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Heroes Timeline

13.75 billion years ago In the beginning, there was only void. Nothing existed except the Creator (also
called The Source) and his cosmic forge. He created seven assistants, Michael (Who is like God, in
Hebrew), Uriel (Lucifer, Light of God), Raphael (Healer of God), Sariel (Earth of God), Raguel (Judgment
of God), Gabriel (Life of God), and Ramiel (Hope of God) in that order. ..\Multiverse\Our Universe.docx
..\Multiverse\Our Galaxy.docx ..\Multiverse\Realms of the Multiverse.docx
..\Research\Christian\World Creation.docx The Creator used the cosmic forge to create the multiverse.
Michael (Space) created the galaxies in the Material Realm with their stars and planets, and Lucifer
(Light) brought them to light, Raphael (Water) brought water and atmosphere to some of them, Raguel
(Life) brought Life, and death to life so that life could evolve, Gabriel (Intelligence) brought sentience to
the universe by bringing souls from the tree of souls, and Ramiel (Hope) brought divine vision, hope, and
guidance of the faithful.

The universe is slowly expanding as Michael creates more galaxies and space, and pushing galaxies
further out (why there is an expanding universe). The center of the universe is at a galaxy called the
Anvil Galaxy and The Source has declared it off limits to all beings, god and man. Only certain Arch-
angels (Cosmic Beings) and the Creator (God) may transgress the Source Wall and survive. The cosmic
forge is still located at the point in the void at which the multiverse was created. It is now inside of the
gigantic black hole at the center of the Anvil Galaxy (see Phaseworld Three Galaxies). The Creator then
left the material plane (Malkuth) to explore the multiverse. Finally he settled down in the Kether.

11 billion years ago The Ancient Ones (Eddorians, Great Old Ones, the Cthulhu-like Kings of Edom) and
the Progenitors (Atorians, The human-like First) evolve independently. The Ancient Ones are Cthulian
horrors. The Progenitors are roughly human-shaped, but with almost god-like power.

10 billion years ago The Ancient Ones and the Progenitors begin creating new life of their own and
spreading their vision and influence across the universe.

~6 billion years ago The Ancient Ones and the Progenitors encounter one another. At first the
Progenitors attempt peaceful contact, but the Ancient Ones are not interested in negotiation. A 5.8
billion year war begins that changes the very laws of the multiverse. Finally, The Creator is forced to
intervene on the side of the Progenitors.

~4.56 billion years ago The Solar system forms. It appears to have all formed about the same time.

~3.8 billion years ago life forms on Earth, about 760 million years after the solar system forms.

~3.8 billion years ago, Yidhra (The Dream Witch or Yee-Tho-Rah) comes to Earth. This is an Outer God
that can shape-change, create illusions, and has immortality. She generally appears as a youthful,
attractive, earthly female. Only her closest acolytes ever see her true form. One of her Avatars is Madam
Yi, who appears dressed in beautiful white and black robes which constantly billow on some unseen
wind, on which she may hover or fly. Her beautiful face is like the painted face of a porcelain doll and
her blood-red lips and closed almond-shaped black eyes are forever frozen on a smooth and bone-white
face. Long black hair is braided into a single ponytail. The avatars hands both end in very long, razor-like
black fingernails.
~550 million BC The Cambrian Explosion most known animal types suddenly appear in less than 100
million years.

~500 million BC -The living starship, the Zodiakos Kyklos (which would one day serve as the Zodiac's
base) is created by The Peacemakers.

380-350 million BC life moves onto land.

253 million BC The Permian extinction. An asteroid or comet kills 95% of all the species on Earth.

231 million BC The Age of the Dinosaurs begins.

~200 million BC The Progenitors, with the help of The Creator, finally manage to trap The Ancient Ones
(The Kings of Edom, The Great Old Ones) in one of the Realms of Hell, a place that has nothing else in it
but the Ancient Ones themselves. Their influence still manages to seep out into the other parts of the
Hell Realms to corrupt the other inhabitants. In return for the containing of the Ancient Ones, The
Creator requires that the oldest of the Progenitors become the True Cosmic Beings, taking away much of
their free will and making them Concept Gods instead. The remaining Progenitors then embark on a
campaign to rid the universe of their Servitors and their influence. The other Progenitors spread out into
the multiverse, and many become gods in their own right to fight the remaining Servitors of the Ancient

~135 Million BC to 35 Million BC Antarctica is free of ice.

65 Million BC Progenitor gods come to Earth and destroy the majority of The Elder Worm, Servitors
of the Ancient Ones. An impact event hits the Yucatan. This also wipes out the dinosaurs.

15 Million BC Antarctica is completely covered with ice.

2.5 million BC The Prometheans tamper with the genetic code of humanitys ancestors, leading to the
rise of hominids and eventually to the rise of humans.

500,000 BC Further experiments by the Progenitors result in the creation of the immortal superhuman
race called the Empyreans. The Empyreans are basically their own "power category"- not magical and
not exactly mutants, they probably most resemble Marvel Comics' Inhumans or Eternals.

(Hidden Lands, pp. 44-45) The original 12 Empyreans were Amlin (telepathic), Marya, (empathic and
energy projection), Ogurn (Growth and strength), Garon (Intelligence and eidetic memory), Gaex
(inventor), Ashari (speak with animals and plants, and cause them to grow and change), Madux (flight),
Hadon (heal and harm with a thought), Shaneva (generate light and warmth), Laddoc (teleportation),
Abechan (shape change), Othor (invisibility).

While not truly gods, they were all immortal and some of them were powerful enough to parley with the
gods that were attracted to humanity.
After about 20,000 years, there were only about 100 Empyreans. This Second Generation included
Hazor (reshape and transform objects at will), Arvad (mental domination), Shaderon (master of sleep
and dreams).

~200,000 BC Homo sapiens sapiens first develop. Certain of the Empyreans go out among humanity to
subtly guide or influence human development. During this period, some will take wives and husbands
among the humans, spreading the Empyrean genes and instilling latent (or sometimes active) powers in
their dependents.

~150,000 BC -A starship carrying Servitors of the Ancient Ones comes to Earth to investigate its potential
for conquest by their masters. Due to an on-board mutiny, the starship crashes in what is now
Antarctica and is trapped in the ice. The Elder Worms and Shoggoths build the City in the Mountains of
Madness. This becomes the basis for the At the Mountains of Madness.

~150,000 BC The Elder Worm and the Shoggoth spread out throughout the world. They particularly
inhabit Hyperboria, Antarctica, and Lemuria.

~100,000 BC the Empyrean Laddoc encounters an Elder Worm city. He is almost captured but manages
to get away, alerting his relatives to the danger. Through a combination of pity for the humans and
concern for the Elder Worm practices, the Empyreans aid the humans in overthrowing the Worms. The
Elder Worm chieftain, known today as Slug, and several of their followers managed to get away and
placed themselves in deep sleep with the help of the Worm-Orb. This sleep would last until present day.

The Empyreans, who now number about 300, began their first ideological dispute. Some argued for
noninterference with human affairs, but others saw humans as children to be molded and shepherded
into evolved beings like themselves. Empyreans began traveling among the humans around the world,
influencing culture and technology. Occasionally, they encountered gods and demons

~73,000 BC Kal-Turaks father mates with a Servitor of the Ancient Ones (demon) and fathers Kal-
Turak, Ravager of Men, who shaped the very lands to his whim and gave his name to the era. The
unquestioned ruler of much of the Turakian world, he held sway over his subjects through vast magical
power, and his shadow loomed over even those lands he did not rule.

The Empyreans retreated to Arcadia, determined to protect themselves and their city regardless of what
happened to the outside world. But before Kal-Turaks questing-spells could penetrate Arcadias secrecy
and find the Empyrean stronghold, the armies of the Four Peoples led by the paladin Venghrest were on
his doorstep, and the two titans slew each other in battle.

Not even his death freed the Turakians from Kal-Turaks grasp, for he returned from the tomb a sere
lich, steeped in necromancy, more powerful than ever. In this form he called himself by a new name,
Takofanes (tuh-koff -uh-neez), meaning in tongues even more ancient he who holds the power of life
and death in his hands. His subjects called him the Undying Lord, and the King of the Throne of Human
Ivory, for his Seat of Power was crafted from the bones of those who dared oppose him.

Current scientific theory holds that there were as few as 15,000 people alive after this event due to the
severe Ice Age that resulted, which caused the coldest millennia on record. Geneticists are becoming
confident that humans almost went extinct around this time.
~73,000 BC to 40,000 BC Valdorian/Turakian Age (Fantasy Hero/Conan/Fafhard/Kull the Conqueror).

The World during the Valdorian Age.

~50,000 BC Australia (Lemuria) is settled.

~49,000 BC One of Lemuria's best sorcerers made an important arcane discovery, finding a certain
magical element that made it easier to channel magic than it had been before. This sorcerer, using
several other discoveries, invented powerful arcane technology and used it to found the Empire of
Lemuria in Australia/New Zealand. See also Lomar.

Lemuria is Australia/New Zealand

Hyperborea is Greenland

~48,000 BC In time, the peoples of the world rose against Takofanes, and after long and fearsome
battle cast him down and humbled him. Takofanes is defeated in what is now Arizona. The battle here
was so powerful that it left a crater 3900 feet in diameter and 570 feet deep. This has been confused by
geologists and is now called Meteor Crater. So terrible was the battle against Takofanes that the arcane
forces unleashed by both sides soon began to reshape the world, causing cataclysms in which continents
fell and rose, mountains were reduced to plains, and seas shrank away to form new lands. The force of
the battle killed all human life on the North American continent. But so great was his power that they
could not slay him, so with their own magics the leaders of the free peoples bound him and buried him
in a crypt far beneath the surface of the earth, where no pathways led in a Crypt deep under the
American continent.

But so deep was the Crypt of Takofanes that he slumbered on, fettered by potent magics. Other
cataclysms of the world the Crypt survived as well, but as the shape of the lands changed, it came closer,
far closer, to the surface than those who crafted it ever intended.

36,000 17,000 BC The Lemurians attack the Empyreans many times. Each time the Empyreans
defend their City of Gold, but always at the great loss of life on both sides.

~40,000 BC The Atlantean Age Prometheans arrive on Earth again, looking for refugee Servitors of
the Ancient Ones (while they discover the Lemurian Servitor settlement and destroy it, the settlement in
the Antarctic and the spaceship in Norway go undetected).

They set up bases to monitor Earth. One of these is on the island that would come to be called Atlantis.
The Prometheans taught humans many things about agriculture, architecture, science, magic, and
technology. The humans, along with their Promethean mentors, created pyramid technology, stone
magic, and magically-active structures to harness the abundant leyline energy, focusing much of it to the
Island of Atlantis. This pyramid technology inspired construction of pyramids throughout the Earth and
eventually the multiverse. The Prometheans breed with the local humans and form a race of tall, strong,
pale humans that rule Atlantis and surrounding areas (England, France, the Mediterranean, Egypt, Libya,
and areas of South and Central America).

(From Hidden Lands) The great (Promethean) god Poseidon brought a mortal couple to the great island.
Evenor and Leucippe built a home on the southernmost part of the island, where they began farming
and raising a family. They had a daughter whom they named Cleito. Cleito was exceedingly lovely and
kind, but unfortunately for her, both her parents died soon after she reached adulthood, leaving her the
sole human inhabitant of the vast island. Saddened, she called upon Poseidon to help her, and when he
came, the god was instantly smitten with the lovely but sad young woman. He proposed to her, and she
accepted. Poseidon built a home for them both on a small hill some miles from the shore, surrounded by
alternating rings of lakes and earth to guarantee them privacy from anyone who might visit their land.
Over the next few years, Poseidon and Cleito had five pairs of twin sons; each of the ten was a strong
warrior and capable leader. The oldest brother of the first pair was named Vondarien, and Poseidon
made him King over all the others, though each received a tenth of the island as his birthright. The
Atlantean leader named Vondarien is given the title Atlan ('first among equals') by his brothers. The
children of the Promethean Poseidon are immortal, barring violent death. They will live until the
Cataclysm, becoming great sorcerers. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren are very long lived
(think ages described in the Bible). Atlantis rose to power during the "Atlantean Age", and as the power
of magic grew, so did the effectiveness of the Atlanteans' magical technology. For thousands of years
Atlantis ruled most of the world in a Golden Age.

~18,000 BC Peak of the Ice Age


~17,000 BC The expansionist Lemurians clashed with both the Empyreans and the Atlanteans, the
Lemurians use a potent magical doomsday weapon, the Mandragalore, against the Empyreans, but it
backfires, causing the continent of Lemuria to sink. Unlike the Atlanteans, the Lemurians used their
"mechano-mystic" technology to turn what was left of Lemuria into a domed city. Since then the
diminished Lemurian population has hidden from the surface world, with mixed success.

~10,800 BC Prometheans leave Earth in pursuit of other Servitors of the Ancient Ones.

