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Captulo 110.

Captulo 110
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE I caught the train but I Has it been long since

didnt catch the same one youve been round Marys
She likes chocolate very as James. house? Shes been asking
much. for you.
Cog el tren, pero no cog el
A ella le gusta mucho el mismo que James. Ha pasado mucho tiempo
chocolate. desde que has estado en
Change = cambio, calderilla, casa de Mary? Lleva tiempo
Taste = gusto, sabor (teist) cambiar, modificacin preguntando por ti.
Like = gustar, agradar (laik) (cheing)
Chocolate (chklet) Catch, caught, caught = To snore = roncar (sno:r)
Put, put, put = poner, coger Since = desde, desde que,
colocar, decir, exponer, (kach) (ko:t) (ko:t) ya que, porque, ya que (sins)
echar (put) Train = tren (truein) Round = redondear,
Honey = miel, cario, Same = mismo/a, igual redondo, circular, alrededor,
dulzura, maravilla, gozada (seim) por, en
(hjni) Same one = mismo/a, (raund)
Toast = tostada, brindis mismo/a que (seim wan) Leave, left, left = salir, partir,
(toust) As = como, igual , mientras, irse, dejar, abandonar (li:v)
Very = muy, mucho (vri) cuando, donde, de, ya que (left)
Much = mucho, muy (mach) (as) Practically = prcticamnete
Very much = muchsimo Got up = se levant (gotp) (prktikli)
(vri mach) Early = temprano (:li) Street = calle (strui:t)
Milk = leche, ordear (milk) Station = estacin (steishon)
Shape = en forma, estado, Turtle = tortuga (t:tol) Has it been long since
moldear, dar forma (sheip) Single = uno solo (sngo) = Ha transcurrido / ha
Sweet = dulce, adorable Trout = trucha (traut) pasado mucho tiempo
(swi:t) desde
Cheese = queso (chi:s) He caught the train. Has it been long since you
Furniture = = l cogi el tren. last saw her?
mueblesIncontabl. I caught the bus. = Hace mucho tiempo
no lleva s (f:nicha) We caught a taxi desde la ltima vez que la
(frnicher) Bill got up so early that he vio?
caught the first train. Has it been long since you
She likes to put honey on her = Bill se levant tan left Paris?
toast temprano que cogi el primer = Ha pasado mucho tiempo
He likes his tea with milk. tren. desde que te fuiste de Pars?
He likes the taste of honey. It hasn't been long since I
= A l le gusta el sabor de la I didnt catch = Yo no cog. started working.
miel. I didnt catch the bus at the = No ha pasado mucho
Everybody likes to be in station. tiempo desde que empec a
shape. I'm sorry. I didn't catch your trabajar.
= A todo el mundo le gusta name before.
estar en forma. = Lo siento. No me qued The police have been round
con tu nombre antes. here this morning.
Chocolate Es incontable. I didn't catch your name. La polica ha estado por aqu
No se pone la s, de plural. = No entend su nombre. esta maana.
Es chocolate en general: But I didn't catch the turtle. I have been round practically
sing. y pl. = No cog la tortuga. all the streets.
My mother like chocolate I didn't catch a single fish. = He dado la vuelta
more anything. = A mi madre = No pesqu ni un solo pez. prcticam. por todas las
le gusta el chocolate ms I didn't catch a single trout. calles.
que nada. I haven't been round here for
I like a lot the taste of The same one as. some time = No he
chocolate = El / la misma que. estado por aqu desde hace
He has good taste. I have the same one as algn tiempo.
= l tiene buen gusto. yours. Some people snore and
I like the taste of chocolate. I have the same one as some people not snore.
them. Do you snore?
Very much Va al final de I like the same one as I snore when I sleep.
la frase. James.
I don't like sweet things very Do you like the same one Every one of them has been
much. as Pepe? asking for you.
I like cheese very much. It's really the same one as Helen's been asking for you.
He likes computers very yours.
He likes furniture very much.
Do you like chocolate very

