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Title no. 88-M37

Prediction of Concrete Tensile Strength from Its

Compressive Strength: Evaluation of Existing Relations for
Normal Weight Concrete

by Francis A. Oluokun

The 0.5 power relation adopted by ACI Committee 318 for predict- have shown that the true tensile strength, as deter-
ing the splitting tensile strength of concrete from its compressive mined from the split cylinder test, is between 65 and 75
strength has been under scrutiny for a long time. Since its adoption,
many concrete researchers have investigated its prediction accuracy,
percent of the modulus of rupture. It has been well
that is, how well it correlates with or how well it predicts test data. established5-7 that the splitting tensile test of the cylin-
Research findings have consistently indicated that the 0.5 power drical specimen gives a more reasonable tensile strength
,relation adopted by ACI Committee 318 in the Building Code Re- estimation than the direct tensile test or the modulus of
quirements does not agree particularly well with test results. Conse- rupture test. The acceptance of the split cylinder test is
quently, concrete researchers have proposed several alternative rela-
tions. based on the fact that the stress distribution is reason-
The research for this paper investigated the validity and accuracy ably uniform along the vertical diameter of the cylin-
of these alternate relations. Tensile strength predictions from these der, which has been shown to be the plane of principal
relations were compared with test results assembled from various tensile stress for about 80 percent of its length. 8-11
sources. It was found that the splitting tensile strength is not propor-
tional to the 0.5 power of compressive strength. Although most of the HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
alternate relations appear to be good, the assembled test data re-
vealed that 0.69 is the most accurate power relation. Thus, 0.69 power
Generally, it has been accepted by concrete research-
relation is proposed as an alternative to the ACI 318 relation. ers as well as by the American Concrete Institute that
the splitting tensile strength of concrete is proportional
Keywords: compressive strength; concretes; evaluation; predictions; splitting to the 0.5 power of the cylinder compressive strength.
tensile strength.
Section 11.2 of the ACI Building Code (ACI 318-89}12
Tensile strength of concrete is a physical property gives
that has no absolute meaning; it is always expressed in fc, = 6. 7 (f: )o.s
terms of a specific test procedure. The direct tension
test, the beam (or modulus of rupture) test, and the as the empirical relationship between the splitting ten-
split cylinder (or Brazilian) test are the three kinds of sile strength and the cylinder compressive strength for
tests that have been used. In brittle materials like con- concrete with strength between 2000 and 6000 psi (13.79
crete, where there is little redistribution of stresses, the and 41.38 MPa). Historically, the splitting tensile
direct tensile test usually results in an underestimation strength test on which the ACI relation was based was
of tensile strength. The underestimation arises from the independently originated by Akazawa 13 in Japan and
difficulty in insuring that the applied load is truly ax- Carniero and Barcellos14 in Brazil. Since the invention
ial. 1 In the beam test, because of the development of and later the acceptance of this method of tensile
minute and invisible microcracks, the load at first crack strength evaluation, several relations have been. pro-
is difficult to establish. The ultimate load used in esti- posed for the splitting tensile strength relationship to
mating the modulus of rupture is therefore not the the compressive strength of concrete. Akazawa 13 rec-
same as the load at which cracking first occurred. Be-
cause of this fact and the nonlinearity of the stress- ACI Materials Journal, V. 88, No.3, May-June 1991.
Received July 6, 1990, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
strain curve for concrete in tension, the modulus of Copyright 1991! American Co~cr~te !nstitut.e. All rights reserve~, includin_g
rupture has been found to oveFestimate the tensile the making of cop1es unless perm1ss1on IS obtamed from the copynght propn-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the March-April 1992 ACI Ma-
strength of concrete. 2 3 In fact,;concrete researchers 24 terials Journal if received by Dec. I, 1991.

