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Title: The use of technology in early childhood education in China and teachers

perspectives on it: a comparison between Shenzhen city of Guangdong province

and Nanchang city of Jiangxi province

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of ICT integration in early childhood education

With the rapid advance of science and technology and extensive application of IT, an
increasing number of different types of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) has been widely used in human beings contemporary life. The appearance of
these technology devices gradually changing peoples work, study and life (Jiake,
2011). As said by Liu, Toki and Pange (2014) that living in the digital age and in a
knowledge-based society, ICT plays a dominant role in almost every aspect of the
modern life and especially in education. The potential benefits of ICT application in the
educational settings at all educational levels are well documented, from early childhood
education to the higher education (Liu et al, 2013). These benefits are prominent and
noticeable. Liu et al denoted (2013), the use of ICT in education can create new
educational environment, provide new teaching methods, change the traditional
teacher-student relationship and finally improve the quality of education. Hence, ICT
gradually has been a potential tool for change and innovation in education. Therefore,
it has been widely applied in all educational levels in the most countries in the world.

Compared with the other educational levels, the application and integration of ICT in
the early childhood education tend to be more controversially discussed in the
educational field globally. Many researchers believe that ICT integration in teaching
can bring children lots of benefits on their learning and development, thus they support
the use of ICT in this educational stage. These benefits can be reflected in multiple
aspects, involving language and emergent literacy, mathematical thinking, creativity,
problem solving, personality, communication and collaboration, also positive attitudes
toward learning (Liu and Pange, 2014). On the contrary, there are also many researchers
take negative attitudes toward the integration of ICT in early childhood teaching, in
particular for very young children. These researchers argued that improper adoption or
overuse of ICT in preschool teaching would easily cause some harmful influences on
childrens health, harmful digital content, childrens privacy and childrens isolation
from the society and real-world (Liu and Pange, 2014). However, Liu and Pange 2014
debates, because the rapid advancement and ubiquity of ICT in humans life and
apparently including young children at the same time, an increasing number of
researchers have realized that it is meaningless to continue discussing whether to
integrate ICT into preschool teaching at the current time. The most important issue
which is worth to consider should be How to integrate ICT in an appropriate and
effective manner into teaching to promote the childrens learning and development in
the early childhood education. Undeniably, people has seen precisely benefits and
active achievements in early childhood education which were brought by ICT. Hence,
plenty of research papers in relation to the ICT application in early childhood education
in different aspects have been issued around the world. Moreover, most countries
established related educational policies and invested in ICT-related hardware, software,
internet access in the kindergarten and teacher training (Liu et al, 2014). It follows that
the use of ICT in this educational level has drawn a highly public attention globally at
the moment, and it has been a topical issue among the governments and educational
fields in the major parts of the world. However, the integration of ICT in the preschool
education still need a further research and improvement. Because the development of
it in early childhood teaching only experienced a few decades. It is difficult for
educators to know deeply and sufficiently about the use of ICT into preschool teaching
in such a short time. Naturally, preschool educators have limited capability to
manipulate the ICT in an appropriate and effective manner in teaching. In the other
aspect, the ages of children in the early childhood education are between zero and eight
years old in a general way. Children in this ages just start to know the world and they
lack of cognitive competence and recognizing ability toward everything. Hence, the
guidance of young children needs be more considerate in particular in relation to the
integration of ICT. Additionally, as previously mentioned that the use of ICT in early
childhood education can be both helpful and harmful to young children. The widely use
of it into preschool teaching has proved that the merits of the ICT integration outweigh
its shortcomings. But even still, the underlying problems should not be ignored. These
would easily influence on childrens growth and physical and mental health. From the
above, the use of ICT in preschool education need to be further deeply researched. Also
early childhood educators need to consider very prudently in terms of how to integrate
it in an appropriate and effective manner in order to promote childrens development
and learning.

1.2 Why China?

The described above performed the overall situation of the ICT application in the early
childhood education globally at present. It provides a basic background for the research
in this dissertation. This research will study the use of ICT under the background of
Chinese preschool education. During literature review process, it can be found that a
number of issues existing in terms of the research of ICT application in Chinese
preschool education. Relatively speaking, the existing research related to this topic in
the background of China studied insufficiently and explored superficially compared
with other countries. In addition, the adoption of the research method tends to be unitary
which was quantitative research. The dominant reasons for these issues might be the
complex financial conditions and teaching systems in different types of kindergartens
in China. For instance, the differences of financial position in different locations can
lead to differences of introduced ICT resource types. Also, different teaching systems
in different kindergarten types may make teachers using ICT in teaching in different
In other aspect, the ICT integration in the early childhood education received attention
from Chinese government and related educational sectors very late. Hence, it was
difficult for researchers to considerately investigate it in all sides and obtain an
objective result. However, without sufficient and deeper research of ICT application in
this field, the educators cannot have a comprehensive understanding of ICT integration
in teaching under the current background of Chinese early childhood education. Under
this situation, they cannot recognise whether they using ICT in an appropriate and
effective way in teaching. According to Hew and Brush (2007), the integration of
technology into teaching and learning is mainly influenced by the teachers technical
skills, beliefs and confidence. It can be said that ICT integration in preschool classes is
often attributed to teachers (Edwards, 2013). Teachers inappropriately application of
ICT in teaching may lead to the negative influences on the childrens development and
learning. Apparently, it is critical to identify the underlying problems and to seek
possible solutions toward the use of ICT in preschool teaching in China.
1.3 The research in this dissertation
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore how using ICT helps and promotes
teaching in the Chinese early childhood education.
The research questions this study will aim to answer are:
(1). What types of ICT being used in the Chinese early childhood education?
(2). How the ICT helps teaching?
Qualitative research method has been adopted in this research. During the process of
reviewing relevant research literature, a majority of researchers employed quantitative
research method in relation to the study of ICT application in Chinese early childhood
education. Quantitative research is beneficial for acquiring more reliable and objective
results, while it tends to be less detailed than qualitative data and may miss a desired
response from the participants. Hence, in order to seek a deep understanding of this
complex issue, qualitative research approach has been applied in this research which
includes the data collected approaches of observation and semi-structured interview.
The adoption of interview approach was intended to investigate Chinese preschool
teachers perceptions and attitudes towards ICT integration in early childhood teaching
based on their teaching experiences and related knowledge background. Specifically,
four main aspects of data have been collected through interviewing preschool teachers.
Firstly, teachers perspectives toward how ICT being used in teaching, including the
processes of lesson preparation and having class. Secondly, teachers perspectives
toward in which specific aspects, ICT effectively helped to promote teaching and
learning. Thirdly, teachers perspectives toward what can be the merits and constrains
of ICT integration in preschool teaching. Lastly, teachers perspectives toward their
ICT-related training situation and the ICT-related educational polices in the Chinese
early years setting. In terms of the observation in the preschool classroom, it aims to
collect the data of three aspects: what types of ICT being used in the preschool
classroom; how practitioners use them when having classes; and teachers and
childrens performances when they interacting with ICT in class.

In terms of the selection of investigated kindergartens, as described earlier, previous

related research was influenced by the complex financial conditions in different
geographic areas and teaching systems in different types of kindergartens. For example,
a number of researchers chose to investigate a single city or province in China.
However, the situation of ICT integration in one specific location cannot represent the
situation of it in the whole Chinese early childhood education. Hence, in this research,
two different types of kindergartens (one is a government run kindergarten; the other
one is a private run kindergarten) in two different cities (one kindergarten is in the
Shenzhen city, Guangdong province which is a well-developed city in China; another
kindergarten is in the Nanchang city, Jiangxi province which is a developing city in
China) have been chosen to investigate. In order to take into account these potential
influence factors and obtain a relatively objective result, I have comparatively studied
the situations of ICT integration in both selected kindergartens. Four kindergarten
teachers in each kindergarten in total eight teachers agreed to take part in the interview.
The observations happened in the classroom when having class.

