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I " ' IJ


CQ.IlSidcr the cmnttlcvcr londcd n.s " +

SO('l(l J
below 5()01;1 J

l ,L,l J.J 1 ' M111ch Los\ I (i\pplicalioos) wfth List 11

(Cho1Ce of aeaMgS) and O'e)ecr rlle
answ..:r usn11l the codes
h ll .. LiSJI

A Cironi{e. roble of a coorthritlh!

me,1.surmg mtlchtne
B latl1e
C Crank 'haO o r a <hesel
0 Armature-oro .S kW m o1o r

Whnt is 1hc milO of 1hc mmdmum LrSI II
10 Lhd maxunum lensle I Hy drodynamic bcan1111
Sti"C!'O$-. , 2 1),-ep groove bill I b.-artn11
0 3 . Hy drosuuicbcanng
b ::o 4 Taper roller

c 2.5 Codes:
d J(l DA B C
A c;lo5ed c:oel hctecal sprmg ha.'\ I 5 roll'i.. I f n. 2I 4 3
lh earls of this spnng. l"'mnved by 3 Z I J
I ) 4 Z
m1..*\IJ t ng. ti\C stlffncss of the Jnod&OOO. :$pnng
d. J I 2
'"'II col 5 times 7
IJ k - 3 lor ball bdu'UIJ!;S and " = 3.33 r.. r
b increase 10 I S Limos roller bearings which ouc uf tbe foliO\\ inp
Ollrr<olly liUlt<:S the load (P) Llfc IL1
c. reduce LO 0 ,66 um<.."S
d rcma1n unaffected rclol ia nshlp for rol l[ue; comucr bcarine:o?
3. For
u, "t1: and gl-.:0.

i!f 'he
fnr lur"
a. .!., = (


a. A ructangle
b. An e ll ipse b.
c A squnre
d A parnht11n e,

Wllm ls rite nurnb.:r of 1',

centers Jb r an


0 !__
(.!1)' . P
b. 18

c JO 8 What
the purpose of 1\ moderrnor 111 n

d g uuctear reactor?
a. Modcnuc 1bc tcmpen:Lluro
5 111 '"' ollra ballc proccs> 60ll0 J of work l
b RcUuce, the speed oC fru.i. ruuvln.

Ot' tt S)' SU:!m. In t he m.111

odu1batc process b) wluch Lhc systcn
return!' 10 its o n g innl s1nto 1000 J of hc:nt c-. Reduce I and )' "'fs
ls -ndded to rhe system "'' hm the ..,,..ark d , Absorb 1n the: reactor
done dwing nor\ooadl3batic process? H e.ll bctwccre h\O re!!te!.r vous tu1\ 1.ng_
o I 7l)ll0 J tcmpem tu= 1CrOO K W>d SOO K
l.f the cnt1'Qt')' .ehnngc (of the
b . - 7fi()ll J
2 oll
C<li.J rucnoir Is 10 kJ/1{. then \<hat the 11. A sprinJ?nl(ISS has- ;t nutttrnl
change for the hot reservoir'/ frcquetK) of rn<Vs. Wl\m is the
u. - 10 IJ /K daotping r[ll i(l r<l<julred 1r it deslrcd t(
b. - S kJ/ K 1\.-dut<e d1is lh-qucnt} ' to 20 n1dls by adding
c. 5 kJJK ;, th1mpcr ht i1'?
<1. I OWK a. ./312
10. b. 1/1

c. 1/ .fi

d. 1/4
13. Wbm will be the nm.xhnuuJ of
10 kg 0
the prpeHne if nnethiri.l Ill' the :JVnilnbk
l .. Q 1 m in throlijlllnow the is
t011SUI\tetl l)y (ricft0!1?
P'or the rotor system sbuWJI 1o flgUJe. tl1u
mnss required I('" hs cnmplco: halnnclng ls a, 33.33%

a. 1.5 kg at 2 m rudlus anti ul 225 lrom b. 50 OQIVf,
c. 66.66%
3 ut I m mdlus and d. 75.00'}'0
"e. 8 kg 45 Irom

111 I 01 radius and nt ll5" frnm
d. nr mdius nt -u ITttm
II ra o
The four bar mechanism shmvn h1 the
rtgure((.;!vcn ()A =J em. i\H =5 em.
= 6 em. OC' = 7 em) is n

"' D<1oble crnnl.. mccham""'
b. Doublc

"' t:nmk rucker mechanisw

d. Single mccba.Jfsrn
15. S team at the rut" or Ill kg/s through
a Sltpcrsonic no7.7.1c. Thmm dlomcter is 50

mm. l)en>il) rlltio and vel"dty rutio with

reference to thront and cslt arc
rcspet'lil ;!..45 and 0.8. What 1$ tho!
diameter ntihe e,it')

a. 122.5 tllltl
59 mm
c. 70 nun

d. 61.5 mm
(3) 16. 1\n tmempnru!or is used in uttlil)
The Ogure.< given ubove .Show tHO"erent boilers

..schemes suggt:stcd to transmit l'tmtinuous nhend nf heater lb r lnilinl

rotary moti<HI from A to B. superhcatif\ll
Whioh of rhesa sd>cmes are nl)t b. for team output fmm th"-
dynun>ically balanced?
a. 1 nud 3 h') rtgul.a tc SlcuJtl
b. 1 and 3 d. to control dcgroo o f superheat
u. I and 1 17. <ipccd reduction 1n n gear box- is
d. 1. 2and 3 Usitlg a wor111 anJ wvrm wbeel. fbe wonn
wheel has 30 tcctl> nnd 11 pTtch dinmctcr of
l or 14
2]0 mm , lfthe pressure W111le of 01o \\Om\ I the variety of tile products is low.
is 20, 1\hM is lhc a_(jal pitah M thCI 11onn'l 2 the variety of the products 1s ve.ry
a, 71\un lnrge.
b. 2lmm 3. tltequantity of production is very small
c. H mm in ctach Yoriely
a, ro nun 4 Ute or produclion is I 01) lru-ge
in each \nncty
5 Lite Utproccs..ct is max1mum.
6. the ln.-process ln.spection is miuituvm-
Wbiclt of iho atatemcnts glveu abo\ c are

a. I. 3 and IJ
b. I. 4 nnd 5
c, 2. 3 and -1
d I, 4 nod 6

22. Trnnsmiss1bilit) is uu.ity nl two pomls.
Which om:< ot' the l,ollowing is true for
It Ute figure shown, tlte sun wheel 48 fhcse two poinls?