~10,700 BC One of the Atlantean generals rebelled against Vondarien, and to secure victory this villain
pledged himself to The Ancient Ones (Chtulhu-like Kings of Edom), becoming "Sharna-Gorak the
Destroyer." Sharna-Gorak conquered much of what is now northern Africa, the Mediterranean, and
southern Europe. The Hellenes, the precursors to the Greeks, fought one of the armies of Sharna-Gorak
and stopped it, pushing it back toward Atlantis. War between Vondarien of Atlantis and Sharna-Gorak
the Destroyer caused the Cataclysm, sinking Atlantis beneath the waves and reshaping the world. The
final battle between the Destroyer and the ten founders of Atlantis destroyed all parties and was of such
magical power that it shook the continents and transported island of Atlantis to another dimension.
The Great Flood/End of the Ice Age - The resulting cataclysmic warfare resulted in the equivalent of
magical nuclear war. This war turned central India to glass (areas of India still have pieces and even
sheets of glass under the topsoil), the Sahara into a desert, and caused the dimensional rift which took
the whole island of Atlantis into another dimension. The culmination of this war is frequently called the
Deluge, the Great Flood, or the Biblical Flood, a tidal wave that swept the planet which inundated and
destroyed many of the civilizations of the Earth. The only Atlantean survivors on Earth were those that
were not on the continent when it disappeared and were on high enough ground to survive the wave.
35 different mammal species died, the Earth abruptly cooled and then warmed as local ice disturbances,
rises in CO2 and other greenhouse gases, and widespread soot covering ice abruptly warmed the Earth
by 5-10 degrees C. The glaciers melted causing even more flooding. Civilization completely collapsed.
Only myths and legends would survive.

The Atlantean continent completely rifted into another dimension, taking millions of Atlanteans with it.
The dimension that the Atlanteans suddenly found themselves in was one that was inimitable to life,
and hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans died before the Atlantean priests were able to open rifts to
places more able to support the Atlantean people. Millions of Atlanteans were scattered through the
Material Plane and their civilization was almost destroyed. Some Atlanteans found themselves on
planets inhabited by Splugorth, Vampire Intelligences, and other minions of the Ancient Ones and
immediately enslaved. Others found themselves in more hospitable regions or planets and began the
process of rebuilding their civilization. These are the True Atlanteans described in Rifts; though scattered
throughout the Multiverse the True Atlanteans used dimensional and pyramid magic to find many of
their scattered compatriots. The True Atlanteans realized that millions of their brethren were enslaved
to minions of the Ancient Ones and, because of their background with the Prometheans and their
indignation over the enslavement, most True Atlanteans hate Splugorth, Vampire Intelligences, and
other minions of the Ancient Ones and will attempt to kill them on sight. See Rifts Atlantis for more
information on tattoo magic, stone magic, pyramid magic, and other background.

The tsunamis created by the rifting of Atlantis away caused the Straits of Gibraltar to break and the
Mediterranean Sea to fill. They also caused England to break off from the rest of Europe. Within just a
few years, Europe becomes as it is today.

Many humans found remnants and artifacts of the Atlantean, Lemurian, and Empyrean civilization and
became powerful conquerors, sorcerers, and necromancers. Only the decline of magic on Earth allowed
other humans to defeat them. Some of these artifacts have survived into the Modern World in museums
and lost crypts.

The Empyreans move their city to Antarctica. Ogurn argues that this is cowardice, but he is in the

-The Era of the Gods and Heroes of Egyptian, Greek, Norse and other mythologies begins about now and
lasts for about ten thousand years.
8275 BC In a distant dimension, one thousand sorcerers from various dimensions, led by one known as
Tyrannon of Thulkas, battle and defeat some of the gods (those gods defeated are killed and their
names are lost to the ages). Each of the magicians merges with the power and essence of one of the
gods. Tyrannon, however, subjugates and absorbs the power of most of the magicians, making him one
of the most powerful beings of all of the universes. Those sorcerers that Tyrannon did not subjugate he
banished or imprisoned. He begins conquering all of the dimensions.

~8000 BC For hundreds of thousands of years, Empyrean Ogurns hatred and resentment of Amlin had
festered like a suppurating wound. Ogurns behavior his sarcastic and cruel comments to the other
players, his abrupt and too-forceful gestures grew worse and worse, eventually earning him a rebuke
from Amlin. It was a mild rebuke, to be sure, but to Ogurn it was a grave insult. Unable to contain his
rage any longer, he smashed Amlin in the face with his great strength, felling the Empyreans leader not
just through the might of his blow but because of its ferocity and surprise.
Ogurn rallied his followers (who though few in number, were all powerful) and fled to the Royal Palace,
where he declared himself king of the Empyreans. The usurper and his forces held off the rest of their
people for nearly two weeks of skirmishing, in part because the Empyreans werent willing to destroy
the Royal Palace just to stop his rebellion. At first Ogurn fought cleverly, showing a tactical genius few
had suspected, but eventually his rage against Amlin and the others drove him to full-scale battle. Ogurn
and his followers sallied forth from the Palace in a surprise attack, smashing their way through the
cordon around the building in an effort to reach Amlin. While his followers took on the rest of the
Empyreans, Ogurn fought Amlin himself in a one-on-one duel.

After devastating several buildings, the two enemies took to the air, flying at tremendous speeds while
they fought. Ogurn pitted his powers of growth and strength against Amlins more subtle, but equally
powerful, mental and telekinetic abilities. At first the battle went Ogurns way, so he kept growing... and
growing... and growing in an effort to overcome Amlins power and smash him to a bloody pulp.
Eventually he grew so big that even his powerful frame couldnt cope with it his skin split in several
places, and his limbs became twisted
(but no less powerful). But he used the pain as a shield against Amlins powers of mental domination
and kept fighting. Now the battle shifted the other way, soon leaving Amlin bruised and bloody.

As the luck of battle would have it, they struck simultaneously Ogurn smashing Amlin with a blow that
would shatter mountains, Amlin lashing out with a bolt of mental energy powerful enough to destroy
the brain of even the mightiest Empyrean. Marya and the others, following far behind, saw and heard a
tremendous thunderclap as the attacks were unleashed. And then they saw both Amlin and Ogurn fall
into the sea. None were able to heal Amlin and Ogurns body was never found, but then again who
could stand against Amlins might.

Marya decided that she would go into space to find the Progenitors. This appealed to the Ancients and
all except Garon took off for space. To this day, none have returned.

The remaining Empyreans choose Hazor to be their leader over Arvad, planting resentment and the
seeds of betrayal.

3970 BC the Empyrean Shaderon discovered the Realm of Silence. He had spent most of the last
thousand years in astral projection and exploration of the higher mental realms, but had found no
respite from tedium until he discovered this Realm. He returned to the Empyreans to regale them on the
wonders of this new Realm. He developed new techniques to allow Empyreans to travel to the Realm of
Silence and other Realms and taught any who would listen. Most Empyreans considered this either
dangerous or a waste of time. Shaderon develops his philosophy of Silence, or transcendence of the
body, and creates the Temple of Silence in Arcadia. Over the next few centuries, dozens of Empyreans
join him in rejecting their mortal forms and seeking a higher plane of existence through meditation.
They enter a Realm in the Imaginal Realms to continue their studies. Every few years another Empyrean
would lay down in the Temple and project his astral self to join the others. As of 2005, there are nearly a
hundred Silent Empyreans in the Temple, and more consider Silence each day.

3050 BC - A portal to the Imaginal Realms opens at the peak of Mount Olympus. The Progenitor entities
that come through are Gaea, the Earth-Goddess, and Uranus, the Sky God. The two Greek Titans turn
the dimension that they came from into a city for their offspring: Olympus.

2930 BC -By this time, the twelve Titans are all born of Uranus and Gaea. Uranus banishes them to
Tartarus for fear they would overthrow him.

2565 BC -Gaea releases her son, Cronos, from Tartarus. He, in turn, releases his imprisoned siblings and
overthrows Uranus. He marries his sister Rhea and assumes control of Olympus.

2430 BC -A shaman in Britain unites the earth spirit and the shipwrecked alien android to become Gog-

2100 BC -Celtic seafarers discover the islands south of Britain that were settled by the Prometheans.
Many of the machines are activated (most by accident). Some of the Celts have their psychic potentials
enhanced or actualized.

2000 BC King Hazor of the Empyreans decrees that no Empyrean might reveal his powers, or the
existence of Arcadia to any non-Empyrean.

1910 BC -The Fomori, magic-based aliens, are accidentally unleashed upon Britain through a portal
created by the sorcerer-scientists of the southern islands (called the Fair West). Great wars and battles
take place to defend the Earth against these demons, but the Fomori are more powerful than the

1908 BC -The Progenitor robot starship Danu senses the appearance of the Fomori and the reactivation
of the devices and travels to Earth. It closes the portals and grants various humans great power to fight
the demons in exchange for the people's service and allegiance to Danu and the Progenitors.

1905 BC -Danu dictates that the islands of the Fair West must be removed so that such an accident does
not happen again. The islands of Avalon, Tiran Og and Hy Breasil and their civilizations are transferred to
dimensions in the Imaginal Realm while Lyonesse was sunk and its people transformed into water-
breathing beings.

1903 BC -Danu becomes dormant in Mare Imbrium on the moon, cloaked from detection and covered in
regolith. She will continue monitoring happenings on Earth.

1575 BC -Zeus, leader of the Greek (Progenitor) gods, slays his father Cronus, banishing his soul to
Tartarus. Thus begins the reign of the Olympian gods.
1383 BC -The Minotaur is born as a result of the mating between the god Zeus and the human Europa.

1163 BC -The Minotaur befriends Drynnan Illar, one of the satyrs from Faerie. Together, they found the
group called the Zodiac.

970 BC King Solomon, a great magician, begins his reign in what will become Israel. During his reign, he
will create the 72 Seals (Solomons Seals, the Seals of the Apocalypse). Through magic and great quests,
he hides these Seals throughout the world. The breaking of these Seals sometime in the future will bring
about the Apocalypse. These seals would bind much of the remaining magic in the world into

931 BC King Solomon dies.

234 BC -The Titans free Cronus from Tartarus and magically trap Zeus. The Olympians seal the portal
between Earth and Olympus to save the Earth from the Titans and so that the Titans could not use the
Earth to gain more power. Zeus is eventually freed, and a great war ensues resulting in the death of all
of the Titans except Gaea, who had not participated in the revolt. The gods remain trapped in Olympus,
however, because their power is so drained.

191 BCE/800 P.E. Fehran (Atorian) Industrial age begins.

59 BCE/660 P.E. Fehran space programs successful.

9 BCE /600 P.E. The Fehran Atorian clan consolidates its wealth and influence to become a
sociopolitical entity.

4 BCE Jesus is born

30 AD During Jesus 40 days in the wilderness, he creates The Ban. To call this a spell is a complete
understatement. The culmination of this incantation required his death, the sacrifice of the incarnation
of a God. Jesus is crucified and dies, thus fulfilling the incantation. When Jesus died on the cross, the
spell was completed and it protects the Earth (not the universe or multiverse) from many of the horrible
creatures that live outside of Malkuth (the Material Realm), including most other gods. This is generally
called The Ban, and allows people to live safely for the most part without direct interference from gods
or outsiders. There are ways around this Ban, but they require great amounts of power not generally
available. The gods and outsiders that remain on Earth are able to remain on Earth, but are much
diminished and most go in a deep sleep due to complete lack of magic.

84/525 P.E. Atorians hold all major offices of power in government and big business on their planet.
Advanced space travel research begins.

97/512 P.E. Successful space programs employed by Struthios.

108/501 P.E. First Fehran expansion under the directives of the Atorian clan.

109/500 P.E. Atorians record first contact with Dragonoids.

114/495 P.E. All male Atorians are stripped of power and replaced by females. This marks the
beginning of the clan Powers.

166/443 P.E. Struthios begin advanced space travel research.

291/318 P.E. Second of the Fehran expansions.

309/300 P.E. Struthios spacecraft achieve light speed and begin to explore outside their solar system.

384/225 P.E. First records of the Raiding Clans in the Milky Way.

390/219 P.E. First recorded contact with Timneh nomads.

404/205 P.E. Fehran scientists discover how to use gravity wells for Point-to-Point travel.

591/10 P.E. Third Expansion of Fehran. Lady Almira Constance declares all females Fehrans to be
Atorians. Male unrest begins. Constance becomes the official ruling family in the Atorian clan.

608/1 I.R. Lady Almira accepts the title Empress from her clan Powers. The Atorian Empire is born.

618/10 I.R. Atorian males are all officially removed from positions of any responsibility. They are
declared second-class citizens, and violent protests begin.

637/29 I.R. Atorian Empress, Lady Alimira, abdicates rule to her six daughters. They vow to end the
violent male uprisings of the past two decades.

639/31 I.R. The Atorian Empresses declare males to be inferior to females, and relegate their status to
that of property. Males are rounded up and sold. Many react violently. One of the Empresses is killed by
male rebels.

643/35 I.R. A new Atorian Empress is appointed and the War of Understanding begins. Atorians
effectively perfect the science of human augmentation by chemical and nanotech experimentation.
Noble and Royal Atorians effectively become superhuman.

