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Name ________________________

2.01 Patient and Healthcare Professional Safety Considerations

Patient Safety
1. ________________________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Proper way to identify patient: ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
Treatments such as: _______________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
position bed at ____________ _________________
side rails up, even on ______________
wheels locked _____ ______ _____ _______ _________
always place ________ _________ within patients reach
always ____________ call bell _____________________

Healthcare Professional Safety

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Examples: _______________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
Example: ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________

Ergonomics __________________________________________________________

Personal components:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
Basic ergonomics rule: _____________________________________________

Workplace design:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
Example of ergonomic workplace design: _______________________________
Body Mechanics _______________________________________________________
Reasons for use:

Demonstration of Proper Body Mechanics:
1. Maintain _________________________________________________
a. Keep feet ___________________________________ (6"-8" apart)
Do ________ keep feet together
b. Put one foot slightly forward
c. Point toes in direction of movement

2. Bend ________________________________________ to pick up object

a. Get close to object
b. Maintain broad base of support
c. Bend from hips and knees
d. Pick up heavy object using two hands

3. Use strongest muscles (_______________________________) when standing

4. Use your ________________________________________________________

a. Get close to object
b. Maintain broad base of support
c. Use weight of body and lean into push with whole body with arms slightly bent
d. Look straight ahead while pulling an object

5. Carry heavy objects ______________________________________________

a. Keep object close to the body
b. Keep back straight with shoulders back and chin up

6. Avoid _________________________________________________________
To change direction:
a. Maintain broad base of support
b. Turn with feet and entire body
c. Take steps

7. Bend ________________________________________to place object

a. Keep object close to body
b. Maintain broad base of support
c. Bend from hips and knees
d. Keep back straight

8. Avoid ____________________________________________________________________

9. Get ______________________________________________________________________

10. Remember! Proper Body Mechanic Rules: _______________________________________

11. What is the best way for 2 nurses to transfer an overweight patient?
Body Mechanics Rules!

Directions: Complete the table below with the Body Mechanics rules placed in the correct
category from the list below. Read the options carefully.

Correct Technique Incorrect Technique

Twist the body to change direction Lift with your back muscles
Turn feet to change direction Bend at the hips and knees
Bend at waist Use two hands to lift
Carry objects close to body Hold objects away from body
Keep feet together Point toes in direction of movement
Push object with one hand Look straight ahead while pulling object
Lean into push with whole body Push with your arms straight
Lift Heavy Items alone Keep shoulders back and chin up

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