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Captulo 115.

Captulo 115
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE He taught us a lot of things We might as well check out

and for once I understood that new film. It sounds
I prefer ham to jam. everything! interesting.
What about you?
l nos ense muchas cosas Tambin podamos echar un
Prefiero jamn que y por una vez entend todo. vistazo a esa nueva pelcula.
mermelada. Suena interesante.
Y t? Rarely = raramente (r:li)
(rurli) Light years = aos luz
Lamb = cordero (lm) Teache, taught, taught (lait yies)
Prefer = preferir (pref) = ensear (ti:ch) (to:t) (to:t) Might = es possible, puede
(prefr) Alphabet = alfabeto (lfabet) que, poda, podra/s (maik)
Ham = jamn (hjm) Once = una vez (wans) May = poder, puede que
Jam = mermelada (ym) Listen, listened, listened (mei)
Toast = tostada (toust) = escuchar (lsen) (lsend) Well = bien (wel)
About = alrededor, de, sobre, (lsend) As well = tambin (as wel)
como, hacia, ms o menos, Understand, understood, Truth = verdad (tru:z)
aproximadamente (abaut) understood = entender Cause = causa, razn (ko:s)
You = tu, usted, te, ti, (andestnd) (andestd) Break = pausa, romper
vosotros/as, os, le/s (yu:) (andestd) (breik)
(iu:) Everything = todo (vrizin) Check = verificar, comprobar
Sleep, slept, slept, sleeping Small = pequeo/a (smo:l) (chek)
= dormir (sli:p) (slept) (slept) Rule = regla (ru:l) Check out = echa un vistazo,
(sl:pin) Explanation = explicacin verificar, consultar (chkaut)
Kind = tipo, clase, (kspleneison) Sound = sonido, sonar
amable(kain) (saund)
Which one = cul (wich wan) I taught a lot students last It sound = suena, parece
week Interesting = interesante
Do you prefer ham? Or do = Yo ense a muchos (ntrestin)
you prefer jam? I prefer alumnos la semana pasada. Rate = tasa, tarifa (reit)
ham. I taught her the alphabet.
= Prefiere jamn? O He taught us a lot of things. We might as well = tambin
prefiere mermelada? Yo Did I teach you last week? podamos, por qu no?
prefiero merm. = Te ense yo la semana You might as well tell me the
I love Spanish ham. pasada? truth = Ms valdra decirme
I dont like Spanish jam. Yes Hanah. You taught me la verdad.
I prefer Spanish ham to last week. = S Hanah. T We might as well go.
Spanish jam. me enseaste la semana = Vmonos ya.
= Yo prefiero el jamn pasada. We might as well accept that
espaol a mermelada the cause is lost.
espaola. For once = por una vez. = Deberamos aceptar que la
For once he helps to me. causa est perdida.
I prefer ham to jam but she For once she comes to class We might as well take a five
prefer jam to ham. on time. minute break.
I prefer jam on my toast. For once he listens to me.
I prefer ham to lamb. For once, do something for = Tambin podramos tomar
= Yo prefiero jamn a others. un descanso de cinco
cordero. = Por una vez, haz algo por minutos.
los dems. We might as well eat too.
What about you? Y t? = Tambin podramos
I prefer sleeping to working. I understood everything. comer.
What about you? I understood English when
= Yo prefiero dormir a I was small. Check out our public IM
trabajar... We understood the rules. FAQs.
I'm going to the beach later. He understood my = Consulta nuestras
What about you? explanation. preguntas frecuentes de
= Voy a la playa ms tarde.... You have not understood mensajera instantnea
Put something in my coffee! anything pblica.
- What do you prefer? = T no has entendido nada. Check out our rates for single
Pon algo en mi caf! or double room = Echa un
- Qu prefieres? vistazo a nuestras tarifas de
What kind of ham do you habitacin individual o doble.
Tell us, Which one do you It sounds interesting =
prefer? Parece interesanate.
= Dinos Cul te gusta ms?

