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Captulo 125.

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 125 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



She cant play tennis as As far as I know, Mr. Pilgrim We regret to inform you
well as him. checked out of the hotel that you have not been
early this morning. successful in your
Ella no puede jugar al tenis application.
tan bien como l. Que yo sepa, el seor Pilgrim
dej el hotel esta maana Sentimos informarle que no
VOCABULARY temprano. ha tenido xito en su
Ball boy, Ball girl = recoge VOCABULARY
pelotas (bo: boi) (bo: ge:l) VOCABULARY
Can = poder (kn) To
Can not Can't = no poder oversleep, overslept,overslept, To please, pleased,
(k:nt) oversleeping pleased, pleasing = agradar,
Drums = batera (drams) = quedarse dormido/a, complacer (pli:s) (pl:st)
Piano = piano (pinou) pegrsete las sbanas. (pl:st) (pl:sin)
Tennis = tenis (tnis) (ouveslip) (ouveslept) Regret, regretted, regretted,
Football = (ouveslept) (ouveslipin) regretting = lamentar,
ftbol (RU) (ftbo:) Sleep, slept, slept, sleeping arrepentirse de (rigrt)
Soccer = ftbol (US) = dormir (sli:p) (slept) (slept) (rigrtid) (rigrtid) (rigrtin)
(ska) (sker) (sl:pin) Inform, informed, informed,
Rugby = rugby (rgbi) Far = lejos (fa:) (fa:r) informing = informar-se,
Hockey = hockey sobre As far as = hasta, en lo que, comunicar (inf:m) (inf:md)
csped hasta donde (asf:res) (inf:md) (inf:min)
(hjki) (hjki) Know, knew, known, knowing Success = xito, acierto,
Wimbledon = Wimbledom = saber (nou) (niu:) (noun) triunfo (sukss) (sokss)
(wimbelden) (nouin) Successful = exitoso, capaz,
An annual international Richard = Ricardo (rched) (sukssfo) (sokssfo)
tennis championship. Check, checked, checked, To apply for = solicitar
= Un campeonato anual de checking = revisar, verificar, (tu aplai fo:)
tenis internacional. comprobar (chek) (chekt) Application = aplicacin,
Basketball = baloncesto (chekt) (chkin) solicitud
(bsketbo:) Checked out = dej la (plikeishon) (plekeishon)
Baseball = bisbol (beisbo:) habitacin del hotel, dej el Customer = cliente, tipo/a,
Cricket = crquet (kruiket) hotel, registr su salida to/a
Handball = balonmano (chektaut) (kstema) (kstemer)
(hjndbo:) Hotel = hotel (hjoutau) (hjoutel) Clumsy = torpe, patoso
Bored = aburrido (bo:d) Early = temprano (:li). (klmsi)
Sad = triste (sd) Es una e cercana a la Role = labor, papel (roul)
Happy = feliz, contento/a "a". (ro:l)
To sing = cantar (sin) So then = por lo que entonces, Team = equipo (ti:m)
Well = bien, pozo, manar con que, de manera que Organizing = organizacin
(wel) (sou den) (genaisin)
Video game = video juego Serious = serios (srias) Fill out = llenar, rellenar
(vdio geim) Should = debera, tendra que, (flaut)
si (shud) Fill, filled, filled, filling =
PART 1 Auxiliar de condicional, slo llenar-se, rellenar (fil) (fild)
en 1 persona del singular y (fild) (flin)
-She can't. plural. Request = solicitud, peticin
= Ella no puede. Expresa: obligacin, deber, (rikwest) (rekwest)
= Ella no sabe (jugar) posibilidad, una correccin, Impossible imposible
-She can't come to the una condicin, recomendacin (empsebo) (impsebo)
party. o consejo.
= Ella no puede venir a la Ex: You should take more PART 1
fiesta. exercise. = Deberas hacer
-She can't play the drums ms ejercicios. -We regret to inform you.
but she can play the piano. Wake, woke, woken, waking = Lamento comunicarle.
= Ella no puede tocar la = despertar -I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you
batera pero s puede tocar (weik) (wouk) (wouk) (weikin) are not successful in your
el piano. Wake up = despertarse application. Menos
(weikap) formal.
PART 2 Call, called, called, calling = Lo siento, lo siento, pero
= llamar, telefonear no tiene xito en su
-Play tennis. (ko:) (ko:d) (ko:d) (k:lin) solicitud.
= Jugar al tenis. -Nobody likes it.
No se dice: PART 1 = A nadie le gusta.
Play to tennis -We regret to inform you.
-Play football. (RU) -As far as I know. Ms formal.
= Jugar al ftbol. = Que yo sepa. = Lamentamos comunicarle.
-Play soccer (US). = Por lo que s. -We regret to inform you that
= Jugar al ftbol. Se usa al principio de la you're not successful.
-Play rugby. frase y siempre es igual. = Lamentamos informarle
= Jugar al rugby. -Ask me where Richard is. que no tiene xito / no le va
-Play hockey = Pregntame dnde est bien.