ttelh and the planet hns 24 lcoth, If the s1m a. "'I hi, IS ?.Cli'O and ../3 fot oil values or
wheel IS Ci.xed. 111lllt ts Ute angular l'e[ocrly damping
m11o bcl\\ccn lhc mlcmol whcolnnd ann'/
b. "'I m, wro ond ./2 for ol I vulues of
:1; 3.0
b, I,:5
rae. 2,11
cL M
c, IJJ/ ill, Is \llllly aud 2 Cor all volues of
19, Which one ol' the following is satislied iC ll mll, uud ,fi for all vuluos of
the llow is ircigational fo r a I II'Q dumping
dimensional fluid clement 111 the x 1 According to St:tblcr's rule. m qblique
plant'11 cu1ting !he chip no" Wglo IS equal to n
,,v ftu coostant multiprted b) 1001's

n. angle of inclinauon
b. ztorutnl rake angle
b. -'"" =- 7;; c. velocity rake angle
d. c!ftcUI'O nth

i!.Y Ov

;;., ,.,, 24
a. I111TeiS
type scro\v machines hale

d. fu-
ru w b. l'lldinl slides

ilv c. spindle carriers

2(1, IOU kW power 1s s1lpp1Jed to the machine d. tool posts
through a gear bo.x whzch uses an 25 Mnlcb Lis! I (Name ot' the Cnstjng

cpzcychcal t;ear tram. 'rhe power is Process) List II (Process Defiollioo)

supplied al I00 rad/s. TI1e speed 1>f dm ond select the tll>s"er usi11g U>e
Otllpul sbnfl ol' Ule gear bo" Is I0 radls in a codes g1ve:o belowi

sonsc opposttc 10 lho u1put speed. Whul is l.1sl l

the holding 1orque oo 1he fuod gear of the A. Die
trnfu? B. Elcc1r0slag casting
q. 8 kNm C. Centrif11gal casting
b 9k)'!lll D. Precision oasting
c. I0 kN111 Lisl ll
d 11 kNm I Tltis process itl\'ohes use of a mould
21. Consider the followmg slnlemmls' made of drled sillca saud and phenolic
lu dcsig11mg '' plant Qul., n Product resin mi.xlute
Layoua" shoul.d be tJrcforred if
111 14
2. In pmce.s, molten meUtl i;, forced distan.:.: by the from the point
by prc.<;sure into a metAl mould of exit of the
3, 'lltis eUlploys A t.uJ'lSUmi'lb1e a. 4.2 no
b. 124 Ill
'This invnlvcs routing a muuld e. 14.3 ni
while the metal d. 165m
5. This prnC<:SS lll'>duCC!i very ornurtth, 29. A bullet entefli a plnlr ot 30 mm thickness
.:.:ut'llo enslings from boll1 11lth ;o velocity of tOO mls ami out
fll1TOU$ und n<m-fCI:t'OUS Crout the pl311k 1\ itb o velocity of 50 m/1.
r ocle.o;; is the minimum tllicknoss ol' the

A l:l C D so thai the bullet remains embedded
lL S -1- I Z in tbe plnk'l
2 3 J 5 . I00 liUII
" ; 3 4 2 b. 80 111111
d 2 4 I 5 c.. 60 mm

26. Mdlch LL<1 I (CastinR l)clilcb) With Li!'l II d . .(0 mm
and select 1!11! .:(,n.,ct What is the ivook done if a
tllfins code11 !!ivn helnw: wci_gbiug 10 N i$ llullotl up fmm a "cU 20

m deep by rope weighins I N/m?
i\. Metallic projections a. 200 N-m
a Cavohes b. J()O N-m
C lnelusions c. SOO N-m
D. DiJcontinuilles
ra d. 600 N-m n 31. Which one of the Jollnwons stotement. ls
of rounded <1r muJlh mremrtl ilf correct
e:(posed caviti.:s iucludiut' blow buies ntc woot done in 3ro daMic
string v ci
aud piu ho i"'
2. Formed dming mc:ltiog, !<D iidlficnlion a. 3$ the square of the exte.uion
and moulding b. as thesquore roof ofthe ion
J. JJocludc!l singk: tild>. laps, c, lint;arly with t11c

dher.itt!! t lllld Jaycts and oxide d. os tbe cube root oft he clcn.,ion
4 Include ctack., cold or hot tc;nmJl aud 32. \Vhicb one or the foiJQwing stnlernenls ls
cold shuu tJ'llc for etfQclive temperalt!n; B 1'/
S, Consist ol' frns. llash or massive F.T with increase in level of

ood rough s urf aces ztctivity and it dew-ea!les \\ ith i11c:rease

Codes: in dll v"loc-it-y
B c D b. 1!1' dec.n!3SCS with incre;l,9e in "'WI of
" s and it with increase

4 I 2
b. 2 :3 4 s in nio
5 3 .( 2 "' ET inctt:l13e> will1 tnu,.,ruse in J""el ol'
activity .md it with

d. 2 4 l 5
Which of the lollowing nre produced by in au- velocity
slash costing d. ET d""reases wiUt incNnSo; ill luvel oJ'