302 ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991

ACI member Francis A. 0/uokun is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of
for 1: in MPa is proposed as an alternative relation to
Tennessee, Knoxville, where he received his PhD degree. He has worked as a that of ACI.
lecturer at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and as a structural engineer both Recent work by N. J. Gardner at the University of
in this country and in Nigeria.
Ottawa in Canada 17 pointed out that the measured
splitting tensile strength of concrete does not conform
ommended accurately with the 0.5 power of compressive strength
relation. It was indicated that the splitting tensile
strength is in fact proportional to the 0.667 power of
the cylinder strength and is in close agreement with the
for 1: in psi, which is equivalent to earlier 0.667 power relation proposed by Raphael 16

let = 0.209 (f; )0 ' 73 let = 1. 73 (f; )0.667

for 1: in MPa. for 1: in psi and

Carniero and Barcellos, 14 originators of the split cyl-
inder test method, recommended let = 0.313 (/;)0' 667

let = 0.69 (f; )0.735 for 1: in MPa was again proposed as a better alterna-
tive to the ACI relation for concrete up to approxi-
for 1: in psi, which interprets to mately 8300 psi.
In a comprehensive investigation of the physical
let = 0.185 (/;)0.735
properties of concrete at early ages carried out at the
University of Tennessee by Oluokun 18 and published by
Oluokun, Burdette, and Deatherage, 19 the relation be-
for 1: in MPa. The Committe Euro-International du
tween the splitting tensile strength and the compressive
Beton (CEB) 15 recommended
strength was studied. The applicability of the ACI 318-
89 equation to tensile strength prediction both at early
let = 1.43 (/;)0 '667 ages and at maturity (conventionally at 28 days) was
investigated. It was revealed in this study that the true
for 1: in psi, which is equivalent to relationship between the tensile strength and the com-
pressive strength of concrete does not conform to the
let = 0.273 (f; )0' 667 0.5 power relation adopted by ACI 318-89. Instead, a
more accurate and more data-representative relation
for 1: in MPa. was proposed as
Recent test results have indicated that the 0.5 power
relation as used in ACI 318-8912 is not necessarily valid. let = 0.584 (/;)0.79
Several alternate relations have been proposed as better
and more representative of test data for the prediction for 1: in psi, which is equal to
of tensile strength from cylinder compressive strength.
Among the most recently proposed alternative relations let = 0.206 (f; )0.79
for 1: in MPa for concrete strength up to about 9000 psi
let = 4.34 (/;)0.55 (62.07 MPa).
Carino and Lew 20 re-examined the relation between
for 1: in psi, which is equivalent to splitting tensile and compressive strength of normal
weight concrete. A series of statistical analyses were
let = 0.462 (/;)0' 55 performed on 124 published data points from various
sources. It was concluded that the splitting tensile
for 1: in MPa proposed by Ahmad and Shah4 for con- strength is proportional to the 0.71 power of the com-
crete strength up to 12,000 psi (84 MPa). pressive strength and
In a study of tensile strength of concrete by Ra-
phael, 16 detailed analyses of test data showed that the let = 1.15 (/;)0.71
0.5 power relationship is not representative of test data.
Consequently for 1: in psi, which is equivalent to

