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Captulo 100.

Captulo 100
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE Did you remember to do We were eager to get going

the ironing? No, I didnt. but they insisted on our
She always goes staying.
shopping on her own / Te acordaste de
alone. planchar? No Estbamos ansiosos de
ponernos en marcha, pero
Ella siempre va de compras Housework = tareas insistieron en que nos
sola / por su cuenta. domsticas (hjaus,we:k) quedsemos.
Did Auxiliar de pasado en
Refund = devolucin (rfan) la interrogacin. Past simple To predict = predecir
Always = siempre (:lweis) of do. (prodkt)
To go shopping = ir de = hiciste, hicisteis (did) Eager = entusiasta, ansioso,
compras Didn't (ddent) Verbo impaciente, tener ganas
(tu gou shpin) (chpin) auxiliar utilizado para (:ga) (:ger)
Bill = billete, cuenta, factura formar negativo en el pasado. Beaver = castor (bva) (bver)
(bil) Remember, remembered, Future = futuro (fiucha)
Noon = medioda (nu:n) remembered = recordar (fiucher)
Right now = ya, ahora (rimmba-er) (rimmbed) Improve = mejorar (impr:v)
mismo, inmediatamente (rait Iron = hierro, planchar (aien) Also = tambin (:lsae)
nau) Ironing = planchado, plancha (:lso)
Right here = aqu mismo (aienin) Go = ir, marchar (gou)
(rait hja) Adress = direccin (adrues) Get going = ponerse en
City center = centro de la Lock = cerrar con llave (lok) marcha (get goin)
ciudad (sti snter) Appointment = cita Tough = duro, fuerte (taf)
Alone = solo (aloun) (opointment) Insist, insisted, insisted,
Own = tener, poseer, propio Washing = lavado, colada insisting = insistir (insst)
(eun) (oun) (washin) (insstid) (insstid) (insstin)
On my own = solo, a solas, Cleaning = limpieza (kl:nin) Staying = permanencia
Dishes = platos (dchis) (stein)
She always forgets to pay Trash = basura (truash)
the bill Take out = sacar (teikaut) We were eager
= Ella siempre se olvida de = Tenamos muchas ganas.
pagar la factura. Did you remember the = Estbamos ansiosos.
She is always late. password? = Te Eager Beaver
= Ella siempre llega tarde. acordaste = Castor ansioso,
Se usa el verbo to be Did you remember the = Trabajador incansable,
She always has coffee at address? = Persona entusiasta,
eleven. Did you remember her ansioso/a
She always has breatfast in name? I am eager
the morning Did you remember to lock de to start these classes.
She always has lunch at door = ...cerrar la puerta con I am eager to finish this
noon. llave class.
Did you remember to pay for Are you eager to learn more
He never goes shopping. lunch yesterday? english? I also.
I always go shopping on the Did you remember to go to I go predict your future.
weekend. the doctor? If you study hard, your
I love going shopping. Did you remember to english will improve and you
I want a refund. make an appointment? will have more and more
concertar opportunity.
Im going shopping right now
on the internet, on line. To do the ironing = Planchar Let's get going! = Vmonos!
I love go shopping here, on To do the shopping. Let's get the party going!
line. To do the washing. = Vamos a la fiesta!
You can buy anything, right To do the cleaning. When the going gets tough,
here. Is so easy! I dont like to do the ironing. the tough get going.
Esmeralda, she goes Pepe always does the = Cuando las cosas se
shopping in the city center. ironing. ponenduras, los
duros se ponen en marcha.
On my own, on your own, on Did you wash the dishes?
his own, on her own, on our No, I didnt. They insisted on our/us
own, on their own. = Did you walk the dog? staying.
Solo/a/os No, I didnt. He insisted on my studying
They always have lunch on Did you take out the trash? eng.
their own. She goes to the No, I didnt.= Sacaste la They insisted on your
cinema on her own. bas.? coming.
Did you do the housework? He insisted on talking to me.
No; I didnt. He insisted on seeing
You didn't do anything. me at ten o'clock

