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‘T. SHATALOVA ENGLISH— RUSSIAN THESAURUS APPROX.3,500 WORDS T. MW. INATASIOBA AHTJIO-PYCCKHIi TEMATHYECKHH CJIOBAPB OKOMIO 3500 COB MOCKBA ACTPEJIb, ACT 2005 YK 811.111°874 BBK 81.2 Aura-4 28 TRonnsemio & never roronu auaneoraies 16.11.2004 ‘Dopmar 844108.) Bywara ohceme. Tesmrs oe "Yon net. 4.486, Tnpese 9000 943. anas 3403 2877, 99,02.958.J.000577.02,04 a7 03.02.2004. ‘firepaconvei eraconecaropmpoayea ‘on 008 98.so12 059008 ~ mitepergpa yee Waranona, TL LDR ——-Antro-pycextii remarHueckuit cnosaps = English Russian Thesaurus : ox. 3500 cos /T. H. Harasiosa. M.: Acrpenm: ACT, 2005. — 237, [3] ISBN 5-17-004437-2 (000 «Hanarensers0 ACT») ISBN 5-271-01226-3 (000 ¢Hgqaremsers0 Actpem») Cronps conepaer ooo 3500 exon aranitcnoro aM ka, erpyniimponanmasx noxpy? nensTit rem, HaHGontee HeoG XonMMUIX B yerHOM OGueHEt. B renarwseciatx rpyinax ‘copa pacnoxoxteus no mpimmupiny yuorpeGrremsHoCTi 1a ‘yRoGeTHA HaxooKneKHM CslOR B KONE COBADA RAM AzpaDirT saul ykngaens. Gxonape Byer noneaek nex, x0 axcriBHO Hayuaer Hi aniigxuit nan, erpertires nononmurs cxott cxosapusil 32 YK 811.111°374 BBE 81.2 Aura-4 Ison 5.17.004437-2 (000 witraarenserne ACT») ISHN $271-01226.3 0.000 «ttnnenteeo {000 “ibasrerncree Acrpenss) Repesun 2008 TIPEUCIOBHE, Hacrosuni exonaps ovitociren & yous eronapant ak ‘npesitamatennunt 2 upoKOro wpyra-mi, > taOM A 0g npenoxanatenelanriiexoro so4t¥a CCaosapi oxe6oro rns pacestrane Ha Tex sitsareaeh 1a KOTOPHS Imoerpanni MK ne OGKeRT HaynMoFO tayseH, a opyatte mpananon 19a, neoGxoninioe yenonte aerTimiioro OnnaReR CrenaaKoC TEN He cootnerernenio, nat petyeren ie noaysrs mr popsaneo ane, aon Ae Hankikay peamsaroro peenaro oBtnetita. Oeiornse sarin Sr pa ‘uitteenopneretponanimax yicGnx enorapel ayritrs peataro nasa. arte nniocrpamnota saiexon, pair AKIN Haan aster Hs ro open, wtebM}, Ce. Hay MITR CrpovtTe pes, KAK MHebAteNyo, TaK H Yer Hen xan, iyo noxarors peaahoe sorpetnente erona a pen. ero peter mi (1 mpoeto coors co amie Tae efpaos eooriceTe ae “eAnFt0-pycen Tesarasiecrat enonapin eves NEPA areHeeTHE hut onertostnyesimoro inearpaebimieexorn enobaps (ecRapA-TeN py 3). Otanenseorpapecsa exo (ekrap-eypyson) 07th nnniowex eaoxape, coeranaeets Ho anpanitneNy npntiny, dake ‘acre #miiow pacnoaoxemit aaraantiex enon: savRaMitie C30Na Hace paisiecrow caoeape pactiosnowcistm reMariticext pe Ist» TENTIMICCRH OPFAMIORATHON NO. pee. Thnete ronops, sarzaminie ena Wt exoeapiae crave. oroesticen i nit, erpymmuponarita noxryr oxypeenciitoro rowstate(r ‘TeM H MOLTEN, oTPANAONN aGeTPAK THEE MONTH, ootocauuxes k pan Ghone net 8 enoen cevecrrenvow yowrexore, FpMepsepentowetin TH, Uamaroea KAK TIOJIb30BATbCA CAOBAPEM Caosaps conepaser xensrh Tes, ykanannix m nepeune. Kannan Testa ‘Gosnatennan onperereanai Gyknol aemiicxoro anpawira, # cHor0 oe pens nioxpasnensetex na nojTeM, HMeIOULHE HoeTeMONATeNBHYIO HyMeA uo apaexasnt nipasn Ges Toe Hanpuntep: F EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS 9MOMIHH WUYBCTBA FI Happiness Cuacrne B nosreste enona pacnonoxenss ne n abanitios nopmake, ano erene: 2aunx yrorpeGitremitocra, Conepokarine nonTeMis onpenenseT noestenowa Teawoers nonawu wacreii peu. Hanpninep, # ronrewe Al Happening Co- Gurrne aioren cviavama raarons, raven eykicerestrentinee, aw onesie A Essence Cymmocrs cians eymecranrennse,saren npuararenatae B gout worn noseeas 3a aak O nuaiecennt orHoCAMICEN Kat onTesan! nanGonce ynorpesurrenuusie dyparconorsmicexte exit n ye SroGue waliri eros, xeoGxomnie 22x onpenenenoli pevenolt city uns, yan NpoeMorpers. coorpeTeTAyoRty¥o TeMy HH nostesty. Ja Taro “rto6it Hain KonxpetHoe exonO w cHoRape, NeogOnNHO ROCTTOMAEMATNER asxpanirusis yxaaarenest,ipimenemntstwxottte conapa. B yxasatee eso Pacrao:xenbi a xan How nope. PaoN KaDKaIM COHN yesNaNh Syxna Tews ie nopsnonsit Nosy naaTeNt. & KoTOpOT AaHOe caONa Co separa Hearse: shuttle 112 valuation Bi Mooromarmae enna Moryr apiieyretnonart ® pe Hane: see B3, BE, J15 decline A26, C27 Carona names Toxb0 R akaveniRS, coorREreTAyIOWNIS ax Hanpuvtep, c10K0 mix w noxrese ER Friendship Itpy Feet ea erotiniase costar We hece » hanil yraaarent, Jl roroiro6i wait Hyewoe coveranite im fpaseonoriee kyo emmy, Haag npoesorper® neck pan aanuol noxreN sa siaKoN 0. Tocrpocime conapnoit crates Jaraasnioe exono aserex nonyrenpitsn Gyxnante aan. B eomape x sarmanntan caonasn xe pani, OTHOCATER TARE fparonBte EATON. 3 nena pentane, sow aon, BHMEETE 30 "Kraatony maaaiiony exoay 2ava-spancxpimits, Cneayer oGparire pnnatmie ia To, 70.» cooracreveti cohpeMenN aNFAew enO- bapa snareonce exeropae 7pAeXPIUONHB 3K Tip diparomex raarana, ¢coornercraic eytteerayrounion! pani ita anranicnns exonapax, néctes Tpanexpumns Tonbko caxoro Fara, Kakage anrnantige e000 ckaGKcHO YeazaHtieN Ha Yaers pew, Een eoGxoaiNo, orMetaoreH aeoSenHioen yMoTpeGNetHTaMoTo C!0m, NP oarren eritmicribicekie mover, ykazbinacres npumaneatiocr® K Opi Tanckowy Hit aMepibeaNeKOMY RAPNAUTY 9261, aH WenpasiiTE O6pa syiouteea hope raaro7o. Een enono sttorontivic, stain npitnowsres 22 apaSerssst nosy -xnpiori ngypanur € TOOL sven TB epg caOGKAN MpaMM peyton nate bakyaUtariene aneM “ru kak caMoro tarnanitor9 e70n8, Tak #1 pYCEKOTO D¥RIMAENTA, KyPCHBOM panne. . open 6m Bix /yonpsitren nim toro, OG HAGEAETE noRTOpEHI snacri exonocoueratin, & TANNE MPH Mepesmenenn CHMOHMECKIK Ha paieron c aSuuis anions 1 sone crara xypettost tan nmocpannntal Marepuna Ges nepenona AEKCHKOTPAMHYECKHE HCTOURNKN Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, tart, Landon, 1987 2. MeArthur Tora. Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English, Harlow 1981 3, Roget's International Thesaurus, Glasgow, 1962. Roget’ Thesatiis of English Words and Phrases, London, 1987 5. Rogers Il. The New Thesauras. Roston, 1980, 6, Websters Dictionary of Synonyms, Springfiekl, Mass.. 1968, Courtney R. Longinan Dietionaty of Phrasal Verbs. M. L986. 8. Webster's New World Dietianary of Synenyms, New York. 1981 9. Collins Cobuild Leamer’s Dictionary, Londen, 1996 The BBI Combinatory Dietionary of English. Amsterdam, Philadephia 1986. Palmer 1. A Grammar of English Words, Marlow, London. 1962, 12, MeMordie W. English Moms. Oxford, 1972. 13, Thomdike Fnglish Dictionary. Oxford, 196] 14. Clark. M. Spoken Fhglish, Edintugh, 1958 Homby A. S. Oxford Advanced Leamer’s Dictionary of Current E Oxford, 1989, 16, Swan Michael, Practical English Usa 17, Longman Active Study Dietionary of Fnglish, M . 2988 18, Vincow B.A. M. Autao-pycerni yest cromaps. Nf - 1982 19. Mionnep D. K. Homi aneso-pycexn eaonapt. Mi. 1994 20. Bonoiott aneso-pyccnnti eaonapy,/ Te oGme pyx. ITP. Vanantepinna M. 1987. T1-2 M198 CNMCOK COKPAUIEHHI Pycexne auep. — amepnxanexsit sapxartr ‘ner, — anoint pum. — Spranexutl sapwat faoen. — oes (reps) ‘eonp.—vonpoc we ponpocem xt spase, — rpanwaristecxi (68. — enutternesnioe (aiteno) pon. — mpowwecxntl omen, — newncsaeMoe (eytte erirrenssioe) im. — ATOM moMoGHOE rome. — mireparypio-enexstoe enono ww alipaxceme hi, — Nitoweernentoe (4He0) hhanp. — vanpussep tewexucn, — Restettensenoe(cyate= cranrentsioe) (Gunn. — oGuikHIORCHHO ‘9c08.— oco6enna Ompuy. — orpitanne usw ompt tents uy. — nono uau sutparccte, ‘yaorneGinaenoe Boduunanstol pew nepen. — nepenacnoe (aasene) howenum, — ronenwrenenoe (Hak ‘nowene) hipeagex. —npenocxonvan (crenetts ‘panniers peas. — npesvioxente hnpeus, — Npenmryuteerpeno npenedp. — npeneSpextereabi0 pocmopes. — npocTopeine page. — paxronopHoe c0%0 ren ‘uparkere cobup. — cobuparensitoe (cyte ‘crene7toe) nop. = enoprimneti (rep nt) yup — tnum cyuteerrensitoe Jones —~ YuDRIETEMAHO nom. — yrorpeBnserca yom, — yerapesuee ci1080 11 utpancerme ymsepd. — Yrnopnirensioe (npes ‘noxernte) top. —~ rophausectatt (repent) adj — adjective fadv — adverb inter] — interjection part — particle pass — passive hr v— phrasal ver pl plaral Aurantiiesne pop. — past participle predic previcative prep — prepesition pron — pronoun poss — poseessive Se— singulae smb — somebody smh — something vo ver 1s Estimation. neni DS Conclusion tno BS Comparsen Cpamicine ‘ 1? Supposton Tenmooxeue i Bi Understanding Tioumarne Bio Expectation Omanne ; BIT Remeberng tae : Bia Forgetting Sac BIS Atteton bunanne BIE Irttenten Henna a TOPICS TEMBI BIS Knowledge Buanne ae AGENERAL RELATIONS OBIE OTHOMIEHI B16 Lack of knowledas Hemaine Al Happening Coburnne BIA Teaching Tpenorapante 2 A Bowenee Cynuocts B19 Alsi Crecosnoct 183 Choraceristi Sapanrepean sepa 320 Talent tase {3 Cendtion Gocrowe Ut Ineigence Jarermene enoco6noort XE Relation Ormemente AS Relation eystecroers © COMMUNICATING osmenne: e AT Sameness and resemblance Toxmeerso CxXOReTAO CI Informing, CooGmenne as a Sere Pevnnite 2 Speang Fenopetme : 45 Supe Tipewocroncrso ©} Aver and clining Sencpaseine Ato tmerriy Benes peor nono 4 Ammon Sianannenne At Standaud Clana © Exnnaniing Fomsepunsne {2 Intsion Sree CF Deencnn Oceyanetne AN Eeteston Hexmoverie C8 Comincity Sexe ALG Increase Yoemseue 5 Sugsesing Tipennonene A een Surname Eto thing Hone ‘ie Importance Barre Ett Reterng Ceuta, yossnanne ‘A19 Intgifesnce Hemartemsucens C12 Remark siraine ant ene Save E13 Asking questions Bonpee 3 219 Nowndance Mote Cl Answerine Omer : ‘20 Seaely Hexoarna Els Requesting fyoesa £21 bite Toyane C16 Complains Hava 22 Complicated Cheate E19 nemting pment, aonyancite {35 General once Cla Denying Ora at Get twice C19 Autecing Conan 35 Unasuat Heotnreroe : C20 Disgreing Paccoetenve po omens 3 Deteriorating Yegamenne Gt Apnosing Onoopente 235 Improving Sayer 22 Dieappoving Heonveperne £28 Run Papyuone 3 Aaviing Conce C24 Supporting Tenaepxea B INTELLECTUAL PROCESSES | MBICHITTESAbHBIE MFOMECCIA £24 Suppor oaxep DI Thinking and reaconi Ofayananante s paswmiunienne 626 Objecting Boapawenne 32 Opinion Mca G34 Relsing nnn ee a ne Bootpemeine C2 Ordering Mpeavane ae R 8 DWorRK DI Work D2 Employment D3 Retiring and dismissing D4 Promoting, demoting, transfering and filling in DS Earnings 6 Being busy D7 Being idle DB Beginning. D9 Putting off, delaying, postponing DIO Finishing. DIU! Stopping DI2 Planning and designing DIB Preparation and readiress D14 Doing Dis Trying DI6 Surmounting DI? Success DI8 Failure DI9 Hindrance 20 Managing D2i Result 22 Change 23 Using D24 Misusing 25 Uniting 1026 Separation 27 Mistake 28 Vietory 29 Losing 130 Putting an end to smth E RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE El Trust E2 Distrust E3 Fidelity 4 Treachery ES Deceit 6 Liking 7 Dislike Ea Friendship 9 Enmity| E10 Aid 14 PABOTA PaGora Tipu a pa6ory ‘Yon ¢ paGork W yeonsnene Tlopsurensie no exyxGe, nownxenne, nepenoa Ha npyryto paGory 1 aanentenne Bapaborox. Banarocrs Hesanarocrs Havaxo Otepornrmanute, aanepxna, poweaene Oxownanne eranonea Tinannporarne npockrmpopssne Hoaroronxa i rorosuocrs Bynonnenne Tronurxa Tpeononenne Yenex Heyaava Flowexn Pyxononerno, sanenonanine Peaysurar Hawertente YnorpeBnenne Bnoynorpebnesne Ossexnmenne Ornenenite, parsenmenne Omn6xa ToGeaa Tpourpsia: Ynwervosxerne, yopasanenwe OTHOWENHA MExIY STHOAbMH Honepie Henosepue Bepwocre Mpenarenserso O6man Pacnionoxenwe Henpnsone Tipy6a Bpaxna Flomou E11 Blame E12 Reproweh aul repeinand E13 Accusing E14 Apology and forgiveness EIS Gratitide E16 Concealing EIT Revealing E18 Annoying, E19 Offending E20 Ridiculing 2] Humiliating 22 Warning E23 Threatening E24 Influence EDS Responsibility E26 Custom E27 Pretending F EMOTIONS AND FE FI Happiness F2 Sorrow, grief Fi Anxiety, worry, concern F4 Anger FS Annoyance and irritation F6 Calmness and quictness FT Satisfaction FB Dissatisfaction F9.Admiration F10 Contempt FIL Interest and excitement F12 Indifference F13 Surprise Fld Greed EIS Revenge F16 Jealou F17 Kindness and compassion FI8 Cruelty E19 Fear 20 Certainty, F21 Courage G VOLITION Perseverance G2 Obstinacy G3 Avoiding Ga Eagerness Buna Yuen w mre OGnimenste Honnsemre 1 sponterne Baaronapnocrs Coxparrne OGnapyxeime, wsisancne Tipweannenite Geenoxoiicrna Ockop6aeune Buewenparne Tipeaynpexcnenne Yrposa Banaue Orserernennoct® Tpsosraxa Hpursoperse QMOUMM H MYBCTBA Cuaerse Hewant, rope Tenors, GeenoKoficrr, ora6oennocrs Tren Alocasa » parapaxenne Cnoxoiieraie 1 Geawarennocts Yaonnernopennoert Heynoanersopéniocrs Boexiutente Tipespenire inrepec i soaGyxnenite Beapaaniinte Yanimneine dKannocrs Mecrs Pennocrs Hospora n coctpaaanne SKecroKoers Crpax Yaepennocrs Mynecrno, ewenocts BOSTEBBIE JETCTBN Yaoperso Yapsmcteo Yeronenne Poenite Choice G6 Necessity G7 Motivation G8 Cause G9 Intention G10 Limiting and restraining GIh Effort G12 Exhaustion GI3 Permission G14 Prohibition GIS Interference G6 Resolution G17 Hesitation GI8 Retracting G19 Endurance G20 Foreing. H POSSESSION Hi Possession H2 Acquisition 13 Wealth 4 Poverty H5 Catching, holding and keeping HG Distributing H7 Providing Hi Borrowing, lending. Renting’ bring H9 Getting rid of smth J. MOVEMENT 31 Movement 12 Stillness 33 Fast movement M4 Accelerating, 55 Slowing down 36 Overtaking 17 Following 38 Escaping 19 Arriving 510 Going (away) 311 Travelling 312 Transportation 113 Abandoning 114 Placing 315 Meeting and welcoming Busop Heogxommucrs Hobyxnenne Hips Hawepenie ‘ Orpannivenne w enepansanie Yeunne Yeranoers, yrowtenne Paspeutenne Banpemente Baematessero Pewirensiocr Hepeuirennocrs Orpesente Buttioenstocts Fipanyxacnne OBTANAMME, OGsananne TipwoGperenme Borarereo Beanocrs Baxnar, ynepokanne Wt coxpaneniie Pacnpenenenne Oseenevenne, cuaBxeune Bagrite malin, onanxuanne, Cua nae, wane ‘ VoGaunenne or vero-1 ABWKEADE Aowoxeine Henoaswanoers Burerpoe nninxene Yewtopente Banionnente Grow Caexonarie, npéoneaovanne ober, Gercrso Hpu6eerne Orsesa Tyrewecrane Tpaitenoprposee Ocrannenne Panwenerue Berpeva i npuserersne AJ Happening Coburrne happen (heepon] v Leenyriricn, nponexonitns; too smb emyiricn e xearn When did. the explosion hhappen? If anything happens 0 him, Tet me know. The accident happened through he carelesoness ofthe driver a onbaninarnen: ae it —siked Kak Seaanoen I hieppened tbe ant chert he ealled. As it happens. 1 have my chequebook with me ‘oceur [a"k2'] v . wacmo ory. cexyrtitben, npentexoattrs(0¢06. 0 e- Ssannanupeansx eoGumns) When dd the accident occur? rwont occu fagain. 2 nerpevvice, nonanirack (acm ¢ompiay. nped 006.0100 Dyneanémnure npedsremax). Misp rns oceur on every page. Another instance ofthis disease may not occur Jor several years. ne about {kar pr (came, come) mpoutexoriira, eaysiries. If fame about in thi say. How did if fome ‘abou! that the man was dismissed? ‘come off {kam} phr v (came, come) mportexoatts (10x His20 300) naw), ners necro. Did the proposed Visit to Rome ever come off? The wedding came off as planned. The marriage never canie off afer al ‘come up (kam) pir v (came, come) (etevanii, eoaian0) ey Savaer, [1 fet you know if anvthing comes /ERAL RELATIONS OBUME OTHOUEHAA turn up ta: phir nonsepf cx; (eonrao) cnysarucn. Hes sil aiting for something fo im up. We don't Snow what may turn up fon (290) pr» (went, gone) post oowan « hope Continous {cn uéero, nponexones (@ meve foing on there? There’ nothing ei eign ve a present ‘hance srs} v mmo, pO xonits (xen), enyriens =a that enyainoey rx, ro. enced rove out when he called It chanced Ian cheven there too fall ont [ph ¥ el fallen) wacio ohn expres; i el out thats exinen ra, v0 1130 fell tur tat no guard vas on dnty thet nah Eversthing fell ont 08 We had hoped Fetal (bf: (betel befallen) espana enysicn sn “Stun, nponexoaies A strange hin befell him. " ‘crop up {krop} phir v pas. ne. cxiszannoosmsire, enytitien Something has eropped up and Tear Tppening hep(9)I9] nwaemo pleat, codtimne, There have been Sine happenings here atl ‘ecurance (2 karns]n ena, 7 A2 cenguail; an event of rate ~ pénxo {vent [vent] 1. coSsirre (xax pono, aasenoe), themain sof this Year rvagnte cobstrus sroro résa. The iscovery of America was a great event. 