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New World Order Related News

I’m still here. My core beliefs are firmly connected in my heart and my mind. My environment
influence in many respects on what I am. I was born and live in an urban location. So, I have
those tendencies to decipher that type of lifestyle. Also, I visited rural communities to witness
the fact that real, upright people are everywhere in a wide spectrum of places. I wanted to do with
this work is to both use a summary of what the new world order and to show other information on
other topics. It’s already a new era now. Everything is changing. There is nothing wrong with
adapting to new changes as long as you don’t do evil in the process. When I was young, I
remember using typewriters and bulking sized computers back in the early 1990’s. Now,
there are backberries, international telecom systems, cell phones with advanced Internet
services, I Phones, and other technological developments. These technologies are good if
used in the right way. Some exploit technology to promote evil like unnecessary surveillance
of human beings and other means of controlling the population. We should live our lives in a
bread and circus mentality. That mentality is using entertainment to distract us to make us pacified
and brainwashed. Our minds ought to be awaken to embrace the truth and help people out in the
world. Once when I was a child, I naïve about many things in the world. When I became older, I
became emotionally more strong. My thinking on some issues have changed. I believe in going
whatever is legitimate and necessary to have liberty in America and including the world. Everything
is modernized. Some of that is great to improve society. Getting rid of mental chains is great too.
That means we shouldn’t ashamed of what we look like. We shouldn’t ashamed our God-given
features, our personalities, our intellect, and our culture whatever it is. We should appreciate other
people’s culture and stand up for ourselves as men and women. Therefore, I reject the self hatred
mentality that is apart of the mindset of extremists. We shouldn’t fear our fellow man, but
at the same time, we shouldn’t become intimidated by people either. When I’ve
learned about my history and culture in a higher level, then my whole
consciousness started to come alive. For communication with others is golden in developing
real social, human connections. Once the mental chains are gone, your spirituality and mental
awareness comes alive.

In today’s day and age, the reactionaries are sick. It’s a recession and they are still
promoting the same ideologies. One is the goal of getting rid of any entitlements and
social services that benefit average day Americans. They couch the language in terms of
the phrase of “entitlement reform.” This rhetoric is promoted by the neo-cons and the
pro-Hayek crowd like Freemason Alan Simpson. Simpson disrespected veterans just trying
to get legitimate services and he bashed Social Security yet again. That is why numerous
folks desire President Barack Obama to fire Simpson for his extreme rhetoric. They
worship the free market when there hasn’t been a truly free market in ages. Now, they
have increasingly tried to target Medicare and especially Social Security (which is a trust
fund not a Ponzi scheme). Many Republicans have been successful in calling entitlement
reforms as similar to a curse word. The neo cons say the lie that these instruments are
nothing more than a handout. That’s a lie since all of these services aren’t given
arbitrarily. You have to follow applications, have documentation, etc. to receive these
services (especially from the federal level). The neo-cons and some Republicans demonize
people who receive these benefits as lazy, ignorant, and costing money for the people.
While the truth is that the bloated military budget is costing much more to us than
domestic services. They can lecture about entitlements, but omit the entitlements of
the super rich that are so common in our day. It isn’t just Republicans with the evidence
of deception. NOAA once said that the oil was gone in the Gulf Coast when that is not
true. Wall Street bankers have infiltrated the White House and promote the too big to fail
bailout, but even some people haven’t received a bailout at all in that magnitude that
Wall Street has. Goldman Sachs and other people in the Wall Street world were
instrumental in causing the recession in the first place.

People like Friedman and Von Hayek desire getting rid of some safeguards in the
world. These safeguards being gone contributed to the economic crisis that we are
experiencing today in late 2010. Their ilk believe that people have no right to
healthcare, but they don’t want private corporations to be greatly regulating in
handling health care. Total privatization leads into conflicts of interest among
politicians and corporations. Also, Big Pharma deals with fluoride and promoting
some questionable vaccinations. Monsanto is the GMO food producer and they
promote dangerous substances too. A better system is a balance so the Government
pressures the Private Sector to have reasonable prices. People like Friedman, Tim
LaHaye, and others in the CNP want to privatize education. In foreign policy, neo
conservatism has been modernized by pro-Trotskyist & CFR member Irving Kristol.
Neo cons promote fear in order to attempt to have more war in the Middle East. The
politics of the Austrian School is made up of an extreme libertarianism that oppose
even legitimate regulations. Some of them hate the Clean Air and Clean Water Act that
made the USA cleaner than in the years before the 1970’s. Mises didn’t want women
the right to vote and he praised British colonialism. He hated the workers by saying

“…The masses do not think. This is precisely the reason why they follow
those who do think. The intellectual leadership of mankind is a position held
by the very few who are able to think…” (Ludwig von Mises, The Market
Economy, trans. Danny Lewis, [Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1932], p. 472).

This is the exact mentality of the global elite. Although, the truth is tons of people who
aren‘t wealthy, who aren‘t famous, etc. are waking up with an intellectual maturity
that is more powerful than the agenda of evil. We embrace an agenda that deals
with profound perseverance and honor sent forth to all people. Corporate
problems are easy to see and prove. There was the enclosure movement and corn laws in
the UK. These laws made the peasants get off their land to force them into city slums to
work in sweatshops. So, the aristocrats have oppressed people in the 4 corners of the Earth
for eons. The free trade system as it is today doesn't work at all. Even the most
virulent monetarists concedes that you have to have some protection on industries.
Trade is important to promote, but it's not something that should be exploited for
nefarious purposes. National policies can work to facilitate trade without world
corporatists dictating everything. Ignoring historical events and having historical
examples don't work to develop pristine financial policies. Free trade according to
Fletcher even made into perfection still will have negative consequences. An
especially interesting case study is NAFTA. Fletcher points out that in this instance,
those responsible for its implementation were just the people economists would
want to have in that role. Yet the effects of NAFTA, both in Mexico and in the United
States, have been negative. Radical free trade have expanded the economic gap of
richer and poorer nations. There is no evidence that tax cuts alone spur economic
growth. In fact, the highest period of growth in American history (from 1933 to
1973) saw the highest tax rates on the rich (from 70 to 91 percent). That time period
from 1933 to 1973 saw an expansion of technological growth increasing productivity.
The tax rate back in the day was higher than today. The Tea Party needs to realize
this. The tax rate reached a plateau by 1969. In fact, in Hoover’s term, the rich was
taxed at a record low of 25 percent. Roosevelt expanded taxes and still economic
growth occurred. GDP grew in every year of FDR’s 2 terms except for 1938.
Economic growth today can only come from building it from the bottom up
(even working with other nations to sustain credit lines and a long term plan to
rebuild the physical economy). There should be growth in agriculture, industries,
mining, services, etc. We can’t let this banker-engineered depression run its course
since people’s lives are suffering right now literally. That is why there should be the
ending of foreclosures. One the domestic front, we ought to promote civil liberties
and have a more tolerant, rational foreign policy. We realize it isn’t the real people
controlling the government today. The government has been hijacked by a criminal,
ruling class group of Oligarchs (that promotes the propaganda of anti-all government
regulation libertarianism. This has been popularized by Murray Newton Rothbard.
That political ideology wants free markets instead of fair markets in order to allow
private bankers to control as much public resources as possible in the realm of
private greed). Unregulated free marketism is basically the Darwinist model of the
survival of the fittest in economics. It has no soul, it doesn't care. As long you have private
bankers running Central Banks, unregulated Capitalism will transpire. Felix Rohaytn
promoted police state powers in New York City that harmed citizens. These actions were in
the mode of monetarist ideology completely. Rohaytn formed the EFCB or the Emergency
Financial Control Board to control over NYC’s money flows. Rohatyn even gutted city
services in New York via closing public hospitals, preventing oversight in other arenas, etc.
A Dirigist economy is much better than the economy of no competition whatsoever.

