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Mutation Research, 264 (1991) 119-125 119

1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 0165-7992/91/$03.50

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Decreased resistance to antibiotics and plasmid loss in plasmid-carrying

strains of Staphylococcus aureus treated with ascorbic acid

Carlos F. Amfibile-Cuevas 1, Rosa Maria Pifia-Zentella 2 and

Maria Elena Wah-Laborde a

1Departamento de Microbiologla, LUSARA, 08930 Mexico, D.F. and 2Departamento de Ciencias de la Nutrici6n y de los Alimentos,
Universidad lberoamericana, 01210 Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)

(Accepted 5 July 1991)

Keywords." Ascorbic acid; Plasmid loss; Antibiotic resistance


The effect of ascorbic acid on plasmid-coded antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus was in-
vestigated. Several strains of S. aureus were cultured in the presence of 1 mM ascorbate for 6 h. This treat-
ment induced an increased loss of resistance markers in 4 o f 6 strains tested, and agarose gel electrophoresis
showed this disappearance of plasmid DNA in ascorbate-induced susceptible colonies. The presence of
ascorbate induced a 50-75% decrease in minimal inhibitory concentrations of different antibiotics for resis-
tant strains. When ascorbate is added, formerly subinhibitory concentrations of penicillin or tetracycline
have an increased inhibitory effect on resistant strains and even induced the death of 25-93% of the intial
population. These results suggest that ascorbate can induce the loss of several plasmids of S. aureus, and that
the levels of antibiotic resistance are also affected by the presence of this compound.

L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has been found to be fect was initially attributed to the generation of
capable of modifying the properties of DNA hydrogen peroxide (H202) a n d / o r hydroxyl free
(McCarty, 1945). Ascorbate can inactivate several radicals (HO - ), but this does not seem to be clear.
phages by induction of single-strand breaks in their E. coli x t h A , an H202-hypersensitive mutant
D N A (Murata and Kitagawa, 1973; Murata et al., (Demple et al., 1983), is not sensitive to ascorbate
1971, 1986), and can induce multiple breaks in the treatment (Van Sluys et al., 1986b). A sequence-
chromosomes of repair-deficient mutants of specific breakage following treatment with ascor-
Escherichia coli (Van Sluys et al., 1986a). This ef- bate, unlikely to be randomly generated by oxygen
radicals, has been observed in phage DNA
(Kobayashi et al., 1988).
Correspondence: Dr. C.F. Am~ibile-Cuevas, (present address)
Laboratory of Toxicology, Harvard School of Public Health,
Most in vivo tests fail to detect mutagenic or car-
665 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115 (U.S.A.), Tel: (617) cinogenic activity for ascorbic acid (Douglas et al.,
432-3490; Fax: (617) 432-1780. 1984; Norkus et al., 1983). It seems that ascorbate

S. aureus STRAINS

Strain Plasmid Relevant phenotype Reference

DIM 152 N.C. (Sm,Tm,Spc,Amk) r B. Baca, unpublished*
DIM162 N.C. (Tm,Spc,Amk) r B. Baca, unpublished
DIM260 N.C. (Tm,Spc,Amk) r B. Baca, unpublished
RN11 p1258 Pcr,Em r Peyru et al., 1969
RN794 pI55cl Pc r Peyru et al., 1969
RN2424 pTl81 Tc r lordanescu and Surdeanu, 1980

Amk, amikacin; Era, erythromycin; Pc, penicillin; Sin, streptomycin; Spc, spectinomycin; Tc, tetracycline; Tin, tobramycin. N.C., not
* From Universidad A u t 6 n o m a de Puebla (Mexico). DIM strains were clinically isolated, and aminoglycoside resistance was found to
be plasmid-mediated.