2. engval; at all ~s no acstost tengae; in any — Tax for mse; in titer ~ m mode engsae; in that ~ ‘Taxom enjrae; in the ~ of smth = cenjuae uerénn, fem zo-n.enyiren; inthe~ ofhis coming éeam ow spunét ident [:msid(2)at} m1. npowe urgernnte, exalt (0¢06. pu hoctedosamensnow uxtomcer co Gumi), onvabay a sttange ~ cpa caf 2. nana contingency [ken'und3(2)nsi] cenyuaiinoers (o6wmn. man ‘sepoamnas) should the ~ arise that ‘enjae, cms. to provide forevery AShpenyenorpers. ncsxoro pone eoxviaaninocti, ~ arrangements! plans. npuroronnénva/nnants ie Enya poston neoxsizamoctet chance (Varns] m_eaytat, eaytinoers; by ~ eayviting, as ~ would have it. kaw. 996) enyinacn aK, sro. As chance trou have i didn go. ‘0 to take place iimérn wécro, powcxonits (06a. 0 sannamupo- fmannom cobra A2 Essence Cyumocts essence ('s(2)ns] n efttocrs, cyte, eytuerr06; inno eyests), 8 eYutioers; the ~of the mater eye ternéleyte tena, The vo thingsare the same in outward form but different in fatonce, Pree enlerprise isthe esence ofcopitalsm. i, ‘Substance [sabstons}n ocxonnbe conepainne; cyre; the ~ of his argumentplan nex cyrt er6 aéaoaon! ‘ran. Tagree in substance with what you say. but differ on some small Points. Give the substance of the Speech in your own words nature [net] m ocuoanse cna ceva, sary, mpmposa; by ~ no Hp Is pone. He is shy by nature. is notin matter {‘maeta}n conexant (6 omauuve om popun, ejuiiocrss form and~ épua v eoaepacnine; the subject~ ofhis lecture npeswer/réxa ero néxun, The matter in your essay is good but the ste is deplorable. core ko] n cepauenine, ap cyt the ~ of the problem cyte ip Greasy; 1o the ~ wacked, 20 wésrs xocrél; rotien to the ~ nackndae nporiionnt; to get to the ~ of 8 subject noSprsex no fru aéaa. He is English tothe core hheart(hact] m cepanesiina, eyre; the~ ofthe matter eyre sina kernel (Ka:nl]m anp5, evr ist [dsist}n (the) cyte; octonuse aware, ocvoniiéeconepane. Tell ime the gist of what he said essential [senf(ol} ob. pl ‘ocnéast the ~5 of grammar ocndau: Fpannavixi Learn the essentials rss then learn the details "essential [senf2)!] ad cota diference oexonnas paamnua, Love of Jair play isanid to ben estenvial part ‘of the English character Her most txsential quality is self-confidence. basic [berstk] adj ocuonnst, cocnosonoxarasounit the ~ rules oc Nowite npaiona. PTonesty Is a basic clement in his character Addition. Subtraction, maliplication. and division are the basic processes of arithmetic. fundamental [,fandornent) adj 1. octiosn6i, xopers6i, eyméeroe rau; to make ~ changes covep usr» opennsie peobpase an. There a frdamentel diference Denveenthe mopreiensandheipoicies 2 ropeuduniies moive pox fubstantial (sab’stenf(a)l) adj eyméornennstt, advan. The stories told by the neo boys were in substantial ‘agreement. We're in substantial agreement over the plan. intrinse [in'insik] adj mifpen i, pues (Ypupode, xapanme: py wozo-a wa vezo-n),ewsitornen- ‘ha Big ~ honesty npneuse ey PNinherent Lun’hrarent) adj npneyuuat (0 vepmax xapanmepa, Cotiamaa pede mm) Siuation with te = difficulties cn hue e nprefauinn et cnOxK0- Cran Insite offer she hep her inerent modes |A3 Characteristic Xapax- ‘repuan sepra characteristic ( kerktoestik} raparrépvan sept, ocSGenocrs, Cnbiere, nationals vaunoveenie SedGenmocrs; 9 dstncivedistin ishing ~ orsuséeniax ocO6et oers Whotarethe characteris thar Aisinguish the ‘Chinese. from the ‘iepanese? ° ‘risibute einbjut}nevéterso, apaetépn pina, xaparepat Nepta Kindness is an attribute of a food cachet Politeness atribute Sha gentenan " vs quality [’kwoliti] # cadiictno; océGemmocty; eivecreo;, moral Sunlics wopanano secre. eas Sema ootig cos Se has many me gules. feature fr)» oeSGenoe, apartépnan vepr; a charateistil ‘Aiminctive- ovmevivemsax ocoben- ftocrs; distinguithing ~s ocoOste tposeray, 2 ditingushing ~ of his Chometer nopanirenian cee hocrserdxapatrepa, Wer weather is anfeaure of fe Scotland ‘tai et) nxapanrepian Yep- sri. Two Iraits tn the. American Character are generosity and ene"ey property [propau) nm xaveet®0, cendherso (apucpuice vexge); the fredicinal properties of pants Heads rise endorna pacreunt peculiarity (pi ajuctserus) n enctmpiriecton dedeentocrn, ene Stcpinogr; the pecs ofthe Fac angusge, oefiGenoct {ppamufacrore uns ____A4 tet es ae ain Gpvettanons, Gur Tanita, This ec st, et oe, pare pon ae eS aay ‘Ad Condition Cocrom jon (kan'dif(o)n] m1 onowene 1 get use 16 19 A4 the~ of weightlessness mpesinnyre * cocrofnno neneeoucer 3 8st Cocroanne aopénsn, (veogexs), Eocrohtte, mpiréavocte xepdmesinoxem ‘cocrosit;_ in Sontterbe =n noponesrynicnont Evcrosm, The howe ts interble oniition The pase ts inertial Condition. ted in no condion to travel. haven Deen able fo ge mich ‘recs ney som om of condton sate [ste] n nono coero- inves the “of one's heh coer "pb nse per 9 epee raoxén cocrosnnta im a goed ~ of ann cata Dottndtesecuacr the =o fas rennin nen She va poor eof Tea Theses areata te Onpai Hes ntinsfusac tego Situation” Cstieviayy eacromne (e_dmnid saver) ‘erring; he iteration Sconomie = wexryapoaven! nonmtiuecxaa/oKonow veexen scrote nde fopeeslan awl = Gare a ‘Pho wpnecxon enageOn Tenonren Homma fo tae sock. of the one oeranongy. et ‘eosoncbi na sivas postion psf)» nonoxe, cocroaie (9e08 no omen sop, expen); tecomty sons 2 ronoucone nono me par in an awkward = nendnnow fon sei Pu urself in my poston. ‘arr mnot ova positon hp yor Status [stelos} m 1. eed saints oGutgernenioe no%0 zreime; 0 mostfavoured nuion Srirye | rawodmomero. onaro nvrenona sel ~ coasinoe nonoaure Whots our sas the Country? 2. ntbxoe abteeraene bigearisa sats ymbol Bry yong pte sie sara und ecu 2» What's he statue of the talks benscen the Administration and the union? ‘stats quo [stettas 30) (he) emmectefromeerianoxtime eritye-x00 ‘dreumstances ['s-kamsuenst2}n plobcrotrenscrs; infunder the~npit braninax oGerofrenversax; infunder no pu waxiex oBcrorenscraax, due {to ~ Sraronapii oGerodrensereay. fi certain circumstances I would agree Before we judge a person's acts we must know al he ercumatances ‘conditions (kon'dif()nz] 06- croitensersa, _oGeranénka: favourable/unfavourable ~ Garo pnatiwelieGnaronpiirie 06: cfodtemsersa; to. work under Gifficule ~ paGsrare m TpVamun yerdwune; the economic ~9xoH0- Mfiwecxax oGeranénxa. One can't ‘workin sich condition. juncture (a3Anktf} moby no oxime nem, erevéune-o6crox rremscra; at this ~ m wacrosutt Mo- ewe Al this juncture i 100 early 10 decide ‘stand [stend) année lonpenenéimoe nonoxéute (cpedu ‘peu; how do things ~? vax oGeroke nena? as things ~we'vene choice no oxenme Taxon, ‘7 y Hac. Her 1160p. How does your country stand among football-playing countries? Where does he standin the firm? ‘Oat a pinch 2 xpétinens enjuae; in fine/good feitle 8 xopouiew coe rosin, boreal dpe; in (good) trims napiaxe (0 dose, cade mm), 1 diipme (o vexonere) up to par pax. ‘i opaarsncntcocToaint (0 opone Benoeoit axomuanioema tm. 1). AS Relation Ornomenne relate [rent] v I. yeraniinannars ‘cea, onpesenine coronene, 0 ~tolwith exiaainars (umo-n) (wen a). leis diffeut1o rele theze results fa/with any known enuse. Dean relate these 10 events. 2. orttociithen, hnmére oruoutcnue. This relarce te ‘what Fei yestentay. She isa gil who ‘eth obonreled onneat (ko‘nktl vaccine eicvenn cn eka fete neo ideas. These events ave not cratine “s Ssaacnnccre, The onecen {eonsn} ne nom. € ‘This book concerns the problems of wear oalapon bea} pr» Go. Ter nue Hw doer this Bese apon ie probiem? These ore er ht bea upon the welfare of vp fla] vomocinses Os pstuanentan, What Ihave so does mers to yo Ths rte comma be Tiplealocsn ene, tee othe vonnocinien sébe oot, The Pl efers Miltb green emses. What have fo oan reroll af you Does That eratn to (pote pl oft sow omc Incas "having todo with schoo! Touch {eh mn. veh, Serious attr that-es your future ce Po gayuere, Whar you say dors not Tome epi (came, ome) reiusu nothing ‘elation rekon neva, AS hear mo ~ to ne wotére, Karo romenmn x" (weny-n)i, 10. Beat Some to. uMers. Héxoropoe Grnombane x Gree the = Between wages and. prices. coot- Nomemie Mexay”-aapmarolt Menu Your answer has no relation toe pcsion It ears no relation 10 the foci {Connection {k'neXfa)n] nea, cnnomente; in ~ with eBs3H es {htt Stat coma. What ithe Connection enseen theo subjects? The ‘teeing iin connection witha proposal roconunuct anew swineing poo Telationship. [F'leoonip) Chasey. between/tonwith came senay ono. The elaronship Femeen smoking and lng cancer 1s Yell erased Dearing (be(2)e9] meron: Gropone obeynies wpe. Whar he Set has nofnor much beoring on the sec “interrelation {ter fevlon] » eoornomenite, mairoensab; the ~ Between wages and_ prices. por omen méary spaGorion wxaro orrciaion komen} co- Sonicnrocrsy. 2 high ~ between Tnemployment and-crime réchat anlosantcnsoers Gepa6éri © npeerganoerio, " Televance [elv(3as]n yor noett: I don sete relevance ofthat Inuestion. What you say" has no ‘ievance to whol we retaking abo. Pertinence ’pstinans| mywect wets ebanoe (cum md. The pertinence of the boy's Mpls showed tha he was not stupid. ‘concern [kon'san] ” racaren crag, orem; that's your ~ STOP yours so roelive oe no. 1 of some concern 10 al of 45 Chtren have Hike concern with polities. AS relevant [relty(yet] ad) derma, toch xy; the popers ~ tothe case Gyuen, oro ec ¥ ay; ~ questinsissies onpéens,orneedumneen Any sonpct no eytecta Your question Is very relevant. is natioralty ft relevonttowhether he'sa good doctor “pertinent {‘etinont ad) oxy suéer nenorpéxereelno cipal: Inu (¢ obeyacdaesn somocon), 3 {remark ynéerioe 2anetare} 4 = ceply creer no eymecryy, That's dearcely pertinent tothe mater your {question is pertinen, will answer i concerned {kan ssnd) afew ni (@ vewn); meron ovo. tne (rena). a8 far as Pm (cob. npw mupaacen nebraconps there X lslare ~ tye sacaerer X Where children are concerred be has endless patience. As far as marketing {eoncerned think the bet thing is to have a meeting with the sales manager ‘argbout [o°bsvt] prep 0, ovo. sirens, nace. Tell ut about what Inappened Concerning {kon's:n19) prep 0, thisworketterimatier. ro Kacheros Sof poSounlSrore nwcote/Srare onpoea... Concerning your letter 1 lampleasedoinform you tha we agree toyour proposal. Whari your opinion ‘concerning the economic sition? Tespecting [rv spekto} prep oh, oroctentto Tepardingin ged pvep ogy, comociremsit, 0; ~ your ole ona Cienolare. xackerer satiero peanomesinn. “What are the ‘arrangements regarding the meeting? IM apropes (of) | pr pal prep No névouy, omocirennt, your remark rmipefrensolno nsary bauer ts Tor ['e2fol prep uroeda npe sebips vacmo ynanerocem a Henp aan, omeymamaue wamepece ATO n xacaeres, wt0 Ao. I've invited Andy, Bab and lark Afr Stephen don cate never see him again in my life (© in this regard oqhuy. » 370M corioménn; with regard to of, xacderea; with reference to ogi fortiociirensio, #70 xacéerox, with respect to ogy. 470 xacéeres: in respect of opin sro racheres; to the point xcrinn, yuéeruo AG Irrelevance Heymect- _lnvelevant [1'reliv@)nt} adj e- yuécriaf, ne ovuochupnion x nen. What you say is irrelevant to the subject ‘extraneous [ik’streimios) adj eae loeropannnt inapplicable, ro" pliksb¢0)!) adj enpuneninest, This clause it inapplicable 10 you “Oiit’s nothing to do with Sro He neither here nor there (Sto) x ney ‘eornécires; that'sbeside the point Sromero cyutecray, sro eomtoeiTes zeny; off the point nexevsrit; oUt of place veynéermai without Feference {o Geioriocitrensio x; respect t0 opus. Ger emuHO x, He pHs BO AT Sameness and resem- lance Toxnectso cxoners0 sameness ['setmnis] n oxitixo= ocr; Toxnecrp0; the ~ of the fingerprints tOwaecra0 omnewéreos nanouee, His songs all have a certain sameness about them. identity [at denty The identity ofthe crimes led the police to think that the same person committed them. ‘equivalence (r'kwiv(a)lens) oxminaniTHoers; pannognasHtocr® span teri m pioenrae syexoauee wn). Should teachers in sears sence snd reechers in primary seca receve party ofpay? aality kwon panera; tobe dean yah sy Gr apa ux npunda cee ra pe) npanencrno; ovo 0— wv napanne, a onus e-/ vou thin ona par with Gopal ‘kemess atk] n exnct aneumeny nidy. ope) aly ~ Sentshnoe exonerny, the amazing ~ fetween award and his brother Saimivennoe, sxbxerRo | weay Bayon ed Gpéron. Icon see mc ees been te ey imiority sm ren cx rng poitsof~neprvexonera. How suck untfrity i there between the Iseoumie?2. pra cxbneroa. Are ‘heremany similares beneeen Chia fond Japan? Febemblance {e'zemblons] exégerno. Ie bears atone re SEmblanc fo hie father There very itereemblne bern he Ba me ‘affinity [2° finiti] » (pononde) cxénctoo. There Te some offnity ierwcen English ond French ‘eoubiance '('semblons] 1m nogsbne. These clonds have she Temblance ofa huge head aly eo} vans exoncryore tenets exiactna. Theres Sanafogy berween the human ert finde pump coy kp m xin Tasted my secretary tomeke mea cop ofthe: weplcn rept] na iy enponsain Gluplente (eek) n syn six, nie dosoments made in =n ‘ur coeromneate 19% 3%- SRanpen ie posted the fever. but iradmicee ge i) n (xe rn eine ery nage of hs fer ‘auivatent (kaon 936 sung T dont know wheter ere Ba Ruslan epee jor AT match (miei 1, pan ipa, seagetns nommopnt nan np wlomectonte~niracrperits oerotnorocongprnes. As a pianist Jets no match 2 nonxonsutan seu tho wsemp, navccmay umn). The Cows area good match qual ikon pom, pa Ihe yourequalin strength? She feels thar they are equal. counterpart. ('kavntopa:t)n anofinins sonny enoRex, Sinn no ne nome seat mation roe én He's may counterpart here. Each foreign Uiplomot was. seated next 10. his ‘Mhericen counterpart tthe banque. Senne [ta he) TAR ne, Sumdronl one andthe TOT Seeralthe~ times oano370 ee npoas THisnameand mineare the same. The Mord ithe same be it has 190 Uiferem speling Hots the seme age Site wife te hes the same make of cen Te Arethesethe same people Cam heretstweet ie the same Imnseonyou intfeal fo denak(oM ad. s0r see dni Tek ssierticn othe ne with which the murder was Commie. 