= Jugar al jockey. Richard. -That you were not / you
-I can't play tennis but Mary -Where's Richard? weren't successful.
can. = Dnde est Richard? = Que no tuvieron xito.
= Yo no puedo / no s jugar -As far as I know, Richard is in -You haven't been
al tenis pero Mara s. his office. successful in your
-John cant play rugby as = Que yo sepa, Richard est application.
well as I can. en su oficina. = No ha tenido xito en su
= John no puede / no s -As far as I know, Jimena is at solicitud.
jugar al tenis tambin como the computer. -Sorry Charlie. Alright. I
yo. = Por lo que yo s, Jimena regret to inform you that you
-I can't play tennis but I was est en el ordenador. were not successful.
ball girl. A Wimbledon ball -As far as I know, my brothers = Lo sentimos Charlie. Bien.
girl, in nineteen ninety playing video games. Lamento informarle que no
nine. (1999) = Que yo sepa, mi hermano tuvo xito / que no tuviste
= Yo no puedo jugar al tenis est jugando a videojuegos. xito.
pero yo era una chica
recoge pelotas. Una recoge -As far as I know, she's having -We regret to inform you that
pelotas de Wimbledon, en serious problems today. the customer say you're
mil novecientos noventa y = Que yo sepa, ella est very clumsy.
nueve. teniendo serios problemas en = Lamentamos informarle
la actualidad. que el cliente dice que eres
-What do you do when muy torpe.
you're bored? I play tennis. PART 2
= Qu haces cuando ests PART 2
aburrida? Checked out. (chektaut)
-I play tennis. = Dej la habitacin del hotel, -You have not been
= Juego al tenis. dej el hotel, registr su salida successful in.
-What do you do when -I checked out this morning. = No ha tenido xito en.
you're bored? = Dej el hotel esta maana. -To be successful in
= Qu haces t cuando -The last time I checked out of something.
ests aburrido? the hotel I checked out late = Tener xito en algo.
-I play tennis too. because I've overslept.
= Juego al tenis tambin. = La ltima vez que dej el -I think its very successful
-What do you do when hotel sal tarde porque me my job these last few weeks.
you're sad? qued dormida. = Creo que tiene mucho
= Qu haces cuando ests -When was the last time you xito mi trabajo estas
triste? checked out of the hotel? ltimas semanas.
-I play tennis when I sad. = Cundo es la ltima vez -Margaret I regret to inform
= Juego al tenis cuando que dejaste el hotel? you that you have not been
estoy aburrido. successful in your role here.
-What do you do when PART 3 = Margaret, lamento
you're happy? comunicarle que no ha
= Qu haces t cuando -Early this morning. tenido xito en su papel
ests contenta? = Esta maana temprano. aqu.
-I play tennis. -I went to bed early last night -You have not been
= Juego al tenis. so then I woke up early this successful in cleaning the
-She can't play tennis. morning. bedrooms.
= Ella no sabe jugar al tenis. = Fui a la cama temprano = No ha tenido xito en la
anoche por lo que entonces limpieza de las
PART 3 me despert esta maana habitaciones.
temprano. -You have not been
-As well as. -My boss called me early this successful in organizing his
= Tambin como. morning. He checked out early team.
No se dice As well like. this morning at the hotel. = No ha tenido xito en la
-I can't sing as well as my = Mi jefe me llam esta organizacin de su equipo.
sister. maana temprano. l dej
= Puedo cantar igual que mi esta maana temprano el PART 3
hermana. hotel.
No se dice: As good as -Your application.
Good es un adjetivo y = Su solicitud.
Well es un adverbio. -To apply for a job.
-I can't play tennis as well = Solicitar un trabajo.
as John. -To apply for an opposition.
= No s jugar al tenis tan = Solicitar una oposicin.
bien como John. -To apply for a place.
= Solicitar una plaza.
-I'm playing a video game -And fill out an application
but form.
I can't play as well as the = Y rellenar un formulario de
computer. solicitud.
= Estoy jugando a un -And you present or you
videojuego, pero no puedo submit your application.
jugar tan bien como el = Y usted presenta o
ordenador. presenta su solicitud.
-I hope I can play as well as -To apply for application.
you. = Solicitar una solicitud.
= Espero que pueda jugar -Send your application.
tan bien como t. = Enve su solicitud.
-I cant play this game as -It's impossible to please
well as you. everybody.
= No puedo jugar a este = Es imposible complacer a
juego tan bien como t. todo el mundo.