H<JIItw wllb tlutlt walls :tl!llvit\f Mtd with in

b. slings with Utin w-. air
e. Thin ens ling i\ tr.lin of' 1vcight 200 IO' N is running
d. 'l'hitlt on a borizo111DI track at a constant of
28. A liqui1t jet !Tom nozzle lO 11vs. ovcr1W111iug, eonstaul Jlictional
;rt an ttr)gle of ()If 10 01o and force of 20 I\IJ N, \Vbat is tho power or
.tirccted upwurds. If ll>u veloeily of jet lhe-engme the trnm'l
at ihe nozzl<; it 18 11111. ''hut ShA II 3 . k\\'
be tba mnltlmum b. 1200\;:W
c. 100 kW

'l 400 kW
!\latch List I {1'ypes of TesL and d.
l\fnle1ials) wi01 LiMt U (Types <'lfFra.:lur<:.s) ;U L u
und select the nnswcr using thcJ 38. 1l1e lli.plaecmcnt
>I section,
codes g_.iven heJow: ror un air $ln!om {P 1.2 kgl m 1) moVing
list I with velocity of 1(1 m/s over a tlnt plat...
A, Tt:nsilt: 1<"'1 on C:J is tl,S uun, \Vb.a t is the los> of mas; rnl<:ol'
B. Tur>ioon lcsl on MS !lo\V of nit due to bouodary layer
C. Tcnile lest on !'viS formntion in kg par meter width of plnte
0 . Tol'5ion test on Cl renecondY

t,ist n a. 6 Ill 1
t. Plllln fucture nn 3 1ransver<e plrute' b. 6 lb
2. Gr4nulur hcleeoidal fracture . i Ill '
3 . in ni-l 5 10 lltd d. 2 10''
Cup and cone 311. ln o simple impulse turbine. the M:ale

S t'1r.mu1(1r frnclun: ll tr.nuwersef'l;tnc; onglo ol Ote entrnn<:'o 30". W\1al is U1e
Cudtll;; blade-speed rotio (u 'V) fur mo>:.ximum
A B C D diavam efficiency'!

II. 4 2 3 1 . 0.25
b. s 1 2 b. 0.5
c. 4 I 3 2 .. 0 433
d. S 2 I d.
35. Which 011c of ih" folio,. Ins is Ute corrlllll .J(). \VI1kb 11f 01e an. rerti le
llclinilion of<:riticol roUo) in .sebcduiTng7
Demand timcluppl)' time
a. and Pu"-'9
h Supply l""d time/demand time b. an<111,:.'9
c. D<-tnnnd timc!mooufacturing le;1d lime c. tJ"'.. nd 'l'b"''
d. MJlufaoturing loacllimoldomund limo d. U'-'$ ond Tb""'
36. \\'bat is the discharge for J.mlnar flo11 4 t. A simple boom of lengtlt r i$
through n pipe of diameter 40 mm hnving subjected lo a .symmelrical unifbmll)'

centre-line velocity of LS ro/s'/ val)'lng load \Vlth zero intensity at (he entis
._ -JJI mI /.) and mlenity w (looa per unit lensthl atlhc
.59 m.itl is lho bending.
J Jr moment?

b. -::-:--mj
_ , (JO a. 3wf/8
b. wf 1.2
c. 3/f nr' ' .r c. w P?.A

d. 5w f '12
cl _ l lf , , , 42. Which one of lhe followmg correctly
expresses the >-pcei lie speed ol' ll turbme

37 Which one Qf the following is th" and a pomp. rcspcc.tively'!

"''lJres.<ion for mqmennn11 lhid.:ness f\ of N../R .v.JP
lloundary layer'/

" 0= I) h.
.v.JP .v.JQ

h. r
f( ..,

c. ,v.Jp tv..@
H' '

u -l
. u.1 .!!..ldl' N.fii NJq
d. H " l . H-....
-l3. In a laminar boundary layer- O\<er a tlat
pi>Lc, "hut would b<> Oae hllioof wall
t t unU t 2 nt lla" two which
0 urt I
he at x1= 30 em and = 90 em d. i kN
from the lead edge M tht! pl(tc' IS CiiVt'n that princip[il '>lrc.scs a, > q , >
a Gl und o, th< clustic llmtt S lf'.!SS m
b t dt2 = 1/3 stmple tens1on. which (lne nf the fo11owms
c. t1lt l = (3 OJ11 must be satisfied such that the clnstoc
d. t ,lt l = t3 0)11 doe. not in nccorduncc with
the 10100101110 pnncopal theory)
Ttltal enlhalpy 11f s tream nl the '"'"' of a
nozzle is !300 I;J wh1le 5Ultlc enthalpy at
tho I!.XIl [) ::!555 kJ \\'hill is Sll'Wll
a -(f, < [-
<T - 1-"--J-
>tiodt) at 11'

l!lenlropic'l b
:1, 71) m/s
h :!45 mls c > (!!J.+ ...)J!!.!.)
c. 450 m/s
1 /. f /

r. u"=v - p cr,)
r < (f!J.+
J 700 mls d

19. Which of the ibiiO\' Ill os bl' the
of a rollhal shock "' the

section of n convergent
di,ergcnl nou.k?
I Vcloc1ty JWnp
2 j ump
3 Velocity drop
ra Discharge-
I h<' nbow figure chilnlcterl.;;t1CS ol'
4 l'r<llisurt- droJl
elect the correct onswer usmg the codes
ccntni\Jgal pumps A. B and C IrE= g1ven hdnw
t,.1'1ic1ency. II = I lead IU1d Jl = I' ower, then a I only
A. B und C rcsrttli"QI)' represent wliJch b I and:!
one orthe followms 7 c. 2 nnd 3
b. I'. II

