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Character Creation Information for Fitz's Campaign

This campaign is run using the HERO (5th Ed.) Roleplaying System.

Character Power Level

All new characters start with 75 Character Points to spend, and up to an additional
75 points in Character Disadvantages for a total of 150 points maximum.

This starting point limit may then be adjusted with a wad of free XP for characters entering the party to
replace a tragic character death. However, in the event of a TPK (Total Party Kill) all the new characters
will start again from this 150pt maximum.
Take note that you don't have to take any Character Disadvantages at all if you don't want to, and that
inevitably during the course of the campaign you are likely to amass "free" disads distrubuted with a
lavish hand by your ever-luvvin' GM.

All characters must take the Normal Characteristics Maxima disadvantage, but
get no points for it.

STR for characters in this campaign costs 2 character points per point of STR.
Maximum skill level for beginning characters, including the base Characteristic roll
and any Overall levels, is 14-

This starting maximum can be increased in play, but not otherwise when starting out (except magically
maybe). A 14- roll gives you about an 87% chance of success in any case, all things being equal, so it
shouldn't be too much of a trial, except perhaps for magical types who want to cast super-ber-spells
right off the bat.
Maximum skill levels, including any Overall Levels but not including the base
Characteristic value, is +8. This also applies to OCV and/or DCV.

For example, a hunter with an INT of 10 would have a base Tracking roll of 11- and could increase that
with Skill Levels to a maximum of 19-. A similar hunter with an INT of 18 would be able to get his or her
Tracking roll all the way up to 21- from their INT base of 14-.
A warrior with a DEX of 11 would have a base OCV and DCV of 4, and could get both up to a maximum of
12 by allocating Combat Skill Levels appropriately. Another warrior with a DEX of 20 would have a base
CV of 7, and could increase it to 15 with CSLs.
These maxima can be further increased by situational modifiers, such as taking extra
time over the performance of the skill, by magical means, or in the case of
OCV/DCV, by the use of specific combat maneuvers.

Players intending to create magic-using characters should read the Magic
System guidelines carefully. Bear in mind the skill-level shown limitations above.

Magic items for beginning characters must be paid for with Character Points, and are
subject to the approval of the GM. They must be made Independent, except with GM
approval (which will almost never be forthcoming, so you'd better have a good justification

Character Race
For the moment, all new characters must be Human. (That may change in the future,
depending on how the campaign progresses.)
You will need to give your character a nationality, since this will affect your native language
(which you get for free) and your Everyman skills. I'm not particularly concerned about just
which nationalities characters can have; if you want to play a cannibal tribesman from
Borneo, that's fine, but bear in mind that at present the campaign is based in and around
Northern Europe, so you'll have to have a decent back-story to explain how the hell you
ended up there.

Do NOT create a character who is a loner by nature. This whole campaign is built around a
character party; if you don't feel like playing cooperatively, find another campaign. Angst-
ridden surly loner characters with a grudge against the universe are just a pain in the arse
for everyone, and I feel like having fun with my roleplaying.

Come to think of it, people who are like that in Real Life are also a pain in the arse for

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