Captulo 126. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 126 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



I dusted and polished the living

A friend of mine cant This time last year, Matt room. He said hed dusted and
speak Spanish, but he can was on sick leave and I polished the living room.
speak Russian. was on maternity leave.
Quit el polvo y abrillant el
Un amigo mo no sabe A estas alturas del ao saln. Dijo que haba quitado el
hablar espaol, pero s sabe pasado, Matt estaba de baja polvo y abrillantado el saln
hablar ruso. por enfermedad y yo estaba
de baja por maternidad.
VOCABULARY To sting, stung, stung, stinging
VOCABULARY = picar, escocer
Mate = amigo, colega, pareja (stin) (stan) (stan) (stnin)
(meit) To extend, extended, Dust = polvo (dast)
Can = poder, saber, lata extended, extending Dust, dusted, dusted, dusting
(kn). = extender-se, prorrogar, = desempolvar, quitar el polvo
(dast) (dstid) (dstid) (dstin)
Can not Can't = no poder, ampliar un horario (ikstnd or Polish, polished, polished,
no saber (k:nt) ekstnd) (ekstndid) polishing = pulir, abrillantar
Speak, spoke, spoken, (ekstndid) (ekstndin) (plish) (plisht) (plisht)
speaking= hablar, decir Last = ltimo/a, por ltimo (plishin)
(spi:k) (spouk) (spouk) (last) Say, said, said, saying = decir,
(sp:kin) Sick = enfermo (sik) afirmar (sei) (sed) (sed) (seiin)
Of = de (ov) Pass, passed, passed, passing
= pasar, aprobar, superar
Come, came, come, coming Sikness = enfermedad (pa:s) (pa:st) (pa:st) (p:sin)
= venir, entrar, llegar (sknes) Properly = correctamente,
(kam) (keim) (kam) (kmin) Leave, left, left, leaving = edecuadamente (prpeli)
Remove, removed, removed,
Late = tarde, tardo, partir, salir, irse, marcharse, removing = quitar, eliminar,
atrasado, difunto (leit) dejar, abandonar (li:v) (left) suprimir, retirar, extirpar
Later = ms tarde, despus, (left) (l:vin) (remu:v) (remu:vd) (remu:vd)
luego, posterior (leita-er) To be on leave = Estar de (rem:vin)
Shy = tmido/a (shae) permiso o en excedencia. Clean, cleaned, cleaned,
Restaurant = restaurante (tu bi: on li:v) cleaning = limpiar
(rstron) (rstoran) To be on sick = estar (kli:n) (kli:nd) (kli:nd) (kl:nin)
Furniture = mueble
Province = provincial enfermo (f:nicha) (f:nicher)
(prvens) (tu bi: on sik) Forearm = antebrazo (fram)
Open, opened, opened, To be on sick leave = estar Go / goes, went, gone, going
opening= abrir, abrirse de baja por enfermedad = ir (gou / gous) (went) (gon)
(oupen) (oupend) (oupend) (tu bi: on sik li:v) (gouin or gin)
(oupenin) Maternity = maternididad Kill, killed, killed, killing = matar
Spanish = espaol (mat:neti) (kil) (kild) kild) (klin)
Tell, told, told, telling
(sspnish) Think, thought, thought, = decir, contar, informar
Russian = ruso (ruashen) thinking (tel) (toud) (toud) (tlin)
Little = poco, pequeo (lto) = pensar, imaginar, Living room = saln
(ldol) reflexionar, creer (zink) (zo:t)
Also = tambin, adems (zo:t) (znkin) INTRODUCTION
(:lso) (:lsou) Hear, heard, heard, hearing
= or, escuchar Direct speech:
-I dusted and polished the living
PART 1 (hja-er) (hje:d) (hje:d) room. (Past tense)
(hiering) = Quit el polvo y abrillant el
-A friend of mine. saln. (Pretrito)
= Un amigo mo PART 1
-A frind of yours. Report speech (Indirect speech)
= Un amigo tuyo -This time last year. -He said hed dusted and
-A frind of hers. = A estas alturas del ao polished the living room.
(Past perfect)
= Un amigo de ella. pasado = Dijo que haba quitado el polvo
-A frind of his. No se dice: This y abrillantado el saln.
= Un amigo de l. time of the last year. (Pluscuamperfecto)
-A frind of ours. -This time yesterday.
= Un amigo nuestro = Ayer a esta hora. Direct speech:
-A frinf of theirs. -This time last week. -I like flowers. (Present)
= Un amigo de ellos. = La semana pasada a esta = Me gustan las flores.
-A friend of mine is coming hora. Report speech (Indirect speech)
later. -This time last month. -Yesterday said he liked flowers.