I love to take shots in a real fashion. Like, I treat everyone the same unlike others who
act like transformers when they encounter different types of people. You need to act
Hollywood to be a real man or a real woman. In other words, it should be a good
thing that we men or women don’t act like a sexually promiscuous man or a
whore. Only sellouts, brainwashed folks, and self haters glamorize the wicked
lifestyle of unHollyweird. You can just keep it plain and keep it authentic in how you
conduct your own selves. You better know what you are and love what you are created
to be in order to fight for justice. For corporate tyranny is just as odious as
governmental tyranny. The liberals neither the conservatives have a monopoly of
idealism. Idealism isn’t found totally in politically ideologies. It’s found in God’s
mind and expressed in the hearts of human beings to express the agenda of the
Lord. As for the sisters, I’m always in your corner. I will never forsake the great black
sisters. They are queens. The devotion to assist our fellow humans, the passion for
excellence, and the inspiration to never relent are great inspirational tools in life.
There is a Singularity Summit in 2010. People are discussing where some want to
promote no human values in a "post-human" future. This meeting is held at the Hyatt
Regency in San Francisco. Gregory Stock took the stage to give his views on
singularity. He is the best selling author of "Redesigning Human" being a
transhumanist classic. He's also a biotech entrepreneur. Stock stepped down from
being a CEO of Signum Biosciences. He said that he wants to provide a macro-
evolutionary perspective on the controversial idea that we're in the midst of an
evolutionary breakthrough. This is where life starts to take control of its own evolution
and machines eventually become smarter than their makers. Yet, Stock said that delays
in the advancement of drugs is because it takes the FDA about 8 years to certify the
common use of medicines. Biology is complex in his mind. Also, wonder drugs were
promised in the year of 2000. Stock said that the cost of genome sequencing is going
down though. Some graying futurists want to live long enough to see anything
singularity lie. Another elder pro-transhumanist Ray Kurzweil is wonder if he will live
long enough to bridge that connects the future. Ray spoke at the meeting via the
teleconference. Stock promoted or plugged the documentary called "The Singularity is
Near." Stock believes that singularity will change what human values is all about by
saying: "...The reality is that we don’t have a clue to where this is going. We don’t have
the tools to know its character. We are flesh and blood. Human values are not going to
survive in cyberspace..." Sand can be used to create silicon now. There is the genomic
revolution. He believed that technology has slammed people forward and
transformation is underway. Stock said that evolution is evolving when adding carbon
to silicon. The sugar organism is promoted by these people or a planetary super
organism. There are 8 foot mounds created by termite super organism. If you
look at humans through this perspective, we too have processes for
orchestrating internal behaviors, and exhibit robustness, brutal internal
competition, and need for a “membrane”, meaning, by way of example, you can
travel from your home to a foreign country and always be under a cover. There
is complex biology and complex non biology. This means that in the future, you
have new materials arrive and they supplement. New levels of complexity will
subsume old ones. Some feel that singularity is occurring, but no one realizes what this
will occur. Humans should think about the questions in the future when dealing with
technology and singularity. There is AI technology and brain emulations. “What
would such things have in common with biological creatures?” he asked.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to answer this question and define what’s coming.
“It’s like cells determining the nature of multicellular life,” he said. Man can
never be God no matter what technology comes into the forefront. NBC News predicts
that people will be mass chipped by the year of 2017. Some accused of this policy of
predictive programming. Predictive programming is when the media or other agents of
the corporate elite use propaganda to promote an agenda. It’s about conditioning
people to some nefarious future. In this case, the establishment wants as many people
as possible to have microchips. IBM is even promoting their new RFID commercial.

Just because I disagree with some of Obama’s policies, doesn’t mean I’m going to
sellout and be some Republican. Republicans (among many of them, they act as
wolves) are just as nefarious as Democrats (numerous people in that clique act
like snakes). I believe in the dignity of labor, economic equity, land reform,
nationalism, the right of the freedom of speech & the freedom of religion, the
right to bear arms, due process, respect for the poor, and ending the
exploitation of the Third World. I’m not a fool and I reject austerity. Therefore,
when you deal with a wolf or a snake, you could get bit if you act carelessly with
them. This is why I’m under no illusions about both of those major political
parties (who try to make a political underclass among the citizenry). So, I will
speak on religious matters and political/nationalistic matters as well. I’m not
going to cuddle a wolf nor a sly fox. The establishment wants us to be some slave
joining the Republicans and Democrats. The great thing is that we can reject that
propaganda with showing facts. The fact is that the Republican Richard Nixon has
pro-Nazi allies including the Nazi funder Prescott Bush. Not to mention that many
Republican love the parasitic, cartel-capitalist, and pro-HMO health care system
that we have now. The new health care law isn’t perfect, but real health care
reform ought to exist. Numerous Republican hypocrites lecture on Islam (and want
Muslims to not have religious liberty rights in NYC), but they have allowed Iraq to
embrace the theocratic shariah law. The fact is that the Democrat Party in many of
its member desire those bailouts for corporate interests (under the guise of peace,
they still promote the same war mongering, neo-colonial acts in foreign nations).
It’s hypocritical for the elites to talk about getting rid of partisanship and they
refuse to do away with the Two Party System. They permit puppets like Barack
Obama, Harry Reid [who showed his true colors about the President in his
offensive, evil remarks about him. I‘ve known this for over 10 years. These left
gatekeepers are no different than the Republican machine], Michael Steele, and
John Boehner to carry forth agitation (in the realm of feudalism, while America
is utilized as a corporate state. This slave driving system oppresses the poor
among every background not just one group. That is why the system should be
radically changed). The neo-conservatives know that we will never agree with
them, so they overtly carry forth with their views. Yet, the liberal establishment
using tokenism and other promises in order to get our attention to attempt to
make us accept their worldview. When you think independently, your true
thinking arises out of your soul. That fear of compromising is eliminated.