The underlying research meaning of this research is to identify the existing problems
and potential affecting factors which hinder ICT use in the Chinese early childhood
teaching. The main audience of this research could be the early childhood educators
and the related educational policy-makers in China. This may provide them a reference
for making the relevant adjustment and improvement in order to achieve the goal of
appropriately and effectively integrate ICT to promote childrens development and
learning in the early childhood teaching. Meanwhile, this also could be valuable
information for the other developing countries which have similar situation of ICT
integration in early childhood education as it in China. In addition, this research will
try to fill the gap of the previous research by adopting qualitative research method and
comparative study two types of kindergartens in different locations in mainland China.
This may present a further objective result because the potential influence factors have
been thought through which was the complex financial conditions in different
geographic locations and teaching systems in different types of kindergartens.

The whole thesis would consist of five chapters which are the chapters of Introduction,
Summary of the literature review, Methodology, Report and discussion on findings, and
the last chapter of Conclusions and recommendations. The first chapter of introduction
has provided a background of ICT integration in the educational field and in the early
childhood education globally. Then it has been explained the reasons for choosing a
specific context of Chinese early childhood education to study the use of ICT in
teaching. After that, the research purpose, the main research questions, and the
underlying research meaning also have been performed in the Introduction section. In
the second chapter, I will contrastively discuss the literatures in China and in the other
countries in relation to this topic based on my research purpose and the research
questions in order to seek a basic understand in my research field.

Chapter 2 Summary of Literature review have not finished

2.1 Introduction have not finished

2.2 Definitions of key terms

2.2.1 Definitions of Chinese early childhood education

Early childhood education or preschool education in different countries may have

different accounts in terms of the ages of children (Kala, 2010). The specific context
in this research is the early childhood education in China. Zhu (2009) denotes, Chinese
early childhood education refers to education for children from birth to age of 6. Three
dominant types of early childhood education and child care institutions in China:
nurseries are for children aged from 0 to3 years old, kindergartens are for children aged
from 3 to 6 years old, and the preschool classes attached to primary schools are for 5
6 years old children. In this study, researcher concentrate on the stage of kindergarten,
and ICT integration in teaching. Therefore, this study will more focus on research
preschool teachers experiences, perspectives and attitudes etc. but not children. Author
use the term early childhood education or preschool education as synonyms throughout
the research.

2.2.2 Definitions of Information and communication technology (ICT)

The term ICT has different comprehends and explanations in different settings,
although it has been widely used at present (Kala, 2010). Kerckaert, Vanderlinde, and
Braak (2015) defined ICT as anything which allows us to get information, to
communicate with each other, or to have an effect on the environment using electronic
or digital equipment. This research will concentrate the attention on studying ICT
integration in the context of early childhood education, especially in China. In the
context of early childhood education, it usually refers to integrating ICT tools,
techniques and equipment for supporting teaching, learning and other cognitive
activities (Kala, 2010). It includes computers and educational software applications,
data projectors, electronic whiteboards, digital cameras, digital tools for
communication, programmable toys and other similar devices (Kala, 2010).

2.3 The significance of integration

A plenty of literature on ICT integration in early childhood education revealed a lot of
benefits on young childrens learning and development (Nikolopoulou and Gialamas,
2015). These benefits can be reflected in various aspects, involving emergent literacy,
problem solving, communication and collaboration, personality, creativity,
mathematical thinking, language, and positive attitudes toward learning. ICT not only
provided new opportunities to strengthen young childrens learning and play
experiences, but also supported preschool teachers professional learning and
development (Bolstad, 2004). In addition, Liu, Toki and Pange (2013) indicated the
adoption of ICT in preschool education can be an effective way to improve the quality
of early childhood education, because it can create new teaching methods and
educational environment, as well as alter the traditional teacher-student relationships.
From above, it is evident that ICT has become a useful and innovation tool in preschool
education. It not only provided the advances technologies, but also offered a variety of
new ideas and theories both for teaching and learning. Meanwhile, it effectively
improved the educational quality, and promotes the development and evolution of early
childhood education. Thus, it is imperative and important to integrate ICT in early
childhood education.

2.4 In what aspects ICT helped with early childhood teaching

The goal of this research is to explore how using ICT helps and promotes teaching in
the Chinese early childhood education. It is critical to study the previous literature on
the specific aspects that ICT helped with early childhood teaching, because it is useful
for better understanding and providing reference of the research question how the ICT
helps teaching. However, Literature shows very less research on this area, the studies
in relation to the topic of the use of ICT in preschool education put further focus on
how ICT integration promotes childrens learning and development, which
concentrated on children rather than on teachers. It still can be found that ICT mainly
helped and promoted three aspects in preschool teaching: Pre-class planning,
Classroom practices, and Information preservation and management. This section will
present how the ICT resources help teachers work in their teaching processes.

2.4.1 Pre-class planning

Pre-class planning is one of the professional work that teachers have to carry out before
they directly teaching children in the class, and it closely correlative to the way teachers
teach (Ram rez, Clemente, Recama n, Mart n-Dom nguez, and Rodr guez, 2016).
Research shows ICT effectively helped teachers with their pre-class planning processes
by using desktop computers, laptops, Internet and some ICT-related software etc
(Ram rez et al., 2016). For example, Internet usually helped preschool teachers to
collate useful information and materials related to their lesson topics, such as colorful
images, videos, audios etc. The desktop computer and some planning software can help
them to design individual learning plans for children and to schedule courses. Moreover,
PowerPoint and computer can help teachers to collate the collected information, making
courseware, and designing learning activities etc. before having class with children.

2.4.2 Classroom Practices

Literature presents ICT also effectively assist the teaching in the preschool classrooms.
For instance, many early childhood teachers utilize Internet as a teaching resource with
children together when having class. They usually use Internet to search information or
resources, sparked by childrens interest in a particular topic or idea. Children can be
collaborative learners with teachers in this case, and it assist children in learning
effectively (Sefton-Green et al, 2016). In addition, the majority of teachers stated that
the interactive whiteboard, projector and television are the most frequently used ICT
tools in classroom practices. These ICT resources usually used for displaying
information in relation to the course contents including slides, images, videos, audios
etc., and this can be incorporated with teachers interpretation. This can help teachers
to make their oral explanation further clear, and make children better understand the
knowledge. Also, these ICT resources helped teachers to organize diverse learning
activities during the class. Besides, recently, iPads become a popular ICT tool in early
childhood teaching in many countries which has similar functions with the whiteboard.
It also can be utilized to display images, videos etc., to have interactions, share opinions
and solve problems with children (Flewitt, Messer & Kucirkova, 2015). Moreover, an
increasing number of teachers use iPad apps to enhance childrens learning and activate
their interests towards learning, which involve emergent literacy practices. iPads could
help teachers to cultivate childrens independent learning ability in their early years.
Besides, digital camera is also a helpful tool to help teachers to record childrens
performances and activities during the class. They can take digital photos, videos, or
audio recordings of individuals and activities and reviewing these together, or sharing
them with parents.

To sum up, literature shows that in the classroom practice, ICT helps teachers to
delivery knowledge to children in a vivid and interesting manner, and makes children
better understand what their teachers taught in the class. Secondly, teachers can create
various learn-centered and play-centered classroom activities through ICT tools assist.
Lastly, it can help to record childrens performances in the class and activities, then
share with them and their parents.