Captulo 111. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 111
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE Its true that sales fell, but How long ago did they say
they didnt fall that much. theyd come to visit?
On Sunday afternoons we It must be a year ago now.
like to go for a walk in the Es verdad que las ventas
countryside. cayeron, pero no cayeron Cunto tiempo hace que
tanto. dijeron que vendran a
Los domingos por la tarde visitarnos?
nos gusta dar un paseo por Expenses = gastos Debe ser ya un ao.
el campo. (ikspnsis) (ekspnsis)
True =verdad, verdadero Overcast = cubierto
Speedboat = lancha motora (thru:) (ouverkast)
(sp:d,bout) Tree = rbol (thru) How long = Cunto lleva?
Afternoon = tarde (de 13:00 Win, won, won = ganar, Cunto dura? Cunto
a 5:00 o 6:00 triunfar (win) (wan) (wan) tarda? Cunto mide?
p.m. (:ftenu:m) World cup = copa del mundo (hjau lon)
Go, goes, went, gone = ir (wo:d kap) (we:ld kap) Ago = hace (gou) (agou)
(gou) (gous) (went) (gon) Sales = ventas (seils) Win, won, won = ganar,
Grandmother = abuela Fall, fell, fallen = caer, triunfar
(grn,mada) (grn,mader) caerse, cada, bajar, (win) (wan) (wan)
Churche = iglesia (che:ch) disminucin
Like = gustar, agradar (laik) (fo:l) (fel) (fo:len) Relationship = relacin,
Once = una vez (wans) Cake = tarta, torta (keik) parentesco (rileisonshep)
Cinema = cine (snema) Bottle = botella (btol) (btol) Start, started, started =
Walk, walked, walked, Foot = pie (fut) comienzo, comenzar ,
walking Feet = pies (fi:t) empezar (sta:t) (st:tid)
= pasear. Walk [(wo:k) Crime = crmen, delito (krain) (st:tid)
(wa:k)] So much = tanto (sou mach) Say , said, said = decir,
(wo:kt) (wo:kt) (wo:kin) That much = tanto (dat dgame
Countryside = campo, much) (sei) (sed) (sed)
campia (kntrisaid) Por ser frase negativa. Come, came, came = venir
Cry = llorar, gritar (krai) (kam) (keim) (keim)
In the afternoon = Por la Visit, visited, visited = visitar
tarde. Its true = Esto es verdad. (vsit) (vsitid) (vsitid)
On Sunday afternoons. Its true that they were here.
= En las tardes de domingo. = Es verdad que ellos How long ago.
Se pone on porque hay estuvieron aqu. = Cunto tiempo hace
un da de la semana. La s That Spain won the world que?
no se pone a Sunday, sino a cup, it's true? Its true. = Cundo hace que?
afternoons. = Que Espaa gan la Copa How long ago that Spain won
My grandmother goes to del Mundo, es verdad? Es the world cup?
churche every Sunday cierto. How long ago did you started
afternoon. Its true that shes a doctor. to learn English?
What do you do on Sunday Its true that hes married. = Cunto tiempo hace que
afternoon? empezaste a aprender
The sales fell. Ingls?
We like (+inf) We like to = Las ventas cayeron. How long ago was he here?
go. The books fell on the floor. = Cunto tiempo hace que
We like (+ger) We like The cake fell on the table. estuvo aqu?
going = La tarta cay en la mesa. How long ago was your last
Se puede poner las dos The bottle fell on my foot. relationship?
formas. = La botella cay en mi pie. = Cunto tiempo hace de tu
We like to go to the cinema Every year crimes fall. ltima relacin?
once a week. Last year crimes fell. It must be four years.
I like to go to bed early. = Me And today, crime has fallen. = Ha debido de pasar 4
gusta ir a la cama temprano. = Y hoy, el crimen ha aos.
We like going on speedboat. disminuido.
= Nos gusta ir en lancha They would come to visit?
rpida. I didnt eat that much. Theyd come to visit?
= Yo no com tanto. = Vendran a visitarnos?
Go for a walk = Dar un He didnt study that much. You knew they would come
paseo. He didnt cry that much. ten minutes ago = Usted
To have a walk = Dar un He didnt run that much. saba que vendran hace
paseo. diez minutos.
To take a walk = Dar un It must have been about two
paseo. years ago now. = Debe
On saturday mornings we haber sido hace unos dos
like to go for a walk in the aos ahora.
I go for a walk everyday.
Captulo 112. TVE ENGLISH
Captulo 112
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE I just came to make She put in a lot of effort