Captulo 116. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 116
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE I bought a new car but then The speech was dreadful.
I sold it a month later. She just went on and on.
He prefers driving to We might as well have
travelling by plane. Compr un coche nuevo, stayed at home.
pero luego lo vend un mes
l prefiere conducir a viajar ms tarde. El discurso fue horrible.
en avin. Simplemente iba hablando
To stay in = quedarse en sin parar. Hubiera estado
Truck = camin (truak) casa, permanecer (chu mejor quedarnos en casa.
Prefer = preferir (pref) stei in)
(pref ) Buy, bought, bought = To scream = chillar, gritar
Drive, drove, driven, driving = comprar (chu skr:m)
conducir, viaje, vuelta, (bay) (b:t) (b:t) ( Speech = discurso, habla,
empujar oa) palabra, expresin (spi:ch)
(draiv) (drouv) (drvn) Closet = armario (klset) Dreadful = terrible,
(draivin) (klsit) espantoso (druedfol)
Travel, traveled, traveled = Sell, sold, sold = vender Awful = horrible, terrible
viajar (trvol) (trvold) (sel) (sould) (sould) (:fol)
(trvold) Printer = impresora Boring = aburrido (b:rin)
Travelling = viajando (prnta) (prnt r) Tedious = tedioso (t:dies)
(trvelin) Scanner = escner Deadly = mortal (ddli)
(skna) (skne r) Waste, wasted, wasted
Plane = avin (plein)
Car = coche, automvil (ka: ) Store = tienda (sto:) (sto: )
Helicopter = helocptero Motorbike = moto = perder, desperdiciar,
(hjlikopta) (hjlicopter) (moudebaik) despilfarrar (weist)
Boat = barco (bout) (baut) Second hand = segunda (weistid)
Soft drink = refresco mano Stay, stayed, stayed
(sof,drink) Online = en la red (n,lain) = quedarse (stei) (steid)
On foot = a pie (on fut) Month = mes (manz) (steid)
Later = ms tarde, despus Just = solo, justo, apenas,
He prefers running to (leita) (leiter) tan solo, solamente, por
walking. Early = antes, temprano (e:li) poco (yast)
= l prefiere correr a pasear. Return, returned, returned = On and on = una y otra vez,
My mother prefers driving to devolver (rit:n) (ritnd) y sigue, sin cesar (on en on)
walking. (ritnd) Interminables (int:minebol)
My brother prefers flying
helicopter to flying by plane. My mother bought a new The speech was dreadful,
= Mi hermano prefiere volar closet. very boring, tedious, and
en helicptero a volar en = Mi madre compr un nuevo deadly.
avin. armario = El discurso fue espantoso,
What do you prefer? Do My father bought a new muy aburrido, tedioso,
you prefer walking or computer. mortal.
running? He also bought a new printer I waste my time. Waste the
and he bought a new time everybody.
Do you prefer singing or scanner. = Pierdo el tiempo. Pierde el
dancing? The student bought a new tiempo todo el mundo.
I prefer singing to dancing. book from the store. The weather was dreadful.
= Prefiero cantar a bailar. = El estudiante compr un The answer than I got
She prefers travelling by boat nuevo libro de la tienda. yesterday, was dreadful.
to travelling by plain. = La respuesta que me
He prefers driving in a truck I sold it = Lo vend. dieron ayer, era terrible.
to driving in a car. My father sold his motorbike.
I prefer eating chicken to He sold it second hand. The speeches went
eating bread. = Prefiero I also sold something second interminable.
comer pollo a comer pan. hand. I don't love speeches that
I prefer drinking water to I sold some books to Peter in never stop.
drinking soft drink. Seville. She went on and on
I prefer sleeping four hours to I sold something to = Ella segua y segua.
sleeping three hours. somebody. It goes on and on and on
I stay in and I sold it online. = Sigue una y otra vez.
By es la preposicin que va = Me qued en casa y lo We go on and on and on.
con los medios de vend.. = Nosotros seguimos,
transporte. seguimos
By bike , by truck, by plain, He bought a new bike but he We might as well = Tambin
by bus, by car, on foot sold it a month later. podamos, ms valdra.
(a pie) Es la excepcin. I bought a book online but
then I returned it a month