California cops tasered a senior citizen in his own home. In America, the police state is
everywhere. Senior citizen Peter McFarland of Marin County, California found this
after he fell down the stairs outside of his home last year. The time was in June 29,
2009. McFarland tumbled down the stairs. This was after his wife called paramedics
and the cops showed up. They came inside of McFarland's home and tasered him
because they believed that he was suicidal. “We want to take you to the hospital for an
evaluation, you said if you had a gun, you’d shoot yourself in the head,” a deputy can
be heard saying on a video of the incident captured on a taser mounted camera.
McFarland said the comment was hyperbole made because he was in pain. “Stand up,
put your hands behind your back or you’re going to be tased,” the deputy
commanded. McFarland refused, told the police in no uncertain terms to get out of his
house, so the cop tased him not once, but three times, as his wife looked on in horror
and pleaded with the cops to stop because her husband has a heart condition.
McFarland's lawyers is John Scott. Scott said that the cops didn't have a search
warrant or any reason to enter the McFarland residence. Scott told KGO-TV in San
Francisco his client was arrested, jailed, and charged with resisting arrest. A judge
later dismissed the charge. McFarland has filed suit against the Marin County Sheriff's
Department. Cops don't need a search warrant in order to enter your home and
torture you with a device that's akin to field telephone magnetos used on prisoners
during the Vietnam War. Too many cops don't know what the Fourth Amendment
stands for. They need to understand that the American Revolution was fought
because agents of the crown used general warrants to enter homes, interrogate
colonists, and seize (or steal) "prohibited and uncustomed" goods. John Adams is the
founding Father and the 2nd President of the United States. he viewed these events as
"the spark in which originated the American Revolution." Adams and the Founders
understood that a man's home is his castle. Edward Coke declared a century before,
and a fortress “for his defense against injury and violence,” a concept that seems to be
largely lost on many Americans. Now, new agents of bankers and transnational
corporations want to control us. We shouldn't tolerate sadistic cops who enter homes
illegally and torture people for refusing to obey commands and for the impertinence
of telling them to mind their own business.
Dr. Martin Luther King wrote that; “I contended that the debate over the question of self-
defense was unnecessary since few people suggested that Negroes should not defend
themselves as individuals when attacked. The question was not whether one should use
his gun when his home was attacked, but whether it was tactically wise to use a gun
while participating in an organized demonstration.” (Where Do We Go, p. 27).

Dr. King also told people publicly that: “I believe I would have probably temporarily
sacrificed my pacifism because Hitler was such an evil force in history.” He added, “I
would willingly have fought against the Nazi menace of the 1940s.” (King speech, “Why I
Oppose the War in Vietnam," 4/30/67; and Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 4/12/67, p. B1).

The skeptics are silly. They mention that we write about Freemasonry. We have a
right to disagree with Freemasonry. They are angry, because people like me source
after source (even from Masonic sources) to prove the reality that Masonry have
death oaths (Masons have been involved in murders, Revolutions, and other nefarious
actions before). They also say why aren’t we gung ho about America. The reality is
that I’m not gung ho about a hypocritical culture, exploitation of minority citizens (via
stealing the land and resources of its indigenous Native American population, the
Maafa, etc.), war mongering, and imperialism. That’s not my thing. I don’t celebrate
corporate thuggery year after year. There are a lot of real Americans, yet
you can’t just be ignorant and say everything is peaches and cream in the
USA. Also, I don’t embrace the unity vision from Glen Beck. He has a recent mass
meeting in Washington. I don’t want to go back into the “good old days” where
segregation existed, where unregulated corporations speculated harshly in the
market (that contributed to the existence of the Great Depression from 1929), where
child labor flourished, where slave wages occurred during the Gilded Age and other
ills transpired. Just because Alveda King allied with Beck doesn’t mean we should
support Beck. Alveda King should be commended for her work for equality. Yet, Beck
have disrespected 9/11 victims and Hurricane Katrina victims with no apologies to
these victims whatsoever. If Dr. Martin Luther King lived today, Glen Beck (his rally is
ironically called “Restoration of Honor”) and others might definitely considered him
a Marxist, a socialist, or even a Communist. Not to mention that the memory and
ideologies of Dr. Martin Luther King was in contrast to the ideologies of the Mormon
Glen Beck. Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech in 1963 was about equality among
the races. It also intended to promote the need for economic reform, labor
rights, the end to poverty, the fight against police brutality, and a
transformation of society to end discrimination & segregation. See, the brother
Dr. Martin Luther King was never some malleable conservative teddy bear as
Beck envision him as. Glen Beck isn’t talking about promoting unions either.
Before Dr. Martin Luther King died, King wanted black people to organize
businesses and other resources to improve condition within the black
community. Other ethnic groups have been doing this for decades and it worked
in large measure for them. So, it’s only right for black people to do it in a higher
level. In the bare minimum, we should help out our own community, our own
family, and all of humanity in any legitimate fashion that we can before we pass
away. Dr. Martin Luther King was a revolutionary that believed in Black Power.
Oh, yes he did. See, by 1968, Dr. King evolved into embracing a more radical,
mental framework that brother Malcolm X was already at as early as 1964. King
acknowledged in an interview that the unsuccessful “end slums” campaign in Chicago was
an implementation program for the concept of Black Power but, as the Baltimore Sun
reported on July 10, 1966, “under a more palatable name.” The Sun further recorded that
King “totally endorses [sic] the concept of ‘black power’ ” as enunciated by McKissick and
Carmichael. The newspaper also noted that King’s statements placed SCLC, CORE, and
SNCC “in basic agreement on the new ‘black power’ direction of the movement.” King
indicated that his differences with CORE and SNCC over “Black Power” were only
semantic. Dr. Martin Luther King legitimately promoted self asserted manhood. Dr.
King directly wrote that:

“…Black Power is a call for the pooling of black financial resources to achieve economic
security. …If Black Power means the development of this kind of strength within the Negro
community, then it is a quest for basic, necessary, legitimate power. Finally, Black Power is
a psychological call to manhood.” (Where Do We Go, p. 38).

Dr. Martin Luther King wasn’t some political correct, submissive type of man. He was
a man. The sanitized version of Dr. Martin Luther King as promoted by neo-
conservatives is truly apart of a propaganda campaign to try to make people
(especially people of color) to accept the aristocratic, laissez-faire, let them eat
cake, and false bootstraps economic & political philosophy. So, that’s the game that
they are playing. So, King was just as revolutionary as Stokely Carmichael, Queen
Nzingha, and others. Glen Beck and Bill O’Reilly will never expose police brutality or
economic inequality in this nation of America. That is why the neo cons use the poor,
religious minorities, & other minorities as scapegoats. They claim to love diversity,
but they hate diversity of peoples living in one land when it comes to just simple
religious liberty rights in New York City. Glen Beck will not expose IMF evils against
the Third World or the wicked war on terror. The neo con reactionaries can cry about
government takeover of our resources, but corporate control over our lives is just as
evil as man being utilized just as a cog in the wheel of the State. The Prince Hall
Freemason Al Sharpton and others led a rally too. Even Sharpton isn’t perfect for
he’s apart of a Secret order that discriminated against black people for
centuries. One of its famous leaders (or 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason
Albert Pike) was not only a Confederate war general, but he promoted
philosophies contrary to Sharpton’s professed “Christian faith” (when
Freemasonry is antithetical to the tenets of Christianity). Sharpton will not
expose how innocent unborn babies on demand are being destroyed via the corporate
power base of Planned Parenthood. He will not expose how anti-fertility vaccinations
are common in the world as promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation. He will
definitely not expose how real people used rifle clubs to protect civil rights workers in
the Deep South during the 1950’s & the 1960’s. You don’t need a gun to prove that
you’re a man. You don’t have to own a gun if you don’t want to. Yet Al
Sharpton needs to see that an innocent man owning a gun for hunting, sport,
collection, or self defense isn’t a sin either. Just because a man or a woman
(who is guilty of no crime) owns a gun peacefully doesn’t mean that person is
acting in contrary to the agenda of civil rights. It was in fact law enforcement
agents in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina stealing
guns from innocent people (even a non-threatening elderly woman). These
acts existed as a violation of human civil rights. Self-preservation and self
protection are apart of not only civil rights, but they exist as fundamental
human rights. Black people were denied of gun rights by the same political
party back in the late 1800’s that this deceiver Sharpton is in. Neither
Sharpton nor Beck can‘t be slick with me, because I know what it is as it
pertains to politics & cultural history. Beck & Sharpton can wake up of course,
but they will have to do that. Both men are right that intelligent dialogue is more
important than abhorrent violence. Unlike others in mainstream television, I’m not
intimidated by both men.

