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Health Hint: Breathing Exercises

Breathing as a bridge

It is thought by many cultures that the process of breathing is the essence of being.
A rhythmic process of expansion and contraction, breathing is one example of the
consistent polarity we see in nature such as night and day, wake and sleep, seasonal
growth and decay and ultimately life and death. In yoga, the breath is known as
prana or a universal energy that can be used to find a balance between the body-
mind, the conscoius-unconscoius, and the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous
system. Unlike other bodily functions, the breath is easily used to communicate
between these systems, which gives us an excellent tool to help facilitate positive
change. It is the only bodily function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily.
We can consciously use breathing to influence the involuntary (sympathetic nervous
system) that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, circulation, digestion and many
other bodily functions. Pranayama is a yoga practice that literally means the control
of life or energy. It uses breathing techniques to change subtle energies within the
body for health and well being. Breathing exercises can act as a bridge into those
functions of the body of which we generally do not have conscious control.

An example of how life effects physiology

During times of emotional stress our sympathetic nervous system is stimulated and
effects a number of physical responses. Our heart rate rises, we perspire, our
muscles tense and our breathing becomes rapid and shallow. If this process happens
over a long period of time, the sympathic nervous system becomes over stimulated
leading to an imbalance that can effect our physical health resulting in inflammation,
high blood pressure and muscle pain to name a few. Consciously slowing our heart
rate, decreasing perspiration and relaxing muscles is more difficult than simply
slowing and deepening breathing. The breath can be used to directly influence these
stressful changes causing a direct stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous
system resulting in relaxation and a reversal of the changes seen with the
stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. We can see how our bodies know to
do this naturally when we take a deep breath or sigh when a stress is relieved.

The breathing process can be trained

Breathing can be trained for both positive and negative influences on health. Chronic
stress can lead to a restriction of the connective and muscular tissue in the chest
resulting in a decrease range of motion of the chest wall. Due to rapid more shallow
breathing, the chest does not expand as much as it would with slower deeper
breaths and much of the air exchange occurs at the top of the lung tissue towards
the head. This results in "chest" breathing. You can see if you are a chest breather
by placing your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdomen. As
you breathe, see which hand rises more. If your right hand rises more, you are a
chest breather. If your left hand rises more, you are an abdomen breather.

Chest breathing is inefficient because the greatest amount of blood flow occurs in the
lower lobes of the lungs, areas that have limited air expansion in chest breathers.
Rapid, shallow, chest breathing results in less oxygen transfer to the blood and
subsequent poor delivery of nutrients to the tissues. The good news is that similar to
learning to play an instrument or riding a bike, you can train the body to improve its
breathing technique. With regular practice you will breathe from the abdomen most
of the time, even while asleep.

Note: Using and learning proper breathing techniques is one of the most beneficial
things that can be done for both short and long term physical and emotional health.

The benefits of abdominal breathing

Abdominal breathing is also known as diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm is a

large muscle located between the chest and the abdomen. When it contracts it is
forced downward causing the abdomen to expand. This causes a negative pressure
within the chest forcing air into the lungs. The negative pressure also pulls blood into
the chest improving the venous return to the heart. This leads to improved stamina
in both disease and athletic activity. Like blood, the flow of lymph, which is rich in
immune cells, is also improved. By expanding the lung's air pockets and improving
the flow of blood and lymph, abdominal breathing also helps prevent infection of the
lung and other tissues. But most of all it is an excellent tool to stimulate the
relaxation response that results in less tension and an overall sense of well being.

Abdominal Breathing Technique

Breathing exercises such as this one should be done twice a day or whenever you
find your mind dwelling on upsetting thoughts or when you are experiencing pain.

• Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. When you take
a deep breath in, the hand on the abdomen should rise higher than the one
on the chest. This insures that the diaphragm is pulling air into the bases of
the lungs.
• After exhaling through the mouth, take a slow deep breath in through your
nose imagining that you are sucking in all the air in the room and hold it for a
count of 7 (or as long as you are able, not exceeding 7)
• Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. As all the air is released
with relaxation, gently contract your abdominal muscles to completely
evacuate the remaining air from the lungs. It is important to remember that
we deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through completely
exhaling it.
• Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of 5 deep breaths and try to
breathe at a rate of one breath every 10 seconds (or 6 breaths per minute).
At this rate our heart rate variability increases which has a positive effect on
cardiac health.

