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Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School

Curriculum Paper

Course Title: Algebra 1 Honors Teacher: Ms. Fenton

Mission Statement:
Our Mission at the Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School is to create college
bound students with a deep commitment to public service and a true understanding of their leadership skills
within the global community.

Course Overview:
Algebra I is a course, which involves the structure and properties of the systems of real numbers. Problem
solving techniques for various types of real world and algebraic problems are developed. Equations,
inequalities, graphs, radicals, polynomials, and functions are some of the topics that will be simply yet
thoroughly treated. Successful completion of this course will emphasize understanding mathematics and
include based on student organization, classwork, test performance, projects, Gizmos, Compass Odyssey and a
team effort.
Textbook – Glencoe McGraw-Hill Florida Algebra 1

Student Evaluation:
Grades are based on a total points system and are subject to vary based on the number of tests, quizzes,
projects, homework, classwork, bellringers, exit slips, Compass Odyssey, Gizmos, and computer lab that we
have during a particular quarter. Extra Credit is available only to the entire class, not individually (Tests 40-
65%, Quizzes 10-25%, Classwork/Homework 15-30%, Notebooks, projects, presentations, other 5-15%).
Grade Point Average (GPA) = Total points earned ÷ Total point’s possible
Educational Materials:
Binder, Pencils, Paper, Graph Paper, Dividers, Highlighter

Assignments will be posted on my blog for class every day. Students are required to copy down all
assignments in their agenda. Homework is assigned for everyday of the week A and B days. It's very
important to practice math each day. Late homework will only be accepted for excused absence. Compass
Odyssey (30 minutes) and Gizmos are a required assignment every week.
Make-up Work Policy:
In the event that a student is not able to attend class; upon return he/she should copy any notes and
BellRingers from the master notebook or group members, pick up any work sheets in the designated manila
folder, and sign up for missed quizzes and/or tests on the make up day sign up sheet. Students should refer to
my blog and their agenda to keep up with assignments when they are absent from school.
Grade Recovery Policy:
Students will be offered grade recovery as outlined in the Duval County Pupil Progression Plan found on the
Duval County Public Schools web page.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Please call our guidance office at 346-5650 extension 114 to schedule a team appointment.
Tutoring Schedule:
I am the Community Education coordinator and available after school on Tuesday and Thursday. If your child
needs tutoring they must set up an appointment and can come from 2:10-3:30P.M. but must have
transportation home and picked up promptly.
Grading Scale:
Students will be evaluated in accordance with the standard Duval County Public Schools’ grading scale.
Progress Report:
In addition to report cards issued at the end of each quarter, students will receive school
progress reports every three weeks. Students earning a grade of“D”or “F” on a progress
report will be required to return the progress report signed by the parent/guardian within two days.
Other Information:
Grade Portal – refer to access grades and assignments.
Binder Requirements – Binders must be brought to class everyday. This will be graded bi-weekly for a quiz
grade (25 points). Binders must be in the following order: FCAT Reference Sheet, Course Curriculum Paper,
Divider #1 BellRingers/Exit Slips, Divider #2 Notes/Classwork/Homework, Divider #3 Test/Quizzes/Projects,
Divider #4 Compass Odyssey and Gimzo Logs. All paper must have your full name, date, and assignment in
the upper right hand corner of all pages. Late binders will only be accepted for an excused absence. If a
student is absent they will be responsible for turning in their binder on the day they return to class.
Respect Others - Show the same courtesy to others as you would want shown to you.
Be Prepared - Have all school supplies (paper, PENCIL, binder, graph paper) readily available when you
come to class.
Stay On Task – Work on math in math class. If you finish your classwork, get to work on your homework. If
you finish your homework, review for an upcoming test, work on a project; organize your notebook, etc.
Follow Directions - All directions and procedures will be clearly written and/or explained to you. Before you
ask me to explain the instructions or procedures again make sure you have read through them carefully.

____________________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date

____________________________________ _______________________
Parent Signature Date

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