644/36 I.R. The Imperial Ladies finish their division of the Atorian Empire and begin separate but
united rule.

663/55 I.R. The War of Understanding ends as the Atorian males surrender. Man Worlds are created
to house those not already owned.

668/60 I.R. The Doors are built on Lorilla.

735/127 I.R. Atorians lose their seventh research vessel in black hole experiments, causing them to
officially abandon such research.

838/230 I.R. First recorded contact with Cyklops-Serpentmen.

983/375 I.R. Fourth Expansion begins. Atorians perfect their robotic/cybernetic technologies.
1008/400 I.R. Struthios develop gateway travel.

1098/489 I.R. Atorians complete first working Matter/Anti-Matter engine. The energy of the entire
planet is needed to start it. This inspires the Empresses to create other planets for the sole purpose of
creating energy. The Energy Planets are born.

1115/506 I.R. Nen is converted to an Energy Planet which kills off most of the Innensi.

1175/566 I.R. Kisents first forge kisentite weaponry.

1209/600 I.R. Photins ally themselves with the Empire.

1244/635 I.R. Struthio matter/anti-matter experiments destroy the Struthio home world.

1297/688 I.R. Atorians conquer Danude, forcing the Danaus to flee.

1341/733 I.R. The Arismal home world is destroyed.

1359/750 I.R. The Atorian Empresses choose their respective home worlds and establish security
perimeters on and around them. They also enact measures to close the Empire and prevent the
defection of its citizens and the spread of information.

1382/775 I.R. Last warfare between Arerri on Arora.

1391/784 I.R. Through trade with space faring visitors, the Anubio reach space. The Danaus found

1410/802 I.R. Toogarth expand into their third star system to become an Empire.

1424/815 I.R. Tagoniglomerate is formed by the merging of nine Tagonican mega-corporations.

1439/830 I.R. The Felias Information Network is officially established.

1454/845 I.R. The continued silence from the Atorian Empire frightens other races who band together
by laying the groundwork for the FAR.

1459/850 I.R. Accara, home world of the Baccarus is struck by the giant asteroid, forcing them to sell

1484/875 I.R. The Federation of Allied Races (FAR) is officially established.

1493/884 I.R. Erittimas are sent away by the Vrymras and establish a new home world.

1541/934 I.R. Krit ally themselves with the Toogarth.

1582/975 I.R. Thropo join the Empire.

1597/990 I.R. Naterreri join the FAR.

1602/995 I.R. Fifth Expansion begins.

1604/997 I.R. Niamese Coalition formed by Naterreri to covertly oppose actions of the Empire. Zylik
conquered by the Toogarth.

1608/1000 I.R. Tagoniglomerate operations total over 2,500 solar systems.

1633/1025 I.R. Psianines are banished from Roth.

1658/1050 I.R. Wardions escape execution by stealing an Atorian war station and slipping into a

1683/1075 I.R. TMC signs first charter.

1792/1084 I.R. Er, the Errasa home world, undergoes ecological changes which force its people into a
mass exodus. The battle of Yakin devastates the Photin population.

1799/1091 I.R. Pyralis, home world of the Litha, is absorbed by the Empire. Chianas begin colonization
and impose martial law on their populace.

1806/1098 I.R. Fifth Expansion complete.

1819/1111 I.R. Erythros arrive in the Milky Way via a black hole.

1828/1120 I.R. Toogarth order the elimination of all Zylik.

1832/1124 I.R. The Mantella join the Empire and wipe out the Xenopus. Epidemic kills the majority of
the Tedeschian population.

1853/1145 I.R. Maeus flee Ropora.

1858/1150 I.R. Nuclear war devastates the Toyoc home world.

1883/1175 I.R. Height of Lassinike prosperity in magical trade. Thilik-3 enters the galactic drug market.

1891/1183 I.R. Atorians drop anti-matter bomb on Cebus home world. Plague first hits the Manarr

1901/1190 I.R. Assin destroyed by Lassinke experiments. Riathanor enter the Milky Way Galaxy. Qua-
Trau join the Empire as allies.

4 Sept 1909 Eduard Wirths (who would become Dr. Omega) is born. His IQ is well off the charts at
almost 400 (40 INT).

1911/1200 I.R. TGE reaches its current status.

1916/1205 I.R. Dyteens discover Shissians on Shia.

1800 The Empyrean Arvad journeyed to Lemuria and makes himself king. Since then, he has attacked
Arcadia over and over, so far without success. Some Empyreans believe that it is only a matter of time
before the Lemurians gain the super-weapons necessary to succeed.

1931 At the Mountains of Madness The story is told in first-person perspective by the geologist
William Dyer, a professor at Miskatonic University, as if in the hope to deter a planned and much
publicized scientific expedition to Antarctica. Throughout the course of his explanation, Dyer relates that
he led a group of scholars from Miskatonic University on a previous expedition to Antarctica, during
which they discovered fantastic ruins and a dangerous secret beyond a range of mountains higher than
the Himalayas. A smaller advance group, led by Professor Lake, discovered the remains of fourteen
ancient life forms, unknown to science and unidentifiable as either plants or animals. Six of the
specimens are badly damaged and the others pristine; whereas their stratum places them on the
geologic time scale much too early for their features to evolve. When the main expedition loses contact
with Lake's party, Dyer and his colleagues investigate. Lake's camp is devastated, and the majority of
men and dogs slaughtered, while a man named Gedney and another dog are absent. Near the camp
they find six star-shaped snow mounds, and one specimen under each. They discover that the better
preserved life forms have vanished, and that some form of dissection experiment has been done on an
unnamed man and a dog.

Dyer and a graduate student named Danforth fly an airplane over the mountains, which they identify as
the outer walls of a huge, abandoned stone city, alien to any human architecture. For their resemblance
to creatures of myth mentioned in the Necronomicon, the builders of this lost civilization are dubbed
the "Elder Things". By exploring these fantastic structures, the men learn through hieroglyphic murals
that the Elder Things first came to Earth shortly after the Moon took form, and built their cities with the
help of "Shoggoths" (biological entities created to perform any task, assume any form, and reflect any
thought). As more buildings are explored, the explorers see the Elder Things' conflicts with the Star-
spawn of Cthulhu and the Mi-go, who arrived on Earth some time afterward. The images also reflect a
degradation of this civilization, as the Shoggoths gain independence. As more resources are applied to
maintaining order, the etchings become haphazard and primitive, and the murals allude to an unnamed
evil in an even larger mountain range beyond the city. When Antarctica became uninhabitable even for
the Elder Things, they migrated into a large, subterranean ocean.

Dyer and Danforth eventually realize that the Elder Things missing from the advance party's camp had
somehow returned to life and, after slaughtering the explorers, returned to the city. Dyer and Danforth
discover traces of the Elder Things' earlier exploration, as well as sledges containing the corpses of
Gedney and the missing dog. They are ultimately drawn to the entrance of a tunnel into the
subterranean region described in the murals. Here, they find evidence of dead Elder Things killed in a
brutal struggle, and blind six-foot-tall penguins wandering placidly, apparently as livestock. They are
then confronted by a black, bubbling mass, which they identify as a Shoggoth, and escape. Aboard the
plane high above the plateau, Danforth looks back and sees something that causes him to lose his
sanity; implied to be the unnamed evil itself. Dyer concludes that the Elder Things only slaughtered the
survivors and dogs out of self-defense or scientific curiosity at their new surroundings; their civilization
was eventually destroyed by the Shoggoths; and that this further entity has preyed on the enormous
penguins, and the planners of the next proposed Antarctic expedition to stay distant from the site.
1931 The Mole Men approach the Axis Powers and assist the Nazi rise to power. They are the reason
for the Schutzstaffel (SS) rise in power. The single awake Elder Thing stays in the shadows and
sometimes uses his shoggoths.

1936/1225 I.R. Gallopa population disappears from Gagine.

1941/1230 I.R. Threskian-Linx war begins.

September 1941 A group of Atlanteans contacts the United States to advise on the Lemurian threat
and how to counter it. Knowledge of the Atlanteans is classified

December 7, 1941 The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, bringing the United States officially into World
War II.

Sept 1942 Eduard Wirth becomes head of medical experiments at Auschwitz, answerable only to
Himmler and Hitler.

January 1944 Wirths experiments with shoggoth residue produce regeneration in two test subjects,
Todds characters parents. He immediately tries the compound he has developed on himself but it only
works to slow his aging, not give him immortality or regeneration. Deciding that this formula is too
important to give to the obviously insane Adolf Hitler, Wirth keeps it for himself.

January 29, 1944 Operation Tabarin - American Lieutenant James Marr leads a 14-man expedition,
including 6 Atlanteans, on an expedition to Antarctica. They gather a large amount of information on
Lemurian outposts over the next 2 months.

June to November 1944 The Americans, assisted by Atlanteans, attack Lemurian bases in the areas of
Palau and Mariana islands in the South Pacific. The Americans use the Mariana and Palau Island
campaign as a cover to destroy
Lemurian bases.

December 1944 Seeing the end of the Third Reich, Eduard Wirth moves a large amount of Nazi gold
and his experimental notes out of Germany into several Swiss Bank accounts. This will become the basis
for his wealth.

29 April 1945 At WWIIs end, Eduard Wirth is captured by Americans while attempting to flee
Germany. Lemurian artifacts are also found. They are taken to a warehouse at the Edgewood Arsenal in
Aberdeen Proving Grounds. From 1948 to present there are ongoing experiments using the Lemurian
and Elder Thing artifacts hidden there.

25 Aug 1945 Todds characters parents meet and fall in love.

20 Sept 1945 to 1951 An American High Command General, becoming aware of Wirths very high
intelligence and scientific work, fakes Wirths death (by hanging) and moves him to a detention camp in
the United States. He is given a new identity as James Marshall and begins work in the human genome,
as well as cloning and human enhancement. He continues to keep the secret of regeneration to himself.
During his captivity, he makes significant strides forward in research on human augmentation. This will
become the basis for his Juicer and MOM developments.

1946 Todds character is born.

December 24, 1946 to March 1947 Operation Highjump - 13 warships, 33 airplanes, and 4700 troops
under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd land in Antarctica and attack a Lemurian outpost. Though
they destroy several bases, they do not succeed in killing or capturing all of the Empyreans.

July 04, 1947 Roswell event. See p. 7 Alien Enemies. The Gaeleans/Cerebraeum crash on Earth. They
eject over the pacific and end up on a deserted island while their spaceship crashes at Roswell New
Mexico. One of the Gaeleans dies during the crash and is found in the crash site (the famous alien body). The crash is investigated on July 7 and 8.

July 26, 1947 Harry Truman signs the Executive Order to create Majestic-12 (MJ-12), a secret
organization to investigate extraterrestrial and supernatural occurrences. The original founders are
Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Vannevar Bush, James Forrestal, Nathan Twining, Hoyt Vandenberg, Detlev Bronk,
Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, Sidney Souers, Gordon Gray, Donald Menzel, Robert Miller Montague, and
Lloyd Berkner. They were given almost infinite funding and knowledge of the Atlanteans, Lemurians,
Empyreans, and other aliens. Unknown to almost anyone else in the U.S., Gordon Gray is actually an
Atlantean; the members of MJ-12 know about it. Their first official work is to study the UFO crash
remnants (see Gaeleans / Cerebraeum p. 7 Alien Enemies) from Roswell, brought to Area 51.

1950/1239 I.R. The Pantherans home world of Seriv becomes an Atorian Energy Planet.

12 January 1951 Marshall/Wirth escapes from his laboratory and becomes a free man. Knowing that
he is long-lived, he begins gathering his money and laundering it into American dollars so he can invest
in energy production and technology. He places a large percentage of his money into stock purchases for
Exxon, becoming one of the biggest (if unknown) stockholders.

1955/1244 I.R. Desperate Manarr flee their home world to escape the plague.

January 1957 Marshall/Wirth/Omega/Destroyer becomes a billionaire.

1958/1249 I.R. Captain Rithrop and the crew of the Darkith break from Cameroon rule and begin
raiding as pirates.

1959/1250 I.R. TMC reaches its current status. Charters include over 900 planetary systems.

December 01, 1959 Antarctica military operations against the Empyreans end and Antarctica is
declared a military-free zone.

1960 Marshall/Wirth begins working into the U.S., UK and French governments. From this point on, he
will have a significant influence behind the scenes.
1961 Wirth perfects his super-soldier serum and begins producing super-soldiers. Over the next few
decades, he will create his own elite cadre of super soldiers (stronger, faster, regenerating, effectively
immortal, and highly trained). He will begin using these troops and selling their services to certain
organizations behind the scenes to promote his agenda.

January 1965 Wirth has a total worth of $60 billion but nobody knows it as he has diversified and used
false identities to hide his involvement in money manipulation. By this time, he has diversified into
telecommunications, energy, computer technology, finance, and commodities. He has become the
wealthiest man on earth but nobody knows it but him.

March 08, 1965 The United Nations votes to create UNTIL (United Nations

Tribunal on International Law) to police international criminals and defend against international and
inter-dimensional threats.