let = 0.272 (f; )0 ' 71

let = 1. 7 (f; )0.667
for 1: in MPa. This was proposed as a better alterna-
for 1: in psi which is equivalent to tive relation to that of ACI 318-89.
A thorough review of literature, like the one just dis-
let = 0 313 (/;)0' 667 cussed, revealed that concrete researchers agree that the
ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991 303
0.5 power relation as adopted by ACI 318-89 does not continuously moist-cured at 72 F. Test ages varied from
necessarily represent a valid relation between the split- 1 to 28 days, and all concretes had a specified cylinder
ting tensile strength and compressive strength of con- strength of 4000 psi (27.59 MPa) and a w/c of approx-
crete. It is evident that most concrete researchers be- imately 0.5.
lieve, from analyses of test data, that the true and more Grieb and Werner22 reported on tests of more than
test data-representative power relation is between 0.6 6000 specimens, made during a 10-year period (1951 to
and 0.8. Some concrete researchers have even indicated 1961) utilizing concrete made from natural crushed
that the current ACI relation grossly overestimates the stone and lightweight aggregate up to a maximum of
tensile strength of concrete at early ages. 17 All of these 1Y2 in. (data on lightweight concrete were not used in
imply that a re-evaluation of existing alternate relations this study). Test specimens were the usual 6 x 12-in.
along with the current relation in ACI 318-89 is neces- cylinders. Testing ages varied from 7 to 365 days.
sary for more efficient use of concrete, particularly in Lew and Reichard23 tested 156 6 x 12 in. concrete cyl-
tension. inders made from Type I cement, silica sand, and
crushed limestone. Curing was done at 35, 55, and 73 F
(1. 7, 12.8, and 22.8 C). Testing was done at ages from
1 to 42 days.
Tensile strength is one of the most important funda-
Walker and Bloem24 related splitting tensile strength
mental properties of concrete. Although it is usually
to compressive strength using 576 concrete cylinders.
assumed in design that concrete behavior is governed by
Test specimens were 6 x 12-in. cylinders made from
its compressive capabilities, a knowledge of tensile
various sizes of aggregates and w/c and all moist-cured
strength of concrete is used by designers to resist shear
at standard conditions.
in unreinforced sections, and to resist shrinkage and
Other sources include Malhotra and Zoldners, 25 who
temperature stresses. Tensile strength also has a signif-
used 629 laboratory specimens made from Type I ce-
icant influence on cracking at prestress release, or even
ment with various (w/c) and aggregate sizes moist-
at any time in the life of a concrete structure. In gen-
cured under standard conditions. Concrete strength
eral, cracking can only occur after the tensile capability
varied from 1600 to about 7700 psi (11. 03 to 53.10
of concrete has been exhausted. This concrete property
MPa). Gruenwald26 tested 6 x 12 in. concrete cylinders
is therefore important with respect to the appearance
made from Type I and Type III cements with varying
and durability of concrete structural members. An ac-
wlc. Tests were done at 7 days. RaphaeP 6 also gener-
curate prediction of tensile strength of concrete will
ated some data from cylinder cast from some concrete
help in mitigating cracking problems, will improve
dam mixes, tested at slow and fast speeds, while
shear strength prediction, and minimize failure of con-
MitchelJ27 produced useful splitting tensile strength data
crete in tension due to inadequate methods of tensile
from testing done in his Master's thesis. Hanson28 was
strength prediction.
an additional source of data.
From the foregoing enumeration of data sources, it
METHOD OF RE-EVALUATION is clear that the data sources used in this re-evaluation
Several sets of data, representing tests spread over 20 cover a wide variation of parameters that have been
years, were used. Sources of data and their respective found to influence some of the fundamental properties
key aspects are described next. of concrete. The data assembled included various ag-
Oluokun 18 related splitting tension to compressive gregate sizes from s to 2Y2 in., various wlc, various
strength of 168 laboratory concrete specimens using testing ages from 6 hr to 365 days, various curing tem-
various water-cement ratios (w/c), crushed limestone peratures from 32 F (0 C) to over 86 F (30 C), and var-
aggregates, and Type I cement. All specimens were 6 x ious moisture conditions. The data are therefore con-
12 in. concrete cylinders moist-cured at 73 F. Twenty- sidered to be highly representative of all the variability
eight day compressive strengths varied from approxi- that could be reasonably expected in concrete construc-
mately 4000 psi (27 .59 MPa) to approximately 9000 psi tion practices.
(62.07 MPa). Test ages varied from 6 hr to 28 days. The effects of various parameters such as age at test-
Gardner 17 tested several 6 x 12 in. concrete cylinders ing, variation in curing temperature, variation in mois-
using Type I, Type 1/fly ash, and Type III cements, ture conditions, and cement types on the development
various w/c, curing temperatures of 32, 50, 68, and 86 of physical properties of concrete and their interrela-
F (0, 10, 20, and 30 C), and various testing ages from 1 tionships have been thoroughly investigated. Gardner
to 112 days. Concretes up to approximately 8225 psi and Poon21 indicated that neither variation in curing