D d I and 4
1:! P. E. H
c P. II. E
d H. f'. E
46 Wh1ch one of the following 1s rcpr.."i<:ntcd

hj un.11 of the S F dia(!l'llm fmm

rod upto awvcn locn!JOtl 00 !be bcwn?
" B.M at tlte lacmion r--------

b. Load u1 1he location ..,. ----1-

c Slt>pe at
hlC<lllon Velocity Jlugrwn shown llbow IS tor an
d Uoflcction al 1hc loCJJllon rmp11isc What nre the

rungontlnl fore<: und IL\'IUI Ihmsl per kg/s qf

a 450 N. 8 N

h S60N. R N
c, 6SO N. 4 N
I kN d 9JON. 4N
A :SI Whoch oi the followtllg th purpose
of blow- m a boiler?
What the thrust ut th..- JlOint A Ill lamp o To control dmm level
post shown tn the figure? b To ctmtrol !!Oiid (l9ncentrJilt111 1n Jhc
t1 0 8(>1; kN boiler \\Otcr
b 0.5 RN c Tt increase lh<
<' d ra lo\\er the steam temperoture
7 ut 11
51 For which one or tbe following columns, a. 5 If 3 l
. . b. 2. 4 I 3
6uler bucklmg load = --;;-1
I c. 4 3 2 5
a. Column With both hinged d. 1 J 5
b. Column with one end fLxed and othe1 55 A horizontal beam under bending has a
end froe maximum bendio1g stress or 100 MPa and
c. Column wotb both ends fixed a maximum shear stress of 20 NtPa. What
d. Column with one end fixed and other Is the maximum principal stress In the
a. 20

b. 50

c, 50 1- .j!IJQI)
s' t Js
d. 100
56 Consider the fol lowing statemeniS l'or
almply supported beam subjected to a

couple IU iL rnid-sp811?
\Vbat is the value 11r K for whocb the
I. Bending moment is zero at Ute ends.
relative damping or the closed l0<1p system
and maximum .at Uu! centre
shown above is equal to P 5?

2. Bending, is constant tJVer Ute
a. 2
entire length of the beam
b J
3 Shear force i5 constant over che enri re
c, 4
I eogth of the beam
tl 5
4. Shear force uro over lite entire

Matoh Ust l (MohJ''s Circlrs of Stre$s)
with List II (Type. of Loading) and select
length C>f the beam.
Whlch of !he statements given libo\c are
the correct using the corles gi11en

,\ List I
a. I, 3 _811d 4
A b. 2.3 and 4

o. I and 3
d. 2 and 4

1'\._ f-7 57 Which. ona of che follb,Ying welding

processes cottsists of small er Heat
B. Affected Zone (HAZ)?
a Arc welding


b. E!leclrott beam welding

q. MIG welding
d, Thmnit welding

58. In which of the following

c Ia micrp monpn study techniqlle is used?
I Short cycle operations lasti!J8 two

ml nures or less
Ia 'c 2. Long cycle operations lasting more
Lhatt five miuutes

.List J] J . MediunJ cycle operalit)IIS lasting

1 A shaft compressed all-round by a hub between two and live htinutes
2 Bending. moment applied a' the free Select the correct auslver usiug the codes
end of a cantilever given below
3 Shaft under torsion a. I unly
4. Titin cylinder uoder i.otemal pressure b. 1 and 2
5 Titin spherical shell under imcmal c. 1 wd 3
pressure d 1. 2 od 3
Codes: S'l The follo"1ng are the con$tiluem step5 fn
A B c E> processof powder metallurgy
8 of 14
I . Powder C<Jndltioning C. Die CObtincS
l . Sintering 1) , CentrHitgal casting
J . Production or powder lils\ U
+. Pressing or mw the d.,.iJctl I. Large 10ylll1do'icAI fldrt. witft goW
shl"' quality
Identify lhc com.-.:l order in which !hey 2 dimensinnnl a.oouroc\' and
have to be perfom1.ed nnd .elecLthe surface Jfuisb
""'"et .:odos given bcluw 3. bwioatc ud close tolerance
a. 1, 2, 3, I pnrl'l
b 3, I, 4, 2 4. ,\ ]moot any mero1 cast and there fl'

c. 2. 4, 1.3 no lim it to s tze. nnd Wctght
d. 4,.3. 2. l 5. Good dhncnsionnlllecruraey. tinish nnd
60. A culler b"""ks "bile cllU\ng Nt:nTS und o tow l"lrO!iity
removed by Ute op<:ralor. \\ biob of lltc
fnllowing rhis tm the A B (' 11
. z s

now process chart'/ 1
:t. Dcl4y - 0 b. l 2 3
b. Opcroliou - 0 2 5 1 3
lr.ln!pori:Ulon e.

1:. cum d. 2 l t
<1. c::::J M. l.,ost I with Lm II ond seJect the
61 Wlticb of lhe fo Itowing "'" lhe con-ect answer using lhe codes given
chrncteriStics of U1e injoction moulding below:
ra List l
1. h the m-ost economical method of A. Bottle filling of
mass producmg singl<l item e. Neml Simon
2. Itt mtiSt eses linlshcd ore C. Joule eff.:cl
D. fp d1
3 There IR lot of Wn1tc of lhennopln<tic Li$t n
8incc the rutmon; spru.:s noI be l . Absolute ze,o tempw::iluro
2 Von able tlow

Select the coro'Cct rumvcr by u>ing Lbo 3. pulh

followin j! codes 4. pmC:c!\s
a, 'I ond l 5. Di.s ipolive ull'cct
1). :lnnd 3 G. Low grode 011ergy

c, 1 and 3 7 !Cmper!t!Ure during

d. I, '2 Md 3 chon!c'C
li2 Gc.r !lh4ping is A pro.!e<< of

manuf:teturin& ,;can . A D C D
\VIlicb une nf Lbe folli>WUit' js a. 6 S 4
employed by iJ1 h. 2 I 4 3

a. Font cutting with cutler 2 s 7

b. tooth ti"m with d. 6 I 7 4
rt:cipmc.'l btg cutter 65. M1 kg or ot T 1 ;, iilobacio :tlly nd

c. Gcnorntins tooth f<lfm Uy n Millin& adioboticolly mixed wilh M, kg ofwatl!f at