1965 - Wirth buys an island on the equator in the Pacific and begins building his base there. His idea of
an equatorial base is to eventually move his industry off-planet. He sees that the countries of the world
are very short-sighted in their plans and he plans to push into outer space to gain the energy and
resources available in the rest of the solar system and eventually in other solar systems. His plan is long-
reaching, but then, he has the time. He spends most of his time here from 1965 to 1990. He drops off
the world grid but continues to have a major and increasing influence on world politics and economics.
Wirth changes his name officially to Dr. Maximillian Omega.

1965 Omega shoots off his first manned rocket.

1965 - Omega also begins buying large amounts of commercial land with management companies to
manage them. This becomes his biggest cash windfall yet.

1969/1260 I.R. The Darkith criminal organization is formed and begins to grow rapidly.

1970 Getting in on the computer information management early, Omega begins investing in Intel, IBM,
and other computer chip manufacturing. He spends much of his time for several years gaining expertise
in computer technology and keeps cutting edge afterwards.

1971 Omega shoots a rocket into the Earth-Moon L5 (Trojan) position 60 degrees behind Moon orbit.

1975 Omega invests in the then-embryonic Microsoft and becomes a silent partner in the beginning
firm. With his connections to IBM and Intel, he persuades IBM to take Microsoft on for its operating
system. This starts Microsofts rise to power.

1979/1270 I.R. Diatome begins its raids against Atorian targets.

1980 Myth Hunters Season 1, Ep 11: Ron Wyatt finds the Ark of the Covenant in Israel! The Ark is
immediately confiscated by Israel. Wyatts claims that he has found the Ark meet with vast skepticism as
he cannot produce any evidence. Israel denies that the Ark has been found.
May 17, 1982 Area 51 is officially moves most of its aircraft operations to other bases to pull attention
away from it. Unofficially, it steps up operations in non-aircraft operations. This is still the main base of

November 26, 1982 Atlantean Gordon Gray fakes his death to continue his intelligence work in the
U.S. His residence, Gamghoul Castle Chapel Hill, NC remains.

1983/1274 I.R Caecil revolt that exiles super-powered nobles.

1985 Omega invests in the then embryonic Apple Macintosh.

1986 Seth Brundle develops teleportation and becomes The Fly.

1986/1277 I.R. Threskian super-soldiers are exiled.

1986 Omega finds out about the Seth Brundle experiment and buys the equipment Seth used. He
begins developing teleportation for himself, first for cargo and then for humans.

1988 The Berlin Wall is brought down.

1990 Omega perfects human teleportation. His teleportation unit also no longer requires a receiver
unit. He begins experimenting with human-animal hybrids. His teleportation range is about 300,000
miles, which brings all of Earth and the Moon into Omegas grasp. He begins setting up mining facilities
on the Moon.

1990 Omega begins building a space station at the L4 point using his teleportation technology. He is
very careful to erect a screen that will project the light coming in from the far side of the base to the
front, making the base virtually invisible from Earth or satellites. This is not perfect invisibility but is close
enough that only very powerful telescopes would be able to tell the difference and only if looking
directly at the edge of the screen. Omega has spies and agents in most of the space agencies to alert and
divert any close scrutiny of his area of space.

1990 to 1995 - Omega invests heavily in Russian assets, especially oil and energy production. He also
buys some Russian uranium and plutonium illegally.

1991 The Japanese Hiran satellite, scheduled to go to L5, has a catastrophic failure at L4. Omegas
agents are to blame.

1992 Russia collapses financially.

1993 Omegas orbital space station is completed. It has room for 30,000 people, docking bays, loading
bays, farms, automated factories, parks, artificial gravity, air replication facilities, power generators, and
other amenities that make it completely self-sustaining. He builds a supercomputer that he calls
A.R.C.H.I.E. (Artificial Reasoning Computational Heuristic Inference Engine) and names it Mark 1 (Archie
1 for short).
December 1993 Russia adopts a new pro-capitalist constitution. Outside investment becomes much
easier for Worth.

November 1996 Events of Chain Reaction. Two researchers (Edward Eddie Kasalivich and Dr. Lily
Sinclair) in a green alternative energy project to create cold fusion are put on the run when they are
framed for murder and treason. Through plot development, Eddie gets control of the process for
creating cold fusion.

2000 Omegas net worth is $400 Billion, more than the next eight billionaires combined. He has
controlling (but silent) interest in Exxon, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, AT&T, Pacific Oil
and Gas, AT&T, Verizon, Japans Softbank, Mexicos America Movil, Vodafone, China Mobile, and
Russias Rosneft and Lukoil. He has major influence over many countries.

Sept 11, 2001 Omega engineers the September 11 terror attacks to bring about a state of terror that
will allow him to change the U.S. laws and place individuals that he wanted in power for the takeover he
plans in 2014. Of the 2,753 people that supposedly died, Omega gathered about 1300 people for use in
his organization after indoctrination by psychic and mind control methods. The rest were considered
unsuitable for his purposes and were killed in the attack. Note: the plane that supposedly hit the
Pentagon was actually a bunker-buster, which hit an area under renovation.

October 26, 2001 He pushes the Patriot Act through Congress by multiple proxies.

2003 Monica Wyatt is a real estate broker who faked her own death in L.A. and then moved to New
York and became the heroine drug lord Cavalos. Cavalos is a legend, the biggest, nastiest heroine dealer
in New York. Most cops think he is not really real. He(she) moves his labs every few weeks or months to
real estate that he has bought and laundered from real heroine profits. A drug dealer, Harley Romero,
fakes his death and becomes Cavalos right-hand man. He is the one that runs the drugs to legitimate
businesses, who sell to the end-users. (Slice of Death, Castle)

2003 Destroyers scientists perfect the stutter drive, a space drive that teleports a ship with all its crew
up to 300,000 miles in one jump. It is called the stutter drive because it can be used repeatedly in a
stutter effect, making close to light-speed travel possible. Destroyer begins sending out stutter-probes
to the asteroids and beyond for ore mining and other exploration. The stutter-probe drops relay buoys
that relay teleportation signals from one point to another, effectively making light-speed teleportation
practical to other planets in our solar system. Destroyer engineers an upgrade to his artificial
intelligence. He moves ARCHIE 1 (see Rifts books for information on ARCHIE series AIs) out to the
asteroid field to act as the operator for his SAPL network. He calls his new AI Sennacherib after an 8th
century king of Assyria.

Aug 05, 2003 Menton visits Qatar and persuades Crown Emir Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to
step aside in favor of his brother, Destroyer minion Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. Tamim will succeed his
father on June 25, 2013 and gain rulership of the richest country on Earth (per capita).
2004 Eddie Kasalivich obtains funding for research and development of cold fusion. His Kasalivich
Research facility will create enough energy to light a fourth of Chicago. By selling the energy back to the
power company, Kasalivich Research, Inc. quickly pays back the investors and becomes profitable.

2004 Destroyers scientists develop a matter replicator. This technology teleports molecules from
storage and literally builds objects using molecule-by-molecule synthesis, like a 3D fax on steroids. This
means that any object that has a CAD drawing can be replicated, significantly improving productivity and
reducing manufacturing time.

2004 Using matter replication, Destroyers scientists develop nano-weave, a super-tough flexible
clothing that will stop small arms fire and is resistant to fire and soil (6 DEF Hardened). This fabric quickly
becomes the normal wear for people on the space station. It also becomes a backing for assault gear
when layered (up to 12 DEF Hardened as backing for polymer plates and other heavier armor).

2005 Pushed by Destroyer and Menton, Brunei, Chile, Singapore, and New Zealand enter into the
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement. This will become the basis for the Trans-Pacific
Partnership and eventually the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) (see 2015) and will eventually include
50 countries including the U.S. and E.U.

2007 Destroyer franchise Earthcore gains possession of the greatest platinum-iridium-tungsten alloy
lode the world has ever seen. Earthcore has just gained possession of a source of incredibly strong
material. This ore is stronger than diamonds and malleable. It is the perfect material to make weapons
and armor out of. The 5,500 degree melting point to the alloy is also one of its many benefits. Earthcore
immediately begins working the metal. They refine a very little bit of the metals, and this is more than
enough to fund their research projects. Using this incredibly hard, very high-melting-point metal, they
begin working on armor and weapons.

Nov 06, 2008 In a bloodless coup, Destroyer minion Jigme Singye Wangchuck takes over Bhutan with
the aid of Menton and Mentella (to smooth any inconsistencies and to persuade current rulers that he
is the rightful heir. Destroyer now has a full country under his control that he can work from. He will
create Vanshakarana (pp. 181-184 Book of Destroyer). Over the next few years, Bhutan will implement
technology upgrades to Destroyer-level tech and will secretly become a nuclear power.

2010 By stabilizing the nano-weave in a polymer, Destroyers people create an extremely strong
substance they call plasteel (12 DEF Double-Hardened, and much lighter than previous armor). This
substance is ideal for building Destroyers war machine. This plasteel can also be layered on vehicles and
other heavy applications for up to 30 DEF Double Hardened protection. Destroyers group begins
replacing the armor on the outside of the space station with plasteel. Another application is armored
glass using Lexan and threads of nano-weave. This makes a polarized glass with 20 DEF Double
Hardened strength.

June to Aug 2010 Many of the departments in the U.S. Government adopt the EG (Electronic Guardian)
software developed by then 10 year old Jessica Smith (Savant). This is an incredible piece of software
that can not only intercept and adjust to incoming electronic attacks, but can hack the attacker back,
allowing the authorities to get evidence and location information on the hacker. Quickly, most major
companies fall in line adopting this revolutionary software. Notably, none of Destroyers companies
adopt this software as Destroyer has software that is similar already in place.

February 2011 Destroyers engineers reverse engineer the EG program and adds some tweaks to his
already formidable software defense system. He also bolsters his encryption protocols to 1024-bit
encryption, something nobody else on the planet has. He now knows how to circumvent the
programming and enter any computer protected by EG. This means that he effectively has invisible
super-user access to all U.S. Government and many corporate computer systems, giving him amazing
intelligence, espionage, and control capabilities.

March 2011 Dr. Omega begins diverting plans and blueprints from Patent, Copyright, and Government
R&D and Black programs to his space station. Most of the inventions have been superseded by his own
peoples work but some are interesting and people begin working on it. This information dump also
contains a huge amount of CAD electronic drawings, which can be turned directly into manufactured
goods through automated processes.

April 2011 Harley Romero (Slice of Death, Castle) kills Gordon Burns and then gets caught by Castle
and Beckett for drug dealing and murder.

January 2012 The UK government adopts EG security, unwittingly making it easier for Omegas group
to extract government secrets. Omegas group begins a massive data dump from the British government
servers. Much is redundant information but some is new.

February 2012 The Japanese government adopts EG. Omegas group begins a data dump. They are
very interested in plans and technical schematics for robots and mechs. While these plans are only in
the planning and the building the machines to build the machines phase, Omegas group has the
resources and capabilities to modify the plans and begin manufacture.

July 01, 2012 Destroyer minion, Harvard MD/PhD grad, and Skull and Bones member Jim Yong Kim
becomes President of World Bank.

June 25, 2013 Destroyer minion Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani becomes Sheikh and Emir of Qatar. Qatar
has the highest per capita income in the world. Over the next couple of years, Qatar will implement
technology upgrades to Destroyer-level tech and will secretly become a nuclear power.

July 18, 2013 The nanotech release One of Omegas plants under Stevens Institute of Technology in
Hoboken, NJ (right across from Manhattan) has an accident that releases a cloud of nanotech into the
atmosphere of New York. This nanotech cloud was specifically designed to activate certain genes to
produce incredible results. It was meant for Omegas group but is instead released into the general
population of New York City. It is still in testing phase but works perfectly on about 100,000 people,
giving them minor superpowers. It causes cancer in another 800,000 people. Omegas agents realize the
issue and begin looking for affected people to take care of them, recruiting the good ones and
retiring the ineffective ones.
July 18, 2013 Li Xiao and his family are in the car visiting New York City when the mutagen hits their
car. His mother develops a fast-growing cancer and his father literally blows up, killing his mother and
father instantly. Li was sleeping in the back and is ejected from the vehicle. He never knows what
happened to his parents or what the cause of the accident was. He blacks out and wakes up later in a
mans house with minor burns and the ability to create animals out of origami figures (Jade Dragon).

2014/1305 I.R. Sixth Atorian Expansion begins

2014 Omegas net worth is $600 Billion, more than the next 30 billionaires combined. He can buy and
sell large countries with the individual power that he wields.

January 2014 The game begins.

Jan 3, 2014 Omegas small side drug company Addium perfects the formula for Addium. Omega begins
distributing the drug to many of his staff. The immediate effect is a 10 point boost in INT and Eidetic
Memory during the 12 hours after taking it. The long-term effects will eventually be psychic
manifestations in latent psychics. This is how Omega creates Menton, Mentella, and several other
mentalists in his employ. Omega immediately realizes that he needs protection against psychic powers
and develops the means over a few days.

Jan 18, 2014 Bank robbery by man with flamethrower. The robbery ends very prematurely when Star
shoots his flamethrower backpack and he finds himself facing the neighborhood unarmed. He is taken to
jail. During the fight, his brother Calvin Drummond is badly burned.