Captulo 101. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 101 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



Go and lie down. Ill take care

They go skiing twice a How far did he swim this of this. I insist!
year. time?
Ve y acustate. Yo me ocupar
Ellos van a esquiar dos A qu distancia nad l de esto. Insisto!
veces al ao. esta vez?
To turn over = darle la vuelta
Estando en
Ski slopes = pistas de Bossy = mandn/a (bsi) posicin horizontal, girar 180
esqu. (ski: sloups) Far = lejos (fa:) (fa:r) sobre un lado, hacia la izquierda
Slope = cuesta abajo, custa, How far = A qu distancia? o hacia la derecha (te:n ouva)
pendiente, inclinacin (sloup) Hasta dnde? Hasta qu (te:n ouver)
Swim, swam, swum, punto? (hjau fa:) To turn around = darle vueltas
swimming Estando en posicin vertical
y con eje vertical (te:n oraund)
= nadar (swim) (swm) Swim, swam, swum, Around = alrededor (oraund)
(swam) (swimin) swimming Matter = material, asunto
Ski, skied, skied, skiing = nadar (swim) (swm) (mta) (mder)
Lie = mentira (lai)
= esquiar (ski:) (ski:d) (ski:d) (swam) (swimin) Lie, lay, lain, lying
(skin) Jump, jumped, jumped, = mentir, echarse, tumbarse
Go / goes, went, gone, going jumping (lai) (lei) (lein) (lyin)
= ir (gou / gous) (went) (gon) = saltar, brincar, lanzarse Down = bajarse, abajo (daun)
(gouin or gin) (yamp) (yampt) (yampt) To lie down = acostarse
Climb, climbed, climbed, (ympin) (tu lai daun)
climbing= subir, trepar, Did (did) Go to bed = irse a la cama
(gou tu bed)
escalar (klaim) (klaimd) Auxiliar de pasado en la To sit down = sentarse
(klaimd) (klaimin) interrogacin. (tu sit daun)
Weekend = fin de semana Past simple of do = To stand up = levantarse
(wi:kend) hiciste, hicisteis. (tu stndap)
Shape = forma, figura (sheip) Didn't (ddent) Verbo To get up = levantarse por la
Get in shape = ponerse en auxiliar utilizado para maana o de una silla (tu gtap
forma (get in cheip) formar negativo en el Get up! = Levntate! (gtap)
To sit up = incorporarse
Run, ran run, running pasado. (tu sitp)
= correr, ejecutar, funcionar Hope, hoped, hoped, hoping Care, cared, cared, caring
(ran) (rn) (ran) (rnin) = esperar, tener = cuidar, atender, preocuparse
Fish, fished, fished, fishing esperanza(hjoup) (hjoupt) (k-er) (ked) (ked) (krin)
= pescar (fish) (fisht) (fisht) (hjoupt) (hjoupin) To take care of = cuidar de,
(fshin) Watch, watched, watched, ocuparse de, atender a (tu teik
Once = una vez (wans) watching k) (tu teik kr)
Insist, insisted, insisted, insisting
Twice = dos veces (twais) = mirar, ver, observar = insistir (insst) (insstid)
Three time = tres veces (woch / wach) (wocht) (insstid) (insstin)
(zri: taim) (wocht) (wochin)
Hundred = cien (hjndrd) Previous = anterior (pr:vies) PART 1
Full = lleno, completo (fo) Time = tiempo, vez (taim)
Snow = nieve (snou) This time = esta vez (dis -Go and lie down.
Wonderful = maravilloso taim) = Ve y acustate.
-Don't worry. Go and lie down.
(wandfo) Try, tried, tried, trying = = No te preocupes. Ve y
Often = con frecuencia, a intentar, acustate.
menudo, muchas veces probar, comprobar, tratar de -I'll take care of this.
(fen) (trai) (traid) (traid) (tryin) = Yo me ocupar de esto.
Break = descanso, romper -I insist!
(breik) PART 1 = Insisto!
Practice, practiced,
-I have to lie down.
practiced, practicing -How far. = Tengo que acostarme.
= practicar, ensayar, = A qu distancia? -Everyday I lie down.
entrenar = Cun lejos (lit) = Cada da me acuesto.
(prktis) (prktist) (prktist) Y tambin, segn la frase, -Yesterday I lay down.