Tl(T 1 > l';l. 'Jl11 entropy of the
d. Ceocrntlng fom with a rcdpro.,linl! Urtive.-se is
and revolving cutter u. Noccs5JUily po$ilive
63. 1\ lntch Lisll (Nnuoe or Lbe witlo b. ntAallw
List Il {Advntogc) rutd oclt:cl tbc coorcc t c. 7etCJ
nnswer using l11t codes: d. nr posijlye but not zero
lisll 66. 1\ beat cn,Poc using lake w:aler nT 12"C ._,
('., Sand en_"ing sourco and lltc s urronndiltg Jlmosphcoe ut
B. co.tin!l 2"C os sink I()80 Jl<:r mm.
,, or I.!
Tf amoum of heat supplied per cycle 15 57 c. It Increases, reaches a peak and dttlll
J, what is the output of the engine? decreases
n 66W d II remains constant
b. SfiW 70. To meet shon l'll!lge changes in demand of
41;iW a product, wh1cll of Jlte toll owl Oll-
tl J6W stratQgfcs can be considered?
A fC'/;!rSJble h<lllt ,,.ngiue rw1s betwean I Overtime
high temperatures T1 arlo low 2 Subcontracting
rempemn.res T, The work output of !IllS 3 Bullding up mVento<y
heat engine 1S used to nm a reversible 4- New

reMgeret>on cyc.le aQsorbmg heat at Select the correct from the codes
temperature T1 ttnd reJecting nL giveo below
temperal\lre Tz. What IS COP of tht.> a, 1, 2110cl3
combmed syste.m? b I. 3 and .I
[ 1: c. 2 and 3"

rt 1,-1, d I and:!

c (';lf r, , )
r,-r r,-1
ra d. ( /., ]( 7i )
r, - 1) . 7,-r,
Match List 1 wtth L1st Tf and seleot the Entropy
answer usmg the codes g,.ven
COIJe<:l fn the T-S diagram shown tn the figure.,
below whicb one of dle following Is represented
.Lost I by the area under the curve?
1\ Reversible cycle a. l'otal work. done during the process
B Mechanical work b. rota! hear absorbed during tJte process

C Z eroth Law c Total heat dunng !he process

D Heat d Degree of 1rrtwer$ibil1ty
L1slll A refngerahng nlilchine workmg on
I Measurement of tempera tum reversed Camot cycle takes out 2 kW of

Z Clapeyron equanon heat from rhc system at 200 K While

J Claus1us Theorem wurklllg betwccutempernLure limits of300
4. Htgh grade energy K null ::tOOK. COP. ;tn(l po"er corosumcd

5 3rd Law ofthermodynanucs by the oycle will, respectively. be

6 Inexact diifercntinl a. I and I kW
Codes. b. 1 aud2 kW

A B C D c. land
3 4 I 6 d 2 and 2 kW
b Z 6 I 3 [f a gas obeys van der Wan-ts' equation ar

3 I 5 6 lhe omical pouu, Uten what docs RTU>V

d. I 4 5 2 equal [0?
69 When a refngeration plant is started. lhe a, zero
evaporator temperature decreases from b. unny
room temperature 10 1he value. c. I .50
During th1s penod, how does the d
compressor power requ1rement vary? 74, In n s1mple g3s 111tbine power plant
lt rncrea5es continuously operatmg on slandnrd Bfayton cycle power
b. II decreases nnd then becomes needed tQ drive the compressor is 175 kW,
rate 9f hea t supplk'<l during conslanl
ID of 14
pressur .. heat pddition prwel\ ill 67S 1..W. 79. W!ticlt of the flowing fnctor& o
rurbine output olltllmed dllring c.q>ansion chanse ln schedule?
lR 425 k\\'. \\'h(ll tho rat<: lof hctol t. Clt'!nge in Boord uf Oire<:IOrs
rt'jedilln <luring I!Onstut hcul 2. Cnp.1ciiy ntodifil:lltiou
;ejection? J. L3t.k ufcnpittl
n, 75 4. Cbnnge in priority
b. 5. Unexpected rush
.:. 500 kW Select the CQrrcct Mll!Wcr uslnu the cl)d"'l
ct. 925 k\\' given below -
75 \Vhot u; d1c elndeno\ of n ideal u. 2. 3 31td

regenerative Jtankrne power plant b. I, 2 and 5
tl!ling saturated sluam at S27"C nnd 2. 4andS
pressure 135 bar at tho mlot ro lb.:; turbine. d. I. 3 and 4
nnd "ondensing temperanore of 27"C 80. For eeonourlQ manilfhetul'\.'. lho total
(cnrrespund inl;l saturation Jlfessure or 3.6
ki'ro)? >nnunl cull! i tti"'"

12 J\1( p ,

50"h 1'.1 is number nf p>rtll mode per month

I' procesing part
76. of tlt<: foiJrJWinJ! c u IJe
Whloh tf' U1e f<JIIowing
tl1e Brown Gib;on pro.:cdure'l by DIQ io the abo'" e;(pression7
ra problem
- Setting up cost
l' f>M network b. Profit per part
c. lo.,.uon prollt111 c. Bonus
d. Protlu;,t-mili d. $ ettini' up cos lip ar1
8 1. l'.tlloh List 1 wtlh Li!ll U and tb<>
77, Cons ider the following
cortucl nnnVur us fng. the oodt."'). given
I l'iimplifierl pr()(fuct\on plilnnjng :ond
bolow the lislv.