What is the New World Order?

A lot of people wonder what it is. The skeptics are readily deceptive. They claim that the new world
order doesn’t exist and no one advocated it for eons. The truth is that tons of elites, political figures,
and other people have called precisely for the new world order. For thousands years, the elite class
want to control human beings in a hierarchical system. Much of these systems globally were
oppressive. The elite want to guard the real wisdom and knowledge from the people. The new world
order deals with the oil lies that some humans embrace. One big lie is that coercion is a necessary
prescription in developing tranquility. Another lie promoted in that vision is that one globalized,
central state is the pure rational procedure in order for the world to function. The truth is that there is
value in individuality among all peoples. In other words, no one should be ashamed of their
appearance or personality. The truth is that nations existing is not a critical threat to world stability.
It’s an asset in creating the authentic reforms to permit international cohesion.

One of the slickest puppets in the 21st century is President Barack Obama. He should be
commended for his great intellect and other leadership qualities. This doesn’t mean we agree with
him on every single issue or compromise. Just because many in the Patriot Movement don’t accept
some of President Obama’s precepts, doesn’t means we hate the man or we want to be
Republicans. Real folks know what the Republicans stand for. A lot of them stand for
obstruction, misinformation, disinformation, and an obsessive paranoia about
Islam (in that they use the NYC Mosque controversy as an excuse to create more
agitation in favor of the wicked, evil, immoral, and unjust war on terror). Even the
Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie is cutting simple grants. As you
can see from these pictures, Barack Obama is loved by the establishment. It is only recently where
the reactionaries from Wall Street have criticized Barack Obama even in unfair terms. One Wall
Street supporter of President Barack Obama is Larry Summers. Summers’ uncle was a protégé of
Schumpter named Paul Samuelson. AIPAC is another pro-neo con (& neo-colonial or imperialist
group) that deals with Middle Eastern policy. America should be America First not any other nation
first. We should allow some special interest group dictate how this nation deals with Israelis &
Palestinians. Instead of promoting equality in the Middle East, AIPAC typically wants the
Palestinians to accept some subordinate, 2nd class citizenship in that part of the world. AIPAC is
AIPAC you know. Barack Obama is right that we should have better education, better health care,
and a more tranquil world atmosphere. He is incorrect to pronounce a continuation of the war in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is wrong to allow Big Pharma and HMOs have a stake in the
development of the health care reform law. He is wrong to be so pro-abortion, but he explicitly
agrees with taxpayer funding of population control program (that can cause death ironically in the
Third World. We can have investments worldwide in succinct methods without population control
deceptive executions). Even the administration today is filled with Wall Street agents, CFR
members, and Trilateralists. It’s hypocritical for the Left gatekeepers to legitimate
expose the billionaire David Koch, but won’t expose George Soros (Soros had been
allied with the Bush family and has been involved in economic corruption as well.
He‘s a Bilderberger as well). So, the brother Barack Obama ought to wake up.
Puppets aren’t just mainline politicians. Some even exist in other arenas. The controlled opposition
is going more mainstream as the day follows. The won’t expose the Jesuits, Hutton Gibson, or the
like. Yet, they have a hatred of people like us exposing all evil under the sun though. Some of these
people promote an extreme gloom and doom philosophy as a means to promote some type of
Revolution. Many of these people are in the Council on National Policy organization. Some of them
view that a violent revolution is the only solution to our issues in the world. I of course don’t accept
that premise since peaceful methods historically have always been enacted to make succinct
improvement among the human race. Some of these agents use John Birch Society talking points
when the JBS have ties to the SMOMs, Masons, and the elite Austrian economic agenda. The John
Birch Society is controlled opposition. Secret Societies still exist worldwide. "Father" Francisco
Calvo was a Freemason in Costa Rica. He promoted it there. Some of the priests he worked
with were also Freemasons. On his return to Costa Rica, together with other Masons
already residents, he established Lodge Caridad No. 26, which was granted a Charter on
June 28,1865, by the Grand Orient of New Granada. The Supreme Council of Central
America was located in San Jose, Costa Rica. It was created in January 9, 1871 under a
Charter granted by the Supreme Council of New Granada to Ill. Bro Dr. Francisco
Calvo,33", dated November 27,1870, which empowered him to created the Grand Orient
and the Supreme Council of Central America, in the city of San Jose. This Supreme
Council was allowed to be taken temporally to the City of Guatemala, under the condition
that it be returned seven years later. Freemasonry have a long history in Mexico. The first
two political parties in Mexico were Masonic, "the yorkinos" (York Rite) and the
"escoceses" (Scottish Rite). Catholic priests and the first U.S. ambassador, Joel Poinsett,
helped to introduce Masonry to Mexico.

America have gone through many changes. When, then President George W. Bush violated the
FISA law by allowing the government to spy on American citizens (even a federal judge resigned in
protest of warrant less wiretapping. It is illegal and immoral0, this was shocking toward some on the
Left side of the Paradigm. Now, they are saying little to nothing, because the President is a
Democrat. National security ought to never to be a phrase that is exploited as crutch to induce a
violation of our cherished civil liberties. Now, Barack Obama has supported a policy to murder
Americans abroad if such Americans are considered a “threat.” This is without due process or a
trial. The mainstream media isn’t reporting on this disturbing story. The May 2010 National
Security Strategy states: “We are now moving beyond traditional distinctions between
homeland and national security. . . . This includes a determination to prevent terrorist
attacks against the American people by fully coordinating the actions that we take abroad
with the actions and precautions that we take at home.” This means that the government
wants to make Homeland Security deal with domestic so-called threat in a more interactive
way. The Alien and Sedition Acts and the recent DHS documents prove that some in the
government falsely equate strong dissent with terrorism. Deputy National Security Adviser
John Brennan said that he wants more steps taken in promoting an anti-free speech culture.
Even Canadian Prime Minister allowed the U.S. government to continue the interrogation
of Omar Khadr when the Canadian court said that the conduct was against Canadians
standards of treatment of detained youth suspects. The rule of law is treated harshly by the
neo cons and supporters of this war on terror (it’s really a war on fundamental liberties).
Tons of people have called for the new world order and even global government. These aren’t
just people saying it passably in the streets. Numerous individuals calling for these precise
goals include political leaders, and other members of Secret societies. Back in November of
2009, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Copenhagen Agreement engineered plans for
“a transnational ‘government’ on a scale the world has never before seen” under the aegis of
the United Nations. CFR member Charles Kupchan criticized nationalism in his article in the
Washington Post. In the article, he supported an integrated Europe. Even Gideon Rachman
from the Financial Times, who wrote in an article in late 2008, believe that some sort of world
government is possible for the world. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy in
early 2010 went on record to demand a world government in response to the banker
engineered financial crisis (this can spread world government in Europe and globally). The
Independent, which is an establishment newspaper covered the story in a succinct fashion.
So, these goals are never fictional. They are transparent and we human beings have a right to
expose these plans. Not to mention that the new world order has been publicly promoted by
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Gordon Brown, and other human beings.
Malthusianism Then and Now

