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WELDER PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION x RECORD (WPQ) Welders Name DEDE KARA Identification No. we, ‘Test Description BOMAK -WPS-002 EN 10028 235)R. Testing Conditions and Qualification Limits Welding Variables (QW-350) ‘Actual Values Range Qualitiod Wielding process(es) GTAW GTAW Type used mau eau ee) Manual Manual Backing net, ntl cs wei Two backing aor wou backing DO Plate EX] Pipe tortor diameter i pie or tube) 33 225 mm ase metal P-or Sumber o Por S Number Filer metal electrode spcitatn(s) (SFA) Filer metal o electrode cassifaton(s) Flor metal Fubar (=) Consume insert (STAW or PAM) Filer ype start ortxcoesbonie(GTAW ox PAW) Dept heknes or each process Process: _slayeramin. [X] Yes [] No Process? atyersmin. L] Yes] No enifcaton of WPS folowed ‘Speciation of hese metals) LX] Testcoupon Production Wed Thickness 3 mm Position qualified 26,6, 3F a) Vertical progression iio sou) “Type of uel gas (OFW) Inert gas backing (GTAW, PAW, GMAW) Traneter mode sayidcbueo puso o snot ret GMA) 66 NA basking gas NA. NA Der, Ct) RESULTS GTAW current ype /polanty (AC: DCEP, DCEN) _satisfactr To Ceratucina oot and face [aW-462.50) Visual Examinan of Completed Vets (QH-202.4) 1 bene Test [E] Transverse rot an ace [QW-465 50 Sie (W462 Pipe bend specimen, corrosion-resistant overlay [QW-462.(c)) Prat end specimen, carosin sistant vera [QW-#62 (3) ‘Macro test for fusion (QW-462.5 (e)) Tipe Result Tipe Result Tipe Result ‘Atsnatveradiogranhi examination results (QW-..) Satisfactory per RT Report No-1/S on 22.05.2008 Filet weld racture test (QW-180), NA Length and percent of defects ‘Macro examination (QW-188) NA Filet size(mm)__X. ConcaviyiConvenity(mm) —_Salisfaciony Other ests NA. Fim or specimens evaluated by Than CUMBUL Company INTERCON, Mechanical tests concucted by OMAK HAKINA, Laneratoy TOSI Welding supervises by ‘Mehta COSKUN / Chan KARAASLAN, ect a! he statements inthe reard re caved ad tal be et eupene wre roared web ba) in accordance wth the requirement of Secton IX ofthe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. frig” © __Prewared By __BOMAK MAKINA/ Cian KARAASLAN 2577008 Reviewed By Mehta COSKUN

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