(56. 72 MPa) were tested. Tensile strength was related to temperature nor type of cement had any significant ef-
the cylinder compressive strength. fect on the interrelationship of bond strength or split-
Gardner and Poon 21 studied about 960 6 x 12 in. ting tensile strength and cylinder strength. Oluokun,
concrete cylinders made from Type I and Type III ce- Burdette, and Deatherage 19 have shown that the inter-
ments. Curing was done under both varying tempera- relationship between splitting tensile strength and cyl-
ture conditions of 35, 55, and 72 F (2, 13, and 22 C), inder compressive strength of concrete is essentially in-
and steadily at 72 F (22 C). Period of cure under 72 F dependent of time of cure or age at testing, while
varied from 1 to 7 days. Some specimens were also Gardner17 in a recent publication showed that the rela-
304 ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991
tionship between splitting tensile strength and compres-
sive strength is not significantly dependent on temper-
ature of cure or cement type. In fact, he proposed a
single relationship for concretes of various wlc made
from Type I, Type 1/fly ash, and Type III cements
cured at varying temperatures between 32 and 86 F, and
tested at ages between 1 and 112 days. This, certainly,
was a further confirmation that factors such as temper- 600
ature of cure, age, and cement type have no noticeable
effects on the interrelationship between the splitting ie
tensile strength and compressive strength. Conse-
quently, it is therefore the opinion of the writer that the ~
w 400
results of the re-evaluation obtained from a collective I!'
analysis of the assembled data is highly representative ...ill"'w
of the true relationship between the splitting tensile ~
strength and the compressive strength of concrete.
Before evaluating the existing relations discussed
earlier in this paper, a regression analysis of the assem-
bled test data was done. This analysis was considered
necessary in view of the fact that none of the existing 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
relations was derived from such a large number of test COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN PSI
data points (566) assembled from various sources.
Moreover, all of these proposed relations, with the ex- Fig. 1 - Tensile strength versus compressive strength
ception of the relations proposed by Ahmad and Shah,4
Raphael, 16 and Carino and Lew, 20 were derived solely tism, which is the number of overpredicted data com-
from test data obtained by the individual authors. pared to the total number of data predicted expressed
Consequently, it is the opinion of this writer that are- in percentage. The higher the percentage of overpred-
gression relation obtained from these variety points iction, the lower the degree of conservatism of the re-
should be considered along with the other existing re- lation.
lations highlighted earlier in this paper. As illustrated in RESULTS OF RE-EVALUATION
Fig. 1, the regression equation of the assembled 566 The results of the re-evaluation are shown in Table 1
data points is and also illustrated in Fig. 2 through 7.
For concrete with compressive strength between 0
Jet = 1.376 (f; )0.692 and 3000 psi, 124 data points were used in the evalua-
tion. Percentage of IAE varies from 10.35 in the pro-
in U.S. units, this power relation with 95 percent re- posed relation through 10.51 for Gardner's relation,
gression correlation is certainly different from those 10.97 for Carino and Lew's relation, 11.00 for Ra-
just highlighted. From this regression equation phael's relation to a maximum of 31.14 for Carniero
and Barcellos's relation with ACI having the percent-
.fc, = 1.38 (!;)0.69 age IAE of 14.38 and an overestimation of 77.5 per-
in U.S. units and For concrete between 3000 and 6000 psi, 343 data
points were used in the evaluation. Percentage of IAE
.fc, = 0.214 (/;)069 varies from a minimum of 6.68 for Gardner's relation
through 7.08 for the proposed relation, 7.5 for Carino
in SI units are suggested by the writer, and they are re-
and Lew's relation, 7.57 for Oluokun's relation to a
ferred to as the proposed relations in this study. maximum of 28.66 for Carniero and Bacellos's rela-
Tensile strength predictions from each of the 10 ex-
tion. The ACI relation has 8.80 percentage IAE with
isting relations were compared to the equivalent test 28.30 percentage overestimation.
data values and the errors were calculated using the In-
For concrete with compressive strength between 6000
tegral Absolute Error (IAE), which is statistically con- and 9000 psi, 99 data points were used. Percentage of
sidered more sensitive than the ordinary average error IAE varies from a minimum of 7.71 for the proposed
relation through 7. 72 for Oluokun's and Carino and
Lew's relations, 7.84 for Gardner's relation to a maxi-
mum of 25.63 for Carniero and Barcellos's relation.
The ACI relation has 11.3 percent IAE with an under-
where Qi is the measured value and Pi is the predicted estimation of 96.96 percent.
value. The errors for the three concrete groupings are illus-
Another criteria used for evaluating these relations is trated in Fig. 2 for comparison. Akazawa's, 13 Carniero
the overprediction potential, the degree of unconsera- and Barcellos's, 14 and CEB equations have consistently
ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991 305
40 40