= Un amigo mo viene ms = Hace un mes, por ahora (Past tense)
tarde. = A estas alturas del mes = Ayer dijo que le gustaban las
pasado. flores. (Pretrito)
-A friend of mine is very shy. -This time yesterday I was on -You need to remember reported
= Un amigo mo es muy my way to the airport. speech: The past tense passes
to the past perfect and the
tmido. = Ayer, esta hora, iba de present to the past.
-A friend of mine is opening a camino al aeropuerto. = Necesitas recordar el estilo
new restaurant. -This time last month she indirecto: El pretrito pasa al
was doing an exam. pluscuamperfecto y el presente
al pasado (pretrito).
= Un amigo mo est = A estas alturas del mes
abriendo un nuevo pasado, ella estaba haciendo PART 1
restaurante. un examen.
-I dusted.
-A friend of mine has a house -This time ten years ago I = Quit el polvo.
in the Valencia province. was living in Holland. -What do you do everyday at
= Un amigo mo tiene una = En esta poca, hace diez home?
casa en la provincia de aos, estaba viviendo en = Qu haces cada da en casa?
Valencia. Holanda. -I dust.
= Limpio el polvo.
PART 2 PART 2 = Quito el polvo.

Direct speech:
-He cant speak spanish. -To be on sick leave. -I dusted and polished the living
= l no sabe hablar espaol. = De baja por enfermedad. room. (Past tense)
-Can't she speak spanish? -To be on leave. = Quit el polvo y abrillant el
No, she can't. = Estar de baja, de permiso. saln. (Pretrito)
= Sabe ella hablar -To be on maternity leave.
espaol? No, no sabe. = De baja por maternidad. Report speech.(Indirect speech)
-He said he'd dusted in polished
-Is he your mate? -Is she on sick leave today? the living room.
= Es tu amigo/a? = Est ella de baja por (Past perfect)
= Es tu pareja? enfermedad hoy? = Dijo que haba quitado el polvo
-Can he speak spanish? -I thought you were on sick y abrillantado el saln.
= Sabe hablar espaol? leave. (Pluscuamperfecto)
-No, he can't. = Pensaba que estabas de
= No, no sabe. baja por enfermedad. -I'm checking to see if my staff
has done their job properly.
-Were you on sick leave this = Estoy comprobando para ver si
PART 3 time last week? mi equipo ha hecho su trabajo
= Estuviste de baja por correctamente.
-But he can speak russian. enfermedad a estas alturas -It doesn't look clean it.
= Pero s sabe hablar ruso. de la semana pasada. = No parece limpio.
-I can speak a little russian. -I heard he was on sick -No one has dusted this table.
= Yo puedo hablar un poco leave. = Nadie ha quitado el polvo de
esta mesa.
de ruso. = O que estaba de baja por -No one has dusted the
-He can also speak a little enfermedad. computer.
russian. = Nadie ha limpiado el polvo del
= l tambin puede hablar PART 3 ordenador.
un poco de ruso. - No one's dusted the telephone.
-On maternity leave. = Nadie ha quitado el polvo del
= De baja por maternidad. telfono
-To be on maternity leave. PART 2
= Para estar de baja por
maternidad. -And polished the living room.
-She was on maternity leave = Y limpiado el salon.
last year. -I removed the dust and I
= Ella estuvo de baja por polished the furniture.
maternidad el ao pasado. = Quit el polvo y pul los
-This time last week she -He said hed dusted = He
went on maternity leave said he had dusted
= A estas alturas de la = Dijo que haba limpiado el
semana pasada ella sali polvo.
con licencia de maternidad. -Be sting.
-She extended her maternity = Picadura de abeja.
leave because she's on -My forearm stings.
maternity leave for eighteen = Mi antebrazo escuece.
-I have a stinging sensation.
weeks. (18) = Tengo una sensacin de
= Ella prorrog su licencia de escozor.
maternidad porque est de
baja por maternidad durante PART 3
dieciocho semanas.
-Where is she? Oh, She is on Direct speech:
maternity leave. -I dusted and polished the
= Dnde est ella? Oh, Ella = Quit el polvo y abrillant el
est de baja por maternidad. mueble.
Report speech.(Indirect speech)
-He said he'd dusted in polished
the furniture.
= Dijo que haba quitado el polvo
y abrillantado el mueble.