3acomére) onan fate nseniconat The fingerprint of mofo persons are ientical. Our Mews of wher should be done are dena " ike, (lark) ad) noxdu, nogsomuty HoxS6noro. ina, Sonaaionnh nozs6nunn xivec Grav, in = cases» no2oOne Tapa: as ~ a5 wo peas (in a pod) fatme tan ont The two gis ae rents Like uses prodice tite rests Tie writes wellon this and ike subjects ' ike olka (or oni urinal oxen eye ok ce fome Allman. ‘sire stato} ad) exéno 2 AT no raKsi ne. Movifeaned Fh snlar terse has eserionte Gold is ilar colur to bras, ‘uniform {init a Ton: noobpaanatt 2. onninont ao aces ‘mmowerussl boxes of= siz Snianonoro prawepa, Al briks have ‘tuniform size. equal ['i:kwal} adj. pion onuixonts. Women domand equal paforequal work He speaks English ‘and French with equal ease. equivalent [1/kwtv(o)lot] adj pastorate (no arene Inn xomeomey um.) oxsnvaens- te tha's ta saying S70 nt pant “rrociaairs He govemenn epavalen! {tantamount ["tsntometnt adj paniocian, panera, pas Ma (no noueinge.appexmy” care). The Queen's request wa tantamount Iocommand. Thats tantamount Kiting her _resemble(11'zemb(201]¥nox0 wink, ue noMdm She Tesembles her sstern appearance but notin character: Roth you tnd Your fer rscmb hin very much hostel. take after [leik} phr » took, taken) oxox ts (tcoen nak np ‘musa ri poduoneres), He rakes oer Sow tntharrespet Your daughter does rte afer een ey match {ne} v panes, e yo “yin (ronan maven) Rocone can mech him in Bin. ‘eqwal (kal) » Gere pon (no manawa xavecmeen), Spain aruen. He equate mein strength but hot ivintellgence. Ourteam equeled the other team's score. and the game fended inate correspond (kot spond} Gurr snanorivonin, cooreérereons. The ‘american Congress corresponds tothe ‘rsh Parlin arallel{‘perael vpashirsces coorneretnonare. Your sfory loses parallels har he td me ey rival (av(l » conépniyers cridker Canna! rhode ihe lk] prep na2660, 9x, He was lke ason ome © birds of feather = rina oxvors nonéra onvore ne rona; of 2 kind onnsdronuh; the spit ond dead spit of a ip of Althea boon ec: sort opposte ter mu samnrouze remjomne omenocts 8 npyréw yapenneni Toeynipovse nappy soanera AB Difference Pasmusne Aitference (does) m 1 pane aivane, orate, Theresa dierenee in character berseen the brothers Ts there uc difference Benseen British ‘nd Furoreon low? He noted he vst difference ‘between. liberals. and contervnives. 2 pm; 8 — in hejghviempersnreiveight pana 9 Pecraventenmipe ee ao 8 Penna ners neon. What he Uiferenceintemperanre between the tay andthe nigh” There a Iifjerence of. 90. degrees” The ‘ference Been 7 and 181 istinetion TOrsgkf}n} panne onpenennnoe ore; 0 Inakeldraw a= between nponcer (ermoe) paar mesay; without = Sex panto Iie diet to make tach distinctions berween all the ‘meanings of wort. Can you draw a Aistnetlon benceen eve neo plans? The Presiden shookhands wih every ane, without daeton of rank “lsparity {aspen} pasate, negornererene, = yeas pts Bpacre. There (a) grea disparity of age benseenthe ve bothers Mere willbe a disparity nthe accounts of Ihe same event” given by several people ‘iscrepancy (2t'skreponsi) packonatenne (wendy coodmerus Ju evemaunt. There’ a dteropanes ‘beceen the nso accounts disagreement {ds gri:mant) n ekonenne (sesDy conden fine downed 1) "hee a Sritmesser, There’ considerable Uisogreement between the two “isimitarty (tke) n. dicimiitude [dt wily inf Meexoneroo. pasiine Hove great Is Ihe dissimilarity between the 1 proposes? : ‘ontrast{ Kontrast)» soup pénoe omnia, takingla sharp pasrensnalfpévat wep, — forwihno, worepicry 6,8 enavkable contrast ete the 19 broers Tom's marks by contrast wih Harry'smarks were excelent iter {ifa)v ornsérics, pao anssruca. The neo brothers are like uch other in appearance, it difer widely intetr tater The fo prime Ininsersdifered mevery aspect. This rangement differsfronsthe one Thad ory ['veto)]» pisnrsen, oF watsce, Opintons fn this marter Ay How dots ther stent very from burs? People vary very much Me ‘eos " igre dng ye on. ania, poranopesir omit APYTOM Go cooduens, Doraadan). The Srcamstamial evidence dagres wih Ie facts The news rerortsfrom Rome disagree with those from Mion. entra ont» somone riponate, oumneztaen (np panne timp. Mis actions contest sharply th his promises ferent (Seycet) ad Ie mny- roi, nena orator mnethod is iferent from mine. She is Creag diferent cress every ne 1 seer fel ier person nove 2 Sig aoa ere pap ttl, Four diferent persons told me times. They are rtd in diferent AS Stpntftaae Eggs cm be cooked in distinct [d1"stigkt] adj omnis. Ie same thing. Herve you anyother 25 ornsiane or; in contradistintion to ofan. vornieane or; other that nue “Ie, to-apyréy. T could not do it other than hurriedly A9 Superiority Mpesocxon- surpass (spas) vnpesocxonie (0co6. no enous navermaan Scns tema, saenyeas), Mpesssts (ocots npusorutse nop enandap. sma); to~ smb in srengivseed termeontn worn, chlep Ctulaerepereé to all expectations mpevecsonire sce oxnntina. The horors ofthe batted sumpasied description. This year’s whet erop surpassed lst year's by to millon inches exceed (k's ¥ npessnnén, nepexonirs tpniiun’ Geemanoasen: ttle npaeasen, nomontowone mn); mpencexonire (pazmepent xo- Inwvecmeou i mn); t0~ eettions npesecxonire ominéum London exceeds Glasgow iste and poate Demand exceeds supply. He was ind Jorexceeding the speed lint outdo fava) foutdid, outdone) tpemeste, nepentrontre Ieoutdid fem all i genersiy Not toe outdone, he tld again ‘outstrip (awe simp] » 1. onepe inh ofronhted tpevocacin tease [40k » oeramnées hits. He outclassed tthe other competitors excel [kel] v Gus. aw aban wro‘n, aSte aeex) Duinendreen, npesnecone, He excell courage He excelled inthe pant afmimarares Tre exces anon oratok ‘etter { bet)» mpenscns pee ss aveommy fo la years ress yaa poninoromive Synotier t~ asports record nooks nopritensit pexdpn. He wants 10 Seer his record for running ve mile {op (toph» Gurr népmun, pe sowscnine(8cex), npens = 26 itll osepurne acer, Ouresports hae topped the 80 AT O00 calls [ps] vwacmo passa weirs rovoot), Ouse un nest ‘ron ropiana njvare She que Celipsed ‘by her. beautiful ster Nopoteon eclipsed omer generals o his time. ‘ supertorty (spo) ort) n npenoerdneren; his “in alem pe hocgoaeto errands, No one outer he superior ofmdem ys ‘Sftavelling over those of olden tines ‘excellence [ek(ons} no aces sactepernd; aucdKoe nése- tno. The inn was famous or the exeelince offs food. best best] eduoe nse; sic- huan eres This tee est com do superior (st playa} ed) I a tun (ro epannesio € xenon, Weve 2). This cath is superior to tha pevoexduvar, aiemero séseerva; “Rook meperstiewero elveerDa, THis t a superior elon: npevoe oni, Gomuuthc The enemy {tacked with superior orcs. best (best) ad) (apenocs cm. om 0d) aan, the” rider nant agai the man everknew ne ln tenopé, eneporo nono cellent {“es(o)ont] ad pe nocxdauyascueroeatecroa preeminent (privemingnt) adj sui, mpesoexaniaait pyri outstanding [aut stendig} od) uration saver Unsurpassed (-ans> past} adj nenpennoaeunt Superlative [s0:"posous) adj npewoexdu, cowdin, f tality npenoexinoro xaeraa supreme. [3 petm) adj 1. neon (ocot'2 ucordinnt, nem happineslcourege sent ince cvicteclupmectoo, paramount ("peramavnt) adj oop, auicunt, sepronna ep socrenénmi of ~ importance nep- prime. [praum) adj nyu npenocxsauni (no xowecmey opm), anne (no epee, pany wm ni time caver 200 Moe apéun (inn menespumenet, of nS fnportance nepaocerenenmo B= fet The brondenst went ou on tcevsion of prime tine sme [atars) adj eft Commi, neniwat ‘edureait, enpensotngta an {ecord wenpemotaeiniail pexepa, igh neGunano acai ‘O'head and shoulders above pave ni raony ae, tant m9 fie; streets ahead ropsano ne, derpessotaimahy fo makelto Tings round (mb) anne sey, tanmvoanepenit; to goome better (then) pene npensoitn, to keock Spats off Gpun pase Gt, est {nas ropa ase AO Inferiority Boxee ws xoe nononeenite, AOeTOHHETEO, xavectno Inferiority_(t,f12)0 on) Géace ovoe nonoxtine, Aoerot treo, tierao, complex mane mediocrity ,mids'okntt)_ 1 1. nocpexcrachocr, saypsaioes® 2, Gesuipa sypasinal wenonee, Toopencrenioctn Tack seat {bek’sit] n wénce ayatienuie nono, epic fre Het heveto beak seatro Interior (n-hts)n9) ad) Lom nonumnein (no nonoacenua) an out of la eye nate eran 3 nnoxdi (o nodax), aan no isecray (0 wetgas)~ good Ibworo seeras,~ offense ky oro réecrna; to make smb fel haters rods (Grote medion snow mm), am © position Gone trignoe nonomenner His work i Inerortomine Hefoinferiorto them: All ALI Standard Cranaapr standard 'siendad) 1 eran spt, Fponcin, MepHa, Hops: tleng 2 a'= of eing wenn Sooner fo lowerho raze nome Mivononisuasre eranagpra; moral wD wopannnse npn; to apply S double ~ nozxonire © n90mtoh pxot, to be up to below ~ co Spon. Stondarts of public moray Ine ceorty changed His work fof tuiversy standard “riterion [krat"u(o)ton] (pl eviteria) pep to medio sats) Erieria yaonnevnopsne xprrgpnas Wher entrtadayor use when deine fr anidensa test paper? Success It smaneyinaking is nor always a goad Crteron of rel sucess in fe ‘norm {oor n acemo pi wep of detailexaropes Amesrvo nednetVapnnepon Tee Ineplnpane waeea ia; ~eotnbeaa, Piva There are heaps oF dots othe subject. We hove heaps or boolsfime. She has been tere ieaps of tines ‘He [pal] n Geno pl pare Gontiade koutencrno, uidacetes Tre got piles of work todo oday. oa haus m oweerso, He has hosts of ends, We are oced wie host of iene. ack [stek] » vocmo pl pase ssbcen cect, ~s af moneyfine tere nenerfpiia opener? have ook of work weltig to bedone body bodil 8 of information mdcea_nugopydu ite hata large boty oft to prove Is torements, A large Body. of Siudens marched fothe squrre widtude (malas 9 udaecta0, GonuutGe send; wSccne tof people hnecrea vapény. There systems are capable of performing maltudes of tas surplus {splash n wamure, uaGuiron. Brazil had @ surplus of Coffee last year Surteli('s:ft} nop. 16sT0%, snanttee (0006. npedsxmoe) 8 oF {ood and drink anfnex ent mre Aurel of advice annoys me Drotusion [pro fssCo)n] 1 snob inne, wo6srox; in p1DOuee tomake promises in ~ ne cxynirnen inv oGeuthinn Ssuperfiaity.(,x0:p3°Mas) seme; W960 Kaniiek. There Yeas a supeftlyoffood and drink at the part abundance (3"bandans} 4 saoGiintes There ism abundance of fru inthe market jut nowe fxeess[ik'ses}_n_126410%, name, n= of eepx, Gnome rest towentuneo, Last ear there was ar excess of imports over exports. ngage in excess of 100 ky will be charged exir Sperabundene 316690 nda) fod imo6hime, wwourox, «= of food food in stron ent world (wari nsec, oppéutioe roniecrvo. The medicine di her World of good. My holiday did me a Stor of good. Theres offen a word Of difference between promise and cahictement ‘abundant {o"bandant} adj o6iinemaly in Gorérat rroGiinyonont (ven-2) 8 land = in tninerals Sewn, Bordren nonésnayt Mefondesunan, an = harvest hina yposc We have ‘bundant proof of hese plentiful (plentoM adj Génce sew noersroar, OGM 8 ~ Supply Sonus sande. Apples are plant hs year Ten gallons of petrol [saploniflsppiyforaserentysnietrp. ample ("eo ad Obwv0 nnewcnies, ey nocrironshy We Ihave ample time jor te train, £5 will teal for ms Ukeupies) adj osinninste aS harvest binant {pox a~ supply Gonkindit savac. Hetook copious notes. 2.nnaronitsi (© nucamene). Simenon is one of the ‘most copious of French writers: profuse [pra’fiv:s) ad obieny sty méaprat De was profuse in his apologies surplus [‘s:plos) adj rans, so6stromna, anna; ~ grainveopies nine aepniine fees superfluous (st: p3:fluas) uj nani, nent, a ~ remark taniionce’ sanenaniie. In writing felegrams omit superfluous words Superabundnt fa) hand) adj stveGiinentiiy, » Hao6riain, 9 rosie Tanumerable 1'nju:m(2)rsb(3)] ‘adj Gecuiienenat. There are fnnumerable books om the subject. humerous [ njusm(ayras) dj hitéran enyaex; her — friends e& noronienennie apy The adv ages are too numerous to mention. Incaleutable {10 keelkjol3N(1) ‘aj enonnensanal,~ Tosses none: Sineninnsve nore. The storm did incalculable damage. abound [a°havnd] v Gurrh we riricn Gotu voatiuccree; to inivith snoGiinonare (uewrn ). Fish ‘abound it the evan. The ocean ‘abounds with fish: America abounds In coal, iron and oil. The young sol tiers abound in vigour and courage. swarm with (/swo:m]_phr somilrs The benches were swarming ith Datkers The house swarmed wifes. ‘overflow [,s0va flav] » I-nepe nuvarsen 4eped xpali: surontiee 23 rnpenéina; pannnasrien (0 pece) Rivers often overflow in the spring The crowd overflowed ito the street. The bath is overflowing. 2. Guts rependanennarse, Tis heart is overflowing with gratinde feeen with [py » een Ad sofiinonars (wewsn). The lakeside eemed with gnats and mesguitoes The streets were teeming with people. Tis head is teeming with bright ideas. ood [fd} y 1. aaxnnéne, (sawanenuasan, owaro6ax 1 m,n) We hove been flooded with requests for help. 2. yerpeatiruen, MYT notéxom, Hagomisite (moe. ~ in) Applications are flooding in throng [6709] » sanontite (0 mame}, Tonniirues. The railway Nations were thronged with people ing away for heirholidays, People thromged to re hin, fram [krsem] y_wa6nnare, nvixinars, nepenomitrs; to ~ fall aGundv GUTKOM. The hell” wos Ccranimed with many people standing. Wecan cimmanvbortele into the car lock [Wok] crexirten cepynittien, nepadtucn nwécre People simply flocked to his performances Tmundate ('nandes) v wacmo nce navoniine, sacuiars, We were inundated with applicationsyinvita tions. The town Is unundated vith deluge (‘delrds!» oben pass aaronsit; aacsinars. The editorial office wat delnged with eters, Hevwas deluged with requests. mass [nies] weodapiracn mxsry exten, Troops are massing on the frontier Cionds were massing on the horton FAN (Hl) » nanomudrs. Students filed the bal. Fil wp [Fil] ph» aronnhre(ex) His ofice began ro fillp with people. glut TEI)» "acmo pass angzuee 0 orxéaa; ta ~ the sae with fut Samar pstiox pseraxn ‘swamp [swamp] ¥ o6arno pate (paGomta, saxazon um. m). Fant swamped with work ‘They were AD © im large quantities» Gonsurém xonfvecrae; any number of pare Flim, smowectno, scores {and seores) of wnéwectno; dozens (and dozens) of pase. miéxecTso, jeca; loads @f pase. wndroy inGncecra9; quite a few, a good few, not a few ¢ never. cyty, 1036610 n6ro; enough and to spare 6once New aoctatotiio, npenocrarono ‘A20Sarcity Hexsarxa Ile ("Ml adm less, leas) € trdnouno. have very lie money ef Thhave very tite rine for reading have litle interest In poten the average MPhas lite rel pons 24 wentéro, neva, He laows @ line French, Wil you have't lie ake? Thoda ttle diinty fading the house few () ad m wows, em 1 dno, near, Few people lie to bye 100 and fener sl tet 0e 110 Few people. can speat a foreign language perfec His theory's very dipfent, few people mndersond Whichofsoumie he owes? have very fow chocclaes igh bs hecnarisd Lets tea fou endo Comevithus Wearegotig we) fora ow days. There re few cgay in he Gitge and I've gota ie Bead en Ghetse 1 be enough for upper fis theory 8 very ic, bu ow people wnderstan it ek {lek} mn orcirctane, uexadea; = of “raw materials aenocrdrowtexsdrea cpus: of tmoney 3a nensénnen nee, The Plants ded for tek of water Tt felting fot for lack of exeretse Lack Sfresinade hey ted. ‘absence {ebs(ayns] n ovefr cermie, nenoctéron (reco) ne of evidence a orcjrevenen yn The police were delayed dy on absence afrelaie information ‘scaly [steostn nezoctéon, nexninin, Mere toa seariy aera The scarcity of fut was caused by ihe dra Shortage Joss] nnennerévox, vexntre,tetsthe housing ood “exam nponowenvera There isa shornge of