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Fill in the blanks using the present simple

Make the questions:

- I usually ___________ (drink) milk in the morning
- Sheila___________ (want) to study at the university.
- _________________________________?
- I _________ ( go) to the cinema at the weekend.
- Where______________ (she/ work)?
- Mark goes to the cinema every weekend.
- Lucy ______________ (live) in a big house.
- She ________________ (not work) on Saturdays.
- _________________________________?
- _________________ (she/ be) a teacher?
- She always ______________ (travel) alone.
-No, Lucy doesnt like cooking.
- They____________ (be) my cousins.
- ____________ (you/like) playing computer games
- ________________________________?
Fill in the blanks using the present continuous:
- Now Tom _____________ (talk) on the phone.
-They live in Edinburg.
- Where _______________ (she/live) at the moment?
- Lucy ______________ (learn) Spanish.
- _________________________________?
- We_______________ (not/play) in the garden.
- She______________ (wash) the dishes.
-yes, she is writing a letter.
- Ruths mother ______________ (cook) dinner.
- Lucy and Mark ______________ (listen) to the news.
- _________________________________?
- _________________ (Steve/watch) TV?
-She is sad because she doesnt like maths.

- ____________________________________?

Complete the sentences using the present simple or continuous

-They are my friends
- Mike usually ______________( get) up late
- Paul and Bridget always______________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.
- Right now he _________________ (work) on the computer
- _________________ (you/usually/travel) by plane?
- Steve often________________ (do) his homework in the afternoon.
- Where_______________ (you/go) now?
- She never ______________ (arrive) late.
- I ______________ (not/like) vegetables.
- It ______________ (not/ rain) very often but it ____________ (rain) now.
- They _____________ (play) tennis on Tuesdays.

Complete with the correct wh question words:

- ______________ is he? Hes in the park

- _____________does she go to work? By car.

- _____________ does she play tennis? In the afternoon

- ____________ are they? My parents.

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