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Ink Chromatography/ Handwriting Analysis Date

Subject/Grade Time
Grade 6 Science 1h 15min
Level Duration

Unit Evidence and Investigation Teacher

This lesson explores evidence and investigation through ink and handwriting analysis to
solve the problem of theft. Students will examine and learn about ink chromatography
through a hands- on activity and formative assessment to investigate who wrote a
ransom note. Students will piece together more evidence as to who wrote the ransom
note by learning about different hand writing characteristics and how to analyze
handwriting. This knowledge will be applied to determine which teacher wrote the
ransom note. Students will practice examining characteristics of writing by analyzing
checks written by classmates. Students will finish by self-assessing what they learned
about handwriting and ink analysis.


General 6-1 Design and carry out an investigation, using procedures that provide a fair test of the
Learning questions being investigated.
Outcomes: 6-2 Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and measurement; and, with
guidance, apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpret and evaluate observations
and measurements.
6-3 Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible
6-10 Apply observation and inference skills to recognize and interpret patterns and to
distinguish a specific pattern from a group of similar patterns.
6-9 Apply knowledge of the properties and interactions of materials to the investigation
and identification of a material sample.
KSA: A, C, D, E, F, I, K
Specific 1. Recognize that evidence found at the scene of an activity may have unique
Learning characteristics that allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and
Outcomes: the nature of the activity, and give examples of how specific evidence may be used.

3. Recognize that evidence found at the scene of an activity may have unique
characteristics that allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and the
nature of the activity, and give examples how specific evidence may be used.

4. Investigate evidence and link it to a possible source; e.g., by: analyzing the ink from
different pens, using paper chromatography and analyzing handwriting samples to identify
the handwriting of a specific person

How can we use clues, patterns, and environmental changes to investigate disturbances?
What is ink chromatography how can it be used as evidence during investigations?
What are some characteristics of handwriting that make everyones writing unique?
How can we use these characteristics to investigate an unknown?
and guide
the lesson)
Students will:
1. Understand the basic characteristics of ink chromatography
2. Be able to describe how ink chromatography works
3. Apply ink chromatography as a means of investigating evidence
4. Understand four basic characteristics of handwriting
5. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of handwriting characteristics to analyze a written
piece of evidence from an unknown source and match correctly to a known sample
Formative: Ink Chromatography Worksheet: students will fill this out to show their
Observation/Anecdotal understanding of ink chromatography and its application to investigation.
Self-Assessment End of class self-assessment: Students will fill this out at the end of class to
Peer Assessment reflect on their learning.
Student/Teacher Anecdotal notes during the forged check exercise: Teacher take notes
conferencing throughout the lesson about students behavior and performance.
Summative: Final Performance task
Final Product
Experiment- Paper Towel Chromatography. (n.d). Coffee filters cut into strips approximately 2.5
Retrieved October 30, 2017, from, cm by 10 cm 4 black pen/markers
nments/science/evidence-investigation/experiment- Scissors
paper-towel-chromatography/view Cups to fill up with water
Handwriting analysis. (n.d). Retrieved from,