grin becouse ofpoor eropn There as no shortage ‘ant [wont] wenocréron, nexsitna; Tovtiom or ioe tenoerfnea, 30 nenéites, The crthquake victims are supering for Sean of food and medical supplies Yourworkshows wont of thought. The hones werefalting to pecee for want afeare and atte pa deficiency {ar fit2)as]n orefrerane,nexasriay 8 of ra ‘nara nexagtea cpa earth (2-0) nor. nexna, Tacking(ekin) adj eno rao orefrersyont. Money Svas lacking or the plan, Wha to inching? wanting ('wontio) ad nenocrat orsfrery oi bee nenoerme. forage! of is Book Short Pt] ad) wacmo yom c ofyemnsnaounhnexnbraye nto. Scinarnuwaemenepenodmen Gexnemo grok ne xender (reo. sry nin =o) nevomtre sonic ten Ges (eco); terontireen to fall = (of ie xno g0 = of nemnrsre menoerivox(e seen). am shot o timermoney t's kts short The Junie 100 shor ofitearget Arar time goods were short sippy, We “meraing shor of perl Theol of ot mining thor. Our income ‘ay welfl short ofourneeds font tran yo Togo shor in onder oem ime mhor Face Tnsutfielent {.1ns9°fY(2)nt) adj negoerirornsity ~ grounds itenoersvowree oenondu, The oe scarce [ske2s) od weno cxéroret, ext an genmoliy’ nets oni ‘month Such oppornifcs ar scarce Seamt(y) sheen) od) cunt nexoersront, orp tient t0 pay = attention to tbs advice ens accra sein inadequate [in‘sdtkwt) adj wexoerironnh "no pasueps roca) he ervensron rpe6o tori, Te cnteen rade fr sch a lrge factory These menses are nndecte Tow flout aaj nero Guinn vero onyeroménns (a sanacay to bes fun neronirse, Orstck of con! Ferunning low. Wee fow en cal meagre meal adj wexoerétornuil {no foneemey, xevecman eure wim, mys a c mel Sisratan na. There sa mengre tendance athe meting deficient fdr ican) od) ne trend a diet =n vitamins Te oly deciem on mon Ton con sakes defcenr income "skimpy [skp yas ex tenoerzomrna np jn asa hess y moe Tack (ek) ensiunery nesoerdrox te série ara Me locked time to finish. He locks perience. fe is iaching in connage mee [nv ypexares (ow 42) Heneedssappom The doorneeds ‘reoat of ain He ctor ge the ret hre‘need The connny needs the tensicesand suppor of very ctien ‘want won) veer ane ucmarenars nenoeravon (@ ween) The howe wants printing. The Me tramts repairing, fis ander want AZ require (1'kwata] v myxaireen (9 vena), rp860a7. (ueso-2). The Bloor requires polishing. This plan’ hequires frequent watering. fail (fell] v ne xtaréra, we -noctani, words ~ ine ne naxoxs nov. The warer supply has failed. be out of [bi] pr» (ash were, been) we ners (vesoen) Here out of bread. “Have you any suggestions to make?” —"Tm out of idews run out of (ran pir (ran, run) nroniirs sande (uedo-n), oevareen Ger (wecoen). We're running out of sugaripetrolhine. run out [ran} ph v (ran, run) onoatirh x HOILUS, nerontarres Sipplies ran out Our food soon ran ont peter out | pita] phroncemre, eroustses. Our ‘supplies are petering ou. (© not for love (njor money AL Difficult Tpynwoe eal (‘h(a rp tn) 9 problemflangunge 7p pyr nome. The. sound i feat 10 pronownce: He finds tt “Ufcuitrostopemoting seine Thard (hard) ad) rexénf, spina pé6youn wane) setts. a peoblen/book span npaGnesavoas subject thats to Understand rpyaon are roma tens ite= tasty pj cant, She Joundithanttomake np her mind. I's hand to sy which fs beter arduous [-edjues) adj opus spésyronl Goauaroro nampa Sein rata; a= clin pion nocnone fs arduous work tomgh (ea) ad) neneraa spjaamit “(Oa “tunosnenuay, "peGyiota edo 2 jobiprobten! son spina paGbra/npooaena megan ye 39 Aw heavy (‘hevi] adj rwxézi, npexsranaéiontutt spyawocr. (30 tshmontenn nm Oacwcentany Work ‘tana padre. I've had a heavy day. laborious (Io'baias) adj yyrowitremsnui, rpynoEwa. Climb: Inga mountain is laborious Cllaing all the evidence is @ laborious task 2. ermenonéera, ainyenit severe [st via] dj tpjame; nanpeaxéinati;~ competition pjanoe coctnsnite, The new gun hhad to pass a series of severe tess. tM {st} a rpSataa~ climb cxam raxéxst nomBeulsKoGveN a~ Job tpfavias pobora.Thisarscles sy reading. difficulty (aitik(oytu) spfanoert, "sarpynnénte; with? without ~e-rpynéu, es rpyna-Do you Ihave any difeuly in understanding spoken English? He did the work Without ansimuch aifeuts ‘problem peoblam| 1 rpeBnésa; ronpde; the housing ~ simimen Npobnéwa; hes facing ws npoinns, erosuuie epen nit. Money's no problem for them. restion {"kwesy(a)n} nonpc, pobiéua. Ir the question of mane) ‘which is holding ut np headache Uhedeik) pase ‘aposinéata. Trying (0 put this child to bed is big headache. This is your headache (Oan uphill task rpfnnan sania, it’s no picnic, the job's no pienie pase. Soe TaK-T0 nerK6, 3a paGOTa he vaxan ya ram, we're no oUt Of the wood yet rac eu oxunivor rpganoernionsenoctt, o be hard put to it to do smth oxaairscn Ep§aniom nonoxenit; hot potato pase. tpYaitoe wm puieksuamnioe A22. Complicated Cnoxuoe complicated ['komplkettd} adj enGamistt (Osx nomuaranus, ‘6mncrtern, pewern), The sation fins become conplicared. 40 complex. ['kompleks] adj ease, xpjanent (Bae honnstanin usw oBpxcnenua), a proposal/situation cndserioe pennonénnte/endxnas ciryau Inflation isa complex problem. The instrutions for building the wireless set were f00 complex for us to follow intricate [‘intrkit) adj aanyamil, | sawaserooér directions endxtnse wnenpjxaut involved (in volvd) adj sangranwull, yenoxnéinuti; an ~ explanation anfrannoe obuacteni ‘The problem gets more and more involved ‘sophisticated {s9"fisukertid) ad exam, yeonepwsencraonar ust cchnology — yenoxiienealconpe: icky [iki] ad ends seyapésui; a~ problem/situation/job sanyrannan mpoGaewalendxitos ryan pa6sra Knotty (nou!) adj sarpyn- vievemn, en6xria @ ~ problem cnowitaa npoGnea; a~ question enévanuift nonpse “complexity. [kam‘pleksit} endxnoete, Yenoxnénnioct®. The complexity of the road map puzzled him ‘complication {,kompt"kev{a)n} nL endaatocrt, tpypuioers. Here are further complications to worry ws 2. oenoxtieniie (nocse Gores) Pneumonia was the complication we ‘mos feared, intricacy (/unttkast] crux firaks] m aaspyauénue, xpjann sonpse (waems npot complicate ["komplikert) YeRORUATs, OCRORHATE: 10 matters further ene G6aume O'a hard/tough nut to crack page, ‘p§ainas sana; expen pduienn: = ue no 2965 A23 General OFmee general {‘dsen(ayal aj 1.66. sus cet, noncen ern pinion éGuiee treme, a= strike seeseutan saGacrdena; ~ election heedGutne atiSoper, a matter of = Interest nonpde, pexerennivontn noedGutn mmepe Ter isa general Interest in sports. The words Mt general use We nat move towrt feneral and complete dsarnament 2 Goan, neenetsanvsfponanmst Sémero xapaxrepa;~ impression 66 tee mnewaraeite; 4 ~ Gullin of a scheme dat ia6pcor nan; n fuline wou ep; instuctons Suntetmerpfaunt sie he Niger aageneraliden She ferred toher tip ina general way niversal {jum v2:s(1] adj 1. a6 = appiovaapreement 66 tee exotpéimeleornfene 2, wee6s ini ynepeanr Teeviion provides universal entertainment. Fridges have been mantersa se for ‘common (‘komon} adj 1. G6 cebu, by ~ consent e Somers corniciis, the ~ good (nesko6itee Giro: rts 10 the common advantage that street trafic shouldbe well Contralled. A house owned by thice brothers is etr common propery 2 usypaxs manéermaly pacepoer- pugninty ite = knowledge that D6menegcrto, 10. Thissvond iin ‘nidespread ("watdspred) aj pond pactpoepannnnt, 2 = isease tnpoxs paenpocrpanenan Sonémns. This opinion ts becoming increashgly wldeoprend current [karoet| adj oS apitnneaty —opinionebeliets bienpisnaroe mei Tis wont oda [glo002 a 1. poe is nceaipiity rrobanninst 2 tmoBianona, aceobuesunutit _A24A A24 Usual O6nemive sual | ual] af obiuna os ~ nae on, He wl mee ae tonal times Hes tote asl. Tei Considered to be the usual drink of eshipeopte “eomunon {koman] ad 1. npo= xi ottoneiny pao y= hay ott the people ape Erie mw the rm ncn Sera tbe ~ old onan tpocta. The common man in every "cowry teams peace. Such weather ts qe Conan in entunn. 2 hero boty. Sioa, obama, Prctres re ‘common in many part ofthe wort rdinnry eC) cou song, 06s nthe — way {pit o6siinux pOcTofremcraay the American ep sweprnéne a book forthe ~ reader mtr, pac Sri m eeerfmne taking. He van ony comity decor normal no.m(o adj nopwane. sua obs the tempera of {he homan body wopudnrian ene Davina vénn working hos fom 9 eStore pas F ahovelbeiow = ana anges mie! ioe nop reunepenyps. I's hormal weather forthe time of year. average evr] Icy suits Wher the average fonperatre insist I Anguate coun iopaiSnunay 2 tan of = ability nononéx penn cOnocre the reryday [evr nj roncen sem, 6c an ~ occurence ronceniémtoe are; —clotes Oa iiuian onéana. Accidents are very occurences. person wears everyday cores to work ‘pica [upik(a} adj vas ébpanuja; a ~ Britigh summer Imo atetexoe neta The ypc Several vegtabes ond mice peso 4 Az Chrieimos pudding. This i typical Weather for this part of the country. ‘commonplace [ komanpleis]adj 1. o6tentsh, Iwas commonpiace for them to travel abroad. 2 mpeneop. Genin, sn6iirai 3. pa: anus 8 ~ person aaypsinasa enovee ‘common-or-garden_[,koman3 “gacdn) adj Gpum. pase. 6am They've got a common-orgarden house just like anyone els. ‘O nothing to write home about pass. tix cebe; mrier6 oc6beHiN0r0, fs things go o6kiio, as a rule xk npiann0 A25 Unusual HeoGsisnoe unusual [an'ju:3ual] aj neo: Guinn, Heoosronéun, pen iy ~ Behaviour neoBtiwioe no penéune, He is an unustal perso. tancommon {an koma] ad) {Enov(n!} adj N6su, gobs opus ~ eas nonstfopiratéavatae Miienn 8 Suggestion opsiritéasioe spento sede, Ping gies people ® novel feimwonted (An"wountid] ad) pus, nenpunsian eos ‘teat [oF bt] pase. ne npuaur, veoSuh, aa peculiar [kus a erp sia, neoGsiensih (oon est ‘ipuamnce ouywrenie). Ths food fas a peculiar tastes do you think ing allright? 2. ocd 9 matter of = imerest to us eno, "pen Crepnitontee ann ac oc66uh epee " Special spe ad esa rank cae dese — treatment oc66u enya stexpa bawut ocd6ore. nom Mewsyupers sent opecal correspon dient places where inpottant events take place. Om holidays the ‘allways pat on special train Tave {res} ad penny neo snuty a ~ aeebrrenee ne6usoe npoveséerate ‘O out of the ordinary neo nn out of the common neneypaa A26 Deteriorating Yxyaure- deteriorate [dr‘t(ayriareit)v yyasrics (exaveciae yemocr). Machinery deteriorates rapidly fits notgiven good care. Fruit deteriorates ‘quickly tn hot weather ‘worsen {'wa's(a)n) ¥ yxyamre Gon). The rain has worsened our ddifcuties. 'g0 off (g90] ph v (went, gone) cranonitrica xe, nope; Tepars astern, Fish goes off quickly in hot weather The book goes off afer the Birs150 pages. ’ ‘decline €1"Klamn] v aprons 8 yynéaox; yxyauiracs. His strength lowly declined. ‘degenerate fdr dsenoret}y 1.9 poxnirecn: erationiruon xpxe (he buen, uimenreemyannre, wopa tno) He denied that the young men of today were degenerating. 2. Y*3H utiruen (0 kavecrae) ‘apgravate { egrovelt]v yeyry6- ni, overomars, yxy; {0 ~ situation yaya ronoxeéive; 10 ~ anillness Cboerpere Gores Mis bad temper was aggravated by his headache. fexacerbate[ig'zzesabert] » of, Goerpies, yin, yXATE (50 nemo. cuniyayum w mh) ‘deterioration (ia)! rexf)n) inyxyatnene, The deterioration of his Imemroryis marked in recent years ‘Oo go downhill yxyastucs (0 aBoponne, Mamepuatbuow nero. ‘to go from had to worse cra ins nce xe xe 0 goo O6pISaryTe A27 Improving Yaysmuenme Improve (twp w 1. ynyse Yaysinith, yeouepuiencrnonar These honses have been inproved by the adn of bathrooms. hiss ot {good enough; I want to inprove i Yom fas never improve on his fis ‘hook Practice wll inprove your golf same. 2 painen eranontcn Ayuse. itz healh is improving. Us English was improving ogres [pra pres] vpasounéri ca nena yong She ts progressing inher studies. The patient ts progressing Some ehildron progress ‘more quickly im school than oters better (beta) v yaynadroten), uenpannira(es) our work los year twas good: ope yon wl beter eis Sear The Government hopes to better the conditions ofthe formers help Thelp] v ehocdsersonery ynyuire, oOnerén Crying wot Irelp. This medicine will help your cons ‘endl [mend 1. yaynmrs, mpannats(en). This won't niend 2ipone auazopnannan The patent ‘mending nicely Derfeet [p> Tekt) ¥ covepuné cxaoners She's prfecting her Avabic inefore taking up her job tn Cairo. *ymend (3'mend) vmcscr. yay are (raoasenes om nodocmamros), nenpansiry fe I ave foamend his fle of iving ‘ameliorate [9 milioei vou yi, yeonepmiéncraonary Tool np [ie] pv ynyarees, suit nrdpy. Trade weal Tooks up inthe spring. Things ere ooking up row we've gor thot new contrac. feo tbarade pil none Improvement im'prw-vmont) n ‘pw epritenas—e npeosoces Oh There's noviceable improvement in ‘Meparienseondinonntine sno Thr ever but tenets stil oom for inprovementon heal Ne havematte improvements inthe workin Drogresprousres]n(nocroan soe} yan, pasniene; yen The patient is beginning to make rages ei mang progres nis mendment [2'mendmant) 1» ynyauéime, Your plan needs some amendment before it can be made public ten for the better nope seaman to eon the ment na wa opansy,yysnsen to torn the corner tikea my pjauore ne sosémn, arononsmo nepence Ti apie (Boren: t tar over pdonmncn AA28 Ruin Paspyusenne _ruin (wn) » Lyin pany sive The rain ruined the roses. She isting her henthby smoking, You wil uinsour prospect if you confine Iobesofoolish 2-pmoprrs. He ruined hinsel/throngh speewation destrey [dist3i] © paxpyére, yunarondriy enontire x nym, 1 nbs hopesvhealthpaspyusre ar Iaxenmits, apne. The rst lesroyed the crops AI his hopes were ftenoyed ” wreck feck)» nuaunére somite, mpratne; tremens pyrene pyxnyre (0. mana hnadeacdax). The’ shipvirain was wrecked. This wrecked my plansiny chances, The weather has completely wrecked our plans. I'm sorry fT terecked your weekend shatter [Jeio)» 1. pasbiirs anpéGenrn. The explosion shattered every window inthe ling. 2 pas. Pywiate (nadened, wanes; pac Expasmats (roepoane) The lng 8 A2B itiness shattered his healt. The heavy Snowfall shattered her hopes for a suiny weekend. . sash [sma] v1. panGunifen) snpéberrn, The waves snashed the dinghy against the rocks. 2. pan6itre, compyufr; 0 ~ the enemy pari spars, The army snushed the ‘ebelion ‘undo [an’ du} v (undid, undone) npr ryGivs; panpfurtTs ena toe. In one week he haz vndone everything we achieved ina year. he Sneden storm undid onto had work ravage [ evidy] 9 wacmo pass noageprérs paypyunitemmiony 80> élieraiio, "n6prieth, parpytas; crops ~d by storm nocéesy, norepnen fate ypatt or Ofput. The forest fire ravaged many miles of cunts. ‘ripe aut {watpl pir» yi meth (umno-h ms NOOR, Ob to's Goneuson xomuccme), reper ‘nut sen, The earthouake wiped ‘out whole villages. The epidemic ‘ined ont half the populetion ‘annihilate [2'nalslet}v némoc rove yimroxtre, The invasion force war annihilated. Radio commu ication has annililated space "devastate [‘devastet} » onyero: urirs, popiry; nnmoeriso yao dnd towns by firelMoodstwar ro pond, yaitréwemine rowépowlna- Boaméimten/eoiindit. A Tong war devastated the Continent ‘obliterate [2 bttoet] werupar ymrrontce ‘demolish ('rmolif] ypaspymsrs (006. mo-t. xpynnoe), ehiocirs {Cmapere sda): ps6. 