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LOrgane dOperating Conjoint

Relatif au Dveloppement dOhanet, Algrie


Worksite Inspection Checklist

Worksite Inspected

Main Activities

1. Inspect all scaffolds for valid scaff tags.

2. Check all electrical equipment for OOC inspection verification

3. Check all persons for appropriate PPE, i.e.

Hard Hat
Safety boots
Safety Glasses
Hearing protection

4. Check hot work sites for:

Suitable Extinguishers
Portable gas detector
Other adjacent work is compatible with hot work

5. Check personnel understand the following:

Precautions on any PTW

Safety and Environmental Hazards that may be present.
Measures to eliminate the risks associated with the hazards.
Actions to be taken in the event of a muster alarm.

6. Check all worksites clean and tidy

7. Trip hazards

8. Ladders and stairways secure and clear.

9. Oil/Chemical containers are secure and clearly marked.

10. Waste bins emptied and contents not overflowing

11. Lifting equipment in good condition and correctly colour coded.

12. General observations


Ing. de Quarte CdS HSECdD EXP

LOrgane dOperating Conjoint tabli en vertu dun accord du 10 avril 2002 entre la socit nationale SONATRACH et la
socit Australienne BHP Billiton Petroleum (International Exploration) Pty. Ltd. (ACN 059031033) a pour seul objet la
conduite conjointe des oprations ptrolires pour le compte des parties au Contrat de Service Risques pour le
Dveloppement et lExploitation des Gisements de Gaz Naturel situs dans la Rgion dOhanet sign le 2 juillet 2000.

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