(prktisin) puede significar: Hasta = Ayer me acost.
Year = ao (yia-er) donde? -And lately I've lain down.
Month = mes (manz) -How far is it? = Y ltimamente me he acostado.
-Spanish people often lie down in
Week = semana (wi:k) = A qu distancia est? the afternoon.
-How far did you go? = Los espaoles a menudo se
PART 1 = Hasta dnde fuiste? acustan por la tarde.
-How far can you jump?
-One hundred and = Qu distancia puedes
one. (101) saltar? -Ill take care of this.
= Ciento uno. -How far. = Me ocupar de esto.
= Yo cuidar de esto.
-They go skiing. = A qu distancia? En ingls hay que usar el
= Ellos van a esquiar. = Hasta dnde? futuro. En espaol se suele usar
-To go shopping. el presente: De esto me ocupo
= Ir de tiendas. -How far is it from here? yo
= Hacer la compra. = A qu distancia est de -I'll take care of this matter.
No decimos: To go to aqu? = Me ocupar de este asunto.
shop. Y aqu es lo mismo. -I'll take care of this question.
= Me ocupar de esta cuestin.
Decimos: PART 2 -I'll take care of this problem.
-They go skiing. = Me ocupar de este problema.
= Ellos van a esquiar. -How far did he swim? -Ill call him tomorrow.
-They go swimming twice a = Hasta qu distancia nad = Maana le llamo.
week. l? En el futuro siempre.
= Ellos van a nadar dos -Did. (did) -Ill take care of it.
veces a la semana. Auxiliar de pasado en la = Me ocupar de ello.
= Ahora me ocupo de ello.
-They go climbing twice a interrogacin. Siempre en futuro y siempre
month. Estructura: Did (+suj) con contraccin.
= Ellos van a scalar dos (+infinitivo sin to) -Dont worry. Go and lie down.
veces al mes. -Did he swim? = No te preocupes. Ve y
= l nad? Nad l? acustate.
-This weekend I'm going to -Did he study? -Ill take care of this. I insist!
get in shape. = l estudi? = Yo me ocupar de
esto. Insisto!
= Este fin de semana voy a -Did she study?
ponerme en forma. = Ella estudi? PART 3
-I'm going to go running. -Did we pay?
= Voy a ir a correr. = Pagamos? -I'm turning over this folder again
-I'm going to go swimming. -Did they leave early? and again.
= Voy a ir a nadar. = Ellos se marcharon = Estoy girando esta carpeta una
-I'm going to go fishing as temprano? y otra vez.
-To turn it over.
well. -Did you study last week? = Darle la vuelta.
= Voy a ir a pescar tambin. = Estudiaste la semana -To turn around.
pasada? = Girar (una cosa que est en
PART 2 -I hope so. posicin vertical y sobre un eje
= Eso espero. vertical)
-Twice. -Did you watch our previous -I'm turning the folder around and
= Dos veces. class? around and around.
= Estoy girando esta carpeta
En ingls no decimos: = Viste la clase anterior? vueltas y ms vueltas.
two time cuando hablamos -I hope so too. En la cama, cuando duermes
de dos veces. Decimos: = Eso espero tambin. y te giras es: To turn over y no
Twice. Turn around.
-Once. PART 3 -In bed I turn over.
= Una vez. = En la cama doy vueltas.
-Three time. -This time? -I insist!
= Insisto!
= Tres veces. = Esta vez?
-Four time. -Where did you go this time? -Give me the box. I insist!
= Cuatro veces. = A dnde fuiste esta vez? = Dame la caja. Insisto!
-Five time. -I cant be there this time.
= Cinco veces. = No pude estar all esta vez.
-I go skiing twice at year. -She needs more money this
= Yoy a esquiar dos veces al time.
ao. = Ella necesita ms dinero
-The ski slopes are full of esta vez.
snow. -Ill help you this time.
= Las pistas de esquiar estn = Te ayudar esta vez.
llenas de nieve. -Can you help me this time?
-Wonderful! = Me puedes ayudar esta
= Maravilloso! vez?