0 ~ sins BrgumentspasOitrWanpocinyr non They're going to demolish thar old building and put sp anew one. pulldown {pul] phrv I. crocs. They've pulled down our ald house 2. cena6nirs, ianypats (ops), Tieflapulled me down alot An atack of mjlrenza soon pulls you down. {eae down (129] pies ore, torn) a4 knock down [ook] vacmo pass enour, eee aBote, sien ny This house ts due to be knocked down Tevel [leva] vcposuiny ces adi, cnociis, The fown Was leveled tothe gromd " rain ['wt0} n 4. paapymése, rien; ridemnoe cocromite; the = ‘ot her hopes mpyie e€ WAN The castle has fallen into ruin. Lipo ren Gambling wos hs run 3: aed, py. The abbey estruction [drstrakfoyn) Lpaspymeine, ysneromeine (4600 A)rihe ~ of our hopes xpymenne Irons wane the ~ of 8 town by fn enrthqvake penpywévte ropa Jenunerpacdinien. The tornado left dleiracion ints path. 2. pein FiGenn. Gambling. was hts des Meoreck (eek) m1. xpyuwéne riGene (oGwKn, Nopaéen a0 epesn lumopuoy xpan, epee, the ~ of Storm caused wreck all long the Eonar 2: pase. Onbwe. His car war tr wreok after the accent. 3. pa Banmia (0 wexbaene). He fe @ mere Wreck of his former self If these Itieiegcontnne she will become a erons wreck downfall (‘daunfo} m 1. na éune; rient, His dovenfall was Eansed by gambling ond drink. Sarat igen Drink we is ddownfal ‘ndoing [an'du:ry} m ofsncn € pasrprom npteina ren Drink wos his indaing. Going 10" the rmoneylonders was hi undoing havoc heevsk]n onyerouéine to wreak ~om, to play ~ with to make ~ of paspyutdre, porno: Ihits Gecnophnot. The floods made Iravoc ofthe crops. The orm caused terrible havoc. Tornados, severe tarihquaten and plagues create ‘widespread havoc we thean) m mpi riGenm the “of one's existencelife nec erbe ellen mits, nortiGens, Drink sa the bane of his life Otocastto puta blight onvupon ovary niryGnoe nui, océ pax pyunrrbinoryérirs: to come to/to meet a sticky end pare. nnéxo xo "ir fo raze tothe ground eponiire B INTELLECTUAL, PROCESSES MbICJIH- ‘TEJIbHBIE HPOLWECCEI 11 Thinking and reasoning O6xynuananme paatsnzene think (Oink) » (hough) Tee smn gute ening learly Do Sow il ak Russ hen you're Speating English? Me thinks oro ronjuans sax enryer He took te find ought caval before iyuarn(o sewn) He mhnks business aio think offabout (Oink) phir » (ihought)cepuéane 06a) waar Cimon nepes men. nox nam pe tenes ba Te changed my mint think oot (Oink phir» (hough) senna onfansarn, pon have 0 month This problem eed thinking ou ies thnk things ft forinslf Wer think ot 0 pln think over (nk ph hog) (cepstino) oOajnnnare (uo). Pease thik over when ve oid. Pa Tike more rine to hint things over fensom (ni7(9)] © hems paccyanie to = probleme Eensequences paxil mats ism oan rey len BL eonsider [kan' sus} » ofits arn. Please consider my suggestion considering changing my job. Have vow ever consiered Howto get there? reflect {Tek} wpaaisisnare. need time fo reflect ont. tle reflected Ihow difficult it would be to exenpe. contemplate ['koniamplei] ccocpenorovertio obfinart (1n2~ 2.) He contemplated resigning. The doctor contemplated the difficult “neration he had ta perform. All dey Ie id nothing but contemplate He sat there and comemplated. Aebate [dr best} v oGajnssnars. fam debating with myself whether 10 Stay or 0. ‘speculate {'spekjvlet] » pay yiunare (ne adneancn 21:60K0 hnpedwrem parwaeuaenna). We can ‘only spectlare about the future. “ponder {pends} » nporoatirt sypénrn parrcinenony. He pondered ‘ter the incident. He pondered the problem ax he drove along. We pondered many things. meditate ["medtett) v rayGors sanjmanarsex, cepueano pa2sisn ‘ugvh, mpenawarsen pamwunénnsy, He medivared for two days before deciding. Thinking men have long ‘meditated on the meaning of if ‘muse [myju:2} "rayon ange artes (abn of oxpracaoiyes): 10 Sboulonfaver smth vaaymacn ‘wésea. She sar musing over memories ofthe past, __Fuminate mnt} pan irs, rayGons sanynunorics. Ar people grow older they begin 10 rrominate on the uncertainty of life Dbrood over {bru:d] pir v cocpe: aoréienno parunnkre naa (vex nr). tle still brooding over his misfortunes. She was brooding over tehar 10 do. ‘mull over (mal) phy » offs arn (amon, pasmainére tan (wet 2). J keep muiling over my probleme. haven’ decided what to de: Pomel ‘mulling over vour proposal 45 BL chew over (yi: pv pas. 06 aginst most). The cones Bf new appointment “occu (09 1a} phir» npxones a rénony ia yu, never occurred fo ine to inte them. Din i oceur fo Stoke (sratk)» (sre) ones no npixonizs 8ronow: Sheil as tnnaming though sack he struck ‘me tha he was no ling the tat {ought [2] 1. nny eae; pause; afer ich Poteeepi 250 ne oS ah ‘t= soanaine Hear deepin hough He often act without though. Thane ivontra greatdeal oft es, Tas; to have second ~s nepeayar, $pérow passin. Please write and let me have your thoughts onthe matter That boy han’ a tough Ins head. 1 wae going to diss him but then I had second thoughts consideration kan st ea] » obajunaive, paiuuuinene Please give the meter your careful Consideration le acd wrod consideration ‘reflection [r lek/()n} eps noe pense, Tues 06 susan without due ~ ne npo yuan Kak enezyer, on ~ noxinan Tt {gave me cour or flection ‘meditation {medi eifoy} nce padanioe paswitinerte, ry66x0e Danse dep it~ norpycan 9 panne " contemplation [konto peso) ns enyoonoe panwuiinene, He Sat there deep in contemplation speculation fspekj0Teylool n panayoe, paaniuinenne (wacom pasduoe) inking (O1nkr0] m paow veo do soe ard ~ na ony. er nproaagugruce; nopagtiens flea [av dio) m Mex, Macns; npenerannemie, Now Ihave an idea how you lve 46 concept (konsept! n nouire; douise npeneraunenne) rome Tinderstond the concept, but! not sure about he ells, Monetartan aw extremely simple. concept in principe “Oto put on one's thinking eap ‘pase cepueso oorjuany avo 1 sh oa the Brain pase, Noor crjnno ajuarsoveu-ntoturn sh tvern one's mind oGxjarsnars to sina broven study pase norpyaci tll a naiony to cross one's ind pwd won. nronory, to cometo inlnd npr rénony vo Keep one’s tnind on smth nponotxrs art 0 even, toput one’smind fo smth, to give one's mind to smth cocpeno- Towner wtienasic na ¥éwens to Tack/head cudgel one's braing {about sme) pase, noware ces Fonony (van sen.) to say to nese pe, ronjuats (apo eo) ‘opinion (2'pinjon} m 1. asrnsa, sige (001020 wenoeexa): in my ~ no MoeMy wéinno;poiitical nnomuritveexae sxraénus; I'm ofthe that... npwagprerpaioes Tord nits, 70.310 form an-cocrénier ene; to give one's ~ aticeasars signe; to have a good/bad high/low ‘of hrs xopouieroinoxSralnticdxo- roitemicorarosaeitno, What’ your ‘opinion of 1? Those are my opinions about the affair Idan t know what his political opinions are. I hink that the eft will win the next election. What's ‘your opinion? 2, oGmecraennoe ungnte;~ pol onpde obuicroenttoro ‘nue. Public opinion isagainst him Opinion is shifting in favour of stifer penalties for armed robbery. 3. npospeceuo-Hanssoe mune. dink he should get another opinion ‘lew [vs] m mana, nti in my ~ ua MOM saensa, no-MdeMy: State one's —s nana enol mars point of ~-rdwxa spent; he tes the ~ that. on npinagpaniaaeres roré {ttuation are not heli. He's a man of strong political views, We need Someone with afresh point of view to suggest changes. “ postion [p3'zsf(a)n] m mune, r6axa apéinns, omnonigune, Whar {your postion on this problem? outlook (‘auilok} n wrntaws. He thas a pessimistic outlook on life §udggement [judg npn Inmiy judgement she isnot guilty. standpoint ['stendparat}n 164 aspen; from the ~of the consumer © rounse apéti ntorpebifrens. Ler's Took ar this from the standpoint of the ordinary man. Weneed to consider the problem from the standpoint of Africa tnd Asia “stand {stend} » nonin, oh mata tok apenntn to take 9 ~ sanire novi. He took a strong stand on that point. They took @ resolute stand on the issue of tax thinking (“inkan} w wuéune, eyanéuine. Whats your thinking on ‘is matter? attitude ( turd) orsousénne; that's a stupid = to tke/adopt ro ne Srunas nomi, Whar your anitide to is problem? posture ['postfa} » o6ien. se rnonlig; ormoienite, Will the Government alier is posture over aid tothe railways? Delle [br if] n yoenexéune; tothe best of my ~ acest ste Wanéer- ny it's my ~ that. « yoépen, 20. It Isher belief thar the end jusifes the ‘conviction [kon’vikf(a)n] yOexngnie; THEpaioe MHesiE: itis ny ~ that...» Sexe, sro; n the full ~ that... w néamolt yaépenitoe mi, #0... Do you always act up 10 persuasi yousenente {po"swers(a)a} lepaoe mae 1S B2 my ~ thal.» npuxépaxuparoce raép- novo stvéiien, tro. Tell oon not OF that persnasion, feeling { filin} n ornoménue, snimte; the general ~ was tha. 66 ie wnat Gino rason6, wo, Whar fare your felings onthe mater? Sentiment | sentimant] née (060 awoxuonarsno oxpawen: noe); these are my ~8 BOT BAM NOE tine. The ambassador explained the sentiments of his government on the question. “Thar's an ugly house. = "T share your sentiments "7" My Sentiments exactly." There was strong Sentiment thatthe government should Step down. ‘angle [‘eeng(a)} n pase. v6axa apsina. Try looking a the affair from different angle . “regard [1 ga:d) v ewerirn, pac cepts (100 onpedessinnas y2- saw spena). I regard i as essential. He's regard as the best denis! in town. Pregard him asa foot. view (vl v pacenarpiaars, cy auivh (0 weten). Their missiles are Mewed as a defensive and deterrent Joe Vow does he view the situation? I view the possible consequences with alarm, ‘stand {suend) v (stood) upwagp- -xunarsen sng, arom onpere- séimyio noziiuti, Where do you Sond on that question? ‘consider {kan'sida] v ewrith, nonatark, They considered themselves tery important. Do you consider it think (@1nk] v (thought) eursér, nonarre (npu ebexatuaaian cnoes Anna npuasirenennn wero ie ‘uo20 amen). He thinks himself very Clever Whar do you think I should do? believe [br liv] v nonarare, ajnary, Wil they be ready tomorrow Yer, [believe so. No. I believe not. 1 believe he's already here. He believes that jogging is good forthe health. reckon [rekon v currark wa (woao-as pacentitpimate, npn ar B2 ‘xunarscn vagina, monarch. Bo you {Ui reckon him amen ne of ew Jriends? T reckon him fo be a genius She s reckoned a very good paliian hhold (hould) v (held) nonerére, curriry;to~a plan tobe impractable furare naan nepedmuanane. We hold him a foot. I hold this to be quite impracticable. People once held that the world was la. account [2"kaunt] v ofwe, pass cenmare. He was accounted a slever rman. In aw, a man i accounted tobe Innacent uni he is proved guily ‘deem [din] voy. pepo narncn sein, conrénn, He deemed Matt vas he duty to help figure ['figa] v axep. pase orm rine, Afmate. I figured (that) he was Ihomest. Thats what we figured. fount {kaUnl) y nosarazs, com ‘rivs Feown myself lucky tobe here. ‘count him anion ny bes friend, Took onvupon [luk] pry shor pore ak Ha (2080-2. CHAT (eH 1). Dayou look on hin as an authority on te subject? T have always looked fon you as a friend describe as [a skratb] phe ta sisnine Cumo-n wesen), oxoparept= sonire, euréva 1 wouldn' describe him as stupid | put down as [put ph v (pu ont ‘re ho00-3, keen). pt hidiown aaron uneducated man, ‘© In the eyes of smb, in smb’s eyes abun. rraxix; tomy mind 1a ol mara, o-néexy; to havesay fone's say pags mievaaaruen, tex. BS Imagining Boo6paxxentne Imagine (t' medsta] » ao26pa xdnb, npeacraaniére ce6é; (ust) — Gi) peaerane e262, rontxo nooGpa ofeCan owimagine ie without lect city and other modern convenietces? Don'imagine it will mae you rich fancy {"faenst] v noobpaxére, tnpencrawakrn cee. Ian fancy hit doing such a thing. 48 “hey tempos ns B4 Estimation Ouenka estimate [“estimeit] v oui ars, andre (aitanyio) oueuny npuGararirensato nonesiirunert How do you estimate that man's abilities? We estimated that it would Take three months to finish the work evaluate (1 veeljeet} voutiears (omenene eee n ta Horace). catesnvate his abit: He was asked ‘alnared es tnifor ion) service appraise fo prets}¥ oneinaat Sauirerouyo,npobeccronéyo nein, anappratingeyesianelook uermsavount ra tothe aby Stones pupils ouzinmae enoc6Gu0 Cmrenoie ene Fate[retf reunns, pacar (ecpaaner'c pein). How do yor fore my chances? Ive hin moe iny best pups. He was rated a8 one Ofte ridhest men in tun " value [‘veelju:] v 1. ouéimnarn, onpesersrh quinoxnyis eroen (ar deneacnan eupaacenia). He Neue te pining € 1000. Fe hd the painting vaied by an expert. 2- icon uetine ane your opinion Donow vaine horas aseertar? Jonge gd vera Co) sien one 2 eer) fouéneres judging by what you 8 ‘ue nat enone I cma ee hetherke was righ or wrong. Bont Judge man by he looks rosjtesqpo en oth andr ‘opener ejay nr, mp2 Shui une nt en trepeteno oerdmerny 10s Chorgte/ ns erie tele Saparrepemyéimno. They meet Invahodcass poy and see the itera eto asets is ay ge inv ocr ae toma person's character ener Sapierep aenonées. He ged the ‘Dlce [less veers mi seis fwould place hin among the best madern writers. How high would Jou ple heramong he poets his ‘rank [rep] w saacenbiuipo- B4 3. Would yow rank hin, among. the Ret rca sopemen® frank Bin Ielowe Cocthe. I rank Tolstoy with Pushkin " . weg wna x para: 10 (up) the pros and cons Bocca nce a npor; to ~ smb Tiveto weigh te evidence and make didecsion She's a strange person. 1 fant gate weigh er up. size up ssl ph pase, coct {o.~ the possibilities ouems 903 tnémaioen He sized up te situation. Tsoon sized hi np sum up [san phir» npoanar sipopare oem othe ston miagincecuenn-oSeranony eno Towsrfan. She qikly summed hit 0 by (200) phr v (went, gone) ey no (seny-n), You can goby ‘hat she says tis nat ways se 10 ro by appearances. eer 2g nepeonenmsare. 7 think voH're trestinaing his bile ‘errate [,20¥9' re) ¥ nepeo ninmarn; to ~ Sb ables nepen think th fm hax been overrared tundevestimate {andor estimet v nonoouémare, underestimated hisstrenaih tinderrate (,ando‘reit)v eno: euénnare (cn onnranenocmu ny. We underrated his powers a8 @ spent ; nudge ss] veo co6é nenpasinunoe cyan Ne Soouéimnarn. 7 mitjudged the ‘estimation [,est'meyfyn) eymnéut, oun; mn; my fro Moi onan, in the = of most cople io niteimo Gomera, Wars "your estination of the cease, to form an COcTaBH 49 B4 x unto so onot now enh ahiltes The ence tna hat he has a great ature ascesment (9 sesmont] nou x, wene. Wha’ your astessment ofthis stare of affirs? Success in is game depends om making correct assessments of ater “players intentions ‘iudgle)ment {dssdsmont)_n cyanénite, aug, shall make my ore judgement om ihe mates when | Se he results. appraisal (0"pret()l nonéuea (cavetmea, coomonnun, meena) tion {uv onpeaenéiie, out Pyaluation valjo‘esfeyn) oust Geena raotoemct a person at his own valuatior: ? Teappratsal [9 prereay) n cogpny. nepeotuns. All your ideas needa reappreiso. mld gement [nis dpadsmant n yenpaneenoe eft neno ‘©. on balance nanécrs nce; considering pays monaso © xouye ‘pedroscenot yuirnan Bee o6cr6. renveroa. ‘Thar’ nor so bad considering. (0 take stock of the Situation cuewire ocrenésay, all Ung considered npruirn n8 0 vmaube; taking one thing with nother mpronnn eo mime, takenvconsiered all rund weno Guierstha'sahoot the sizeof epase 401 tro 50 raxbe; to take sibs ear the mena jai 9 KOM. amp, cpasmioan ¢ bei). You've gorhismeasuneeght BS Conclusion Buna conclude (kon lu: » mpi x Thejiry concluded, from he evidence. thatthe tensed men was not guy infer fn fo} v nena sao- 50 Senncey, Abn fie hat yo are nat going? People Inferred tat so abt ‘2Cabine Minkterwontd make good Premier ther [223] vanemorirs, ao kes (er moro. uno cero wn ede sano) eather, rom what You $29, that waa enon n Xena ison, sto.” Whar did yow gather from hs Satement?tgatered from his words that he was realy very much npset, deduce [at dja) » mutvontrs aavtone; gna any sn ar doctor leaving house, yOu might deduce the fat that someone in the ‘ont was onelusion tkan’klu:s(9)n]n aaeaorétite, mina, to come Toto reach the = that. mph Jaco ‘eho, aro to Gray a= fom Soh aésar tino ta wera Ws 2 foregone ro” wensdexinsi Dsinon: to jump to ~2 amare no enuise tino, What conclusion did you reach? Be careful nto mp to conclusions. Teame. 