Feb 01, 2014 Attack on mobsters in ComTech Manufacturing warehouse.

Feb 7, 2014 Attack by Criss-Cross on Angelas dojo. Ethan is kidnapped. The group meets Savant.

Feb 8, 2014 The group attacks Criss-Cross dojo and rescues Ethan, killing Criss-Cross. Jade Dragon

Feb 09-10 2014 The group moves into Criss-Cross dojo and makes it their own.

February 12, 2014 The Chinese tanker ship OOC Fu Rong anchors 3 miles off New York City. A large
shipment of arms and armor will be off-loaded without customs knowing about it and move into Mafia
hands. The group attacks the tanker and takes most of the equipment, leaving enough for the cops to
know there was smuggled military equipment involved. They leave 10 dead bodies and one missing
person behind. Later that night, the group is in a warehouse dividing the military equipment when they
are attacked by super-powered mercenaries. The group manages to prevail against the mercenaries.

February 18, 2014 Agents of Omega find out about Calvin Drummond and infiltrate the hospital to find
out if he is compatible for the super soldier serum and if his mentality is compatible with super soldiers.
He is and they will bring him into the fold as a new super solder. They use a modification of the super
soldier blood to heal his burns and then use the super soldier serum to make him a super soldier. During
the operation, a chip is placed in his head to track him and ensure his loyalty. If they need, a small bomb
will go off in his head, killing him instantly.

February 20, 2014 Calvin Drummond comes out of the change and begins training.

Feb 24, 2014 The Event An explosion rocks central New York and Guarde Noir goes to investigate.
Apparently, an electrician had been given invention powers by the nanotech outbreak and built a device
for opening a portal to elsewhere. A wave of energy spreads from the device, causing mutations and
giving people super powers. A tentacle had come through and is actively feeding on the technician when
the group arrives. The group manages to destroy the device and cut the tentacle, but it has a life of its
own and they have to throw grenades at it to try to destroy it. The body of the technician suddenly
jumps up and runs out. The police, who have just arrived, start shooting at the obviously not-human but
only manage to make it mad. It bites a police officer but then has to fight Guarde Noir. They manage to
defeat it but the police officer gets up and starts running away, climbing walls and jumping long
distances. They manage to catch up to it and destroy it. This is where they first meet Steele. Unknown to
the group, the tentacle is not destroyed. It slinks off and attacks a Luther Black, a bum, becoming a
hybrid monster. He will found DEMON. Going back to Alabama, he uses his new powers to persuade
Alabama Senator Richard Shelby to retire over the next month in favor of himself. In the next elections,
his charisma and presence will win him the Senatorial seat permanently.

Mar 03, 2014 - PRIMUS created by Congressional mandate under the Department of Defense. Colonel
James Crider is named as Section Head with Lt. Colonel Anthony Vasquez as head of PRIMUS
Intelligence. The first PRIMUS headquarters will be in New York.

Mar 4, 2014 The Guarde Noir goes to Kasalivich Research, Inc. in the outskirts of Chicago and foils a
plot of industrial espionage. Eddie Kasalivich is grateful and begins developing a new, smaller fusion
reactor using the model brought by the Guarde. This will allow use of a fusion reactor in civilian and
military vehicles, including powered armor and robots.

Mar 5, 2014 Savant buys a factory and begins working on a prototype power armor suit. This will
become the basis for Cyberworks Robotics Corporation.

Mar 20, 2014 - Guarde Noir invites Dr. Baumann to work with them as their scientist/doctor. They attack
gangs in order to get information on the illegal drug 2C-P.

Mar 22, 2014 The Group fights and narrowly overcomes Brackens group Vengeance. They find a
shipment of the drug, ample evidence that 2C-P was being distributed by Vengeance. They have yet to
find the person responsible for creating the drug.

Mar 22, 2014 The legal drug Addium goes on the market. This brain-enhancement drug will have long-
lasting effects on the users, eventually giving them psychic powers.

Mar 24, 2014 Guarde Noir attacks an underground base of Dr. Destroyer.
Mar 26, 2014 Guarde Noir finds out about a group of diabolists going by the name of Church of the
Mortal Refuge (really DEMON). They do some research and find Mother Mary, a voodoo priest, and
finds that the Event (see Feb 24, 2014) caused the barriers keeping magic out to drop, and that magic
has become much easier in the last month.

Mar 27, 2014 Guarde Noir attacks the Church of the Mortal Refuge and finds that the cultists are
summoning demons and creating human-animal hybrids (the basis for COIL). During the fighting, the
demon is defeated and dissipated, but some of the animal-hybrids get away. The leader of the Church
also gets away.

Mar 27, 2014 Vengeance (super villain group) escapes from police custody.

March 29, 2014 Luther Black (DEMON) gains the Alabama Senatorial seat when he uses magic to force
Senator Richard Shelby to step down. Luther Black has been building his DEMON organization in several
states and will field candidates in several elections within the next year. He is also beginning to
consolidate money and political/economic power using magic to eventually take control of the U.S.
government and eventually other governments in his bid to bring the Kings of Edom (Ancient Ones) out
of the hell dimension they are imprisoned in back to the material universe.

Mar 29, 2014 The Human League stages a rally in Central Park. The subject is the rights of humans to
be protected from the metahuman menace threatening our society. Friends of the Metas (FOM)
stages a counter-protest and, although there are some altercations, the rally goes off reasonably

April 15, 2014 Corporate Big Oil forces attack Cyberworks. The PCs get wind and defend the factory.

April 28, 2014 Corporate Big Oil forces attack Cyberworks again using machine guns, helicopter
gunships, and high explosives.

Apr 29, 2014 Calvin Drummond gets out his basic training. He convinces Destroyer that he should join
an assault squad to destroy the PCs, who have become a minor pain.

May 7, 2014 Viritas Detective Beckett is framed for murder. She has to go into hiding while she hunts
for evidence that Bracken is involved. At the end of this episode, Beckett finds the evidence to finally
arrest Bracken.

Bracken uses his influence and mind control ability to have the evidence destroyed. He manages to flee
the country and ends up in the Cayman Islands and then travels elsewhere. His group Vengeance will
follow. With their money, super powers, and resources somewhat intact, Bracken and his group can set
up a power base anywhere he wants.

May 08, 2014 Alien invasion by the Tyrixx is thwarted by Noir Guarde as they use Jumper to teleport to
the Tyrixx ship just inside of the orbit of Mars. At the end of the battle, the Tyrixx converted freighter is
destroyed. Unknown to Guarde Noir at the time, this event creates Archon, the amalgamation of 3
supers and a Tyrixx queen.
May 09, 2014 Archon arrives on Phobos (the larger moon of Mars) and begins terraforming it.

Meanwhile, Dr. Destroyer is building his space industry in Earth orbit. His fusion plant, his new ion drive,
his teleportation satellites, and his synthesizers bring the rest of the solar system into his easy reach. His
space mirror industry is beginning to mine thousands of tons of rare and valuable elements as well as
millions of tons of iron and nickel. He uses the majority of this largesse but selling some of this on the
market, as well as industrial grade gems and products, makes Dr. Destroyer even richer by the end of
the Act.

May 10, 2014 Guarde Noir arrives on Phobos to investigate the obvious structure that has sprung up.
They encounter Archon and, luckily, do not fight him.

May 12, 2014 Mentalla and some Destroyer goons arrive on Phobos. At first they believe that
Rakshasa (the persona that Archon shows) should come back to Destroyers home base. Archon
dissuades them with careful shows of his personal power as Guarde Noir watches. Archon promises 10
cubic centimeters of neutronium in return for Destroyers assistance in heating Phobos so that it can be
teraformed easier. According to their calculations, it will take about a month to heat Phobos and then
about six months to cool it. Archon moves his few belongings to Mars. Archon will cool Phobos in about
three months. Guarde Noir realizes that Destroyer has a SAPL network.

May 15, 2014 Guarde Noir foils the robbery of Linton Research, Inc. The robbers were super powered
and were going after an invisibility suit that Linton was developing for Darpa.

May 17, 2014 - Calvin Drummond finds the group. Battle ensues against Omegas forces. The Omega
squad leader has been told to bring them to a remote location for interrogation and recruitment. If they
do not agree to recruitment, he has been told to kill them. Unknown to them, Savant has seen what is
happening and has developed a robot that will help them escape.

May 17, 2014 - Mali's Prime Minister Moussa Mara visits the northern towns of Timbuktu, Kidal, and
Gao. While Timbuktu and Gao have been mostly peaceful after the ceasefire was signed between the
government and the Tuareg rebels, Kidal remains a rebel stronghold and a tinderbox, and rebels shoot
at him when he arrives. Mara calls the provocation a "declaration of war," and about 1,500 Malian
troops are dispatched to Kidal to attack the rebels. The military is outmatched by the rebels, who kill 50
troops, take 50 prisoners, and capture a government fort in Kidal. Hundreds of troops surrender.

May 18, 2014 Savant buys another factory and begins working on prototype space vehicles. This is the
basis for Cyberworks Aerospace Corporation.

She is also going to create a base in Mare Imbrium of the moon with Jumpers assistance. This will
eventually become the basis for the CAN Republic Moon Base in Mutants in Orbit. Unknown to her, the
exploration of that area of the moon has awoken the sentient Progenitor ship Danu that was lying
dormant in Mare Imbrium of the moon.

May 18, 2014 The United Nations announces the existence of UNTIL, United Nations Tribunal on
International Law, to Guarde Noir.
May 18, 2014 UNTIL begins building Freedom Station.

May 18, 2014 The scientific community notices the increased albedo of Phobos and begins taking an
interest in it. As the months progress, the scientific community will become more and more
apprehensive about the changes that are being effected in this moon.

May 19, 2014 The U.S. Justice Department unseals an indictment of five members of Unit 61398 of the
Chinese People's Liberation Army, charging them with hacking into the computer networks of
Westinghouse Electric, U.S. Steel Corp., and other companies. Shanghai-based Unit 61398 is the cyber
division of China's national army. The move is considered largely symbolic since there is little chance the
men will surrender.

May 19, 2014 GI Joe Rise of Cobra - Weapons expert James McCullen (Christopher Eccleston) has
created a nanotechnology-based weapon capable of destroying an entire city. His company MARS sells
four warheads to NATO, and the U.S. Army is tasked with delivering the warheads. Duke (Channing
Tatum) and Ripcord (Marlon Wayans) are delivering the warheads when they are ambushed by the
Baroness (Sienna Miller), who Duke recognized to be his ex-fiancee Ana Lewis. Duke and Ripcord are
rescued by Scarlett (Rachel Nichols), Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and Heavy Duty (Adewale Akinnuoye-
Agbaje). They take the warheads to The Pit, G.I. Joe's command center in North Africa, and upon arriving
rendezvous with General Hawk (Dennis Quaid), the head of the G.I. Joe Team. Hawk takes command of
the war-heads and excuses Duke and Ripcord, only to be convinced to have them join his group after
Duke reveals that he knows the Baroness.

May 19, 2014 - The Rosetta spacecraft, built by Cyberworks Aerospace Corporation for the European
Space Agency is launched from orbit to go to the comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko. The real
purpose of this spacecraft is to map Destroyers SAPL network.

May 20, 2014 Nigerian terrorists detonate bombs at Jas, Nigeria, killing 118 people.

May 20, 2014 Archon transforms a portion of the core of Phobos from rock to water. This will form the
force that will balloon Phobos when it becomes superheated steam.

May 20, 2014 Military Stages a Coup in Thailand - Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, the army chief, declares
martial law throughout Thailand. He says the move is to restore peace and order and requests that both
sides stop protesting. He explicitly says the military is not launching a coup-something it has carried out
on numerous occasions. "We urge people not to panic. Please carry on your daily activities as usual. The
imposition of martial law is not a coup d'etat," Gen. Prayuth says. U.S. officials are skeptical of Prayuth's
motives, and the State Department calls on the military to "honor its commitment to make this a
temporary action to prevent violence, and to not undermine democratic institutions."

May 20, 2014 Addium, the brain-enhancement drug used by millions since it went on the market in
March, has been taken off the market. The FDA sites a large percentage of severe adverse effects
including schizophrenia, paranoia, multiple-personality syndrome, autism, and chemical dependency.
The Addium Corporation, Inc. has announced bankruptcy after a flurry of law suits over the side effects
of this drug.

May 21, 2014 - After a decade of discussion, Russia's Gazprom signs a deal to sell natural gas to China's
National Petroleum Corporation. The deal is a $400 billion, 30-year supply contract for 38 billion cubic
meters of gas per year. The supply will start in 2018. The fuel will come from a new pipeline in eastern
Siberia. Currently, China consumes about 4% of the world's gas, but about half of the world's iron ore,
coal, and copper. However, China is on its way to being the world's biggest gas user by 2035. The deal is
finalized during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Shanghai.