-How many times?

= Cuntas veces?
-How many times a day eat
the cats? Twice.
= Cuntas veces al da
comen los gatos? Dos
-How many times a day you
have to go shopping? Twice.
= Cuntas veces al da
tienes que ir de
compras? Dos veces.
-How many times a day you
have a coffee break? Twice.
= Cuntas veces al da
tomas un descanso para el
caf? Dos veces.
-They go skiing twice a
= Ellos van a esquiar dos
veces al mes.


-A year.
= Al ao.
-A week.
= A la semana.
-A month.
= Al mes.
-I go skiing once a year.
= Yo voy a esquiar una vez
al ao.
-He goes skiing twice a year.
= l va a esquiar dos veces
al ao.
-How often do you practice
your English?
= Con qu frecuencia
practicas el ingls?
-I practice my English once a
year. No!
= Yo practico el ingls una
vez al ao. No!
-I practice my English every
= Yo practico el ingls cada

Captulo 102. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 102 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



She sometimes reads for He ran eight point five Do you think hes lying?
an hour before going to kilometers Didnt he? Probably! He lies all the
sleep. time! Yesterday, he lied
l corri ocho kilmetros y about his age.
A veces lee una hora antes medio no?
de ir a dormir. VOCABULARY
VOCABULARY Crees que est mintiendo?
Mile = milla (mail) Probablemente!
Torch = linterna (to:ch) Run, ran run, running l miente todo el tiempo!
Sometimes = a veces = correr, ejecutar, funcionar Ayer, minti sobre su edad.
(smtaims) (ran) (rn) (ran) (rnin)
Occasionally = a veces, Run away = huir, escaparse. To rub, rubbed, rubbed,
ocasionalmente (okeisnoli) Slowly = despacio, rubbing
(okeisonli) lentamente (slouli) = frotar (rob) (robd) (robd)
Normally = normalmente, Quickly = rpido (kwikli) (rbin)
generalmente (n:mli) Point = punto, coma, Think, thought, thought,
An = un, una (an) apuntar, sealar (point) thinking
Vowel = vocal (vuel) (vuo) Kilometers USA. = pensar, imaginar,
Before = antes (bif:) (bifr) (kilmita) (kilmeters) reflexionar, creer (zink) (zo:t)
An hour = una hora Kilometres UK. (kilmeta) (zo:t) (znkin)
(anua) (anuer) Thirty = treinta (z:ti) (z:ri) Think hes = Piensas que l
Read, read, read, reading Park = parquet (pa:k) (pa:rk) es (znkis)
= leer (rid) (rid) (rid) (rdin) Score = puntuacin, Lie, lay, lain, lying
Sleep, slept, slept, sleeping resultado, calificacin, = mentir, echarse,
= dormir (sli:p) (slept) (slept) calificar, marcar, anotar, tumbarse (lai) (lei) (lein)
(sl:pin) grupo de veinte (sko:) (lyin)