Once you feel comfortable with the above technique, you may want to incorporate
words that can enhance the exercise. Examples would be to say to yourself the word,
relaxation (with inhalation) and stress or anger (with exhalation). The idea being to
bring in the feeling/emotion you want with inhalation and release those you don't
want with exhalation.

In general, exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation. The use of the hands on
the chest and abdomen are only needed to help you train your breathing. Once you
feel comfortable with your ability to breathe into the abdomen, they are no longer

Abdominal breathing is just one of many breathing exercises. But it is the most
important one to learn before exploring other techniques. The more it is practiced,
the more natural it will become improving the body's internal rhythm.

Using breathing exercises to increase energy

If practiced over time, the abdominal breathing exercise can result in improved
energy throughout the day, but sometimes we are in need of a quick "pick-up." The
Bellows breathing exercise (also called, the stimulating breath) can be used during
times of fatigue that may result from driving over distances or when you need to be
revitalized at work. It should not be used in place of abdominal breathing but in
addition as a tool to increase energy when needed. This breathing exercise is
opposite that of abdominal breathing. Short, fast rhythmic breaths are used to
increase energy, which are similar to the "chest" breathing we do when under stress.
The bellows breath recreates the adrenal stimulation that occurs with stress and
results in the release of energizing chemicals such as epinephrine. Like most bodily
functions this serves an active purpose, but overuse results in adverse effects as
discussed above.

The Bellows Breathing Technique (The Stimulating Breath)

This yogic technique can be used to help stimulate energy when needed. It is a good
thing to use before reaching for a cup of coffee.

• Sit in a comfortable up-right position with your spine straight.

• With your mouth gently closed, breath in and out of your nose as fast as
possible. To give an idea of how this is done, think of someone using a bicycle
pump (a bellows) to quickly pump up a tire. The upstroke is inspiration and
the downstroke is exhalation and both are equal in length.
• The rate of breathing is rapid with as many as 2-3 cycles of
inspiration/expiration per second.
• While doing the exercise, you should feel effort at the base of the neck, chest
and abdomen. The muscles in these areas will increase in strength the more
this technique is practiced. This is truly an exercise.
• Do this for no longer than 15 seconds when first starting. With practice,
slowly increase the length of the exercise by 5 seconds each time. Do it as
long as you are comfortably able, not exceeding one full minute.
• There is a risk for hyperventilation that can result in loss of consciousness if
this exercise is done too much in the beginning. For this reason, it should be
practiced in a safe place such as a bed or chair.

This exercise can be used each morning upon awakening or when needed for an
energy boost.

Further Resources

An excellent book to help explore more advanced breathing techniques is Conscious Breathing by Gay
Hendricks. (Bantam, 1995. ISBN#: 0553374435)
An excellent audio called, Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing by Andrew Weil discusses the health
benefits of breathing and directs the listener through 8 breathing exercises. (Sounds True,
1999. ISBN#: 156455726X)
We encouraged enrollment in a yoga class through a local community or fitness center. Most well trained
instructors will educate how the breath is used to enhance well-being with yoga practice.

Adapted from Integrative Medicine, D. Rakel, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 2003.

An Exercise in Proper Breathing

Take a Good Breather
-- By Mike Kramer, Staff Writer

Proper breathing is an underestimated, but critical building block of good health. Slow, deep
breathing gets rid of carbon dioxide waste and takes plenty of clean, fresh oxygen to your brain
and muscles. More blood cells get the new, oxygen-rich air instead of the same old stale stuff.
Experts estimate that proper breathing helps your body eliminate toxins 15 times faster than
poor, shallow breathing. You'll not only be healthier, but you'll be able to perform better (mentally
and physically) and, of course, be less stressed and more relaxed.