May 21, 2014 Heavy fighting in Mali as the rebels, led by the mysterious Librateur, seize complete
control of Timbuktu. Mali's Prime Minister Moussa Mara declares that Librateur and his rebel faction
will be given no quarter. In the fighting, about 100 troops and 250 rebels are killed today. The Mali
military retreated to Goundam in heavy fighting and had begun fortifying the bluff south of that town.
Reports are also that the Malian military has blown the bridge across the Tl River in order to prevent
the rebels from crossing into southern Mali. This act has essentially ceded the northern desert half of
Mali to the rebel faction.

May 22, 2014 - GI Joe Rise of Cobra - McCullen is revealed to be using the same nanotechnology to build
an army of soldiers with the aid of the Doctor (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), planning on using the warheads to
bring panic and bring about a new world order. Using a tracking device, McCullen locates the G.I. Joe
base and sends Storm Shadow (Lee Byung-hun) and the Baroness to retrieve the warheads with
assistance from Zartan (Arnold Vosloo), inflicting casualties on several G.I. Joe soldiers. After a fight,
Storm Shadow and the Baroness retrieve the warheads and take them to Baron DeCobray, the
Baroness's husband, for him to weaponize and use them to destroy the Eiffel Tower to serve as a
showing of the warhead's destructive power. Making their way to Paris, the Joes pursue them through
the streets but are unsuccessful in stopping them from launching the missile. Duke manages to hit the
kill switch, but in doing so he is captured and taken to McCullen's base under the Arctic.

Rex then heals McCullen's burned face with nano-mites, encasing it in silver as he christens McCullen
"Destro" and assumes the identity of Cobra Commander before they are captured by G.I. Joe soon after.
On board the supercarrier USS Flagg, Baroness is placed in protective custody until they can remove the
nano-mites from her body. Meanwhile, Zartan, having been earlier operated on by Rex, infiltrates the
White House during the missile crisis and assumes the identity of the President of the United States
(Jonathan Pryce).

May 22, 2014 Thailand Gen. Prayuth announces that he has indeed seized power from the interim
government in a coup. He says the coup is necessary because "of the violence in Bangkok and many
parts of the country that resulted in loss of innocent lives and property." It is the second military coup in
less than 10 years. General Prayuth is a minion of Destroyer.
May 22, 2014 Anti-China protesters set fire to at least 15 foreign-owned factories throughout Vietnam,
according to state media. Protesters also destroy and loot offices of manufacturing companies owned or
managed by Chinese workers. At least one person dies in the protests.

May 22, 2014 Librateur and a group of about 50 rebels attack a garrison of about 100 Thai troops in
northern Mali, capturing 10 tanks and 5 APCs in the process. Prayuth vows that this outrage will not go
unpunished. Heavy fighting is continuing in the Malian city of Goundam as what some are calling the
Malian revolutionaries are attacking the fortified bluffs south of the city. Prayuths tank and artillery
continue to bombard the city in an effort to dislodge the revolutionaries.

May 23, 2014 - Shooter Kills Six, Wounds 13 Near Santa Barbara (May 23): A gunman, identified as Elliot
Rodger, kills six people and wounds 13 others in Isla Vista, California, a small town near Santa Barbara.
He stabs three men in his apartment before driving to locations throughout the town where he kills
three students. Two students are killed at the Alpha Phi sorority on the University of California, Santa
Barbara campus. Another student is killed outside of the IV Deli Mart, a popular spot with students.
Before the rampage, Rodger, age 22, posts a video called "Elliot Rodger's Retribution" on his YouTube
Channel and writes a 137-page manifesto. In both, he expresses his anger over being rejected by women
and his plans for revenge.

May 23, 2014 France declares a National Day of Mourning for those killed in the terrorist bombing
that resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1520 people, and the destruction of the Eiffel Tower and
several surrounding historic and commercial sites. Damage estimates have ranged from as low as 1
billion Euros to as high as 2.5 billion. Newly elected French Prime Minister Manuel Valls denounces the
craven terrorist acts that created this destruction and vows to hunt down the perpetrators with all of
the French forces at his disposal. In a press conference, U.S. President Barak Obama called for a moment
of silence for the horrific death toll of this attack, and promised that France would have the United
States assistance in bringing these terrorists to justice.

May 23, 2014 GI Joe Rise of Cobra - G.I. Joe locates the secret base and fly there as McCullen loads
three missiles with nano-mite warheads. After Snake Eyes takes out one, Ripcord pursues the remaining
missiles in a prototype Night Raven jet while Scarlett and her group infiltrate the base. While Scarlett
and Snake Eyes attempt to shut down the Arctic base, with Heavy Duty leading an attack on Cobra's
forces, Duke learns that the Doctor is Rex Lewis, Ana's brother believed to have been killed on a mission
led by Duke four years ago. He was trapped in a bunker with Doctor Mindbender (Kevin O'Connor),
disfigured in the blast which everyone presumed had killed him. The Baroness tries to free Duke but the
Doctor reveals he has implanted her with nano-mites which has put her under his control for the past
four years, admitting his amazement that she is resisting the programming. Attempting to kill Duke,
McCullen ends up being facially burned as he flees with Rex to an escape vessel. Duke and the Baroness
pursue him while the Joes fall back when Rex activated the base's self-destruct sequence.

Rex then heals McCullen's burned face with nano-mites, encasing it in silver as he christens McCullen
"Destro" and assumes the identity of Cobra Commander before they are captured by G.I. Joe soon after.
On board the supercarrier USS Flagg, Baroness is placed in protective custody until they can remove the
nano-mites from her body. Meanwhile, Zartan, using his power of face-changing, infiltrates the White
House during the missile crisis and assumes the identity of the President of the United States (Barack

May 23, 2014 Cyberworks Aerospace Corporation has announced plans today to create a base on the
Moon by the year 2016. Though details are sketchy, charismatic CEO Jessica Smith announced today
that she has plans to create a self-sustaining colony on the Moon within the next two years. Critics say
that this feat cannot be done, but Ms. Smith appears confident that this achievement can be realized.

May 24, 2014 Pro-Russian Militants attack airport in Ukraine: As many as 5,000 Pro-Russian separatists
with armored vehicles take over the International Airport just north of Donetsk, Ukraine. The
government in Kiev dispatches the military and fighter jets to take back the airport. About 150 militants
and 120 Ukrainian military are killed, as well as numerous armored vehicles destroyed on both sides, in
battles with the military. As many as 5,000 people in Donetsk flee the fighting south. The militants
manage to shoot down a military helicopter and a jet, killing 16 people. During the fighting, as many as
20 civilians were hurt or killed, an abnormally low figure for civilian casualties.

May 24, 2014 The Russian super team Opekuny attacks the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, causing massive
damage before the Freedom Force can be brought to bear against them and drive them back to into the
Dnieper River, where Opekuny disappeared. The Freedom Force was asked to stay in place to protect
the Ukrainian capital city until the elections can take place tomorrow (May 25).

May 24, 2014 Gunfire at Senators Mansion: Interim U.S. Senator Luthor Blacks mansion burned to
the ground today amid mysterious circumstances. The United States Senator from Alabama is still
missing after neighbors claim to have heard automatic gunfire and explosions at his home. Police and
Fire Rescue arrived within minutes of the 911 call, finding the house completely engulfed in flames, and
evidence of massive violence. Police inspector Daniel Greene says it is too early to say what happened
for sure because of the fire damage, but there is definitely evidence of foul play. Inspector Greene
declined to comment on the rumor that a body was found on the grounds that was not human.

May 25, 2014 Archon is terraforming a crater to set up an outpost on Mars. His intent is to live in this
place and bring people in to train, and then gift this outpost to Earth once he is done with it.

May 25, 2014 Another 125 militants and 91 members of the Ukrainian military are killed as heavy
fighting continues in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The pro-Russian militants have exceptionally good
equipment and resources, and push into the city amid heavy defense.

May 25, 2014 Billionaire Businessman Wins Presidential Election in Ukraine: Petro Poroshenko easily
prevails in Ukraine's special presidential election, taking more than 50% of the vote and avoiding a
runoff. Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who was recently released from prison, places a
distant second. Poroshenko, who made his fortune in the candy industry and is known as the Chocolate
King, inherits a country mired in a civil war, possible invasion by Russian troops, and financial disarray.
He also must deal with Ukraine's tense relationship with Russia. "The first steps of our team at the
beginning of the presidential work will be to put an end to war, to put an end to chaos, to end disorder,
and to bring peace to the land of Ukraine - united, unitary, Ukraine," Poroshenko says in a speech
declaring victory. His first act as President is to declare that militants that give up will be given amnesty
and militant leaders will have their grievances addressed. Petro Poroshenko is a minion of Destroyer.

May 25, 2014 U.S. Senator Missing: United States Senator Luthor Black has apparently been missing
since his home burned down yesterday. During the investigation today, 13 bodies were found among
the remains of the home as Fire Rescue and Police forensics teams sift through the rubble. Inspector
Greene and chief Crime Scene Investigator Bobby Han refused to comment on rumors that military-
grade weaponry and an unknown accelerant were used during the apparent battle at the Senators
house. Greene and Han also declined to discuss rumors of an inhuman body found in the grounds
north of the mansion. It is worthy of note that the Senators body was not found at the house or

May 26, 2014 Pro-Russian militants in Ukraine declare a cease-fire in place for peace talks.

Unknown to most of the world, the pro-Russian militant leaders join forces with Poroshenko and
his minions. Essentially, this is a coup with Dr. Destroyer the new leader of Ukraine. This group will form
the nucleus for the new Ukrainian coalition that will drive the Ukrainian attack on July 04.

May 27, 2014 Using fixed intelligence supplied by Savant, James Crandon, former butler to Senator
James Black, is accused of treason, murder, and arson following the events of the Black mansion.

May 27, 2014 Voter Turnout Is Unexpectedly Low for Egypt's Presidential Election: Voter turnout in
Egypt's presidential election is so low that officials add a third day of voting and declare the added day a
state holiday. The low turnout suggests that Abdul-Fattah Sisi does not have the overwhelming support
he has claimed and that has been widely reported. Sisi is the influential general who led the ouster of
Mohamed Morsi and resigned as defense minister in March to run for president in this election.

May 28, 2014 Following the VIPER missile crisis and the events of the past week, President Barack
Obama announces the formation of a Super Service, a group of Secret Service individuals with super
powers to watch the President. These individuals are actually VIPER agents under Zartans control.

May 29, 2014 Egyptian Provisional Results show Sisi winning the election by 90% of the vote.

Sisi is a minion of Destroyer.

May 29-June 03 2014 Annual Bilderberg Conference at the Tivoli Hotel and Congress Center in
Copenhagen, Denmark. This is a conference of the Worlds elites.
June 02, 2014 - The Palestinian government announces a new "government of national unity" with
Hamas. The reconciliation agreement ends two separate governments in Gaza and the West Bank. The
new government will still be led by moderate Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Hamdallah and is
considered a huge step toward ending the seven year battle between the two separate political factions
in Palestine.

June 5, 2014 A Sunni militant group called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also known as the ISIS or
ISIL) begins an offensive through northern Iraq, aiming to capture the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad and
overthrow the Shiite government led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Destroyer is backing this

June 11 Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) take control of Mosul, in northern Iraq,
dealing the government an enormous-and unexpected-blow. As many as 500,000 people flee Mosul.
Prime Minister Maliki declares a state of emergency and appeals for help from international allies. The
militants press on after seizing Mosul, taking Tikrit and oil facilities in Baiji as they head south toward

June 12 to July 13, 2014 The 2014 FIFA World Cup is held in Brazil, and is won by Germany.

June 13, 2014 Destroyers SAPL network turns off the heating of Phobos. As agreed, Archon will pay
the remaining 5x10x10 cube of neutronium. Destroyer is apprehensive about the sheer power and
magnitude of the changes taking place on Phobos and the fact that Archon appears to be able to
produce neutronium on demand.

June 14, 2014 ISIS continues to seize more territory in the north and west, putting pressure on the U.S.
and other nations to consider a military response.

June 19, 2014 King Juan Carlos I of Spain abdicates in favor of his son Felipe Alejandro (Menton), who
ascends the Spanish throne as King Felipe VI.

June 21, 2014 President Obama says 5,000 combat troops will be deployed again in Iraq. There are
calls from both inside Iraq and by foreign leaders for Maliki to step down so a unity government can be

June 19, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - DMZ, North Korea: Duke (Channing Tatum), Roadblock (Dwayne
Johnson), and Flint (DJ Cotrona) are breaking through a security fence, in full view of a North Korean
occupied guard tower. Lady Jaye (Adrianne Palicki) is keeping an eye out and Mouse (Joseph Mazzello) is
serving as a standby sniper. Roadblock uses some supercharged gloves that get so hot they melt the
woven wire fence so the men can get through. On signal, Mouse shoots a coffee mug from the hand of
one of the guards to create a diversion, and the three Joes move to their destinations. Roadblock and
Duke go to where some buildings and vehicles are and they capture/rescue a man from the back of a
truck. Meanwhile, Flint has gone directly onto the guard tower and replaced the N. Korean flag with that
of the G.I. Joe's.
June21, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - The Pakistani President is assassinated! An unknown assassin
apparently entered President Mamnoon Hussains bed chamber and cut off his head. Acting President
and Chairman of the Senate Raza Rabbani is calling for all borders to be closed in order to find the
assassin. Rabbani is known for his criticism of the United States for drone operations in North-Western
Pakistan, accusing the U.S. of violating international law and human rights.