10. the Conshston thar Tdidny really fancy cial engineering inference ['nforons) 1 sinon, (yu)sonmoxénie. fr that fot Inference fom hs statements hay ‘freee do you drow from eling ledveton {4'dakfon} mason, sexsionénne Al her deductions were Correct. The reslt bore Ou! the deduction he had made O patting two and two together condctanin ac, nopasenne x0 poucraeo, to put two and two Iogether cooSpanie tro Kaen BG Comparison Cpannenne compare {kam pea] ¥ 1. cpm bers, emits (dex euinenennn exo ‘oma ta peauuus); ~d wilVto 10 pasuénio. He compared the two books 10 see which one had the better pictures. London is targe, compared forwun Paris. 2. epaaitiasre, yo: noni. He compared Landon 10 Paris Micon he compared yours. T haven got anything. 10 Compare ito. ompare with [kom peo] phr v cepannitace, Maaépanears cpas fame, Tecan compare with Site ‘Arica igh cannot compare with daslightfor general nse balance [elon vaopéunaar, conoeranatre. You have fo balance the advamiages of ving inthe country aati he dsadantges Iconstomty fad to balance the need fr traning ‘paina the money cost, see em, ‘Gian an earlier edition cpaninoare aoe maine © mpemaunne ikem to tkoo] phir oh vmcnopasr nota nit rpume of chess Our litle company Can be tkened toa bg fai contrast [kono] conocran aie epaiare (ue arm, ponnsts)" Cones! these inported foods winand the domestic product. Weis interesting to contrast the ico ” set beside [set] phr v (set) cpin- estan, 5 hens is no one to set beside St against se] pr vse) ep sana oC Sting ie results against thse of the last election, ee can see a clear improvement . aralie (perte] » mposonire nopannéae, cpamnuaare. Can Yow paratelshfor endiness? comparison om psa) cpaontime (nor ecm kok pe shranan) oman tng tipooontecpantte wey bin mito epee ct bearstand — Ywith auutpacrnatsepansme The BT a pump helped the students 10 indersiond it orton. Parts isa! in comparison with London. Thar’ vod dictionary, but i won'eant Stand comparison with this. 2. XOX tro 0606. @ exogocovem. no ~HenLss tepaniive. There is no comparison between frozen and fresh fod. parallel [ pierael} epannésore (eustaswonjee expdemeo); fo draw a~ between npononie taparieat Mey (Obeyond/pastwithout compare re cpannéinne 1B7 Supposition Mpeanono- axenne vane byrne onyansie = tat pcinanomie tn Lt ws suppose Moos ste. Bejan suposed too here. ithe comer es [suppose io suppose tht he isfeng ssi [sion] » pean Ipesnantt ro. He asmed hat cian wowld be on time. He not tc oa sy atumed hin tobe Sng tie ne hot sha ‘resume pn jm) ynonacér, npennomardtes let us that Seat totdnmeveryiing. fo Bean iimocen ane is prove gy. rant (ga ¥ pana 0 rons tke gh for od curds Tek cnwestotpeyuooummen rn are honest reise (3 mate » oy. suc Petmised hate stuction would Improve From hs eter I surmised ihare as ebay conjecture an dk orang. One can ony conjecture st BI conjectured that a sumnit conference Send wake place guess (es) 0 1. ranére, nord savues. I should guess his age at S0/ into be Stat hei $0.2. ap. pare, nonarars, eurérs (neposritas). 1 aguessthey're right [guen I'm too old say [se] 9 (said) pane, obi owen, npedn. aoiverdtey nos rs, You may lear to play the violin in les say three years. Can you come to dinner? Say. 7.30? Sey he refuses to come, wna then? reckon [rekon] v pave. ajpcar npesmonarars. veckon we'll go next Week He'll come, reckon. How old do you reckon he is? expect [Ik'spekt} v pare. 0c06, Spun. npermonarars, tonarare. 7 expect he'll be there. "Who has eaten all the cake?” — "Oh, Lespect it wat Tom: supposition {,sapo'zift)n)_ npeaanioninie (ke Qetcmate won ‘pessatmam), nord; onthis~ onthe that HpenAOPOHIN, 0. "WH he come?" "Thats the sippostion™. ‘This newspaper article ts based on supposition. ‘assumption (2'sampl(ayn} npeantonoméinte, xonyuiite; on the ~ that npeanonarés, to... Their ‘assumption that the war would end ‘quickly was proved wrong ‘presumption [per tampl(a)n) npexsiorongne on the~ tha. pea nomaras, ro... Our decision was based on the presumption that they would agree. Your presunption that the firm seas bankrupt i flse ‘surmise [39 matz] of npeanoroxénie, ‘oranka. — She expressed a surmise that he situation ‘would improve. Of cours, that's just 1 surmise. You were right in your ‘conjecture [kan'dsekifo) npeamoroxéinte, oraz. was right inmy conjectures Hisconjectare hat the election would be 2 landslide Droved to be true. presupposition {.prisapa" (oo) nn mpeanonoxeimnes npenocti ara Your judgement of the cave ts hosed onthe presupposition thatthe witness Felling the ruth _ Suess [ges] 1 nordnxa; at a ~ a yeaa i's anybody's ~06 ron méxo TOmero orasnswares. Ata guess i's ‘a 2-hour journey: All this fe merely a ‘guess on my part, supposed [s2' pov] adj npen- nonaraemish Her spposed wealth is infact avery smal sum ‘reputed [11 pju:ud) adj npenno. sardesnai He is repnted 10 be ich, supposedly [39° potzidhi] adv npeawonoxeirensiio, no. s6mesy Mnénit0, He had supposedly left a week ago. reputedly [1'pjustidhi] adv npeattononstrensiio; no. 6Gutemy uBio. Reputedly, she i very rick ‘Ofor the sake of argument, ets say-. nongern..; to put it to smb (had niexéseinare npeanonoxéiine B8 Understanding Nomunta- understand anda’ steond] (understood) 1. nornére; neromé- tasty; to give smb to ~ nae none to make oneself understood yurere oGrcntirscg, to ~ one anotherleach ther notnnss xpyr pir toGire fx azasasonomnsatn. Do yo under Sand this word? The teacher spoke Slowly and simply 80 tha! all could tinderstand him. is easy 0 wndertond thy he was angry 2 vacmo wonexc lun sean yanani, YaKnHotir 2 ‘yeituanor. Am J 10 understand hat You refce?Funderstood hin to ay that Ihe would coopera realize { rialatz] v ocomtanét, nomintite, npencrannire ee68. Doct hhe realize hat you mst have help? He doesn’ realize the problems ‘comprehend {,kompri’hend] meen. nocturars, nonin. The problem is too complicated for me to Compreniend. anpreciate {g'rrifien]» 1. non sm noo ope /fullvapprecat ourdlifieutes. lanpreciate tha we tnocrs otgntasti no oeroHieTHy ‘Afiera tong. winter one. really appreciates the sun “grasp (ers eymérh now exndruinarn gnisped the main points sfthe speech Think grasped quite Tathom {8.9 » ob. « compu npeds. teste. NOHATE Gano fathom hie meaning. ied to Jaton iron. follow [folou} vsen nomnsérs, Ie spoke s0 fst thet Feo oo what he said " see [S11 v (sa, sen) noms; Temotitto, Do you see what I mean? He in see the point ofthe stor. ‘make of {mtrk] phir v (made) coburn ne aymecpyd ped. ROMMaTs fomake much of xopon sonst. 7 ould make nohing ofthe chatman's remark Canyon ne anything of his ttrange fetter? Tian make mich of tat fetus Tecan’ make anthing ofthis telegram take out [mei] pr» (nde) (© rpyaon) noutre, povobipinies. ean take ou hr he wants can't make Mim ou. Tre cant make out the meaning of this passage et get» (go) us monn 7 iat get yowXour meaning. Tve £01 son, Geri? Se did ger te joke take in ttk pir» (ook taken) Yonoe). listened 10 the speech rely but tl ecu rkeien. fateh [kei] v (caught) pace uuarn, yaonirn, notin 19 ~ sms ean no cen emo {cot niynus). don Vite catch the Mea, Would vou ind repeating that? Minin quite cateh on eneuiring mind quiekly corches on tor ew den eotton on [kot] pry paz. nyse te nt eotton On 1 he joke inteh onfonto [Hi] piv pore noxnmstecrsatnge, Wold youre repeating tha didn quit atch on Ioan tong before everyone latched nro thats happening. Tizure outfit phe pare 06 apes roe pti Tm) eye with ['bi:] phr v (was/were, been) none (0. um abscrn tom) wa with yous fara your ast path ga confined fw onpon {29 phir» no- erento cravoniiaen feat Sioned! on me thor Iw Tost. The iratt began oven upon hi ‘understanding [-anda send] nr oman: enbeS6xoers nos fees a cleat= f the problem fenoe omame apoGnexnn, He han inuch inderstaning ofthe problem. Ifrow read is book, you wit have @ Boner understanding ofthe ceases of etouble ‘alization {rita 9 ewe, ine. The explorers inane test compretenson [ope henfo)) ihe problem ts nboverbeyord my prehension ° "rasp [prsspla nonin. This wor edn ra appreciation (8 prieoy) nowtree tyemociny tes) He Fes no appreciation of poet trvarg [2 wea pre comas sur sou, ocnenos an tobe of sinth connaném. wro- to be ~ ofthat comandrs, oraanére Fees ly eee of he danger Fam “onselous { konfs] adj sow runt nomdtootit. “Are you Conscious how people will regard Stet behaviour? BS. alive 2"la1v) adj (to) feo n0- runout to be fully - to ah eno noninérs sr0-n.dfeisalive to the danger ofthe situation clear {kita adj seh, now sei, ennyenienenat fo make ‘oneselfone’s meaning ~ novi it omit cof mee; he mace it~ that. on enooruermiDo xan no, ‘so. Now. da mate myself clear The ennwer ele fom se fs “plain {pletn) ad ent enn it, nonsrinaty as ~ a6 daylas 9 pikestaias the nase on yourface pase fem wax nen, oveaiamc, I oade Hien eo tar nonar, ‘wo. Lmade myself» fe¥0 apa, since, His meaning & plain. The rth ‘spain to everybody Tue (1s) od em, non tr: explanation acnoenonfre understandable nd snd adjnontat His reluctance roagree ‘interstandabe intel gle (intel) ad Spavynitremsray an = explanation otto obvactrne comprehensible kompr hhensib(@)I] nd) mons nace Xin Yo en fnd arr bok tone eyes ne 708 Know __ Otobeawaketosmth fo nos. wits os to gehave the hang of Snth pane cyersnonrelpwodpe x vent. ge the hae of wher he was saying. tose the Hight noe, to get the pleture pars. nore. Tot come in minites afer me get the picture? Do'you get the message? rent Cevetnt?; tamale serse (out) of outs. Can you make some ofthis letter? the penny dropped/has dropped dpum pase. araren nou no. Atlast the pony dropped and he laughed. o.come home tos crs nontr, noxonit 0 coms © bring smth home to smb sacri sovotnnowtm/nongocTbone s4 11; quick/stow on the uptake Grier- povscjovenig exasreraaOUt 09 Mnnaeredog Herp unde gor ce eee es sideman rcmpannéne i Nene; to belto labour onder a np Gunna » soGayaénny was stil misconception {.miskon set m baonyanéies i's © pear = hats eymecrafer inisinterpretation {-misnt:prt ‘{acomprehensibte Tin, komprt henstb(o ad osde snot. dh nese enone coe The Iecre was ne, comp Febensible rome. He tess that tmosl of what he sae ttelly incomprehensible nine ted9) aj nenonritnepmssep wntathomable tan 20) Cripmauy an = mystery neoSus iinpeneteable (iv pe] ‘5 notte be able to make head $5 pone to make nothingof smth fivrersne nontre aewen to pet {hao the wrong end of the stick smb hed nme arm eh oor noneann 1 all Greck 10 Prepon oops a me) uubledutch umn rapa fut afpeyond one's depth eno foundiouvni. When people start tango nile piss ont eye BLO Expectation Ou expect {spel v onan ono unos ipossoiben, ‘noun oe Wiha eve expecting tors eared dani wos fal ‘dentoswaed to {ek} pr» € roi king ora othe healt "wet » 3 (0 Yeroeese) ‘nis you Deas en. aan for Che pr ey sponte mp) pede om sa eafnae crwe it Count tao pr etn Cou ory weather You had beter igure. on fea] hr» 006 fincas a, Wefigured on your oesfe (tosh). (Gres few tm penne ra enpugriocrely difficulties that meré wor npeawiaers. Heforesos pred fp dk] mpeace- mgcecast (fo:ka'st) » (Forecast! foreased) rpescttosrs (008. ss B10 trl ah» Goel epi St atom wa ace nt hey trope a pn there bead sm ‘ents eho» Picea ae ay 5 56 impending [im'pendin) adj peers (0 wien. nenpuant ‘wot; nanonrivourion: the elections npestcroduute ai360u the danger over us rposfuran nan ondetiocre __ Oto feel in one's hones minty imo wferoonate (amo sno-ma cy BLL Remembering Manns remember ['memba]v Ie nue Do you remember me? | remember having seen him. cant remember ‘hat happened then. 1 "suddenly remembered about the meeting. Se remembered thot she hed an Appoiniment. 2. socrapiren ne Gti (enams vost # Gye). Renenbertogotothe post oie it yon? recollect {holt » nos exéabna nen. Do you recollect hhername? Trecallettharthe weather warcold Shecnld no recalet beng recall {ko} » acnosni, npnnowiniit, feoutd orca were welhodwareed to meet Ffont reall having td thar think (610K) v (hovh) nocre eno, could nol a monace «ope Uefine ike Try and think where ou think ot (8108) phir» hough) 2209 opie uipunumeanocne ty, FA hin of tn mina Thorne makes me think of my childhoo. lace {ples} ervernino nu nb (ace nodpotnoemn, ges te. ge npoucwenacrosn m8), Iw Ierface but cant place her ipounoe (ober pascovopan) Theold fends rinsed abou tei ‘ringback bra phe rough) Your newsy leer Bonght Back many memories. The sapshor rowght back romemy ciahoed Take back tet (took ken) nanan apenoe), These stoic Ital hi bucks edhood dee remind (1 ann} 7 te nano dessmn sme) 40's of sth tinowne ka. 0.45 To Shnbtodosmihthat tauinr 09 sTexgname tro ono Herminded tanner the ferter We reminded them tha the meeting. had. been postpone 2s(ocooumis, enone) Ite reminds me of my cousin That ome back {ean pr» Came come) nenonnnirsce ern ore sitcoming beck to me now I come fn tae where had cen her emarire ‘menor wana wna nfteranne cas we memori memory "mem(3ya} Tina a short ropbrsannawer 9 ood = forxopgunr rane wil eng wana map, the est Comin sph f0 = pasar, Sonos Thor dw rly ed inreoutdnt remember the name. 3. focsownndnne;. memories of Shildhoed socnvamars nererna recollection { ree lesen} inte nocowbii othe best of ty nascbnone n now. Such Fecolection, The ol leer brought Biz remembrance [e'membesns) n rnoenon Bie, wannre to have no ~ fof sinh ne nowt erd-n. have rman happy remembrances of on flays together 1 took Me photos as @ pictorial remembrance ofthe tip. recall {ekoil] m enocobniocr® ynéprsinara ino beyond/past Sa6tiruty Why are rome memories tore available for recall han others? ‘She has total recall and never forgets ‘anything reminiscence (,remtnts(2)ns] n ocronniain; p eyps, poet manta. There isa reminiscence of his fern the yay he walks retrospect [ relespekt] n Bek savin a pounoe: in peromuni 06 One's school life seems happier in retrospect thant reaily was. There are fome things that you only become totally conseios of retrospect. reminder (ri'matnda} m ano: nnane (amp. nuchsto). They Ihaven' sent me the money vet Pnwst send them a reminder reminiscent [,feti'nis)nt} ad 1. sianoanmsrwit nisin octoumitiniia. Your face is Ieminiscent of Your mother 2. acto Thavdromta, cxaSuenal X poem Hsin. Hews ina reminiscent mood. evocative (1 vOk3II8] adj ROC ccraninmarouu 8 nineren