can damage only small and unprotected D N A strains tested, we found an increase in the in-
molecules, especially circular covalently closed hibitory action of antibiotics on resistant strains
forms (cccDNA) which depend for their efficient when ascorbate is present.
replication and transcription on the maintenance
of their supercoiled state. Material and methods
This laboratory has previously reported the
elimination of penicillinase plasmids of S. aureus Strains and chemicals
after a 6-h treatment with 1 mM ascorbate The strains of S. aureus used are listed in Table
(Amfibile-Cuevas, 1988). The possibility that the 1. Liquid cultures were grown in Brain Heart Infu-
elimination of bacterial resistance determinants sion broth (BHI) and solid ones on Muller-Hinton
could be of some help in controlling the incidence agar (both from Difco). L-Ascorbic acid (Sigma)
of extrachromosomal drug resistance, as has been was used as the sodium salt, adjusting 100 mM
suggested (Bouanchaud and Chabbert, 1971; stock solutions to a p H of 7.2 by addition of
Hahn, 1976), has induced us to examine the range NaHCO3. Amikacin, penicillin, spectinomycin,
of this loss of resistance caused by ascorbic acid. tetracycline, and tobramycin were obtained from
We have tested the effects of this compound upon Laboratorios Bristol de M6xico, Farmac6uticos
several plasmid-bearing resistant strains of S. Lakeside, Upjohn, Rorer de M6xico, and Upjohn,
aureus, including clinical isolates and laboratory- respectively.
constructed strains, resistance to different an-
tibiotics, and in the case of penicillinase plasmids, Determination o f plasmid loss
different 'families' of extrachromosomal elements Ascorbate treatment was performed as follows:
(Shalita et al., 1980). We think that an agent small inocula (106 cells/ml) of each strain were
capable of eliminating resistance plasmids could be grown in BHI with or without 1 mM ascorbate, for
useful in the therapy of infectious diseases with 6 h at 37C with constant air bubbling. Samples of
multi-resistant etiology, if administered together these cultures were streaked on agar plates to ob-
with a c o m m o n antibiotic. In order to determine if tain isolated colonies. Plasmids were scored by the
an antibiotic-resistant organism can be inhibited by presence or absence of their resistance markers as
the presence of ascorbic acid and an antimicrobial determined by toothpicking to selective and non-
drug, we have exposed these resistant strains to the selective media. Selective concentrations were: 50
joint action of ascorbate and antibiotics. Although t~g/ml of amikacin, spectinomycin, and tobramy-
ascorbate cannot induce plasmid loss in all of the cin, used separately for DIM strains; 50 /~g/ml



Strain Treatment Total colonies Sensitive colonies" % loss

DIMI52 None 160 11 6.9

Ascorbate 180 28 15.6
DIM162 None 120 0 < 1.0
Ascorbate 120 12 10.0
DIM260 None 250 2 < 1.0
Ascorbate 250 35 14.0
RNI1 None 180 0 < 1.0
Ascorbate 180 0 < 1.0
RN794 None 300 105 35.0
Ascorbate 300 144 48.0
RN2424 None 120 0 < 1.0
Ascorbate 120 0 < 1.0

" The values given for DIM strains are the number of colonies that lost the resistance to the 3 antibiotics tested. There was no segregation
of resistance.

tetracycline, for strain RN2424; 0.1 #g/ml penicil- Cultures were incubated at 37C with constant air
lin for strains RN11 and RN794. Plasmid loss was bubbling. Colony-forming units (cfu/ml) were
confirmed by agarose electrophoretic screening of determined by diluting cells appropriately, plating
extrachromosomal DNA, performed by the
method of Nahaie et al. (1984) using 0.8% agarose
gels on a horizontal slab. DIM RN
Minimal inhibitory concentrations 152 162 260 7 9 4
Determinations of MICs in the presence or RS RS R S RS
absence of ascorbic acid were done by the tube-
dilution technique, in BHI with or without 1 mM
ascorbate. Preliminary determinations were done
....i 28.2
by doubling dilutions of the antibiotics, and then
ranges of activity were divided with 10-#g in-
creases. The concentrations tested were: 40-100
# g / m l tetracycline and 40-250 ~g/ml penicillin.
Tubes were incubated at 37C for 12 h, and growth 4.4
inhibition was confirmed 'by turbidimetric
measurement at 620 nm in a Corning 252 col-
orimeter. kb
Cultures on antibiotics and~or ascorbate
The effect of simultaneous treatment with ascor-
bate and subinhibitory concentrations of an-
tibiotics was determined by growing the cells in
Fig. 1. Electrophoretic screening of plasmid DNA from resis-
BHI containing 1 m M ascorbate and 50 #g/ml tant (R) and ascorbate-induced susceptible (S) colonies of
tetracycline for strain RN2424, 40 #g/ml penicillin strains DIM152, DIM162, DIM260, and RNl I (RN794). Migra-
for strain RN794, and 15 /~/ml for strain R N l l . tion of cccDNA markers in indicated on the right.

Strain Antibiotic MIC (#g/ml) M1C (#g/ml)
RN 11
e /"
t h e m , a n d i n c u b a t i n g at 37C for 18 h, a n d then
c o u n t i n g colonies.