June 21, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - Zartan (Arnold Vosloo), who is impersonating the President of the
United States (Jonathan Pryce), meets with his advisors and asks for opinions about what the U.S. should
do about the situation in Pakistan. A pentagon general recommends going in. A civilian advisor
recommends waiting it out. The Zartan president decides to send the G.I. Joes to Pakistan to capture
and neutralize a nuclear device the government had developed so it can't be used by those who
assassinated the Pakistani president.

June 22, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - The Joes travel to Pakistan. They are lowered onto the roof of the
building where the weapon is located. They fan out and within short order, locate the weapon on the
ground floor and start shooting their way into and down the four levels of the structure. Within minutes,
they have control of the building and the weapon and remove it from the country. Duke contacts the
White House to confirm this.

June 23, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - At their compound in the desert, Duke and Roadblock make a bet
on who can shoot the flame of a candle in a cupcake perched on top of a stick. Duke goes first, but
misses because Roadblock keeps talking and taunting him. Roadblock then pulls out a massive machine
gun and blows apart the entire cupcake, claiming victory. Duke now has to baby sit Roadblocks two
daughters for one night. Suddenly, the men notice a group attack helicopters approaching and they
think maybe its additional security. However, the helicopters start shooting at the Joes and dropping
bombs. They destroy all the vehicles and kill numerous people. The team scrambles for protection while
firing back. Duke jumps in to save Flint, but he is killed in an explosion. Roadblock, Flint, and Jaye hide in
a deep water well and manage to escape detection.

June 24, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - The next morning, as the trio struggle to climb out of the well,
President Zartan addresses the nation regarding the attack. He accuses the Joes of attacking Pakistan
and stealing a nuclear weapon. He also accuses Snake Eyes for the assassination of the Pakistani
president. Zartan announces on television that the G.I. Joes have been eliminated as a result of all their
misdeeds. Roadblock, Flint, and Jaye finally get out of the water well. As the only surviving Joes, they
take off on foot across the desert, set on exacting revenge for their dead.

June 25, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - At a maximum-security prison in Germany, Snake Eyes has been
captured and is being taken in to join Cobra Commander and Destro in captivity. He is escorted by
Warden James (Walton Goggins) to a room deep underground where he is placed in a tube filled with a
liquid medium that paralyzes every part of the body but allows the heart and eyes to remain
functioning. James says, "Welcome to hell" and then removes Snake Eye's mask, revealing that it is really
Storm Shadow and not Snake Eyes.
June 25, 2014 - In a unanimous vote, the Supreme Court rules that police need a warrant to search the
cellphone of anyone that they arrest. The decision is for two cases on the same issue that the Court
heard back in April, Riley v. California and United States v. Wurie.

June 25, 2014 - The Supreme Court decides in a six-to-three vote that the start-up streaming company
Aereo violated copyright laws by capturing and offering broadcast signals to their subscribers for a fee.
The ruling in ABC v. Aereo is in favor of the major networks in the television broadcasting industry which
argued that Aereo was stealing their programming.

June 26, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - A Cobra mercenary known as Firefly (Ray Stevenson) comes roaring
up to the facility and sets out little explosive fireflies to break into the place. As this is happening, Storm
Shadow makes his heart stop to alert the guards after he's been placed in the chamber. He manages to
break out and kill most of the guards. He breaks Cobra Commander from his chamber, but they leave
Destro, saying he is out of the band. They meet with Firefly, who comes in as James shoots a gas
chamber, causing an explosion. James is killed by the Commander and the explosion's flames severely
burn Storm Shadow's back. Cobra Commander directs that Storm Shadow be taken to a temple high in
the Himalayas to recover from his injuries.

June 27, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - In Tokyo, Japan, upon learning that Storm Shadow is alive, the Blind
Master (RZA), leader of the Arashikage Clan, sends the real Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and his apprentice Jinx
(Elodie Yung), Storm Shadow's cousin, to capture Storm Shadow and get him to reveal Cobra's plans,
and also to answer for the murder of his uncle, the Hard Master.

June 27, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - The villains go to an industrial complex where a large weapon
known as Zeus is being constructed. President Zartan comes in and informs Cobra Commander about
the three surviving Joes. Firefly says they'll be taken care of.

June 28, 2014 - GI Joe: Retaliation - After President Zartan announces that Cobra will replace the Joes as
America's main protective unit, Lady Jaye does some technical analysis of the known President's speech
pattern and mannerisms with that of the suspected imposter, deducing that someone is impersonating
the real president. Flint asks Roadblock who in government they can possibly trust now, and he
responds there is one man he knows. Roadblock leads them to the home of General Joseph Colton
(Bruce Willis), the original G.I. Joe. Roadblock explains the situation after showing Colton the dog tags of
their fallen brothers. Together, they come up with a plan to prove that the President is a phony. Colton
provides them with weapons, and helps them infiltrate a fundraising event that the President will be
attending. Lady Jaye steals a sample of the President's DNA and confirms that he is Zartan. They escape
after a brief confrontation with Firefly and Zandar (Matt Gerald), the head of the Presidential Detail and
a member of Cobra. Jaye goes out pretending to be jogging home with her groceries and attracts the
attention of a man on the President's detail. She tricks him into helping her out with her groceries, and
Roadblock gets him to find them a way to the President.

June 29, 2014 - GI Joe: Retaliation - High in the Himalayas, Snake Eyes and Jinx have located the place
where Storm Shadow is being treated. He has healed up by an old woman, and as he is getting dressed
following removal of his bandages, he notices that several ninjas are falling past the window from great
heights. As he rushes out to see what's going on, he comes across Snake Eyes in the passageway. They
engage in a fight, while Jinx appears in the other room and fights the old woman. The old woman and
Storm Shadow are subdued after some furious fighting. Snake Eyes and Jinx bundle Storm Shadow into a
body bag and fasten the bag to a rope. Numerous ninjas appear and go after Snake Eyes and Jinx in an
attempt to rescue Storm Shadow. After numerous battles along the sides of the mountains as they and
the Ninjas slide on their ropes and rappel along the rocks, Snake Eyes and Jinx manage to escape. They
return to Japan.

June 30, 2014 In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court decides in favor of corporations owned
by religious families. In a close five to four vote, the Court rules that corporations like Hobby Lobby
cannot be forced to pay for insurance that covers contraception for female workers under the
Affordable Care Act because it is a violation of the federal law protecting religious freedom. The ruling is
seen as the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

June 30, 2014 - GI Joe: Retaliation - Back in Tokyo, Storm Shadow is questioned by Blind Master, who
hands him his sword. In this moment, it is revealed that, as a child, it was not Storm Shadow who killed
his and Snake Eyes' master, but it was Zartan in disguise as a man who would mentor Storm Shadow into
the assassin he became. Storm Shadow reveals that he joined Cobra to avenge his uncle. He gives them
the information they want. Storm Shadow then accompanies Snake Eyes and Jinx as they join the Joes'
efforts to stop Cobra.

July 01, 2014 ISIS changes its name to the Islamic State and declares Iraq as their territory. They launch
attacks from the mountains into Mosul, Erbil, Duhok, Soran, and Zakho. Iraqi troops are caught by
surprise at the ferocity and power of the Islamic State attacks and are forced to give ground.

July 02, 2014 - The body of a missing Palestinian teenager is found the day after the burial of the three
Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and killed while hiking in the West Bank in June. Both incidents
increase tension between Israelis and Palestinians, including riots in East Jerusalem and an exchange of
rocket fire in Southern Israel and Gaza. Palestinians go on the offensive against Israel, attacking 25 sites,
including two schools.

July 02, 2014 Islamic State attacks continue in Northern Iraq. Jihadists have now taken effective
control of Faysh Khabur, Zakho, Duhok, Barzon, Mangesh, and Soran. Heavy fighting continues in Duhok,
Mosul, Erbil, and Sumel. There are also reports of heavy equipment moving into Harir, Bujal, and Tal

July 02, 2014 - GI Joe: Retaliation - At the fundraiser that President Zartan is attending, Jaye goes in
disguised as a member of the President's detail. She gets in with a sexy red dress and gets Zartan's
attention. One of his men, another Cobra ally, is suspicious and starts to do a scan on Jaye's face. She
gets out after getting a hair sample from Zartan's coat and sends it to Roadblock. After scanning the
sample, they learn Zartan's identity, just as Firefly comes in and tries to attack. He fights Roadblock and
almost kills him until Flint and Jaye come by and ram him with their truck. Firefly gets out in time. In the
gym/arcade, Snake Eyes, Jinx, and Storm Shadow come across the Joes, who are initially suspicious, but
they join forces. They go back to Colton's place and meet with some of Colton's men to come up with a
plan to stop Cobra's plans. Colton shows them his HUGE collection of weapons all over the kitchen and
they start preparing.

July 03, 2014 - Firefly is beating the President up in the underground chamber. Cobra Commander
comes in with a briefcase that would activate the Zeus weapon and scans the President's eye in order to
gain control of the weapon.

Zartan invites the leaders of the world's nuclear powers to a summit at Fort Sumter, where he
blackmails them into disabling their nuclear arsenals by first launching America's nukes into the air and
then detonating them as they are high above the sky to show his commitment to disarmament. The
other world leaders had also launched their missiles and then follow suit in destroying them. Its then
that Zartan reveals that he has created Project Zeus: seven orbital kinetic bombardment weapons of
mass destruction, that are at his command.

They launch one rod at London, almost completely destroying it, and sending the other world leaders
into a frenzy. He threatens to destroy the other capitals if the leaders don't submit to Cobra. By this
point, Cobra has officially taken over the White House. Storm Shadow betrays Cobra Commander and
kills Zartan, revealing Cobra's deception to the world leaders. While Snake Eyes, Jinx, and Flint fight
Cobra's soldiers, Cobra Commander activates the remaining six weapons and instructs Firefly to protect
the briefcase containing the launch device. Firefly is killed in combat by Roadblock, who deactivates and
destroys the orbital weapons.

July 03, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - Roadblock comes in on a fast attack tank shooting the other villains'
tanks while Jaye and Colton go retrieve the President. After shooting their way through dozens of goons,
the duo find the underground chamber as one Cobra ally holds the President at gunpoint. Jaye shoots
the President in the arm to drop him out of the way and Colton then kills the goon.

Flint goes in pursuit of Cobra Commander, but he escapes on a helicopter, just as his men are preparing
for the other Zeus rods to hit other major cities around the world. Roadblock finds that Firefly is holding
the briefcase. He nearly escapes on a motorboat, but Roadblock rams into it with another one. He and
Firefly begin fighting again, but Roadblock manages to defeat him. At the very last second, he overrides
the sequence and causes all the Zeus satellites to explode.

Somewhere underground, after having escaped other ninjas, Storm Shadow finds Zartan pointing a gun
at him. He tells Zartan he made him what he has become, and Zartan pulls the trigger, but Storm
Shadow slices the bullet in half with his blade and throws it into Zartan's chest. As he dies, the
nanomites wear off, and his real face is visible.

Roadblock is walking away from the scene, but Firefly is about to set one of his firefly bombs on him. He
reaches into his pocket for his detonator, but Roadblock is holding it. With the push of a button, the
firefly explodes, and Firefly is killed. The Joes walk together triumphantly while Storm Shadow
respectfully acknowledges Snake Eyes and walks away.
July 3August 26, 2014 Amid growing tensions between Israel and Hamas, Israel launches Operation
Protective Edge on the Palestinian Gaza Strip starting with numerous missile strikes, followed by a
ground invasion the next day. Palestinians are ready and put up a powerful defense with rocket
propelled grenades, tank-killing rockets, land mines, machine guns, and mortars.

Act III - Omega Rules July

July 04, 2014 The United Kingdom enters a National Period of mourning over the destruction of

July 04, 2014 Syria crosses the UNDOF 1974 Ceasefire lines and enters Israel with a massive tank and
missile attack.

July 04, 2014 (Independence Day) - Dr. Destroyer has been working this entire time to build his empire.
He has done it in such a secretive fashion that almost nobody has realized what control he has over the
solar system. Having built his SAPL network (approximately 9000 computer-controlled mirrors) in grand
fashion, he proceeds to discontinue allowing people to come out of Earths atmosphere. He begins by
having his people inspect all satellites in Earth orbit, placing surveillance programming to monitor all
communications and military movement.

He now has control over Earths economy and military equipment. He has effectively created a solar
system-wide dictatorship with himself at its head, but nobody knows it yet. They will very quickly

Phobos begins expanding and will cool as it expands to form a perfect sphere 96 km in diameter. The
area of this sphere is approximately a staggering 29 billion cubic meters. It has an interior open oval
space approximately 74 km in diameter surrounded by a 12 km thick shell of basalt. It weighs
approximately 10.650 trillion metric tons.

