 1nd1cated. Unrelated business income Excludedby section512,513,or 514
(a) (b) (c) (d) Related or exempt
Business Amount Exclu- Amount function income
code sIon (see the 1nstruct1ons)
1 Program service revenue: code
g Fees and contracts from government agencies.
2 Membership dues and assessments .
3 Intereston savingsandtemporary
cashinvestments. 14 369.
4 D1v1dendsand interest from securities .
, ' '
5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate:
a Debt-financed property
b Not debt-financed property
6 Netrentalincomeor (loss)from personalproperty
7 Other investment income ..
8 Gainor (loss)from salesof assetsotherthaninventor~ ..
9 Net income or (loss) from special events .
10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory
11 Other revenue: " : ,
12 Subtotal. Add columns (b), (d), and (e) .. 369.
13 Total. Add hne 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) 13 369.,
(See worksheet In line 13 1nstruct1ons to verify calculations.)

- IJ~-.d.XVMf:I
Relationship of Activities to th~-Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes
Line No. Explain below how each actIv1ty for which income Is reported In column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to the
accomplishment of the foundation's exempt purposes (other than by prov1d1ngfunds for such purposes). (See the 1nstruct1ons.)

N/A ' /\I /11

IV / nJ


BAA TEEA050a 02/17/11 Form 990-PF (2010)

Form 990~PF 2010 The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311 Pa e 13
PartXVlt /; Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable
Exempt Organizations
Yes No
1 Did the organization directly or 1nd1rectlyengage 1nany of the following with any other organization :
described 1nsection 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or 1n section 527,
relating to pol1t1calorganizations?
< ,,l'
a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of: ~ :, ~.,, ~ .,,
(1) Cash . .. . .. 1 a (1) X
(2) Other assets .. .. .. .. 1a (2) X.
b Other transactions: I,
(1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization . . ... 1 b (1) X
(2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization . 1 b (2) X
(3) Rental of fac11it1es,equipment, or other assets 1 b (3'1 X .
(4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b (4) X
(5) Loans or loan guarantees 1 b (5) X
(6) Performance of services or membership or fundra1s1ngsol1c1tat1ons 1 b (6) X.
c Sharing of fac1l1t1es,equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees 1c X .
d If the answer to any of the above 1s 'Yes,' complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of
th e fo ds, oth er asse ts, or services given by the report1n(cf oundat1on. If the foundat1on received less than fair market value 1n
any ansact1on or sharing arrangement, show 1n column d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received.
(a) Lineno. Cb)Amountinvolved (c) Nameof nonchantable
exemotoraanizat1on (d) Descnpt1on
of transfers,transactions,
. , I
I\J /fl..

-- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - --


2a Is the foundation directly or 1nd1rectlyaffiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations
described 1nsection 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3)) or 1nsection 527? . 0Yes

t1on of relat1onsh1

Under penalbes of pe~ury, I declare that I have examined this return, 1nclud1ngaccompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, 11Is true,
correct, and complete Declaration of reparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) Is based on all mformabon of which preparer has any knowledge

Check 1f IBJ 1f

Paid Victor K. Munson self-employed P01215687

Preparer Finn's name ~ Victor K. Munson CPA Firm'sEIN 75-2151816
Use Only ~ 6060 N. Central Ex Suite 560
Finn's address
Dallas, TX 75206 Phone no (214) 237-2920 ,
BAA Form 990-PF (2010)

TEEA0503L 02/15/11
0MB No 1545-0047
(Form 990, 990-EZ,
or 990-PF) Schedule of Contributors
Department of the Treasury .,. Attach to Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2010
Internal Revenue Service
Name of the organlz1Uon EmployerldenUficaUon

The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311

Organizationtype (check one);
Filers of: Section:
Form 990 or 990-EZ

50l(c)( ) (enter number) organization

4947(a)(l) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation
527 political organization

Form 990-PF

501(c)(3) exempt private foundation

4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation
501(c)(3) taxable private foundation

Check If your organization Is covered b_ythe General Rule or a SpecialRule.

Note. Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule. See InstructIons.

General Rule
IBJFor an organization f1l1ngForm 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (1nmoney or property) from any one
contributor. (Complete Parts I and II.)