Meet, met, met, meeting Average = promedio (vrich) Liar = mentiroso (laia) (laier)
= reunirse, satisfacer, PART 1 Probably = probablemente
conocer, encontrar, (prbebli) (prbabli)
encontrarse -I ran for thirty minutes this Age = edad, era, poca
(mi:t) (met) (met) (m:tin) morning. (eigh)
Drive, drove, driven, driving -He ran to the park. Making it up = inventando
= conducir, manejar, empujar -We ran slowly. Try, tried, tried, trying =
(draiv) (drouv) (drven) -We ran quickly. intentar,
(draivin) -I ran three times last week. probar, comprobar, tratar de
Get, got, got o gotten(US), -I ran this morning. (trai) (traid) (traid) (tryin)
= obtener, conseguir, lograr, PART 2 PART 1
recibir, coger, llegar
(get) (got) (got or gten) -Eight point five kilometers. -He's lying.
(gtin) En ingls, la coma es un = l est mintiendo.
Leave, left, left, leaving punto. -Do you think he's lying?
= partir, salir, irse, Se separan los nmeros -I thougth he was lying.
marcharse, dejar, abandonar en los decimales. = Pens que estaba
(li:v) (left) (left) (l:vin) -Ej: Eight point five three = mintiendo.
Glass = vaso, vidrio (gla:s) 8,53 -I thought he was a liar.
Product = product (prdakt) = Pens que era un
-And the scores for Frank mentiroso
PART 1 and Harry are: six point - Don't lie to me!
seven, eight point one, seven = No me mientas!
-Sometimes. point five and six point five -I thought Mike was lying to
= A veces. for an average score of me.
Sometimes se pone seven point two. = Pens que Mike me estaba
antes del verbo principal. mintiendo.
-I sometimes come to work PART 3 -He's making it up.
by car. = Se lo est inventando.
= A veces vengo a trabajar -You live in Spain. Don't -I don't lie.
en coche. you? = Yo no miento.
-We sometimes meet on 1 part: Affirm. Quest: -I try not to lie.
wednesday after work. Negat. = Trato de no mentir.
= A veces quedamos los 1 part: Negat. Quest:
mircoles despus del Affirm. PART 2
trabajo. Se mantiene el mismo
tiempo. -Women say the men lie all
PART 2 -She lives in Paris. Doesn't the time and men say the
she? women lie all the time.
-Mister Reynald drives for an -He left. Didnt he? (se -Who lies more?
hour to get to work. march) -Do you lie all the time?
-You have to leave the -She ran five kilometers. -I lie. He lies. They lie.
product for an hour. Didn't she? -Everybody lies. Why didn't
-They ran this morning. lie?
PART 3 Didn't they? -I never lied about my age.
-He ran away. Didnt he?
-Before going to sleep he has
a glass of milk.
-To go to sleep
= Dormirse, quedarse