IITy,e Ill' c'hurt)
2. Reduced ohatt:rill l hantll iug

3. P lol<ibilily of cquip111t.:ut md porsouuel A. Clutline chot1

B. Mulliplo Activitr d.rarl
'1111: of tl1W-Iinc lyoul rn
C. Sb\10 dutrl .
mnnnrnctururg npernlion are
D. Ntm-mnchine cbnt1
n.. 1.;;! 3
List U (Delinition)

b. lod 2
1. ll i.s used lo re<:urd U1c nct:ivilieo;: of oue
u. 2 and 3
cL l pnd 3 Mubj<:<:L in relatio11 Lo nne or more
be olh""'

78. Several CJ.Uencing ru les to

Se411ijfle<l joliS. 'I'Jre bf Uu>te 2. ll 1s a ehart in which of' the
rulos C<Jn . bu tlliin.g 'l!overnl n\11chi ne or mi!cloine> "'" in
tni!U$Ure,., Comide:r r.he
rolal iun to lltnl of lloe opera lor

fo llllwing sequencing nJies 3. ll reoo.rds tho tnin of tloe
SP'r (Sborlesl Pro""'!> in!', 'Fame) proce,s Hrrough th<: of
openotion anJ

EDD (E.'\peetc:d D!ld Da.t")

4. ll i ue<l to .reconl the activities of tho
11nd th" following J>elf<llmancc me.'""'""'
ofan opurator
MFT (Mean Flow 1'ime)
S. It m:ol.:es use ot' noerblig tor chart ing

monatc dem(;nls upcrntion
Which one of' Oac toUowiug iK nnt cor'l'(;tl7
4. SPT mlnintlzts MFT
b. IIDD mioimW:s J\4FT
. 3 2 i
c. f1JO minJmizes-TvlL
h. 5 1 4 '2
tL f>'r min in1izes NO,
c. 1 I 2
l lotiJ
tl ; 2 4 87. Assertion (A): II bo:lm subjected only 10
g:z. l"rofit vulume chart technique an end moments will be free from shcaong
dl'cctiw tool of Ior onnlysiJI forca.
wtum lhc Contpony i dcilitlg with Ru:u;nn (R)J The boncliug moment
o, onu product only variation 0lqng U1o benm length zero,
b. :o lul!ll ilu:otion a. Both A and R rue indivldnn lly tme and
Oril)' hom-kc:)' R is c hrn:cl eotp lannlion A or
d. nao'" than one pro,lrn:J b. l)oth i\ und R re lndividuaih tJua bul
83. Ston<lard cost 11f product ts Rs. R is not the corte<!\ oif \
201- (Q' R.<. lOller kg. In one b1tch.. on on c. A true but R f"lse

consumption oJ was d. A is bul R true
1.8 kg and rall:t of material wa< Rs. 12 per 88. JAI: Unio:dul gln.'1Js nom,aJJy
kg. !W1oal is Ihe U!Jngc nri11ncc? givei rise aowin.i nl lr:oin.
Rs. 21 adver$e Rco.IOn (R) Mo8Jlitudc of in the
b. Rs. ]!. lil\'orable perpendlo)UJ;r of

t:. 2AO favqrnhk is tlum that in U1c dirt.:.ti<)n cal'
lL Rs. 1 .6() oth't:r"&t! tvlicd
84. k!Jwrtiou lA) Angle of twjst per unit a. Both A nnd Rare individuilly !roe and
l011gth of a unifom1 diaonoter shaft depll11d> R is U1e corn:cl e.'\plannrion of A

11pon il! torsional rigidiiy, h A ..,nd Rare iucli\'idnll)' tnoe hnl
Reason ( R); '!'he shnfl Me subj""ted to R is nottltc 1!01rcctc.xpl:tnntion of A
torque only. .:. , \ is true hut R fall,e
n, Bolh A and R MC indi\'adu:all\' truo ond
ra ,), A i f .. lse h111 R arue
R1S the correcl explanation of A c\ssertlon \M: ::ip1111l b,.yel ge:ns tleslgned
h. Boatb A ""d Rare individually true hut to be us! 11 iU1 rut oi'IScl in !holt ':Ire
R .IS not the correct cxpl:tiiJltion of A en Hypoid geao; .
Re:oson ( R): pi1ch -.ufaca of &uch
c. A is tru" but R IS false
<I A i.\ fle but R is lrne gears are hyperboloid ol oevolullon,
8'5. Assertion (A); turbino 11\A) b" used a. Both A and R are individLUtll) true nnd
'"' prime tmiVcr lor p.mer plaall R the cQrrcct "-'>plonnlion. or i\

"htnllto head :ov ilnblc U. nrouud 300m. b. Both A ond R oro inclividuaUv truo bul
l<e:u<nn (R): l'ronci!o turl' i"" i r.:acaion R not Ihe CQrrecl of A
turbine. .:. A is lnu: but R is. fa be
" Boll A and Rare iudlvidu;olly lnae and tl A is bul R ;. (I'Ue

R is lho cotn:oc.l..::<pl4llliUOo uf A ')0, (AI: Hoi wur.ku>g does nul

b Botb ll and Rare lndividiUIUy true but producestrnm horden ing.
R as noa ahe correct explanaaion or A ReMon (R): Hoi woo'klng is done
c. A is IJ'UC but R l11o recoyst.Jllz11lloo Letnpet3ture.

d. A is fol!ebut R is triW DuU1 i\ nd R arc .iudividuoll) ltuo uud

86. As"niou (A). 1'11r high hcu(l und tc;w- R i correct esplomnion uf A
di.<churge b. l3oth A :md R are lndividuall} trut but

pQWer plrtnt, PeiiQn

w)Jeel is liSOd prime muv..-. R is noll o!llrteet c.'(plllnolion 11f A
Rt:!lwn (R): l'ho: non-dimcnsilml c. A is true but f.1lse
spc:cd al' PdiC!n "lied al d.,. igncd d. fulse but R is lruc