Thomas Malthus’ thought is not new. Yet, it continues forth in our day and age. Thomas Malthus
was an Anglican theologian. He lived in the United Kingdom. His philosophy was an archaic view of
population growth. He believed in the old lie of racial inferiority. He wanted massive cuts in services
and population restrictive policies in the name of stabilizing population growth. He harbor disdain for
the poor. He is the godfather of the modern day population control movement. His views are
very similar to eugenicists today. For example, the present eugenicist scapegoat the poor and
advance paranoia about population growth as an excuse to promote the radical decrease of the
human population. Malthus’ views are from the Venetian Giammaria Ortes. Orets
believed that the Earth has finite carrying capacity. Not to mention that he was a
supporter and writer for the British east India Company. The BEIC were slaver trader, economic
exploiters, and a bunch of criminals. His hatred of the poor is common. Thomas Malthus’ teachings
were instrumental in spreading the British East India Company’s imperialist goals. Malthus wanted
didn’t want the poor to get parish assistance if a child is born out of wedlock. He called the infant as
having little value in society. Malthus made his “Essay on Population” back in 1798 and there was
the publication of Giammatria Ortes’s 1790 “On Population” as well. Malthus believed that
population would grow so geometrically that without radical population control (or wars and
pestilences), the world’s population wouldn’t survive handling the limited resources of the Earth. Yet,
agricultural methods have increased food production to increase the living standards in much of the
Earth’s people. The reality is that technological process, real industrialization (with basic standards),
and other acts can stabilize population growth. You don’t need radical population control to do this.
Utopians promoted their agenda from the views of H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Oxford’s John
Ruskin, and George Bernard Shaw (who supported some of the agenda of Mussolini).
Many Tea Party candidates won primaries for the Republican Party. Some of them are right
on some issues and wrong on others. People have talked about the Delaware candidate
Christie O’Donnell. Yet, the real extremist is the New York Republican candidate for
Governor named Carl Paladino. His bigotry knows no boundaries. He called the current
Governor David Patterson a drug addict when he is not. He agrees that people who
wants people on welfare to go into prison dorms and take hygiene classes. He wants
prisons to be used for these activities. His end game is to force those on welfare to work in
state-sponsored jobs. He claims that the program is voluntarily, but using those on welfare
for scapegoats and proposing that they are treated as criminals is a disgrace. Most people on
welfare aren't minorities in America at all. Like a reactionary, Paladino doesn’t like social
services to help human beings. Also, tons of people on welfare has good personal hygiene.
Not to mention that federal law already requires welfare recipients to do some form of work
to receive benefits. So, welfare is not some free handout. Ketny Jean-Francois, a former
welfare recipient and a New York City advocate for low-income people, said Paladino's
idea shocked her. "Being poor is not a crime," she said. "People are on welfare for
many reasons ... Is he saying people are poor because they don't have any hygiene or
any skills?" This proposed concentration camp for poor people is exploitative and
nefarious. Paladino also sent sexist, racist, and pro-bestiality emails. He's a hypocrite by
claiming to be pro-family values, but showing these emails are the opposite of true
morality. The Tea Party movement supports the man. Some of the video compares Obama
to dancing tribesmen, picking President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama as a pimp and
a prostitute, etc. There is nothing wrong with being politically incorrect, but showing
bigotry in an email (and trying to be a Governor) is wrong. That is why I can't be a
Republican. Their party is filled with deception and some of them have explicit hatred of
my people. The Democrats have issues too, so I want to make that clear.
“Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair it should be flexible. With
such a policy we can turn to the world, and to our own past, with clean hands and
a clear conscience.”
-President John F. Kennedy, “A Nation of Immigrants” from 1958.

Anti-Immigrant/Population Control Connection

For many years now, I realize the link between the evil population control agenda and anti-
immigration forces. When I mean anti-immigration, I mean people who are opposed to legal
immigration (not people opposed legitimately against illegal immigration). So, I want to make the
context perfectly clear. I don‘t believe in illegal immigration at all. In fact, in 1969, Ralph
Abernathy, Senator Walter Mondale, and Cesar Chavez protested against
illegal immigration. That‘s something that certain people don‘t want you to
know about. According to a 2006 article in The American Conservative by Steve Sailer,
although Chavez's union, the United Farm Workers, did manage to raise wages
significantly for stoop laborers from 1965 to 1981. My opposition to illegal immigration
still won’t allow me to view any immigrant as a scapegoat for illegal immigrants are
victims of a corrupt corporate system. You have to be fair and compassionate when dealing
with this issue. The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act bans national origin
quotas and turns its focus to non-European countries. It’s not a secret that FAIR or
the Federation for American Immigration Reform have links to Planned Parenthood members,
abortion clinic workers, and Zero Population Control Activists. John Tanton is FAIR’s founder. He
had links to Planned Parenthood in Michigan. Sarah G. Epstein serves on the Planned Parenthood
board in Washington and he’s a FAIR board member. Joyce Tarnow was the bigoted member of
FAIR’s National Board of Advisers. She made evil comments about Haitians about wanting them to
“…Stew in your own juices..” She held on to extreme social Darwinian views. The truth is that
whether a person is an illegal immigrant or a legal immigrant, that person
should be afforded respect, mutual dignity, and honorable treatment. These
are the same people that supported the anti-liberty Arizona immigration law. Rachel Maddow is right
to expose the racist origin of the Arizona law. She omits that Margaret Sanger was a featured
speaker for the Klan. Planned Parenthood is known for its racist history. That is why Margaret
Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s founding board members were card carrying members of the
American Eugenics Society. Planned Parenthood places abortion clinics in African American and
Hispanic neighborhoods in a disproportionate level. Pioneer Fund is an eugenic with ties to FAIR.
Why would people support a pro-abortion, pro-population group like FAIR? John Tanton’s Social
Contract magazine call Mexicans as having a cultural fondness for the dark side. It approves of
Madison Grant’s literature when Grant was a leading early 20th century racist and eugenicist,
who believed that “the American human ‘type’ was degenerating under the onslaught of
‘invasive species’ from Southern Europe and the ghettos of Poland.” This xenophobic
garbage is common among FAIR that even left gatekeepers refuse to expose. It was even an
anti-immigration leader that was responsible for the Colorado abortion law back in 1967.
His name is Richard D. Lamm and he was a Denver Representative. Richard D. Lamm is
Co-Director of the Institute for Public Policy Studies at the University of Denver, and the
former three-term Governor of Colorado, (1975-1987). He sits on FAIR, CAPS, and other
anti-immigration groups. The Population control agenda is ever real. Even Prince Philip
said the despicable words before on this issue:

``In the event I am reborn, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute
something to solve overpopulation.'' --Prince Philip, quoted in Deutsche Presse Agentur,
August 1988

The 1974 program of the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger wanted to
use food as a weapon to control those living in the Third World. This is found in the
declassified 200 page study called, “National Security Study Memorandum 200:
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas
Interests.” This document was incorrect to promote the fallacy that population growth in
developed nations posed a national security threat against Americans. President Gerald
Ford adopted NSSM 200 as policy in November 1975. The 13 nations that the NSSM 200
document targeted included the following places: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia,
Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia.
So, one basic tenet that I embrace is the inescapable value of immigrations.