Captulo 103. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 103 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



I hardly ever go away in the I spoke to lots of As Ive used up all the
winter. interesting people when I sugar, Ill just nip out and
went to the party. get some more.
Apenas voy de viaje en
invierno. Yo habl con mucha gente Como he gastado todo el
interesante cuando fui a la azcar, simplemente saldr a
VOCABULARY fiesta. comprar un poco ms.

Hair dryer = secador de pelo VOCABULARY VOCABULARY

(hje draia) (hjer draier)
Hardly = apenas, casi nadie, Mall = centro comercial (US) Cemetery = cementerio
escasamente (hjdli) (ml) (mol) (smetrui) (smeteri)
Ever = nunca, sin duda, tan, Speak, spoke, spoken, As = como, ya que, puesto
alguna vez (va) (ver) speaking que,
Hardly ever = casi nunca, = hablar, decir (spi:k) (spouk) igual, mientras, aunque (as)
apenas (hjdli vr) (spouk) (sp:kin) As Ive = As I have = como
Missis = seora (msis) Owner = dueo he (as aiv)
Go away = Vete!, Lrgate! (euna) (ouna-er) Use, used, used, using =
desaparecer, marcharse, ir Lots of = a lot = mucho/a usar,
de viaje, irse fuera montn de (ltsov ) utilizar (yu:s) (yu:st) (yu:st)
(gou awei) Interesting = interesante (y:sin)
Sausage = salchicha (ntruestin) Used up =gastado,
(ssigh) Company = empresa consumido, utilizado hasta
Fat = grasa (fa) (fat) (kmpeni) agotar (y:sdap)
Pork = cerdo (po:k) See, saw, seen, seeing Just = solo, justo, apenas,
Often = frecuencia, a = ver, ver a (si:) (so:) (si:n) acabar de, por poco, tan
menudo, (s:in) solo, solamente, justamente,
muchas veces (fen) Talk, talked, talked, talking exactamente (yast)
Winter = invierno = hablar (to:k) (to:kt) (to:kt) Nip = mordisco, trago, sorbo,
(wnta)(wnter) (t:kin) sorber, cortar, pellizcar (nip)
Summer = verano (sma-er) Go / goes, went, gone, going Nip out = salir (npaut)
Autumn = otoo (:tem) = ir (gou / gous) (went) (gon) Bread = pan (bred)
Spring = primavera (sprin) (gouin or gin) Smoke = humo, fumar
Use, used, used, using = Went to = Fue a (went tu) (smouk)
usar, College = universidad (US)
utilizar (yu:s) (yu:st) (yu:st) facultad, instituto (UK)
(y:sin) (kleg) -As I've used up all the
Soup = sopa (su:p) Apartment = piso, sugar,
apartamento, I will simply go out and get
PART 1 estudio (ap:tment) some more.
Ill just nip out and get some
-Hardly ever = apenas + PART 1 more.
nunca. = Simplemente saldr a
-Missis Grace hardly ever -I spoke to. comprar un poco ms.
goes out. = Habl con.
= Casi nunca se marcha. -I spoke to Marta this PART 2
-Missis Grace hardly ever morning.
stays in. -I spoke to Juan this -I'll nip out.
= Casi nunca se queda en afternoom. = Saldr.
casa. -I spoke to Jaime yesterday. -I'll nip out and get the bus.
-I hardly ever have breakfast. -I spoke to the owner. = Saldr y coger el autobs.
-I hardly ever have -She spoke to me. -I'll nip out and have a look
sausages. round.
-I hardly ever have fats. PART 2 = Saldr y echar un vistazo.
-I hardly ever have pork. -Can I just, please, nip out for
-There are lots of interesting a smoke / cigarrette?
PART 2 people in my company. = Puedo simplemente, por
-I know lot of interesting favor, salir a fumar / a por
-He goes away three times a people. un cigarrillo?
month. -I saw to lots of interesting
= Va de viaje tres veces al people. PART 3
mes. -Theyre talking to lots of
-I think we should go away interesting people. -Get some more
more often. -There are lots of interesting = Conseguir un poco ms.
= Creo que deberamos ir de thing in the park. -She just went out to get
viaje con ms frecuencia. some more bread.
-Im going away next week. PART 3 = Ella acaba de salir para
-I need a hair dryer. conseguir ms pan.
-I dont can forget it -I went to the airport. -We should get some more
-I went to the mall. ice creams.
PART 3 -I went to California and = Deberamos conseguir
never went home. ms helados.
-In winter. In summer. = Fui a California y nunca -I got to get some more
-In autumn. In spring. volv a casa. paper.
-In winter we love to have -I went to college and I = Tengo que conseguir
soup. studied Biology.
-In winter I use a hair dryer. -I went to your apartment.

Captulo 104. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE English, Captulo 104 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English Course of TVE, Frases TVE diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Ingles, Curso de Ingles de TVE.
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
pgina en la misma pantalla.