Direct speech:
-I went to Barcelona last week.
= Fui a Barcelona la semana
Report speech.(Indirect speech)
-He told me he had gone to
Barcelona last week.
= Me dijo que haba ido a
Barcelona la semana pasada.

Direct speech:
-I killed a man when I was twenty
year old. (20)
= Mat a un hombre cuando
tena veinte aos de edad.
Report speech.(Indirect speech)
-He told me he had killed a man
when he was twenty years old.
= Me dijo que haba matado al
hombre cuando l tena diez
aos de edad.
-Do you believe?
= Tu crees?

Direct speech:
-I dusted in polished the furniture
in the living room.
= Quit el polvo y abrillant el
mueble del saln.
Report speech.(Indirect speech)
-He said hed dusted in polished
the furniture in the living room.
= l dijo que haba quitado el
polvo y abrillantado el mueble del
Captulo 127. TVE ENGLISH
TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 127 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



James has never ridden a

I can't find my glasses. Can What was he doing last bicycle in his life.
you help me look for them? night when you ran into He told me that James had
him? never ridden a bicycle in his
No encuentro mis gafas. life.
Puedes ayudarme a Qu haca l anoche
buscarlas? cuando te lo encontraste? James nunca ha montado en
bicicleta en su vida.
Me dijo que James nunca haba
VOCABULARY VOCABULARY montado en bicicleta en su vida