high. 'll, (A); Rolling requin:s high
n, !1oth A i111d R ore Uldividully trne friction which inereas"" liorddl ;md puwe,-
R is U1c COfl'dl!t <.\>.')llaJ!JitiOIL of A C()IlsormpLion.
b. Both . \. aud R arc individually tru.: but Reason (R): To prcYcnl dDmage lo
R as not the corn:<lt 1<'<planalioo of' J\ surface of the rolled pmducli, lubricanl$
c. A is true but R IS fal>e should be 11sed.
d At, fllle but Rio bue a. Bulb A and R ;ne irodivtdua Uy true 4nd
R is lbo .:xpl!lllolion of' A
12 111 1.1
b. Doth 1\ and R arc indtvidually lr\lO but <)(,, Wltieh or Ihe. T8 true for the.
R lli correct e.xplnnaiion of A IMI fe\\ teeth f a broach 11 hich ilfC meant
c. A if; It ue but R. is false for lin.: linis hing?
o. A is fnlse but R i$ It u. They "qun.I dfumolcr
92. (A) fndu't:ct oxti'U$itul U(l<:rntion b. J'he:y have tru:rea.'ilng diamt.:ltor
cun he perfonm:d either hy m<Wing rnm rrr c. l'he; hve dc..resing
by nlQVins lhc Cllntoiot:r d. l'hcy huvo and
R.cason ("R): Advantage in lndJrcct diam.:tcr
1$ '""" quantity of sOJ'Op 97. n.., .m: clfcct refers to the increase .in
to direct extrliSion. spec:ific cutting energy at low of

n. Bolh A and R are true unrefonned ch 1p lt due to
R is !h.: con'Cct explaMtion of A " ' bieb one of the foUowinlt?
b. 13oth A oud R ltrc indivtduuU) iruc but u. Exi&Jcnce <>f pl11uj!hing lCJL<:C
IS n.o t the conucl' expiJnation of A b, Work hardening
c. A is tiiit but R IS fal\e c.. High train r:tle

d. A is fale but R is lrue d. of hiah f.riction chip-tool
93. (A). Po11ut jnpui p.:r TR of a .inh:rtlle<:
rufri_goration system .acrCl.l.'il!S wilh \Vlticlt nne vflbc fullowiug Yton.-
decre:tSc m evaporator temperature. Ls hesl uited ID nbt in

Re:wm (R ); ( 'OP, tll' systctn
Jecrlh\Ses witJJ ILlcrC!IOc in jl. Top gnilmg
b. Pru1-lio.c !!tlltWg.
ra '' Both \ :>nd R ure individual ly tfQe :md c. Bottom
I{ Is ''"' cnrrect vf A d. S.teppcd grating
h. BoUt A and R 11re indtvidually lru<> bul 99, Which oDe of dte. foUowing is lite purpose
R is no t the com:ocl ""planolloo of A of a ilurge l;lrtl. in n Pelton turbine station?
c. A is !rue but R i. i'ale
u. It nels lll il tcn1porury 5tnrage during
d, A is l.1lsc but R is lnie lone!
94. I A). Cails of b. II hydraulic JIJmP
.:yliudrieal beUCJJJ springs. tu ptuvide 1.!. It pnwouls surges al. llte lntn!fot1U<r

gro:tlcr <pcing force in limited space, ore d. lL pn:vlll.ltl! water ltammo:r duct to
wound In oppCJSite dire.:rion. &udden roduction in lood
lteaStJtt (ll.): 111e winding or In IOV tOO ,\ lng of m, di;nneter 2 m
uppusile diruction itt uf conc<11lrie and S()l;CLlic weight 5110 N/m l'csts 011

$pringo prevents locking of two coili level erotUul.. Wbol is l]lC WOIX done Iin
1luring or buclding Nm) lo mol<<: it l(f 8tand """'lc..11
11. Jloth A and R arc individually IN<l ttnd u. >t ( t') (200)(50)(10)
R JS explanation oft\

b Jt ( I') (200) ( S(}) (1(1)

b UoU1 A nod R individually tru.: tul "' jt ( 1")(2()0)( 5()) (9)
R i$ not the correct e:.;pltmation of.-.. d. 1t I I' ) (21)0) (50) (8)
c. A is true but R is false

I0 I. Wluch one ul' fulluwil\ll ltolps in

J. A is false but R is true
uvoidinl! covitotiom i.Jl pumps?
95. (A): Ute p1eMu1c tot tic:>
a. LDI\'
(j)'!ftlt) in ll nozzle re:tehe critical press ure

b. High deln-ery p=sure

ptio, Ihe diehorge 7,01'1) ,
c. Low delivery pressure
Reaaou (R}. l'he nozzle gets
d. lfi[ll> :1ucliun pru.:lurt
Bollt.\and R ore iudividually ttuo ond
L02. t02. Cousid..,.. tltu following 81itlemcnl&
R is <!()l'l'dct cxplanotion of A
with regru-d to the 8peeds o.l'
11, 13oth .'o Rare mdividtUtlly Int.: but
di:fl'ereni types ofluroine
R i5 nOt the corrc.:t c.xplnatiun orA
L High spedfic Sile<>;l implies ills a
is true but R i8
PeltoD w hcd
d. A is flllsc but R is lru.:
2 Mcdlum specific .$J!eed implies U1al it
,. nn I llo\1 turbine
13 ur IJ
3. Low
speed impli<:5 tlmt il is 107. Which 011e of tltc following the
turbine a fully de'leiQped laminm- or
Which of tltcse given ab11ve
is' ore CCIJTd()L? 11. The pnlS5Utc drop irt tllo flow direction
n. l only IJ 7.1f'O
h. 2nnly b. 'l'he Yek>city profile c hange. unifonnly
"' (}O)y in Ute flow direction
d. N<me 1!. 11u: \ 'olocity pro[tlc does Mt cltuose in
103. A circ.ulu plate of 1.5 m is tbe
submerged in water wid1 its J!reatest ond d. The Reynolds pumb<T for the llow

least depth I>.;!ow lhe "nrer surface being
2 m ond 0.75 m rcspecth Cl) . What is the LOS. \Vbiolt one of the JoUowmg ;, d1e CXJrred
"PJ>fOxUnotc magnitude o f dtc loL'I dll'U!It rolation l><twc.:-'11 the bouudol) u yor
o n one f'aoe of the tltickness 3 diJphtcemont thickness o" and
a. 24kN lhe

b. 281:N :t, 8 f)
121u'l b. o' a ,,.
rl. 16 kN c. o _., lr
I(\II, Wbicb one of the followul.!! <t.1Jements 1

d, O> c( 0
oorreca. 109. The tb.ieknes> Of IUI'buhml bouodul'y IA)'"''
A s teady flow of J ivergiull stroighl tream 111 a di.<smncc '< from the leading edge on A
lines l'lal plate vmies 119'
ran, is 0 uniform wlth loClll n.,w ll.
accelenthon 1>.
h. ltn CXJovectivo ne>nnl:tcedfUlti<m C.