03000 PSI
30016000 PSI
60019000 PSI

30 30

[ l
.,.ufc 20 .,.ufc 20
a: a:
5la: 0
w lli
~ ~_,
~ 10
i" ~



Fig. 2 - Comparison of integral absolute errors Fig. 3 - Comparison of integral absolute errors (0 to
(group) 9000 psi)

Table 1 - Results of Re-evaluation

Interal absolute error (IAE), percent
0<!:..;;;3000 3000 < J: .:;;; 6000 6000 < J: .:;;; 9000 0 < J:.:;;; 9000
Origin of percent percent percent percent
relation IAE overestimation IAE overestimation IAE overestimation IAE overestimation
ACI" 14.38 77.5 8.80 28.30 11.33 3.04 10.12 37.63
AKAZAWA" 23.57 4.90 20.96 2.40 17.76 5.05 20.56 3.18
CARINO & LEW20 10.97 35.50 7.5 31.00 7.72 45.45 8.01 34.45
CARNIERO & BARCELLOS" 31.14 0.90 28.66 1.50 25.63 0 28.29 10.61
CEB" 17.01 13.80 17.26 3.30 15.90 5.05 16.91 5.83
GARDNER" 10.51 59.70 6.68 50.80 7.84 57.58 7.46 58.89
OLUOKUN ET AL." 13.85 17.8 7.57 31.20 7.72 58.59 8.43 33.04
RAPHAEL 1' 11.00 37.10 9.ll 60.40 9.12 29.3 9.36 25.09
SHAH & AHMAD' 11.74 35.50 9.09 34.50 10.88 21.21 9.85 33.40
PROPOSED 10.35 44.40 7.08 35.90 7.71 53.54 7.43 40.ll

high errors for all concrete compressive strength Oluokun's relation, 18 and 9.36 for Raphael's relation, 16
groupings. to a maximum for 28.29 for Carniero and Barcellos's
A thorough study of the percentage of lABs for each relation, 14 with ACI's relation having 10.12 percentage
of the relations, as shown in Table 1 and illustrated in of IAE with an overestimation of 37.63 percent. Again,
Fig. 2 for all concrete compressive strength groups, as shown in Fig. 3, Akazawa's, Carniero and Barcel-
shows that the difference in the values of lABs for each los's, and the CEB's relations gave consistently high
relation does not vary appreciably (less than 5 percent prediction errors.
maximum) with strength groupings. Therefore, apply- In determining the best power relation for predicting
ing each relation to predict concrete from 0 to approx- the splitting tensile strength from the compressive
imately 9000 psi collectively will not result in any sig- strength, the following factors were considered: (1) best
nificant difference in prediction errors from the errors test data representative power relation; (2) minimum
obtained from the group analyses just presented. prediction error as indicated by minimum IAE; and, to
From the results of the collective 566 data point some degree, (3) conservatism as expressed by per-
analyses for concrete up to approximately 9000 psi, centage of overprediction.
percentage of IAE varies from. a minimum of 7.43 for Fig. 4, a comparison of the best five prediction rela-
the proposed relation through 7.46 for Gardner's rela- tions (as indicated by their IAE values in Table 1) with
tion, 17 8.01 for Carino and Lew's relation, 20 8.43 for the ACI relation and test data shows that "the ACI re-
306 ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991
G-9000 PSI







Fig. 4 - Comparison of best five relations with ACI
and test data
Fig. 6 - Comparison of integral absolute errors and




"i!i 400
~ j!: 400
I 200

.~ 200

COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN PSI 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000


