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Revised 7/2015 AS: REQUEST FOR TENURE ‘Submit this form plus D-RE, leler of hire, and ASL-DES confirmation of ASLP! score to the Tenure & Promotion Commitiee by December 1 Section |: Background Information Date of Request: December 1, 2017 Name: Department: Larry Medwetsky HSLS ‘Current Rank ‘School Professor EBHS Is promotion request being Date of appoiniment to tenure-track status: August 16, 2012 submitted concurrently? Yes (No) (circle one) Section Il: Probationary Period 7 Ts the candidal being recommended for tenure wih a contractually roducod proBaliONarY | vos (cl period? Iso, attach supporting dacumentaton. You (a Yercie one) Section I: Summary of Ratings and Points (from Form D-RE) ‘Areas of Evaluation Rating (circle) Points 4. Teaching us c@ : 2. Scholarship/Creativity us@o ‘ActivityResearch 2 3.Se us c® ; 4. ASLPI Date: 10/31/2017 ‘ASLPI Rating™: NA |B. Professional Integrity us NA, [Total points >> 8 | Woke: ‘You must have at least six points to qualify for tenure. © Outstanding is 3 points G Commendable is 2 points S Satisfactory is 1 point ‘Tenure cannot be granted if there are any U Unsatistactory ratings. “Targeted ASLP!I rating of 3. Ifthe rating is Below the targeted score, please provide documentation of effrts fo improve ASL. Section IV: Department Chair's Certification “Tha procedures and criteria stipulated in the University Facully Guidelines and in the Department's Faculty Evaluation Guidelines have been follmuad in farmiatinn this reniect Department elo Adal. Date: Nov30, 2017 Section onl) In accordance with the UF Guidelines, this faculty member IS IS NOT (circle) eligible for the requested tenure. Tenure & Promotion Committee Certification (Tobe completed by Tenure & Promotion Committee member not, explain nature of confict: Tenure & Promation Committee Member: Date: Section VI: Administrative Approval Recommended Not Recommended } Dean: Date: Recommended Not Recommended } Provost; : Date: Revised 7/2015 hey Wadlwetaby Nov30, 2017

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