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Emotional Intelligence

Till 1990s a logical assumptions was that people with higher IQs will be more successful at
work and through life. This assumption was proved incorrect because just being clever is not
enough. EQ or EI is more of a modern concept which was developed in mid 1990s, by Daniel
Goleman. When it was found out that the people with average IQs outperform those with the
highest IQs 70% of the time. This disturbed others deeply because what many individuals had
constantly expected that the sole source of success IQ. Many years of research now point to
emotional intelligence as the critical factor that distinguish star performers apart from the rest
of the group.
First of all we should know what emotional intelligence is. Emotional intelligence (EI) or
Emotional Quotient (EQ) means the ability to identify and deal with your own feelings and of
others. It is generally said to include three skills: Emotional awareness, the ability to harness
emotions and apply them to undertakings like thinking and problem solving, and the ability to
manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming
down other people.
Emotional Intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary
competencies: personal competence and social competence.
Personal competence consist of self-awareness and self-management skills, which focus more
on you individually than on your interactions with different individuals. Personal competence
basically means your ability to know your emotions and managing your behavior.

Self-Awareness: It means the ability to know your emotions accurately and aware of
them as they happen.
Self-management : It means the flexibility of emotions so that you can positively direct
your behavior
Social Competence consist of social awareness and relationship management. Social
competence contains the ability to understand the behavior, moods of other individuals so that
they can improve their relationships.

Social Awareness: It means the ability to know or understand the emotions of other
individuals and whats really going on with them.
Relationship management: It means the ability to understand yours emotion with
others emotions so that you can interact easily.

What I have learned from this article:

# Emotional Intelligence, IQ, and Personality Are Different.
Emotional Intelligence focus on the fundamental component of human behavior that id
distinct from your intellect. There is no known association amongst IQ and emotional
intelligence; you can't anticipate someones emotional intelligence in view of how smart
somebody is. Emotional intelligence is flexible set of skills that can be gained and which we can
enhanced with training whereas Intelligence is your ability to learn which is constant at the age
of 15 as well as at the age of 50. Although few people are naturally more emotional intelligent
than others, you can develop or grow your emotional intelligence even if youre not born with
Personality is the consequence of hard wired preferences, such as the inclination towards
introversion or extroversion. But however, like IQ, Personality cant be utilized to anticipate the
emotional intelligence. Also like IQ, personality is constant over a lifetime and doesnt change.
They all cover unique and different area and help to clarify what influences a man to tick.

# How much of an impact does emotional intelligence have on your professional success?
Emotional intelligence is the pillar for a host of critical skills- it impacts almost everything you
say and do every day. Emotional intelligence is the single greatest indicator of performance in
the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence.
In the studies we have found that 90% of top performers are emotionally intelligent whereas
only 20% of the bottom performers are emotionally intelligent. You can be top performer with
less emotional intelligence but the chances are very low.

# Emotional Intelligence Can Be Developed.

Plasticity is the term neurologists use to describe or depict the brains ability to change. Your
brain develops new association or connection as you learn new skills. The change continuous,
as your brain cells grow new connections to speed the efficiency of new skills procured.
Using strategies to build your emotional intelligence allows the billions of microscopic neurons
lining the road between the rational and emotional centers of your brain to branch out small
arms( much like a tree) to reach out other cells. A single cell can grow 15,000 connections
with its neighbors. This chain reaction of development make sure that it looks easier to kick this
new behavior into action in the future. When you prepare your brain by more than once using
these new emotional strategies, emotionally intelligent behaviors become habits.

# Learnings
According to my understanding there five key elements I can infer from the article is:
Self-awareness of the individual.
Self-regulation of the individual
Motivation for the individual.
Social skills.

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