July 05, 2014 Thousands of rockets are launched into Israel by militant groups in Gaza and Syria. In
response, Israel launches an aerial offensive in Gaza, killing hundreds of Palestinians, and calls up tens of
thousands of reservists for a ground operation against Syria. Israel also launches missile attacks against
Syrian tanks and troops.

July 06, 2014 GI Joe: Retaliation - The real President is put back into power and addresses the nation at
a ceremony where Roadblock, Jaye, Flint, Jinx, and Snake Eyes are commemorated as heroes. Colton
thanks each of them, but when he gets to Roadblock, he presents him with a M1911 pistol that
belonged to General George S. Patton, to use when he finally finds Cobra Commander. Roadblock
proudly raises the weapon and lets out a single shot in honor of his fallen comrades.

July 17, 2014 Dr. Destroyer shows just how capable his computer control over the satellites, his hacking
ability to change launch codes, and his SAPL system truly is. When the U.S. launches nuclear missiles, he
uses his SAPL network to detonate them. When the Russian Federation launches nuclear strikes against
him, he just redirects the missiles and catches them with his equipment. Russia has effectively just given
him massive nuclear capability. Dr. Destroyer has also sent small robots to the military satellites in Earth
Orbit to gain control over them while they send back the correct codes and responses to the military. In
this way, he gains control over the worlds space military.

July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a Boeing 777, crashes in eastern Ukraine after being shot
down by a missile. All 298 people on board are killed.

July 21, 2014 The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 2166 in response to the shoot-
down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

July 22, 2014 Two conflicting rulings are handed down, jeopardizing a key component of the
Affordable Care Act. Both cases center on the Internal Revenue Service rule that makes some people
who buy insurance on federal exchanges eligible for subsidies. The rule says that subsidies are offered in
exchanges "established by the State." In Halbig v Burwell, a three-judge panel in Washington, DC, rules
2-1 that the federal subsidies are illegal because they are not explicitly mentioned in the law. Thirty-six
states have not created their own exchanges, forcing residents to enroll through federal exchanges. In
the other ruling, King v Burwell, the panel in Virginia unanimously upholds the rule. The rule will likely
end up before the Supreme Court.

July 24, 2014 Air Algrie Flight 5017 crashes in Mali, killing all 116 people on board.

July 24, 2014 16 Palestinians are killed and more than 100 wounded in an attack on a UN elementary
school in Gaza. Israel denies launching the attack, saying Hamas militants are responsible, missing their

August 05, 2014 - Maj. Gen. Harold Greene is gunned down by an Afghan soldier while touring a military
training academy near Kabul, Afghanistan. He is the first general killed in battle since the Vietnam War.

August 06, 2014 The Rosetta spacecraft, built by Cyberworks Aerospace Corporation for the European
Space Agency reaches the comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko and performs a series of maneuvers to
be captured in its orbit.

August 07, 2014 ISIS militants take control of the largest dam in Iraq, which is located in Mosul.
President Obama announces in a press conference that he has authorized limited airstrikes on ISIS as
well as airdrops of humanitarian supplies. While not a full-scale engagement in Iraq, the mission does
mean the return of the U.S. military for the first time since 2011.

August 8, 2014 The United States military begins an air campaign in northern Iraq to stem the influx of
ISIS militants.

August 9, 2014 Police Officer Darren Wilson shoots and kills Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old
teenager in Ferguson, Mo. Details of the shooting are disputed.

August 10, 2014 After a candlelight vigil for Brown, protesters fill the streets near the shooting. Police
officers arrived on the scene with riot gear, including rifles and shields. The protest turns violent and
images from cellphones go viral on social media, including several accounts of looting in Ferguson.
August 11, 2014 The F.B.I. begins a civil rights investigation in the shooting of Brown while protests
continue in Ferguson.

August 14, 2014 At a press conference in reference to the Michael Brown shooting, President Obama
asks Attorney General Eric Holder to "do what is necessary to help determine exactly what happened
and to see that justice is done."

August 16, 2014 Citing looting, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declares a state of emergency and imposes a
curfew from midnight to five a.m. in Ferguson. The announcement is met with more protests and
arguments that the curfew will only create more violence.

August 17, 2014 The Ferguson, MO curfew is extended for another night and violence erupts again.
Attorney General Holder announces that because of the "extraordinary circumstances" in the case, the
Justice Department will conduct its own autopsy of Brown. Meanwhile, the private autopsy preliminary
results are released and show that Brown had been shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

August 18, 2014 Missouri Gov. Nixon lifts the curfew and deploys the National Guard to assist the
police. However, the presence of the National Guard fails to quell the unrest. That night at least two
people are shot and dozens are arrested as bottles and Molotov cocktails are thrown from the crowd.

August 19, 2014 Members of ISIS behead American journalist James Foley, 40, in apparent retaliation
for U.S. airstrikes against the group. ISIS releases a graphic video of his killing.

August 26 - After fighting for seven weeks and attempting several short-term cease-fires, Israel and
Hamas agree to an open-ended cease-fire. The agreement is mediated by Egypt. Since the conflict began
last month, 2,143 Palestinians have been killed, mostly civilians, with more than 11,000 wounded and
100,000 left homeless. On the Israeli side, 64 soldiers and six civilians have been killed.

Sept 02, 2014 ISIS releases a video showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, 31,
who worked for Time and had been abducted in 2013 in Syria.

Sept 02, 2014 After gaining wide support from both Shia and Sunnis, the Houthis enter the Yemen
capital, Sana, and set up camp there. Yemen president, Abdel Rabbo Mansour Hadi, agrees to form a
new government, with the Houthis nominating the prime minister. The Houthis, however, reject his
concessions. Fighting breaks out between the rebels and security forces in Sana days later and continues
until the Houthis take control of Sana.

Sept 05, 2014 Ukrainian cease-fire begins

Sept 10, 2014 President Obama authorizes airstrikes against ISIS in Syria. He also asks Congress to
authorize money to fund and train moderate rebel groups in Syria to aid in the fight, which it does in late

Sept 13, 2014 ISIS beheads a third victim, British aid worker David Cawthorne Haines.
Sept 18, 2014 In an independence referendum, Scottish voters opt, 55% to 45%, to remain part of the
United Kingdom. More than 4.2 million voters (86% turnout) take to the polls in record numbers to vote.

Sept 19, 2014 After the First Family leaves the main residence, Omar Jose Gonzalez jumps the fence
and runs across the North Lawn of the White House, carrying a knife. Gonzalez enters the main
residence where he is apprehended by an officer. In the days following the breach, a House committee
holds a hearing to examine how the U.S. Secret Service failed to prevent the intrusion.

Sept 20, 2014 Archon will vent the cooling steam through specially designed vents to increase Phobos
rotation so that the centrifugal force (gravitational force) on the interior of the basalt shell will be Earth
normal at the equator. This will take about a month. At the end of this, the exterior centrifugal force will
be about 1.2 Gs at the equator.

Sept 21, 2014 In Yemen, Prime Minister Mohammed Basindwa announces his resignation. As part of
the deal the Houthis agree to withdraw from Sana, and Hadi says he will reinstate the fuel subsidy, and a
"technocratic national government" will be established. Sept 22, 2014 The United States and several
Arab partners begin their airstrike campaign in Syria.

Sept 23, 2014 Airstrikes begin in Syria, with Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
Emirates joining the U.S. in its campaign against ISIS.

Oct 12, 2014 Chinese protesters begin to gather in Hong Kong. This protest will continue for 10 weeks.

Oct 13, 2014 Khaled Bahah, former ambassador to the UN, is named new prime minister of Yemen.

Oct 13, 2014 - Britain Parliament votes 274-12 to give diplomatic recognition to Palestine. The symbolic
nonbinding vote is an indication of a shift in British government since the recent conflict in Gaza, the
latest round of failed peace negotiations, and Israel continuing to build settlements.

Oct 14, 2014 - The U.S. launches airstrikes on Kobani, Syria, in an effort to prevent ISIS from taking over
the strategically located town and gaining additional smuggling routes to arm fighters.

Oct 15, 2014 Archon has finished bringing Phobos up to rotation and then plugs the vents. He will now
begin terraforming the interior. Archon will begin creating channel along the equator for the huge
amount of water still left in the interior. This will make a slowly moving river running circularly at the
equator, providing water for the crafts needs and will act as a gyroscope to add stability to the crafts

Oct 19, 2014 The Roman Catholic Church beatifies Pope Paul VI.

Oct 22, 2014 Four security guards for the private security company Blackwater Worldwide are
convicted by a jury in a Washington Federal District Court of manslaughter, murder, and weapons
charges for their involvement in the September 2007 shooting deaths of 17 unarmed Iraqi civilians.
Nicholas Slatten is convicted of murder, and Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, and Paul Slough are convicted
of voluntary manslaughter and weapons violations. The killings sparked furious protests in Iraq.
Oct 27, 2014 - ISIS maintains its hold on many cities in the largely Sunni Anbar Province, as U.S.-led
airstrikes prove largely ineffectual without the support of Iraqi troops on the ground. U.S. and Iraqi
officials are concerned that if ISIS takes over Anbar, it can then close in on Baghdad and the
international airport there.

Oct 31, 2014 Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaor declares military law to quell protests in
response to the attempt in abolishing presidential term limits. He is a Destroyer minion.

Nov 05, 2014 Phobos has cooled enough on the exterior to begin creating features such as a bell-shape
on the southern pole that will assist with propulsion. This feature will take Archon approximately 2
weeks to complete.

Nov 10, 2014 - Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, the most virulent militant organization in Egypt, pledges allegiance
to ISIS. The move not only expands the reach of ISIS into Egypt, it also increases the resources available
to Ansar Beit al-Maqdis to wage war against the government.

Nov 11, 2014 After weeks of discussion, China and the U.S. reach a landmark agreement on climate
change. The agreement includes a commitment for the first time by China to stop its emissions from
increasing by 2030.

Nov 12, 2014 The Rosetta spacecraft's Philae probe successfully lands on Comet 67P, the first time in
history that a spacecraft has landed on such an object.

Nov 20, 2014 Archon finishes the bell-shape on the southern pole of Phobos. The material taken out of
this area is brought into the interior as construction materials. He also sets up defensive laser weaponry
around the exterior fueled by fusion, especially at the northern pole where his space dock will be. Dr.
Destroyer has been watching this entire operation with much interest.

Nov 24, 2014 A grand jury in Missouri decides not to indict Officer Wilson. While some people respond
to the decision with peaceful protests, others set fire to police cars, loot, and destroy buildings. Several
buildings are severely damaged. Dozens of protestors are arrested. Protests spread to other cities,
including Boston, Chicago, and New York.

Nov 29, 2014 An Egyptian court drops all charges against former president Hosni Mubarak for his role
in the killing of hundreds of unarmed protesters in the Arab Spring protests of 2011. His security chief
and several high-ranking police officials are also cleared. Thousands of people protest the verdict in
Tahrir Square.

Nov 30, 2014 Archon finishes a space dock in the northern pole of Phobos. This is a hole about 1000
meters in diameter and deep.

Dec 04, 2014 Protests continue to grow throughout the country after a Staten Island grand jury
decides not to indict Daniel Pantaleo, the police officer involved in the death of Eric Garner. Crowds of
protesters gather in New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh.
Dec 14, 2014 In a move that signals the end of the protests in Hong Kong, police clear tents from the
main protest area, ten weeks after the protests began. The Chinese government does not make any
concessions, but the protesters make clear that they can challenge the government. These are the
largest protests since the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations.

Dec 15, 2014 An armed man holds 17 employees and customers hostage for more than 16 hours in a
downtown cafe in Sydney, Australia. The armed man is identified as Man Haron Monis, an Iranian-born,
50-year-old man with a criminal record.

Dec 16, 2014 After being held for 16 hours, six hostages escape the cafe. Soon after, gunshots are
heard inside and police storm the building. Three people are killed, including two hostages and Monis.

Dec 16, 2014 The Taliban attacks the Army Public School and Degree College in Peshawar, in
northwest Pakistan. At least 145 people are killed in the siege, including more than 100 children. It is the
most brazen and deadly attack by the Taliban in years.

December 17, 2014 Cuba frees U.S. aid contractor Alan Gross, who had been sentenced to 15 years in
prison in 2011 after his effort to create a way to communicate outside of limitations set by the Cuban
government. The government cites humanitarian grounds as the reason for the prisoner release. In
response to the prisoner release, President Barack Obama announces that he will begin working with
Cuba on resuming full diplomatic relations between the two countries for the first time since 1961.

December 28, 2014 Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore crashes into
the Java Sea just southwest of Borneo, killing all 162 people on board.

June 09-14, 2015 Annual Bilderberg Conference.

Oct 05, 2015 Trade in Services Agreement is ratified. Over 50 countries agree to a massive
international trade treaty.

Act IV - Alien invasion

MIT accidentally creates a boson generator and rifts to other places in the universe and other universes
start opening. When the strange radiation goes out from the generator point, people start mutating
also. Many become super-powered. This is a good thing because things start coming through the rifts
(think Rifts). As the Earths most trusted and experienced team, the PCs will be pressed into service to
help contain the disaster.

Act V Omniverse

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