sure you're ok. and eventually got a
I dont like going into town promotion. Im not sure
from Monday to Friday. Slo vine para asegurarme how long ago it was.
de que ests bien.
No me gusta ir al centro de Ella puso mucho esfuerzo y
lunes a viernes. To guarantee = garantizar al final consigui un ascenso.
(grenti:) No estoy seguro de cundo
Cute = mono, guapo (kiu:t) Just = solo, justo, apenas, fue.
Swimming = natacin tan solo, solamente, por
(swimin) poco (yast) Brat = nio mal educado,
Swim, swam, swum = nadar Come, came, came = venir nio insolente, mimado
(swim) (swon) (swam) (kam) (keim) (keim) (brt)
Cold = fro (koud) Call, called, called = llamar Put, put, put = poner, colocar
Town = pueblo, ciudad p. (ko:l) (ko:d) (ko:d) (put) (put) (put)
(taun) Make, made, made = hacer, Put in = insertar, meter en,
Into town = entrar en la fabricar (meik) (meid) (meid) invertir mucho esfuerzo.
ciudad, Sure = seguro (sho:) (shar) (ptin)
ir al centro (nchi taun) (nchu Make sure = asegurarse, Effort = esfuerzo (ft)
t.) comprobar (meik sho:) Eventually = al final
Rest, rested, rested = dormir, OK okay = bien, vale (ivnchueli)
descansar (ruest) (ruestid) (oukei) Promotion = promocin,
(ruestid) ascenso (promousen)
Junk food = comida basura I just came = Slo vine, Sure = seguro (sho:) (shar)
(yank fu:d) acabo de venir, acabo de Presidency = presidencia
Go out = salir (gou aut) llegar. (prsidensi)
Weekdays = das laborables, I just saw. = Slo vi, acabo Yeah = s (ya) (yea)
de lunes a viernes (wik,deis) de ver, que acabo de ver a. Also = tambin (:lsou)
Monday = lunes (mndei) I just called = Slo llam, Even = incluso (:ven)
Friday = viernes (fraidei) acabo de llamar, me acaba
de llamar. She put in a lot of effort
He doesnt like going I just wanted more time. = invertir mucho tiempo y
shopping after work. = Slo quera ms tiempo. esfuerzo.
= No le gusta ir de compras He just wanted to talt to her. But dad, I put in a lot of
despus del trabajo. = l solo quera hablar con effort.
She doesnt like going ella. = Pero pap, me he
swimming when is cold. esforzado mucho.
= No le gusta ir a nadar I just came to say hello. I had to put a lot of effort into
cuando hace fro. = Slo vine para saludarte. it.
I dont like resting. They came here at six. = Tuve que poner mucho
= No me gusta descansar. They came late. esfuerzo en ello.
What don't you like? He came on time. The Swedish Presidency has
= Qu no te gusta? What time do you come put in a lot of effort.
I dont like eating junk food. here? We have put in a lot of effort,
= No me gusta comer I came here at seven. which has led these results.
comida basura.
What time do they come = Nos esforzamos mucho, lo
To go to the city center = Ir al here? que ha llevado a estos
c. They came here later. resultados.
To go into the center = Ir al
cen. Make sure they eating. Got a promotion
To go into town. = Ir al = Asegrate de que estn = Consigui un ascenso.
centro. comiendo. Yeah, and I also got a
I dont like going into town on Make sure the window is promotion today.
weekdays. closed = S, y hoy tambin he
= No me gusta ir a la ciudad I always make sure my conseguido un ascenso.
los das laborables. students understand. You got a promotion and you
She only like going into town I just came to make sure didn't even tell us.
on the weekend. everythings ok.
That baby is so cute! Do you make sure the door That shows how long ago it
= Ese beb es tan lindo! was locked? = Ests was. = Eso muestra lo
I seguro de mucho que ha pasado desde
work from Monday to Friday. Make sure you study the entonces.
He dont go out from Monday expressions = Asegrate You don't even know how
to Friday. de long ago it was. = Ni siquiera
Make sure you practice your sabes cunto tiempo ha
English = Asegrate de pasado.