Captulo 117. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 117
(Look at the video)
He brought an umbrella How about we go
SENTENCE just in case it rained. downtown later? We might
as well take advantage of
They get a lot of presents l trajo un paraguas por si our time off.
at Christmas. acaso llova.
Qu tal si vamos al centro
Reciben muchos regalos en Appointment = cita con un de la ciudad ms tarde?
Navidad. professional (apointmant) Por qu no? Podramos
Bring, brought, brought aprovechar nuestro tiempo
Dice = dados (dais) = traer, llevar (brin) libre.
Get, got, got, [gotten (US)] = (bro:t)(bro:t)
conseguir, recibir, llegar, Umbrella = paraguas To scare = asustar (ske)
traer (ambrla) (sker)
(get) (got) (got) (gten) Case = caso, supuesto, How about = y sobre eso
Birthday =cumpleaos asunto, caja, estuche (keis) qu?
(b:zdei) Just in case = por si acaso Por qu no? Qu
A lot of = muchos (a ltof) (ystin keis) tal! (hjau,abaut)
A lot more = mucho ms Rain, rained, rained = lluvia, Downtown = centro ciudad
Toy = juguete (toi) llover (rein) (reind) (reind) (dauntaun)
Present = regalo (prsent) Application (plikeison) Later = ms tarde, despus
(presnt) Es contable. Homework=deberes (leita) (leiter)
Gift = regalo (gift) (hjounwek) Toilet = bao, lavabo (toilet)
Chrismas = Navidad Flashlight = linterna (flslait) Advantage = ventaja,
(krsmas) Snow, snowed, snowed beneficio (edv:ntigh)
= nevar (snou) (snoud) (adv:ntigh)
Get = recibir Get se (snoud) Opportunity = oportunidad
utiliza ms que Raincoat = impermeable (petiu:niti) (apertniti)
receive (ris:v) (rueinkout) Time off = tiempo libre del
He gets a lot of money on his trabajo, tiempo de descanso
birthday. She brought a sandwich for (taim of)
= l recibe mucho dinero en lunch
su cumpleaos. = Ella trajo un bocadillo para How about Es para
She gets a lot of toys on her el comer. sugerir invitando.
birthday. I think he brought a pen just How about a beer?
I get too many presents. in case = Creo que l trajo = Qu tal una cerveza?
= Recibo demasiados un bolgrafo por si acaso. = Tomamos una cerveza?
regalos. He brought an umbrella. How about we take some
Did he bring the hamburgers?
A lot of presents = Many applications? = Qu tal si tomamos unas
present = Trajo las aplicaciones? hamburguesas?
= Muchos regalos. Yes, he brought it this How about if we do
No se dice much morning. something different this
presents, pues son = S, las trajo esta maana. afternoon?
contables. = Qu tal si hacemos algo
Do you get a lot of present I did my homework just in diferente esta tarde?
on your birthday? case. How about the toilets?
= Recibes muchos regalos = Hice mis deberes por si = Qu tal los baos?
por tu cumpleaos? acaso How about it?
= Qu te parece?
I dont get many present on I left my house early just in
my birthday. case. = Sal de mi casa Take advantage of.
I got on my birthday some tempr. = Aprovechar, aprovecharse
dice. She made an appointment de, sacar provecho.
= Recib en mi cumpleaos just in case = Concert una Take advantage of
unos dados. cita opportunities.
Did you bring some I'm taking some time off.
At Chrismas = En Navidad exercises just in case? = = Estoy tomando algo de
On Chrismas day = En el da Trajiste algunos ejercicios tiempo libre.
de Navidad. por si acaso? He could give you some time
On Monday = El lunes, los If I go camping I bring a off = l podra darte algo de
lunes flashlight just in case. t. libre.
On birthday = En el Did you study this point just I need some time off.
cumpleaos in case? That's George time off.
My Spanish friends dont get
presents on Chrismas day, It rained = Llova, llovi.
but they do receive presents It snowed = Nevaba, nev
at Christmas (en Navidad) I bought a raincoat just in
At Christmas we eat it all. case it rained = Compr un
= En Navidad comemos imperm.
mucho. We were camping but
doesnt rained. It's rained in

Captulo 118. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 118
(Look at the video) SENTENCE SENTENCE