2.4.4 Information preservation and management

Preschool teachers usually use ICT tools for administration, and information
management, and data preservation. For example, desktop computers can be used for
creating databases to keep track of important information about children and their
families. Also, it can be used for preserving and recording the useful information of
their own work.
2.5 Barriers to ICT integration in Chinese early childhood teaching
Last sub sections have presented the benefits that ICT has brought to the early
childhood education, and the specific aspects that ICT helped early childhood teaching
based on previous literature. It is helpful for understanding the research question how
the ICT helps teaching, through providing the information of in which specific aspects
teachers need the assist of ICT, or ICT can help teachers in teaching. While it is
inadequate to achieve the research goal: to explore how using ICT helps and promotes
teaching in the Chinese early childhood education. It is necessary to identify the
existing and potential barriers on ICT integration in preschool teaching, in particular in
China. Except positive outcomes that ICT brought to early childhood education, there
are also a number of negative results that brought by ICT, such as childrens visual loss,
childrens privacy, childrens isolation from the real world and community Liu and
Pange, 2014. Moreover, it also has negative effects on teachers, including weaken
teachers professional competence etc. The appearance of these negative results are
mainly because of the inappropriate and ineffective adoption of ICT in teaching.
Therefore, identifying the barriers can be an effective way for exploring how ICT helps
and promotes teaching. This sub section presents the barriers of ICT integration in
preschool education according to Ertmer (1999), which can be classified to the first-
order barriers and second-order barriers. After that, more specific barriers in terms of
the ICT application in early childhood education in China will be performed based on
the literature, involving the lack of ICT facilities and resources, the lack of teachers
competence, confidence and knowledge, and the lack of professional guidance and
trainings for teachers.

Liu and Pange (2014) defined the barriers to ICT integration in teaching as condition
that do not support the ICT integration in the teaching practices. In terms of the general
education, Ertmer (1999) categorized these barriers into two groups: first-order barriers
(external to teachers) and second-order barriers (internal to teachers). The first-order
barriers include lack of facilities and resources, lack of time, lack of support, lack of
teacher training, limited classroom condition, and classroom management difficulty.
The second-order barriers involve teachers negative attitudes and beliefs, teachers
insufficient knowledge and competence, and teachers lack of confidence (Ertmer,
1999). Liu and pange (2014) denotes that the most mentioned barriers to ICT
integration the early childhood education are similar to those in the general education
contexts. Except first-order barriers and second-order barriers, Liu and Pange pointed
out there are less research on ICT integration conducted in preschool settings globally,
the attention is more concentrate on other educational contexts, such as primary
education, secondary education and higher education.

In terms of the barriers of ICT integration in Chinese early childhood education,

literature shows three main barriers which are included in the first-order barriers and
second-order barriers: lack of ICT-related equipment and resources, the lack of teachers
competence, confidence and knowledge, lack of policy and professional guidance.

2.5.1 The lack of ICT input

The lack of ICT facilities and resources (including hardware and software) is one of the
major concerns in Chinese kindergartens (Li, 2006). In terms of the ICT-related
hardware, the types of the technology in the European kindergartens tend to be more
rich and diversified than in the Chinese preschools. In China, recent studies show that
a large proportion of the kindergartens has been equipped with computers, data
Projectors, Blue-tooth speakers, printers, scanners, digital cameras and videos, and has
got access to the internet (Liu, Eugenia I., Toki and Pange, 2014). Liu et al. (2014) also
denotes some better conditioned kindergartens in China have set up independent
multimedia classrooms and computer classrooms. In some European countries (e.g. UK
and Greece), 13 technologies (TV/DVD, computer/laptop, Internet, digital camera,
video game player, light table, SamartBoard, iPod/mp3 player, iPod touch, Smartphone,
E-Reader, Smart toys and tablet computer) are been mainly used in the kindergartens
for instructional purposes (Courtney K., Blackwell, Alexis R. and Ellen W, 2014).
Except relatively conventional technology (e.g. TV/DVD, computer/laptop, Internet,
digital camera, video game player), they also applied some new technologies like the
touch-screen devices, E-Readers, smart toys, light table in the kindergartens for
instructional purposes. However, there are no any research in relation to those new
types of ICT tools integration in Chinese preschool education. In addition, many
studies also report an issues which widely exists in China concerning ICT
infrastructures use, particularly in Mainland China, and is named digital divide,
which is apparent between public and private kindergartens, as well as kindergartens
between urban and rural areas (Liu, 2007; Guo et al., 2006). That means not every
kindergarten in China has the same level on technology application. The major impact
factors can be regarded as the financial situation in different types of kindergartens in
different areas. This issue may trigger the unbalanced educational quality in the context
of Chinese preschool education. Therefore, due to the digital divide in China,
researcher investigated one kindergarten in Shenzhen (a developed city) and the other
in the Nanchang (a developing city) in order to obtain a precise result. And make a
comparison between these two cities based on their findings. Meanwhile, the digital
divide has become one of the major challenges in China and reducing this distance can
promote economic development and ICT use in education. Hence, it is meaningful to
explore the possible solutions on this aspect for improving the overall level on the
preschool educational quality in China.

In terms of the ICT-related software, Li (2006) denoted that good educational software
is deficient in Chinese kindergartens, and some good sorts of educational software were
usually presented in English and produced by the western software engineers. The most
frequently used software in teaching is the basic office software, such as PowerPoint,
Word and Flash for Chinese preschool teachers, and a few of other educational software
are only used for English language lesson (Li, 2006). Therefore, very less software
could be used for teachers to extend childrens learning in teaching.

2.5.2 The lack of teachers competence, confidence and knowledge

Previous research results indicate that, the majority of early childhood teachers both in
China and others countries feel that they lack the competence, confidence or knowledge
to integrate digital technologies in teaching. According to Hew and Brush (2007), the
integration of ICT into teaching and learning is mainly influenced by the teachers
technical skills, beliefs and confidence. Hence, it can be said that the ICT integration in
preschool classes is often attributed to teachers (Edwards, 2013). Studying preschool
teachers beliefs about ICT is important because their perspectives affect their
classroom practices. Also, teachers beliefs are linked to the childrens learning and
development. For instance, they affect whether and how ICT will be used during the
teaching and learning processes and the play activities. Research results indicate that
EC teachers beliefs were shaped by their knowledge of, and experience with,
computers and relevant training they had received (Chen and Chang, 2006). According
to Nikolopoulou and Gialamas (2015), teachers training in ICT influences the teachers
beliefs. For example, most of the teachers who accept pre-service and in-service
training in ICT tend to believe that ICT use is not only a free play activity, and that
computer-related use should be embedded in formal learning. However, there are a
small number of preschool teachers who did not receive training in ICT consider that
ICT is only for free play. Additionally, the higher the teachers confidence with
technology, the higher their intention is to use a computer in a preschool class.
Nikolopoulou and Gialamas (2015) pointed out that years of teaching experiences,
years of computer experiences and in-service teacher training in ICT are the main
influence factors toward early childhood teachers confidence in ICT integration.
Meanwhile, the confident teachers delivered a variety of computing experiences in
preschool classes. Teachers confidence with technology can be increased via attending
appropriate pre-service and in-service teacher training in ICT. Moreover, beliefs and
confidence are closely related to teachers knowledge acquisition and class practice
(Vartuli, 2005). Therefore, it is necessary to formulate and implement the related
teachers training programs to help preschool teachers to develop scientific beliefs and
confidence towards ICT use in education.

