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Central Mindanao University

College Of Engineering
Department Of Mechanical Engineering



Hazards inside the College of Engineering and

How to eliminate or minimize the risk of hazards

Cabatchete, Angelo A. Midterm Exam Date Due: 10/13/17

ME 71 PLATE NO.1 Date Given: 9/19/17
A hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target,
be it humans, property, or the environment. A hazard may also be defined as a condition
or a situation that exists with the potential to cause injury or illness. A hazard can be
classified to into numerous types based on energy source; Biological Hazard (originate
in biological processes of living organisms), Chemical Hazard (chemicals whose intrinsic
properties can cause harm), Ergonomic Hazard (physical conditions that may pose risk
of injury to the musculoskeletal system), Mechanical Hazard (any hazard involving a
machine or industrial process), Psychosocial Hazard (hazards that affect the
psychological well-being of people, including their ability to participate in a work
environment among other people, and Physical Hazard (a naturally occurring process
that has the potential to create loss or damage).
Presented on this output is an example of a Physical hazard found inside the
College of Engineering Building.
Physical Hazards includes the following:
Confined Spaces
Other forms
Pictures shown below are taken from the second floor of the College of
Engineering Building, near the entrance of the college library. The picture below is a
Physical hazard that falls under the electricity classification, it is an image of a partly
detached live switch. This is clearly a hazard because the sharp edges of the switch
platform extend away from the wall which might cause cuts to the skin in case of direct
contact. If an event occurs where a certain force is applied to the switch, it might come
off and might electrocute someone.

Partly Detached Live Switch - Second Floor COE Building near the College Library Entrance

Means to Minimize the Risk:

Seal of the area to prevent direct contact with any person or object and report the
Repair the detached switch and replace old parts to ensure safety.

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