Those toys are evocative of my cildiood. rmindtal | rand ad) oxbu nian ofstronocietsmem). We nus be mindful of one des ‘O ta Keep/to bear smth in mind éxito MN, Me 66IRETS © ‘teu eallto bring (o mind 1 rnosmrérig to pot sib in mind of Sth radar wos, 0 WES to ring a bell pase. sanomimérs o séwens That rings bel with me B12 Forgetting 3a6tinann Forget {got (orga, forgotten) anGuiniry to ~ to do sith saGerre Renova reas to doing sath Bi2 ‘tine. I've forgotten her ‘rane int wright SE bon B13 Attention Bruniamne attention [> tenf(9)} nannies to pay ~ fo oGpature rinse ne 38 0 _atieactidistract smb's Spmegexinsforenexény, sné-n shines toda b's = t6 Sth npianexére tsa, nmnaine. sewjon. Thar marter requires your trgen? attention, Give your whe attention o what you are dong. The Seater held my fi otention concentration kons eo) n cospenonbveinacts, wnt. He istened with concentration heed thi] m oe, mine peso cronacovem to gielpay tod madame na totake Po) of (ie) npitatere (amon) wo nde. ke edo oy bring sho mb's pres Aaa ean take =o ~otsmthodpantresmisinnehe ob pre sr ro-n toatl Pnpre (x ee68) ne, fo scope = yenonuaiee or ai What frst tracted your noice 1 117 Ter inde shod be beneath Your notice. His absence did not ieape noice. He took notice of he Jeu performance and promoted rer ng nonin. writes wth no regard Jor accnracs More gard mua be paid eels on the ron peo are tkes)__n _(cepréoios) one; rope ten wth “nara monstrenso. You should ‘ake more care over your work Bo Your work with more care. remark (nk) oa sane worthy fe acergs Iain Thee ses nothing or afremark of the Flower Show. aMtentive {3tentiy) adj ame wrens ‘an = Sudienee Ditinevemnien ngOnea. Pease be ‘more ateniveto your stdes, mearetal keto adj om arentmu, ocrepasenat He gave the wil @ careful reading. Be hove Sirf abou hat yond Beer heedfut (‘hisdful] adj ann 1 Be more heed ofaasice ‘mindful ['matndfull ad) (of) conju, mussrempiei (e), e 3068 ‘sro (0},~aFone’s dies ara Temata x enol o6SsaNHocTAN regardful (er gad)! adj (of) ogbun, satan, gupeitenint Be more regardfil of your own intent (in'tent) ad (on) norpy’ sxéitl (ao umo-1) Te vias fren on Tis work He's intent on is book. preoccupied (pr: okjupaid] oj nnornoutéimat (vew-n); ne sae: innit oxpyseinomero. You were foo preocenpied to recognize me in the Street yesterday. She seemed rather preoccupied ad distant rmotice | novils] v 3aqewsrh. 7 didnt notice you(coming in). Fnaticed ‘a big difference at once. He was 100 Drowd ro novice me. . ‘note (nat vorsestnn, oGpamtars pmninine, sasewarn Please note my ‘words, Note hove 10 do i ‘mark [mak] a6 ns hiyes my words norowinr srt exo: 18. Markcarfuliyew tis done. Mark the diference: ‘mind [ond] # noses. npeds 6 dope muinmuea obpattire fname Never mind hon Phe no ‘objection, mind (Sou), but V think it Iimise. Nowplense mind what Tsay. Just Beton with your swork don mind ne ‘attend [tend] v_yensrs smn sme, rm snmrentati, You re not Cnendng HedlidnYatendtowhot Tsai heed (hisl] » ony, oOpantart gain; to ~ a warning o6pantare. ninanne sa npenynpenére, Se didnt heed my warning. David wished Ihe had heeded his father’ warnings. 1g on/upon [hea] phir et reneito, neorpiieio enenirs. The bos audmives his teacher, he hangs on his every word. focus” on ('f2uk3s) phir y nanpaimire cmos name 8 (um- th Rady we're going fa focus on the . Bi question of homeless. people in London concentrate {“kons()ntrert) coopenorsunnaricn, coepenoré bath (acd cane nusanie, ace cou ncn, peu). Fear Yeoncentrate on ‘anything. You should concensrate (your attention) on your work. ‘preoeeupy [pric okjUpat] v san rh, noroitire we wisi. The (question of geting 10 the fown Dreocenpied her min ‘engross [1 BF5Us] » o6tx pass pens, He was so engrossed in Matching the game that he didn notice the cold absorb (25'sa:h] wnomontire nt unntine, apév, He is completely absorbed in his business, ‘0 (toe) all eyes (rannére) no ce sani; to hesll ears pave ipenpain ‘on onyx; enfuars Hanpaxeuae riniseinea; to prick up on pate, Nanacrpitts Fu; to take note bf sastevarn, worthy of note 10c73I Tt mca, psievzenis to maken mental noteof smth waieren- hho omer sink one’s teeth into sith Steve asioerito smith cacpertaréwiti choe MinManie hexnowtirenssia na neuen to have st one-trach/single-track mind pase ocpenorénitre mob eno8 muinannte (a uésra wrapped up in srl no: pyaeeit wo ro B14 Inattention Hennusa- inatention[,1ntenfa)n m ne- swore: ~ to detail ene MGsregard (dis gosd) m eo rnp” viporaie; for my insevtions enme x won negate reckless driver wnt {ined for his Complete deregard ofthe Traffic Acs ‘The management shows a complete Brnegand feats meena BM oversight [‘auvasat) 1 exo: cengrp, onndumnocrs.. Through an tnnfortnate oversight your eter was left unanswered, neglect (ni"gickt) mpene6pe- xxéuie, »orefrerone sini; Parental ~ oze¥rerane poniirens Exoro muranits, He lost his job because of neglect of du. Inattentive |1n3"tenuv) adj ne- swuneirentil Julia a norentive pup negleetFl {nr glektf(aI} adj ne: mntbTensusit( Kouy=8, veya); NeGpemral. He te meglecifd of his ‘oppearance needless ["hidhs] adj we o6p9 rubrum pase inconsiterate {,:mkon"sd(2)nt] ‘djvenniaveniii x apyrias. He is inconsiderate 1 her/o her flings ‘disregard [, dist gard} » We 06. pamire siinedius, npeneOperdrs Disregenling the child's screams, the doctor cleaned ad bandaged the ct The children disreganted their smorher'cal eglect [nel] » we oG panties urn, ie panier Roi Méinte. Misiorians have neglected these fact. ignore [1g'no%1 v urnopiposars, ne oGpautire atnatinia. He greeted hher but ignored me. You'll have 10 ignore their talking so. loud. He ignored the speed linat and drove very Jest avertook {,20v9'TUk] ¥ npora agri, ne aanérite; ynyerih. 1 overlooked her mame on the list, 1 Overfooked that possibly. pass over [pas] pir v ofxonitn Montuaniten, oerannars. Gea mir Dna. T will pass over hese events insilence ‘Oto leave out in the eolé ocran- anken Gen stati; to torn a blind ‘eye to smth ne aaqensre vero, 23% puisire rash ia eros; to Tet smn pass gcrinire sav. Ges asc to set aside ocrant. Ge ssn 60 with him things go in (at) and out (at) the other y nerd a oxi So nierser, w pyre munevéer B1S Knowledge 3uanue Knowledge ["nolid3} m anne; ‘non oevenownéimigers; to bring tasmb's~ nopecri no cnéneries oro 2m 10 come lo smb's~ crate ROMY soaécria; to (the best of) one's ~ Tackdnbko won omécrio; without smb's ~ Gea wueré-n. snow; that is ‘common ~ 0 neem nanecri; it has come to my ~ that... mie eriao ranéerivo, 10, To the best of my Knowledge he is honest ond reliable He has a good knowledge of Russian formation [.inf3'mef(9)n) focnenounénnocrs, sianita (06x ‘parmuuecnue). He's amine of information Know-how {‘navhau] m pase, annie na, yeni, Fortis job one needs some technical know-how. She has the know-how to-do the job. “expertise {,eksp3" tz) n sunt outnerénns, sane Rens. Does she Ihave the expertise tod the job? Tomiliarty [To fr] n acne owaéincrt, xopéuiee ane. Is Janilinay with ourhisiory suprised me ‘authority (>: Goris] anropir pnt enewnaaiicr. He ts an auihovity i this field, expert [‘eksps:t}n axcnépr; cne swaniter He isan expert in economics. ‘adept 'zedept] naanbx, axenepr Fm not an adept in photography: rmaster [‘ma'sia] m screp, one rwianficr, snark caoero néna. Te is famaster of his erafsubject. know [n2u} 0 (knew, known) 1. auars; smérsnpeneranaese, uére onpeneneuinee aianity, £0 — about smh avers nese (0 Sof anare, Sir Hacmsiuanias 0; there’s no “ing "pfawaltesensre10 ‘xan; a5 far as ~ vackonxo Me tango; to get to ~ sinh tate 0 ‘veo petio~smb nomragsornce ¢ tener fe knows quantum ‘mechanics. Do you know howto play Chess? Tim nor guessing mF veally Snowdon acy kot he von mention but of conse 1 krow of Theresia nosing wha may happen Zigansres ovmeith. | ket? i instants by is voice fears {ln} yoann (oman affabout —o uésra). He feared the nes froma friend. We learned about irom the. radio. 1 like reading initortal sores beconse Hears abou the tives thar people Ted tone ago Wave [hoy] (had) sat yaa; 060, pcxoancover. toi from ystinecr;1~iton good authority that. x andio Wy ApeToBEpHore serous, 0. had it fom Joh Iknowing | nav ad sno nommndtouti a ~ person tallow Tenowledgeable ("nolidsab(oot ‘adj xopouus oenenownsia He t ‘ery inowtedgenble abut car. versed vast) 3m docovem, well inxoponr andor {else versed n estan eran conversant {kon vaso a) xopouré sravduiigcnéaysrs mn hot eomersan withthe et Cognizant {"kogntz(3)0\) ad cng ep. acnenonnenat, The fencral was. cognizant of the So be wel up tn/on xopous snare (umo-t), Gute chinnn earns to be amare of sor, ova tive co6e nn omer 8 (029) tonavesmihat one's fingertips sary ‘hosn ax eno nets rasuen; to be inthe know Gun xe ea, Gams ono oesenonnéna, to know 2'thing “or (wovthe ropevone’s Snions pas pavénpsrac, ary tro Svews heyondoutsidefnot within nos: to be equalnted with rth Guts Shawna een to ___BI6 et wind of pars. oxfam, npomns oro yaa (cod ean Fanta): beste at home ner Te smcpeine ceOe wjoctnovane (© weana), Kopowe anaes vewe->) ites compel ov home chemi {ath cuca up (abouVon) pene 0p tisunapipontnsy oven tay put me inthe pictore oven tend nype aga to eep abreast BE to be abreast af nocrozna ure sikipee neeneans cob B16 Lack of knowledge He- ignorance [‘ignarons) n wen incomplete ignorance of his pls If heidi wrong, wer Pomirogh ignorant gnaront a necnény aie mone nenenceresish Fim iqnoran of ter plons She wor Uninformed smi’ fem ad seonénymn hesenenonte rt Mhe'te uninformed about cren Mite Theres 00 mich uninformed Snaware ‘Lana’ weo) adj we tae [a ml] a we anno (e newen), ne ron (econ) Pam unanir ih tei insensible fo’ sensib(] adj snunen ne costariaut e310 ft (eto.a). Insensble of the danger he pushed forward. Gabekaown (nb n20) a unbeknownst [tb natn) 6s ie did sanbehnown 1 me tne dark nencnen 0 the in the dark (about fant epee wor 8 Ne exe not fave a clue pase ne wramenmenr ne mentite search inet pr orga mao ot of the Metare pune new njpe nex 6 BIT BI7 Learning May vente earn {3:9} ¥ A. ayn, res yuirsen, o6yirace nayimen, What do they karma school? I’ trying to learn French. Some boys learn slowly Z saya; to~ smh by heart yatere vatngers You should learn this list of ‘words By tonorrovs Ive learn ny part study [stadt] I. aanmarten; naytith (kaxoi-a. npedasm), to physics mmysars gifomny. He war Hudying to be a doctor 2. nnceaénoners, way; to ~ the map hunneitenuio haywire kapry. He 1 studying the effects of radiation on plants. ‘memorize [‘memarat] v aaj sara tinsers Ve memorized the list of doves specialize in {'speftaiz} phir v enewamoiposarice 8. He specializes In Chinese history. Are yor going to "specialize in arte or setences? ‘major in ['metds2] phe v anep. eneuitannariponaricn no raKéMy-m fnpenstéry (a nonnedace nm.) He majored in English Ueratur fas year viel up Iptkl pi v pan, nox van (opuixoe soni). naynrt Cx (ne obywasce eneyuastna, Needy Senay); to ~ a foreign language He avaviex (ipa ia mocrpantons x= &, Me picks things up very quickly Where did you pick up your excellent English? ‘eram (kre) v nicnex asap sare (4:1); 10 ~ (up) history 36 pitts eropino, Pe i eraniming facts fed dete for his history examination. swat {swot) ¥ pum. pase, (up) aySpiive, He's sorting np his mat tind (graind) » amep. pase, grind avway [ graind) ph v amep. pare (at, for) 396pits (9c06. neped oxsanena), He's grinding away for Tis exandat his ste, learning (‘lang} » yrenocts, lx Het a nian of learning. ‘study ['staai] w 1. (raytnste) sanhrin He is fora of sind He likes 2 study more than play 2. acme pl ‘yma npemwere neonéaon Bie time fo one's studies nocnmrs Shas show ta na necnnone i noxinair, ro o make a ‘of Shakespeare's plays sannSrten henéxgpannisnat | -mpantnypein Uerentipa “Tearmer (‘lan2]_m_ysenix ysinuntion, ~ deiver wenoné, xo Yepuit Janeen none. wats She's a rather sow learner student [susp] m enya, pum. erynéur yuuepeuréra, Kor ey wonemasamedie aw cry sen wenunerarahopnaiticexoro dargaurera PUpIT[pivpal] n ay yes, yeti. All pupils mat be in their Jormroons by Mejasrmate [Kla'smes] oxo BIB Teaching Ipenoaana- teach tt] ¥ (ap) pena yr ny Ges pee alien ne ge Ince maiccrgpne, 08 dt Soin nay peter tay. Joln Ieiches frat en second yer salen. ‘Who tae vou German? educate {'edjokeit) v nasére Yate. He wens eduented very {ood choo You should educate your Ehikren to behave wel Instruct [in strat)» oGyadts (wage npoxmuvectust naeunan), Yuin (ceo-n): nepyeciponas; (0 smb in maths/in driving 063 orden, uareatvielyire Koro. Dan ange insrcted ur wht odo incase offre. train [wei] v 1 06), yotra (sposbecen,acmspemay);rpennpo- situ: piste (umadn dooumncn sum. n)-Hewas rainedto bea lawyer: Technicians ave trained fo deal with ii ypes of machines 2 Back Grpopeccr socmepemey, uenycem dh. rpennpossracn Shes rating Yo bea doctor schoo! sks] y npr yes aucininanmiposas; oneself be tient npuyare ce0k ¥ repo They have been schooled dept. He schooted himself to be puncte. Sone ka} wtpepoa, o6y stir (oon020 n2H apy), ICFP ‘riponare; to sm for an exat To Younte Korben, x sextet. She had Deen couched bya former Winbledan champion. us {Wtor {ja} # anaes vier rate yoni; pyKORoReL paGrolt Crynéton (8 anon. yneecpenmemar) to smb in Latin ye orden Tnenomy mie? 2c pny O- nyanirao; to ~ nese tobe patient pyar ce «repo iscipline | dsipin} ¥ pays pempooite I've disciplined myself iorisecarly. teaching {ti} 1 npenone ne, oByrerne; the ~ sal pento- anc cocr the profession npenonanérest npopecnn nenorér Beem pl rene education (ed) kee) m 6 pssondnae; ie, nomen; 3 than of ~ oOpssdaavinu 4en0Nex; rimarysecondaryhigher ~ sa¥an focepeaneeforrcuice oGpmncnaive; instiae of higher ~ ny Is edveeton Ireeand compulsory your country? ‘taining {esto} » mpawsince roe Oyen; naararonsa inane {eimpénes tog ntfbe in forthe swinaning competion. Whos Drogranmning? He wes i ening for the bi. instruction (9 stakayn) n of nerf ive mb ih SWIM B18 oOytér nora, naman. He nor Setiramed, bt sl under Instron Schooling ('skosin}"oOpa sosdrne, noceatnte sinner free schooling. He had very Tite ‘chooting i “alton (i sfoya} ob eis havin riare nition tm teacher [titf)m yruren, npenonansens; nena Fistory Yoiren neropin, (6) taining Solegenexarortecant enter Sfsrutor {i's} n Gp expsarep (cdonnpt Oe Np iniecna naman of senate to yreouow sweden, ep sa tint npenonanirems. (6 Rottedaee Jmscpeomeme) 2dving em {op no amroieryy ann chemistry hesiy = cig, Pennies oh Ico (ety) nena imcpeumene, noasede). 