Such programmes should be carefully designed in order to help teachers with

integrating ICT in class, and with acquiring skills for software evaluation. For example,
teachers need to make the best out of the ICT features in order to support the childrens
learning. In a number of universities in European countries, in order to improve pre-
service EC teachers capacity of ICT application in education, departments of ECE have
integrated the ICT-related modules into students curriculum. For the in-service EC
teachers, a series of training programmes both at national level and European level were
set up, such as Teachers training in ICT in education etc. Furthermore, there is a
great number of evidence of research related to EC teachers ICT literacy and training.
Take Greece as an example, the EC teachers who attend B-level ICT training is
increasing annually, and this will influence their beliefs positively. However, the
efficiency and the validity of these training programmes for EC teachers were relatively
low, because these programmes are characterised by techno-centric and without
providing an educational purpose of ICT use. Similarly, a plenty of studies in China
show that EC teachers have realized the significance of ICT use in preschool education.
Most of EC teachers consider ICT as a helpful tool in teaching practice whilst in
teachers professional development. However, the Chinese EC teachers self-
confidence and competence of ICT integration into education are relatively at low level.
Research indicate that a majority of Chinese preschool teachers have the elementary
capacity (retrieval, processing, manage information etc.) to operate some easy-to-use
teaching software, such as PowerPoint, Photoshop etc. Yet they lacking the advanced
competence in particular in the integration of ICT and teaching activities. The majority
of Chinese kindergartens have started related courses to support teachers training in
different sorts of the ICT topics. However, most of teachers who attended trainings
present the courses are not effective and they did not benefit a lot during the training

2.5.3 lack of professional guidance and trainings for teachers

Besides, the findings of these literatures have implications for education policy-makers.
The majority of the EC teachers believed that ICT must be integrated in the early
childhood education curriculum. They understand a certain of benefits of integrating
ICT in teaching and learning, even though their perceptions are not deep. However, as
the curriculum does not provided specific guidelines, the choice/ nature of the teacher-
organised activities related to ICT use in class is left to the teachers discretion. The
manner in which ICT are integrated in the preschool education curriculum affects the
childrens learning. Hence, it is necessary for the policy-makers to provide and improve
the detailed guidelines on the use of ICT in preschool class towards EC teachers and
the children. Some governments and policy-makers in the European countries have
implemented several relevant projects and policies in order to guide ICT application in
the preschool education. However, there are no specific and explicit governmental
policies and projects for the use of ICT in the early childhood education.

In most countries, policy and curriculum support for the development of ICT in the
early childhood education sector have lagged behind that given to the school sector. For
example, the growth and development of ICT in the school sector has sometimes been
driven by the desire to get more technology and technological infrastructure into
schools, without sufficient attention given to the pedagogical purposes for introducing
the technology, or the supporting conditions and resources that might enable the
technologies to contribute towards better teaching and learning experiences. According
to Higgins (2003), heavy investments have been made in ICT for use by teachers and
students in many countries, but the purposes of these investments have not always been
clear or made explicit. The evidence is clear that simply providing ICT equipment to
schools or teachers will not necessarily make a difference. However, this situation is
beginning to change. Some countries, like Scotland, have recently developed ICT
strategies for the early childhood education sector (Learning and Teaching Scotland,
2003b). Researchers, academics, and practitioners in preschool education have also
published books, articles, and guidelines which provide information and guidance
about ICT in early childhood, and aim to support early childhood education
practitioners to make well-informed decisions and choices about ICT. Hence, it is
necessary for preschool education sector to find a useful guidance in order to help pupils
to learn and teachers to teach more effectively. Meanwhile, there is now a strong focus
on the development of ICT policy, and integration of ICT in curriculum and practice
across the whole education sector.

2.6 ICT integration in Chinese early childhood education have not finished

current status



2.7 Chapter conclusion have not finished

Chapter 3 Research Method
3.1 Introduction
In order to make a clear clue of this chapter, it is necessary to restate the research
purpose and research questions at the beginning. Then the research method, research
design and the data collection approach will be illuminated in this chapter along with
the justifications of choosing each method. Moreover, the following paragraphs will
present the ethical issue and the data analysis method.

3.2 Research questions

It is essential to restate the research purpose and the research questions before giving a
detailed introduction of the research design and methods to clarify the purpose of this
research. The objective of this research is to explore how using ICT helps and promotes
teaching in the Chinese early childhood education.
The research questions proposed were:
(1). What types of ICT being used in the Chinese early childhood education?
(2). How the ICT helps teaching?

3.3 Data collection methods

Qualitative research method was used in this research. The first reason for using this
research approach was because this study is more focusing on investigating teachers
behaviors, perspectives and experiences toward ICT integration in preschool teaching.
According to Savin-Baden and Major (2013), qualitative research is aimed at
investigating the way in which people make sense of their ideas and experiences.
Researchers use qualitative methods to explore the behaviour, perspectives and
experiences of the people they study (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). The other reason
for researcher to apply this research method was to seek an in-depth and holistic
exploration toward ICT integration in Chinese preschool education. Qualitative
research data tend to be rich and thick description which presents detail, context,
emotion etc. to convey meaning (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013).

The prime source for collecting data was through semi-structured interview and
observation. The use of observation method in the preschool classroom was aim to
collect the data of three aspects: what types of ICT being used in the preschool
classroom; how practitioners use them when having classes; and teachers and
childrens performances when they interacting with ICT in class. The adoption of
interview approach with open-ended research questions aimed to collect the
information of teachers perceptions and attitudes toward the ICT application in the
early childhood teaching based on individual teaching experiences and knowledge
background. The adoption of both data collection approaches in this research can
support and perfect the collected data from each method in order to achieve the goal of
the research.

Besides, the economic level in different areas of China can probably affect the situation
of the ICT application in different kindergartens. In order to acquire a more considerate
and objective result, the investigation happened in different geographic locations in
China. One investigated kindergarten was in the Shenzhen city, Guangdong province.
The other investigated kindergarten was in the Nanchang city, Jiangxi province.
Shenzhen is a coastal city which located in the southern China. This city is well
developed economically and technologically. Nanchang is a capital city of Jiangxi
province and it is located in the middle part of the mainland China. It has average
economic level and ranked as a second-tier developing city in China. While the
financial condition is lag behind Shenzhen city in terms of the development degree.
Two chosen cities have relatively different techno-economic level which represent two
dominant economic statuses in China.
In addition, the teaching systems in different types of kindergartens tend to be different.
This may lead the use of ICT in teaching in different manners which can be an influence
factor for the research. Hence, one investigated kindergarten was a government school
and the other was a private school. A number of researchers chose to investigate a single
geographic location in China in relation to this research field. However, the status of
ICT application in one location cannot represent the situation of it in the whole Chinese
early childhood education. Therefore, two different types of kindergartens in two
different cities with different financial conditions and teaching systems have been
chosen to investigate in this research. Furthermore, in order to take into account these
potential influence factors and obtain a relatively objective result, the collected data of
towards the research topic in both kindergartens have been comparatively analyzed and
3.3.1 Observation in the preschool classroom
Observation is one of the essential data collection approaches in this research. It can be
used to support and perfect the collected data in the interview process, giving further
objective and accurate information of what is happening towards the use of ICT in
Chinese early childhood teaching. Savin-Baden and Major (2013) denoted, observation
is a method of qualitative data collection for understanding how individuals construct
their realities. It has also been deemed as a way for researcher to document everyday
practices of participants and to do better understand their experiences. The goal for
using participant observation as a method of qualitative data collection is to develop a
holistic understanding of the phenomena which is as objective and accurate as possible
for researchers (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). As previously mentioned, observation
aims to obtain a better understanding of research objects experiences and to collect
further objective and actual data in relation to the ICT integration in teaching through
observing what is happening in the actual preschool classroom. In order to achieve this
goal, the data collection from observation was focused on three aspects: what types of
ICT being used in the preschool classroom; how practitioners use them when having
classes; and teachers and childrens performances when they interacting with ICT in
class. Besides, passive participate approach was adopted in the observation process. In
the passive participation, researchers often function as spectators without direct
interactions with others, or they have only minimal involvement in it (Savin-Baden and
Major, 2013). During the observation process in this research, the researcher was not
engaged herself into the teaching and learning when having class, and just sited at back
of the classroom to observe and record the useful data. The reason for choosing passive
participation is mainly because it can as possible to avoid potentially biasing the
observation (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013).