How much money do you Im glad I had enough Im so clumsy! Yesterday

spend on food each week? money to pay for a taxi. I dropped 3 plates and
today Ive knocked over
Cunto dinero gasta en Menos mal que tena two chairs.
comida cada semana? suficiente dinero para pagar
un taxi. Soy tan torpe! Ayer dej
VOCABULARY 3 platos y hoy he tirado al
Lightbulbs = bombillas suelo dos sillas.
(laitbobs) Migraine = migraa
How = cmo, cunto, de qu (maigrein) VOCABULARY
manera, qu tal, cun (hjau) Glad, gladded, gladded,
Spend, spent, spent, spending gladding Whip = ltigo (wip)
= gastar(dinero); esforzarse, = contento/a, alegre (gld) So = tan, muy, as que
= pasar(tiempo) (spend) (gldid) (gldid) (gldin) (sou)
(spent) (spent) (spndin) Im glade = me alegro, Clumsy = torpe (klmsi)
Much = mucho, muy (mach) estoy contento, menos mal Still = todava, an (stil)
Para incontables. (aim gld) Stand, stood, stood,
Money = dinero, moneda I had = tuve, tena PS standing
(mni) (ai hjd) = estar, estar de pie,
Incontable. Ej: Much money. Enough = suficiente, aguantar
Many = muchos (mni) bastante (inf) (stnd) (stud) (stud)
Para contables. Pour, pored, pored, pouring (stndin)
Coin = moneda (koin) = verter, derramar, echar, Worst = peor, lo peor (west)
Contable Ej: Many coins. poner, llover a cntaros Drop, dropped, dropped,
Pocket = bolsillo (pket) (po: / po:r) (po:d) (po:d) dropping = caerse, dejar,
Spend on =gastar en (p:rin) caer, gota (druop) (druopt)
(spndon) Pouring = lluvia torrencial (druopt) (druopin)
Waste = malgastar, residuo (p:rin) Plate = plato (pleit)
perder, desperdiciar, (weist) Address = direccin Today = hoy (chudei)
Fruit = fruta (fru:t) (adrues) (drues) (tudei)
Food = comida, alimento (fu:d) Lock = cerrar con llave (lok) Knock, knocked, knocked,
Protein = protenas (prouti:n) Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed, knocking = golpear, chocar,
Carbohydrates = carbohidratos enjoying= disfrutar, gozar (nok) (nokt) (nkin)
(ka:bohjaidreit) (enyoi) (enyoid) (enyoid) Knock over = tumbar, hacer
Each = cada Entre dos (i:ch) (enyoiin) caer, derribar, volcar
Everyone = todos (vriwan) Pay, paid, paid, paying = (nkouver)
pagar (pei) (peid) (peid) Over = encima, por encima,
PART 1 (peiin) sobre, superior (euva)
Pay for = pagar (ouva-er)
How much money that it cost to Fun = diversion, divertido Chair = silla (cha) (cher)
buy a house in the countryside? (fan) Guitar = guitarra (guit)
How much money do you have To have fun = divertirse (guitr)
in your pocket? (tu hjv fan) Tray = bandeja (trei)
How much money do I have?
How much money do you Materials = materiales PART 1
want? (metriols) (matriols)
Im so clumsy!
PART 2 PART 1 = Qu torpe soy!, Soy tan
How much money do you Im glad I. Are you clumsy?
spend on your hair? = Menos mal que yo, me And today I'm still clumsy?
How many coins do you have? alegro, estoy contento. = Y hoy sigo siendo torpe?
How many lighbulbs dou you Im glad I had an umbrella. Can you stand clumsy
have in your house? Its pouring. people?
How much money do you Im glad I know the address = Puede soportar a la
spend on lightbulbs? because its late. gente torpe?
Im glad I lock the door. I can't stand clumsy people.
PART 3 I'm glad you call me. Jorge is the worst = el
I'm glad you enjoy in the peor.
I spend on money on meat, park.
on proteins, I'm glad you're having fun. PART 2
spend on money onvegetables. PART 2 I dropped 3 plates = Se me
Do you spend cayeron tres platos ayer.
money on oranges? / on other I had enough money Im very clumsy! Today
fruits? Pasado simple: I had = I dropped a cup of coffee,
How much money do you tuve, tena, tuviera, tuviese I dropped two cup of tea
spend on carbohydrates each (ai hjd) and
week? I had enough time. I dropped two plates.
I had enough materials. I'm not clumsy = No soy
I had enough students. torpe
If I had enough money, I
would buy the book. PART 3
And I was hoping I had
enough bread to make 50 Ive knocked over two
sandwiches. chairs.
= Y esperaba que tena = He tirado, sin querer, dos
suficiente pan para hacer sillas.
50 sandwiches. Im goin to knock over the
PART 3 You knocked over a tray.

To pay for a taxi.

= Para pagar un taxi.
En ingles no se dice
for pay
Im here to teach you.
Youre here to learn.
Pay for them it is not

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