Contact lenses = lentillas, To catch up = ponerse al VOCABULARY

lentes de contacto (kntkt da, alcanzar a, recuperar
lnsis) (kchap) Traitor = traidor (trueita)(treider)
Find, found, found, finding Watch, watched, watched, Cause = causa (ko:s)
= encontrar, hallar watching = mirar, ver, Tell, told, told, telling
= decir, contar, informar
(faind) (faund) (faund) observar (woch / wach) (tel) (toud) (toud) (tlin)
(faindin) (wocht) (wocht) (wochin) Never = nunca, jams
Glasses = gafas (gl:sis) Homework = tarea (nva) (nver)
Mobile = mvil (hjoum we:k) Ride, rode, ridden, riding
(meubail)(mbo) Wear, wore, worn, wearing = manejar, ir, coger, tomar,
Calendar = calendario = usar, llevar, llevar puesto, montar
(klenda) (klender) vestir, ponerse (w-we ), r (raid) (roud) (rden) (rdin)
Bicycle = bicicleta (baisiko)
Still = an, todava (stil) (wo), (won), (werin) Spaceship = nave espacial
Wrong = equivocado, mal, Last night = anoche (la:st (speiship)
malo, injusto, falso (ron) nait) Fly, flew, flown, flying
Physically = fsicamente Last week = la semana = volar, enarbolar
(fsikli) pasada. (flai) (flu:) (floun) (flain)
Help, helped, helped, helping (last wi:k) Flying saucer = platillo volante.
= ayudar (hjelp) (hjelpt) Last month = el mes pasado (flain s:sa) (flain s:ser)
See, saw, seen, seeing = ver, ver
(hjelpt) (hjlpin) (last manz) a (si:) (so:) (si:n) (s:in)
Button = botn (btn) Catch, caught, caught, Break, broke, broken, breaking
Look for, looked for, looked catching = romper, romperse, quebrar
for, looking for = buscar (luk = coger, pillar, atrapar, (breik) (brouk) (brouken) (breikin)
fo:) capturar
(lukt fo:) (lukt fo:) (lkin fo:) (kch) (ko:t) (ko:t) (kchin) INTRODUCTION
Sunglasses = gafas de sol Run, ran run, running =
Direct speech:
(sngla:sis) correr, ejecutar, funcionar -James has never ridden a
(ran) (rn) (ran) (rnin) bicycle in his life.
PART 1 Run into = topar, (Present perfect)
encontrarse con, tropezar = James nunca ha montado en
-I can't find my glasses. (ran,nchi) (ran,ntu) bicicleta en su vida.
(Pretrito perfecto)
= No puedo encontrar mis Download, downloaded,
gafas. downloaded, downloading Report speech (Indirect speech) -
Los adjetivos, en este = descargar, bajar archivos Yesterday, Pepe told me that
James had never ridden a
caso, my no se pluralizan. (daunloud) (daunloudid) bicycle in his life
-I can't find my mobile phone. (daunloudid) (daunloudin) (Past perfect)
= No puedo encontrar my Unload, unloaded, unloaded, = Ayer, Pepe me dijo que James
mvil. unloading = descargar nunca haba montado en
-She can't find her glasses (nloud) (nloudid) bicicleta en su vida.
and she can't see. (nloudid) (nloudin) (Pluscuamperfo).
= Ella no puede encontrar Outside = fuera (autsaid)
sus gafas no puede ver.
PART 1 -Have you ever ridden a bicycle?
-I can't find the calendar. = Alguna vez ha montado en
= No puedo encontrar el -What was he doing? bicicleta?
calendario. Past continuous Direct speech:
-Still I can't find Matt. = Qu haca l? -Me yes, but James no.
= Todava no puedo = Qu estaba haciendo l? James has never ridden a
bicycle in his life.
encontrar a Matt. Es el pasado continuo =Yo s, pero James no. James
-I can't find anything wrong -He was doing his nunca ha montado en bicicleta
physically on you. homework. en su vida.
= No puedo encontrar nada = l estaba haciendo su Report speech (Indirect speech) -
malo fsicamente en usted. tarea. My friend told me
-I'm looking for Fritz but I -She was watching TV. James had never ridden a
can't find it. = Ella estaba viendo la bicycle in his life.
= Mi amigo me dijo que James
= Estoy buscando a Fritz, televisin. nunca haba montado en
pero no puedo encontrarlo. -They were going home. bicicleta en su vida.
= Ellos iban a casa.
PART 2 -Was he watching TV? PART 2
= Estaba viendo la
-Can you help me? televisin? Direct speech:
= Puedes ayudarme? -Were they going home? -I've never flown in a spaceship
in my life.
- Can you help me? I can't = Iban a casa? = Nunca he volado en una nave
fine my contact lenses. -What was he watching? espacial en mi vida.
= Puedes ayudarme? No = Qu estaba mirando? -I've never gone to South Africa
encuentro mis lentes de -Where youre downloading in my life.
contacto (lentillas) music? = Nunca he ido a Sudfrica en mi
-I wear contact lenses. = Dnde ests vida.
= Llevo lentillas. descargando msica? Report speech (Indirect speech) -
He told me that James had never
-Do you wear contact -Was he wearing the same ridden a bicycle in his life.
lenses? shirt as yesterday? = l me dijo que James nunca
= Llevas lentillas? = Lleva puesta la misma haba montado en bicicleta en su
camisa que ayer? vida.
-I can't find the button. Can -He's a traitor to the cause.
you help me? -What was he doing when = l es un traidor a la causa.
= No puedo encontrar el you saw him? -Are you a traitor to yourself in
botn. Me puedes ayudar? = Qu estaba haciendo = Eres un traidor a t mismo en
cuando t le viste? ingls?
PART 3 = Es usted un traidor a s
PART 2 mismo en Ingls?
-To look for. -I hope not.
= Buscar. -Last night. = Espero que no.
-Can you help me look for? = Anoche.
= Puede ayudarme a -The last night. PART 3
buscar? = La ltima noche. Direct speech:
-I'm looking for my contact (Numricamente). -I have never seen a flying
lenses. Can you help me -The last night of summer is saucer.
look for them? the twenty second of = Yo nunca he visto un platillo
= Estoy buscando mis september. (22nd) volante.
lentillas. Puedes ayudarme = La ltima noche de verano Report speech (Indirect speech) -
a buscarlas? es el veintids de Yesterday, Richard told me
he had never seen a flying
septiembre. saucer.
-I cant fine my sunglasses. Pero si nos referimos a: = Ayer, Richard me dijo que l
= No encuentro mis gafas de anoche, la semana nunca haba visto un platillo
sol. pasada o el mes pasado volante.
-I'm looking for them. decimos:
= Las estoy buscando. Last night, last week, the last Direct speech:
-But I can't find them month. -Peter has never broken an egg.
= Pedro nunca ha roto un huevo.
anywhere. -Ask me what I was doing Report speech (Indirect speech) -
= Pero no las encuentro en last night? He told me that
ningn sitio. = Pregntame qu haca Peter had never broken an egg.
-I still can't find my glasses. anoche? = l me dijo que Pedro nunca
= Todava no encuentro mis -What were you doing last haba roto un huevo.
gafas. night?
-Help me look for them? = Qu hacas anoche? Direct speech:
-I have never said it to be
= Aydame a buscarlas? -Last night I was catching up number fifty-three. (53)
-I don't know where they are. on some work. = Yo nunca he dicho que sea el
= No s dnde estn. = Anoche se estaba nmero cincuenta y tres.
poniendo al da con el Report speech (Indirect speech) -
trabajo. They told me that
he had never said it to be
PART 3 number 53.
= Me dijeron que l nunca haba
dicho que fuera el nmero 53.
-Run into.
= Encontrarse con alguien
por casualidad.
-Everyday I run into
= Todos los das me
encuentro con alguien por
-Yesterday I ran into
= Ayer me encontr con
alguien. Pasado simple.
-I ran into her outside the
= Me la encontr por
casualidad fuera del
-What were you doing when I
ran into you?
= Qu estabas haciendo
cuando me encontr
-Who were you talking to
when I ran into you?
= Con quin estabas
hablando cuando me
encontr contigo?
-Where were you going when
I ran into you?
= Dnde ibas cuando me
encontr contigo?

Captulo 128. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 128 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



Can you hear those Who were you with at We may have a spare
people? around pillow lying around here
2 o'clock 2 days ago? somewhere.
Puedes or a esa gente? They said that they might
Con quin estabas sobre have a spare pillow lying
VOCABULARY las dos hace dos das? around here somewhere.