Captulo 113. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 113
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE Im so forgetful. I always Ill drop you off at the

forget my things. Today I station provided you cover
He enjoys travelling and left my wallet at home. the cost of the petrol.
Soy tan olvidadiza. Siempre Voy a dejarte en la estacin
l disfruta viajando y olvido mis cosas. Hoy dej la a condicin de que cubras el
cantando. cartera en casa. coste de la gasolina.

Backpack = At all = en absoluto (atl) Step on = pisar, paso, etapa,

mochila (US)(bkpk) So = as, tan, tanto, as que, meterse en barro (step
Rucksak = muy, por lo que, por tanto on)
mochila (RU)(rksk) (sou) Drop = caerse, dejar caer,
Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed Forget, forgot, forgotten = gota (druop)
= disfrutar, gustar, gozar olvidar (fogt) (fogt) Drop off = bajar, apearse,
(enyoe) (enyoid) (enyoid) (fogten) separarse, dejar a alguien
Travel, traveled, traveled = Forgetful =olvidadizo (druopof)
viajar (trvo) (trvod) (trvod) (fogtfo) Pick up = recoger, levantar
Travelling = viajando Leave, left, left = dejar, salir, (pkap)
(trvelin) permiso (li:v) (left) (left) Station = estacin (steishon)
Wallet = cartera (wolet) Provide = proporcionar,
Home = casa, hogar aportar suministrar, prestar
(hjeum) (hjoum) (provaid)
Sing, sang, sung, singing = Garage = garaje/je Cover = cubrir, incluir,
cantar (sin) (sn) (san) (greg) (gar:g) cubierta, tapa, funda (kva)
(snin) Watch, wached, wached = (kver)
Dance, danced, danced = ver, mirar, observar, reloj de Cost = coste, costar,
bailar pulsera [(wotch) (watch)], valer(kost)
(da:ns) (d:nst) (d:nst) watcht Petrol, gas =
Talk, talked, talked = hablar Happening = gasolina (US)(ptrol) (gs)
(to:k) (to:kt) (to:kt) acontecimiento, suceso, que Gasoline =
Dinner = cena (dna) (dner) est sucediendo gasolina (RU)(gsolin)
Have dinner = cenar (hjav (hjpenin) Result = resultado, resultar
dna) (risl)
Are your friends forgetful? Insurance = seguro
To enjoy (+ = Son tus amigos (inshrens)
doing something) olvidadizos? Treatment = tratamiento
We enjoy going to the Are you forgetful or is your (trui:tment)
cinema. brother forgetful?
= Nos gusta ir al cine. Im not very forgetful. I'll go to the station
She enjoys eating chocolate. He is so forgetful. to pick you up = Voy a ir la
= Le gusta comer chocolate. Im not forgetful at all. estacin a recogerte.
He enjoys talking to me. = Yo no soy olvidadiza en Ill go to the station:
He enjoys looking at me. absoluto. To pick him up.
He enjoys sitting next to me. To pick her up.
He enjoys listening to me Do you forget your thing? To pick them up.
when I talk. = Olvidas tus cosas?
He enjoys having dinner with I always forget my things Ill go to drop you off in the
me = Le gusta cenar He forgets his thing. station = Voy a ir a la
conmigo. She forgets her thing. estacin para dejarte.
You forget your thing. Ill go to the station:
Do you enjoy dancing? They forget their thing. To drop him off.
My husband enjoys Dont forget your thing. To drop her off.
travelling. To drop them off.
I enjoy travelling with my I left my wallet at home. Theyll go to drop me off.
backpack. = Dej la cartera en casa.
He enjoys going to the city. I left my book on the table. Cover the cost of.
He enjoys swimming. I left my car on the garage. = Cubrir los gastos.
I left my watch at home. As a result, insurance does
Do you enjoy singing? = Dej mi reloj en casa. not cover the cost of
I enjoy singing. I left my wallet at home too. treatment.
What do you enjoy doing? What is happening to me? = Como resultado, el seguro
Do you enjoy going ski? = Qu me est pasando? no cubre el costo del
Do you enjoy travelling? tratamiento.
Do you enjoy dancing?
Do you enjoy travelling and
I dont enjoy dancing but I do
enjoy singing.