Before presenting the procedure of the observation, it is necessary to introduce the class
type setting in current Chinese kindergartens. Four types of class in Chinese
kindergartens which are based on childrens age group, namely youngest class (under
3 years), junior class (3-4 years), middle class (4-5 years) and top class (5-6 years). In
this study, I spent half day (in total four days) for each type of classroom in two
kindergartens with teachers and children. In the first stage of observation, I asked the
kindergarten managers to get the email addresses of the parents from the classes I would
observed and the teacher participants in each class. Then I send the information sheet,
parental consent and consent form to the parents of children participants and teachers
in eight classes in order to get their observation permits. Also after I getting the permits
from the parents, I began the observation in the classroom. In order to naturally collect
practical and authentic data, the observations happened in the regular working time of
two kindergartens in the Shenzhen city and Nanchang city respectively.

3.3.2 Interviewing preschool teachers

Savin-Baden and Major (2013) denoted, interview is the most common data collection
method in qualitative research for exploring data on understandings, opinions,
experiences, attitudes and feelings that people have in common. Interview data
collection method was applied in this research is because the researcher believes this
approach enables researcher to gain complex in-depth information from participants on
their experiences and attitudes (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). Semi-structured
interviews with one respondent were conducted in this research. Open-ended questions
were around detailed information about teachers experience and perceptions of using
ICT during their teaching processes. In terms of the semi-structured interview, except
the preset questions, additional questions allowed to be flexibly asked based on
participants comments and reactions (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). The open-ended
questions allow interviewees to express their views on a topic in a further
comprehensive way (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). In this way, researchers are free
to probe more information on a research topic (Gibson and Brown, 2009). Therefore,
the use of semi-structured interview with open-ended in this research.

The setting of interview questions in this research aimed to collect four aspects of
information: teachers perspectives toward how ICT being used in teaching, including
the processes of lesson preparation and having class; teachers perspectives toward in
which specific aspects, ICT effectively helped to promote teaching and learning;
teachers perspectives toward what can be the merits and constrains of ICT integration
in preschool teaching; teachers perspectives toward their ICT-related training
situation and the ICT-related educational polices in the Chinese early years setting.
Investigating teachers perspectives and attitudes toward the research topic is
significant, because this is the key to address the research questions. In order to avoid
time conflict which may happen between the interview time and working time,
interview happened in the coffee shop on weekends around one hour individually.
Researcher bought them a cup of coffee for each participant when interviewing. The
reason for this is that the researcher wanted to talk with her participants just like a friend
in a relaxed environment without any psychological burden. It was helpful for
researcher to acquire more real and rich responses from them. Talking from interview
were audiotaped which used by a smartphone to record, and a Mac laptop to document
personal notes during the interview and the same laptop to secure the recordings and
the data analysis content afterwards. Researcher also gave them a brief explanation and
summary of the discussed conversations individually at the end of the interview.
Besides, a document with detailed information of the research was sent to the potential
participants before the interview, it includes introduce myself, the project, its objective,
the timeline and what the content will generally include. In addition, before interview
researcher also explained what data will be collected/recorded, and how it will be
collected and withdrawing from participation. Participants understood that who
withdraw will be given the right to request that their data should be destroyed and never
used in the study. Finally, before signing the consent, I took any questions they have.

3.4 Participants
The participants in this research were formed by the teachers and children in two
investigated kindergartens. In terms of the participants for interview, the selection
criteria were teachers currently employed by Chinese kindergartens with more than 1
year teaching experience. They need to have some teaching experiences and the
elementary competence of ICT application in early childhood teaching. As I mentioned
before, in order to acquire a further objective and considerate result, it is essential to
investigate the use of ICT in different types of kindergartens, and in different
geographical locations of China with different levels of financial conditions. Hence, the
participants in this study for interview were in total eight preschool teachers, four of
them were currently working in the investigated private kindergarten in Shenzhen, and
the other four teachers were working in the investigated public kindergarten in
Nanchang. Besides, teacher groups in the case of Chinese preschool education mainly
consist of the instructors and the child care teachers. The instructors are in charge of
imparting knowledge to children, such as giving lessons, organizing educational-related
activities and so forth. While the child care teachers are responsible for managing
childrens trivial round, including guiding children to have breakfast and lunch, help
children to nurture the healthy habits, improving the hygienic status in the classroom
etc. In this case, only the instructors have the opportunities to use ICT in teaching and
learning processes. Hence, eight selected teachers for the interview are all instructors
in their kindergartens.

Meanwhile, all of the interview participants are female because there is no male EC
teacher working in the investigated kindergartens. Additionally, according to Liu &
Pange (2014), the teaching experience could be one of the major influence factor for
the teachers attitudes of ICT integration in the preschool education. Therefore, I
intentionally selected participated teachers with different levels of teaching experiences:
four selected teachers have 1-2 years teaching experience; two have 5 years teaching
experience; and the rest of two have more than 10-20 years teaching experience.
Teachers participants have different degrees of education. In terms of the public
kindergarten in the Nanchang city, four teachers all majored in the educational-related
departments. They all have the college diploma and the teacher certificate. In terms of
the kindergarten in the private kindergarten in the Shenzhen city, two investigated
teachers have college diplomas (one of them was majored in the English department
and the other one was majored in the graphic design), and the other two teachers were
graduated from the local post-secondary schools in the educational-related majors.

Besides, the other groups of participants were for the observation in this research.
They were children from the investigated classrooms. In this study, I spent half day (in
total four days) for each type of classroom in total eight classrooms in two kindergartens
with teachers and children. Twelve children in each classroom. Therefore, forty-eight
children participated in this research for the observation.

3.5 Ethical issues

This study is abiding by the guidelines of the British Educational Research Association
(BERA). At the beginning of the project, researcher obtained approval of the Research
Proposal and the Ethics Application Form from the researchers supervisor to confirm
the investigation was viable. After that, the researcher sent the information sheet to the
managers of the target kindergartens, meanwhile explained orally in terms of the project
through telephone communication with managers. Before the data collection,
researcher received written consent from the headmasters of two target kindergartens.
The teacher participants and the parents of the children participants were sent the
information sheet by E-mail to make them understood the research purpose, the reasons
of their participations, the investigation process in which they are participated in, and
how the data would be used and reported. After that, the researcher obtained written
parental consent from parents of the children participants. The copy of consent form
and orally explanation were also shared before starting the interview for the teacher
participants. Researcher received their signed consent to ensure they agreed to take part
in the interview. Besides, all participants in this research have been informed that they
have right to withdraw from the investigation at any time of data collection process,
and any data they have contributed will not be used if they choose to do this.

In order to guarantee the privacy security, interview recordings will be never shared
with anyone including teacher participants and kindergarten mangers. All of the
collected data will be kept by researcher only, such as observation notes, audiotape
recordings, transcriptions, interview notes will be saved on the personal laptop and
personal Dropbox of the researcher with passwords. The anonymous record and the
audio record of interview response will be kept until the end of dissertation assessment
process. It is worth mentioning that the respondents audio records were allocated
pseudonyms (four participant teachers in the private kindergarten in Shenzhen are Liao,
Li, Han and Wan; four participant teachers in the public kindergarten in Nanchang are
Wang, Shen, Gong and Pei) in any discussion of interview data. As for reporting data
in the research writing, respondents will be allocated pseudonyms as well in any
discussion of interview data in order to protect participant from conflicts. Any
information which may reveal the identity of the participant (for example, the
mentioning a particular place of work by the respondent), will be excluded from public

3.6 Data analysis

The data analysis of qualitative research is a sustained process to divide the collected
data into meaningful parts for achieving the ultimate goal of examining and making
sense out of them (Savin-Baden and Major, 2013). Thematic coding analysis method
has been applied in this research to analyze findings after the data was collected, results
were categorized. Savin-Baden and Major (2013) defined thematic analysis as a method
of identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns within data. This approach offers a
general sense of information through repeated handling of the data (Savin-Baden and
Major, 2013). It is not the most scientific approach of qualitative data analysis because
researchers more rely on intuition and sensing rather than being bound by hard rules of
analysis when they applying this method to analyze data (Savin-Baden and Major,
2013), and it tend to be unpredictable in comparison to other analytical method. Indeed,
the shortcoming of thematic analysis may lead deformation of the initial meaning of
data and relatively subjective results. However, the advantages of this method have
been demonstrated by a large number of studies and it has been widely used in the
qualitative research. For example, thematic analysis method can usefully summarize
key features of a large body of data and offer a thick description of the data set, it can
highlight similarities and differences across the data set, and it can generate
unanticipated insights. Savin-Baden and Major (2013) denoted, it is critical for
researcher to make a decision of selecting an approach for data analysis in qualitative
research because the method always affect the focus of data analysis and the results.
Hence, in order to explore the research questions in more depth to obtain thick
description and further unanticipated insights, researcher decided to utilize thematic
coding analysis to decode the data in this research.