To chat, chatted, chatted, VOCABULARY VOCABULARY

chatting = charlar
(chat) (chtid) (chtid) Wedding reception = Puede que tengamos una
(chtin) convite almohada de repuesto por
Can = poder, saber, lata (wedin rispshon) ah en alguna parte.
(k:n) Who = quin, quienes, que, Dijeron que a lo mejor tenan
Sing, sang, sung, singing quien (hju) una almohada de repuesto
= cantar (sin) (sn) (san) Were (wa) (w:r). por ah en alguna parte.
(snin) ( Es una e cercana a la
Cook, cooked, cooked, a) Terrific = genial, fantstico,
cooking Verbo to be en: estupendo (trfik) (trfek)
= cocinar, cocer, guisar Pasado simple. = era, fui, May (mei) Auxiliary verb.
(kuk) (kukt) (kukt) (kkin) estaba, estuve. Indica posibilidades en el
Lentils = lentejas (lntols) Subjuntivo (pret.imp.) futuro.
Drive, drove, driven, driving = fuera, fuese, estuviera, = puede que, poder, ser
estuviese. posible, tener permiso
= conducir, manejar, empujar At around = sobre las, en Might (mait) Auxiliary
(draiv) (drouv) (drven) torno, alrededor (at araund) verb.
(draivin) About = sobre, alrededor de, Indica posibilidades en el
Read, read, read, reading aproximadamente (abaut) presente y en el futuro.
= leer (rid) (rid) (rid) (rdin) Call, called, called, calling = a lo mejor, es posible que,
Russian = ruso (ruashen) = llamar, telefonear puede que.
Understand, understood, (ko:) (ko:d) (ko:d) (k:lin) Pretrito imperfecto, 2 y
understood, understanding Happen, happened, 3 persona sing. = poda.
= entender, comprender happened, Condicional, 3 persona
(ndestnd) (ndestud) happening = suceder, ocurrir, sing.
(ndestud) (ndestndin) pasar (hjpen) (hjpend) = podras, podra.
Pronounce, pronounced, (hjpend) (hjpenin) Spare = de repuesto,
pronounced, pronouncing Ago = hace (agou) escatimar, ahorrar (spea)
= pronunciar (pronauns) Schedule = horario (sper)
(pronaunst) (pronaunst) (sdyo:) (skyu) Pillow = almohada (plou)
(pronaunsin) Schedule, scheduled, scheduled, Tire = neumtico (taia)
Perfectly = perfectamente scheduling = programar Lie, lay or lied, lain or lied,
(p:fiktli) (sdyo:) (sdyud) (sdyud) lying
Lift, lifted, lifted, lifting (sdyolin) / (skyu) (skyud) = mentir, echarse, tumbarse
= levantar, elevar, alzar (skyud) (skdyulin) (lai) (lei or laid) (lein or laid)
(lift) (lftid) (lftid) (lftin) Talk, talked, talked, talking (lyin)
Heavy = pesado/a (hjvi) = hablar (to:k) (to:kt) (to:kt) Lying = acostado,
Weight = peso/a (weit) (t:kin) mentiroso/a,
Heavy weights = pesos/as Finish, finished, finished, echado, tirado (lin)
pesados/as (hjvi,weit) finishing = terminar, acabar, Lying around.= por ah
Speak, spoke, spoken, concluir (fnish) (fnisht) (lyin araund) (lyin oraund)
speaking= hablar, decir (fnisht) (fnishin) Somewhere = en alguna
(spi:k) (spouk) (spouk) Start, started, started, parte (snwa) (snwer)
(sp:kin) starting Find out = averiguar,
Hear, heard, heard, hearing = empezar, comenzar descubrir
= or, escuchar (sta:t) (st:tid) (st:tid) (faindaut)
(hja-er) (hje:d) (hje:d) (st:tin) Sock = calcetn (sok)
(hiering) Towel = toalla (taul)
Ear = oreja (a) (er) PART 1 Slippers = zapatillas,
Listen, listened, listened, pantuflas (slpa) (slper)
listening = escuchar -Who were you with? Going on = pasando (goinon)
(lsen) (lsend) (lsend) = Con quin estabas?
(lsenin) La preposicin va al final. PART 1
Accent = acento (ksent) -Who were you with when
People = gente (p:po) I called you? -We may have.
= Con quin estabas = Puede que tengamos.
PART 1 cuando te llam? -We may have a spare
-Who were you with when it pillow.
-Can you? happened? = Puede que tengamos una
= Puedes? = Con quin estabas almohada de repuesto.
-Can you sing? cuando pas? -We may have a spare tire.
= Puedes cantar? -Who were they with when = Es posible que tengamos
-Can you cook lentils? you were writing? un neumtico de repuesto.
= Puedes cocinar lentejas? -Lying around.
-Can you drive? = Por ah.
= Puedes conducir? = Con quin estaban ellos -Lying around somewhere.
-Can you read russian? cuando t estabas = Por ah en alguna parte.
= Puedes leer ruso? escribiendo? -They said they might have a
-Can you understand me? spare pillow lying around
= Me puedes entender? -Who were you with last somewhere.
-Can you pronounce "can night? = Nos dijeron que podran
you" perfectly? = Con quin estabas tener una almohada de
= Puedes pronunciar "can anoche? repuesto ah en alguna parte.
you" perfectamente?
PART 2 -I may have a spare towel.
-Can you lift heavy weights? = Puede que tenga una
= Puedes levantar pesas -At around. toalla de ms.
pesadas? = Sobre las. -I may have some slippers.
-Can you speak English? = Alrededor. = Puede que tenga unas
= Puedes / sabes hablar = Entorno a. zapatillas.
ingls? At: Preposicin referida
al tiempo: PART 2
PART 2 -At two o'clock. (RU)
= A las dos en punto. (2:00) -Doris, do we have an extra
-Hear. (hja) -At three thirty. (US) pillow?
= Or. = A las tres y media. (3:30) = Doris, tenemos una
-Listen to. -At quarter past five. (RU) almohada extra?
= Escuchar = A las cinco y cuarto (5:15) Direct speech:
-Can you hear them chatting. About = sobre, alrededor de, -Oh, we may have a spare
= Puedes orles hablar? aproximadamente. pillow lying around
-They are chatting. -About two o'clock. (2:00) somewhere.
= Estn charlando. = Sobre las dos. =Oh, puede que tengamos
-I can hear them. -At around two o'clock (2:00) una almohada de repuesto
= Les puedo escuchar. = Alrededor de las dos. por ah en alguna parte.
-You can hear me but you're -What time did you schedule Direct speech:
not listening to me. the wedding reception? -I'm not sure but
= Me puedes or pero no me = A qu hora programaste we may have a spare pillow
ests escuchando. el convite? lying around somewhere.
-Listen to my accent. -It scheduled the wedding = No estoy seguro, pero es
= Escucha mi acento. reception at around 7 posible que tengamos una
-Can you hear where I'm p.m. (19:00) almohada de repuesto ah en
from? = Se program el convite alguna parte.
= Puede or de dnde soy? alrededor de las siete de la
-I'm from London. tarde. PART 3
= Soy de Londres. -Where were you at around
four o'clock? -They might have.
PART 3 = Dnde estabas entorno a = Ellos podran tener.
las cuatro? = Podan tener.
-Those people. -Were you at the party at Report speech (Indirect
= Esa gente. around ten p.m.? (22:00) speech)
Jams decimos: = Estabas en la fiesta -They said they might have
Persons alrededor de las diez de la a spare pillow lying around
People es plural. noche? somewhere.
Decimos: These people or = Dijeron que a lo mejor
Those people PART 3 tenan una almohada de
-Who are those people? repuesto por ah en alguna
= Quin es esa gente? -Two days ago. parte.
-How many people are = Hace dos das. -We'll find out.
there? -Who were you with two = Lo averiguaremos.
= Cunta gente hay? hours ago?
-Do those people live there? = Con quin estabas hace -They might have some
= Esa gente vive all? dos horas? socks of your size.
-Who were you talking to five = Podran tener algunos
minutes ago? calcetines de tu tamao.
= Con quin hablabas hace -They might have changed
cinco minutos? their plans.
-The wedding reception = Podran haber cambiado
finished an hour ago. sus planes.
= El convite termin hace -They might have known
una hora. what was going on.
-The show started fifteen = Podran haber sabido lo
minutes ago. (15) que estaba pasando.
= El show comenz hace
quince minutos.