Captulo 114. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 114
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE She wrote it down in her As long as you abide by

diary and then put it back the laws, youll have
Do you enjoy learning how in the drawer. nothing to worry about.
to dance?
Ella lo apunt en su diario y Siempre que acates las
Disfrutas aprendiendo a despus lo guard en el leyes, no tendrs nada de
bailar? cajn. qu preocuparte.

Scuba diving = Sensitive = sensible To brage = presumir

submarinismo (snsitiv) hablando, jactarse,
(sk:ba,daivin) Write, wrote, written fanfarronear (brg)
Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed = escribir, anotar, apuntar As = como, lo que, mientras,
= disfrutar, gustar, gozar (rait) (rout) (rtn) igual, aunque, a pesar de
(enye) (enyed) (enyed) Write down = anotar (rait (s)
Learn, learned, learned daun) As long as = siempre que
= aprender (le:n) (le:nd) Make sure = asegurarse de (as lon as)
(le:nd) (meik sho) (maik shor) Phobia = fobia (foubia)
Busy = ocupado (bsi) Diary = diario personal Suffer = sufrir (sfa) (sfer)
Clean = limpio, limpiar (kli:n) (daieri) Abide, abided, abided =
Dance, danced, danced And = y (an) (nd) acatar, permanecer, quedar
= bailar, baile, danza, danzar Then = luego, despus (den) continuar, (abaid) (abaidid)
(da:ns) (da:nst) (da:nst) After = (abaidid)
Read, read, read = leer (rid) despus de (:fta)(:fter) Abide by = cumplir con,
Put, put, put = poner, colocar acatar, atenerse a, respetar
Do you enjoy? = Disfrutas? (put) (put) (put) (abaid bai)
Do you enjoy (+ger)? Back = espalda, reverso, de Law = ley (lo:)
Do you enjoy doing it? vuelta, retroceder (bk) Nothing = nada (nzin)
Do you enjoy cooking? Put back = poner en su sitio, Worry = preocupar (wri)
Do you enjoy learnig colocar de nuevo. (put bk) About = alrededor, de, sobre,
English? Drawer = cajn (dro) (dror) como, hacia, ms o menos,
What a busy day! Address = direccin (adrs) aproximadamente (abaut)
= Que da ms ocupado! Ability = habilidad, capacidad
Do you enjoy cleaning? Wrote it down = Lo anot, lo (ablity)
Disfrutas con la limpieza? apunt, lo escribi.
Do you enjoy cleaning the When yourre watching the As long as = Tan largo
desk? class, make sure you write como (lit)
Do you enjoy cleaning your down the words, verbs, = Siempre que, mientras
house? vocabulary and grammar, que.
and write down the lesson. I'm bragging about my ability
Do you enjoy travelling? = Cuando t ests viendo la to teach = Estoy
Do you enjoy singing? clase, asegrese de anotar presumiendo de mi
Do you enjoy fishing? I wrote down his address. capacidad para ensear.
Do you enjoy learning new She wrote it down. I dont want to brag.
things? = Ella lo apunt. As long as your father
I hope so = Espero que s. doesnt put difficult.
What other sports do you And then = Y despus. = Siempre que tu padre no lo
enjoy? Conecta eventos. ponga difcil.
Know how to dance. Con After pide the As long as I have this phobia,
know es obligatorio el how Ej: After the metting. I'm going to suffer.
to Ej: After the party. = Siempre que tenga esta
Do you enjoy learning how And then I go to the beach. fobia, voy a sufrir.
tospeak English? = Te And then I call my brother.
gusta aprender a hablar I go to the park and then But we must abide by the
ingls? I study. law.
Do you enjoy learning how = Pero debemos respetar la
tospeak German? I put the book back = I put ley.
I don't know how to enjoy. back the book. And I will abide by your
= No s cmo disfrutar. = Guard el libro, puse el decision
And then, you learn how libro en su sitio. = Y voy a acatar tu decisin.
toenjoy the read. I put it back = Lo guard.
= Y luego, aprendes a Please, put the book back. Now remember, you have
disfrutar de la lectura. nothing to worry about.
= Ahora recuerda, no tienes
nada de qu preocuparse.
And you, do you not have
anything to worry about?

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