SENTENCE Everyone liked the film, Its not worth trying to

even Sarah Collier liked it. work things out. Hell just
Every time we go to the have a go at you.
city centre, we get lost. A todos les gusto la pelcula,
incluso a Sarah Collier le No vale la pena resolver las
Cada vez que vamos al gust. cosas. Va a ir a por ti.
centro de la ciudad, nos
perdemos. A day off = un da To achieve = lograr,
libre(adeiof) conseguir, alcanzar (chu
Plaster =tirita, gasa Everyone = todos (vriwan) ach:v)
(plste) UK Everybody = todos (vribodi) Worth = mrito, valor (we:z)
Band-aid = Like, liked, liked = gustar Try, tried, tried, trying =
tirita (US) (bndeit) (laik) (laikt) (laikt) intentar, probar (trai) (traid)
Every time = cada vez Even = incluso, an, hasta, (traid) (tryin)
(vri taim) todava, aplanar, nivelar Objective = objetivo
Sing, sang, song = cantar (:ven) (obyktiv)
(sin) (sn) (son) Not even = ni incluso (not
City center = centro de la :ven) Its worth trying.
ciudad (sti snta) (sti snte ) Win, won, won = ganar, = Vale la pena intentarlo.
Lose, lost, lost = perder triunfar
(lu:s) (lost) (lost) (win) (wan) (wan)
Burn, burned, burned = Prize = premio, Its not worth = No vale la
quemar (be:n) (be:nd) excelente(prais) pena = No merece la pena =
(be:nd) Janitor = conserje (yneter) No vale
Cut, cut, cut = cortar, corte, Rise, rose, risen Its not worth calling.
Corte! (kat) (kat) (kat) =subir,ascenso aumento = No vale la pena llamar.
During = durante (yrin) (rais) (rous) (rsn) Its not worth visiting that
(drin) Sweater = suter, jersey place.
Confuse = confundir (sweta) (sweder) = No merece la pena visitar
(konfius) ese lugar.
Motorway I didn't like the beginning of Its not worth crying over him.
=autopista(moutewei) the song but I liked the = No vale la pena llorar por
ending of the song. l.
Every day = Cada da. = No me gust el comienzo It's not worth more than 1000
Every week = Cada semana. de la cancin, pero me gust .
Every month = Cada mes. el final de la cancin. = No vale ms de 1000 .
Every year = Cada ao. Everyone likes this idea.
Every time I hear that song = A todo el mundo le gusta To work things out = resolver
I have to sing. esta idea. las cosas = solucionar este
= Cada vez que escucho esa She even thinks she like this asunto = hacer las paces.
cancin tengo que cantar. idea. = Incluso creo que le We were trying to work
Every time I go to the beach gusta esta idea. things out. = Estbamos
I burn. = me quemo. Everyone like the dinner. tratando de resolver las
Every time I cut myself I use cosas.
a plaster. = uso una tirita. Everyone was at the party Actually, I wanted to work
even my grandmother. things out.
Go to the city centre = go (abuela) = En realidad, yo quera
into tawn = go to the center = Everyone won a prize even arreglar las cosas.
go dawn town. = Ir al centro. the dog. We need to work things out.
I love going to the city center Even the janitor got a rise. = Tenemos que resolver las
during the week. = Incluso el conserje cosas.
I need to go to the city center consigui un ascenso. Its not worth trying to work
to buy some plaster. Everyone took a day off, things out with him.
even the boss. To achieve my objectives.
Lost Verbo reflexivo Se = Todo el mundo tom un = Alcanzar mis objetivos.
pone delante get. da libre, incluso el jefe.
Get lost = Perderse. Nobody knew the answer not Nobody will have a go at you.
Get angry = Enfadarse. even the teacher. = Nadie se meter contigo.
Get married = Casarse. = Nadie va a ir a por ti.
Get confuse = Confundirse. I liked it = Me gusto.V. no Don't have a go at her.
We always get lost when we refl. = No te metas con ella.
go to that side of city. I bought my mother a new Harry always has a go at my.
She always gets lost every sweater and she liked it. = Harry siempre se mete
time she goes on the I glad she likes it, even my conmigo.
motorway. father likes the sueter. Its ready to have a go at it.
= Est listo para intentarlo.