Conclusive evidence is shown that the global distribution of Rockefeller funded anti-
fertility vaccine that was coordinated by WHO. The Rockefeller Foundation's made efforts
to promote vaccines for mass scale fertility reduction. Population control is promoted by
the UN Population Fund, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization under the
guise of a "Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation." For 4 years after the
Rockefeller Foundation launched a massive funding operations into anti-fertility vaccines,
the Task Force was created under auspices of the WHO, World Bank, and UN Population
Fund. Its mission according to one of its members to support: "...basic and clinical research
on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the pre-
implantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in
peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation
of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this international,
collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing,
raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the
end of the current decade.” The Task Force wants to acts a coordinating body for anti-
fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and support research on different
approaches. This include anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines. This is created to neutralize
the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype
of an anti-hCG vaccine. P.D. Griffin is one of the Task Force members. He promoted the
Fertility Regulating Vaccines as being in the following: "...The Task Force has continued to
coordinate its research activities with other vaccine development programs within WHO
and with other international and national programs engaged in the development of fertility
regulating vaccines..." Griffin exposed the purposes of the vaccines in the implementation
of it in developing countries by his words: "...If vaccines could be developed which could
safely and effectively inhibit fertility, without producing unacceptable side effects, they
would be an attractive addition to the present armamentarium of fertility regulating
methods and would be likely to have a significant impact on family planning
programmes..." So, they promote trying to create cheap anti-fertility vaccines. This is has
been promoted by the 1978 WHO's Task Force (then it was called the Task Force on
Immunological Methods for Fertility Regulation). In 1976, the WHO Expanded Programme
of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction published a
report that promoted regulation in fertility. The report wanted WHO research to make this
plan work via health services. The Anti-Fertility Vaccine was coined by the Rockefeller
Foundation. was replaced by the more bureaucratic sounding “Fertility Regulating Vaccine
(FRV), the program was obviously the same. Besides, The time line shows conclusively
that the WHO, UN Population Fund and World Bank continued on a path outlined by the
Rockefellers in the late 1960s. So, it isn't a secret that the WHO even in the early 1970's
want to have an anti-fertility vaccine. The 1992 document wanted engineered FRVs or
Fertility Regulating Vaccines to promote a reduction of the human population. Since the
early 1990's, scientists have used vaccines to interfere with sperm function and fertilization.
The Rockefeller Foundation did trials of anti-fertility drugs in China, Brazil, and Austria.
There has been the incident occurring in Discovery Channel. The gunman is named
James Jay Lee. He was a long time protester of the Discovery Channel (its
headquarters are in Maryland). James was an eugenicist. He demanded that the
Discovery Channel must “broadcast to the world their commitment to save the
planet” and “stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants” has
taken a hostage at the television network’s headquarters in downtown Silver Spring,
Maryland. That's evil since any human born in the Earth is a blessing from God. The
mainstream media reported that the man entered the building with explosives and
has taken a security guard hostage. The Montgomery County Police spokesman Cpl.
Dan Fritz told the Washington Post that tactical and bomb squad officers are on the
scene and are forming a plan to deal with the situation. The Post reported that a note
was posted on the Internet on July 18 demanding the implementation of a global
eugenics programs. The extremist James wanted infants to not be birthed and he
wanted programs to promote human sterilization and infertility. He's such a sick man.
Human growth is a blessing and population growth ought to be promoted. I don't
agree with the Discovery Channel on many issues like their support of Freemasonry,
etc. Yet, it is wrong for anyone to take people hostage or to cause a violent disruption
in the property of Discovery Channel. The Manifesto from James promote the
misguided and intrinsically evil philosophies of Malthus, and Darwin (in terms of
believing in favored races and the lie of inferiority of some races of people). So, this
man was an anti-population extremist. James Jay Lee is a homeless man according to
the Justice Department. Lee’s MySpace account declares. “The Idea to Save the Planet
is HERE!” The MySpace page says Lee would like to meet people who read Daniel
Quinn, described as an environmental author. Quinn is the author of Beyond
Civilization and received Turner Tomorrow Fellowship Award in 1991. Ted Turner is
a notorious eugenicist. These eugenicist terrorists are a threat to humanity indeed.
That is why we should do our best to only rebut the lies of eugenics, but prevent
terrorists from trying to keep people hostage against their will. These liars view
humanity as an enemy, while people like me view humanity as allies in solving our
*Immigrants through toil experienced massive discrimination and were falsely utilized
as scapegoats. Yet, like all people, they survived to create great, lasting contributions in
American society. America ought to exist wherefore there is no second class
citizenship. Immigrants should be afforded the same dignity and respect that any human
being ought to receive.

Wars and rumors of wars are not only included in our lexicon. It’s a way of life. Human nature is
imperfect. An extension of the imperfections of mankind is war. Pretty much war existed for many
reasons like for greed, imperialism, supposedly for self defense, and other situations. Under the
guise of American Exceptionalism, CIA atrocities have spread globally. Atrocities by the MI5, MI6,
the Mossad, and all of the rest of those intelligence agencies are made common place under the
guise of “National Security.” War isn’t just about cowards using bombs to destroy people and
property into Kingdom come. War deals with covert and overt tactics done by the establishment in
order to manipulate society and such. World War 2 changed the world indeed. Knight of Malta
Joseph Kennedy supported Hitler. Max Warburg did not finance Hitler according to some
people. He served on the Reichsbank board during Hitler's reign until forced to sell his
shares and emigrate in 1938. War deals with economic theft too. Even today, there is a lot
of money that’s stolen by bankers from Wall Street.

It is true that anyone who passively accepts evil are just as much involved that those who
perpetrate it according to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now, in life, views evolve and
change. Yet, many core convictions stay the same. The problems of the world deal with
international issues too not just national concerns. When you evaluate the world, there is a
connection between materialism, civil rights, and the terror done by the ruling class in the
world. If a true embrace of real values comes about in the world, so constructive insight can
flourish. Militarism is certainly a threat since a preoccupation with military arms instead of
domestic uplift is a perilous course into a futile existence. Materialism isn't just about
named brand clothing or mocking the poor. It's historical. Back centuries, European
imperialism had materialism to conquer America via exterminating most of the Native
American people. Similar actions occurred in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Today, this
bigotry is shown toward not only Native Americans or African Americans. It's also
shown toward many Hispanic Americans via the reactionaries dehumanizing them by
calling them "others" or "aliens." Today, there are wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that
deals with conquering resources as well. Certainly, society does need more economic
reconstruction, because there is record foreclosures, yet Wall Street are receiving record
high bonuses. Suddenly, many of our leaders and ancestors were right that using resources
to create peaceful power is more vital to our human interests than militarism and
materialism. War facilitates more destruction, more abortion, more hatred,
and more evils. All humans have a right to life, and to deny rights to a
particular class of humans on an criterion such as race, gender, class, handicap,
viability, developmental status, IQ, etc. is discrimination.
Occult Symbolism Exposed 3.5
I miss showing more symbolism, so I’ve decided to create more information about these issues.
Symbolism not only exist for artistic purposes. They according to many people are designs that
represent calling cards or images of specific meanings for society. Very regularly researchers from
across the political spectrum describe forthright interpretations of the numerous symbols that
transverse the Universe. The image above shows the famous Jesuit Robert Parsons. You will notice
an upper right hand part of the image of the man. It sows the beast standing upright with 3
Hexagrams in the seal. The Hexagram is a very special symbol in the realm of the occult and Secret
Societies. The Hexagram is found in Hinduism as the nara-narayana. This is the perfect meditative
state of balanced achieved between Man and God. It results in nirvana (or the release of the
material world into the spiritual world). The Star of David looks similar to the Hexagram and it’s been
found since the 300’s A.D. in a synagogue in Galilee. The menorah is a more ancient symbol of
Judaism that date back into the B.C. era. In Freemasonry, it means the merging other 2 forces (like
male and female, active and passive, etc.) to create unity within opposites in the Universe. This is
mentioned by 33rd Degree Freemasons Albert G. Mackey and Charles T. McClenachan. So, the
Hexagram has many meanings. This image is found in “The History of the Jesuits in England”
from pg. 562, in 1857-1907 from The Works of E. Taunton). The standing lion is found in
European heraldic logos and a standing horse is found in the symbol for the Council on
Foreign Relations. A man rides on the horse. These standing entities represent power and
the sense of authority in a material world. Ironically, the CFR have very close ties to the
Jesuits of Georgetown.