MadScienceGroup. (2014, October 7). Ink

Chromatography at Home- Mad Science. Retrieved from,

Prior to lesson - Perform ink chromatography on one of the 4 pen/markers. Have the
finished chromatography paper ready to show the students
- Take hide a distinguishing item from the classroom
- Have 4 neighboring teachers write out a ransom note I took your
_________ and will only give it back if you buy me a large pepperoni pizza.
- Get the short youtube video ready on the smartboard
- Have the lesson on handwriting ready to go on the Smartboard
- Have blank checks and blue pens for each student
- Have the handwriting powerpoint ready
Introduction Time
Attention Grabber - Tell the class Someone stole something from our
classroom and they left this note and then read the note
3 min
- Ask the class who they think did this, suggest the 4
teachers that have classrooms closest to them.
Assessment of Prior Ask the students How will we be able to find out who wrote this
Knowledge note? Look for answers Compare the hand writing, find the same 2 min
colour ink used
Expectations for Students will be respectful and listen to oral instructions given to
Learning and them by the teacher, Note: This expectation has already been set
Behavior for students at the beginning of the year
Transition to Body - We first will examine the pen ink used by our 4 suspects
(list which pen belongs to which teacher) to find out who
did the crime
- This will be done through a method called ink
chromatography get the students to repeat ink
- Explain that chromatography separates a mixture based
on different properties within the ink
- Show the class the premade ink chromatography 5 min
paper of the sample and say how the different parts of the
ink has different properties, allowing it to separate like
this in water
- Show students the short video showing what we will be
- We will be splitting off into groups and examining the
pens from the suspects
Body Time
Learning Activity #1 - Split up students into groups of 4 by numbering the
class 1-4 and then allow them to find their number
- Move desks together so that students can sit and work
- Hand out 4 coffee filter strips, 4 popsicle sticks and 4
plastic cups to each group
- We will each be taking turns with the pens/markers from
the suspects. Make sure each member in your group uses
only 1 pen and it should be different from everyone elses.
All you have to do is put a dot 1 centimeter from the
bottom of your filter paper, vertically. Hold an example
filter paper, and make sure that they do it in the correct
orientation. 15 min
- After you are done making your dots on each piece of
filter paper, fill up your glasses with an inch of water and
tape the end of the filter paper without the pen dot to a
popsicle stick.
- Make sure just the very bottom of the filter paper rests in
the water, like in the video.
- Wait 5-10 minutes and see the colours of the pen ink
- After your ink has separated, match it to the example
chromatography, so we can help identify the criminal
- Say which pen came from which teacher, and hand out the
Chromatography Worksheet, and allow students to fill it in
Teacher Notes: Formative Assessment: Students will complete the ink
Assessments/ chromatography worksheet to show an understanding about how
Differentiation ink chromatography works and how it can be used.
Differentiation: Students may have a conversation with the
teacher about answers on the ink chromatography worksheet if
they do not want to write it down. The teacher may also help
students with setting up the filter paper in the water.
Learning Activity #2 - As a class, we will go through the characteristics of
handwriting using the ransom note based on the
- First explain the four aspects of handwriting that can be
used to characterize peoples handwriting referring to the
ransom note when discussing each point. Also have
students write about the four characteristics in their
science books
1. Size: This refers to the height and width of the letters.
Are the letters small? Large? Medium?
2. Slope: This refers to the direction and slant of the
letters. Are the letters straight? Slanted? A combination?
3. Arrangement: this refers to the spacing of words. How
much space is there between each word? 15min
4. Lines: This refers to the thickness of the writing utensil
that was used, also the pressure the writer applies when
writing and any unique characteristics in the lettering (are
the Is dotted with hearts)
- After describing each characteristic refer back to the
ransom note and make observations about the types of
things students notice in the writing of the note.
- Once you have gone through all the characteristics pull up
four sample pieces of writing from the four suspects.
- Analyze them as a class making notes about each
characteristic, write these out on the board and as a class
come to a conclusion. This data should affirm what we
already know from the chromatography.
Teacher Notes: Differentiation: This information will be provided in PowerPoint
Assessments/ form so students can get the important information about
Differentiation handwriting analysis down into their science journals. So, they can
refer back to it for the summative assessment, as well as their PATs
later on in the year.
For students who struggle with writing, the notes can will be
provided and they can follow along by highlighting important
Learning Activity #3 Who forged the check?
- In this activity students will work first as a class and then
in their table groups (4 students per group)
- NOTE: for this activity students, all need the same colour
of pen, so have a box of blue pens ready in case students
do not have their own blue pen
- First students will create a writing sample on a sheet of
paper. Teacher will give verbal instructions to the class,
and the class will go through the sept by step process
together. Writing their name on the top of the paper, 20min
students will write the name Joseph John Doe 10
consecutive times as if they were signing that name. Then
underneath, they will write out the name Jane they will
write out the numbers 0-9 four times in a row.
- Next students will be handed a blank check where they
will fill in the appropriate information. We will walk
through the steps of filling in the information as a class, as
1. Date (written numerically, MM/DD/YYYY)
2. Name of who the check is written out to (Jane
3. The amount of money (1,900.00, one thousand
nine hundred)
4. The account number 20886422296
5. Signature (Joseph John Doe)
6. Students will then create a code and put it on the
back of their check, this is to identify their check
so they must also write this number in their
science journals so that they dont forget it
- Once students are finished their writing sample and their
blank check, students will mix up their checks and writing
samples with those of their table mates.
- Once all the sheets are mixed up one student will bring all
the sheets up and give them to the teacher
- Once all the writing samples and checks are handed in, the
teacher will redistribute them to a different group, giving
each student another students forged check
- Students will then work as a table group and use the
writing samples of their classmates to identify whos check
they have.
Teacher Notes: Differentiation:
Assessments/ - We will go through writing the check as a class on the
Differentiation board so students can follow along, and if they struggle
with spelling they can copy of the board.
Closure Time
Consolidation of - Once everyone thinks they know whose check is whos we
Learning: will go around the class and share our results. Students
can choose to speak individually, or elect a group speaker.
*NOTE this is why students must remember their code
Differentiation: At the end of the activity when students are
guessing which check belongs to who, table groups can elect to
speak as individuals, or elect a speaker. Which allows for any
students who dont feel comfortable talking in front of the class to
not speak.
Formative Assessment: Anecdotal notes about student behavior
throughout this activity, as well as whether they are able to
correctly identify the handwriting samples
Feedback From Self-assessment: give students a sheet with the following questions
Students: on them:
Behavior assessment,
1. I followed all of my teachers direction the first time
2. I was respectful and supportive of my group members 5min
3. I stayed on task during the entire lesson
Content assessment,
1. I understand what to look for when analyzing handwriting
2. I could analyze handwriting on my own
Feedback To Students Talk about the behavior you noticed as a class. Especially about
how they were following directions, because next class will require
more independent work
Transition To Next
Next class we will be working with analyzing fingerprints
F.A #1



In your own words what is ink chromatography?

How can it be used to solve crimes?

Which teacher do you think did the crime based on your ink results? Why?
Joseph John Doe Date:

Pay to the $
order of:


Bank of Canada

033003333303303333432200543 5432
F.A #3

Please rate yourself from 1-5 in the following areas

1= I could have done better 2= I did okay 3= I did good

4= I did great 5= I couldnt have been better

1. I followed all of my teachers directions the first time


2. I supported and respected all of my group members


3. I stayed on task during the lesson and was respectful

of my teacher

Please rate your understanding of todays material from 1-5

1= I dont understand at all 2= I mostly understand 3= I understand

4= I understand well 5= I could teach this to a partner

1. I understand what to look for when analyzing handwriting


2. I understand how to analyze handwriting _____

3. I understand what ink chromatography is


4. I understand how ink chromatography can be used to

solve crime _____

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