The purpose of this research is to explore how using ICT helps and promotes teaching
in Chinese early childhood education. Researcher desired to know about two aspects
through empirical investigation and collected data: the specific ICT resource types
which are currently being used in the Chinese kindergartens; and how the ICT helps
teaching. The original collected date was from observation in four types of preschool
classroom and semi-structured interview with eight preschool teachers. Thematic
coding has been adopted to identify the common themes from the interview audiotapes,
interview transcripts, interview notes and observation notes. The collected data was
divided into three main themes in order to explicitly answer the research questions.
These themes included ICT resource types, teachers competence and confidence of
using ICT as a teaching tool, outcomes and constrains of ICT implementation in
preschool teaching. Further specific explanations and discussions of each theme will be
presented in the Report and discussion on findings chapter. Meanwhile, researcher will
analyze and discuss the results from two kindergartens in the way of comparison.

Chapter 4 Findings

4.1 Introduction
The data were collected from the observation in the classrooms in two Chinese
kindergartens and semi-structured interview with eight preschool teachers (from two
kindergartens). The collected data is based on observing the real environment in the
preschool class and teachers teaching experiences, perceptions and perspectives. This
chapter will present the following themes: ICT resource types and the basic usage in
teaching, Positive effects of ICT integration in teaching, The potential limitations and
teachers suggestions, and teacher training and policy.

4.2 Theme 1: ICT resource types and the basic usage in teaching
The data of the ICT resource types and the basic usage of them in teaching were
collected both from the observation in eight classrooms and interviewing eight
preschool teachers of two kindergartens. The collected data from each method can be
mutually complementary. Through observation, two aspects of data toward theme 1 can
be collected, which were which types of ICT hardware in each classroom?, and how
teachers use these ICT resources including hardware and software when having class?
In the interview, researcher found that except teaching in the classroom, there were two
important processes of early childhood teaching for teachers involving the lesson
preparation and teaching reflection after class. It was more focused on the process of
having class in the observation, while from investigating teachers perspectives and
perceptions in the interview, researcher can know about the use of ICT for teachers in
the processes of lesson preparation and teaching reflection. In what follows of this
section, researcher will present the specific types of ICT currently being used in
Chinese kindergartens, and how teachers use them in teaching.

Besides, there was an interesting finding towards interview. Every teacher participants
perceptions towards the concept of ICT were different. Most of teacher participants
considered only ICT-related hardware is the ICT resource, such as computers,
Bluetooth speaker, digital camera etc. (e.g. Participant Wang, Participant Gong,
Participant Miu, Participant Li, Participant Han). The minority of teachers thought the
ICT not only included hardware resources, but also the software resources, such as
PowerPoint and Flash etc. (e.g. Participant Pei, Participant Wan). Only one participant
believed that the personal Smartphone and some of the social networking software such
as QQ and WeChat also were the useful ICT tools in teaching (e.g. Participant Shen).

4.2.1 Hardware
In terms of the public kindergarten in Nanchang, every classroom equipped with an All-
in-one PC (AIO PC), a desktop computer, a Bluetooth speaker and a digital camera.
Similarly, the ICT hardware devices in the private preschool in Shenzhen also included
a desktop computer, a Bluetooth speaker and a digital camera in each classroom. Except
those common hardware items, two specialized multi-media halls, an electronic piano,
and a digital television also being used in the private preschool classroom in Shenzhen.

Both kindergartens all equipped with a desktop computer, a Bluetooth speaker and a
digital camera in each classroom, and they have similar usages in teaching. The desktop
computer in the classroom was used for the teaching scheduling, lesson preparation and
online idea sharing within teachers. In terms of the Bluetooth speaker, it can be
connected with the AIO PC, computer and Smartphone to play the music when children
doing their morning exercises, also when they in the music lesson. The digital camera
was usually used for recording the indoor and outdoor activities, and individual
performance for children.

Within these hardware technologies in the public kindergarten in Nanchang, the most
commonly used ICT was the AIO PC which had a big digital screen with multi-touch
display features. AIO PC is a computer that has every component within the same case
as the monitor, except for peripheral components like the keyboard and mouse. It was
hung on the wall in each classroom. Teachers mainly use AIO PC on displaying the
images, videos, Multimedia courseware for children, and searching online for useful
information in relation to the session topic in class.

In terms of the private kindergarten in Shenzhen, the most commonly used ICT tools
can be the electronic piano and the special multi-media hall. The electronic piano
integrates the functional advantages of the traditional piano and the modern technology
when it was used in preschool teaching. Teachers usually use it for the management of
classroom discipline. For example, some specialized melodies represent some specific
orders for children in the preschool classroom, such as before having breakfast, having
lunch, taking a nap, leaving school, and asking children to keep silent etc. Teachers use
this approach to foster childrens disciplined awareness. In addition, teachers played
the electronic piano just as the traditional one when having music lesson to interact with
children. For example, when teaching children to sing a song, unlike online playing the
background music of a song, teachers can stop at any point and start from any point
based on the childrens condition if they using the electronic piano during the course.
The electronic piano has a very high using frequency in the classroom. Besides, there
were two specialized multi-media halls in the private kindergarten in Shenzhen. The
size of the multi-media hall was twice over than a normal classroom. It integrated
multiple ICT-related devices, such as computer, Projector, a large digital screen with
touch panel and four loudspeaker boxes. When teachers need to present images, videos,
multimedia courseware in order to achieve their instructional goals, they will have class
in these specialized halls with children. In addition, digital television in the normal
classroom were used to play some cartoons and pictures to children in the break time.

4.2.2 Software
Results show three sorts of ICT software were being commonly used in both
kindergartens which are PowerPoint, Lesson planning software, and Data sharing
Platform. In the preschool class of both kindergartens, teachers used PowerPoint to
present children the session content in a logical and systematic manner with the form
of the texts, images, audios, and videos. The lesson planning software and the Data
sharing Platform are both newborn types of ICT software which introduced in recent
years for preschool teachers. The lesson planning software was used for the course
design preparation before the class for each teacher. The aim of the Data sharing
Platform was to promote mutual learning and experience exchange towards teaching
skills and methods among teachers. Besides, a minority of EC teachers expressed they
used Flash which was made by themselves before class in teaching. They though
making Flash by themselves was an effective way to improve their computing skills,
and to catch the childrens attention in class.

4.2.3 The other types of ICT

Besides these ICT resources, one teacher participant considered that, the Smartphone
and the social networking software also can be useful assisted ICT tools in class for
instructional purposes. The use of Smartphone can quickly record the childrens
performance and activities in class. Also they used it for quickly searching the music
online for children in class. Additionally, in terms of the social networking software
like WeChat and QQ, teachers used them to contact with parents in relation to
childrens classroom performance and children s progress etc. Also it was a
convenient way to sharing resources among teachers.

4.3 Theme 2: Positive effects of ICT integration in teaching

Results show that the use of ICT played an effective role for four aspects in teaching
including lesson preparation process, teaching in class, mutual learning among teachers,
and teachers innovation ability and creative thinking. The collected data were based
on the teachers perspectives and attitudes in the interview. All of the teacher
participants gave their positive attitudes towards the use of ICT in teaching.