Special Rules
QFor a section 50l(c)(3) organization fIlIng Form 990 or 990-EZ, that met the 33-1/3% support test of the regulations under sections
509(a)(l) and 170(b)(l)(A)(v1), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contr1butIon of the greater of (1) $5,000 or
(2) 2% of the amount on (1) Form 990, Part VIII, line lh or (11)Form 990-EZ, line 1. Complete Parts I and II.
QFor a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year,
aggregate contrIbut1onsof more than $1,000 for use exc/us,vely for relIgIous, charitable, scIentIfIc, literary, or educational purposes, or
the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. Complete Parts I, II, and Ill.
0 For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year,
contrIbutIons for use exc/us1vely for reT1g1ous,charitable, etc, purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1,000.
If this box Is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclus,vely religious, charitable, etc,
purpose. Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because It received nonexclusIvely
- -- - rellg1ous,charitable,etc, contnbut1onsor-$5;ooo-ormoredu-nngthe year - - -- - - - ..,.-$ -
Caution:An organization that Is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or
990-PF) but It must answer 'No' on Part IV, line 2 of their Form 990, or check the box on line H of its Form 990-EZ, or on line 2 of its Form
990-PF, to certify that It does not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF).
BAA For PaperworkReductionAct Notice, see the Instructionsfor Form 990, Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2010)
990EZ, or 990-PF.

TEEA0701L 12/28/10
Schedule '8 Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2010 of Part I
Name of organization

The Thirteen Foundation

: IContributors
l:Rai:H (see instructions )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contribution

--1 Farris Wilks

r------------------------------------- Person
)0235_Interstate 20 _______________________ $ ___ 3,000,000. Noncash

(Complete Part II 1fthere

Eastland, TX 76448 Is a noncash contribution )
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contribution

JoAnn Wilks
--2 r------------------------------------- Person
_10235 Interstate 20 _______________________ $ ___ 3,000,000. Noncash

(Complete Part 111fthere

_Eastland,_TX 76448 _______________________ _ Is a noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contribution

...._____________________________________ $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Complete Part 111fthere
Is a noncash contribution )
(a) (b) (~) - _(d)
Number - Name, address, and-ZIP-+ 4 - Aggregate Type of contribution

______________________________________ $ __________ _

(Complete Part II 1fthere
Is a noncash contribution )
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contribution

-- --------------------------------------
______________________________________ $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Complete Part 111f there
Is a noncash contribution )
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Number Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate Type of contribution

-- --------------------------------------
______________________________________ $ __________ _

(Complete Part II 1f there
Is a noncash contribution )
BAA TEEA0702L 10/26/10 Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2010)
Schedule'B Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2010 Pa e 1 of 1 of Part II
Name of organlzaUon Employer ldenUflcaUon number

The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311

IPart If lNoncash Property (see instructions.)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions


(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions


(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions


(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions

- - - - - - - -- - - -

- - - -- - --- - -

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions


(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Description of noncash property given FMV (or estimate~ Date received
Part I (see instructions


BAA Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2010)

TEEA0703L 10/26/10
Schedule'B Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF 2010 Pa e 1 of 1 of Part Ill
Name of organlzaUon Employer ldentific1Uon number

The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311

Part ltk Exclusive(y'religious, charitable, etc, individual contributions to section 501 (c)O), (8), or (10)
organizations aggregating more than $1,000 for the year.Complete cols (a) through (e) and the following line entry.
For organizations completing Part Ill, enter total of exctuswely rel1g1ous,charitable, etc,
contributions of $1,000 or less for the year. (Enter this 1nformat1ononce. See 1nstruct1ons.) ... $ N/A
(a) (b) (c) (d)
No.from Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held
Part I

Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held
Part I


Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

- -- ---
- _(~) - - - _(b)- - - - - -- -- - -(c)- - (d)
No. from Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift Is held
Part I


Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) (b) (c) (d)

No. from Purpose of gift Use of gift Description of how gift is held


Transfer of gift
Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

BAA Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2010)

TEEA0704L 06/23/09
2010 Federal Statements Page 1
The Thirteen Foundation 27-6977311

Statement 1
Form 990-PF, Part II, Line 15
Other Assets

Fair Market
Book Value Value
Rounding $ 1.
Rounding $ 1.
Total $ 1. $ 1.

Statement 2
Form 990-PF, Part VII-A, Line 10
Substantial Contributors During the Tax Year

____ Address of Substantial Contributor
Farris & JoAnn Wilks 10235 Interstate 20
Eastland, TX 76448

Statement 3
Form 990-PF, Part XV, Line la
Foundation Managers - 2% or More Contributors

Farris C. Wilks
JoAnn Wilks

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