Here's an exercise that will help you get the full benefits of good breathing. The techniques in
this exercise are ones you should try to develop in your normal breathing, and that could take
practice. Try to take about 10 minutes, but it can happen in five by cutting the time for each step
in half. Most of it can be done anywhere you need to relax or clear your head:

1. Get Ready (2 minutes) Make the room dark, or at least darker. Lie down flat on your • Aromatherapy Sme
back, or sit against a wall. Use a pillow for comfort. Make sure no part of your body is (article)
strained or supporting weight. Close your eyes. Just pay attention to your breathing for • Relax Your Mind & B
a minute or two. Don't try to change it, just notice how it feels. Imagine the fresh blood Yoga (article
flowing through your body. Listen to your surroundings. • 7 Simple Stress B
2. Stage I (2 minutes) Practice breathing in and out of your nose. Exhaling through the (article)
mouth is okay for quick relaxation, but for normal breathing, in and out the nose is best.
Take long breaths, not deep breaths. Try not to force it, you shouldn't hear your breath
coming in or out. You're drawing slow breaths, not gulping it or blowing it out. Feel the
rhythm of your breathing.
3. Stage II (3 minutes) Good breathing is done through the lower torso, rather than the
upper torso. Each breath should expand your belly, your lower back and ribs. Relax Mike Kramer
your shoulders and try not to breathe with your chest. Put your hands on your stomach Mike has witnessed coun
and feel them rise and fall. If it's not working, push down gently with your hands for a motivational stories and tec
few breaths and let go. Your stomach should start to move more freely. Relax your while working for SparkPeopl
face, your neck, your cheeks, your jaw, your temples, even your tongue. of Mike's articles.
4. Stage III (3 minutes) Feel the good air entering your lungs and feel the stale air leaving
your body. "In with the good, out with the bad" is definitely true here. Make your exhale
as long as your inhale to make sure all the bad air is gone. Remember, long slow
breaths. Most people take 12-16 breaths per minute. Ideally, it should be 8-10. Now try
to make your exhale a little longer than your inhale for a while. Pause after your exhale
without taking a breath. Focus on the stillness and on not forcing an inhale. Your body
will breathe when it needs to.
5. Wake Up!!! • ABTBM
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Optimal Breathing®
For Living Life and Loving it.
Complementary, alternative mind-
body breathing and holistic health
development, research, education,
self-help programs and services.

Mike White Dream big, aim
Director high, find peace.
Breath is life. defined

Curious about how well you breathe? Take our

Free Breathing Test.

Basic breathing development begins here.

Consider this:

• Science has proven that cancer is anaerobic - it does not

survive in high levels of oxygen.
• Shortness of breath and heart disease are directly linked -
the heart goes into spasm when it is deprived of oxygen.
• Studies have shown that there is a high correlation between
high blood pressure and poor breathing.
• Most emotional issues, including anxiety and depression,
result from the nervous system being out of balance.
Breathing drives the nervous system.
• Optimal Breathing helps to promote weight loss. Oxygen burns
fat and calories.
• Breathing well is the key to sleeping well and waking up feeling
• Breathing provides 99% of your energy. Without energy, nothing
• Virtually every health condition and human activity is
improved with Optimal Breathing.

Clinical studies prove that oxygen, wellness, and life-span are totally
dependent on proper breathing. Lung volume is a primary marker for
how long you will live.

Breathing supplies over 99% of your entire oxygen and energy supply.
Poor breathing causes or worsens chronic maladies such as asthma,
allergies, anxiety, fatigue, depression, headaches, heart conditions, high
blood pressure, sleep loss, obesity, harmful stress, poor mental clarity
plus hundreds of other lesser known but equally harmful conditions. ALL
diseases are caused or worsened by poor breathing.

The average person reaches peak respiratory function and lung capacity
in their mid 20's. Then they begin to lose respiratory capacity: between
10% and 27% for every decade of life! So, unless you are doing
something to maintain or improve your breathing capacity, it will decline,
and with it, your general health, your life expectancy, and for that
matter, your spirit as well.
Optimal breathing gets you more vitality and better quality of life. We
also address food, exercise, internal cleansing, attitude, and environment
but breathing is for many the most important part of getting and staying
healthy. Begin with breathing. Better breathing is possible for anyone.
Develop your breathing now.

"Breathing is the FIRST place not the LAST place one should
investigate when any disordered energy presents itself."
Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD Ph.D., The Oxygen Breakthrough

Breathing fundamentals are critical.

Just because one particular breathing exercise or development technique
feels good does not mean it is the best choice. Many feel good at the
outset of a certain exercise but that is largely because so many breathe
so poorly that any progress feels significant, and it may well be. But each
technique or exercise must be based in solid breathing fundamentals
otherwise they can work against each other and cause future breathing
development problems. Like a rocket ship even slightly off course, as the
days and weeks pass, you will travel further and further away from your
goal of a long, healthy, vibrant life. Knowing the fundamentals helps you
stay on course. Here is an example of being way off course - Superman
Syndrome. Here is another.

