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Case One
AJ is a 56-year-old man who receives care from the primary care clinic at a university hospital. Today, AJ
presents to his visit with complaints of worsening nocturia, hesitancy, and a weak urinary stream.
Although AJ has had similar complaints over the past 6 months, his symptoms have worsened recently
and are now interfering with his daily living, especially because he has been waking up several times
each night to go to the bathroom. The medical resident taking care of AJ diagnoses him with benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He writes a prescription for Flomax 0.4 mg and instructs AJ to take 1 tablet

1. Apakah definisi BPH ? EPIDEMIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY, dan patofisiologi (GAMBARKAN MELALUI

hormonal regulation of the prostate)?
2. Buatlah penjelasan mengenai BPH dan lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), Risk Faktor
terjadinya BPH, manifestasi klinik (gejala, hasil lab dan physical examination).
3. Jawablah point dibawah ini dan berikan pendapat anda dengan penjelasannya:
a. Target goal therapy pada penderita BPH?
b. Algoritme Terapi untuk BPH
c. How did you choose between Flomax and a drug like Proscar?
4. Buatlah penjelasan dari aspek dibawah ini mengenai obat yang dimaksud.

Case Two
AC is a 57-year-old man who has recently begun dutasteride therapy for the treatment of BPH.

1. As he picks up his refill at the pharmacy he states, I have a question regarding my medication.
My buddy is taking dutasteride as well, but his doctor told him not to give blood (donor darah )
while taking this medication. Why is this? What is the safety concern about giving blood while
taking dutasteride?
2. Dalam mengevalusi BPH, perlu dilakukan beberapa uji. Jelaskan
A. AUA/IPSS score
B. Perform urinalysis and serum PSA
3. Treatment alternatives for patients with moderate to severe symptoms of BPH
meliputi Medical Therapies (Golongan obat , nama obat dan Mekanisme Kerja ), dan jenis
Medical Therapies
4. Buatlah penjelasan dari aspek dibawah ini mengenai obat yang dimaksud.

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