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Once upon a time there was a beautiful village called Hamelin.

In it pure air was breathed all

the year since it was located in a valley, in full nature. The houses dotted the landscape
surrounded by high mountains and nearby a river passed in which its inhabitants used to fish
and bathe in good weather. There was always plenty of food for everyone, as families raised
cattle and planted cereals to make breads and cakes all year. It can be said that Hamelin was a
town where people were happy.

One day, something very strange happened. When the inhabitants of Hamelin got up in the
morning, they began to see mice everywhere. Everyone ran in panic to close the doors of their
granaries so they would not eat the wheat. But this did not help much because in a matter of a
short time, the town had been invaded by thousands of rodents that roamed their way up and
down the street, entering through all the slits and holes they saw. The situation was
uncontrollable and nobody knew what to do.

In the afternoon, the mayor ordered all the villagers to gather in the main square. He climbed a
very high step and shouting, so that everyone would listen to him, he said:

- It is made known that the brave who gets rid of this nightmare will be rewarded with a sack of
gold coins.

The news quickly spread throughout the region and the next day, a skinny, big-eyed young man
showed up, wearing only a sack over his shoulder and a flute in his right hand. Very
determined, he addressed the mayor and said with a serious gesture:

- Sir, I come to help you. I will clean this city of mice and everything will return to normal.

Without waiting another minute, he turned around and began to play the flute. The melody
was sweet and wonderful. The locals looked at each other without understanding anything, but
more surprised they stayed when the square began to fill with mice. Thousands of them
surrounded the musician and in an almost magical way, they were stunned to hear the sound
coming through his ears.

The flutist, still playing, began to walk and away from the village followed by a long row of
mice, who seemed spellbound by music. He crossed the mountains and the annoying animals
disappeared from the village forever.
Everyone was happy! The problem had finally been solved! That night, children and adults put
on their best clothes and held a party in the town square with food, drink and dancing for

A couple of days later, the flute player returned to collect his reward.

- I come for the gold coins that correspond to me - he said to the mayor - I have kept my word
and now you must comply with yours.

The boss of the town stared at him and gave a great laugh.

- LOL! Are you crazy? Do you think I'm going to pay you a sack full of gold coins for just playing
the flute? Get out of here right now and never come back, young man!

The flutist felt betrayed and decided to take revenge on the miser mayor. Without saying a
word, he took his flute out of his pocket and again began to play a melody even more beautiful
than the one that had dazzled the mice. She was so soft and charming, that all the children of
the village began to swirl around him to listen to her.

Little by little he moved away without stopping playing and all the children went after him.
They crossed the mountains and when they reached a cave full of sweets and sweets, the
flutist locked them inside. When the parents realized they could not hear the laughter of the
children in the streets, they left their homes to see what was happening, but it was too late.
The children had disappeared without a trace.

The governor and all the townspeople understood what had happened and left at dawn to look
for the flutist to ask him to return their children. After tracking for hours, they found him
sleeping soundly under the shade of a chestnut tree.

- Hey, you, wake up! - said the mayor, on behalf of everyone - Give back to our kids! We love
them very much and we are desolate without them.
The flutist, indignant, answered:

- You lied to me! You promised a sack of gold coins to whoever freed you from the plague of
mice and I did it gladly. I deserve the reward, but your greed has no limits and there you have
your due.

All the fathers and mothers began to cry desperately and to beg him to please return their
children, but it did not help.

Finally, the mayor knelt in front of him and humbly, with tears in his eyes, said:

- I'm so sorry, young man. I behaved like a stupid and an ingrate. I've learned my lesson. Here,
you have twice as many coins as I promised you. I hope this helps you to understand that I
really feel very sorry.

The young man was moved and realized that he was asking for forgiveness of heart.

- Okay ... I accept your apologies and the reward. I hope that from now on, be faithful to your
word and always keep promises. He took the flute between his bony hands and again, an
exquisite melody came out of it. A few meters away was the cave and its dark entrails, began to
leave dozens of children safe and sound, who ran to hug their families with laughter and
happiness. It was so much happiness, that no one noticed that the young flutist had picked up
and his bag full of money and a smile of satisfaction, discreetly left, as he had come.

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