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Week of: 11/2011/22 Subject/Class: SAS-8 Teacher: Jane Dowell

Unit (Week Overview/Purpose): Students will complete Punnett squares and accurately determine the probability of the traits

Day Warm Up or Review Daily Objective Instruction & Activities Formal/Informal Due Dates:
from Previous lesson Assessments
Mon Science word of the week Students will determine Gattaca An allele whose trait Notebooks Due
in a sentence. how the types of genetic Movie sheet always shows up in an 12/01
OCCULATION disorders can create a organism when the
class system in a science allele is present is a
fiction story
Tues For codominant traits, Students will determine Gattaca A chart that shows the Notebooks Due
genotypes that are how the types of genetic Movie sheet relationships between 12/01
heterozygote have the disorders can create a the generations of a
phenotype of ___________ class system in a science family.
fiction story
Wed Notebooks Due
Half Day Half Day Half Day Half Day
Thurs Notebooks Due
None None None None
Fri Notebooks Due
None None None None 12/01

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