c. lms CXJnVective tnng:ential oci:Ckralion d. x"'
d. ltaA botb convective nunnal nnd I I0. When llal plllte 0.1 m1 nrea IS pulled or
tang.enlinl ala <:oustml velocity or3cl cm!s p:trnllelto
W5. Which <me \If the: follo1Vins 1s tho: anothor plnte> ot
eltprt!lliliun <)(tho rul.JitiOnttl li1r distnnce 0 .01 e m from il nnd Ute space in

t1 twO-dimcWJiOillll f1uld clcmcmt iu. x...

betwel}o. is JiJ ied wtth llnid of
plrrne'l viscosity 0.00 1 Ns_m2 the for.:e requlrod
n. OJ

:.!.("'' au}

a. 0.3N
be OJlplied is

b, UL :.!.l
io/!!!.) b. 3N
.:. 111N
d. l(iN
=1lZ ::1

11 L \Vbich o ne of th" folJm, ing is the

c. cuntinuily <quntion in dill'erertllll fonn?

=.!.(a. ,
(Tho symbols ltn<<e roeanfngsl

d. 111.
- 2 " ' .4 c/1! J p
t. ,,
106. What is tho pcrccmnge error in dtc
e.timotion or the dichnr{!e due 1<> an error b.

or 2n in lhe ll)tasurement reaclilll? ,,r ,,,.. A V p

of dilfct'ClUioJ tOtUICCicd to n olitioo A I' Jl
.n Jp
. 4 d.
h. :.
I 12. In on-off w ntrol sy1<tcrn,
c. 2 uno uf llc l'olhlll iug
;, 'I
a. Capillary lube
b. '11>emtOSI3t
o:. Automatic expansion PlW L ReL>Iive humidity decreases " "' 14
d. Flool\alve 2. Wet bulb tempera lure decreases
Wben does L.P. cul-otr peow In a 3. Wet buill temperature
n:frigcration systtm? 4. Humidit rntiit retnuins cOII$hlnt
u, 1f 01e .unbicniiClUJ><:Tilturc i lui\ Scle.:t the e<!rr."CC :msw.:r using Llle codes
h If non-co ndi'!IUnbl" JIM"' are present in giv"'l l>elow
U1e conden>et' a. I and 2
c. 1 rc:frir,:eronl charge is owl b. I ot1d .l
d. 1r lubrf"ating oil gotl oe<:umul:tlcd In e. 3and4
lhe d. 2 aud 4

Il-l. Mulst a1r ex1s1S uta pressure uf 1.()1 h3r. 118. in an in>ulnlive evapor"live cooler
nte prutia I pressure aud ration ot the rate Qf o.oo;. kl}'. Air
p!essllte n['11 nler VUI>Oill' aro 0.1) l bar nnd llow ralt ill I \Vl1t11 the nir
0.02 br respectively Wht = lhe relative l<..mpcrnturo docl'l:asc if the sJ>"cific be" I of
humidity and humidity ratio ol' the moLn humid ir l klikg 1.: nnd Intent hcnl of

air.. water 25(10 k.Jikg?
IL. 50"-.ontl 0.00622 a, 2.5" C
h. JOOQcmndO.Ol26 b.
c Sl)'!o nn(l l).l) I ;tli c

c. 75"
d, 1()(). (1,006U 11 100 r
I 15. In order to and dohurniclifv a II!.I. f\.blcb Lmt l wllh List ll nnd select the
of moisL it. it mus l bo possotl 'aver coil C()fi'CC{ :mswer using_ u,e \.'Odes gh"'-n
ran1 -n tempcr':'lt\lf'C bolow:
" wh1ch fi.:s between ll11: dry bulb und Liot I
"et bulb lcmpt!ralur<>i vl' lite incon>ing r\. Sulphur candle leSt
Klf'Cbm B. Htillt!"torc:b L<:sl

b which lies bc:t\1 een the bulb nnd C. Soop and lest
dew p oint temperarures of the D . .c\mmonin wantc;. l
intOmmg stream LisiTf
c_ wbicb is Iowa Lhru1 Lila de\\ point I. Propane

t.emperotura of tho slicrun 1- .'\Jnmonl

d. of dinbotit: sohuntion of 3. Holoc rbou rafrigcrants
sh-e:. m d. Sulphurdioxide
I 1(). 'Nl\ich of Ute feuturestl of

vaiVC& in the foOowing lisl!l urc eotrectl,)

A 13 c n
a. i. .3 I 4
Feown b. -1 1 3 2
I. Caplllary tube: C11oklng

c. 2 I 3 4
2 Thcnnoomtic o:cpnnsion ahe d. 3 I 2
Const.ont tcm )let:Cture
1211 lit " ston-waluh time study. the observed
:> AutomatiC va lve " Constatn

limo- woo tUG minutet the p01fornt.1nce

clcgrcc ()f
1:0ling lliclor wos 12.5 on the 100 nomtal
l. Float vakc : Mil Oo" rote of tpert:<'Tlloge scale). Whnt IS lhe standard
rofrigornnl L< proportionolto lond

time m minutes if :&-110\\auces -are

Select the eorrecl tL>ing the codes flenniued'l
given below . 0,180
a, 1 and ;! h. 0,2()0
b. 1 antl 3
" 0,2211
d. 3 lllld 4
d. o.uo
117. t< sen. i1>1y i:Qnfcd aoove
II' m Ots I J cr
dtW pQml, wbiob Of fuc [t)lliJWilll_l
slalcmen.l5 corroot'/

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