Captulo 119. TVE ENGLISH

Captulo 119
(Look at the video)
We beat our main rivals in Running a business can be
SENTENCE the final and won the cup! very profitable, but in the
end, its not worth it!
She gets up early and goes Ganamos a nuestros
to bed early on weekdays. principales rivales en la final El dirigir un negocio puede
y ganamos la copa. ser muy rentable, pero al
Ella se levanta pronto y va a final, no vale la pena!
dormir pronto los das de To defeat = vencer, derrotar
diario. (def:t) To accomplish = lograr,
Beat, beat, beaten = vencer, conseguir (akmplish)
Sheet = sbana, hoja (shi:t) ganar, golpear (bi:t) (bi:t) Achieve = lograr, conseguir
Get up = levantarse por la (b:tn) (ach:v)
maana o de una silla. Main = principal, mayor Running = direccin, gestin,
(gtap) (mein) funcionamiento, correr
Get, got, got, [gotten (US)] = Supply = proveer (soplai) (rnin)
conseguir, recibir, llegar, Supplier = proveedor Business = negocio,
traer (splaia) (soplaier) empresa (bsnis)
(get) (got) (got) (gten) Buyer = vendedor (baia) Own = propio, tener, poseer,
Early = temprano (:li) (baier) ser dueo de (eun) (oun)
Hate, hated, hated = odiar Competitor = competidor Profit = beneficio, lucro
(hjeit) (hjeitid) (hjeitid) (komptita) (komptiter) (prfit)
Goes = va (gous) Building = edificio (bldin) Profitable = rentable
Bed = cama (bed) Rival = rival (raivol) (prfitebol)
Weekdays = das de diario. Final = final (fainol) Sauna = sauna (s:na)
(wi:kdei) Win, won, won = ganar, Worth = mrito, valor (we:z)
triunfar Require = requerir (rikwaia)
I hate getting up early on (win) (wan) (wan) Hiding = ocultacin (hjaiding)
weekend. Chess = ajedrez (ches) Truth = verdad (tru:z)
= Odio levantarme temprano Race = carrera, raza (reis)
en fin de semana. Running a business = dirigir /
Do you get up early every Rafa Nadal beat Federer at gestionar / tener un negocio.
day? tennis. I run my own business.
= Te levantas temprano My brother always beat me = Tengo mi propio negocio.
todos los das? at chess. = Mi hermano Do you run your own
You get up late on saturday. siempre me ganaba en el business?
= Te levantas tarde los ajedrez. I'm running my own business
sbados Do you beat him in the race? for thirty seven years.
= Le ganaste en la carrera? I'm running a business here.
To go to bed early. = Estoy llevando un negocio
= Ir a la cama temprano. The main supplier. aqu.
I love going to bed early on = El mayor proveedor. Running a business requires
weekdays. The main buyer. math and economics.
= Me encanta ir a la cama = El mayor comprador.
temprano entre semana. We beat at main competitor The only objective by want to
I love sleeping with clean last month accomplish in life is to be
sheets. Did you buy it from our main happy.
= Me encanta dormir con supplier? = Lo compraste To achieve my objectives.
sbanas limpias. de nuestro principal To accomplish my objectives.
Do you have that sheet? proveedor?
= Tiene esa hoja? You can find my office in the A sauna can be very
She goes to bed at nine main building. profitable for the hotel.
o'clock. Our main problem in the It could be very profitable for
= Ella va a la cama a las project is the budget. the hotel. = Podra ser
Ben Affleck won an oscar Is it worth it? = Vale la
Do you do anything after this year. pena?
work on weekdays? She won a hundred euros in Its not worth it!
= Haces algo despus del the lottery. The operation is not worth it.
trabajo los das de diario? Who won the Nobel peace Don't get angry. It's not worth
On weekdays I go to bed prize this year? it.
before eleven. I beat the other runners and I = No se enfade.No vale la
= Los das de diario me voy won the race. pena
a la cama antes de las once. The winner is my brother. Hiding from the truth is not
They are free on weekdays. worth it. = Esconderse de la
= Ellos estn libres los das verdad no vale la pena.
de diario.

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