This is a famous Coat of Arms found in Spain. It has 2 columns with crowns on
them. The 2 columns reminisce of Jachin and Boaz. There are tons of image here.
There are 3 crown outlining the concept of regal authority in Europe. There are the
upright lion outlining power. It’s found in UK royal imagery as well. There are the
3 Fleur-de-lis image. The Fleur-de-lis is basically a stylized lily flower. The phrase is
French for lily flower ironically. Such an image existed in ancient Mesopotamia, ancient
Egypt, Dogon totems, and other civilizations. The Fleur-de-lis has been popularized by the
French civilization and their culture. A flower is found in the bottom of the shield. The
words of PLUS ULTRA means Further Beyond in Latin. There is the cross in the top of the
shield. The cross is a known sun symbol spanning thousands of years.
The image above to the left is an Alpha like within a circle. The A inside the circles have been used
by occultists and anarchist groups. This logo to the left is found in the Revolutionary group called the
Federal Council of the Spanish Region of the International
Workingmen's Association. It's also recognized that some of these symbol also came
from Kabbalist book "Spiegel der Kunst und Natur.” That book have the image of
zodiac or alchemical images, the snakes looking at each other like a caduceus, the
Alpha in a circle, triangles, circles, squares, other geometry shapes, a phallic poll
under a sphere, and other occult imagery. The Omega image in the picture to the
right represents completion. The image to the right is found in Roman Catholic
(including the X-Rho logo). The image in the bottom is an image of a Masonic G or
the image of Generation (the merging of the masculine and feminine forces, etc.).
There is a dancers with Masons present. The image proves that Masonic Shriners and
other secret societies have secret parties where prostitution, sex, and rituals are very
common. These forms of debauched behaviors transpired among the world stage for
thousands of years. These acts are exemplified in movies like especially “Eyes Wide
Shut,” which was directed by the genius filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. It outlined
features of various masks and rituals common among the Golden Dawn, and other
occult orders. Therefore, there is nothing new under the sun.
Symbolism of an esoteric nature isn’t limited to American shores. It occurs everywhere.
This is a woman apart of a group called Vintage (or Винтаж in the Russian language).
The musical group resides in Russia. You will notice in the picture that the young
woman is covering one eye (showing the All Seeing Eye like image) and covering her
mouth. She looks almost in a mind controlled like setting or appearing very stoic in her
facial features. Pop stars are one of the many agents of the corporatists in order to control
the minds of the youth especially (to attempt to make them embrace conformity to the
State, extreme materialism, militarism [as numerous artists have ties to the military or have
relatives in it. They typically support the troops in war zones by supporting war. If they
truly want to support the troops, they should advocate them to come home and reject this
immoral, unjust war on terror], and a callous, selfish attitude to fellow human beings). I
will never embrace evil mentalities of materialism or arrogance toward my fellow man.
Now, Vintage’s lead singer is named Anna Pletnev, the composer is Aleksey Romanov, and
the dancer is named Svetlana Ivanov. One of their major singles is entitled, “Mikkie.”
The single’s video describes sexualization, dehumanization, alternative personas, mind
control, abuse, etc. Anna is shown as a doll. Mind control victims often show up as dolls to
be ruled by a handler. The group’s new album is ironically called sex. The cover shows a
woman with a blindfold and the image of sex in candles. The blindfold is common in secret
initiation rituals like in Masonry, etc. A blindfold veils the victim of a circumstances
occurring in a ritual. The video of “Mikkie” has a woman wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.
The Mickey Mouse hat is common now being worn by Rihanna and others. Disney used
occult inspired films to causes triggers in the culture and try to make children more apt to
accept their agenda. Mikkie is a product that is related to a production factory.
Mainstream entertainers in real life are mass produced by their corporate rulers to
act in some cases robotic. The woman in the video shows a computerized eye in an All
Seeing Eye fashion. Mikkie lights herself on fire.
The MTV video music awards recently came about in early September of 2010.
There were many artists in the whole rally. It was hosted by the slick exploiter of
people Chelsea Handler. Handler has her own talk show on the E! Channel. On
that show, she has no choose, but to put on contemporary acts in order to get
more financial wealth. She is like apart of that establishment liberal crowd that acts
as an ally for people, but exploits people for her own benefit. Eminem and
Rihanna (she wore a red dress, has on red hair, and wears crosses. As individuals
realize, the cross is an ancient sun symbol) was the first performers singing songs.
Some people point out about how Nicki Minaj acted robotic in her sketch as the
robotic/Transhumanism agenda is so commonly promoted in the 21st century.
Lady Gaga wore a dress from the McQueen collection. B.o.B., Usher, Kanye
West, and other artists displayed their songs and performances on stage. Other
individuals have criticized the awards show of being bland. Numerous Americans
aren’t falling for nonsense.

My Discussion with a Person on Zionism, the Holocaust, and other

controversial topics:

I am labeled as “Me.”