IN A RUSH? If you do not presently have the 15 minutes needed for the
Free Breathing test you can subscribe to our Free Weekly Newsletter and
take the tests later.

Popular Programs
1. Fundamentals of Breathing Development Video and Breathing
Training, Techniques, Exercises & Ergonomics
2. Secrets of Optimal Breathing Manual
3. Advanced Breathing Kit Combining Breathing Development video,
4 audios, Secrets of Optimal Breathing Manual including over 175 holistic
programs, PLUS 6 FREE gifts
4. Optimal Breathing School - Certification as an Optimal Breathing
Development Specialist

Special Theme Programs

Time & Money-Saving Training Program Sets
Some of these programs are using the same products in different order
and emphasis. Choose the theme that is most important to you NOW.

Breathing Problems and Performance and Life Skills:

Restrictions: #177. Energy
#713. Asthma #795. Intuition Development
#715. Bronchitis #775. Meditation
#819. Chest Pains #750. Memory
#721. COPD #891. Mental Focus and
#814. Diaphragm Development Concentration
#721. Emphysema #200. Relaxation
#815. Hyperventilation #999. Singing, Speaking
or overbreathing and Personal Power
#816. Shallow Breathing #208. Sports Performance
#816. Shortness of Breath
#814. Tightness in Chest General Health:
or Unsteady Breathing #200. Blood Pressure Reduction
#571. Digestion
#176. Breathing Kit #791. Headaches and Migraines
#250. Advanced Breathing #813. Heartbeat Irregularity
Kit #179. Sleep Program
#700. Smoking Cessation
Emotional Issues: #310. Weight Loss
#200. Anxiety and Panic
#892. Depression
#200. Emotional Balance
#891. Stress Management

Our optimal natural state should be steady energy throughout the day;
great positive mood(s); freedom to breathe deeply and easily; waking up
clear headed and refreshed; a clear mind and good memory and a strong
vocal expression. All of these are dependent upon the way we breathe.

If you are willing to take action to improve your breathing or achieve

optimal health, please read on. This website is here for you to learn how
stronger, deeper, easier balanced, healthy breathing will give your life a
new meaning. If you have any breathing problems, your health isn't all
you'd like it to be or just want to speak, or sing or play a wind
instrument better, I am here to help you make a dramatic change for the

We have helped thousands of people from around the world in with good
results. All have benefited greatly from our programs, products and free
web site services. When you expand your breathing, you'll expand your
What others are saying.
Hi Mike,

I’ve been searching for information on better breathing for a long-time

including taking yoga classes for many years, reading books on
pranayama and breathing workshops. I’ve gotten your program and
have been going through it recently and it is the best I’ve ever seen. I
was feeling exhausted this morning and no amount of rest helped. I did
some of your breathing exercises and felt energized.

I’ve been a chronic poor breather my whole life. One item that
contributed was allergies, I was always so stuffed up that I couldn’t
breathe. Doing liver and gallbladder cleanses cleared this up remarkably
and I am now able to breathe normally.

I believe that breathing is a real key for me and that you have put
together a very effective program. For example, now when I do yoga
classes, breathing in the postures is not such a mystery as before. I was
doing some Qi Gong exercises this morning and it felt like it was really
working. I believe that what you teach are the fundamentals of
breathing that are both powerful in themselves and can make other
breathing practices more effective.

I’d like to learn more about Optimal Breathing. I live in the L.A. area
and was wondering if you are ever going to be in the area, or have some
breathing coaches here? Am also interested in attending some of your
training sessions. I would be appreciative if you could send me some
information. Thx, Dave

What inspired you to recommend this site?

From Mano: The information is very informative that strikes a caution
regarding bad breathing. It reminds one of the basic rule, "prevention is
better than cure".

From Justin S: I am inspired by new ideas and new concepts - I believe

that breathing right is one of the most important things in staying
healthy - your web site is filled with important and logical
information...... it makes perfect sense on what your saying about
breathing properly-a lot of people (including myself) are starting to look
for answers in a non traditional way. I always believe that the best way
is the simplest, straightforward approach, the way that makes the most
sense - just breathing right.

Messages from health professionals

Begin here and discover how good is YOUR breathing?

Free Breathing Test and Evaluations For you - click here

Visit colleague Dennis Lewis' Website .

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