L o s s o f resistance p l a s m i d s due to ascorbate
A s c o r b a t e increased the o c c u r r e n c e o f resistance
loss in a m i n o g l y c o s i d e - r e s i s t a n t strains, a n d in one
o f the penicillin-resistant strains, pi258 (pen r) a n d

0 2 4 6 8
Time (h)
Fig. 3. Growth curves of S. aureus RN794. Symbols as in Fig. 2.

p T 181 (tet r) c a n n o t be e l i m i n a t e d by t r e a t m e n t with

7 1 mM ascorbate. A comparison of spontaneous
a n d a s c o r b a t e - i n d u c e d loss o f resistance m a r k e r s is
s h o w n in T a b l e 2. T h e sum o f results o f 3
s i m u l t a n e o u s e x p e r i m e n t s is shown; these values
are typical for 4 sets o f i n d e p e n d e n t experiments.
T h e d i s a p p e a r a n c e o f p l a s m i d D N A in the elec-
t r o p h o r e t i c screening o f crude lysates o f a s c o r b a t e -
i n d u c e d d r u g susceptible colonies c o n f i r m s that the
loss o f resistance m a r k e r s is the result o f the
e l i m i n a t i o n o f resistance p l a s m i d s (Fig. 1). 10-20

~U~o/O/ susceptible colonies f r o m each e x p e r i m e n t a n d

each strain were a n a l y z e d a n d all d i s p l a y the loss o f
5 plasmid bands.
J ,

o 2 4 i h
Time (h) R e d u c t i o n in M I C s by the p r e s e n c e o f ascorbate
T h e a d d i t i o n o f 1 m M a s c o r b a t e reduces the
Fig. 2. Growth curves of S. aureus RNll, in BHI (e), with
ascorbate (), with penicillin (u), or with ascorbate and M I C s o f penicillin by 5270 for strain RN11, a n d by
penicillin (D). Symbols represent the mean values of at least 3 75% for RN794. T e t r a c y c l i n e M I C was r e d u c e d by
independent experiments. Deviations are within the symbols. 50% for RN2424. Values in T a b l e 3 are f r o m one

typical experiment, but have been reproduced in at (Shamberger, 1984). The present results suggest
least 3 independent experiments. that a variety of S. aureus plasmids are sensitive to
the 'curing' effect o f ascorbate, which was
Growth inhibition and cell death by antibiotics if previously reported by this laboratory (Amfibile-
ascorbate is present Cuevas, 1988). 4 of the 6 strains tested showed a
1 mM ascorbate did not itself modify the growth loss of the resistant phenotype when treated with
of strains R N l l , RN794, and RN2424. But the ascorbate that can be attributed to the elimination
association of ascorbate and subinhibitory concen- of the coding plasmid, as can be proved by elec-
trations of antibiotics can inhibit the growth of trophoretic screening. In the case of RN2424, 1
bacterial populations, and even induce the death of mM ascorbate did not induce the loss of resistance
25, 93, and 89o70 of the initial inocula of R N l l , from any cell. This could be the consequence of the
RN794, and RN2424 respectively, whereas the an- high copy number of plasmid pT181 (20-25), so we
tibiotics themselves just induce a time lag should not discard the possibility that ascorbate
(Figs. 2-4). could induce the loss of some of the copies, but not
of all.
Discussion The bactericidal effect of the association of
ascorbate and antibiotic on resistant strains, which
L-Ascorbic acid is involved in a wide range of can be observed in the determinations of MICs as
biological activities, especially against nucleic acids well as in the growth curves, could be the conse-
quence of a variety of possible events: (a) the
reduction in the number of plasmids within the
bacterial population; (b) the inhibition of the ex-
E pression of resistant determinants by interference
with plasmid transcription or by damage to
plasmid DNA (e.g., the conversion of cccDNA to
o ocDNA, previously reported as an effect of ascor-
bate on circular DNA (Morgan et al., 1976)); or (c)
a synergistic effect of ascorbate, which merely
potentiates the antimicrobial activity of the drugs.
We think the last possibility is unlikely, considering
that the 2 antibiotics involved, penicillin and
tetracycline, have very different cellular targets and
mechanisms of action. Furthermore, the effect of
ascorbate differed in magnitude in different RN
strains that differ only in their resistance plasmids.
Therefore, it appears that ascorbate is acting