ssj is Available
ssj : hi
Me: hi
ssj : at last we meet online
where are you from?!
Me: I am from Virginia.
Where are you from?
ssj : I'm from Egypt
did u just call Yourself Truth seeker or do u really seek to know the truth
Me: That name was a pseudonym and all humans seek to know the truth as apart of our
curious nature.
ssj : ya you’re right
U know no matter where and when u start u must know that the truth is one so all who seek
the truth will just end up at the same place
end up*
Me: In a way that's true.
Learning the truth is a life long journey and as we get older, we become more accurate on
how we determine information.
ssj : U see we've reached to a common point I always say what you’ve just said
tell me where have u reached so far??
Me: What do you mean what I've reached so far/
ssj : I mean what kind falsified history You’ve found
like WW Two 2
11 sept
Me: Well, people realize that WWII could of been avoid in many times. Hitler intentionally
didn't want to massively invade Britain and some Royals sympathized with the Nazis.
September 11's official story have been criticized even by the 9/11 Commission, so that is
why some people want a new independent investigation of it.
ssj : do u know about the Thule society??
Me: The Thule society was invented by occultists. Hitler had links to it. Some of its rituals
are related to the New Age doctrines on Atlantis, Aryan races, etc. They hated Jewish
people and Communists.
ssj : good but read more .... sometimes they put conspiracy theories with fact in a way to
misguide u so just read more about the Thule society
they hate Humanity not just Jews and communist
Me: Some disinformation exists in some conspiracy theories.
Yet, they hated Jews and Communists specifically (which includes humanity as you say).
I don't believe in special favoritism though.
ssj : u know John Judge??
Me: I heard about his literature, but I haven't heard about the man's life before.
ssj : ok u seem to have been through this for a long time
Me: Yes, I've studied on these subjects since 1997.
ssj : wow and how old are u?
Me: I'm young. I'm 26 and I will be 27 later on this year.
ssj : not younger than me lol
I’m 21
some people believe that the Holocaust didn’t happen what do u think?
Me: People have debated on the particular, but the Holocaust did exist.
One death is one too many.
Blacks, Serbs, Gypsies, Communists, political dissidents, and others died in the Holocaust
not just Jewish people.
Millions of people in the Holocaust even if you deny that any Jews were murdered in it.
ssj : I believe that it happened but not the way we were told and its not Millions of people
who died but like 6000 that's what I heard I haven't made a study myself
Me: Over 600,000 Serbs Gypsies, and Jews died in Yugoslavia alone during the Holocaust.
So, that is more than 6,000 people.
ssj : and I also learned that the world war 2 along with the holocaust were all like planned
so that the Zionist could make their state in Palestine
ya You’re right ?
I'm making my studies but for what concerns where I live because here also we are told lies
about most of our history
and went I read and learn the truth and try to explain to them, they just consider me as crazy
Me: Israel was rapidly created because of the Holocaust.
That's true
We are lied about our history, but that doesn't justify Jewish people being slaughtered.
Also, some of the extreme policies in Israel can't be justified either.
ssj : there's Jewish and Zionist do u know the difference??
Me: Yes
Jewish people are Semitic people or people following Judaism as a religion.
Zionism is political philosophy.
Zionism teaches that Jews have the right to live in Israel and form a political government.
You can agree or disagree with this philosophy and this is what the Zionists believe in.
ssj : Zionist claim that they are Jewish and that they follow Judaism
Me: Some do.
ssj : while Jews are the real Jews the followers of Moses and Abraham
Me: Some Zionists are Gentiles and others are Jewish people.
ssj : Zionist take religion as a barrier
Me: Jews are Semites or followers of Judaism. Zionism is a political philosophy that uses
religious terminology.
ssj : Yes that's it
Me: right
ssj : Zionist knows all the Religions and follow none
and they know exactly where is the Truth but they hide it
Me: Not all Zionists are monolithic. some are indeed wicked and extremists. Some just
follow their political philosophy.
ssj : We are Victims of a Zionist regime
Me: Oh, you live in Egypt and of course you'll say that.
ssj : no lol
Me: In 21st century, more people are waking up, so more people desire reasonable
solutions without extremism.
ssj : Really we are here ruled by Zionist and U are in the states ruled by Zionist
Me: World power structure is complex. Many Pilgrim Society members, the Vatican/Jesuit
network, etc. have influence in America too. Also, many Middle Eastern leaders have ties
to the Order of St. Francis.
ssj : Do u know secret societies
the Cabal??
Me: I know about secret societies.
Many of them believing in human godhood and creating an Utopia.
ssj : they believe in the Anti Christ and for them that's there God
Me: yes
ssj : human godhood is something the fabricated but they don’t believe in it just another
conspiracy theory
like I told they understand all the religions so well and they've even invented some just to
separate people
Me: I disagree with that.
. Manly P Hall and oh have wrote about agreeing with human godhood.
That's conspiracy fact not fiction at all. Of course, human godhood is an impossibility.
ssj : They have Fabricated religions and human Godhood is one of them and it has its own
and everyone is so convinced with his religion so he would call others to it
Me: There are unified moral principles and there are moral absolutes.
True religion reflects those concepts.
ssj : Yes that's true but watt does that have to do with watt I said ??
The Goal of the Zionist is to rule the world and take hold of world's economy and till now I
believe they Rule most of the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia , Egypt , Jordan , UAE and
more and they also rule most of Europe and Africa and USA
Me: I expose more than Zionism.
The Pilgrim Society the Bilderbergers, and the Vatican/Jesuit network are more powerful
than the Zionists.
To only expose Zionism is only showing part of the puzzle. Also, the Black Nobility
bloodlines have existed before Zionism existed.
Many Zionist leaders are apart of papal Knighthoods.
ssj : A Zionist won't tell u he is a Zionist he might be a Christian a Jew a Muslim just
Me: What is the disinformation now?
Many Zionists have different religious cloaks, but it's a fact that Zionism is under the
Pilgrim Society and the Vatican network.
The Pilgrim Society is more secret and more taboo to expose than the Zionists are.
Even though all nefarious groups ought to be exposed.
ssj : I believe that the Zionist made the Pilgrim society and the Vatican/Jesuit network
Me: I don't agree with you on that point at all.
Constantine existed before Herzl.
So, Also the black nobility bloodlines carved up the Middle East to create tensions among
Jews and Arabs.
You know this.
ssj : no I have no idea
did u write any articles or something I can read??
Me: I write articles all of the time in my blog
You can put TruthSeeker24 in Google to see my articles.
ssj : ok thank u
its good to know u
Me: right.
I have to go.

People are Waking Up

Many people are waking up about issues pertaining to the truth about the new world order and other
issues. This has grown with the advent of the Internet, books, Youtube, and other tools in the world.
Many people of many backgrounds are exposing the abortion agenda. Individuals are exposing the
corporate tie to the music industry. People are waking up about government and corporate
corruption. Human beings realize the inordinate influence that the Wall Street power structure have
in the world. There is nothing wrong with learning and exposing the Illuminati, but people should
read information too. We shouldn’t be paranoid about to get our points across. We should be as
accurate as possible with the information that we present publicly. I want to mention this. We should
never be ashamed of what we believe in. The skeptics are getting old with their rhetoric. In the 21st
century, evidence is spreading like wide fire in exposing the dangerous anti-fertility vaccines, the
dangers of water fluoridation, and the evil GMO agenda (that’s spreading in America, the Third
World. Asia, Europe, etc.). So, we should love the truth. The truth is a magnificently reminder that
evil can never reign supreme, that life is precious, that the waters of justice and righteousness shall
never end in irreverence. These waters will always flow from now and even in the never ending time
of the history of the Universe.


When you get older, you will see more critically that our enemy isn’t a person
who looks different or has a different background than you. The enemies in
our society are prejudice, poverty, materialism, injustice, and other
degenerate entities that threaten the fabric of our interconnected society. I’m
not ashamed of the truth for I’m still a believer. I never lost my faith despite the
problems that have existed in my life. You will never have true liberation with
escaping what your are. You have that liberation by accepting what you are and
believing in true equality for all people. Another thing that occurs when you get
older (especially in your mid to late 20s) is that you become more tolerant of
people. This occurred with me. I’m more mature than in my younger years. I can
analyze information better and quicker. I’m getting older and you see the necessity
of programs to help the homeless, the respect for the life of the unborn, the fight
for the poor & employed, and supporting the raising of the standard of living in the
world. Human decency is a key goal in life. Helping your fellow man and
stand up for justice plus truth is an awe inspiring motive for our souls as
By Timothy

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