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We watch news; of sacrificing (and eating) of goats and
other animals for offering to deities; in different religions
or different communities.

W may ignore, despise or take pride in them, according to

our background or predisposition. But; do we introspect;
our opinions? Do we verify the objectivity of our opinions?

If we study these customs carefully and holistically, then

we arrive at some insights, which are as follows.

In the process of evolution at some stage, the art, skill and

courage involved in hunting (RAJOGUNA) were vital for
survival of the individuals and the societies! In the process
of protecting from the predators, the animals were killed in
as much as they were killed to satisfy the need of food. The
fishing and hunting were practiced not only without any
guilt, but in fact with some kind of pride and dignity,
because they were essential for the survival and
continuation of the society!

When the mankind began to sense the influence of

unknown and unseen deities, he began to feel that the
avoidance of the wrath and providence of the blessings of
deities also played a role in the wellbeing of the individuals
and the societies. Thus the customs of offering the food
(sacrificial animal) to the deity began to develop and get
established. This custom signified the concern for the
wellbeing of the society and hence was considered
meritorious! In Sanskrit this is called YAJNA, the essence
of which also went on getting evolved! Thus anyone who
simply ate without offering (YAJNA) was considered petty.

The other element involved in the YAJNA was to cheer up

and invoke, admire, promote and celebrate bravery; so
much vital for survival of the society!

The respect and honor for hunting and killing animals; was
thus logical; because; cowardice, escapism, irresponsibility
etc (TAMOGUNA) implied destruction of the individual
and the society. Naturally anyone who did not perform
YAJNA was considered selfish, mean, lowly and sinful!

As and when the mankind evolved further, the hunting and

sacrificing animals became unnecessary and redundant.
The hitherto celebrated bravery of hunting; lost its pivotal
position in survival of the individual and the society!

Naturally, the tradition of sacrificing animals in YAJNAS

lost its merit. It no more signified any heroic act! It became
redundant; and in fact retrogressive. It did not anymore
signify bravery (RAJOGUNA); but implied basal, carnal,
animalistic and cowardly behavior (TAMOGUNA); in
view of the availability of the vegetarian food and several
others developments which ensured the security of society
without hunting.

The hunting and the sacrifice of animals declined, lost its

importance and only fanatic and cruel elements relished
hunting, eating and sacrificing animals!

In present circumstances; irrespective of the region or

religion; killing and sacrificing animal; do not involve
bravery (RAJOGUNA) but cold blooded, cowardly cruelty;
worst than mere cowardice and hence worst than
TAMOGUNA; (perverted and brutal and not brave)
hangover of the redundant traditions and customs
belonging to the primitive stage of the development of the
society, which adored and promoted RAJOGUNA and
were much required in those times. But those traditions are
rendered retrogressive and detrimental (TAMOGUNA) in
the present context!

But later I came to realize that unnecessary killing belongs;

as alluded to earlier; to worst form of TAMAS OR
TAMOGUNA (fanaticism) and those who evolve in the
course of evolution; rise up from TAMOGUNA and
RAJOGUNA to SATVA GUNA and choose not to opt for
brutal, cruel and absolutely unnecessary killing of cows,
bullocks, sheep, goats and other animals or birds for any
purpose; eating, offering or any other luxury!

Through probably the practice of NAMASMARAN, the

mankind evolved and the SATVA GUNA became
preponderant and respectable!

Today; it is culturally meritorious and benevolent to

cherish, promote and adore the SATVAGUNA and the
SELF REALIZATION, which are vital for the survival and
blossoming of the mankind; and to control the
TAMOGUNA and RAJOGUNA involved in animal killing
and sacrifice, which jeopardize the safety and evolutionary
blossoming of mankind!

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