6pm inénitutt npetonansvens (« ener Jrusepeumeme,roxredsc), Lecturer Initio at London University npe roaanrenn trap hSionaotexox Sipepemére tier io] npeneino, er pysonrtenn (esnepumeme) coach (Lavi) pension: cenopm,“rpeiep. an English, = enerirop no statitenouy a perme els} mI, eaaoe (aoe, a boy in er =~ c€-onvonsaecink 2. yp sath; to atendo go 10 8 mae: om Ie nest class begin? Whet time do Classes begin? Tere nil bo clsses tomorrow. ecngce(omoetmoe st ‘pamcten manaco-mo 2000) We were bot members ofthe clas of 88. period (payed) np, Rae; 20 tenching 22 a week istry 60 ANypoK weropumt Heeture [Tektfo] 1m aéxuts; to Jeliverto give 3 ~ (09) iar néetan0 {oli}: fo 0 toa ~ kone a nes a Bis talk (t2%k} Geeéna, news, canGuee, Ww yive a~ (on) exeraT® coo6iiéne (olno) {torial [yj tasral] Spun ovteyatr ain (@ ue6uawaaneder); A physics ~ nosteynurduie ro yiguxe B19 Ability Cocofnocrs ability (2b) 1 (opp, npuoopersrian)crocoGners (umo- 1 cdexan, poy); raposiie, imam of gent onapenniltenanek: fothebestof my —ro wipe coo cna MaossGmnocreh Heat great ability inmathemaics Musical ability often Shows ltsefeorly in Te. She plays tennis with great bili. demo doubt our ability todo he work Capacity (ko pees)» en0c6S- hes. @. marked. enpaciiy Jor mathematics The book fr ithin the Capacity of any schoolbey. People avediferen capacities fo learning ‘capability. keipa bs) n Cnocdbuoets. The boy har great Capabilities ‘Competence ["komptans} eno b6noete(eunaanams memo mp Syemen),yutnne. No one doubted the iuides Competence. He wns praised Joris competence in admiration ower | pavsln enesonaers Sexbinna hex) apie Crocddnoern, aoméaioern He’ ‘man of great intellectual powers I'l deeverting ny power notin ” ci [2s n cmscd6uoets (@ename unos. e080 0 Buco), Show in performing task npons, tnocdonoer m auton a2 Sina tHe hasafocilyforlanguoges. He lays the piano wth foci Skil (ok) m maenepetn, eRe cers, ynene (enanin emo. 8 Surgeon's ~ wacreperod xupypra. He Shows great sill ox @ negotiator 1 arimared ssi of etn 64 dexterity: (dek'sten} made socte copoun (ocebeme w pee Ine sewn. Xopaune roc “hu fe plays the plano with dese Ke [ein orem, copra Ie asthe nck o ay the right hing touch [ut n uscrepern6 (ecod « cnopme.verjeemee).toloseones Te pireioun He Tos another game — oon think he' loring his roueh? able (ero a 1. eno (Berane moan). Sha sable to drive how Yoware beter ble odo than tim. 2. yuénustyenoed6nai an ~ Student enoedbinat erynene, am lawyer cnocéGnnal anaonan She is@ very able secretary. ‘ ‘lever ['klevs} adj. Soom, ynéauth He's a clever workman. capable (‘keipob(! adj 1. ona pena, enoed6nit (oco6. morn tui)" He is a very capable bo IrCnoeBbu (ua ato-n}. Show your feacher what you are copable of He Scapa of working day and nih rood (gd) (8) ocd (e sewn). Hes very goad a French T'nvno good at maitiseewing competent lemptsnt] adj tno, uno mpebvemer), Roweren Tita cook conf nap. He's 2 competent edlior Ts. Miss X Competent fo teach French? ‘qualified ('kwolifaid} a xo nerétrusil (npoueduind onerwayt oomeomemane mpetowan0n 0% f noxondutnty sperdaoa Tee tualified reassemble tis mechanism? Fomor qualified judge roficent [prs ad eck i engertr enc nar nt, Shes proficient iypist. She was very rts Ct) a ves dit guidance yuenoe pyro Bro She if very skid plover ‘shilled {skal ad 1. Smtr, exon, dolng sh nent seven. A carpenter is a silled ‘workman. He ts silled in diplomacy. She ivn very skilled mse. 2. M60 lpi Gnuea, wacreperné ~ work pa6S- a, 1peGyronnan Gourra.Bricklaying is iled labour Adeptl “dept aj exons; an dressmaker newenas nopriixa _secomplished (3° kamplift) adj soéromu enocésinoeri, anapetinust Grom ne oGzadaronui npogeecen enase0ll nodeomoese); sexyerns, an violinist pexpéent expinis, adroit {2'drott} ad uexsensi ax A goad teacher is adroit in ‘asking questions enterous { dekst(2)28) ad nb. ses, yuna, empesipsmanna. A Imanager should be ilevterous. in Ihamdling men. A typist, dressmaker ‘and a pianist need to be desterous. hhandy ("heenat} adj noon She's handy with a needlern the kitchen ‘eft [deft adj a6nna The fingers ofa violinist or surgeon are deft. Oto.come naturally to smb, poss to comenatural aniticn ners, Gurr ara (Oe omradernn, ofc ‘nea he bas 9 good hen For figures apuepria naeres ex 20085, toshow ‘one's paces roxanne in ra enoeséen B20 Talent Tanawr talent [‘wtont) rani; to have 8 ~ for music o6naxare wyonieini= huis TarattoM. She hes great talent She hnea talent for painting genius { dgrmios} 1 1s renwn.- oct (aco6, s ofinacmnexjecmed) men of = rennansiige in 2- ren Einstein was @ mathemaricol genius 3.(oe66ui) Tanai (wnosba upon. 0 avout, uenpuannow navecmee) She's got a genins for Inngnager. He hase geninsforfinding the right word. He has a genius for arriving at the wrong moment. HTC Te} » anponiime, nop (6 for panting cnacétioers, putconanno, He made good use of is git He nea gif for langues _—__ Bu aptitude [‘eptu'd) m npupéa: nay coedGnigcts(obtiuio nerd: wan) ooo Tanai (e wept) an Test npongpxa ciiocobiocrell yx tuerocs The child shows a great “aptine for learning languages: Ive for maihiematies. {trekatuy nenocénocre (nesaypadnan); vanant (@ xenon ‘o0noit obnacmn), 8 ~for mathematics enoedGnocri x aarentrike; the ~ of never forgetting people snames raart hworRi we aa6uinave net. He hae the faculty of making friends easily ‘lair {ea} npnpox-tenivan enocdGioers (dennme umo-2 acoder tnoe). She has a flar for languages: The poet asa fli formating lever talented (‘telanud) adj raxinr- noni, a~ musician tans yen sifted [‘gtfud) adj onan; a ~ pianist oaapguntalt mantier B21 Intelligence Yacrnen- ‘enocoBnocrn intelligence {itelid3(a)ns} nu cernenme enocdsinoeri, ys, mirren seer; an = lest ponépxa jaca. enocoGuocreil. A woman of her inteligence would make a good Supreme Cowt justice intellect (“intlekt}» yreanéxr,'s actions are influenced by Is ineltect, will ane feelings ‘mind [matnd}n I. pay, yt, He Inns brilliant min. 2. Gwin po muti wenonén, enéran Toners. She's dnvong the best minds i the county, ‘mentality [men’teliti} n 1. yx urement. He has a low mentality 2. xan yt, p> wine 7 People who yuh tinge ‘brain (bre m1. yt; pase. Sa cernennisie enocdGuoeri; to have & 00d ~ Girre fmm; 1 Use one's —¢ pass, pews hones. npeds tae feniitt woarésu; to pick simb's ~s 65 2, paz Suna, eateas ron. He's ie oni of the school ne rit ft] obs. pM, pany Iie hadn' the wite to rele What 10 {ain the emergency ‘understanding {.ands’stendin} fn pinyy, cnocdbuocr®, nowt beyond a child's ~nenoerjmno nére row onax0 ene esr] pl coon fay, Te is out of his senses. Peteligent [i tldg(om) ad Se van, pasfuaayan~ personvquestion Sant venonéesonpse intellectual {sn Tekfoo1) aj jucroeninst watenexryansiel efforts yin : ‘riliant (bron) a ens Se sua, suaasuuien, Greeti 8 Scientist Gnecraau yeni ‘right (bratt] ej ewiswn8r, cenoedoutil, A bright boy learns ‘icky. smart {smact} adj 0006. auep woos, Jun, 2 ~ student cn coon monareual wane > Drainy {"breini] ad pase. wos- ronal, Satnwoorisi © COMMUNICATING OBILEHBE C1 Informing CooSurente inform bin’ fon] v wacmo ou eseutane,mpopipanars; to ~ smb fof smibvihat.. coodutirs KOMS-A. 0 news Jaro..j 19 keep smb ~ed (of) hep nov den. m pee ema. Inform everyone ofthe change inte schedle. Ws he informed of his rights? Keep ime informed of fresh developments fall [tel] 9 (fold) pacexdoaoa ty; cexasira; cooGutine, nepexanaTs: Sib sinh, to~ smth to smb exasire Coobutrs Kow-n, 20". 10 ~ the truth cxasdre npdoay, to ~ a lie ote toa storya tal pacensains 66 serpin; am old hat. se cx Sia feta he news to everybody in Tie villoge wid hi my name. Tet hin ttha mmo coning, Tellme when fatty ( nsouta] » yeenownine, snoetti (ofimann};to-smbot Shc to = sn to amb yoenounrs foreia 0 weurns to he police ofa Tou trates tothe police aso 8 mratiuyno onpontxe: We wil ny ‘of our decison. Our teacher Monat thre would be tet on Monday advise [a vate] of. yoenont oy consnern. We vere adised of ihe danger before we began our ip. Please advise ns ofthe time of your arrival. porn po] ve de nyo pe sobre pecan {fiesta hom London) (Jena) oobinhor, to ~oWvuponjoxsanears vey ann cooriemen we, fei reported that another earth teva been pus to orbit The incident was feported. inthe Communicate [ko" ju aye xia. Te eoobutine nepenani (10 Shetried te connuntenteher thoughts roher lildren 2 o6wenrantict Gap erntm ne femur mn). commu wt in by tlepione. We can ow Communicate ith people n America ‘and ajica by elephone Mhovice fps © ny. pass vente, tpopsiponat, We Arve been apprised ofthe tine ofthe tmetng She ns apprised of ur ai Tovey [kan vet © nepenarsth (sen spoomen wm). Words fai tovconvey my meaning. 1s words coy ang he part ti pl ROK pe sap anim onan, coo Fliovenetng of nterestio part Jou Til bata sem tox disclose {dis klouz] v packpse née, nénnre sanécrms 10 Ffise 10 Sone's name and adress orks x coofune cnod tiv w apc. He Usclosed that he ad been in prison Drief (bri: ¥ xpsexo wnardry, imerpytcriposats (@ nocsedino% sw rwymy). The Chairman will brief the bandon the mos recent deve-lopments Let me brief von on what to expect boreal {hreik] (broke, broken) coobinsts (oc08 mo emp: noe) He broke the news ofher father's death to her rumour [‘ro:mal » me, pass « onpedereunsts munax npeds paerpo- erpaniers cay. He it rumoured 10 Ihave escaped to Dublin. I's rumoured ‘that there wil be a holiday tomorvoss put about (ptt) pr ¥ (pu) pass ppacnpoerpanah (yn. mansne 10 ‘socnn). Don Y believe al these stores "hat are being put about put onto pot} phr v (put) pase ars (Kou) aati © (eoNrn ta ven. xopoues). He put me eno a zoad doctor. Who put sou onto ther? Taformation [ints mean) snupopaiin, ene, x plecefit of ~ eogbiiiie: 10 gelte” blaine Feceive ~ ebovt smth nosyert ta \hopmianolerenenns oxen; 10 give about smith jth even o ses 14; apply for — to the administration Dfpanieck 2a enpanxorl asa tepauint, background ~ eaénesnit 6: lugro xapietepa. Thar a nef piece? bit ofinformation. Can you give mean Informarin onvabout his mer? ‘ews [nu:z} nam. mx. 2%. 1, wuene, mixed ne snomp¢ neo Inpedexémnase apmuncaes 1, weno nosoct pnécTte,cooGutéine: good Snpudiioa nénoers; foreign rapySbxunie apocri the latest — pase. na xoré-n. wénoers. Whar’ the Tote eves? What sven news? Have yon fany news of where your brother Having? I've gotapieceofnews for vou! Thavnews fo me. 2. (persapiiit) — cl stinyex osocrét no panio, rene linings to Usten tte 9 urchock fn the radio cxjuusrs nsinyex ono tréli no piu e9 wacée. The news {follows at 9 o'etock data [‘detto} n pl rane, dp ru enénemin. The data ave very Iineresing facts [feekts) n nénne; the ~ suggest that. nine cnuteremcray intelligence (an'clids(2s) nent nema (0606; peanedtaannemsneco x0 mee), mop szding ‘message ‘meses n coobutenie, _agnecenite, nocniwie; leave a~ for mb npoctirs nepenar kony-a. Can vow give him a message? Did vow get my message? Radio messages told ns that the ship was sinking _ word [wa:d]1 62mav yay. mesg 1 Bea apmuraa aber, wanéerie, co ‘bento send ranecrire (emues tue), Pleage send me word of your safe ‘arrival. Word came that he had farived Plenve leave word for me at Work Feport (n‘pait 1, cooGinénne, ier newspaper ~$ r=76r. Tite cooGuénit: to make a ~ on 8 ‘business trp nantes OTHEr @ Ho: sapere; according to the latest eo NOCHE COOHULI- se 2 aoa, exyx; ~ has it that xdnue eaycronopar, 70. We have ‘only mporiefo goon. Iknow oft any byreports notice (‘noutis] m waseméiene, yrenownénne; oBesnaénte; until further ~ mnpent no nexsiréfitero yrenonséinx; to give/serve smb ~ that. iaeutats worn, 10 to put up a= moneerfire oberanénne, 1 Inst have notice ofthe meetin. ‘communication (k3, mu nr‘kes(a)n} coobmrnte (rose hoe 3 nepedannenroe). This Communication is confidential ‘rumour ['nim3} 1 onyx, Mon ronkit Rumour has W/there. 1s 4 67 cil rumor that there will bea General iearsny [hee nexus by ~ noch © 40 lets now oobi rout 10 fils a on pve mnie nord-n nye te: Keep smb posted npoaormcre ep dims nrout nwspeestenatputsmb ise to storage ong 003 C2 Speaking Fonopenne speak (spk v (spoke. spoken) 1 fatboy, 16 ~ tla about smh fooopite ce xewn 9 ween penerallypropenly ing. 06a Eger rvoph fo one's in ut ernie, coop The veacer spoke to each parent ho aitented the meting Tat speaking fo tim about plons forthe holidays Z ronopit ta woxoucn sate) He Speak geveral langage Te English spoken here? 3 erst, nponate Firm pers tom publica ® debate pmeryar nyénto sa © peso! egiany may T=? psy endnn Hrs Green wil nw speak about her trite hfe Are you good ot speaking intone? 4. onopire,emvneren Crooner; «0 volumes for sah To ‘ons spenk onder thn words This evidence spenks. volumes. for his Tronest I speats for hersef.conr ‘atk (eo » 1 pamonsprars, rosepies obutiuce, Secon; 16 ‘Stohr smb abouvot mth paro aépmears erenen. 0 Neen; Ing OF travel wera © nyremecrmax; to Senvetonsense sonopit Aeolieev Spun, Wharare ey rg abou? We talked for two hours Can the beby fale? 2. roves (1) £0 = Sess rope shop Fowopity 0 padre; wecriepasronop fi apopeccronénanse reans. We tate tcl nigh 3-roneps na 68 sate fect Sonn; they ~ it's said rosopr, that ofS svn ere scene, orci Sx npmumouene. She narrated her eet) gerly, et and not enough work being done. &. Ppl neperoosper, to have swath beer neperongpat e nen conversation kona sei) pasrondp, 6eceaa. Pe had several chat [fet] m pans. apnea, ‘nenpsnryxanua prronops Baron IT had afong chat with in. Pst wre had a chat colloquy. (kolokw] 1 oda, cobmansittpesronp ‘lalogue {'daaing 1. anand («pave posane) 2. oven wena it (aye htiaenon); a~ between the two Prime Ministers wexpeus asyx speech (spt Te pe, aap pn 2 rénop, waepa rosopity 3 pe aiseryanéie; 0 givelake np: hauoeite pens (Oto have one's say micxasors- ca; to rum on pra. ronopirs Gosoe ranGnomto; te talk one's head off pane naronopine oro-n. x6 eaep {ortathispenk nincteen/twenty/Torty {othe doren pase Gorriny desfson {ongue!oice to mpstrs sexes tars masa) ta chew the fat pan C3 Asserting and clain Yrmepoxaenne assert (2°s2:] v yrpepanats (c seepemecnn) 0 one¥ionocens that one is innocent samunére'o cael Nesiiudsniocts;, yraepxndre, tro temimines, (© ~ smth to be tue yr hepuaare, ro wro-n, népno. Some Critics aster! thal he is the worlds fveatest pianist. His fiends asserted That he was not guilty declare [dt kes] v yrwepanin, sagesiirs (ouepouno, wots ne oe ‘maroc casmen); to ~ oneself aie xasaruex, abickantr: enol aornéta! hapennia. He declared his postion He declared hinself innocent. Te accused Ina detore a he eon gt re C3 state [str + (opsémao) 30 soni Srna a sen. nevepntacoie) the eter os that. eu cooGuidever, To. sus Te sated posively thot he had hover seenthe accused nn State yor inancreninements in he spac elon ami (9 fm)» yoaepaaere (e syd yagpemnocras) (eourmo ne poo): to~the rath of sateen itis true nomnepaeaérs npanainocr dasonéinai. ero Sro npanan, He ‘firmed th hi statement wes re taint [nen en] yt9ep sirn taer diate (no ear), that yrnepanérin tra to one's inmacenee/tht one i innocent of We maintain ther war ean never bring advansoges ro. sare ‘aim (klein) yrnepanére (ocet.wosda soastone nodecpecen pocirvand novels wi equal eve He Claimed 10. have done the. work withow help rofest [pfs v hy. an wire no nceyentnae, orepuito piowanirien, vinepeaarn He profestes distaste ov modern mite a Sensprexére (naeno Besoctoea Macmepenen'm n)- don profess to bean exper! on tel snbjec. He professes to know nothing abou Protest [rest (opment no) Saxman, yraepieasts (9a fcr, nospaseen mtn), 19 one's ngntoerit; 1 -ed that. yroepy: fax, 0." He protested that he had contend {kan tend} © yrnepy sinh. yBeaitvemaro sonore Seton comend tha the universes expanding aver [3'v0] ¥ ofp. yroepacia (enomnoieepermocman) He merned Pronat a he nedea no he 69

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