4.3.1 Lesson preparation

In the interview, all of the teacher participants in two kindergartens stated they
frequently used ICT tools in the lesson preparation process before class, involving using
Internet to collect useful information in relation to the session topics, then they collate
and edit collected information by related ICT software. A number of senior teachers
expressed, compared with the traditional modes of teachers pre-class preparation in the
past time, it is effectively improved the efficiency of lesson preparations and simplified
this process. Moreover, the information collected by ICT tends to be more diversified
than in past time.

In the past, teachers needed to spend a heap of time to collect useful information
through looking up the book and related paper resources before having class. Then they
organized the collected information in a written form. Also, teachers had a lot of hand-
made work for the lesson preparation before class, such as drawing the colorful
pictures and making cartoon images. These required teachers to spend a lot of time and
energy and even in their spare time. However, currently, the processes of resource
collecting and lesson preparation become much easier and more efficient than
previously by using ICT support. For example, I usually collect the useful information
from Internet during my lesson preparation process, including written information,
images, music, videos etc. which relate to my session topics. Then I use PowerPoint
and Lesson planning software to collate the collected information in a systematic and
logic manner on computer. (Participant Wang)

4.3.2 Teaching in class

All of the teacher participants gave some common positive comments in terms of the
ICT integration when having class. They expressed that applying ICT in teaching when
having class effectively assisted teachers explanation toward the course knowledge.
Especially when they having class related to some subjects which were hard to clarify
just by teachers languages. ICT integration such as presenting pictures, videos and
PowerPoint made children better understand the knowledge in relation to the course
topic. Furthermore, ICT support when having class effectively helped teachers to
capture childrens attention, whilst made children further immersed in class.

In the 1990s preschool class in China, teachers need to explain every detail towards
the knowledge in session orally. However, it was really hard to explain the knowledge
related to some specific subjects in the textbook without any ICT tools for children, such
as science subject. Because the experiences of children are limited. While, currently
almost every teacher using ICT devices to show the digital colorful pictures and videos
to children when having class. Based on my personal teaching experience, I feel directly
showing the colorful images and videos by ICT devices made my explanations much
easier and vivid, and after that the childrens reactions made me feel they can
understand the knowledge that I taught. (Participant Gong, Public kindergarten in

Almost every child interested in the colorful digital pictures, moved images, and
electronic games in a big screen. Every time when I display the colorful images and
videos, they looked very excited. Also, children enjoy to interact with the big screen
when playing the electronic games when having class. ICT can catch childrens
attention immediately. (Participant Wang, Public kindergarten in Nanchang )

4.3.3 mutual learning

Based on the perspectives of participant teachers, using ICT in teaching enhanced their
computing competence and skills, the pedagogical knowledge and others knowledge
on different aspects. Hence, ICT application in teaching brought wider and richer
knowledge in class for both teachers and children.

The traditional modes of teaching in the preschool class were entirely based on the
teachers knowledge background what was limited. But now, ICT in particular Internet
provided opportunities for us to learn while teaching. In the processes of the lesson
preparation and teaching in class, the online resources expanded my horizons and
enriched my knowledge indeed. (Participant Shen, Public kindergarten in Nanchang)

Teachers would regularly put the courseware made by ourselves and the useful images
or videos in the data sharing Platform. Also, the manager would put some topics in
relation to the early childhood pedagogy, and require us to answer. Then, teachers
would discuss towards the topics online and share the teaching experiences to each
other. I think it can promote the mutual learning among teachers and mutual
improvement. (Participant Shen, Public kindergarten in Nanchang)

4.3.4 teachers innovation ability and creative thinking

Teacher participants from the interview expressed that, ICT offers further space to
express their own ideas, to create more novel learning activities for children and new
teaching methods individually. In the previous preschool class, the interactions only
happened only between teachers and children. However, nowadays with the introduce
of various ICT devices including hardware and software into Chinese preschool
classroom, teaching in class have been a three-part interactive process. Under this
circumstance, further novel teaching approaches and activities have been designed and
created by teachers which have integrated ICT into teaching.

I always thought two questions towards ICT application in teaching, utilizing ICT in
what manners can effectively making children interpret knowledge in class?; and
utilizing ICT in what manners can make the session further diverting. In order to
address the above two questions, I deigned various learning activities in class for
children based on the teacher-children-ICT interaction, and I tried different teaching
approaches. For example, I designed a lot of play-based learning activities by using
AIO PC. In the processes of those activities, each child had opportunities to touch the
colorful images of digital screen, to sing and dance follow the videos etc. They looked
really enjoy the moment in class. (Participant Pei, Public kindergarten in Nanchang)

My major was music and I have a lot of ideas of integrating music into preschool
teaching. The electronic piano helped me to organize different types of play-based
activities and to manage the classroom discipline. (Participant Han, Private
kindergarten in Shenzhen)

4.4 Theme 3: The potential limitations and teachers suggestions

ICT application provided plenty of benefits in the preschool class, while teachers also
expressed a number of potential limitations toward it based on their teaching
experiences. Among eight teachers, six teachers (Participant Shen, Participant Wang,
Participant Pei, Participant Gong, Participant Miu, and Participant Wan) denoted their
own perspectives refer to the shortcomings of ICT use in teaching, while two teachers
(Participant Han and participant Li) who have only two years teaching experience
respectively considered that they have no any negative attitudes toward it. This section
will present two main limitations of ICT integration in teaching could be the reduction
of teachers competence quality and negative impacts on children. After that, based on
these potential limitations and their teaching practice, participants gave their
suggestions and expectations toward the use of ICT in early childhood teaching.

4.4.1 the reduction of teachers competence quality

ICT effectively helped to improve teachers working efficiency and assisted the lesson
preparation and teaching in class. This made teaching easier and simpler than before,
but this advantage also can be a disadvantage in Chinese early childhood education.
The convenience of ICT application has led the reduction of teachers competence
quality. Some teachers are excessive reliance on ICT in teaching process. Omnipotent
ICT resources has led to the idleness of teachers, meanwhile they neglect to develop
their own teaching competence.

In the past, most teachers can easily draw out whatever the children require. When
children frequently see their teachers drawing pictures, they would have desire to draw
the pictures as well. Under this circumstances, I think it can move up childrens worship
toward their teachers, whilst their learning initiative be promoted. However, nowadays
the Internet can provide any types of images and paintings in class. Teachers prefer to
collect colorful images online then display it to children in class, but not drawing while
teaching, because it is obviously more convenient than drawing pictures. Naturally, the
drawing capacity of teachers tend to be poor than in the previous time. Childrens
interests of drawing also currently decreased, it is mainly because they have very few
opportunities to perceive teachers painting. (Participant Shen, Public kindergarten
in Nanchang)

The similar situation in the music aspect.

In the past, the majority of teachers were able to play the piano and sing in a skillful
degree. However, currently it is hard for a lot of teachers to play the piano and sing,
this is mainly because ICT devices can play any types of music, and the teachers just
need to seek the music by searching the Internet. (Participant Han, Private
kindergarten in Shenzhen)

4.4.2 Possible negative impacts on children

The colorful images, videos etc. can successfully draw childrens attention in class.
These are provided by the ICT resources. While a number of teacher participants
thought this would bring some negative impacts towards childrens development.
Firstly, excessive screen time would be harmful for childrens eyesight health.
Moreover, the second negative impact of overusing ICT in the kindergarten can be the
reduction of childrens literacy and concentration competence.