Captulo 129. TVE ENGLISH

TVE English, Phrases TVE Captulo 129 Abrir la pgina y el vdeo con
English, English Course of TVE, diferentes exploradores, y reducir
Frases TVE Ingles, Curso de
(Look at the video) para poder tener el vdeo y la
Ingles de TVE. pgina en la misma pantalla.



When he was a teenager he

You can pay for it I fell asleep while I was would get on his parents
anywhere on the second listening to the radio. nerves.
Me qued dormido mientras Cuando l era un adolescente,
Puedes pagarlo en cualquier escuchaba la radio. pona a sus padres de los
sitio en la segunda planta. nervios.
To interrupt, interrupted, Prayer = oracin, rezo
Check = cheque (chek) interrupted, interruptin (prea) (preier)
Check, checked, checked, = interrumpir (intrpt) Pray, prayed, prayed, praying
checking (intrptid) (intrptid) = orar (prei) (preid) (preid)
= revisar, verificar, (intrptin) (preiin)
comprobar Fall, fell, fallen, falling = caer- God = Dios (god) (gad)
Teenager = adolescente
(chek) (chekt) (chekt) se, bajar, disminuir, (tneiya) (tneiyer)
(chkin) descender He would (hji: wud)
(fo:l) (fel) (f:len) (f:lin) Aqu no es condicional. Es
pasado narrativo. Se refiere a
Pay, paid, paid, paying = Asleep = dormido (esl:p) acciones habituales en el
pagar (pei) (peid) (peid) (asl:p) pasado, una costumbre. (sola)
(peiin) Sleep, slept, slept, sleeping Get, got, got o gotten(US),
To pay for something = = dormir (sli:p) (slept) (slept) = obtener, conseguir, lograr,
pagar por algo (sl:pin) recibir, coger, llegar
(pei fo:r snzin) Fall asleep = caerse (get) (got) (got or gten) (gtin)
Breakfast = desayuno dormido (lit), quedarse Get on = subir a, poner, ponerse
(brkfast) dormido, dormirse (gton)
Tennis lessons = clases de (fo:l esl:p) He would get on = l pona, sola
tenis (tnis lsens) Lunch = comida, almuerzo poner.
(hji: wud getn)
Want, wanted, wanted, (lanch) Move, moved, moved, moving
wanting While = mientras (wail) = mover, moverse, pasar,
= querer, tener ganas de, (hwail) mudarse (mu:v) (mu:vd) (mu:vd)
desear (wont / want) (wontid) During = durante (m:vin)
(wontid) (wontin) (yurin) (diuren) (drin) Boat = barco, bote, lancha (bout)
Anywhere = en cualquier Read, read, read, reading = Rent, rented, rented, renting
sitio, en cualquier lado, leer = alquilar (rent) (rntid) (rntid)
donde sea. (rid) (rid) (rid) (rdin) Nerve = nervio (n:v)
En preguntas significa: a Until = hasta (anteu) (antl)
algn sitio. Believe, believed, believed, PART 1
En frases negativas: a/en believing = creer (bel:v)
ningn sitio (niwa) (niwer) (bel:vd) (bel:vd) (bel:vin) -A teenager.
Somewhere = en algn sitio Fix, fixed, fixed, fixing = Un adolescente.
(snwa) (snwer) = arreglar, fijar, reparar -When he was a teenager.
= Cuando l era un adolescente.
Park, parked, parked, (fiks) (fkst) (fikst) (fksin) -Pray and work.
parking Send, sent, sent, sending = Ora y trabaja.
= aparcar, estacionar = enviar, mandar -The prayer of the day: God, give
(pa:k) (pa:kt) (pa:kt) (p:kin) (send) (sent) (sent) (sndin) me English, please.
Second = segundo (skend) Stay, stayed, stayed, staying = Dios, dame ingls, por favor.
Third = tercero (ze:d) = quedarse, permanecer,
Floor = piso (flo:) (flo:r) quedar, alojarse, estar PART 2
Bring, brought, brought, (stei) (steid) (steid) (stein) -He would get on.
bringing = traer, llevar, Listen, listened, listened, = Les pona.
producIr listening= escuchar = Sola poner.
(brin) (bro:t) (bro:t) (brnin) (lsen) (lsend) (lsend) Would, que es verbo auxiliar
Clean, cleaned, cleaned, (lsenin) del condicional, tambin se usa
cleaning = limpiar (kli:n) Radio = radio (reidio) como pasado habitual, una
(kli:nd) (kli:nd) (kl:nin) Message = mensage costumbre. (sola)
-I would always go with my
(msigh) girlfriend to the beach.
PART 1 Often = a menudo (fen) = Siempre sola ir con mi novia a
Talk, talked, talked, talking la playa.
-You can pay for it. = hablar (to:k) (to:kt) (to:kt) -And we would put the boat at the
= Puedes pagar por ello. (t:kin) lake and we would ski.
Cuando es pagar por = Y solamos poner el barco en el
algo, es obligatoria la PART 1 lago y solamos esquiar. (esqu
preposicin: for
-You can pay for my -I fell asleep during the PART 3
breakfast, if you want. movie.
= Puedes pagar mi = Me qued dormido durante En ingls, para acciones del
desayuno, si quieres. la pelcula. pasado habitual, utilizamos
-You can pay for my tennis -She read her book until she woud Ej: En vez de iba se
lessons, if you want. fell asleep. usa ira, es decir: would.
= Puedes pagar mis clases = Ley un libro hasta que se -In those years I remember I
would go to the beach, I would
de tenis, si quieres. qued dormida. rent.
-You can pay for my coffees, -They fell asleep after lunch. = En esos aos, lo recuerdo,
if you want. = Se quedaron dormidos sola ir a la playa, sola alquilar.
= Puedes pagar los cafs, si despus del trabajo. He would get on his parents
quieres. nerves.
-I fell asleep at work. Can't = l pona a sus padres de los
-Can you pay for it, please? you believe it? I can believe nervios.
-He would get on their nerves.
= Puedes pagar por ello, it. = Los pona de los nervios.
por favor? = Me qued dormido en el -You're getting on my nerves.
-My friends can pay for trabajo. No lo crees? No = Me pones de los nervios.
everything. puedo creerlo. -Am I getting on your nerves?
= Mis amigos pueden pagar = Te estoy poniendo nervioso?
todo. PART 2 -Bud them would get on his
-My friends are paying for parents nerves.
= Pero ellos ponan de los
everything. -While. nervios a sus padres.
= Mis amigos estn pagando = Mientras.
por todo. Lo usamos cuando una -Get on [sb]'s nerves.
cosa ocurre mientras ocurre = Poner de los nervios.
PART 2 otra. = Sacar de quicio.
-I did this while you were -People get on his nerves.
-Anywhere. doing that. = La gente le saca de quicio.
= En cualquier sitio. = Hice esto mientras t
-Somewhere. estabas haciendo eso.
= En algn sitio. -While I did that he finished
-You can go anywhere you the report.
want. = Mientras haca eso, l
= Pudes ir a cualquier sitio terminaba el informe.
que quieras. -I interrupted him while he
-You can park anywhere on was talking on the phone.
the street. = Lo interrump mientras l
= Puedes aparcar en estaba hablando por
qualquier sitio. telfono.
-Can you check my check? -While they were fixing my
= Me puedes comprobar mi car,
cheque? I was sending you a
-Can I pay with a / by check? message.
= Puedo pagar con un = Mientras estaban
cheque? arreglando mi coche, yo te
-Is there anywhere I can pay estaba enviando un mensaje.
by check? -Why dont you stay here
= Hay algn sitio donde while
puedo pagar con cheque? I look for a pen?
= Por qu no te quedas
PART 3 aqu mientras busco un
-On the second floor.
= En el segundo piso. PART 3
La preposicin adecuada
es: on, no se pone in. -I was listening to the radio.
-I live on the second floor. = Estaba escuchando la
= Yo vivo en el segundo radio.
piso. -I'm listening to you.
-They work on the third floor.= Te estoy escuchando.
= Ellos trabajan en el tercer -I often listen to music.
piso. = Yo a menudo escucho
-Bring everything. -Listen to me and don't
= Trae todo. interrupt.
-Bring all your things and = Escchame y no me
we'll clean it on the second interrumpas.
floor. Usamos el pasado
= Traer todas sus cosas y las continuo porque es una
limpiaremos en el segundo accin que dur un tiempo.
piso. -I fell asleep while I was
-Mildred an Agatha are on watching TV.
the second floor. = Me qued dormido/a
= Mildred y Agatha estn en mientras estaba viendo la
el segundo piso. televisin.
-Im on the second floor. -I fell asleep while I was
= Yo estoy en el segundo listening to you talk.
piso. = Me dorm mientras te
escuchaba hablar.

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