Fig. 5- Comparison of other relations with ACI and
test data Fig. 7 - Comparison of proposed and ACI relations
with test data
lation overestimates the splitting tensile strength of
concrete with compressive strength up to about 3000 In terms of lAB's, all the relations (with the exception
psi; while it underestimates the splitting tensile strength of the ACI relation) shown in this figure have predic-
for concretes above approximately 4000 psi. Fig. 5 tion errors less than 10 percent and could be reasona-
shows a poor correlation between other existing rela- bly used for tensile strength prediction. All concrete re-
tions and test data but a very good correlation for the searchers appear to believe that the splitting tensile
proposed relation. strength is proportional to some power (between 0.6
A comparison of lAB's along with overprediction and 0.8) of compressive strength; the question is, which
potentials for the best existing, five relations along with power relation best represents test data? The proposed
the proposed and the ACI relations is shown in Fig. 6. relation with an IAE of 7.43 percent and an overesti-
ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991 307
mation potential of about 40 percent and Gardner's re- compressive strength less than 2000 psi (this corre-
lation with IAE of 7.46 percent and an overestimation sponds to early age concrete strength) and above 7000
potential of about 59 percent are the best two relations. psi, which falls in the high-strength concrete range. So,
The major difference is that Gardner used 3 power re- there is still nesed for testing to determine the interrela-
lation while the proposed relation used 0.69 power. tionships of the various physical properties of concrete
Gardner's 213 power relation was based on a regression (both normal and high strength) at early ages. This will
analysis of J:is own test data, while the proposed 0.69 insure a more accurate knowledge related to predicting
power relation was derived from data collected from early-age capabilities of concrete structures and possi-
various sources with very wide variability in mix de- bly help in mitigating some cracking and deflection
sign, curing, and test conditions. Moreover, the pro- serviceability problems.
posed relation was derived from 566 data points from The use of high-strength concrete is becoming in-
several sources compared to about 170 data points from creasingly popular in concrete design and construction.
one source used by Gardner. Considering the wider The use of concretes with strengths up to 14000 psi is
coverage of the data used in deriving the proposed re- not uncommon in high-rise building construction. A
lation, it is the opinion of the writer that the proposed cursory survey of literature indicates that not much has
0.69 power relation is most representative of test data. been done by way of testing to establish a fundamental
It therefore appears that the "best" power relation be- understanding of the development and interrelation-
tween the splitting tensile strength and compressive ships of the various physical properties of high-strength
strength is concrete. In fact, it has not been established whether or
not the prediction relations for tensile strength and
let = 1.38 (!;)0.69 elastic modulus as adopted by ACI are applicable to
high-strength concretes. It is therefore important to
conduct more testing for safer and more efficient use of
in U.S. units for concrete up to at least 8000 psi. Co- high-strength concrete; it is probably because of insuf-
incidentally, the average of the powers in the existing ficient test data that ACI 318-8912 limits the maximum
alternate relations is 0.6886 which is, for all practical value of the square root of compressive strength to 100
purposes, equal to the proposed 0.69 power! psi.
Finally, the proposed relation and the current ACI
relation are compared with test data in Fig. 7. This fig-
ure clearly emphasizes a gross overprediction for con- CONCLUSIONS
crete with strengths less than 3000 psi and a serious un- From the analysis presented in this study, the follow-
derprediction for concrete with strengths in excess of ing conclusions appear to be logical:
about 4000 psi. The overprediction observed for con- 1. The current 0.5 power ACI relation for predicting
crete with strengths less than 3000 psi is a clear indica- tensile strength from compressive strength does not
tion that the application of the current ACI relation to agree with test data.
predict tensile strength of concrete at early ages is un- 2. The proposed 0.69 power relation
conservative and certainly unsafe for our current con-
struction practices as it affects cracking at early ages.
This paper is primarily concerned with the establish-
ment of the best power relation between the splitting
tensile strength and the compressive strength. In the fi-
nal relation proposed, no factor of safety was consid- for J: in psi is a better relation, and it correlates excel-
ered. The writer believes that the true relationship has lently with test results.
to be established before any safety factor is built in. 3. The current ACI relation for tensile strength pre-
The appropriate factor of safety to be used depends on diction should be reviewed and modified to insure bet-
the level of conservatism desired, which is generally ter prediction of shear and crack resistance capabilities
subject to discussion. of concrete at all ages.


Concrete researchers have proposed various alternate The author wishes to express his deep gratitude to Dr. Edwin G.
relations to the ACI relation. They have independently Burdette, Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Tennes-
shown beyond doubts that the 0.5 power formulation see, Knoxville, for the editorial assistance provided during the final
adopted by ACI does not conform accurately well to preparation of this research report. His support in this regard is
test results. highly appreciated.
One important observation about the availability of
test data relating the splitting tensile strength to the
cylinder compressive strength is the nonuniformity of NOTATION
data distribution. A lot of test data are available in the 1: = compressive strength
2000 to 7000 psi compressive strength range; whereas, J:, = tensile strength
very scanty test data are available on concrete with psi = pounds per square in.

308 ACI Materials Journal I May-June 1991

CONVERSION FACTORS 15. CEB-F/P Model Code for Concrete Structures, Third Edition,
1 in. = 25.4 mm Comite Euro-Internatiomll du Bet6n, Paris, 1978, 348 pp.
145 psi = 1 MPa 16. Raphael, J. M., "Tensile Strength of Concrete," ACI JouR-
J;, = aU: ) = J;, = 0.0069a (145) U: ) NAL, Proceedings V. 18, No.2, Mar.-Apr. 1984, pp. 158-165.
t, = ( 0 t.-32) /1.8 17. Gardner, N. J., "Effect of Temperature on the Early-Age
Properties of Type I, Type III, and Type 1/Fly Ash Concretes," ACI
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761. Knoxville, May 1989, 207 pp.
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