In the current digital world, children have lots of chances to engage different kinds of
electronic devices in their lives, especially at homes and in the schools. It is difficult for
us to decide the application amount in the kindergarten for children. It is easy to lead
ICT overuse for teachers who have less teaching experiences. The overuse of ICT in
the classroom may lead childrens diminution of vision. (Participant Wan, private
kindergarten in Shenzhen)

reading books tend to be more helpful for nurturing childrens literacy and
concentration competence. Engaging too much colorful images and videos would lead
children cannot accept the learning approach of book reading. They even feel boring
towards reading books. While reading booking tend to be more beneficial for
developing childrens attentional control ability. During my teaching process, I found
children always pay highly attention on the colorful digital images, videos and
electronic games etc., while they performed impatient attitudes toward book reading.
(Participant Wang, Public kindergarten in Nanchang.)

4.4.3 teachers suggestions

In the interview, all of the participants expressed their personal expectations towards
the use of ICT in teaching based on their teaching experiences. Two teachers were
satisfied with current status of using ICT in teaching and without any suggestions
(Participant Han and participant Li). Other participants gave various suggestions on
integrating ICT in teaching mainly on three aspects. Two participants (Participant
Wang and Participant Miu) suggested that they hope to have the Remote Control
Equipment with the AIO PC or the Projector for easily switching the screen. One of
them advise that it is better not to use Internet when having class. Two participants
(Participant Gong and Participant Wan) expressed they hope that the software engineer
can design some products which can be used to promote the interaction between
children and ICT when having class. Furthermore, two participants (Participant Shen
and Participant Pei) suggested that teachers need to consciously improve their own
skills of ICT operation and the ability of integrating ICT in teaching.

Most of times when I need to switch the content on the screen of AIO PC, there were
some web advertisings and small icons came out immediately, and this would attract
childrens attention and interrupt the classroom discipline. So I think it would be better
to disconnect with the Internet when having class, and teachers can collect all of the
useful information towards the lesson topic before class. Besides, I think AIO PC need
to equip with a remote control. In that way, I can address this problem more efficiently,
and bring childrens attention back within a short time. (Participant Wang, Public
kindergarten in Nanchang)

In the current teaching practice in the classroom, teachers always operate ICT to
delivery knowledge to children. The direct interactions always happen between
teachers and ICT. It is limited for childrens active learning. So I think that the engineer
can design more educational software which can make the direct interaction between
children and ICT. This may motivate childrens interest in learning. (Participant Gong,
Public kindergarten in Nanchang)

I think teachers need to improve their own skills and abilities of using ICT in teaching,
such as making PowerPoint or Flash. Because only in this way teachers can make the
best use of ICT in teaching in order to promotes childrens development and learning.
Moreover, a sufficient lesson preparation is also very important, because it can avoid
the reduction of teaching efficiency during class time by directly searching information
online when have class with children. (Participant Pei, Public kindergarten in

I suggest teachers optionally use the ICT in teaching, and thinking more on which
specific type of ICT can be the most appropriate one in some specific teaching practice.
Both traditional teaching method and ICT-assisted teaching method need to be
integrated in teaching. Teachers can not entirely rely on any kind of them. (Participant
Shen, Public kindergarten in Nanchang)
4.5 Theme 4: teacher training and policy
The results showed that the majority of interviewed teachers feel that they lack the
competence, confidence and knowledge to integrate ICT in teaching. Both
kindergartens have a training department which is responsible for assessing and training
teachers teaching competence and skills regularly. Teachers capacity of ICT
application is also a part of training content in both kindergartens. Trainers and the
suppliers of the related ICT trained the in-service teachers how to use different types of
ICT resources regularly. However, trainers and the suppliers are always put the focus
on How to operate a ICT device but with limited pedagogic guidance, which was the
same issue refer to the ICT-related teacher trainings in both kindergartens. In addition,
there are no explicit guidelines in relation to when and how to integrate ICT in a
pedagogic manner in teaching syllabus. Teachers need to decide by their own when and
how to use ICT in teaching. Therefore, although all teacher participants in both
kindergartens expressed that they have already very familiar with the basic functions
on using ICT, while they cannot make sure whether they integrate the ICT in teaching
practice in an effective and appropriate manner, in particular when having class with

Besides, the majority of participant teachers answers towards my interview question

of How do you improve your ICT competence usually? were in common. Their
answers show that the main way for teachers to improve their ICT application
competence in teaching is to consult the senior instructors and the computer experts.
Moreover, there are a variety sorts of computer-related certificate examinations which
can prove the capability of computer application individually, which is also focus on
the operation skills. There are no certificate examinations which can prove the ICT
integration in teaching. Furthermore, six of the teacher participants majored in early
childhood education, and they have the bachelor degree. They expressed that they did
not attend any pre-service training in relation to the ICT integration when they were
university students.

In our kindergarten, the manager in charge of the teacher training would regularly
training our skills related to the operation of ICT. Besides, every time when our
kindergarten introducing a new ICT device, the supplier carried out the group training
session in order to help us grasp the related using skills of the new ICT product.
(Participant Wang, Public kindergarten in Nanchang)

We have a training department which is responsible for training teachers teaching

competence and skills regularly. Except teaching competence, the manager would also
assess our ICT application capability. Then, the manager would emphatically train the
teachers who have relatively weak ability on this aspect, and especially for new
teachers. Actually, we also frequently discussed when and how to use these ICT devices
in teaching, and the related experiences were shared among teachers. Trainers tend to
focus on training how to operate a specific ICT, but not how to integrate it with the
pedagogic approaches in teaching. And there were no explicit guidance or criteria for
us toward this aspect. (Participant Miu, kindergarten in Shenzhen)

4.6 Comparison of two kindergartens

Both kindergartens equipped with the desktop computer, Bluetooth speaker and the
digital camera. Except the three common ICT-related hardware, ICT resource types in
the private kindergarten in Shenzhen are more than that in the public kindergarten in
Nanchang (e.g. specialized multi-media halls, an electronic piano, and a digital
television). The dominant ICT resource in the public kindergarten in Nanchang is the
AIO PC, while the multi-media hall is the leading ICT resource in the private
kindergarten in Shenzhen. Two kindergartens using ICT in two main aspects. Firstly,
teachers use AIO PC or the big digital screen in the multi-media hall to display the
useful images, videos, courseware etc. in relation to the course topics to children when
having class. Secondly, teachers use computers and some ICT-related software to assist
the lesson preparation process, such as collecting useful information by Internet and
using PowerPoint to collate them in a logic manner. Besides, teachers in the private
kindergarten in Shenzhen integrate ICT in more teaching aspects, such as using
electronic piano to manage the discipline in the classroom, and providing children a
more holistic learning environment by having class in the specialized multi-media hall.
While teachers in the public kindergarten in Nanchang still using the traditional piano
as an assisting tool when having music course, and they prefer to use body language
and oral language to manage the classroom discipline. This shows public kindergarten
in Nanchang retain relative more traditional teaching methods in teaching.

There is an interesting finding happened within my participants. The interviewed

teacher participants delivered more insights and meaningful perspectives than the
participants in the private kindergarten in Shenzhen. The responses of the participants
toward the interview research questions in the private kindergarten in Shenzhen tend to
be more brief and superficial. Lastly, the emphasis point of instructional objectives is
different in two investigated kindergartens. The public kindergarten in Nanchang pay
more attention to the comprehensive quality of childrens development, involving
emergent literacy, living habits, character shaping etc. While the private kindergarten
put major focus on develop childrens bilingual competence (i.e. the language ability
of Chinese and English). In the public kindergarten in Nanchang, ICT used in almost
every subjects, while the private kindergarten in Shenzhen integrated ICT more on
language course in particular English course. For example, teachers always give
English lessons in the specialized multi-media hall with children. The courses of other
subjects normally happened in the general classroom.

Chapter 5 Discussion (need you to write) about 3500-4000 words

For this part I think it is better to have the answer of research questions, analysis of the
research topic and results, and the limitations of the research method etc. My research
is focusing on ICT integration in early childhood teaching. More for teachers.
Chapter 6 Conclusion and implication (need you to write) about 1000 words
(For this part I think it is better to have the summary of the whole dissertation +
implication + recommendation)

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