\o/ through the plasmid and not on the host cell.
Moreover, MICs for the host without plasmids did
not change because of the presence of ascorbate
(not shown).
However, the loss of plasmids (Table 2) does not
0 2 4 6 8 appear to correlate with the effect of the associa-
Time (h) tion of ascorbate and antibiotics, especially for
Fig. 4. Growth curves of S. a u r e u s RN2424, in BHI (o), with strain RN2424. Ascorbate did not eliminate the
ascorbate (O), with tetracycline ( l ) , or with ascorbate and plasmids from any cell, but did reduce the
tetracycline ( [] ). tetracycline MIC to 507o and can induce the death

of 89% of an original population exposed to a itself did not induce plasmid loss in any of the S.
subinhibitory concentration of the antibiotic. This aureus strains used in this work (Amfibile-Cuevas,
could be the result of a reduction in the plasmid unpublished results). These results suggest that
copy number because there is a gene-dosage H202 is not involved as a direct intermediate in
dependence of resistance for this plasmid (Carleton DNA damage or in plasmid loss by ascorbic acid in
et al., 1984; Thomas, 1986). Although there is no S. aureus.
evidence that penicillin resistance has the same There is also the possibility that genotoxic prod-
behavior, this or similar mechanisms can be pro- ucts of lipid peroxidation of membrane com-
posed, together with an interference with the ex- ponents can act as reactive intermediates of the
pression of plasmid genes, as mentioned earlier. plasmid elimination by ascorbate treatment, as has
None of these results give any indication about been proposed for radiation mutagenesis (Petkau,
the mechanism of action of ascorbate on plasmids. 1980). Ascorbate can promote extensive lipid
But it seems unlikely that this could be the result of peroxidation in some biological preparations, such
the extracellular generation of free radicals that as in vitro assays of membrane enzymes (Schaefer
enter the cell and damage DNA or other structures et al., 1975), or binding assays of neurotransmit-
involved in plasmid replication or stability. Free ters to membrane receptors (Heikkila, 1984). In-
radicals, if any, should be generated very close to teraction of ascorbate with membranes may also
DNA, perhaps even from a DNA-ascorbate com- result in the distortion of membrane architecture,
plex, as has been reported previously (Jamaluddin either as a consequence of lipid peroxidation, or by
et al., 1981). DNA damage induced by ascorbate other mechanisms that do not involve free radical
seems to have 2 different intermediates: (a) generation or peroxidation (Matsuda et al., 1990).
hydrogen peroxide, produced during ascorbate Other membranes-acting compounds, such as SDS
autoxidation, which generates hydroxyl radicals, (Sonstein and Baldwin, 1972), and phenothiazines
the most reactive radical species involved in the and imipramine (Molnfir et al., 1982) are also
damage by ascorbate of phage D N A in vitro capable of eliminating bacterial plasmids. How-
(Morgan et al., 1976; Murata et al., 1986) and E. ever, plasmids pi258 and pT181, which can be
coli chromosome in vivo (Van Sluys et al., 1986a); eliminated by protoplast formation-regeneration
and (b) other products of ascorbate oxidation, (Novick et aI., 1980), are not susceptible to ascot-
probably peroxy or alkoxyl radicals of ascorbate, bate. Plasmid instability during protoplast regener-
which may be involved in the sequence-specific ation has been attributed to the involvement of the
damage of phage DNA, different from the uniform cell envelope in plasmid maintenance (Novick et
cleavage caused by H O - (Kobayashi et al., 1988). al., 1980; Gruss and Novick, 1986). Therefore, we
Extracellular catalase or thiourea prevents the kill- would initially expect these plasmids to be
ing of u v r A r e c A mutants of E. coli by ascorbate, eliminated by ascorbate treatment, if ascorbic acid
suggesting the participation of H202 and HO" alters the cell membrane; this is not the case. Fur-
(Van Sluys et al., 1986a). But the concomitant ther work is needed to determine the mechanism by
DNA single-strand breakage induced by treatment which ascorbic acid acts.
with ascorbate, which can be, at least in part,
responsible for cell death, may not be caused by Acknowledgements
H202 or its products, since the x t h A mutant, which
is hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide, is not sen- We would like to express our gratitude to Bruce
sitive to ascorbate/copper treatment (Van Sluys et Demple and Mauricio Ludgar for their criticism
al., 1986b). ngr-374 mutants of S. aureus (Tam and and valuable comments, R.P. Novick, P.A. Pat-
Pattee, 1986), which also are hypersensitive to tee, and B. Baca for their kind sending of strains,
H202, are not sensitive to ascorbate (Am~ibile- and to Isabel Niv6n for her excellent technical
Cuevas, unpublished results). Moreover, H202 assistance.

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